Items where Research Centre is "SaME Modelling & Economics"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • SaME Modelling & Economics (346)
    Number of items: 35.
  • Addressing gender inequality and intimate partner violence as critical barriers to an effective HIV response in sub-Saharan Africa. (2014) Watts, Charlotte; Seeley, Janet
  • Nonprobability Web surveys to measure sexual behaviors and attitudes in the general population: a comparison with a probability sample interview survey. (2014) Erens, Bob; Burkill, Sarah; Couper, Mick P; Conrad, Frederick; Clifton, Soazig; Tanton, Clare; Phelps, Andrew; Datta, Jessica; Mercer, Catherine H; Sonnenberg, Pam; Prah, Philip; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Copas, Andrew J
  • Relationship between exposure to the Avahan intervention and levels of reported condom use among men who have sex with men in southern India. (2014) Mitchell, Kate M; Foss, Anna M; Ramesh, Banadakoppa M; Washington, Reynold; Isac, Shajy; Prudden, Holly J; Deering, Kathleen N; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen; Lowndes, Catherine M; Boily, Marie-Claude; Alary, Michel; Vickerman, Peter
  • Assessment of equity in healthcare financing in Fiji and Timor-Leste: a study protocol. (2014) Asante, Augustine D; Price, Jennifer; Hayen, Andrew; Irava, Wayne; Martins, Joao; Guinness, Lorna; Ataguba, John E; Limwattananon, Supon; Mills, Anne; Jan, Stephen; Wiseman, Virginia
  • Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say? (2014) Ellsberg, Mary; Arango, Diana J; Morton, Matthew; Gennari, Floriza; Kiplesund, Sveinung; Contreras, Manuel; Watts, Charlotte
  • The impact of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention, on reported HIV-related risk behaviours and relationship dynamics in Kampala, Uganda. (2014) Kyegombe, Nambusi; Abramsky, Tanya; Devries, Karen M; Starmann, Elizabeth; Michau, Lori; Nakuti, Janet; Musuya, Tina; Heise, Lori; Watts, Charlotte
  • The cost and cost-effectiveness of gender-responsive interventions for HIV: a systematic review. (2014) Remme, Michelle; Siapka, Mariana; Vassall, Anna; Heise, Lori; Jacobi, Jantine; Ahumada, Claudia; Gay, Jill; Watts, Charlotte
  • Optimal allocation of resources in female sex worker targeted HIV prevention interventions: model insights from Avahan in South India. (2014) Panovska-Griffiths, Jasmina; Vassall, Anna; Prudden, Holly J; Lépine, Aurélia; Boily, Marie-Claude; Chandrashekar, Sudha; Mitchell, Kate M; Beattie, Tara S; Alary, Michel; Martin, Natasha K; Vickerman, Peter
  • Ten best resources for conducting financing and benefit incidence analysis in resource-poor settings. (2014) Wiseman, Virginia; Asante, Augustine; Price, Jennifer; Hayen, Andrew; Irava, Wayne; Martins, Joao; Guinness, Lorna; Jan, Stephen
  • Roundtable discussion: how lessons learned from HIV can inform the global response to viral hepatitis. (2014) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Lundgren, Jens; Casabona, Jordi; Wiessing, Lucas; Matheï, Catharina; Vickerman, Peter; Prins, Maria; Kretzschmar, Mirjam; Kantzanou, Maria; Giraudon, Isabelle; Ferri, Marica; Griffiths, Paul; Harris, Magdalena; Walker, Margaret; Chavdarova, Lilyana; Schatz, Eberhard; Schiffer, Katrin; Kools, John; Farell, Jason; Mendão, Luís
  • The costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups: lessons learned from the Avahan Programme in India. (2014) Chandrashekar, Sudhashree; Guinness, Lorna; Pickles, Michael; Shetty, Govindraj Y; Alary, Michel; Vickerman, Peter; CHARME–1 Evaluation Group; Vassall, Anna
  • The impact of HIV/SRH service integration on workload: analysis from the Integra Initiative in two African settings. (2014) Sweeney, Sedona; Obure, Carol Dayo; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Darsamo, Vanessa; Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine; Muketo, Esther; Nhlabatsi, Zelda; Warren, Charlotte; Mayhew, Susannah; Watts, Charlotte; Vassall, Anna; Integra Research Team
  • Findings from the SASA! Study: a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda. (2014) Abramsky, T; Devries, KM; Kiss, L; Nakuti, J; Kyegombe, N; Starmann, E; Cundill, B; Francisco, L; Kaye, D; Musuya, T; Michau, L; Watts, C
  • Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe: a systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention. (2014) Wiessing, Lucas; Ferri, Marica; Grady, Bart; Kantzanou, Maria; Sperle, Ida; Cullen, Katelyn J; EMCDDA DRID group; Hatzakis, Angelos; Prins, Maria; Vickerman, Peter; Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Hope, Vivian D; Matheï, Catharina
  • HCV treatment as prevention in prison: key issues. (2014) Martin, Natasha K; Vickerman, Peter; Goldberg, David; Hickman, Matthew
  • Preventing violence against women and girls in conflict. (2014) Hossain, Mazeda; Zimmerman, Cathy; Watts, Charlotte
  • Determinants of HIV testing among Nigerian couples: a multilevel modelling approach. (2014) Lépine, Aurélia; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vickerman, Peter
  • Childhood sexual abuse and suicidal behavior: a meta-analysis. (2014) Devries, Karen M; Mak, Joelle YT; Child, Jennifer C; Falder, Gail; Bacchus, Loraine J; Astbury, Jill; Watts, Charlotte H
  • Who mixes with whom among men who have sex with men? Implications for modelling the HIV epidemic in southern India. (2014) Mitchell, KM; Foss, AM; Prudden, HJ; Mukandavire, Z; Pickles, M; Williams, JR; Johnson, HC; Ramesh, BM; Washington, R; Isac, S; Rajaram, S; Phillips, AE; Bradley, J; Alary, M; Moses, S; Lowndes, CM; Watts, CH; Boily, M-C; Vickerman, P
  • Working with men to prevent intimate partner violence in a conflict-affected setting: a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial in rural Côte d'Ivoire. (2014) Hossain, Mazeda; Zimmerman, Cathy; Kiss, Ligia; Abramsky, Tanya; Kone, Drissa; Bakayoko-Topolska, Monika; Annan, Jeannie; Lehmann, Heidi; Watts, Charlotte
  • Is there scope for cost savings and efficiency gains in HIV services? A systematic review of the evidence from low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Siapka, Mariana; Remme, Michelle; Obure, Carol Dayo; Maier, Claudia B; Dehne, Karl L; Vassall, Anna
  • International scientific collaboration in HIV and HPV: a network analysis. (2014) Vanni, Tazio; Mesa-Frias, Marco; Sanchez-Garcia, Ruben; Roesler, Rafael; Schwartsmann, Gilberto; Goldani, Marcelo Z; Foss, Anna M
  • Tracking aid flows for development assistance for health. (2014) Vassall, Anna; Shotton, John; Reshetnyk, Olena Klein; Hasanaj-Goossens, Lindsey; Weil, Olivier; Vohra, Jawaad; Timmermans, Notburga; Vinyals, Lluis; Andre, Françoise
  • Worldwide prevalence of non-partner sexual violence: a systematic review. (2014) Abrahams, Naeemah; Devries, Karen; Watts, Charlotte; Pallitto, Christina; Petzold, Max; Shamu, Simukai; García-Moreno, Claudia
  • Using decision mapping to inform the development of a stated choice survey to elicit youth preferences for sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in rural Malawi. (2014) Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine; Lagarde, Mylene; Cairns, John; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Impact and cost-effectiveness of current and future tuberculosis diagnostics: the contribution of modelling. (2014) Dowdy, DW; Houben, R; Cohen, T; Pai, M; Cobelens, F; Vassall, A; Menzies, NA; Gomez, GB; Langley, I; Squire, SB; White, R; TB MAC meeting participants
  • Addressing structural factors in HIV prevention and treatment. (2014) Govender, Kaymarlin; Seeley, Janet; Watts, Charlotte
  • How can mathematical models advance tuberculosis control in high HIV prevalence settings? (2014) Houben, RMGJ; Dowdy, DW; Vassall, A; Cohen, T; Nicol, MP; Granich, RM; Shea, JE; Eckhoff, P; Dye, C; Kimerling, ME; White, RG; TB MAC TB-HIV meeting participants
  • Modeling the impact of early antiretroviral therapy for adults coinfected with HIV and hepatitis B or C in South Africa. (2014) Martin, Natasha K; Devine, Angela; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Miners, Alec; Hallett, Timothy B; Foster, Graham R; Dore, Gregory J; Easterbrook, Philippa J; Legood, Rosa; Vickerman, Peter
  • Exploring the population-level impact of antiretroviral treatment: the influence of baseline intervention context. (2014) Mishra, Sharmistha; Mountain, Elisa; Pickles, Michael; Vickerman, Peter; Shastri, Suresh; Gilks, Charles; Dhingra, Nandini K; Washington, Reynold; Becker, Marissa L; Blanchard, James F; Alary, Michel; Boily, Marie-Claude; Strategic Epi-ART in India Modelling Team
  • Calcutta HIV Model Projections and the Impact of PrEP. (2014) Mukandavire, Zindoga; Mitchell, Kate; Jana, Smarajit; Vickerman, Peter
  • Financing structural interventions: going beyond HIV-only value for money assessments. (2014) Remme, Michelle; Vassall, Anna; Lutz, Brian; Luna, Jorge; Watts, Charlotte
  • Is there scope for cost savings and efficiency gains in HIV services? A systematic review of the evidence from low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Siapka, Mariana; Remme, Michelle; Obure, Carol Dayo; Maier, Claudia B; Dehne, Karl L; Vassall, Anna
  • The Better it Is, the More it Will Be Used - The Synergistic Relationship between Product Efficacy, Level of Uptake and Overall Impact. (2014) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Quaife, Matt; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Rees, Helen; Watts, Charlotte; Vickerman, Peter
  • Translational epidemiology: developing and applying theoretical frameworks to improve the control of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. (2014) Ward, Helen; Gregson, Simon; Watts, Charlotte; Garnett, Geoffrey P