Items where Research Centre is "Population Studies Group"
Research Centres (23573)
Population Studies Group (1018)
Number of items: 53.
Child sexual abuse and links to HIV and orphanhood in urban Zimbabwe. (2011)
Birdthistle, Isolde J; Floyd, Sian; Mwanasa, Stewart; Nyagadza, Auxillia; Gwiza, Edmore; Glynn, Judith R
Evolutionary accounts of human behavioural diversity. (2011)
Brown, Gillian R; Dickins, Thomas E; Sear, Rebecca; Laland, Kevin N
Behavioural comorbidity in Tanzanian children with epilepsy: a community-based case-control study. (2011)
Burton, Kathryn; Rogathe, Jane; Hunter, Ewan; Burton, Matthew; Swai, Mark; Todd, Jim; Neville, Brian; Walker, Richard; Newton, Charles
Co-morbidity of epilepsy in Tanzanian children: a community-based case-control study. (2011)
Burton, Kathryn; Rogathe, Jane; Whittaker, Roger G; Mankad, Kshitij; Hunter, Ewan; Burton, Matthew J; Todd, Jim; Neville, Brian GR; Walker, Richard; Newton, Charles RJC
Street-based adolescents at high risk of HIV in Ukraine. (2011)
Busza, Joanna R; Balakireva, Olga M; Teltschik, Anja; Bondar, Tatiana V; Sereda, Yuliya V; Meynell, Clea; Sakovych, Olena
Using verbal autopsy to track epidemic dynamics: the case of HIV-related mortality in South Africa. (2011)
Byass, Peter; Kahn, Kathleen; Fottrell, Edward; Mee, Paul; Collinson, Mark A; Tollman, Stephen M
Does Service Integration Reduce HIV-Related Stigma? A Comparison of Integrated and Stand-Alone HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Swaziland. (2011)
Church, K; Fakudze, P; Kikuvi, J; Wringe, A; Mayhew, S
Family Strucure and Family Policy and Practice. (2011)
Clarke, L; and Roberts, C
Cancer survival in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and the UK, 1995-2007 (the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership): an analysis of population-based cancer registry data. (2011)
Coleman, MP; Forman, D; Bryant, H; Butler, J; Rachet, B; Maringe, C; Nur, U; Tracey, E; Coory, M; Hatcher, J; McGahan, CE; Turner, D; Marrett, L; Gjerstorff, ML; Johannesen, TB; Adolfsson, J; Lambe, M; Lawrence, G; Meechan, D; Morris, EJ; Middleton, R; Steward, J; Richards, MA; ICBP Module 1 Working Group
Child growth in urban deprived settings: does household poverty status matter? At which stage of child development? (2011)
Fotso, Jean Christophe; Madise, Nyovani; Baschieri, Angela; Cleland, John; Zulu, Eliya; Mutua, Martin Kavao; Essendi, Hildah
Mother-Daughter Communication on Reproductive Health Issues, a Survey in Tehran. (2011)
Farahani, FK; Cleland, J
Reproductive Health Knowledge and Misperceptions among Elite Young People in Tehran; a Mix Method Study. (2011)
Farahani, FK; Cleland, J
Associations between family factors and premarital heterosexual relationships among female college students in Tehran. (2011)
Farahani, Farideh Khalaj Abadi; Cleland, John; Mehryar, Amir Hooshang
Staying out of trouble: intentions of young male offenders. (2011)
Forste, Renata; Clarke, Lynda; Bahr, Stephen
Assessing the validity of sexual behaviour reports in a whole population survey in rural Malawi. (2011)
Glynn, Judith R; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Banda, Emmanuel; Parrott, Fiona; Floyd, Sian; Francis-Chizororo, Monica; Nkhata, Misheck; Tanton, Clare; Hemmings, Joanne; Molesworth, Anna; Crampin, Amelia C; French, Neil
Hargreaves, J; Howe, L; Slaymaker, E
Promoting critical consciousness and social mobilization in HIV/AIDS programmes: lessons and curricular tools from a South African intervention. (2011)
Hatcher, Abigail; de Wet, Jacques; Bonell, Christopher Philip; Strange, Vicki; Phetla, Godfrey; Proynk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda; Porter, John DH; Busza, Joanna; Watts, Charlotte; Hargreaves, James R
Study designs fail to represent the intricate effects of HIV testing and counselling on condom use and HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. (2011)
Helleringer, Stéphane; Reniers, Georges
Taking stock: provider prescribing practices in the presence and absence of ACT stock. (2011)
Hensen, Bernadette; Paintain, Lucy Smith; Shretta, Rima; Bruce, Jane; Jones, Caroline; Webster, Jayne
The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Kangwana, B; Kedenge, S; Alegana, V; Noor, A; Fegan, G; Brooker, S; Todd, J; Snow, R; Goodman, C; Nyandigisi, A; Pandit, J
The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Kangwana, Beth P; Kedenge, Sarah V; Noor, Abdisalan M; Alegana, Victor A; Nyandigisi, Andrew J; Pandit, Jayesh; Fegan, Greg W; Todd, James E; Brooker, Simon; Snow, Robert W; Goodman, Catherine A
BCG vaccination induces different cytokine profiles following infant BCG vaccination in the UK and Malawi. (2011)
Lalor, Maeve K; Floyd, Sian; Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Ben-Smith, Anne; Weir, Rosemary E; Smith, Steven G; Newport, Melanie J; Blitz, Rose; Mvula, Hazzie; Branson, Keith; McGrath, Nuala; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul E; Dockrell, Hazel M
BCG vaccination: a role for vitamin D? (2011)
Lalor, Maeve K; Floyd, Sian; Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Weir, Rosemary E; Blitz, Rose; Branson, Keith; Fine, Paul E; Dockrell, Hazel M
Evaluation of cell-mediated immune responses to two BCG vaccination regimes in young children in South Korea. (2011)
Lee, Hyejon; Cho, Sang Nae; Kim, Hee Jin; Anh, Young Min; Choi, Ji Eun; Kim, Chang Hwi; Ock, Park Jae; Oh, Sung Hee; Kim, Deok Ryun; Floyd, Sian; Dockrell, Hazel M
HIV-1 seroprevalence and risk factors for HIV infection among first-time psychiatric admissions in Uganda. (2011)
Maling, Samuel; Todd, Jim; Van der Paal, Lieve; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kinyanda, Eugene
Net survival of perinatally and postnatally HIV-infected children: a pooled analysis of individual data from sub-Saharan Africa. (2011)
Marston, Milly; Becquet, Renaud; Zaba, Basia; Moulton, Lawrence H; Gray, Glenda; Coovadia, Hoosen; Essex, Max; Ekouevi, Didier K; Jackson, Debra; Coutsoudis, Anna; Kilewo, Charles; Leroy, Valériane; Wiktor, Stefan; Nduati, Ruth; Msellati, Philippe; Dabis, François; Newell, Marie-Louise; Ghys, Peter D
Condom Use in Established Heterosexual Relationships in England. (2011)
Mellor, R; Slaymaker, E; Cleland, J; Wellings, K; Glasier, A; McManus, S; Mercer, C
Point-of-care measurement of blood lactate in children admitted with febrile illness to an African District Hospital. (2011)
Mtove, George; Nadjm, Behzad; Hendriksen, Ilse CE; Amos, Ben; Muro, Florida; Todd, Jim; Reyburn, Hugh
Distribution of HLA-B alleles in a Ugandan HIV-infected adult population: NORA pharmacogenetic substudy of DART. (2011)
Munderi, Paula; Snowden, Wendy B; Walker, Ann Sarah; Kityo, Cissy; Mosteller, Michael; Kabuye, Geoffrey; Thoofer, Navdeep K; Ssali, Francis; Gilks, Charles F; Hughes, Arlene R; DART Trial Team
Adult mortality in Africa. (2011)
Reniers, G; Masquelier, B; Gerland, P
Malthus, the 18th century European explorers and the principle of population in Africa. (2011)
Reniers, Georges
Serosorting and the evaluation of HIV testing and counseling for HIV prevention in generalized epidemics. (2011)
Reniers, Georges; Helleringer, Stéphane
Scaling up adolescent sexual and reproductive health interventions through existing government systems? A detailed process evaluation of a school-based intervention in Mwanza region in the northwest of Tanzania. (2011)
Renju, Jenny R; Andrew, Bahati; Medard, Lemmy; Kishamawe, Coleman; Kimaryo, Michael; Changalucha, John; Obasi, Angela
Narrating the social relations of initiating injecting drug use: transitions in self and society. (2011)
Rhodes, Tim; Bivol, Stela; Scutelniciuc, Otilia; Hunt, Neil; Bernays, Sarah; Busza, Joanna
Dyadic Characteristics and Intimate Partner Violence among Men Who Have Sex with Men. (2011)
Stephenson, Rob; Rentsch, Christopher; Salazar, Laura F; Sullivan, Patrick S
Parenting and families. (2011)
Sear, R
How much does family matter? Cooperative breeding and the demographic transition. (2011)
Sear, Rebecca; Coall, David
Risk factors associated with positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube and tuberculin skin tests results in Zambia and South Africa. (2011)
Shanaube, Kwame; Hargreaves, James; Fielding, Katherine; Schaap, Ab; Lawrence, Katherine-Anne; Hensen, Bernadette; Sismanidis, Charalambos; Menezes, Angela; Beyers, Nulda; Ayles, Helen; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
Women who experience obstetric haemorrhage are at higher risk of anaemia, in both rich and poor countries. (2011)
Wagner, KS; Ronsmans, C; Thomas, SL; Calvert, C; Adler, A; Ganaba, R; Goufodji, S; Filippi, V
Geographical variation in cancer survival in England, 1991-2006: an analysis by Cancer Network. (2011)
Walters, Sarah; Quaresma, Manuela; Coleman, Michel P; Gordon, Emma; Forman, David; Rachet, Bernard
Parental control and monitoring of young people's sexual behaviour in rural North-Western Tanzania: implications for sexual and reproductive health interventions. (2011)
Wamoyi, Joyce; Fenwick, Angela; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia; Stones, William
Socio-economic change and parent-child relationships: implications for parental control and HIV prevention among young people in rural North Western Tanzania. (2011)
Wamoyi, Joyce; Fenwick, Angela; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia; Stones, William
"Women's bodies are shops": beliefs about transactional sex and implications for understanding gender power and HIV prevention in Tanzania. (2011)
Wamoyi, Joyce; Fenwick, Angela; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia; Stones, William
Negotiating boundaries: Accessing donor gametes in India. (2011)
Widge, A; Cleland, J