Items where Research Centre is "Neglected Tropical Diseases Network"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases Network (694)
    Number of items: 29.
  • Trachoma: a review. (2003) Buchan, John Cameron; Zondervan, Marcia; Foster, Allen
  • Which members of a community need antibiotics to control trachoma? Conjunctival Chlamydia trachomatis infection load in Gambian villages. (2003) Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Faal, Nkoyo; Aryee, Esther AN; Alexander, Neal DE; Bah, Momodou; Faal, Hannah; West, Sheila K; Foster, Allen; Johnson, Gordon J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Health, Environment and the Burden of Disease; a Guidance Note. (2003) Cairncross, S; O'Neill, D; McCoy, A; Sethi, D
  • Antiprotozoals. (2003) Croft, SL
  • Recent advances in research and control of malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis. (2003) Croft, SL; Vivas, L; Brooker, S
  • Leishmaniasis--current chemotherapy and recent advances in the search for novel drugs. (2003) Croft, Simon L; Coombs, Graham H
  • Leishmaniasis: new approaches to disease control. (2003) Davies, Clive R; Kaye, Paul; Croft, Simon L; Sundar, Shyam
  • Mechanism of genetic exchange in American trypanosomes. (2003) Gaunt, Michael W; Yeo, Matthew; Frame, Iain A; Stothard, J Russell; Carrasco, Hernan J; Taylor, Martin C; Mena, Susana Solis; Veazey, Paul; Miles, Graham AJ; Acosta, Nidia; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas; Miles, Michael A
  • Contrasting roles for IL-10 in protective immunity to different life cycle stages of intestinal nematode parasites. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • Essential role for TLR4 and MyD88 in the development of chronic intestinal nematode infection. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • IFN-gamma-independent effects of IL-12 during intestinal nematode infection. (2003) Helmby, Helena; Grencis, Richard K
  • Alum-precipitated autoclaved Leishmania major plus bacille Calmette-Guérrin, a candidate vaccine for visceral leishmaniasis: safety, skin-delayed type hypersensitivity response and dose finding in healthy volunteers. (2003) Kamil, AA; Khalil, EAG; Musa, AM; Modabber, F; Mukhtar, MM; Ibrahim, ME; Zijlstra, EE; Sacks, D; Smith, PG; Zicker, F; El-Hassan, AM
  • Natural products as antiparasitic drugs. (2003) Kayser, O; Kiderlen, AF; Croft, SL
  • Formulation and biopharmaceutical issues in the development of drug delivery systems for antiparasitic drugs. (2003) Kayser, O; Olbrich, C; Croft, SL; Kiderlen, AF
  • Antileishmanial activity of two gamma-pyrones from Podolepsis hieracioides (Asteraceae). (2003) Kayser, Oliver; Kiderlen, Albrecht F; Croft, Simon L
  • Toxicity and antileishmanial activity of a new stable lipid suspension of amphotericin B. (2003) Larabi, Malika; Yardley, Vanessa; Loiseau, Philippe M; Appel, Martine; Legrand, Philippe; Gulik, Annette; Bories, Christian; Croft, Simon L; Barratt, Gillian
  • Structure-activity relationships of antileishmanial and antimalarial chalcones. (2003) Liu, Mei; Wilairat, Prapon; Croft, Simon L; Tan, Agnes Lay-Choo; Go, Mei-Lin
  • Trachoma. (2003) Mabey, David CW; Solomon, Anthony W; Foster, Allen
  • Application of molecular tools in the control of blinding trachoma. (2003) Mabey, David; Solomon, Anthony W
  • The effect of antibiotic treatment on active trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection. (2003) Mabey, Denise; Solomon, Anthony
  • Azasterols as inhibitors of sterol 24-methyltransferase in Leishmania species and Trypanosoma cruzi. (2003) Magaraci, Filippo; Jimenez, Carmen Jimenez; Rodrigues, Carlos; Rodrigues, Juliany CF; Braga, Marina Vianna; Yardley, Vanessa; de Luca-Fradley, Kate; Croft, Simon L; de Souza, Wanderley; Ruiz-Perez, Luis M; Urbina, Julio; Gonzalez Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • Antibiotic dosage in trachoma control programs: height as a surrogate for weight in children. (2003) Muñoz, Beatriz; Solomon, Anthony W; Zingeser, James; Barwick, Rachel; Burton, Matthew; Bailey, Robin; Mabey, David; Foster, Allen; West, Sheila K
  • 2,4-Diaminopyrimidines as inhibitors of Leishmanial and Trypanosomal dihydrofolate reductase. (2003) Pez, Didier; Leal, Isabel; Zuccotto, Fabio; Boussard, Cyrille; Brun, Reto; Croft, Simon L; Yardley, Vanessa; Ruiz Perez, Luis M; Gonzalez Pacanowska, Dolores; Gilbert, Ian H
  • The prolonged epidemic of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kabul, Afghanistan: 'bringing down the neighbourhood'. (2003) Reyburn, Hugh; Rowland, Mark; Mohsen, Mohammmed; Khan, Bismulla; Davies, Clive
  • Characterisation of Leishmania donovani promastigotes resistant to hexadecylphosphocholine (miltefosine). (2003) Seifert, Karin; Matu, Sangeeta; Javier Pérez-Victoria, F; Castanys, Santiago; Gamarro, Francisco; Croft, Simon L
  • Strategies for control of trachoma: observational study with quantitative PCR. (2003) Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Burton, Matthew J; West, Sheila K; Alexander, Neal DE; Aguirre, Aura; Massae, Patrick A; Mkocha, Harran; Muñoz, Beatriz; Johnson, Gordon J; Peeling, Rosanna W; Bailey, Robin L; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • The parasite of Homo sapiens - an annotated checklist of the protozoa, helminths and arthropods for which we are home [Book review]. (2003) Sutherland, C
  • Socioeconomic determinants of schistosomiasis in an urban area in the Northeast of Brazil. (2003) Ximenes, Ricardo; Southgate, Brian; Smith, Peter G; Guimarães Neto, Leonardo
  • Indoor and peridomestic transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in northwestern Argentina: a retrospective case-control study. (2003) Yadon, Zaida E; Rodrigues, Laura C; Davies, Clive R; Quigley, Maria A