Items where Research Centre is "TB Centre"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • TB Centre (1137)
    Number of items: 28.
  • BCG-induced increase in interferon-gamma response to mycobacterial antigens and efficacy of BCG vaccination in Malawi and the UK: two randomised controlled studies. (2002) Black, Gillian F; Weir, Rosemary E; Floyd, Sian; Bliss, Lyn; Warndorff, David K; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey; Sichali, Lifted; Nazareth, Bernadette; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Branson, Keith; Chaguluka, Steven D; Donovan, Linda; Jarman, Elizabeth; King, Elizabeth; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Morbidity and mortality in South African gold miners: impact of untreated disease due to human immunodeficiency virus. (2002) Corbett, Elizabeth L; Churchyard, Gavin J; Charalambos, Salome; Samb, Badara; Moloi, Vicky; Clayton, Tim C; Grant, Alison D; Murray, Jill; Hayes, Richard J; De Cock, Kevin M
  • HIV-1/AIDS and the control of other infectious diseases in Africa. (2002) Corbett, Elizabeth L; Steketee, Richard W; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Latif, Ahmed S; Kamali, Anatoli; Hayes, Richard J
  • The value of two versus three smears in identifying culture positive tuberculosis patients in Karonga district. (2002) Crampin, AC; Mwaungulu, F; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Ndhlovu, R; Mwaiyeghele, E; Glynn, JR; Fine, PEM
  • Reply. (2002) Dockrell, HM; Black, GF; Weir, RE; Fine, PEM
  • Analysis of data from individuals demonstrates high discordance between IFN-gamma assays and PPD-tuberculin skin tests used in screening for tuberculosis infection - In reply. (2002) Floyd, S; Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Fine, PEM
  • Kinetics of delayed-type hypersensitivity to tuberculin induced by bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in northern Malawi. (2002) Floyd, Sian; Pönnighaus, Jorg M; Bliss, Lyn; Nkhosa, Prince; Sichali, Lifted; Msiska, Glyn; Fine, Paul EM
  • Worldwide occurrence of Beijing/W strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a systematic review. (2002) Glynn, Judith R; Whiteley, Jennifer; Bifani, Pablo J; Kremer, Kristin; van Soolingen, Dick picture_as_pdf
  • Construction and phenotypic characterization of an auxotrophic mutant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis defective in L-arginine biosynthesis. (2002) Gordhan, Bhavna G; Smith, Debbie A; Alderton, Heidi; McAdam, Ruth A; Bancroft, Gregory J; Mizrahi, Valerie
  • Clinical features of HIV disease in developing countries. (2002) Grant, A
  • Cytokine profiles using whole-blood assays can discriminate between tuberculosis patients and healthy endemic controls in a BCG-vaccinated population. (2002) Hussain, Rabia; Kaleem, Arnawaz; Shahid, Firdaus; Dojki, Maqboola; Jamil, Bushra; Mehmood, Hammad; Dawood, Ghaffar; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • The spectrum of HIV-related disease in rural Central Thailand. (2002) Inverarity, Donald; Bradshaw, Quintin; Wright, Pauline; Grant, Alison
  • Active tuberculosis in Africa is associated with reduced Th1 and increased Th2 activity in vivo. (2002) Lienhardt, Christian; Azzurri, Annalisa; Amedei, Amedeo; Fielding, Katherine; Sillah, Jackson; Sow, Oumou Y; Bah, Boubacar; Benagiano, Marisa; Diallo, Alimou; Manetti, Roberto; Manneh, Kebba; Gustafson, Per; Bennett, Steve; D'Elios, Mario M; McAdam, Keith; Del Prete, Gianfranco
  • Operational assessment of isoniazid prophylaxis in a community AIDS service organisation in Uganda. (2002) Lugada, ES; Watera, C; Nakiyingi, J; Elliott, A; Brink, A; Nanyunja, M; French, N; Antivelink, L; Gilks, C; Whitworth, J
  • Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv transposon library reveals insertions in 351 ORFs and mutants with altered virulence. (2002) McAdam, Ruth A; Quan, Selwyn; Smith, Debbie A; Bardarov, Stoyan; Betts, Joanna C; Cook, Fiona C; Hooker, Elizabeth U; Lewis, Alan P; Woollard, Peter; Everett, Martin J; Lukey, Pauline T; Bancroft, Gregory J; Jacobs, William R; Duncan, Ken
  • Workplace protection from tuberculosis. (2002) McNerney, R
  • Phage tests for diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing. (2002) McNerney, Ruth
  • Mycobacterial proteomes. (2002) Mollenkopf, Hans-Joachim; Mattow, Jens; Schaible, Ulrich E; Grode, Leander; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; Jungblut, Peter R
  • High rates of tuberculosis in end-stage renal failure: the impact of international migration. (2002) Moore, David AJ; Lightstone, Liz; Javid, Babak; Friedland, Jon S
  • Antituberculosis drug resistance in Karonga District: pattern and trend, 1986-2001. (2002) Mwaungulu, FD; Crampin, AC; Kanyongoloka, H; Mwafulirwa, DT; Mwaungulu, NJ; Glynn, JR; Yates, M; Drobniewski, F; Fine, PEM
  • Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL172) immunotherapy as an adjunct to standard antituberculosis treatment in HIV-infected adults with pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. (2002) Mwinga, Alwyn; Nunn, Andrew; Ngwira, Bagrey; Chintu, Chifumbe; Warndorff, David; Fine, Paul; Darbyshire, Janet; Zumla, Alimuddin; LUSKAR collaboration
  • Development of a scoring system for the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. (2002) Ngwira, BMM; Chaguluka, S; Warndorff, DK; Branson, K; Lucas, SB; Fine, PEM
  • Patterns of helminth infection and relationship to BCG vaccination in Karonga District, northern Malawi. (2002) Randall, AE; Perez, MA; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Crampin, AC; Ngwira, B; Pistoni, WN; Mulawa, D; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Bickle, Q; Fine, PEM
  • Correction of the iron overload defect in beta-2-microglobulin knockout mice by lactoferrin abolishes their increased susceptibility to tuberculosis. (2002) Schaible, Ulrich E; Collins, Helen L; Priem, Friedrich; Kaufmann, Stefan HE
  • The evolving epidemiology of HIV infection and tuberculosis in northern Thailand. (2002) Siriarayapon, Potjaman; Yanai, Hideki; Glynn, Judith R; Yanpaisarn, Somboonsak; Uthaivoravit, Wat
  • Decreased IFN- gamma and increased IL-4 production by human CD8(+) T cells in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in tuberculosis patients. (2002) Smith, SM; Klein, MR; Malin, AS; Sillah, J; McAdam, KPWJ; Dockrell, HM
  • HIV-1 and tuberculosis infection. (2002) Sonnenberg, Pam; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Glynn, Judith R; Shearer, Stuart; Murray, Jill
  • Use of spoligotyping for accurate classification of recurrent tuberculosis. (2002) Warren, RM; Streicher, EM; Charalambous, S; Churchyard, G; van der Spuy, GD; Grant, AD; van Helden, PD; Victor, TC