Items where Research Centre is "Population Studies Group"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Population Studies Group (1018)
    Number of items: 35.
    Bibliographic data only
  • Children on the Brink : A Joint Report on Orphan Estimates and Program Strategies. (2002) 20 contributors including Timaeus, IM
  • BCG-induced increase in interferon-gamma response to mycobacterial antigens and efficacy of BCG vaccination in Malawi and the UK: two randomised controlled studies. (2002) Black, Gillian F; Weir, Rosemary E; Floyd, Sian; Bliss, Lyn; Warndorff, David K; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey; Sichali, Lifted; Nazareth, Bernadette; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Branson, Keith; Chaguluka, Steven D; Donovan, Linda; Jarman, Elizabeth; King, Elizabeth; Fine, Paul EM; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Sociodemographic context of the AIDS epidemic in a rural area in Tanzania with a focus on people's mobility and marriage. (2002) Boerma, JT; Urassa, M; Nnko, S; Ng'weshemi, J; Isingo, R; Zaba, B; Mwaluko, G
  • Participatory research and action: sharing challenges from Cambodia. (2002) Busza, J
  • Mothers, Work and Childcare. (2002) Cairns, H; Harris, S; Clarke, L
  • Comparison of HIV prevalences in community-based and antenatal clinic surveys in rural Mwanza, Tanzania. (2002) Changalucha, John; Grosskurth, Heiner; Mwita, Wambura; Todd, James; Ross, David; Mayaud, Philippe; Mahamoud, Abdul; Klokke, Arnoud; Mosha, Frank; Hayes, Richard; Mabey, David
  • Infertility in Shanghai: prevalence, treatment seeking and impact. (2002) Che, Y; Cleland, J
  • Policy and rhetoric: the growing interest in fathers and grandparents in Britain. (2002) Clarke, L; Roberts, C
  • Public Perceptions of Teenage Pregnancy. (2002) Clarke, L; Roberts, C; Thompson, K
  • Education and future fertility trends, with special reference to mid-transitional countries. (2002) Cleland, J
  • Cancer survival in the health authorities of England up to 2000: Patients diagnosed 1993-95 and followed up to 31 December 2000. (For the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development ). (2002) Coleman, MP; de Stavola, BL; Romanengo, M; Sloggett, A; Quinn, MJ; Babb, P
  • Long-term follow-up of HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals in rural Malawi. (2002) Crampin, Amelia C; Floyd, Sian; Glynn, Judith R; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Nyondo, Andrew; Broadbent, Philip; Bliss, Lyn; Ngwira, Bagrey; Fine, Paul EM
  • Absolute levels and ratios of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in vitro predict clinical immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2002) Dodoo, D; Omer, FM; Todd, J; Akanmori, BD; Koram, KA; Riley, EM
  • Some implications of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2002) Dorrington, RE; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
  • HIV/AIDS data in South Africa. (2002) Dorrington, Rob; Bourne, David; Bradshaw, Debbie; Laubscher, Ria; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Analysis of data from individuals demonstrates high discordance between IFN-gamma assays and PPD-tuberculin skin tests used in screening for tuberculosis infection - In reply. (2002) Floyd, S; Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Fine, PEM
  • Kinetics of delayed-type hypersensitivity to tuberculin induced by bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination in northern Malawi. (2002) Floyd, Sian; Pönnighaus, Jorg M; Bliss, Lyn; Nkhosa, Prince; Sichali, Lifted; Msiska, Glyn; Fine, Paul EM
  • Focusing Resources on Effective School Health: a FRESH start to enhancing HIV/AIDS prevention. (2002) Gillespie, A; Birdthistle, I; Jones, J; Bundy, D; Hoffman, Am; EtAl
  • Monitoring and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health interventions: a manual for the Reproductive Health Initiative in Asia. (2002) Horstman, R; Cleland, J; Douthwaite, M; Ambegaokar, M; Salway, S
  • Incidence of HIV infection in stable sexual partnerships: a retrospective cohort study of 1802 couples in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. (2002) Hugonnet, Stéphane; Mosha, Frank; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Klokke, Arnoud; Ndeki, Leonard; Ross, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Trends in South African fertility between 1970 and 1998: an analysis of the 1996 Census and 1998 Demographic and Health Survey. (2002) Moultrie, TA; Timaeus, IM
  • Population mobility and the spread of HIV in rural villages in Mwanza region, Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Mwita, W; White, R; Chilogani, J; Orroth, K; Zaba, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R; Grosskurth, H; Ross, D; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Mosha, F
  • Patterns of helminth infection and relationship to BCG vaccination in Karonga District, northern Malawi. (2002) Randall, AE; Perez, MA; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Crampin, AC; Ngwira, B; Pistoni, WN; Mulawa, D; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Bickle, Q; Fine, PEM
  • Assessment of a new approach to family planning services in rural Pakistan. (2002) Sultan, Mehboob; Cleland, John G; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Improved methods and assumptions for estimation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact: Recommendations of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections. (2002) UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections
  • Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. I. Impact of maternal syphilis on outcome of pregnancy. (2002) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Changalucha, John; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Weiss, Helen; Rusizoka, Mary; Ndeki, Leonard; Whitehouse, Anne; Balira, Rebecca; Todd, James; Ngeleja, Donatila; Ross, David; Buvé, Anne; Hayes, Richard; Mabey, David
  • Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. II. The effectiveness of antenatal syphilis screening and single-dose benzathine penicillin treatment for the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes. (2002) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Weiss, Helen; Changalucha, John; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokungoza; Buvé, Anne; Kanga, Zephrine; Ndeki, Leonard; Rusizoka, Mary; Ross, David; Marealle, Janeth; Balira, Rebecca; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
  • Myopia in secondary school students in Mwanza City, Tanzania: the need for a national screening programme. (2002) Wedner, SH; Ross, DA; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Balira, R; Foster, A
  • Estimation of levels and trends in age at first sex from surveys using survival analysis. (2002) Zaba, B; Boerma, T; Pisani, E; Baptiste, N
  • HIV and Fertility. (2002) Zaba, B; Gregson, S
  • HIV and child mortality: evidence from surveillance studies in Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi. (2002) Zaba, B; Marston, M; Nakiyingi, J; Whitworth, J; Ruberantwari, A; Urassa, M; Issingo, R; Mwaluko, G; Crampin, A; Floyd, S; Nyondo, A; Bracher, M
  • Prevalence and boosting of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum glycosylphosphatidylinositols and evaluation of their association with protection from mild and severe clinical malaria. (2002) de Souza, J Brian; Todd, James; Krishegowda, Gowdahalli; Gowda, D Channe; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 infection increases HIV incidence: a prospective study in rural Tanzania. (2002) del Mar Pujades Rodríguez, María; Obasi, Angela; Mosha, Frank; Todd, Jim; Brown, David; Changalucha, John; Mabey, David; Ross, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Public
  • The value of two versus three smears in identifying culture positive tuberculosis patients in Karonga district. (2002) Crampin, AC; Mwaungulu, F; Floyd, S; Black, GF; Ndhlovu, R; Mwaiyeghele, E; Glynn, JR; Fine, PEM
  • The effects of kin on child mortality in rural Gambia. (2002) Sear, Rebecca; Steele, Fiona; McGregor, Ian A; Mace, Ruth