Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Statistical Methodology"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Statistical Methodology (502)
    Number of items: 52.
    December 2013
  • Analysing recurrent hospitalizations in heart failure: a review of statistical methodology, with application to CHARM-Preserved. (2013) Rogers, Jennifer K; Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Östergren, Jan; Pfeffer, Marc A; Solomon, Scott D; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim
  • Effect modification of the association of cumulative exposure and cancer risk by intensity of exposure and time since exposure cessation: a flexible method applied to cigarette smoking and lung cancer in the SYNERGY Study. (2013) Vlaanderen, Jelle; Portengen, Lützen; Schüz, Joachim; Olsson, Ann; Pesch, Beate; Kendzia, Benjamin; Stücker, Isabelle; Guida, Florence; Brüske, Irene; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Consonni, Dario; Landi, Maria Teresa; Caporaso, Neil; Siemiatycki, Jack; Merletti, Franco; Mirabelli, Dario; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Gustavsson, Per; Plato, Nils; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Pohlabeln, Hermann; Tardón, Adonina; Zaridze, David; Field, John K; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Pearce, Neil; McLaughlin, John; Demers, Paul; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Lissowska, Jolanta; Rudnai, Peter; Fabianova, Eleonora; Stanescu Dumitru, Rodica; Bencko, Vladimir; Foretova, Lenka; Janout, Vladimir; Boffetta, Paolo; Forastiere, Francesco; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Peters, Susan; Brüning, Thomas; Kromhout, Hans; Straif, Kurt; Vermeulen, Roel
  • Dapagliflozin compared with other oral anti-diabetes treatments when added to metformin monotherapy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. (2013) Goring, S; Hawkins, N; Wygant, G; Roudaut, M; Townsend, R; Wood, I; Barnett, AH
  • PlasmoView: a web-based resource to visualise global Plasmodium falciparum genomic variation. (2013) Preston, Mark D; Assefa, Samuel A; Ocholla, Harold; Sutherland, Colin J; Borrmann, Steffen; Nzila, Alexis; Michon, Pascal; Hien, Tran Tinh; Bousema, Teun; Drakeley, Christopher J; Zongo, Issaka; Ouédraogo, Jean-Bosco; Djimde, Abdoulaye A; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Nosten, Francois; Fairhurst, Rick M; Conway, David J; Roper, Cally; Clark, Taane G
  • November 2013
  • Dangers of non-specific composite outcome measures in clinical trials. (2013) Prieto-Merino, David; Smeeth, Liam; Staa, Tjeerd P van; Roberts, Ian
  • September 2013
  • Dynamic prediction of risk of death using history of cancer recurrences in joint frailty models. (2013) Mauguen, Audrey; Rachet, Bernard; Mathoulin-Pélissier, Simone; MacGrogan, Gaetan; Laurent, Alexandre; Rondeau, Virginie
  • Modeling exposure-lag-response associations with distributed lag non-linear models. (2013) Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Funnel plots for population-based cancer survival: principles, methods and applications. (2013) Quaresma, M; Coleman, MP; Rachet, B
  • June 2013
  • The efficacy and tolerability of perampanel and other recently approved anti-epileptic drugs for the treatment of refractory partial onset seizure: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis. (2013) Khan, Nasreen; Shah, Dhvani; Tongbram, Vanita; Verdian, Lara; Hawkins, Neil
  • January 2013
  • The use of individual patient-level data (IPD) to quantify the impact of pretreatment predictors of response to treatment in chronic hepatitis B patients. (2013) Ali, Shehzad; Mealing, Stuart; Hawkins, Neil; Lescrauwaet, Benedicte; Bjork, Stefan; Mantovani, Lorenzo; Lampertico, Pietro
  • 2013
  • Defining ELISpot cut-offs from unreplicated test and control wells. (2013) Alexander, Neal; Fox, Annette; Lien, Vu Thi Kim; Dong, Tao; Lee, Laurel Yong-Hwa; Hang, Nguyen Le Khanh; Mai, Le Quynh; Horby, Peter
  • Some consequences of assuming simple patterns for the treatment effect over time in a linear mixed model. (2013) Bamia, Christina; White, Ian R; Kenward, Michael G
  • Time series regression studies in environmental epidemiology. (2013) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Gasparrini, Antonio; Hajat, Shakoor; Smeeth, Liam; Armstrong, Ben
  • Measurement error in time-series analysis: a simulation study comparing modelled and monitored data. (2013) Butland, Barbara K; Armstrong, Ben; Atkinson, Richard W; Wilkinson, Paul; Heal, Mathew R; Doherty, Ruth M; Vieno, Massimo
  • Multiple imputation and its application. (2013) Carpenter, J; R; Kenward, M; G
  • Analysis of longitudinal trials with protocol deviation: a framework for relevant, accessible assumptions, and inference via multiple imputation. (2013) Carpenter, James R; Roger, James H; Kenward, Michael G
  • Efficient estimation of the distribution of time to composite endpoint when some endpoints are only partially observed. (2013) Daniel, Rhian M; Tsiatis, Anastasios A
  • Handling missing values in cost effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials. (2013) Diaz-Ordaz, K; Kenward, MG; Grieve, R
  • Power and predictive accuracy of polygenic risk scores. (2013) Dudbridge, Frank
  • Description of an approach based on maximum likelihood to adjust an excess hazard model with a random effect. (2013) Dupont, Cyrielle; Bossard, Nadine; Remontet, Laurent; Belot, Aurélien
  • Two novel pathway analysis methods based on a hierarchical model. (2013) Evangelou, Marina; Dudbridge, Frank; Wernisch, Lorenz
  • Estimation of basic reproduction numbers: individual heterogeneity and robustness to perturbation of the contact function. (2013) Farrington, C Paddy; Unkel, Steffen; Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim
  • Analysis of tuberculosis prevalence surveys: new guidance on best-practice methods. (2013) Floyd, Sian; Sismanidis, Charalambos; Yamada, Norio; Daniel, Rhian; Lagahid, Jaime; Mecatti, Fulvia; Vianzon, Rosalind; Bloss, Emily; Tiemersma, Edine; Onozaki, Ikushi; Glaziou, Philippe; Floyd, Katherine
  • Reducing and meta-analysing estimates from distributed lag non-linear models. (2013) Gasparrini, Antonio; Armstrong, Ben
  • Multiple imputation methods for handling missing data in cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from hierarchical studies: an application to cluster randomized trials. (2013) Gomes, Manuel; Díaz-Ordaz, Karla; Grieve, Richard; Kenward, Michael G
  • Extrapolation of survival data in cost-effectiveness analyses: improving the current state of play. (2013) Grieve, Richard; Hawkins, Neil; Pennington, Mark
  • Risk Adjustment In Neurocritical care (RAIN)--prospective validation of risk prediction models for adult patients with acute traumatic brain injury to use to evaluate the optimum location and comparative costs of neurocritical care: a cohort study. (2013) Harrison, DA; Prabhu, G; Grieve, R; Harvey, SE; Sadique, MZ; Gomes, M; Griggs, KA; Walmsley, E; Smith, M; Yeoman, P; Lecky, FE; Hutchinson, PJA; Menon, DK; Rowan, KM
  • Comparing diagnostic tests: trials in people with discordant test results. (2013) Hooper, R; Díaz-Ordaz, K; Takeda, A; Khan, K
  • Overview of parametric survival analysis for health-economic applications. (2013) Ishak, K Jack; Kreif, Noemi; Benedict, Agnes; Muszbek, Noemi
  • Applying risk adjusted cost-effectiveness (RAC-E) analysis to hospitals: estimating the costs and consequences of variation in clinical practice. (2013) Karnon, Jonathan; Caffrey, Orla; Pham, Clarabelle; Grieve, Richard; Ben-Tovim, David; Hakendorf, Paul; Crotty, Maria
  • Regression-adjusted matching and double-robust methods for estimating average treatment effects in health economic evaluation. (2013) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Radice, Rosalba; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Robust inference using hierarchical likelihood approach for heavy-tailed longitudinal outcomes with missing data: An alternative to inverse probability weighted generalized estimating equations. (2013) Lee, Donghwan; Lee, Youngjo; Paik, Myunghee Cho; Kenward, Michael G
  • The effect of the late 2000s financial crisis on suicides in Spain: an interrupted time-series analysis. (2013) Lopez Bernal, James A; Gasparrini, Antonio; Artundo, Carlos M; McKee, Martin
  • The Complementary Exponentiated Exponential Geometric Lifetime Distribution. (2013) Louzada, Francisco; Marchi, Vitor; Carpenter, James
  • Respondent driven sampling: determinants of recruitment and a method to improve point estimation. (2013) McCreesh, Nicky; Copas, Andrew; Seeley, Janet; Johnston, Lisa G; Sonnenberg, Pam; Hayes, Richard J; Frost, Simon DW; White, Richard G
  • Assessing framing assumptions in quantitative health impact assessments: a housing intervention example. (2013) Mesa-Frias, Marco; Chalabi, Zaid; Foss, Anna M
  • Quantifying uncertainty in health impact assessment: a case-study example on indoor housing ventilation. (2013) Mesa-Frias, Marco; Chalabi, Zaid; Foss, Anna M
  • Unbiased estimates of long-term net survival of hematological malignancy patients detailed by major subtypes in France. (2013) Monnereau, Alain; Troussard, Xavier; Belot, Aurélien; Guizard, Anne-Valérie; Woronoff, Anne-Sophie; Bara, Simona; Lapôtre-Ledoux, Bénédicte; Iwaz, Jean; Tretarre, Brigitte; Maynadié, Marc; French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM)
  • A novel methodology for constructing ethnic majority life tables: an analysis of routine data from England and Wales. (2013) Morris, Melanie; Rachet, Bernard; Woods, Laura M picture_as_pdf
  • Multilevel models for cost-effectiveness analyses that use cluster randomised trial data: An approach to model choice. (2013) Ng, Edmond S-W; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard M; Thompson, Simon G; Carpenter, James R
  • Two-Stage Nonparametric Bootstrap Sampling with Shrinkage Correction for Clustered Data. (2013) Ng, Edmond S-W; Grieve, Richard; Carpenter, James R
  • A flexible joint modeling framework for longitudinal and time-to-event data with overdispersion. (2013) Njagi, Edmund N; Molenberghs, Geert; Rizopoulos, Dimitris; Verbeke, Geert; Kenward, Michael G; Dendale, Paul; Willekens, Koen
  • A Fast Method Using Polygenic Scores to Estimate the Number of SNPs Contributing to a Trait and the Variance Explained by Genomewide SNP Panels. (2013) Palla, L; Dudbridge, F
  • Performance of parametric survival models under non-random interval censoring: A simulation study. (2013) Pantazis, Nikos; Kenward, Michael G; Touloumi, Giota
  • Cancer net survival on registry data: use of the new unbiased Pohar-Perme estimator and magnitude of the bias with the classical methods. (2013) Roche, Laurent; Danieli, Coraline; Belot, Aurélien; Grosclaude, Pascale; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Velten, Michel; Iwaz, Jean; Remontet, Laurent; Bossard, Nadine
  • Joint modelling of pre-randomisation event counts and multiple post-randomisation survival times with cure rates: application to data for early epilepsy and single seizures. (2013) Rogers, JK; Hutton, JL
  • An integrated approach to evaluating alternative risk prediction strategies: a case study comparing alternative approaches for preventing invasive fungal disease. (2013) Sadique, Z; Grieve, R; Harrison, DA; Jit, M; Allen, E; Rowan, KM; FIRE Study Investigators
  • Four issues in undernutrition-related health impact modeling. (2013) Scovronick, Noah; Chalabi, Zaid; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Prognosis Research Strategy (PROGRESS) 3: prognostic model research. (2013) Steyerberg, Ewout W; Moons, Karel GM; van der Windt, Danielle A; Hayden, Jill A; Perel, Pablo; Schroter, Sara; Riley, Richard D; Hemingway, Harry; Altman, Douglas G; PROGRESS Group
  • National cancer incidence is estimated using the incidence/mortality ratio in countries with local incidence data: is this estimation correct? (2013) Uhry, Z; Belot, A; Colonna, M; Bossard, N; Rogel, A; Iwaz, J; Mitton, N; Grosclaude, P; Remontet, L
  • A Bayesian kriging model for estimating residential exposure to air pollution of children living in a high-risk area in Italy. (2013) Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Biggeri, Annibale; Grisotto, Laura; Barbone, Fabio; Catelan, Dolores
  • Genetic prediction of quantitative lipid traits: comparing shrinkage models to gene scores. (2013) Warren, Helen; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Hingorani, Aroon; Dudbridge, Frank; Whittaker, John