Items where Research Centre is "Vaccine Centre"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Vaccine Centre (1524)
    Number of items: 59.
  • Divergent female-male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccinations among female-male twin pairs. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Jensen, Henrik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Garly, May-Lill; Benn, Christine Stabell; Lisse, Ida Maria; Simondon, Francois
  • Oral polio vaccination and low case fatality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biai, Sidu; Martins, Cesario; Veirum, Jens Erik; Benn, Christine Stabell; Jensen, Henrik
  • Vaccines against cholera, typhoid fever and shigellosis for developing countries. (2004) Acosta, CJ; Galindo, CM; Deen, JL; Ochiai, RL; Lee, HJ; von Seidlein, L; Carbis, R; Clemens, JD
  • Effect of influenza vaccination on excess deaths occurring during periods of high circulation of influenza: cohort study in elderly people. (2004) Armstrong, Ben G; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid; Kovats, Sari; McMichael, Anthony; Pattenden, Sam; Wilkinson, Paul
  • The costs, effects and cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase coverage of routine immunizations in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review of the grey literature. (2004) Batt, Katherine; Fox-Rushby, JA; Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela
  • Trends in influenza vaccination uptake among people aged over 74 years, 1997-2000: survey of 73 general practices in Britain. (2004) Breeze, Elizabeth; Mangtani, Punam; Fletcher, Astrid E; Price, Gill M; Kovats, Sari; Roberts, Jenny
  • Are economic evaluations of vaccines useful to decision-makers? Case study of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines. (2004) Brinsmead, Regina; Hill, Suzanne; Walker, Damian
  • Enhanced protection against tuberculosis by vaccination with recombinant Mycobacterium microti vaccine that induces T cell immunity against region of difference 1 antigens. (2004) Brodin, Priscille; Majlessi, Laleh; Brosch, Roland; Smith, Debbie; Bancroft, Gregory; Clark, Simon; Williams, Ann; Leclerc, Claude; Cole, Stewart T
  • Antibodies to the N-terminal block 2 of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 are associated with protection against clinical malaria. (2004) Cavanagh, David R; Dodoo, Daniel; Hviid, Lars; Kurtzhals, Jørgen AL; Theander, Thor G; Akanmori, Bartholomew D; Polley, Spencer; Conway, David J; Koram, Kojo; McBride, Jana S
  • Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges. (2004) Connolly, Máire A; Gayer, Michelle; Ryan, Michael J; Salama, Peter; Spiegel, Paul; Heymann, David L
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C seroprevalence and risk behaviour among community-recruited drug injectors in North West Wales. (2004) Craine, N; Walker, AM; Williamson, S; Brown, A; Hope, VD
  • Survey of local immunisation training in England--the case for setting national standards. (2004) Cummins, A; Lane, L; Boccia, D; Crowcroft, NS
  • Design of the leprosy component of the Brazilian BCG revaccination trial for assessing BCG effectiveness against leprosy in school children. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Dourado, Inês; Barreto, Mauricio L; Alexander, Neal; Pereira, Susan M; Ichihara, Yury; Pereira, Emilia S; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Maroja, Fatima; Ribas, Carla; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Neonatal BCG protection against leprosy: a study in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Dourado, Inez M; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan Martins
  • Vaccines for neonatal viral infections: hepatitis B vaccine. (2004) Cutts, FT; Hall, AJ
  • Colostrum obtained from women vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine during pregnancy inhibits epithelial adhesion of Streptococcus pneumoniae. (2004) Deubzer, Hedwig E; Obaro, Stephen K; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Non-specific "non-effects" of vaccination. (2004) Fine, Paul EM
  • Polio control after certification: major issues outstanding. (2004) Fine, Paul EM; Oblapenko, George; Sutter, Roland W
  • The economics of vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2004) Fox-Rushby, JA; Kaddar, Miloud; Levine, R; Brenzel, L
  • A case-control study to investigate serological correlates of clinical failure of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults. (2004) French, Neil; Moore, Michael; Haikala, Raili; Kayhty, Helena; Gilks, Charles F
  • Protection against plague afforded by immunisation with DNA vaccines optimised for expression of the Yersinia pestis V antigen. (2004) Garmory, Helen S; Freeman, Donna; Brown, Katherine A; Titball, Richard W
  • Clusters of meningococcal disease in educational establishments in the United Kingdom: April 2001 to March 2002. (2004) Granerød, J; Davison, K; Stuart, J; Crowcroft, N; Health Protection Agency Communicable Disease Surveillance Centr
  • Incremental cost-effectiveness of supplementary immunization activities to prevent neonatal tetanus in Pakistan. (2004) Griffiths, Ulla K; Wolfson, Lara J; Quddus, Arshad; Younus, Mohammed; Hafiz, Rehan A
  • Incidence and routes of transmission of hepatitis B virus in England and Wales, 1995-2000: implications for immunisation policy. (2004) Hahné, Susan; Ramsay, Mary; Balogun, Koye; Edmunds, W John; Mortimer, Philip
  • Commentary: vaccines and unexpected events. (2004) Hall, Andrew
  • Vaccination and child mortality. (2004) Hall, Andrew J
  • A plasmid immunization construct encoding urease B of Helicobacter pylori induces an antigen-specific antibody response and upregulates the expression of beta-defensins and IL-10 in the stomachs of immunized mice. (2004) Hatzifoti, Caterina; Bajaj-Elliott, Mona; Dorrell, Nick; Anyim, Martin; Prentice, Michael B; Nye, Keith E; Wren, Brendan; Morrow, W John W
  • Factors influencing the uptake of childhood immunisation in rural areas. (2004) Henderson, Rob; Oates, Ken; MacDonald, Helen; Smith, W Cairns S; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam
  • Immune profiling of leprosy and tuberculosis patients to 15-mer peptides of Mycobacterium leprae and M. tuberculosis GroES in a BCG vaccinated area: implications for development of vaccine and diagnostic reagents. (2004) Hussain, Rabia; Shahid, Firdaus; Zafar, Shahid; Dojki, Maqboola; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Acceptability and accessibility of a Shigellosis vaccine in Nha Trang city of Viet Nam. (2004) Kaljee, Linda M; Genberg, Becky L; von Seidlein, Lorenz; Canh, Do Gia; Thoa, Le Thi Kim; Thiem, Vu Dinh; Tho, Le Huu; Minh, Truong Tan; Trach, Dang Duc
  • Cost of delivering child immunization services in urban Bangladesh: a study based on facility-level surveys. (2004) Khan, M Mahmud; Khan, Suhaila H; Walker, Damian; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Cutts, Felicity; Akramuzzaman, SM
  • Age-specific immunoglobulin g (IgG) and IgA to pneumococcal protein antigens in a population in coastal kenya. (2004) Laine, Catherine; Mwangi, Tabitha; Thompson, Claudette M; Obiero, Jacktone; Lipsitch, Marc; Scott, J Anthony G
  • A cohort study of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in older people, performed using the United Kingdom general practice research database. (2004) Mangtani, Punam; Cumberland, Phillippa; Hodgson, Cathy R; Roberts, Jennifer A; Cutts, Felicity T; Hall, Andrew J
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in England and Wales. (2004) Melegaro, A; Edmunds, WJ
  • The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. Part I. Efficacy of PPV in the elderly: a comparison of meta-analyses. (2004) Melegaro, Alessia; Edmunds, W John
  • The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. Part II. A cost-effectiveness analysis for invasive disease in the elderly in England and Wales. (2004) Melegaro, Alessia; Edmunds, W John
  • A randomised, double-blind, controlled vaccine efficacy trial of DNA/MVA ME-TRAP against malaria infection in Gambian adults. (2004) Moorthy, Vasee S; Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Milligan, Paul; Bojang, Kalifa; Keating, Sheila; Kaye, Pauline; Pinder, Margaret; Gilbert, Sarah C; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian SV picture_as_pdf
  • Following in the footsteps of smallpox: can we achieve the global eradication of measles? (2004) Morgan, Oliver WC
  • Immunity and exposure to hepatitis A virus in pre-adolescent children from a multi-ethnic inner city area. (2004) Morris-Cunnington, M; Edmunds, WJ; Miller, E
  • A Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi vaccine expressing Yersinia pestis F1 antigen on its surface provides protection against plague in mice. (2004) Morton, Margaret; Garmory, Helen S; Perkins, Stuart D; O'Dowd, Aisling M; Griffin, Kate F; Turner, Arthur K; Bennett, Alice M; Titball, Richard W
  • Use of vaccine trials to estimate burden of disease. (2004) Mulholland, E Kim
  • Serotype-specific pneumococcal antibodies in breast milk of Gambian women immunized with a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine during pregnancy. (2004) Obaro, Stephen K; Deubzer, Hedwig E; Newman, Vanessa O; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Henderson, Don C
  • Cellular immunity induced by the recombinant Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine, RTS,S/AS02, in semi-immune adults in The Gambia. (2004) Pinder, M; Reece, WHH; Plebanski, M; Akinwunmi, P; Flanagan, KL; Lee, EAM; Doherty, T; Milligan, P; Jaye, A; Tornieporth, N; Ballou, R; McAdam, KPMJ; Cohen, J; Hill, AVS
  • Vaccination for vivax malaria: targeting the invaders. (2004) Polley, Spencer D; McRobert, Louisa; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Human antibodies to recombinant protein constructs of Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) and their associations with protection from malaria. (2004) Polley, Spencer D; Mwangi, Tabitha; Kocken, Clemens HM; Thomas, Alan W; Dutta, Sheetij; Lanar, David E; Remarque, Ed; Ross, Amanda; Williams, Thomas N; Mwambingu, Gabrielle; Lowe, Brett; Conway, David J; Marsh, Kevin
  • Low birth weight infants and Calmette-Guérin bacillus vaccination at birth: community study from Guinea-Bissau. (2004) Roth, Adam; Jensen, Henrik; Garly, May-Lill; Djana, Queba; Martins, Cesário Lourenco; Sodemann, Morten; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Aaby, Peter
  • Genetically engineered structure-based vaccine for bluetongue disease. (2004) Roy, P
  • Recent advances in pneumococcal vaccination of children. (2004) Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, EK
  • The value of counting BCG scars for interpretation of tuberculin skin tests in a tuberculosis hyperendemic shantytown, Peru. (2004) Saito, M; Bautista, CT; Gilman, RH; Bowering, A; Levy, MZ; Evans, CA
  • Estimating the force of measles virus infection from hospitalised cases in Lusaka, Zambia. (2004) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Kasolo, Francis; Sinkala, Moses; Cousens, Simon
  • The New Zealand Meningococcal Vaccine Strategy: a tailor-made vaccine to combat a devastating epidemic. (2004) Sexton, Kerry; Lennon, Diana; Oster, Philipp; Crengle, Sue; Martin, Diana; Mulholland, Kim; Percival, Teuila; Reid, Stewart; Stewart, Joanna; O'Hallahan, Jane
  • MMR vaccination and pervasive developmental disorders: a case-control study. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Cook, Claire; Fombonne, Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Rate of first recorded diagnosis of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders in United Kingdom general practice, 1988 to 2001. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Cook, Claire; Fombonne, Professor Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Risk of myocardial infarction and stroke after acute infection or vaccination. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L; Hall, Andrew J; Hubbard, Richard; Farrington, Paddy; Vallance, Patrick
  • Adolescent vaccination in the developing world: time for serious consideration? (2004) Stevens, Warren; Walker, Damian
  • EPI vaccines-induced antibody prevalence in 8-9 year-olds in The Gambia. (2004) Viviani, Simonetta; Mendy, Maimuna; Jack, Abdoulie D; Hall, Andrew J; Montesano, Ruggero; Whittle, Hilton C
  • Variation in the costs of delivering routine immunization services in Peru. (2004) Walker, D; Mosqueira, NR; Penny, ME; Lanata, CF; Clark, AD; Sanderson, CFB; Fox-Rushby, JA
  • 23-Valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in HIV-infected Ugandan adults: 6-year follow-up of a clinical trial cohort. (2004) Watera, Christine; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Miiro, George; Muwonge, Richard; Whitworth, James AG; Gilks, Charles F; French, Neil
  • Performance of commercially available enzyme immunoassays for detection of antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 2 in African populations. (2004) van Dyck, Eddy; Buvé, Anne; Weiss, Helen A; Glynn, Judith R; Brown, David WG; De Deken, Bénédicte; Parry, John; Hayes, Richard J