Items where Research Centre is "Vaccine Centre"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Vaccine Centre (1524)
    Number of items: 59.
  • DTP vaccination and child survival in observational studies with incomplete vaccination data. (2007) Aaby, Peter; Benn, Christine Stabell; Nielsen, Jens; Lisse, Ida Maria; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Jensen, Henrik
  • DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau. (2007) Aaby, Peter; Biai, Sidu; Veirum, Jens Erik; Sodemann, Morten; Lisse, Ida; Garly, May-Lill; Ravn, Henrik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Rodrigues, Amabelia
  • Validation of nasopharyngeal sampling and culture techniques for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in children in Kenya. (2007) Abdullahi, Osman; Wanjiru, Eva; Musyimi, Robert; Glass, Nina; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Strain-dependent variation in Mycobacterium bovis BCG-induced human T-cell activation and gamma interferon production in vitro. (2007) Aguirre-Blanco, Ana M; Lukey, Pauline T; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Economic evaluation of delivering Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine in routine immunization services in Kenya. (2007) Akumu, Angela Oloo; English, Mike; Scott, J Anthony G; Griffiths, Ulla K
  • Safety and immunogenicity of a reformulated Vietnamese bivalent killed, whole-cell, oral cholera vaccine in adults. (2007) Anh, Dang Duc; Canh, Do Gia; Lopez, Anna Lena; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Long, Phan Thi; Son, Nguyen Hong; Deen, Jacqueline; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Carbis, Rodney; Han, Seung Hyun; Shin, Seong Hye; Attridge, Stephen; Holmgren, Jan; Clemens, John
  • Safety of a trivalent meningococcal ACW135 vaccine among young children in Ethiopia. (2007) Aseffa, Abraham; Bedru, Ahmed; Yamuah, Lawrence; Arga, Demis; Worku, Alemayehu; Chandramohan, Daniel; Nelson, Christopher B; Engers, Howard D
  • B
  • Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies. (2007) Bejon, Philip; Berkley, James A; Mwangi, Tabitha; Ogada, Edna; Mwangi, Isaiah; Maitland, Kathryn; Williams, Thomas; Scott, J Anthony G; English, Mike; Lowe, Brett S; Peshu, Norbert; Newton, Charles RJC; Marsh, Kevin
  • Extended follow-up following a phase 2b randomized trial of the candidate malaria vaccines FP9 ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP among children in Kenya. (2007) Bejon, Philip; Ogada, Edna; Mwangi, Tabitha; Milligan, Paul; Lang, Trudie; Fegan, Greg; Gilbert, Sarah C; Peshu, Norbert; Marsh, Kevin; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Interaction between Bluetongue virus outer capsid protein VP2 and vimentin is necessary for virus egress. (2007) Bhattacharya, Bishnupriya; Noad, Rob J; Roy, Polly
  • C
  • A new approach to the definition of seroconversion following vaccination in a population with high background antibody concentrations. (2007) Chandramohan, Daniel; Coleman, Paul; Nelson, Chris; Greenwood, Brian
  • An evaluation of the immunogenicity and safety of a new trivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine. (2007) Chandramohan, Daniel; Hodgson, Abraham; Coleman, Paul; Baiden, Rita; Asante, Kwaku; Awine, Elizabeth; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Boutriau, Dominique; Nelson, Christopher B; Greenwood, Brain
  • Is the Expanded Programme on Immunisation the most appropriate delivery system for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in West Africa? (2007) Chandramohan, Daniel; Webster, Jayne; Smith, Lucy; Awine, Timothy; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Carneiro, Ilona
  • Vaccine effectiveness estimates, 2004-2005 mumps outbreak, England. (2007) Cohen, Cheryl; White, Joanne M; Savage, Emma J; Glynn, Judith R; Choi, Yoon; Andrews, Nick; Brown, David; Ramsay, Mary E
  • UK preparedness for pandemic influenza. (2007) Coker, Richard
  • The identification of two protective DNA vaccines from a panel of five plasmid constructs encoding Brucella melitensis 16M genes. (2007) Commander, Nicola J; Spencer, Stephen A; Wren, Brendan W; MacMillan, Alastair P
  • Human papillomavirus and HPV vaccines: a review. (2007) Cutts, FT; Franceschi, S; Goldie, S; Castellsague, X; de Sanjose, S; Garnett, G; Edmunds, WJ; Claeys, P; Goldenthal, KL; Harper, DM; Markowitz, L
  • D
  • Systematic review: Impact of meningococcal vaccination on pharyngeal carriage of meningococci. (2007) Dellicour, Stephanie; Greenwood, Brian
  • E
  • The impact of helminths on the response to immunization and on the incidence of infection and disease in childhood in Uganda: design of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, factorial trial of deworming interventions delivered in pregnancy and early childhood [ISRCTN32849447]. (2007) Elliott, Alison M; Kizza, Moses; Quigley, Maria A; Ndibazza, Juliet; Nampijja, Margaret; Muhangi, Lawrence; Morison, Linda; Namujju, Proscovia B; Muwanga, Moses; Kabatereine, Narcis; Whitworth, James AG
  • Epidemiology and clinical features of pneumonia according to radiographic findings in Gambian children. (2007) Enwere, Godwin; Cheung, Yin Bun; Zaman, Syed MA; Akano, Alieu; Oluwalana, Claire; Brown, Okoko; Vaughan, Adeola; Adegbola, Richard; Greenwood, Brian; Cutts, Felicity
  • F
  • 'Non-specific effects of vaccines'--an important analytical insight, and call for a workshop. (2007) Fine, Paul EM; Smith, Peter G
  • G
  • Profiling the antibody immune response against blood stage malaria vaccine candidates. (2007) Gray, Julian C; Corran, Patrick H; Mangia, Elena; Gaunt, Michael W; Li, Qiuxiang; Tetteh, Kevin KA; Polley, Spencer D; Conway, David J; Holder, Anthony A; Bacarese-Hamilton, Tito; Riley, Eleanor M; Crisanti, Andrea
  • Protective efficacy of a monovalent oral type 1 poliovirus vaccine: a case-control study. (2007) Grassly, Nicholas C; Wenger, Jay; Durrani, Sunita; Bahl, Sunil; Deshpande, Jagadish M; Sutter, Roland W; Heymann, David L; Aylward, R Bruce
  • The changing face of meningococcal disease in West Africa. (2007) Greenwood, B
  • Francisella tularensis vaccines. (2007) Griffin, Kate F; Oyston, Petra CF; Titball, Richard W
  • H
  • Evaluating rotavirus vaccination in England and Wales. Part I. Estimating the burden of disease. (2007) Harris, JP; Jit, M; Cooper, D; Edmunds, WJ
  • Hepatitis B vaccine uptake among injecting drug users in England 1998 to 2004: is the prison vaccination programme driving recent improvements? (2007) Hope, VD; Ncube, F; Hickman, M; Judd, A; Parry, JV
  • I
  • Low-level malaria infections detected by a sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay and use of this technique in the evaluation of malaria vaccines in an endemic area. (2007) Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Andrews, Laura; Milligan, Paul; Berthoud, Tamara; Bojang, Kalifa; Nwakanma, Davis; Ismaili, Jamila; Buckee, Caroline; Njie, Fanta; Keita, Saikou; Sowe, Maimuna; Lang, Trudie; Gilbert, Sarah C; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian VS
  • J
  • Survival bias in observational studies of the impact of routine immunizations on childhood survival. (2007) Jensen, Henrik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Lisse, Ida Maria; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Andersen, Per Kragh; Aaby, Peter
  • Evaluating rotavirus vaccination in England and Wales. Part II. The potential cost-effectiveness of vaccination. (2007) Jit, M; Edmunds, WJ
  • Prevalence of human papillomavirus antibodies in young female subjects in England. (2007) Jit, M; Vyse, A; Borrow, R; Pebody, R; Soldan, K; Miller, E
  • Twenty years of selective hepatitis B vaccination: is hepatitis B declining among injecting drug users in England and Wales? (2007) Judd, A; Hickman, M; Hope, VD; Sutton, AJ; Stimson, GV; Ramsay, ME; Gill, ON; Parry, JV
  • K
  • IgG antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite antigens in Kenyan children have a short half-life. (2007) Kinyanjui, Samson M; Conway, David J; Lanar, David E; Marsh, Kevin
  • L
  • Lack of immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR regulon proteins following Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination. (2007) Lin, May Young; Geluk, Annemieke; Smith, Steven G; Stewart, Amanda L; Friggen, Annemieke H; Franken, Kees LMC; Verduyn, Marleen JC; van Meijgaarden, Krista E; Voskuil, Martin I; Dockrell, Hazel M; Huygen, Kris; Ottenhoff, Tom HM; Klein, Michèl R
  • Private demand for cholera vaccines in Beira, Mozambique. (2007) Lucas, Marcelino ES; Jeuland, Marc; Deen, Jacqueline; Lazaro, Nivalda; MacMahon, Melissa; Nyamete, Andrew; Barreto, Avertino; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Cumbane, Arnaldo; Songane, Francisco F; Whittington, Dale
  • M
  • Vaccines against malaria - an update. (2007) Matuschewski, Kai; Mueller, Ann-Kristin
  • Measurement of malaria vaccine efficacy in phase III trials: report of a WHO consultation. (2007) Moorthy, Vasee; Reed, Zarifah; Smith, Peter G; WHO Study Group on Measures of Malaria Vaccine Efficacy
  • Immunogenicity of standard-titer measles vaccine in HIV-1-infected and uninfected Zambian children: an observational study. (2007) Moss, William J; Scott, Susana; Mugala, Nanthalile; Ndhlovu, Zaza; Beeler, Judy A; Audet, Susette A; Ngala, Mirriam; Mwangala, Sheila; Nkonga-Mwangilwa, Chansa; Ryon, Judith J; Monze, Mwaka; Kasolo, Francis; Quinn, Thomas C; Cousens, Simon; Griffin, Diane E; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Progress and shortcomings in European national strategic plans for pandemic influenza. (2007) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Jas, Ria; Coker, Richard
  • N
  • Performance of the HerpeSelect (Focus) and Kalon enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 2 by use of monoclonal antibody-blocking enzyme immunoassay and clinicovirological reference standards in Brazil. (2007) Nascimento, Maria Claudia; Ferreira, Suzete; Sabino, Ester; Hamilton, Ingrid; Parry, John; Pannuti, Claudio S; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Cost-effectiveness analyses of human papillomavirus vaccination. (2007) Newall, Anthony T; Beutels, Philippe; Wood, James G; Edmunds, W John; MacIntyre, C Raina
  • O
  • Effects of sex, parity, and sequence variation on seroreactivity to candidate pregnancy malaria vaccine antigens. (2007) Oleinikov, Andrew V; Rossnagle, Eddie; Francis, Susan; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Fried, Michal; Duffy, Patrick E
  • Naturally acquired antibodies to polymorphic and conserved epitopes of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3. (2007) Osier, FHA; Polley, SD; Mwangi, T; Lowe, B; Conway, DJ; Marsh, K
  • R
  • Revaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine does not reduce morbidity from malaria in African children. (2007) Rodrigues, Amabelia; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Roth, Adam; Benn, Christine Stabell; Aaby, Peter; Greenwood, Brian
  • Modeling rotavirus-like particles production in a baculovirus expression vector system: Infection kinetics, baculovirus DNA replication, mRNA synthesis and protein production. (2007) Roldão, António; Vieira, Helena LA; Charpilienne, Annie; Poncet, Didier; Roy, Polly; Carrondo, Manuel JT; Alves, Paula M; Oliveira, R
  • S
  • A challenge for the development of malaria vaccines: polymorphic target antigens. (2007) Sutherland, Colin
  • The preventable burden of pneumococcal disease in the developing world. (2007) Scott, JAG
  • The influence of HIV-1 exposure and infection on levels of passively acquired antibodies to measles virus in Zambian infants. (2007) Scott, Susana; Moss, William J; Cousens, Simon; Beeler, Judy A; Audet, Susette A; Mugala, Nanthalile; Quinn, Thomas C; Griffin, Diane E; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Safety and immunogenicity of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-3 long synthetic peptide (MSP3-LSP) malaria vaccine in healthy, semi-immune adult males in Burkina Faso, West Africa. (2007) Sirima, Sodiomon B; Nébié, Issa; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Konaté, Amadou T; Gansané, Adama; Dermé, Assetou I; Diarra, Amidou; Ouédraogo, Amidou; Soulama, Issiaka; Cuzzin-Ouattara, Nadine; Cousens, Simon; Leroy, Odile
  • Using a fingerprint recognition system in a vaccine trial to avoid misclassification. (2007) SonLa Study Group
  • Epidemic meningitis, meningococcaemia, and Neisseria meningitidis. (2007) Stephens, David S; Greenwood, Brian; Brandtzaeg, Petter
  • Oral administration of a Salmonella enterica-based vaccine expressing Bacillus anthracis protective antigen confers protection against aerosolized B. anthracis. (2007) Stokes, Margaret GM; Titball, Richard W; Neeson, Brendan N; Galen, James E; Walker, Nicola J; Stagg, Anthony J; Jenner, Dominic C; Thwaite, Joanne E; Nataro, James P; Baillie, Leslie WJ; Atkins, Helen S
  • A Challenge for the Development of Malaria Vaccines: Polymorphic Target Antigens. (2007) Sutherland, Colin
  • T
  • Meningococcal carriage in the African meningitis belt. (2007) Trotter, Caroline L; Greenwood, Brian M
  • V
  • Vaccines for cholera control: does herd immunity play a role. (2007) von Seidlein, Lorenz
  • W
  • Long-term immunogenicity after single and booster dose of a live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine: results from 8-year follow-up. (2007) Wang, Xuan-Yi; Xu, Zhi-Yi; Ma, Jing-Chen; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Zhang, Yong; Hao, Zhi-Yong; Han, Oak Pil; Zhang, Ying-Lin; Tian, Mei-Ying; Ouyang, Pei-Ying; Zhang, Zhi-Yong; Han, Chang-Quan; Xing, Zhan-Chun; Chen, Ji-Chao
  • Differential evidence of natural selection on two leading sporozoite stage malaria vaccine candidate antigens. (2007) Weedall, Gareth D; Preston, Benjamin MJ; Thomas, Alan W; Sutherland, Colin J; Conway, David J
  • The immunological challenges of malaria vaccine development. (2007) Wipasa, Jiraprapa; Riley, Eleanor M
  • New zealand epidemic strain meningococcal B outer membrane vesicle vaccine in children aged 16-24 months. (2007) Wong, Sharon; Lennon, Diana; Jackson, Catherine; Stewart, Joanna; Reid, Stewart; Crengle, Sue; Tilman, Sandrine; Aaberge, Ingeborg; O'Hallahan, Jane; Oster, Philipp; Mulholland, Kim; Martin, Diana