Items where Research Centre is "Population Studies Group"
Research Centres (23573)
Population Studies Group (1018)
Number of items: 35.
Bibliographic data only
Children on the Brink : A Joint Report on Orphan Estimates and Program Strategies. (2002)
20 contributors including Timaeus, IM
BCG-induced increase in interferon-gamma response to mycobacterial antigens and efficacy of BCG vaccination in Malawi and the UK: two randomised controlled studies. (2002)
Black, Gillian F; Weir, Rosemary E; Floyd, Sian; Bliss, Lyn; Warndorff, David K; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey; Sichali, Lifted; Nazareth, Bernadette; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Branson, Keith; Chaguluka, Steven D; Donovan, Linda; Jarman, Elizabeth; King, Elizabeth; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
Sociodemographic context of the AIDS epidemic in a rural area in Tanzania with a focus on people's mobility and marriage. (2002)
Boerma, JT; Urassa, M; Nnko, S; Ng'weshemi, J; Isingo, R; Zaba, B; Mwaluko, G
Participatory research and action: sharing challenges from Cambodia. (2002)
Busza, J
Mothers, Work and Childcare. (2002)
Cairns, H; Harris, S; Clarke, L
Comparison of HIV prevalences in community-based and antenatal clinic surveys in rural Mwanza, Tanzania. (2002)
Changalucha, John; Grosskurth, Heiner; Mwita, Wambura; Todd, James; Ross, David; Mayaud, Philippe; Mahamoud, Abdul; Klokke, Arnoud; Mosha, Frank; Hayes, Richard; Mabey, David
Infertility in Shanghai: prevalence, treatment seeking and impact. (2002)
Che, Y; Cleland, J
Policy and rhetoric: the growing interest in fathers and grandparents in Britain. (2002)
Clarke, L; Roberts, C
Public Perceptions of Teenage Pregnancy. (2002)
Clarke, L; Roberts, C; Thompson, K
Education and future fertility trends, with special reference to mid-transitional countries. (2002)
Cleland, J
Cancer survival in the health authorities of England up to 2000: Patients diagnosed 1993-95 and followed up to 31 December 2000. (For the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development ). (2002)
Coleman, MP; de Stavola, BL; Romanengo, M; Sloggett, A; Quinn, MJ; Babb, P
Long-term follow-up of HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals in rural Malawi. (2002)
Crampin, Amelia C; Floyd, Sian; Glynn, Judith R; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Nyondo, Andrew; Broadbent, Philip; Bliss, Lyn; Ngwira, Bagrey; Fine, Paul EM
Absolute levels and ratios of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in vitro predict clinical immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2002)
Dodoo, D; Omer, FM; Todd, J; Akanmori, BD; Koram, KA; Riley, EM
Some implications of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2002)
Dorrington, RE; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
HIV/AIDS data in South Africa. (2002)
Dorrington, Rob; Bourne, David; Bradshaw, Debbie; Laubscher, Ria; Timaeus, Ian M
Analysis of data from individuals demonstrates high discordance between IFN-gamma assays and PPD-tuberculin skin tests used in screening for tuberculosis infection - In reply. (2002)
Floyd, S; Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Fine, PEM
Kinetics of delayed-type hypersensitivity to tuberculin induced by bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in northern Malawi. (2002)
Floyd, Sian; Pönnighaus, Jorg M; Bliss, Lyn; Nkhosa, Prince; Sichali, Lifted; Msiska, Glyn; Fine, Paul EM
Focusing Resources on Effective School Health: a FRESH start to enhancing HIV/AIDS prevention. (2002)
Gillespie, A; Birdthistle, I; Jones, J; Bundy, D; Hoffman, Am; EtAl
Monitoring and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health interventions: a manual for the Reproductive Health Initiative in Asia. (2002)
Horstman, R; Cleland, J; Douthwaite, M; Ambegaokar, M; Salway, S
Incidence of HIV infection in stable sexual partnerships: a retrospective cohort study of 1802 couples in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. (2002)
Hugonnet, Stéphane; Mosha, Frank; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Klokke, Arnoud; Ndeki, Leonard; Ross, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
Trends in South African fertility between 1970 and 1998: an analysis of the 1996 Census and 1998 Demographic and Health Survey. (2002)
Moultrie, TA; Timaeus, IM
Population mobility and the spread of HIV in rural villages in Mwanza region, Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Mwita, W; White, R; Chilogani, J; Orroth, K; Zaba, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R; Grosskurth, H; Ross, D; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Mosha, F
Patterns of helminth infection and relationship to BCG vaccination in Karonga District, northern Malawi. (2002)
Randall, AE; Perez, MA; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Crampin, AC; Ngwira, B; Pistoni, WN; Mulawa, D; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Bickle, Q; Fine, PEM
Assessment of a new approach to family planning services in rural Pakistan. (2002)
Sultan, Mehboob; Cleland, John G; Ali, Mohamed M
Improved methods and assumptions for estimation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact: Recommendations of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections. (2002)
UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections
Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. I. Impact of maternal syphilis on outcome of pregnancy. (2002)
Watson-Jones, Deborah; Changalucha, John; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Weiss, Helen; Rusizoka, Mary; Ndeki, Leonard; Whitehouse, Anne; Balira, Rebecca; Todd, James; Ngeleja, Donatila; Ross, David; Buvé, Anne; Hayes, Richard; Mabey, David
Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. II. The effectiveness of antenatal syphilis screening and single-dose benzathine penicillin treatment for the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes. (2002)
Watson-Jones, Deborah; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Weiss, Helen; Changalucha, John; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokungoza; Buvé, Anne; Kanga, Zephrine; Ndeki, Leonard; Rusizoka, Mary; Ross, David; Marealle, Janeth; Balira, Rebecca; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
Myopia in secondary school students in Mwanza City, Tanzania: the need for a national screening programme. (2002)
Wedner, SH; Ross, DA; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Balira, R; Foster, A
Estimation of levels and trends in age at first sex from surveys using survival analysis. (2002)
Zaba, B; Boerma, T; Pisani, E; Baptiste, N
HIV and Fertility. (2002)
Zaba, B; Gregson, S
HIV and child mortality: evidence from surveillance studies in Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi. (2002)
Zaba, B; Marston, M; Nakiyingi, J; Whitworth, J; Ruberantwari, A; Urassa, M; Issingo, R; Mwaluko, G; Crampin, A; Floyd, S; Nyondo, A; Bracher, M
Prevalence and boosting of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum glycosylphosphatidylinositols and evaluation of their association with protection from mild and severe clinical malaria. (2002)
de Souza, J Brian; Todd, James; Krishegowda, Gowdahalli; Gowda, D Channe; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Riley, Eleanor M
Herpes simplex virus type 2 infection increases HIV incidence: a prospective study in rural Tanzania. (2002)
del Mar Pujades Rodríguez, María; Obasi, Angela; Mosha, Frank; Todd, Jim; Brown, David; Changalucha, John; Mabey, David; Ross, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
The value of two versus three smears in identifying culture positive tuberculosis patients in Karonga district. (2002)
Crampin, AC; Mwaungulu, F; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Ndhlovu, R; Mwaiyeghele, E; Glynn, JR; Fine, PEM
The effects of kin on child mortality in rural Gambia. (2002)
Sear, Rebecca; Steele, Fiona; McGregor, Ian A; Mace, Ruth