Items where Research Centre is "Population Studies Group"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Population Studies Group (1018)
    Number of items: 54.
  • Fertility intentions and use of contraception among monogamous couples in northern Malawi in the context of HIV testing: a cross-sectional analysis. (2012) Dube, Albert LN; Baschieri, Angela; Cleland, John; Floyd, Sian; Molesworth, Anna; Parrott, Fiona; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R
  • Distinguishing the impact of postponement, spacing and stopping on birth intervals: evidence from a model with heterogeneous fecundity. (2012) Timæus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
  • Reproductive preferences and contraceptive use: a comparison of monogamous and polygamous couples in northern Malawi. (2012) Baschieri, A; Cleland, J; Floyd, S; Dube, A; Msona, A; Molesworth, A; Glynn, JR; French, N
  • Profile: the Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance System. (2012) Crampin, Amelia C; Dube, Albert; Mboma, Sebastian; Price, Alison; Chihana, Menard; Jahn, Andreas; Baschieri, Angela; Molesworth, Anna; Mwaiyeghele, Elnaeus; Branson, Keith; Floyd, Sian; McGrath, Nuala; Fine, Paul EM; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; Zaba, Basia
  • From caution to urgency: the evolution of HIV testing and counselling in Africa. (2012) Baggaley, R; Hensen, B; Ajose, O; Grabbe, KL; Wong, VJ; Schilsky, A; Lo, Y-R; Lule, F; Granich, R; Hargreaves, J
  • Uptake of voluntary counselling and testing among young people participating in an HIV prevention trial: comparison of opt-out and opt-in strategies. (2012) Baisley, Kathy; Doyle, Aoife M; Changalucha, John; Maganja, Kaballa; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Hayes, Richard; Ross, David
  • Children who acquire HIV infection perinatally are at higher risk of early death than those acquiring infection through breastmilk: a meta-analysis. (2012) Becquet, Renaud; Marston, Milly; Dabis, François; Moulton, Lawrence H; Gray, Glenda; Coovadia, Hoosen M; Essex, Max; Ekouevi, Didier K; Jackson, Debra; Coutsoudis, Anna; Kilewo, Charles; Leroy, Valériane; Wiktor, Stefan Z; Nduati, Ruth; Msellati, Philippe; Zaba, Basia; Ghys, Peter D; Newell, Marie-Louise; UNAIDS Child Survival Group
  • Epilepsy in Tanzanian children: association with perinatal events and other risk factors. (2012) Burton, Kathryn J; Rogathe, Jane; Whittaker, Roger; Mankad, Kshitij; Hunter, Ewan; Burton, Matthew J; Todd, Jim; Neville, Brian GR; Walker, Richard; Newton, Charles RJC
  • Community-based approaches for prevention of mother to child transmission in resource-poor settings: a social ecological review. (2012) Busza, Joanna; Walker, Damilola; Hairston, Alana; Gable, Alicia; Pitter, Christian; Lee, Stephen; Katirayi, Leila; Simiyu, Rogers; Mpofu, Daphne
  • Identifying regional variation in the prevalence of postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2012) Calvert, Clara; Thomas, Sara L; Ronsmans, Carine; Wagner, Karen S; Adler, Alma J; Filippi, Veronique
  • Adult mortality and probable cause of death in rural northern Malawi in the era of HIV treatment. (2012) Chihana, Menard; Floyd, Sian; Molesworth, Anna; Crampin, Amelia C; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Price, Alison; Zaba, Basia; Jahn, Andreas; Mvula, Hazzie; Dube, Albert; Ngwira, Bagrey; Glynn, Judith R; French, Neil
  • The relationship between service integration and client satisfaction: a mixed methods case study within HIV services in a high prevalence setting in Africa. (2012) Church, Kathryn; Wringe, Alison; Fakudze, Phelele; Kikuvi, Joshua; Simelane, Dudu; Mayhew, Susannah H; Integra Initiative
  • Contraception and health. (2012) Cleland, John; Conde-Agudelo, Agustin; Peterson, Herbert; Ross, John; Tsui, Amy
  • Married to M. tuberculosis: risk of infection and disease in spouses of smear-positive tuberculosis patients. (2012) Crampin, A; Kasimba, S; Mwaungulu, NJ; Dacombe, R; Floyd, S; Glynn, JR; Fine, PEM
  • Group art therapy as an adjunctive treatment for people with schizophrenia: a randomised controlled trial (MATISSE). (2012) Crawford, MJ; Killaspy, H; Barnes, TR; Barrett, B; Byford, S; Clayton, K; Dinsmore, J; Floyd, S; Hoadley, A; Johnson, T; Kalaitzaki, E; King, M; Leurent, B; Maratos, A; O'Neill, FA; Osborn, D; Patterson, S; Soteriou, T; Tyrer, P; Waller, D; MATISSE project team
  • The sexual behaviour of adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: patterns and trends from national surveys. (2012) Doyle, Aoife M; Mavedzenge, Sue Napierala; Plummer, Mary L; Ross, David A
  • Impact of free delivery care on health facility delivery and insurance coverage in Ghana's Brong Ahafo Region. (2012) Dzakpasu, Susie; Soremekun, Seyi; Manu, Alexander; Ten Asbroek, Guus; Tawiah, Charlotte; Hurt, Lisa; Fenty, Justin; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Hill, Zelee; Campbell, Oona MR; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Effect of vitamin A supplementation in women of reproductive age on cause-specific early and late infant mortality in rural Ghana: ObaapaVitA double-blind, cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled trial. (2012) Edmond, Karen; Hurt, Lisa; Fenty, Justin; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Zandoh, Charles; Hurt, Chris; Danso, Samuel; Tawiah, Charlotte; Hill, Zelee; Ten Asbroek, Augustinus HA; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Campbell, Oona; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • The effect of antiretroviral therapy provision on all-cause, AIDS and non-AIDS mortality at the population level--a comparative analysis of data from four settings in Southern and East Africa. (2012) Floyd, Sian; Marston, Milly; Baisley, Kathy; Wringe, Alison; Herbst, Kobus; Chihana, Menard; Kasamba, Ivan; Bärnighausen, Till; Urassa, Mark; French, Neil; Todd, Jim; Zaba, Basia
  • Rapid increase in prevalence of male circumcision in rural Tanzania in the absence of a promotional campaign. (2012) Forbes, Harriet J; Doyle, Aoife M; Maganja, Kaballa; Changalucha, John; Weiss, Helen A; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
  • Measuring concurrency: an empirical study of different methods in a large population-based survey and evaluation of the UNAIDS guidelines. (2012) Glynn, Judith R; Dube, Albert; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Floyd, Sian; Molesworth, Anna; Parrott, Fiona; French, Neil; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Social contacts and receipt of help among older people in England: are there benefits of having more children? (2012) Grundy, Emily; Read, Sanna
  • Changes over time in sexual behaviour among young people with different levels of educational attainment in Tanzania. (2012) Hargreaves, James R; Slaymaker, Emma; Fearon, Elizabeth; Howe, Laura D
  • Universal voluntary HIV testing in antenatal care settings: a review of the contribution of provider-initiated testing & counselling. (2012) Hensen, Bernadette; Baggaley, Rachel; Wong, Vincent J; Grabbe, Kristina L; Shaffer, Nathan; Lo, Ying-Ru Jacqueline; Hargreaves, James
  • Trends in the uptake of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in rural Tanzania in the context of the scale up of antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Isingo, Raphael; Wringe, Alison; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Mbata, Doris; Maiseli, Griter; Manyalla, Rose; Changalucha, John; Mngara, Julius; Mwinuka, Ester; Zaba, Basia
  • Profile: Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system. (2012) Kahn, Kathleen; Collinson, Mark A; Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier; Mokoena, Obed; Twine, Rhian; Mee, Paul; Afolabi, Sulaimon A; Clark, Benjamin D; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W; Khosa, Audrey; Khoza, Simon; Shabangu, Mildred G; Silaule, Bernard; Tibane, Jeffrey B; Wagner, Ryan G; Garenne, Michel L; Clark, Samuel J; Tollman, Stephen M
  • The impact of antenatal HIV diagnosis on postpartum childbearing desires in northern Tanzania: a mixed methods study. (2012) Keogh, Sarah C; Urassa, Mark; Roura, Maria; Kumogola, Yusufu; Kalongoji, Samwel; Kimaro, Daniel; Changalucha, John; Zaba, Basia
  • Is sibling rivalry fatal?: siblings and mortality clustering. (2012) Kippen, Rebecca; Walters, Sarah
  • The impact of first year adherence to antiretroviral therapy on long-term clinical and immunological outcomes in the DART trial in Uganda and Zimbabwe. (2012) Kiwuwa-Muyingo, S; Walker, AS; Oja, H; Levin, J; Miiro, G; Katabira, E; Kityo, C; Hakim, J; Todd, J; DART Trial Team
  • Condom use within marriage: an assessment of changes in South Africa and Uganda. (2012) Maharaj, Pranitha; Neema, Stella; Cleland, John; Busza, Joanna; Shah, Iqbal
  • Stage at diagnosis and ovarian cancer survival: evidence from the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership. (2012) Maringe, Camille; Walters, Sarah; Butler, John; Coleman, Michel P; Hacker, Neville; Hanna, Louise; Mosgaard, Berit J; Nordin, Andy; Rosen, Barry; Engholm, Gerda; Gjerstorff, Marianne L; Hatcher, Juanita; Johannesen, Tom B; McGahan, Colleen E; Meechan, David; Middleton, Richard; Tracey, Elizabeth; Turner, Donna; Richards, Michael A; Rachet, Bernard; ICBP Module 1 Working Group
  • The impact of antiretroviral therapy on adult mortality in rural Tanzania. (2012) Marston, Milly; Michael, Denna; Wringe, Alison; Isingo, Raphael; Clark, Benjamin D; Jonas, Aswile; Mngara, Julius; Kalongoji, Samweli; Mbaga, Joyce; Changalucha, John; Todd, Jim; Zaba, Basia; Urassa, Mark
  • Birth intervals, postponement, and fertility decline in Africa: a new type of transition? (2012) Moultrie, Tom A; Sayi, Takudzwa S; Timæus, Ian M
  • Prevalence and risk of violence and the physical, mental, and sexual health problems associated with human trafficking: systematic review. (2012) Oram, Siân; Stöckl, Heidi; Busza, Joanna; Howard, Louise M; Zimmerman, Cathy
  • Social determinants of tuberculosis in Europe: a prospective ecological study. (2012) Ploubidis, George B; Palmer, Melissa J; Blackmore, Charlotte; Lim, Tek-Ang; Manissero, Davide; Sandgren, Andreas; Semenza, Jan C
  • HIV status awareness, partnership dissolution and HIV transmission in generalized epidemics. (2012) Reniers, Georges; Armbruster, Benjamin
  • Polygyny, partnership concurrency, and HIV transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2012) Reniers, Georges; Tfaily, Rania
  • Treatment outcomes from the largest antiretroviral treatment program in Myanmar (Burma): a cohort analysis of retention after scale-up. (2012) Sabapathy, Kalpana; Ford, Nathan; Chan, Khin Nyein; Kyaw, Moe Kyaw; Elema, Riekje; Smithuis, Frank; Floyd, Sian
  • Father absence predicts age at sexual maturity and reproductive timing in British men. (2012) Sheppard, Paula; Sear, Rebecca
  • Key informant perspectives on policy- and service-level challenges and opportunities for delivering integrated sexual and reproductive health and HIV care in South Africa. (2012) Smit, Jennifer A; Church, Kathryn; Milford, Cecilia; Harrison, Abigail D; Beksinska, Mags E
  • Low mortality risk but high loss to follow-up among patients in the Tanzanian national HIV care and treatment programme. (2012) Somi, G; Keogh, SC; Todd, J; Kilama, B; Wringe, A; van den Hombergh, J; Malima, K; Josiah, R; Urassa, M; Swai, R; Zaba, B
  • Mortality after near-miss obstetric complications in Burkina Faso: medical, social and health-care factors. (2012) Storeng, Katerini T; Drabo, Seydou; Ganaba, Rasmané; Sundby, Johanne; Calvert, Clara; Filippi, Véronique
  • Updates to the Spectrum/Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) model to estimate HIV trends for adults and children. (2012) Stover, John; Brown, Tim; Marston, Milly
  • Stunting and obesity in childhood: a reassessment using longitudinal data from South Africa. (2012) Timæus, Ian M
  • Antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence about need, uptake and impact from community-based cohort studies. (2012) Todd, Jim; Wringe, Ally; Floyd, Sian; Zaba, Basia
  • Marriage postponement in Iran: Accounting for socio-economic and cultural change in time and space. (2012) Torabi, F; Baschieri, A; Abassi, M; Clarke, L
  • Comparability of stage data in cancer registries in six countries: lessons from the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership. (2012) Walters, Sarah; Maringe, Camille; Butler, John; Brierley, James D; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P
  • Study protocol for the Integra Initiative to assess the benefits and costs of integrating sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in Kenya and Swaziland. (2012) Warren, Charlotte E; Mayhew, Susannah H; Vassall, Anna; Kimani, James Kelly; Church, Kathryn; Obure, Carol Dayo; du-Preez, Natalie Friend; Abuya, Timothy; Mutemwa, Richard; Colombini, Manuela; Birdthistle, Isolde; Askew, Ian; Watts, Charlotte
  • Antiretroviral therapy uptake and coverage in four HIV community cohort studies in sub-Saharan Africa. (2012) Wringe, Alison; Floyd, Sian; Kazooba, Patrick; Mushati, Phyllis; Baisley, Kathy; Urassa, Mark; Molesworth, Anna; Schumacher, Christina; Todd, Jim; Zaba, Basia
  • Using age-specific mortality of HIV infected persons to predict anti-retroviral treatment need: a comparative analysis of data from five African population-based cohort studies. (2012) Zaba, Basia; Kasamba, Ivan; Floyd, Sian; Isingo, Raphael; Herbst, Kobus; Bärnighausen, Till; Gregson, Simon; Nyamukapa, Constance; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Todd, Jim; Marston, Milly; Wringe, Alison
  • Context matters in NGO-government contracting for health service delivery: a case study from Pakistan. (2012) Zaidi, Shehla; Mayhew, Susannah H; Cleland, John; Green, Andrew T
  • Book Section
  • Integrating STI prevention, care, and treatment with other sexual and reproductive health services. (2012) Church, K
  • Being there, yet not interfering: the paradoxes of grandparenting. (2012) May, V; Mason, J; Clarke, L
  • Book
  • Guidelines for social science research in sexual and reproductive health. (2012) Collumbien, M; Busza, J; Cleland, J; Campbell, O