Items where Research Centre is "Vaccine Centre"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Vaccine Centre (1524)
    Number of items: 76.
  • Injectable vaccines for preventing pneumococcal infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2006) Granger, R; Walters, J; Poole, PJ; Lasserson, TJ; Mangtani, P; Cates, CJ; Wood-Baker, R
  • Validation of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine status in adults based on self-report. (2006) Mangtani, P; Shah, A; Roberts, JA
  • Vaccinia scars associated with better survival for adults. An observational study from Guinea-Bissau. (2006) Aaby, Peter; Gustafson, Per; Roth, Adam; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Fernandes, Manuel; Sodemann, Morten; Holmgren, Birgitta; Benn, Christine Stabell; Garly, May-Lill; Lisse, Ida Maria; Jensen, Henrik
  • Serotype and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae causing invasive disease in The Gambia 1996-2003. (2006) Adegbola, Richard A; Hill, Philip C; Secka, Ousman; Ikumapayi, Usman N; Lahai, George; Greenwood, Brian M; Corrah, Tumani
  • Costs of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Oman: evidence based on long-term follow-up of 43 children. (2006) Al-Awaidy, Salah; Griffiths, Ulla K; Nwar, Hosammudin Mohammed; Bawikar, Shyam; Al-Aisiri, Masoud Salim; Khandekar, Rajiv; Mohammad, Ali Jaffer; Robertson, Susan E
  • From genomics to surveillance, prevention and control: new challenges for the African meningitis belt. (2006) Alonso, Jean-Michel; Bertherat, Eric; Perea, William; Borrow, Ray; Chanteau, Suzanne; Cohet, Catherine; Dodet, Betty; Greenwood, Brian; LaForce, F Marc; Rouzic, Erwan Muros-Le; Teyssou, Rémy; Ouedraogo-Traoré, Rasmata; Sow, Idrissa
  • The burden of rotavirus diarrhea in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam: baseline assessment for a rotavirus vaccine trial. (2006) Anh, Dang Duc; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Fischer, Thea K; Canh, Do Gia; Minh, Truong Tan; Tho, Le Huu; Van Man, Nguyen; Luan, Le Thi; Kilgore, Paul; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Glass, Roger I
  • Recombinant Salmonella vaccines for biodefence. (2006) Atkins, Helen S; Morton, Margaret; Griffin, Kate F; Stokes, Margaret GM; Nataro, James P; Titball, Richard W
  • Evaluation of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases: general principles. (2006) Banoo, Shabir; Bell, David; Bossuyt, Patrick; Herring, Alan; Mabey, David; Poole, Freddie; Smith, Peter G; Sriram, N; Wongsrichanalai, Chansuda; Linke, Ralf; O'Brien, Rick; Perkins, Mark; Cunningham, Jane; Matsoso, Precious; Nathanson, Carl Michael; Olliaro, Piero; Peeling, Rosanna W; Ramsay, Andy; TDR Diagnostics Evaluation Expert Panel (WHO/TDR) 2006
  • Pertussis vaccine effectiveness in reducing clinical disease, transmissibility and proportion of cases with a positive culture after household exposure in Brazil. (2006) Baptista, Paulo N; Magalhães, Vera; Rodrigues, Laura C; Rocha, MariaAngela W; Pimentel, Analíria M
  • Community-based monitoring of diarrhea in urban Brazilian children: incidence and associated pathogens. (2006) Barreto, Mauricio L; Milroy, Craig A; Strina, Agostino; Prado, Matildes S; Leite, Jose Paulo; Ramos, Eduardo AG; Ribeiro, Hugo; Alcântara-Neves, Neuza M; Teixeira, Maria da Gloria; Rodrigues, Laura C; Ruf, Hilda; Guerreiro, Hygia; Trabulsi, Luiz R
  • A phase 2b randomised trial of the candidate malaria vaccines FP9 ME-TRAP and MVA ME-TRAP among children in Kenya. (2006) Bejon, Philip; Mwacharo, Jedidah; Kai, Oscar; Mwangi, Tabitha; Milligan, Paul; Todryk, Stephen; Keating, Sheila; Lang, Trudie; Lowe, Brett; Gikonyo, Caroline; Molyneux, Catherine; Fegan, Greg; Gilbert, Sarah C; Peshu, Norbert; Marsh, Kevin; Hill, Adrian VS picture_as_pdf
  • The PPD-specific T-cell clonal response in UK and Malawian subjects following BCG vaccination: a new repertoire evolves over 12 months. (2006) Bennett, Andrea R; Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Ben-Smith, Anne; Floyd, Sian; de Lara, Catherine M; Weir, Rosemary E; Lalor, Maeve K; Makamo, Kandakuone; Msiska, Glyn K; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M; Beverley, Peter CL
  • Antigen targeting to dendritic cells elicits long-lived T cell help for antibody responses. (2006) Boscardin, Silvia B; Hafalla, Julius CR; Masilamani, Revati F; Kamphorst, Alice O; Zebroski, Henry A; Rai, Urvashi; Morrot, Alexandre; Zavala, Fidel; Steinman, Ralph M; Nussenzweig, Ruth S; Nussenzweig, Michel C
  • Sexual-stage antibody responses to P. falciparum in endemic populations. (2006) Bousema, JT; Drakeley, CJ; Sauerwein, RW
  • Incidence of clinically significant bacteraemia in children who present to hospital in Kenya: community-based observational study. (2006) Brent, AJ; Ahmed, I; Ndiritu, M; Lewa, P; Ngetsa, C; Lowe, B; Bauni, E; English, M; Berkley, JA; Scott, JAG
  • Impact of model, methodological, and parameter uncertainty in the economic analysis of vaccination programs. (2006) Brisson, M; Edmunds, WJ
  • Worldwide human papillomavirus etiology of cervical adenocarcinoma and its cofactors: implications for screening and prevention. (2006) Castellsagué, Xavier; Díaz, Mireia; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Muñoz, Nubia; Herrero, Rolando; Franceschi, Silvia; Peeling, Rosanna W; Ashley, Rhoda; Smith, Jennifer S; Snijders, Peter JF; Meijer, Chris JLM; Bosch, F Xavier; International Agency for Research on Cancer Multicenter Cervical
  • Feasibility of a mass vaccination campaign using a two-dose oral cholera vaccine in an urban cholera-endemic setting in Mozambique. (2006) Cavailler, Philippe; Lucas, Marcelino; Perroud, Valerie; McChesney, Margaret; Ampuero, Sonia; Guérin, Philippe J; Legros, Dominique; Nierle, Thomas; Mahoudeau, Claude; Lab, Bruno; Kahozi, Pierre; Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Wang, Xuan-Yi; Puri, Mahesh; Ali, Mohammad; Clemens, John D; Songane, Francisco; Baptista, Alberto; Ismael, Fauzia; Barreto, Avertino; Chaignat, Claire-Lise
  • Differences in perception of dysentery and enteric fever and willingness to receive vaccines among rural residents in China. (2006) Chen, Xinguang; Stanton, Bonita; Wang, Xuanyi; Nyamette, Andrew; Pach, Alfred; Kaljee, Linda; Pack, Robert; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John; Gong, Youlong; Mao, Rong
  • Pandemic influenza preparedness in the Asia-Pacific region. (2006) Coker, Richard; Mounier-Jack, Sandra
  • Delaying the international spread of pandemic influenza. (2006) Cooper, Ben S; Pitman, Richard J; Edmunds, W John; Gay, Nigel J
  • Effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate vaccine introduction into routine childhood immunization in Kenya. (2006) Cowgill, Karen D; Ndiritu, Moses; Nyiro, Joyce; Slack, Mary PE; Chiphatsi, Salome; Ismail, Amina; Kamau, Tatu; Mwangi, Isaiah; English, Mike; Newton, Charles RJC; Feikin, Daniel R; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Operational challenges in large clinical trials: examples and lessons learned from the gambia pneumococcal vaccine trial. (2006) Cutts, Felicity T; Enwere, Godwin; Zaman, Syed MA; Yallop, Fred G
  • A case-control study of protection against tuberculosis by BCG revaccination in Recife, Brazil. (2006) Dantas, OMS; Ximenes, RA de A; de Albuquerque, M de FPM; da Silva, NLCL; Montarroyos, UR; de Souza, WV; Pereira, TCC; Campelo, ARL; Rodrigues, LC
  • RTS,S/AS02A malaria vaccine does not induce parasite CSP T cell epitope selection and reduces multiplicity of infection. (2006) Enosse, Sonia; Dobaño, Carlota; Quelhas, Diana; Aponte, John J; Lievens, Marc; Leach, Amanda; Sacarlal, Jahit; Greenwood, Brian; Milman, Jessica; Dubovsky, Filip; Cohen, Joe; Thompson, Ricardo; Ballou, W Ripley; Alonso, Pedro L; Conway, David J; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of community-acquired invasive bacterial infections in children aged 2-29 months in The Gambia. (2006) Enwere, Godwin; Biney, Ekow; Cheung, Yin Bun; Zaman, Syed MA; Okoko, Brown; Oluwalana, Claire; Vaughan, Adeola; Greenwood, Brian; Adegbola, Richard; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Perspective: determinants of the severity of poliovirus outbreaks in the post eradication era. (2006) Fine, PEM; Ritchie, S
  • Levels of rubella antibody among vaccinated and unvaccinated Portuguese mothers and their newborns. (2006) Gonçalves, Guilherme; Nascimento, Maria São José; Réu, Cristina; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Immunogenicity of Danish-SSI 1331 BCG vaccine in the UK: comparison with Glaxo-Evans 1077 BCG vaccine. (2006) Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Weir, Rosemary E; Floyd, Sian; Lalor, Maeve K; Stenson, Sally; Branson, Keith; Blitz, Rose; Luke, Sarah; Nazareth, Bernadette; Ben-Smith, Anne; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Investigating the aetiology of and evaluating the impact of the Men C vaccination programme on probable meningococcal disease in England and Wales. (2006) Granerod, J; Davison, KL; Ramsay, ME; Crowcroft, NS
  • Vaccine coverage in England: the impact of health service reorganisation. (2006) Granerod, J; White, JM; Andrews, N; Crowcroft, NS
  • New strategies for the elimination of polio from India. (2006) Grassly, Nicholas C; Fraser, Christophe; Wenger, Jay; Deshpande, Jagadish M; Sutter, Roland W; Heymann, David L; Aylward, R Bruce
  • The cost-effectiveness of alternative polio immunization policies in South Africa. (2006) Griffiths, Ulla K; Botham, Lindsay; Schoub, Barry D
  • Priming of CD8+ T cell responses following immunization with heat-killed Plasmodium sporozoites. (2006) Hafalla, Julius CR; Rai, Urvashi; Morrot, Alexandre; Bernal-Rubio, Dabeiba; Zavala, Fidel; Rodriguez, Ana
  • Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccination: new evidence. (2006) Hall, AJ
  • A live experimental vaccine against Burkholderia pseudomallei elicits CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity, priming T cells specific for 2 type III secretion system proteins. (2006) Haque, Ashraful; Chu, Karen; Easton, Anna; Stevens, Mark P; Galyov, Edouard E; Atkins, Tim; Titball, Rick; Bancroft, Gregory J
  • Mucosal immunization with a urease B DNA vaccine induces innate and cellular immune responses against Helicobacter pylori. (2006) Hatzifoti, Caterina; Roussel, Yvonne; Harris, Andrew G; Wren, Brendan W; Morrow, John W; Bajaj-Elliott, Mona
  • The risk of disseminated Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) disease in HIV-infected children. (2006) Hesseling, Anneke C; Marais, Ben J; Gie, Robert P; Schaaf, H Simon; Fine, Paul EM; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Beyers, Nulda
  • Mass vaccination: when and why. (2006) Heymann, DL; Aylward, RB
  • The polio eradication endgame. As polio eradication nears realization, such real-world vaccination strategies could hold lessons for the future in AIDS vaccine development. (2006) Heymann, David L; Aylward, R Bruce
  • A vision of a world without polio: the OPV cessation strategy. (2006) Heymann, David L; Sutter, Roland W; Aylward, R Bruce
  • Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Gambian villagers. (2006) Hill, Philip C; Akisanya, Abiodun; Sankareh, Kawsu; Cheung, Yin Bun; Saaka, Mark; Lahai, George; Greenwood, Brian M; Adegbola, Richard A
  • Safety and immunogenicity of the malaria candidate vaccines FP9 CS and MVA CS in adult Gambian men. (2006) Imoukhuede, EB; Berthoud, T; Milligan, P; Bojang, K; Ismaili, J; Keating, S; Nwakanma, D; Keita, S; Njie, F; Sowe, M; Todryk, S; Laidlaw, SM; Skinner, MA; Lang, T; Gilbert, S; Greenwood, BM; Hill, AVS
  • Influenza vaccine uptake in adults aged 50-64 years: policy and practice in England 2003/2004. (2006) Joseph, Carol; Elgohari, Suzanne; Nichols, Tom; Verlander, Neville
  • Lessons and implications from a mass immunization campaign in squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan: an experience from a cluster-randomized double-blinded vaccine trial [NCT00125047]. (2006) Khan, Mohammad Imran; Ochiai, Rion Leon; Hamza, Hasan Bin; Sahito, Shah Muhammad; Habib, Muhammad Atif; Soofi, Sajid Bashir; Bhutto, Naveed Sarwar; Rasool, Shahid; Puri, Mahesh K; Ali, Mohammad; Wasan, Shafi Mohammad; Khan, Mohammad Jawed; Abu-Elyazeed, Remon; Ivanoff, Bernard; Galindo, Claudia M; Pang, Tikki; Donner, Allan; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Acosta, Camilo J; Clemens, John D; Nizami, Shaikh Qamaruddin; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Enhanced disease surveillance through private health care sector cooperation in Karachi, Pakistan: experience from a vaccine trial. (2006) Khan, Mohammad Imran; Sahito, Shah Muhammad; Khan, Mohammad Javed; Wassan, Shafi Mohammad; Shaikh, Abdul Wahab; Maheshwari, Ashok Kumar; Acosta, Camilo J; Galindo, Claudia M; Ochiai, Rion Leon; Rasool, Shahid; Peerwani, Sheeraz; Puri, Mahesh K; Ali, Mohammad; Zafar, Afia; Hassan, Rumina; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clemens, John D; Nizami, Shaikh Qamaruddin; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A picture_as_pdf
  • Chapter 28: Studies to assess the long-term efficacy and effectiveness of HPV vaccination in developed and developing countries. (2006) Lehtinen, Matti; Herrero, Rolando; Mayaud, Philippe; Barnabas, Ruanne; Dillner, Joakim; Paavonen, Jorma; Smith, Peter G
  • Pneumococcal vaccination in developing countries. (2006) Levine, Orin S; O'Brien, Katherine L; Knoll, Maria; Adegbola, Richard A; Black, Steven; Cherian, Thomas; Dagan, Ron; Goldblatt, David; Grange, Adenike; Greenwood, Brian; Hennessy, Tom; Klugman, Keith P; Madhi, Shabir A; Mulholland, Kim; Nohynek, Hanna; Santosham, Mathuram; Saha, Samir K; Scott, J Anthony; Sow, Samba; Whitney, Cynthia G; Cutts, Felicity
  • Hookworm vaccines: past, present, and future. (2006) Loukas, Alex; Bethony, Jeffrey; Brooker, Simon; Hotez, Peter
  • Cross-sectional survey of older peoples' views related to influenza vaccine uptake. (2006) Mangtani, Punam; Breeze, Elizabeth; Stirling, Sue; Hanciles, Smita; Kovats, Sari; Fletcher, Astrid picture_as_pdf
  • Hepatitis A surveillance in England--how many cases are not reported and does it really matter? (2006) Matin, N; Grant, A; Granerod, J; Crowcroft, N
  • The current burden of pneumococcal disease in England and Wales. (2006) Melegaro, A; Edmunds, WJ; Pebody, R; Miller, E; George, R
  • UK armed forces responses to an informed consent policy for anthrax vaccination: a paradoxical effect? (2006) Murphy, Dominic; Dandeker, Christopher; Horn, Oded; Hotopf, Matthew; Hull, Lisa; Jones, Margaret; Marteau, Theresa; Rona, Roberto; Wessely, Simon
  • BCG vaccine effectiveness against Buruli ulcer: a case-control study in Benin. (2006) Nackers, Fabienne; Dramaix, Michèle; Johnson, Roch Christian; Zinsou, Claude; Robert, Annie; DE Biurrun Bakedano, Elisa; Glynn, Judith R; Portaels, Françoise; Tonglet, René
  • Immunization coverage and risk factors for failure to immunize within the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Kenya after introduction of new Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis b virus antigens. (2006) Ndiritu, Moses; Cowgill, Karen D; Ismail, Amina; Chiphatsi, Salome; Kamau, Tatu; Fegan, Gregory; Feikin, Daniel R; Newton, Charles RJC; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Serological and molecular epidemiology of measles virus outbreaks reported in Ethiopia during 2000-2004. (2006) Nigatu, W; Nokes, DJ; Afework, A; Brown, DWG; Cutts, FT; Jin, L
  • Willingness to be vaccinated against shigella and other forms of dysentery: a comparison of three regions in Asia. (2006) Pack, Robert; Wang, Yaping; Singh, Amber; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Pach, Al; Kaljee, Linda; Butraporn, Piyarat; Youlong, Gong; Blum, Lauren; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Santoso, Siti Sapardiyah; Trach, Dang Duc; Waluyo, Imam; Nyamete, Andrew; Clemens, John; Stanton, Bonita
  • Immunoglobulin G antibodies to merozoite surface antigens are associated with recovery from chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Gambian children. (2006) Pinder, Margaret; Sutherland, Colin J; Sisay-Joof, Fatoumatta; Ismaili, Jamila; McCall, Matthew BB; Ord, Rosalyn; Hallett, Rachel; Holder, Anthony A; Milligan, Paul
  • The cost-effectiveness of antenatal varicella screening with post-partum vaccination of susceptibles. (2006) Pinot de Moira, A; Edmunds, WJ; Breuer, J
  • Economic evaluation of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination in Moscow, Russian Federation. (2006) Platonov, AE; Griffiths, UK; Voeykova, MV; Platonova, OV; Shakhanina, IL; Chistyakova, GG; Robertson, SE; Moscow Hib Study Team
  • High levels of serum antibodies to merozoite surface protein 2 of Plasmodium falciparum are associated with reduced risk of clinical malaria in coastal Kenya. (2006) Polley, Spencer D; Conway, David J; Cavanagh, David R; McBride, Jana S; Lowe, Brett S; Williams, Thomas N; Mwangi, Tabitha W; Marsh, Kevin
  • Community cohort study of rotavirus and other enteropathogens: are routine vaccinations associated with sex-differential incidence rates? (2006) Rodrigues, Amabelia; Fischer, Thea K; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Nielsen, Jens; Steinsland, Hans; Perch, Michael; Garly, May-Lill; Mølbak, Kåre; Aaby, Peter
  • Synthetic glycovaccine protects against the bite of leishmania-infected sand flies. (2006) Rogers, Matthew E; Sizova, Olga V; Ferguson, Michael AJ; Nikolaev, Andrei V; Bates, Paul A
  • Tuberculin reaction, BCG scar, and lower female mortality. (2006) Roth, Adam; Sodemann, Morten; Jensen, Henrik; Poulsen, Anja; Gustafson, Per; Weise, Christian; Gomes, Justino; Djana, Queba; Jakobsen, Marianne; Garly, May-Lill; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Aaby, Peter
  • Long-Term Protection against Carriage of Hepatitis B Virus after Infant Vaccination. (2006) Sande, MA; Waight, P; Mendy, M; Rayco-Solon, P; Hutt, P; Fulford, T; Doherty, C; McConkey, SJ; Jeffries, D; Hall, AJ; Whittle, HC
  • Evaluation of the meningitis epidemics risk model in Africa. (2006) Savory, EC; Cuevas, LE; Yassin, MA; Hart, CA; Molesworth, AM; Thomson, MC
  • Developing vaccines against flavivirus diseases: past success, present hopes and future challenges. (2006) Stephenson, John R
  • Modelling the impact of prison vaccination on hepatitis B transmission within the injecting drug user population of England and Wales. (2006) Sutton, AJ; Gay, NJ; Edmunds, WJ
  • Modelling the hepatitis B vaccination programme in prisons. (2006) Sutton, AJ; Gay, NJ; Edmunds, WJ; Andrews, NJ; Hope, VD; Gilbert, RL; Piper, M; Gill, ON
  • Long-term effectiveness against cholera of oral killed whole-cell vaccine produced in Vietnam. (2006) Thiem, Vu Dinh; Deen, Jacqueline L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Canh, Do Gia; Anh, Dang Duc; Park, Jin-Kyung; Ali, Mohammad; Danovaro-Holliday, M Carolina; Son, Nguyen Dinh; Hoa, Nguyen Thai; Holmgren, Jan; Clemens, John D
  • Safety and immunogenicity of New Zealand strain meningococcal serogroup B OMV vaccine in healthy adults: beginning of epidemic control. (2006) Thornton, V; Lennon, D; Rasanathan, K; O'Hallahan, J; Oster, P; Stewart, J; Tilman, S; Aaberge, I; Feiring, B; Nokleby, H; Rosenqvist, E; White, K; Reid, S; Mulholland, K; Wakefield, MJ; Martin, D
  • Reassessing the cost-effectiveness of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccines using a transmission dynamic model. (2006) Trotter, Caroline L; Edmunds, W John
  • Modeling future changes to the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccine program in England and Wales. (2006) Trotter, Caroline L; Edmunds, W John; Ramsay, Mary E; Miller, Elizabeth
  • Effect of BCG vaccination on childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis worldwide: a meta-analysis and assessment of cost-effectiveness. (2006) Trunz, B Bourdin; Fine, Pem; Dye, C
  • The influence of previous exposure to environmental mycobacteria on the interferon-gamma response to bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in southern England and northern Malawi. (2006) Weir, RE; Black, GF; Nazareth, B; Floyd, S; Stenson, S; Stanley, C; Branson, K; Sichali, L; Chaguluka, SD; Donovan, L; Crampin, AC; Fine, PEM; Dockrell, HM