Items where Research Centre is "SaME Modelling & Economics"
Research Centres (23573)
SaME Modelling & Economics (346)
Number of items: 34.
Violence against female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India: impact on health, and reductions in violence following an intervention program. (2010)
Beattie, Tara SH; Bhattacharjee, Parinita; Ramesh, BM; Gurnani, Vandana; Anthony, John; Isac, Shajy; Mohan, HL; Ramakrishnan, Aparajita; Wheeler, Tisha; Bradley, Janet; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen
The effects of scale on the costs of targeted HIV prevention interventions among female and male sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgenders in India. (2010)
Chandrashekar, S; Guinness, L; Kumaranayake, L; Reddy, Bhaskar; Govindraj, Y; Vickerman, P; Alary, M
Malaria model with immigration of infectives and seasonal forcing in transmission. (2010)
Chiyaka, C; Musuka, G; Magombedze, G; Mukandavire, Z
Theoretical analysis of mixed Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium falciparum infections with partial cross-immunity. (2010)
Chiyaka, Christinah; Mukandavire, Zindoga; Das, Prasenjit; Nyabadza, Farai; Hove-Musekwa, Senelani D; Mwambi, Henry
Risk of death during and after opiate substitution treatment in primary care: prospective observational study in UK General Practice Research Database. (2010)
Cornish, Rosie; Macleod, John; Strang, John; Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matt
Combination prevention to achieve significant reductions in HIV incidence: Projections of the impact of microbicide and male circumcision interventions in rural Uganda. (2010)
Cox, AP; Foss, A; Shafer, L.-, A; Nsubuga, R; Vickerman, P; Hayes, R; Watts, C; White, RG
Modelling the potential impact of a rectal microbicide. (2010)
Foss, A; Johnson, H; Prudden, H; Peinado, J; Phillips, A; Williams, J; Ramesh, B; Washington, R; Sanchez, J; Celum, C; Boily, M; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
Modelling the potential impact on HIV transmission of a rectal microbicide used by men who have sex with men and the effects of condom substitution. (2010)
Foss, A; Johnson, H; Prudden, H; Peinado, J; Phillips, A; Williams, J; Ramesh, B; Washington, R; Sanchez, J; Celum, C; Boily, M; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
Potential impact on HIV transmission of a rectal microbicide used by men who have sex with men in southern India. (2010)
Foss, A; Johnson, H; Prudden, H; Williams, J; Phillips, A; Ramesh, B; Washington, R; Boily, M; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
Need We Worry About Condom Substitution for High Efficacy ARV-based Microbicides? Model Findings from Southern India. (2010)
Foss, AM; Cox, AP; Vickerman, PT; Heise, L; Reza-Paul, S; Ramesh, BM; Alary, M; Moses, S; Watts, CH
How Different Efficacy, Consistency of Usage and Uptake/Distribution Factors Affect the Relative Impact of Microbicide Interventions: Analytical Insights. (2010)
Foss, AM; Cox, AP; Vickerman, PT; Watts, CH
Exploring the costs and outcomes of Camfed’s Seed Money Scheme (SMS) in Zimbabwe and Tanzania. (2010)
Mak, J; Vassall, A; Kiss, L; Watts, C
Modelling the effects of condom use and antiretroviral therapy in controlling HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals. (2010)
Malunguza, Noble; Mushayabasa, Steady; Chiyaka, Christinah; Mukandavire, Zindoga
Can Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Reduce the Prevalence of Hcv among Injecting Drug User Populations? A Modeling Analysis of Its Prevention Utility. (2010)
Martin, NK; Vickerman, P; Foster, GR; Hutchinson, S; Goldberg, DJ; Hickman, M
Preventing HIV infection: turning the tide for young women. (2010)
McCoy, Sandra I; Watts, Charlotte H; Padian, Nancy S
Global analysis of an HIV/AIDS epidemic model. (2010)
Mukandavire, Z; Das, P; Chiyaka, C; Nyabadza, F
Interim modelling analysis to validate reported increases in condom use and assess HIV infections averted among female sex workers and clients in southern India following a targeted HIV prevention programme. (2010)
Pickles, Michael; Foss, Anna M; Vickerman, Peter; Deering, Kathleen; Verma, Supriya; Demers, Eric; Washington, Reynold; Ramesh, BM; Moses, Stephen; Blanchard, Jamie; Lowndes, Catherine M; Alary, Michel; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Boily, Marie-Claude
What impact could we expect at a community level from an effective rectal microbicide used by MSM in Peru? (2010)
Prudden, H; Johnson, H; Foss, A; Peinado, J; Sanchez, J; Williams, J; Celum, C; Vickerman, P; Watts, C
Policy resistance to harm reduction for drug users and potential effect of change. (2010)
Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew
Changes in risk behaviours and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections following HIV preventive interventions among female sex workers in five districts in Karnataka state, south India. (2010)
Ramesh, BM; Beattie, Tara SH; Shajy, Isac; Washington, Reynold; Jagannathan, Latta; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen
Agricultural policy response to HIV and AIDS : lessons learned from East and Southern Africa. (2010)
Remme, M; Mukonoweshuro, F; Stloukal, L
Patient costs of accessing collaborative tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus interventions in Ethiopia. (2010)
Vassall, A; Seme, A; Compernolle, P; Meheus, F
To what extent is the HIV epidemic in southern India driven by commercial sex? A modelling analysis. (2010)
Vickerman, Peter; Foss, Anna M; Pickles, Michael; Deering, Kathleen; Verma, Supriya; Eric Demers; Lowndes, Catherine M; Moses, Stephen; Alary, Michel; Boily, Marie-Claude
Can Hepatitis C virus treatment be used as a prevention strategy? Additional model projections for Australia and elsewhere. (2010)
Vickerman, Peter; Martin, Natasha; Hickman, Matthew
The UNAIDS Modes of Transmission Model as a tool to inform HIV programming in Uganda and Cambodia: a gender critique. (2010)
Watts, C; Prudden, H; Mehl, A; Zimmerman, C; Foss, A
Remodelling core group theory: the role of sustaining populations in HIV transmission. (2010)
Watts, Charlotte; Zimmerman, Cathy; Foss, Anna M; Hossain, Mazeda; Cox, Andrew; Vickerman, Peter