Items where Research Centre is "Neglected Tropical Diseases Network"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases Network (694)
    Number of items: 31.
    August 2007
  • Resisting control of neglected tropical diseases: dilemmas in the mass treatment of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths in north-west Uganda. (2007) Parker, Melissa; Allen, Tim; Hastings, Julie
  • 2007
  • rRNA-based tests for chlamydial infection in trachoma. (2007) Bailey, Robin
  • Age-related changes in hookworm infection, anaemia and iron deficiency in an area of high Necator americanus hookworm transmission in south-eastern Brazil. (2007) Brooker, Simon; Jardim-Botelho, Anne; Quinnell, Rupert J; Geiger, Stefan M; Caldas, Iramaya R; Fleming, Fiona; Hotez, Peter J; Correa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Rodrigues, Laura C; Bethony, Jeffrey M
  • Bacterial infection and trachoma in the gambia: a case control study. (2007) Burton, Matthew J; Adegbola, Richard A; Kinteh, Fabakary; Ikumapayi, Usman N; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Predicted distribution and movement of Glossina palpalis palpalis (Diptera: Glossinidae) in the wet and dry seasons in the Kogo trypanosomiasis focus (Equatorial Guinea). (2007) Cano, Jorge; Descalzo, Miguel Angel; Ndong-Mabale, Nicolás; Ndong-Asumu, Pedro; Bobuakasi, Leonardo; Nzambo-Ondo, Sisinio; Benito, Agustín; Roche, Jesús
  • Human African trypanosomiasis: diagnosis, relapse and survival after severe melarsoprol-induced encephalopathy. (2007) Checkley, AM; Pepin, J; Gibson, WC; Taylor, MN; Jäger, HR; Mabey, DC
  • Adverse effects from multi-drug therapy in leprosy: a Brazilian study. (2007) Deps, Patricia D; Nasser, Sofia; Guerra, Patricia; Simon, Marisa; Birshner, Rita De Cássia; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • The impact of helminths on the response to immunization and on the incidence of infection and disease in childhood in Uganda: design of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, factorial trial of deworming interventions delivered in pregnancy and early childhood [ISRCTN32849447]. (2007) Elliott, Alison M; Kizza, Moses; Quigley, Maria A; Ndibazza, Juliet; Nampijja, Margaret; Muhangi, Lawrence; Morison, Linda; Namujju, Proscovia B; Muwanga, Moses; Kabatereine, Narcis; Whitworth, James AG
  • Distribution study of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars among high-risk women in China performed using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism genotyping. (2007) Gao, Xing; Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Yin, Yue-Ping; Zhong, Ming-Ying; Shi, Mei-Qin; Wei, Wan-Hui; Chen, Qiang; Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David
  • In vivo studies on the antileishmanial activity of buparvaquone and its prodrugs. (2007) Garnier, Tracy; Mäntylä, Antti; Järvinen, Tomi; Lawrence, Jayne; Brown, Marc; Croft, Simon
  • Topical buparvaquone formulations for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2007) Garnier, Tracy; Mäntylä, Antti; Järvinen, Tomi; Lawrence, M Jayne; Brown, Marc B; Croft, Simon L
  • The Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic-specific protein Met-III associates with the nucleolus and contains independent amino and carboxyl terminal targeting elements. (2007) Gluenz, Eva; Taylor, Martin C; Kelly, John M
  • Schistosomiasis and malaria: another piece of the crossreactivity puzzle. (2007) Helmby, Helena
  • Chikungunya in Italy. (2007) Lines, Jo
  • The terminal step in vitamin C biosynthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi is mediated by a FMN-dependent galactonolactone oxidase. (2007) Logan, Flora J; Taylor, Martin C; Wilkinson, Shane R; Kaur, Harparkash; Kelly, John M
  • Persistence of peri-neural granulomas after successful treatment of leprosy. (2007) Ludwig, RJ; Henke, U; Wolter, M; Walker, SL; Brandt, C; Wichelhaus, TA; Kramme, S; Lockwood, DNJ; Kaufmann, R
  • Targeted treatment of active trachoma. (2007) Mabey, David; Bailey, Robin; Solomon, Anthony; Burton, Matthew; Gilbert, Clare; Foster, Allen; Lietman, Thomas; West, Sheila
  • Associations between mild-to-moderate anaemia in pregnancy and helminth, malaria and HIV infection in Entebbe, Uganda. (2007) Muhangi, Lawrence; Woodburn, Patrick; Omara, Mildred; Omoding, Nicholas; Kizito, Dennison; Mpairwe, Harriet; Nabulime, Juliet; Ameke, Christine; Morison, Linda A; Elliott, Alison M
  • Genetic variation at the TNF locus and the risk of severe sequelae of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Gambians. (2007) Natividad, A; Hanchard, N; Holland, MJ; Mahdi, OSM; Diakite, M; Rockett, K; Jallow, O; Joof, HM; Kwiatkowski, DP; Mabey, DCW; Bailey, RL
  • Susceptibility to sequelae of human ocular chlamydial infection associated with allelic variation in IL10 cis-regulation. (2007) Natividad, Angels; Holland, Martin J; Rockett, Kirk A; Forton, Julian; Faal, Nkoyo; Joof, Hassan M; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P
  • Mortality due to dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome complicating multi-drug therapy for leprosy in Nepal. (2007) Pandey, B; Shrestha, K; Lewis, J; Hawksworth, RA; Walker, SL
  • Mitochondrial superoxide radicals mediate programmed cell death in Trypanosoma cruzi: cytoprotective action of mitochondrial iron superoxide dismutase overexpression. (2007) Piacenza, Lucía; Irigoín, Florencia; Alvarez, María Noel; Peluffo, Gonzalo; Taylor, Martin C; Kelly, John M; Wilkinson, Shane R; Radi, Rafael
  • Antimonial treatment of visceral leishmaniasis: are current in vitro susceptibility assays adequate for prognosis of in vivo therapy outcome? (2007) Rijal, Suman; Yardley, Vanessa; Chappuis, François; Decuypere, Saskia; Khanal, Basudha; Singh, Rupa; Boelaert, Marleen; De Doncker, Simonne; Croft, Simon; Dujardin, Jean-Claude
  • Long lasting BCG protection against leprosy. (2007) Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Kerr-Pontes, Ligia Regina Sansigolo; Frietas, Max Victor Carioca; Barreto, Maurício Lima
  • Antileishmanial structure-activity relationships of synthetic phospholipids: in vitro and in vivo activities of selected derivatives. (2007) Seifert, Karin; Lemke, Andreas; Croft, Simon L; Kayser, Oliver
  • Inactivation of the miltefosine transporter, LdMT, causes miltefosine resistance that is conferred to the amastigote stage of Leishmania donovani and persists in vivo. (2007) Seifert, Karin; Pérez-Victoria, F Javier; Stettler, Marianne; Sánchez-Cañete, María P; Castanys, Santiago; Gamarro, Francisco; Croft, Simon L
  • Lymphoma masquerading as a peritoneal dialysis catheter leak. (2007) Solomon, AW; Rajakariar, R; Sheaff, M; Fan, SL
  • Editorial: Dracunculiasis eradication by 2009: will endemic countries meet the target? (2007) Tayeh, Ahmed; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis and borderline tuberculoid leprosy. (2007) Walker, SL; Kahawita, I
  • Leprosy. (2007) Walker, Stephen L; Lockwood, Dina NJ
  • The role of thalidomide in the management of erythema nodosum leprosum. (2007) Walker, Steven L; Waters, Michael FR; Lockwood, Diana NJ