Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) (4193)
    Number of items: 303.
  • Farming, growing up on a farm, and haematological cancer mortality. (2012) 't Mannetje, Andrea; Eng, Amanda; Pearce, Neil
  • A
  • How to achieve international action on falsified and substandard medicines. (2012) Attaran, Amir; Barry, Donna; Basheer, Shamnad; Bate, Roger; Benton, David; Chauvin, James; Garrett, Laurie; Kickbusch, Ilona; Kohler, Jillian Clare; Midha, Kamal; Newton, Paul N; Nishtar, Sania; Orhii, Paul; McKee, Martin
  • A review of population-based studies on hypertension in Ghana. (2012) Addo, J; Agyemang, C; Smeeth, L; de-Graft Aikins, A; Edusei, AK; Ogedegbe, O
  • Socioeconomic status and stroke: an updated review. (2012) Addo, Juliet; Ayerbe, Luis; Mohan, Keerthi M; Crichton, Siobhan; Sheldenkar, Anita; Chen, Ruoling; Wolfe, Charles DA; McKevitt, Christopher
  • Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States. (2012) Aiken, Linda H; Sermeus, Walter; Van den Heede, Koen; Sloane, Douglas M; Busse, Reinhard; McKee, Martin; Bruyneel, Luk; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Griffiths, Peter; Moreno-Casbas, Maria Teresa; Tishelman, Carol; Scott, Anne; Brzostek, Tomasz; Kinnunen, Juha; Schwendimann, Rene; Heinen, Maud; Zikos, Dimitris; Sjetne, Ingeborg Strømseng; Smith, Herbert L; Kutney-Lee, Ann
  • Reply. (2012) Alcantara-Neves, Neuza Maria; Cooper, Philip John; Cruz, Álvaro Augusto; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Barreto, Maurício Lima
  • Public health science—a call for abstracts. (2012) Aldridge, Robert W; McKee, Martin; Horton, Richard
  • Tranexamic acid in trauma: we need stronger global health policy. (2012) Alvarado, JC; Dewan, Y; Elsayed, HF; Gogichaishvili, T; Gupta, S; Hunt, BJ; Iribhogbe, P; Izurieta, M; Khamis, H; Komolafe, EO; Mejía Mantilla, JH; Miranda, J; Morales Uribe, CH; Olaomi, O; Olldashi, F; Perel, P; Ramana, PV; Ravi, RR; Roberts, IR; Shakur, H
  • Aliphatic alcohols of illegally produced spirits can act synergistically on superoxide-anion production by human granulocytes. (2012) Arnyas, Ervin M; Pál, László; Kovács, Csilla; Adány, Róza; McKee, Martin; Szűcs, Sándor
  • Concentration-response function for ozone and daily mortality: results from five urban and five rural U.K. populations. (2012) Atkinson, Richard W; Yu, Dahai; Armstrong, Ben G; Pattenden, Sam; Wilkinson, Paul; Doherty, Ruth M; Heal, Mathew R; Anderson, H Ross
  • Healthy by law: the missed opportunity to use laws for public health. (2012) Attaran, Amir; Pang, Tikki; Whitworth, Judith; Oxman, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • B
  • Nutritional determinants of worldwide diabetes: an econometric study of food markets and diabetes prevalence in 173 countries. (2012) Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Galea, Gauden
  • Associations of insulin and insulin-like growth factors with physical performance in old age in the Boyd Orr and Caerphilly studies. (2012) Birnie, Kate; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Holly, Jeff MP; Gunnell, David; Ebrahim, Shah; Bayer, Antony; Gallacher, John; Martin, Richard M
  • Health care reform in the former Soviet Union: beyond the transition. (2012) Balabanova, Dina; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Cost effectiveness of strategies to combat vision and hearing loss in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia: mathematical modelling study. (2012) Baltussen, Rob; Smith, Andrew
  • Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: time trend analysis. (2012) Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; Scott-Samuel, Alex; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Sex differences in risk factors for cardiovascular disease: the PERU MIGRANT study. (2012) Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Benziger, Catherine Pastorius; Gilman, Robert H; Smeeth, Liam; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived status and education in Russia, 1994-2006. (2012) Bessudnov, Alexey; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Heat and risk of myocardial infarction: hourly level case-crossover analysis of MINAP database. (2012) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Armstrong, Ben; Hajat, Shakoor; Haines, Andy; Wilkinson, Paul; Smeeth, Liam
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of cancer: cohort study among people receiving antihypertensive drugs in UK General Practice Research Database. (2012) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Douglas, Ian; Evans, Stephen; van Staa, Tjeerd; Smeeth, Liam
  • Childhood milk consumption is associated with better physical performance in old age. (2012) Birnie, Kate; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Gunnell, David; Ebrahim, Shah; Bayer, Antony; Gallacher, John; Holly, Jeff MP; Martin, Richard M
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: rationale for and challenges of guidance development. (2012) Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Lavis, John N; Lewin, Simon; Atun, Rifat; Røttingen, John-Arne; Dröschel, Daniel; Beck, Lise; Abalos, Edgardo; El-Jardali, Fadi; Gilson, Lucy; Oliver, Sandy; Wyss, Kaspar; Tugwell, Peter; Kulier, Regina; Pang, Tikki; Haines, Andy
  • Development and evaluation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for use in urban and rural India. (2012) Bowen, Liza; Bharathi, Ankalmadagu Venkatsubbareddy; Kinra, Sanjay; Destavola, Bianca; Ness, Andy; Ebrahim, Shah
  • A Comparison between the Standard Self Controlled Case Series Design and a Modification To Account for Events That Censor the Observation Period. (2012) Brauer, R; Smeeth, L; Anaya-Izquierdo, K; Farrington, CP; Whitaker, H; Douglas, I
  • Travel time and distance to health care only partially account for the ethnic inequalities in cervical cancer stage at diagnosis and mortality in New Zealand. (2012) Brewer, Naomi; Pearce, Neil; Day, Peter; Borman, Barry
  • The hygiene hypothesis in allergy and asthma: an update. (2012) Brooks, Collin; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Assessing the effectiveness of strategies to implement clinical guidelines for the management of chronic diseases at primary care level in EU Member States: a systematic review. (2012) Brusamento, Serena; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Panteli, Dimitra; Turk, Eva; Knai, Cecile; Saliba, Vanessa; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • A systematic review of the influence on alcohol use of community level availability and marketing of alcohol. (2012) Bryden, Anna; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin; Petticrew, Mark
  • C
  • Hospital volume, proportion resected and mortality from oesophageal and gastric cancer: a population-based study in England, 2004-2008. (2012) Coupland, Victoria H; Lagergren, Jesper; Lüchtenborg, Margreet; Jack, Ruth H; Allum, William; Holmberg, Lars; Hanna, George B; Pearce, Neil; Møller, Henrik
  • Omega 3 fatty acids on child growth, visual acuity and neurodevelopment. (2012) Campoy, Cristina; Escolano-Margarit, Ma Victoria; Anjos, Tania; Szajewska, Hania; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Fiber intake and total and cause-specific mortality in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. (2012) Chuang, Shu-Chun; Norat, Teresa; Murphy, Neil; Olsen, Anja; Tjønneland, Anne; Overvad, Kim; Boutron-Ruault, Marie Christine; Perquier, Florence; Dartois, Laureen; Kaaks, Rudolf; Teucher, Birgit; Bergmann, Manuela M; Boeing, Heiner; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Lagiou, Pagona; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Grioni, Sara; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Panico, Salvatore; Palli, Domenico; Tumino, Rosario; Peeters, Petra HM; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Ros, Martine M; Brustad, Magritt; Åsli, Lene Angell; Skeie, Guri; Quirós, J Ramón; González, Carlos A; Sánchez, María-José; Navarro, Carmen; Ardanaz Aicua, Eva; Dorronsoro, Miren; Drake, Isabel; Sonestedt, Emily; Johansson, Ingegerd; Hallmans, Göran; Key, Timothy; Crowe, Francesca; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Wareham, Nicholas; Ferrari, Pietro; Slimani, Nadia; Romieu, Isabelle; Gallo, Valentina; Riboli, Elio; Vineis, Paolo
  • Use of troponin to diagnose periprocedural myocardial infarction: effect on composite endpoints in the British Bifurcation Coronary Study (BBC ONE). (2012) Cockburn, James; Behan, Miles; de Belder, Adam; Clayton, Tim; Stables, Rod; Oldroyd, Keith; Curzen, Nick; Hildick-Smith, David
  • Bacterial vaginosis associated with increased risk of female-to-male HIV-1 transmission: a prospective cohort analysis among African couples. (2012) Cohen, Craig R; Lingappa, Jairam R; Baeten, Jared M; Ngayo, Musa O; Spiegel, Carol A; Hong, Ting; Donnell, Deborah; Celum, Connie; Kapiga, Saidi; Delany, Sinead; Bukusi, Elizabeth A
  • Associated factors for treatment delay in pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected individuals: a nested case-control study. (2012) Coimbra, Isabella; Maruza, Magda; Militão-Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa; Moura, Líbia Vilela; Diniz, George Tadeu Nunes; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Lacerda, Heloísa Ramos; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar
  • Sickle cell anemia: iron availability and nocturnal oximetry. (2012) Cox, Sharon E; L'Esperance, Veline; Makani, Julie; Soka, Deogratius; Prentice, Andrew M; Hill, Catherine M; Kirkham, Fenella J
  • Using natural experiments to evaluate population health interventions: new Medical Research Council guidance. (2012) Craig, Peter; Cooper, Cyrus; Gunnell, David; Haw, Sally; Lawson, Kenny; Macintyre, Sally; Ogilvie, David; Petticrew, Mark; Reeves, Barney; Sutton, Matt; Thompson, Simon
  • The asbestos disease epidemic: here today, here tomorrow. (2012) Cullinan, Paul; Pearce, Neil
  • Where are we going? A further question for the addiction field. (2012) Cunningham, John A; McCambridge, Jim
  • Is there a statistical relationship between economic crises and changes in government health expenditure growth? an analysis of twenty-four European countries. (2012) Cylus, Jonathan; Mladovsky, Philipa; McKee, Martin
  • D
  • Agriculture and health. (2012) Dorward, Andrew; Dangour, Alan D
  • Effects of age on long-term outcomes after a routine invasive or selective invasive strategy in patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a collaborative analysis of individual data from the FRISC II - ICTUS - RITA-3 (FIR) trials. (2012) Damman, Peter; Clayton, Tim; Wallentin, Lars; Lagerqvist, Bo; Fox, Keith AA; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Swahn, Eva; Pocock, Stuart J; Tijssen, Jan GP; de Winter, Robbert J
  • Usefulness of the admission electrocardiogram to predict long-term outcomes after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 [FIR] Trials). (2012) Damman, Peter; Holmvang, Lene; Tijssen, Jan GP; Lagerqvist, Bo; Clayton, Tim C; Pocock, Stuart J; Windhausen, Fons; Hirsch, Alexander; Fox, Keith AA; Wallentin, Lars; de Winter, Robbert J
  • Long-term cardiovascular mortality after procedure-related or spontaneous myocardial infarction in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: a collaborative analysis of individual patient data from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 trials (FIR). (2012) Damman, Peter; Wallentin, Lars; Fox, Keith AA; Windhausen, Fons; Hirsch, Alexander; Clayton, Tim; Pocock, Stuart J; Lagerqvist, Bo; Tijssen, Jan GP; de Winter, Robbert J
  • Omega 3 fatty acids and cognitive health in older people. (2012) Dangour, Alan D; Andreeva, Valentina A; Sydenham, Emma; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Building global advocacy for nutrition: a review of the European and U.S. landscapes. (2012) Dangour, Alan D; Diaz, Zoey; Sullivan, Lucy Martinez
  • Linking agriculture and health in low- and middle-income countries: an interdisciplinary research agenda. (2012) Dangour, Alan D; Green, Rosemary; Häsler, Barbara; Rushton, Jonathan; Shankar, Bhavani; Waage, Jeff
  • Time-varying confounding: some practical considerations in a likelihood framework. (2012) Daniel, RM; De Stavola, BL; Cousens, SN
  • A methodology for determining optimal air flow rates in dwellings when considering multiple criteria. (2012) Das, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M; Jones, Bm; Milner, J; Shrubsole, C; Wilkinson, P
  • Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. (2012) Dastani, Zari; Hivert, Marie-France; Timpson, Nicholas; Perry, John RB; Yuan, Xin; Scott, Robert A; Henneman, Peter; Heid, Iris M; Kizer, Jorge R; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka; Fuchsberger, Christian; Tanaka, Toshiko; Morris, Andrew P; Small, Kerrin; Isaacs, Aaron; Beekman, Marian; Coassin, Stefan; Lohman, Kurt; Qi, Lu; Kanoni, Stavroula; Pankow, James S; Uh, Hae-Won; Wu, Ying; Bidulescu, Aurelian; Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J; Greenwood, Celia MT; Ladouceur, Martin; Grimsby, Jonna; Manning, Alisa K; Liu, Ching-Ti; Kooner, Jaspal; Mooser, Vincent E; Vollenweider, Peter; Kapur, Karen A; Chambers, John; Wareham, Nicholas J; Langenberg, Claudia; Frants, Rune; Willems-Vandijk, Ko; Oostra, Ben A; Willems, Sara M; Lamina, Claudia; Winkler, Thomas W; Psaty, Bruce M; Tracy, Russell P; Brody, Jennifer; Chen, Ida; Viikari, Jorma; Kähönen, Mika; Pramstaller, Peter P; Evans, David M; St Pourcain, Beate; Sattar, Naveed; Wood, Andrew R; Bandinelli, Stefania; Carlson, Olga D; Egan, Josephine M; Böhringer, Stefan; van Heemst, Diana; Kedenko, Lyudmyla; Kristiansson, Kati; Nuotio, Marja-Liisa; Loo, Britt-Marie; Harris, Tamara; Garcia, Melissa; Kanaya, Alka; Haun, Margot; Klopp, Norman; Wichmann, H-Erich; Deloukas, Panos; Katsareli, Efi; Couper, David J; Duncan, Bruce B; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Adair, Linda S; Borja, Judith B; DIAGRAM+ Consortium; MAGIC Consortium; GLGC Investigators; MuTHER Consortium; Wilson, James G; Musani, Solomon; Guo, Xiuqing; Johnson, Toby; Semple, Robert; Teslovich, Tanya M; Allison, Matthew A; Redline, Susan; Buxbaum, Sarah G; Mohlke, Karen L; Meulenbelt, Ingrid; Ballantyne, Christie M; Dedoussis, George V; Hu, Frank B; Liu, Yongmei; Paulweber, Bernhard; Spector, Timothy D; Slagboom, P Eline; Ferrucci, Luigi; Jula, Antti; Perola, Markus; Raitakari, Olli; Florez, Jose C; Salomaa, Veikko; Eriksson, Johan G; Frayling, Timothy M; Hicks, Andrew A; Lehtimäki, Terho; Smith, George Davey; Siscovick, David S; Kronenberg, Florian; van Duijn, Cornelia; Loos, Ruth JF; Waterworth, Dawn M; Meigs, James B; Dupuis, Josee; Richards, J Brent; Voight, Benjamin F; Scott, Laura J; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Dina, Christian; Welch, Ryan P; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Huth, Cornelia; Aulchenko, Yurii S; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; McCulloch, Laura J; Ferreira, Teresa; Grallert, Harald; Amin, Najaf; Wu, Guanming; Willer, Cristen J; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; McCarroll, Steve A; Hofmann, Oliver M; Segrè, Ayellet V; van Hoek, Mandy; Navarro, Pau; Ardlie, Kristin; Balkau, Beverley; Benediktsson, Rafn; Bennett, Amanda J; Blagieva, Roza; Boerwinkle, Eric; Bonnycastle, Lori L; Boström, Kristina Bengtsson; Bravenboer, Bert; Bumpstead, Suzannah; Burtt, Noël P; Charpentier, Guillaume; Chines, Peter S; Cornelis, Marilyn; Crawford, Gabe; Doney, Alex SF; Elliott, Katherine S; Elliott, Amanda L; Erdos, Michael R; Fox, Caroline S; Franklin, Christopher S; Ganser, Martha; Gieger, Christian; Grarup, Niels; Green, Todd; Griffin, Simon; Groves, Christopher J; Guiducci, Candace; Hadjadj, Samy; Hassanali, Neelam; Herder, Christian; Isomaa, Bo; Jackson, Anne U; Johnson, Paul RV; Jørgensen, Torben; Kao, Wen HL; Kong, Augustine; Kraft, Peter; Kuusisto, Johanna; Lauritzen, Torsten; Li, Man; Lieverse, Aloysius; Lindgren, Cecilia M; Lyssenko, Valeriya; Marre, Michel; Meitinger, Thomas; Midthjell, Kristian; Morken, Mario A; Narisu, Narisu; Nilsson, Peter; Owen, Katharine R; Payne, Felicity; Petersen, Ann-Kristin; Platou, Carl; Proença, Christine; Prokopenko, Inga; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Rayner, N William; Robertson, Neil R; Rocheleau, Ghislain; Roden, Michael; Sampson, Michael J; Saxena, Richa; Shields, Beverley M; Shrader, Peter; Sigurdsson, Gunnar; Sparsø, Thomas; Strassburger, Klaus; Stringham, Heather M; Sun, Qi; Swift, Amy J; Thorand, Barbara; Tichet, Jean; Tuomi, Tiinamaija; van Dam, Rob M; van Haeften, Timon W; van Herpt, Thijs; van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V; Walters, G Bragi; Weedon, Michael N; Wijmenga, Cisca; Witteman, Jacqueline; Bergman, Richard N; Cauchi, Stephane; Collins, Francis S; Gloyn, Anna L; Gyllensten, Ulf; Hansen, Torben; Hide, Winston A; Hitman, Graham A; Hofman, Albert; Hunter, David J; Hveem, Kristian; Laakso, Markku; Morris, Andrew D; Palmer, Colin NA; Rudan, Igor; Sijbrands, Eric; Stein, Lincoln D; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Uitterlinden, Andre; Walker, Mark; Watanabe, Richard M; Abecasis, Goncalo R; Boehm, Bernhard O; Campbell, Harry; Daly, Mark J; Hattersley, Andrew T; Pedersen, Oluf; Barroso, Inês; Groop, Leif; Sladek, Rob; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Wilson, James F; Illig, Thomas; Froguel, Philippe; van Duijn, Cornelia M; Stefansson, Kari; Altshuler, David; Boehnke, Michael; McCarthy, Mark I; Soranzo, Nicole; Wheeler, Eleanor; Glazer, Nicole L; Bouatia-Naji, Nabila; Mägi, Reedik; Randall, Joshua; Elliott, Paul; Rybin, Denis; Dehghan, Abbas; Hottenga, Jouke Jan; Song, Kijoung; Goel, Anuj; Lajunen, Taina; Doney, Alex; Cavalcanti-Proença, Christine; Kumari, Meena; Timpson, Nicholas J; Zabena, Carina; Ingelsson, Erik; An, Ping; O'Connell, Jeffrey; Luan, Jian'an; Elliott, Amanda; McCarroll, Steven A; Roccasecca, Rosa Maria; Pattou, François; Sethupathy, Praveen; Ariyurek, Yavuz; Barter, Philip; Beilby, John P; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Bergmann, Sven; Bochud, Murielle; Bonnefond, Amélie; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Böttcher, Yvonne; Brunner, Eric; Bumpstead, Suzannah J; Chen, Yii-Der Ida; Chines, Peter; Clarke, Robert; Coin, Lachlan JM; Cooper, Matthew N; Crisponi, Laura; Day, Ian NM; de Geus, Eco JC; Delplanque, Jerome; Fedson, Annette C; Fischer-Rosinsky, Antje; Forouhi, Nita G; Franzosi, Maria Grazia; Galan, Pilar; Goodarzi, Mark O; Graessler, Jürgen; Grundy, Scott; Gwilliam, Rhian; Hallmans, Göran; Hammond, Naomi; Han, Xijing; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Hayward, Caroline; Heath, Simon C; Hercberg, Serge; Hillman, David R; Hingorani, Aroon D; Hui, Jennie; Hung, Joe; Kaakinen, Marika; Kaprio, Jaakko; Kesaniemi, Y Antero; Kivimaki, Mika; Knight, Beatrice; Koskinen, Seppo; Kovacs, Peter; Kyvik, Kirsten Ohm; Lathrop, G Mark; Lawlor, Debbie A; Le Bacquer, Olivier; Lecoeur, Cécile; Li, Yun; Mahley, Robert; Mangino, Massimo; Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa; McAteer, Jarred B; McPherson, Ruth; Meisinger, Christa; Melzer, David; Meyre, David; Mitchell, Braxton D; Mukherjee, Sutapa; Naitza, Silvia; Neville, Matthew J; Orrù, Marco; Pakyz, Ruth; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Pattaro, Cristian; Pearson, Daniel; Peden, John F; Pedersen, Nancy L; Pfeiffer, Andreas FH; Pichler, Irene; Polasek, Ozren; Posthuma, Danielle; Potter, Simon C; Pouta, Anneli; Province, Michael A; Rayner, Nigel W; Rice, Kenneth; Ripatti, Samuli; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Rolandsson, Olov; Sandbaek, Annelli; Sandhu, Manjinder; Sanna, Serena; Sayer, Avan Aihie; Scheet, Paul; Seedorf, Udo; Sharp, Stephen J; Shields, Beverley; Sigurðsson, Gunnar; Sijbrands, Eric JG; Silveira, Angela; Simpson, Laila; Singleton, Andrew; Smith, Nicholas L; Sovio, Ulla; Swift, Amy; Syddall, Holly; Syvänen, Ann-Christine; Tönjes, Anke; Uitterlinden, André G; van Dijk, Ko Willems; Varma, Dhiraj; Visvikis-Siest, Sophie; Vitart, Veronique; Vogelzangs, Nicole; Waeber, Gérard; Wagner, Peter J; Walley, Andrew; Ward, Kim L; Watkins, Hugh; Wild, Sarah H; Willemsen, Gonneke; Witteman, Jaqueline CM; Yarnell, John WG; Zelenika, Diana; Zethelius, Björn; Zhai, Guangju; Zhao, Jing Hua; Zillikens, M Carola; DIAGRAM Consortium; GIANT Consortium; Global B Pgen Consortium; Borecki, Ingrid B; Meneton, Pierre; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Nathan, David M; Williams, Gordon H; Silander, Kaisa; Bornstein, Stefan R; Schwarz, Peter; Spranger, Joachim; Karpe, Fredrik; Shuldiner, Alan R; Cooper, Cyrus; Serrano-Ríos, Manuel; Lind, Lars; Palmer, Lyle J; Hu, Frank B; Franks, Paul W; Ebrahim, Shah; Marmot, Michael; Kao, WH Linda; Pramstaller, Peter Paul; Wright, Alan F; Stumvoll, Michael; Hamsten, Anders; Procardis Consortium; Buchanan, Thomas A; Valle, Timo T; Rotter, Jerome I; Penninx, Brenda WJH; Boomsma, Dorret I; Cao, Antonio; Scuteri, Angelo; Schlessinger, David; Uda, Manuela; Ruokonen, Aimo; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Peltonen, Leena; Mooser, Vincent; Sladek, Robert; MAGIC investigators; GLGC Consortium; Musunuru, Kiran; Smith, Albert V; Edmondson, Andrew C; Stylianou, Ioannis M; Koseki, Masahiro; Pirruccello, James P; Chasman, Daniel I; Johansen, Christopher T; Fouchier, Sigrid W; Peloso, Gina M; Barbalic, Maja; Ricketts, Sally L; Bis, Joshua C; Feitosa, Mary F; Orho-Melander, Marju; Melander, Olle; Li, Xiaohui; Li, Mingyao; Cho, Yoon Shin; Go, Min Jin; Kim, Young Jin; Lee, Jong-Young; Park, Taesung; Kim, Kyunga; Sim, Xueling; Ong, Rick Twee-Hee; Croteau-Chonka, Damien C; Lange, Leslie A; Smith, Joshua D; Ziegler, Andreas; Zhang, Weihua; Zee, Robert YL; Whitfield, John B; Thompson, John R; Surakka, Ida; Spector, Tim D; Smit, Johannes H; Sinisalo, Juha; Scott, James; Saharinen, Juha; Sabatti, Chiara; Rose, Lynda M; Roberts, Robert; Rieder, Mark; Parker, Alex N; Pare, Guillaume; O'Donnell, Christopher J; Nieminen, Markku S; Nickerson, Deborah A; Montgomery, Grant W; McArdle, Wendy; Masson, David; Martin, Nicholas G; Marroni, Fabio; Lucas, Gavin; Luben, Robert; Lokki, Marja-Liisa; Lettre, Guillaume; Launer, Lenore J; Lakatta, Edward G; Laaksonen, Reijo; Kyvik, Kirsten O; König, Inke R; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Kaplan, Lee M; Johansson, Åsa; Janssens, A Cecile JW; Igl, Wilmar; Hovingh, G Kees; Hengstenberg, Christian; Havulinna, Aki S; Hastie, Nicholas D; Harris, Tamara B; Haritunians, Talin; Hall, Alistair S; Groop, Leif C; Gonzalez, Elena; Freimer, Nelson B; Erdmann, Jeanette; Ejebe, Kenechi G; Döring, Angela; Dominiczak, Anna F; Demissie, Serkalem; Deloukas, Panagiotis; de Faire, Ulf; Crawford, Gabriel; Chen, Yii-der I; Caulfield, Mark J; Boekholdt, S Matthijs; Assimes, Themistocles L; Quertermous, Thomas; Seielstad, Mark; Wong, Tien Y; Tai, E-Shyong; Feranil, Alan B; Kuzawa, Christopher W; Taylor, Herman A; Gabriel, Stacey B; Holm, Hilma; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Krauss, Ronald M; Ordovas, Jose M; Munroe, Patricia B; Kooner, Jaspal S; Tall, Alan R; Hegele, Robert A; Kastelein, John JP; Schadt, Eric E; Strachan, David P; Reilly, Muredach P; Samani, Nilesh J; Schunkert, Heribert; Cupples, L Adrienne; Sandhu, Manjinder S; Ridker, Paul M; Rader, Daniel J; Kathiresan, Sekar
  • Marginal structural models: the way forward for life-course epidemiology? (2012) De Stavola, Bianca L; Daniel, Rhian M
  • Data resource profile: cardiovascular disease research using linked bespoke studies and electronic health records (CALIBER). (2012) Denaxas, Spiros C; George, Julie; Herrett, Emily; Shah, Anoop D; Kalra, Dipak; Hingorani, Aroon D; Kivimaki, Mika; Timmis, Adam D; Smeeth, Liam; Hemingway, Harry
  • Complaints about dog faeces as a symbolic representation of incivility in London, UK: a qualitative study. (2012) Derges, Jane; Lynch, Rebecca; Clow, Angela; Petticrew, Mark; Draper, Alizon
  • Maternal nutritional status, C(1) metabolism and offspring DNA methylation: a review of current evidence in human subjects. (2012) Dominguez-Salas, Paula; Cox, Sharon E; Prentice, Andrew M; Hennig, Branwen J; Moore, Sophie E
  • Clopidogrel and interaction with proton pump inhibitors: comparison between cohort and within person study designs. (2012) Douglas, Ian J; Evans, Stephen JW; Hingorani, Aroon D; Grosso, Anthony M; Timmis, Adam; Hemingway, Harry; Smeeth, Liam
  • Incidence of and risk factors for motor neurone disease in UK women: a prospective study. (2012) Doyle, Pat; Brown, Anna; Beral, Valerie; Reeves, Gillian; Green, Jane
  • A model of successful ageing in British populations. (2012) Doyle, Yvonne G; Mc Kee, Martin; Sherriff, Martyn
  • Reshaping global health. (2012) Dybul, M; Piot, P; Frenk, J
  • A community study of factors related to poorly controlled asthma among Brazilian urban children. (2012) de Magalhães Simões, Silvia; da Cunha, Sergio S; Cruz, Álvaro A; Dias, Karen Conceição; Alcântara-Neves, Neuza M; Amorim, Leila D; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Maurício L
  • Cancer incidence in professional flight crew and air traffic control officers: disentangling the effect of occupational versus lifestyle exposures. (2012) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca; Pizzi, Costanza; Evans, Anthony D; Evans, Sally A
  • E
  • Attitudes and acceptance of oral and parenteral HIV preexposure prophylaxis among potential user groups: a multinational study. (2012) Eisingerich, Andreas B; Wheelock, Ana; Gomez, Gabriela B; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Dybul, Mark R; Piot, Peter K
  • Epigenetics: the next big thing. (2012) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The lights went out. (2012) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Statins for all by the age of 50 years? (2012) Ebrahim, Shah; Casas, Juan P
  • Troubles never come alone. (2012) Elliott, Alison; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria
  • Mammographic density and molecular subtypes of breast cancer. (2012) Eriksson, L; Hall, P; Czene, K; Dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Bergh, J; Bjohle, J; Ploner, A
  • F
  • Scoping the impact of the national child measurement programme feedback on the child obesity pathway: study protocol. (2012) Falconer, Catherine; Park, Minhae; Skow, Aine; Black, James; Sovio, Ulla; Saxena, Sonia; Kessel, Anthony; Croker, Helen; Morris, Steve; Viner, Russell; Kinra, Sanjay
  • European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012): the Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). (2012) Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology; European Association of Echocardiography; European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Intervention; European Heart Rhythm Association; Heart Failure Association; European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitat; European Atherosclerosis Society; International Society of Behavioural Medicine; European Stroke Organisation; European Society of Hypertension; European Association for the Study of Diabetes; European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine; International Diabetes Federation Europe; European Heart Network
  • The effect of age on outcomes of coronary artery bypass surgery compared with balloon angioplasty or bare-metal stent implantation among patients with multivessel coronary disease. A collaborative analysis of individual patient data from 10 randomized trials. (2012) Flather, Marcus; Rhee, June-Wha; Boothroyd, Derek B; Boersma, Eric; Brooks, Maria Mori; Carrié, Didier; Clayton, Tim C; Danchin, Nicholas; Hamm, Christian W; Hueb, Whady A; King, Spencer B; Pocock, Stuart J; Rodriguez, Alfredo E; Serruys, Patrick; Sigwart, Ulrich; Stables, Rodney H; Hlatky, Mark A
  • Prescription of antiviral therapy after herpes zoster in general practice: who receives therapy? (2012) Forbes, Harriet J; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Global public health leadership for the twenty-first century: towards improved health of all populations. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Frenk, Julio J; Flahault, Antoine; Parker, Richard
  • The changing landscape of global public health. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Spencer, Harrison C; Parker, Richard
  • Policies to improve the health and well-being of Roma people: the European experience. (2012) Fésüs, Gabriella; Östlin, Piroska; McKee, Martin; Ádány, Róza
  • G
  • Severe human rights abuses in healthcare settings. (2012) Guterman, Lydia; McKee, Martin
  • Serum perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) concentrations and liver function biomarkers in a population with elevated PFOA exposure. (2012) Gallo, Valentina; Leonardi, Giovanni; Genser, Bernd; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Frisbee, Stephanie J; Karlsson, Lee; Ducatman, Alan M; Fletcher, Tony
  • Academic output of 9 years of EU investment into health research. (2012) Galsworthy, Michael J; Hristovski, Dimitar; Lusa, Lara; Ernst, Kelly; Irwin, Rachel; Charlesworth, Kate; Wismar, Matthias; McKee, Martin
  • Dysregulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and physical performance at older ages: an individual participant meta-analysis. (2012) Gardner, Michael P; Lightman, Stafford; Sayer, Avan Aihie; Cooper, Cyrus; Cooper, Rachel; Deeg, Dorly; Ebrahim, Shah; Gallacher, John; Kivimaki, Mika; Kumari, Meena; Kuh, Diana; Martin, Richard M; Peeters, Geeske; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Halcyon Study Team
  • Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci. (2012) Ghoussaini, Maya; Fletcher, Olivia; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Turnbull, Clare; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Dicks, Ed; Dennis, Joe; Wang, Qin; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Luccarini, Craig; Baynes, Caroline; Conroy, Don; Maranian, Melanie; Ahmed, Shahana; Driver, Kristy; Johnson, Nichola; Orr, Nicholas; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Waisfisz, Quinten; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Uitterlinden, Andre G; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Netherlands Collaborative Group on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Irwanto, Astrid; Liu, Jianjun; Nevanlinna, Heli; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Meindl, Alfons; Schmutzler, Rita K; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Lichtner, Peter; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Hein, Rebecca; Nickels, Stefan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Tsimiklis, Helen; Makalic, Enes; Schmidt, Daniel; Bui, Minh; Hopper, John L; Apicella, Carmel; Park, Daniel J; Southey, Melissa; Hunter, David J; Chanock, Stephen J; Broeks, Annegien; Verhoef, Senno; Hogervorst, Frans BL; Fasching, Peter A; Lux, Michael P; Beckmann, Matthias W; Ekici, Arif B; Sawyer, Elinor; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael; Marme, Frederik; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Burwinkel, Barbara; Guénel, Pascal; Truong, Thérèse; Cordina-Duverger, Emilie; Menegaux, Florence; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Nielsen, Sune F; Flyger, Henrik; Milne, Roger L; Alonso, M Rosario; González-Neira, Anna; Benítez, Javier; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Bernstein, Leslie; Dur, Christina Clarke; Brenner, Hermann; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Familial Breast Cancer Study (FBCS); Justenhoven, Christina; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brüning, Thomas; Gene Environment Interaction of Breast Cancer in Germany (GENICA; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Eilber, Ursula; Dörk, Thilo; Schürmann, Peter; Bremer, Michael; Hillemanns, Peter; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Rogov, Yuri I; Karstens, Johann H; Bermisheva, Marina; Prokofieva, Darya; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Mannermaa, Arto; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Lambrechts, Diether; Yesilyurt, Betul T; Floris, Giuseppe; Leunen, Karin; Manoukian, Siranoush; Bonanni, Bernardo; Fortuzzi, Stefano; Peterlongo, Paolo; Couch, Fergus J; Wang, Xianshu; Stevens, Kristen; Lee, Adam; Giles, Graham G; Baglietto, Laura; Severi, Gianluca; McLean, Catriona; Alnaes, Grethe Grenaker; Kristensen, Vessela; Børrensen-Dale, Anne-Lise; John, Esther M; Miron, Alexander; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Kauppila, Saila; Andrulis, Irene L; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Devilee, Peter; van Asperen, Christie J; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Seynaeve, Caroline; Figueroa, Jonine D; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Brinton, Louise; Lissowska, Jolanta; Hooning, Maartje J; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Oldenburg, Rogier A; van den Ouweland, Ans MW; Cox, Angela; Reed, Malcolm WR; Shah, Mitul; Jakubowska, Ania; Lubinski, Jan; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Jones, Michael; Schoemaker, Minouk; Ashworth, Alan; Swerdlow, Anthony; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; kConFab Investigators; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Muir, Kenneth R; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Rattanamongkongul, Suthee; Chaiwerawattana, Arkom; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Wu, Pei-Ei; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Perkins, Annie; Swann, Ruth; Velentzis, Louiza; Eccles, Diana M; Tapper, Will J; Gerty, Susan M; Graham, Nikki J; Ponder, Bruce AJ; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Pharoah, Paul DP; Lathrop, Mark; Dunning, Alison M; Rahman, Nazneen; Peto, Julian; Easton, Douglas F
  • Systematic reviews of the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention and treatment of disease. (2012) Gil, Angel; Serra-Majem, Luis; Calder, Philip C; Uauy, Ricardo
  • DNA methyltransferase 3b (DNMT3b), tumor tissue DNA methylation, Gleason score, and prostate cancer mortality: investigating causal relationships. (2012) Gillio-Tos, Anna; Fiano, Valentina; Zugna, Daniela; Vizzini, Loredana; Pearce, Neil; Delsedime, Luisa; Merletti, Franco; Richiardi, Lorenzo
  • The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study. (2012) Goodwin, DM; Cummins, S; Sautkina, E; Ogilvie, D; Petticrew, M; Jones, A; Wheeler, K; White, M
  • The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study. (2012) Goodwin, Denise May; Cummins, Steven; Sautkina, Elena; Ogilvie, David; Petticrew, Mark; Jones, Andy; Wheeler, Katy; White, Martin
  • Economic evaluations of adult weight management interventions: a systematic literature review focusing on methods used for determining health impacts. (2012) Griffiths, Ulla K; Anigbogu, Benedict; Nanchahal, Kiran
  • Costs of meningitis sequelae in children in Dakar, Senegal. (2012) Griffiths, Ulla K; Dieye, Yakou; Fleming, Jessica; Hajjeh, Rana; Edmond, Karen
  • Managing a health service. (2012) Grosskurth, H; Brugha, R; Foster, S; Laing, R
  • Grandparenting and psychosocial health among older Chileans: a longitudinal analysis. (2012) Grundy, Emily M; Albala, Cecilia; Allen, Elizabeth; Dangour, Alan D; Elbourne, Diana; Uauy, Ricardo
  • H
  • Discussion on banning advertising of cosmetic surgery needs to consider medical tourists. (2012) Hanefeld, Johanna; Lunt, Neil; Horsfall, Daniel; Smith, Richard
  • How the low carbon economy can improve health. (2012) Haines, Andy; Dora, Carlos
  • Scientific evidence alone is not sufficient basis for health policy. (2012) Humphreys, Keith; Piot, Peter
  • Health benefits of a low carbon economy. (2012) Haines, A
  • From the Earth Summit to Rio+20: integration of health and sustainable development. (2012) Haines, Andy; Alleyne, George; Kickbusch, Ilona; Dora, Carlos
  • Increased levels of CD4 T-cell activation in individuals with CXCR4 using viruses in primary HIV-1 infection. (2012) Hamlyn, Elizabeth; Hickling, Stephen; Porter, Kholoud; Frater, John; Phillips, Rodney; Robinson, Mark; Mackie, Nicola E; Kaye, Steve; McClure, Myra; Fidler, Sarah; SPARTAC Investigators
  • Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (ERICCA): rationale and study design of a multi-centre randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial. (2012) Hausenloy, Derek J; Candilio, Luciano; Laing, Chris; Kunst, Gudrun; Pepper, John; Kolvekar, Shyam; Evans, Richard; Robertson, Steve; Knight, Rosemary; Ariti, Cono; Clayton, Tim; Yellon, Derek M; ERICCA Trial Investigators
  • Alcohol industry influence on UK alcohol policy: A new research agenda for public health. (2012) Hawkins, Benjamin; Holden, Chris; McCambridge, Jim
  • Host genetic factors in hepatitis B infection, liver cancer and vaccination response: a review with a focus on Africa. (2012) Hennig, Branwen J; Hall, Andrew J
  • Cleavages and co-operation in the UK alcohol industry: a qualitative study. (2012) Holden, Chris; Hawkins, Benjamin; McCambridge, Jim
  • I
  • How the NHS measures up to other health systems. (2012) Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd
  • Baseline kidney function as predictor of mortality and kidney disease progression in HIV-positive patients. (2012) Ibrahim, Fowzia; Hamzah, Lisa; Jones, Rachael; Nitsch, Dorothea; Sabin, Caroline; Post, Frank A; UK Collaborative HIV Cohort (CHIC)/CKD Study Group
  • The interleukin-6 receptor as a target for prevention of coronary heart disease: a mendelian randomisation analysis. (2012) Interleukin-6 Receptor Mendelian Randomisation Analysis (IL6R MR; Swerdlow, Daniel I; Holmes, Michael V; Kuchenbaecker, Karoline B; Engmann, Jorgen EL; Shah, Tina; Sofat, Reecha; Guo, Yiran; Chung, Christina; Peasey, Anne; Pfister, Roman; Mooijaart, Simon P; Ireland, Helen A; Leusink, Maarten; Langenberg, Claudia; Li, Ka Wah; Palmen, Jutta; Howard, Philip; Cooper, Jackie A; Drenos, Fotios; Hardy, John; Nalls, Michael A; Li, Yun Rose; Lowe, Gordon; Stewart, Marlene; Bielinski, Suzette J; Peto, Julian; Timpson, Nicholas J; Gallacher, John; Dunlop, Malcolm; Houlston, Richard; Tomlinson, Ian; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Luan, Jian'an; Boer, Jolanda MA; Forouhi, Nita G; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; Schnabel, Renate B; Hubacek, Jaroslav A; Kubinova, Ruzena; Baceviciene, Migle; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Pajak, Andrzej; Topor-Madry, Roman; Malyutina, Sofia; Baldassarre, Damiano; Sennblad, Bengt; Tremoli, Elena; de Faire, Ulf; Ferrucci, Luigi; Bandenelli, Stefania; Tanaka, Toshiko; Meschia, James F; Singleton, Andrew; Navis, Gerjan; Mateo Leach, Irene; Bakker, Stephan JL; Gansevoort, Ron T; Ford, Ian; Epstein, Stephen E; Burnett, Mary Susan; Devaney, Joe M; Jukema, J Wouter; Westendorp, Rudi GJ; Jan de Borst, Gert; van der Graaf, Yolanda; de Jong, Pim A; Mailand-van der Zee, Anke-Hilse; Klungel, Olaf H; de Boer, Anthonius; Doevendans, Pieter A; Stephens, Jeffrey W; Eaton, Charles B; Robinson, Jennifer G; Manson, JoAnn E; Fowkes, F Gerry; Frayling, Timonthy M; Price, Jackie F; Whincup, Peter H; Morris, Richard W; Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Redline, Susan; Lange, Leslie A; Kumari, Meena; Wareham, Nick J; Verschuren, WM Monique; Benjamin, Emelia J; Whittaker, John C; Hamsten, Anders; Dudbridge, Frank; Delaney, JA Chris; Wong, Andrew; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca; Castillo, Berta Almoguera; Connolly, John J; van der Harst, Pim; Brunner, Eric J; Marmot, Michael G; Wassel, Christina L; Humphries, Steve E; Talmud, Philippa J; Kivimaki, Mika; Asselbergs, Folkert W; Voevoda, Mikhail; Bobak, Martin; Pikhart, Hynek; Wilson, James G; Hakonarson, Hakon; Reiner, Alex P; Keating, Brendan J; Sattar, Naveed; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan Pablo
  • Genome-wide association study identifies a variant in HDAC9 associated with large vessel ischemic stroke. (2012) International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC); Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 (WTCCC2); Bellenguez, Céline; Bevan, Steve; Gschwendtner, Andreas; Spencer, Chris CA; Burgess, Annette I; Pirinen, Matti; Jackson, Caroline A; Traylor, Matthew; Strange, Amy; Su, Zhan; Band, Gavin; Syme, Paul D; Malik, Rainer; Pera, Joanna; Norrving, Bo; Lemmens, Robin; Freeman, Colin; Schanz, Renata; James, Tom; Poole, Deborah; Murphy, Lee; Segal, Helen; Cortellini, Lynelle; Cheng, Yu-Ching; Woo, Daniel; Nalls, Michael A; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Meisinger, Christa; Seedorf, Udo; Ross-Adams, Helen; Boonen, Steven; Wloch-Kopec, Dorota; Valant, Valerie; Slark, Julia; Furie, Karen; Delavaran, Hossein; Langford, Cordelia; Deloukas, Panos; Edkins, Sarah; Hunt, Sarah; Gray, Emma; Dronov, Serge; Peltonen, Leena; Gretarsdottir, Solveig; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Stefansson, Kari; Boncoraglio, Giorgio B; Parati, Eugenio A; Attia, John; Holliday, Elizabeth; Levi, Chris; Franzosi, Maria-Grazia; Goel, Anuj; Helgadottir, Anna; Blackwell, Jenefer M; Bramon, Elvira; Brown, Matthew A; Casas, Juan P; Corvin, Aiden; Duncanson, Audrey; Jankowski, Janusz; Mathew, Christopher G; Palmer, Colin NA; Plomin, Robert; Rautanen, Anna; Sawcer, Stephen J; Trembath, Richard C; Viswanathan, Ananth C; Wood, Nicholas W; Worrall, Bradford B; Kittner, Steven J; Mitchell, Braxton D; Kissela, Brett; Meschia, James F; Thijs, Vincent; Lindgren, Arne; Macleod, Mary Joan; Slowik, Agnieszka; Walters, Matthew; Rosand, Jonathan; Sharma, Pankaj; Farrall, Martin; Sudlow, Cathie LM; Rothwell, Peter M; Dichgans, Martin; Donnelly, Peter; Markus, Hugh S
  • J
  • Effect of increasing active travel in urban England and Wales on costs to the National Health Service. (2012) Jarrett, James; Woodcock, James; Griffiths, Ulla K; Chalabi, Zaid; Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Haines, Andy
  • Prospective study of IL-18 and risk of MI and stroke in men and women aged 60-79 years: a nested case-control study. (2012) Jefferis, Barbara J; Whincup, Peter H; Welsh, Paul; Wannamethee, S Goya; Rumley, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A; Lowe, Gordon DO description
  • CYP3A variation, premenopausal estrone levels, and breast cancer risk. (2012) Johnson, Nichola; Walker, Kate; Gibson, Lorna J; Orr, Nick; Folkerd, Elizabeth; Haynes, Ben; Palles, Claire; Coupland, Ben; Schoemaker, Minouk; Jones, Michael; Broderick, Peter; Sawyer, Elinor; Kerin, Michael; Tomlinson, Ian P; Zvelebil, Marketa; Chilcott-Burns, Sarah; Tomczyk, Katarzyna; Simpson, Gemma; Williamson, Jill; Hillier, Stephen G; Ross, Gillian; Houlston, Richard S; Swerdlow, Anthony; Ashworth, Alan; Dowsett, Mitch; Peto, Julian; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Fletcher, Olivia
  • The relationship between permeability and infiltration in conjoined dwellings. (2012) Jones, B; Das, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Ridley, I; Shrubsole, C; Wilkinson, P
  • K
  • Minding the gap: changes in life expectancy in the Baltic States compared with Finland. (2012) Karanikolos, Marina; Leon, David A; Smith, Peter C; McKee, Martin
  • PS39 Alcohol and Harm to Others in Russia: Longitudinal Analysis of Couple Drinking and Subsequent Divorce. (2012) Keenan, K; Grundy, E; Kenward, M; Leon, D
  • Health and the financial crisis in Greece – Authors' reply. (2012) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Karanikolos, Marina; Papanicolas, Irene; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Effect of tranexamic acid on surgical bleeding: systematic review and cumulative meta-analysis. (2012) Ker, Katharine; Edwards, Phil; Perel, Pablo; Shakur, Haleema; Roberts, Ian
  • Avoidable mortality from giving tranexamic acid to bleeding trauma patients: an estimation based on WHO mortality data, a systematic literature review and data from the CRASH-2 trial. (2012) Ker, Katharine; Kiriya, Junko; Perel, Pablo; Edwards, Phil; Shakur, Haleema; Roberts, Ian
  • HIV-1 subtypes and recombinants in Northern Tanzania: distribution of viral quasispecies. (2012) Kiwelu, Ireen E; Novitsky, Vladimir; Margolin, Lauren; Baca, Jeannie; Manongi, Rachel; Sam, Noel; Shao, John; McLane, Mary F; Kapiga, Saidi H; Essex, M
  • Systematic review of the methodological quality of clinical guideline development for the management of chronic disease in Europe. (2012) Knai, Cécile; Brusamento, Serena; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Saliba, Vanessa; Panteli, Dimitra; Turk, Eva; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Looking at the Russian health care system: through the eyes of patients with diabetes and their physicians. (2012) Kühlbrandt, Charlotte; Basu, Sanjay; Mckee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • L
  • Cost-effectiveness of farm interventions for reducing the prevalence of VTEC O157 on UK dairy farms. (2012) Lyons, NA; Smith, RP; Rushton, J
  • What types of interventions generate inequalities? Evidence from systematic reviews. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Petticrew, Mark; Welch, Vivian; Tugwell, Peter
  • Prevention of sexual transmission of HIV: real results, science progressing, societies remaining behind. (2012) Laga, Marie; Piot, Peter
  • Social origin, schooling and individual change in intelligence during childhood influence long-term mortality: a 68-year follow-up study. (2012) Lager, Anton CJ; Modin, Bitte E; De Stavola, Bianca L; Vågerö, Denny H
  • 11q13 is a susceptibility locus for hormone receptor positive breast cancer. (2012) Lambrechts, Diether; Truong, Therese; Justenhoven, Christina; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Wang, Jean; Hopper, John L; Dite, Gillian S; Apicella, Carmel; Southey, Melissa C; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Broeks, Annegien; Cornelissen, Sten; van Hien, Richard; Sawyer, Elinor; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael; Miller, Nicola; Milne, Roger L; Zamora, M Pilar; Pérez, José Ignacio Arias; Benítez, Javier; Hamann, Ute; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Brüning, Thomas; GENICA Network; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Eilber, Ursel; Hein, Rebecca; Nickels, Stefan; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; John, Esther M; Miron, Alexander; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Grip, Mervi; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; Investigators kConFab; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Menegaux, Florence; Cordina-Duverger, Emilie; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Wu, Pei-Ei; Hou, Ming-Feng; Andrulis, Irene L; Selander, Teresa; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Muir, Kenneth R; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Rattanamongkongul, Suthee; Puttawibul, Puttisak; Jones, Michael; Orr, Nicholas; Ashworth, Alan; Swerdlow, Anthony; Severi, Gianluca; Baglietto, Laura; Giles, Graham; Southey, Melissa; Marmé, Federik; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Burwinkel, Barbara; Yesilyurt, Betul T; Neven, Patrick; Paridaens, Robert; Wildiers, Hans; Brenner, Hermann; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Meindl, Alfons; Schott, Sarah; Bartram, Claus R; Schmutzler, Rita K; Cox, Angela; Brock, Ian W; Elliott, Graeme; Cross, Simon S; Fasching, Peter A; Schulz-Wendtland, Ruediger; Ekici, Arif B; Beckmann, Matthias W; Fletcher, Olivia; Johnson, Nichola; Silva, Isabel Dos Santos; Peto, Julian; Nevanlinna, Heli; Muranen, Taru A; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Dörk, Thilo; Schürmann, Peter; Bremer, Michael; Hillemanns, Peter; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Rogov, Yuri I; Karstens, Johann H; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Bermisheva, Marina; Prokofieva, Darya; Gancev, Shamil; Jakubowska, Anna; Lubinski, Jan; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Durda, Katarzyna; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Bojesen, Stig E; Lanng, Charlotte; Mannermaa, Arto; Kataja, Vesa; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Radice, Paolo; Peterlongo, Paolo; Manoukian, Siranoush; Bernard, Loris; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; Wang, Xianshu; Fredericksen, Zachary; Alnaes, Grethe Grenaker; Kristensen, Vessela; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Devilee, Peter; Tollenaar, Robert AEM; Seynaeve, Caroline M; Hooning, Maartje J; García-Closas, Montserrat; Chanock, Stephen J; Lissowska, Jolanta; Sherman, Mark E; Hall, Per; Liu, Jianjun; Czene, Kamila; Kang, Daehee; Yoo, Keun-Young; Noh, Dong-Young; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Guénel, Pascal; Brauch, Hiltrud
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: linking guidance development to policy development. (2012) Lavis, John N; Røttingen, John-Arne; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Atun, Rifat; El-Jardali, Fadi; Gilson, Lucy; Lewin, Simon; Oliver, Sandy; Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre; Haines, Andy
  • Making the first global society for health systems research truly global. (2012) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Analysing arrangements for cross-border mobility of patients in the European Union: a proposal for a framework. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Glinos, Irene A; Baeten, Rita; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Health and social fields in the context of lifestyle migration. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; McKee, Martin
  • The health care experiences of British pensioners migrating to Spain: a qualitative study. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Nolte, Ellen; Green, Judith; la Parra, Daniel; McKee, Martin
  • Clinical guidelines in the European Union: mapping the regulatory basis, development, quality control, implementation and evaluation across member states. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Panteli, Dimitra; Brusamento, Serena; Knai, Cécile; Saliba, Vanessa; Turk, Eva; Solé, Meritxell; Augustin, Uta; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Commentary: Alcohol, child development and harm to others: a 'hard' problem. (2012) Leon, David A; Keenan, Katherine
  • Educational level and risk of colorectal cancer in EPIC with specific reference to tumor location. (2012) Leufkens, Anke M; Van Duijnhoven, Fränzel JB; Boshuizen, Hendriek C; Siersema, Peter D; Kunst, Anton E; Mouw, Traci; Tjønneland, Anne; Olsen, Anja; Overvad, Kim; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Morois, Sophie; Krogh, Vittorio; Tumino, Rosario; Panico, Salvatore; Polidoro, Silvia; Palli, Domenico; Kaaks, Rudolf; Teucher, Birgit; Pischon, Tobias; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Orfanos, Philippos; Goufa, Ioulia; Peeters, Petra HM; Skeie, Guri; Braaten, Tonje; Rodríguez, Laudina; Lujan-Barroso, Leila; Sánchez-Pérez, Maria-José; Navarro, Carmen; Barricarte, Aurelio; Zackrisson, Sophia; Almquist, Martin; Hallmans, Goran; Palmqvist, Richard; Tsilidis, Konstantinos K; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Wareham, Nick; Gallo, Valentina; Jenab, Mazda; Riboli, Elio; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas
  • Guidance for evidence-informed policies about health systems: assessing how much confidence to place in the research evidence. (2012) Lewin, Simon; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Oliver, Sandy; Akl, Elie A; Vist, Gunn E; Lavis, John N; Ghersi, Davina; Røttingen, John-Arne; Steinmann, Peter; Gulmezoglu, Metin; Tugwell, Peter; El-Jardali, Fadi; Haines, Andy
  • Health impacts of increasing alcohol prices in the European Union: a dynamic projection. (2012) Lhachimi, Stefan K; Cole, Katie J; Nusselder, Wilma J; Smit, HA; Baili, Paolo; Bennett, Kathleen; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Charlesworth, Kate; Kulik, Margarete C; Mackenbach, Johan P; Boshuizen, Hendriek
  • A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. (2012) Lim, Stephen S; Vos, Theo; Flaxman, Abraham D; Danaei, Goodarz; Shibuya, Kenji; Adair-Rohani, Heather; Amann, Markus; Anderson, H Ross; Andrews, Kathryn G; Aryee, Martin; Atkinson, Charles; Bacchus, Loraine J; Bahalim, Adil N; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Balmes, John; Barker-Collo, Suzanne; Baxter, Amanda; Bell, Michelle L; Blore, Jed D; Blyth, Fiona; Bonner, Carissa; Borges, Guilherme; Bourne, Rupert; Boussinesq, Michel; Brauer, Michael; Brooks, Peter; Bruce, Nigel G; Brunekreef, Bert; Bryan-Hancock, Claire; Bucello, Chiara; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Bull, Fiona; Burnett, Richard T; Byers, Tim E; Calabria, Bianca; Carapetis, Jonathan; Carnahan, Emily; Chafe, Zoe; Charlson, Fiona; Chen, Honglei; Chen, Jian Shen; Cheng, Andrew Tai-Ann; Child, Jennifer Christine; Cohen, Aaron; Colson, K Ellicott; Cowie, Benjamin C; Darby, Sarah; Darling, Susan; Davis, Adrian; Degenhardt, Louisa; Dentener, Frank; Des Jarlais, Don C; Devries, Karen; Dherani, Mukesh; Ding, Eric L; Dorsey, E Ray; Driscoll, Tim; Edmond, Karen; Ali, Suad Eltahir; Engell, Rebecca E; Erwin, Patricia J; Fahimi, Saman; Falder, Gail; Farzadfar, Farshad; Ferrari, Alize; Finucane, Mariel M; Flaxman, Seth; Fowkes, Francis Gerry R; Freedman, Greg; Freeman, Michael K; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Ghosh, Santu; Giovannucci, Edward; Gmel, Gerhard; Graham, Kathryn; Grainger, Rebecca; Grant, Bridget; Gunnell, David; Gutierrez, Hialy R; Hall, Wayne; Hoek, Hans W; Hogan, Anthony; Hosgood, H Dean; Hoy, Damian; Hu, Howard; Hubbell, Bryan J; Hutchings, Sally J; Ibeanusi, Sydney E; Jacklyn, Gemma L; Jasrasaria, Rashmi; Jonas, Jost B; Kan, Haidong; Kanis, John A; Kassebaum, Nicholas; Kawakami, Norito; Khang, Young-Ho; Khatibzadeh, Shahab; Khoo, Jon-Paul; Kok, Cindy; Laden, Francine; Lalloo, Ratilal; Lan, Qing; Lathlean, Tim; Leasher, Janet L; Leigh, James; Li, Yang; Lin, John Kent; Lipshultz, Steven E; London, Stephanie; Lozano, Rafael; Lu, Yuan; Mak, Joelle; Malekzadeh, Reza; Mallinger, Leslie; Marcenes, Wagner; March, Lyn; Marks, Robin; Martin, Randall; McGale, Paul; McGrath, John; Mehta, Sumi; Mensah, George A; Merriman, Tony R; Micha, Renata; Michaud, Catherine; Mishra, Vinod; Mohd Hanafiah, Khayriyyah; Mokdad, Ali A; Morawska, Lidia; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Murphy, Tasha; Naghavi, Mohsen; Neal, Bruce; Nelson, Paul K; Nolla, Joan Miquel; Norman, Rosana; Olives, Casey; Omer, Saad B; Orchard, Jessica; Osborne, Richard; Ostro, Bart; Page, Andrew; Pandey, Kiran D; Parry, Charles DH; Passmore, Erin; Patra, Jayadeep; Pearce, Neil; Pelizzari, Pamela M; Petzold, Max; Phillips, Michael R; Pope, Dan; Pope, C Arden; Powles, John; Rao, Mayuree; Razavi, Homie; Rehfuess, Eva A; Rehm, Jürgen T; Ritz, Beate; Rivara, Frederick P; Roberts, Thomas; Robinson, Carolyn; Rodriguez-Portales, Jose A; Romieu, Isabelle; Room, Robin; Rosenfeld, Lisa C; Roy, Ananya; Rushton, Lesley; Salomon, Joshua A; Sampson, Uchechukwu; Sanchez-Riera, Lidia; Sanman, Ella; Sapkota, Amir; Seedat, Soraya; Shi, Peilin; Shield, Kevin; Shivakoti, Rupak; Singh, Gitanjali M; Sleet, David A; Smith, Emma; Smith, Kirk R; Stapelberg, Nicolas JC; Steenland, Kyle; Stöckl, Heidi; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Straif, Kurt; Straney, Lahn; Thurston, George D; Tran, Jimmy H; Van Dingenen, Rita; van Donkelaar, Aaron; Veerman, J Lennert; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Weintraub, Robert; Weissman, Myrna M; White, Richard A; Whiteford, Harvey; Wiersma, Steven T; Wilkinson, James D; Williams, Hywel C; Williams, Warwick; Wilson, Nicholas; Woolf, Anthony D; Yip, Paul; Zielinski, Jan M; Lopez, Alan D; Murray, Christopher JL; Ezzati, Majid; AlMazroa, Mohammad A; Memish, Ziad A
  • Population ageing and health. (2012) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah; Gorman, Mark; Greengross, Sally; Prince, Martin; Pruchno, Rachel; Gutman, Gloria; Kirkwood, Tom; O'Neill, Desmond; Ferrucci, Luigi; Kritchevsky, Stephen B; Vellas, Bruno
  • Crime, fear of crime, environment, and mental health and wellbeing: mapping review of theories and causal pathways. (2012) Lorenc, Theo; Clayton, Stephen; Neary, David; Whitehead, Margaret; Petticrew, Mark; Thomson, Hilary; Cummins, Steven; Sowden, Amanda; Renton, Adrian
  • Body mass index and self-perception of overweight and obesity in rural, urban and rural-to-urban migrants: PERU MIGRANT study. (2012) Loret de Mola, Christian; Pillay, Timesh D; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Gilman, Robert H; Smeeth, Liam; Miranda, J Jaime
  • M
  • Older people in the UK: under attack from all directions. (2012) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Seven goals for public health training in the 21st century. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Analysing compliance of cigarette packaging with the FCTC and national legislation in eight former Soviet countries. (2012) Mir, Hassan; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Chow, Clara; McKee, Martin
  • Illegally produced alcohol. (2012) McKee, Martin; Adany, Roza; Leon, David A
  • Martin McKee replies to Andrew Lansley. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Does anyone understand the government's plan for the NHS? (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Patterns of post traumatic stress disorder among conflict-affected populations in Georgia. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Makhashvili, N; Chikovani, I; Rukhadze, N; McKee, M; Patel, V; Roberts, B
  • Survival of HIV-infected patients after starting tuberculosis treatment: a prospective cohort study. (2012) Maruza, M; Albuquerque, MFPM; Braga, MC; Barbosa, MTS; Byington, R; Coimbra, I; Moura, LV; Batista, JDL; Diniz, GTN; Miranda-Filho, DB; Lacerda, HR; Rodrigues, LC; Ximenes, RAA
  • Building characteristics as determinants of propensity to high indoor summer temperatures in London dwellings. (2012) Mavrogianni, Anna; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael; Biddulph, Phillip; Oikonomou, Eleni
  • Dealing responsibly with the alcohol industry in London. (2012) McCambridge, Jim
  • Alcohol email assessment and feedback study dismantling effectiveness for university students (AMADEUS-1): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; Bendtsen, Preben; Bendtsen, Marcus; Nilsen, Per
  • How should debriefing be undertaken in web-based studies? Findings from a randomized controlled trial. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Wilson, Amanda ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • The effects of demand characteristics on research participant behaviours in non-laboratory settings: a systematic review. (2012) McCambridge, Jim; de Bruin, Marijn; Witton, John
  • Framing global health: the governance challenge. (2012) McInnes, Colin; Kamradt-Scott, Adam; Lee, Kelley; Reubi, David; Roemer-Mahler, Anne; Rushton, Simon; Williams, Owain David; Woodling, Marie
  • Authors' reply to Lachenmeier and Rehm. (2012) McKee, M; Adany, R; Leon, DA
  • The consequences for health and health care of the financial crisis: a new Dark Age? (2012) McKee, M; Stuckler, D
  • Minimum unit pricing for alcohol--the case for action is overwhelming. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • To see ourselves as others see us. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Health systems, health and wealth: the argument for investment applies now more than ever. (2012) McKee, Martin; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David
  • The EU Tobacco Products Directive must not be derailed. (2012) McKee, Martin; Belcher, Paul; Kosinska, Monika
  • Improving health outcomes: innovation, coverage, quality and adherence. (2012) McKee, Martin; Chow, Clara K
  • Austerity: a failed experiment on the people of Europe. (2012) McKee, Martin; Karanikolos, Marina; Belcher, Paul; Stuckler, David
  • Where there is no health research: what can be done to fill the global gaps in health research? (2012) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay
  • Toxocara seropositivity, atopy and wheezing in children living in poor neighbourhoods in urban Latin American. (2012) Mendonça, Lívia Ribeiro; Veiga, Rafael Valente; Dattoli, Vitor Camilo Cavalcante; Figueiredo, Camila Alexandrina; Fiaccone, Rosemeire; Santos, Jackson; Cruz, Álvaro Augusto; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Cooper, Philip John; Pontes-de-Carvalho, Lain Carlos; Barreto, Maurício Lima; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza Maria
  • Perinatal outcomes and gestational weight gain in women with eating disorders: a population-based cohort study. (2012) Micali, N; De Stavola, B; dos-Santos-Silva, I; Steenweg-de Graaff, J; Jansen, PW; Jaddoe, VWV; Hofman, A; Verhulst, FC; Steegers, EAP; Tiemeier, H
  • European governments should stop subsidizing films with tobacco imagery. (2012) Millett, Christopher; Hanewinkel, Reiner; Britton, John; Florek, Ewa; Faggiano, Fabrizio; Ness, Andrew; McKee, Martin; Polansky, Jonathan R; Glantz, Stanton A
  • Housing energy efficiency and radon-related health risks. (2012) Milner, J; Shrubsole, C; Chalabi, Z; Das, P; Davies, M; Jones, B; Ridley, I; Wilkinson, P
  • Urban energy, carbon management (low carbon cities) and co-benefits for human health. (2012) Milner, James; Davies, Michael; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Health effects of flooding in rural Bangladesh. (2012) Milojevic, Ai; Armstrong, Ben; Hashizume, Masahiro; McAllister, Katherine; Faruque, Asg; Yunus, Md; Kim Streatfield, Peter; Moji, Kazuhiko; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Addressing geographical variation in the progression of non-communicable diseases in Peru: the CRONICAS cohort study protocol. (2012) Miranda, J Jaime; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Smeeth, Liam; Gilman, Robert H; Checkley, William; CRONICAS Cohort Study Group
  • Good practices in migrant health: the European experience. (2012) Mladovsky, Philipa; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
  • Responding to diversity: an exploratory study of migrant health policies in Europe. (2012) Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin
  • The buncefield oil depot fire of 2005: potential air-pollution health impacts under alternative meteorological scenarios. (2012) Mohan, Richard; Walton, Heather A; Thomson, David; Webster, Helen; Wilkinson, Paul; Grundy, Chris; Murray, Virginia; Leonardi, Giovanni
  • CONSORT 2010 explanation and elaboration: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. (2012) Moher, David; Hopewell, Sally; Schulz, Kenneth F; Montori, Victor; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Devereaux, PJ; Elbourne, Diana; Egger, Matthias; Altman, Douglas G; CONSORT
  • Physical activity in middle-age and dementia in later life: findings from a prospective cohort of men in Caerphilly, South Wales and a meta-analysis. (2012) Morgan, Gemma S; Gallacher, John; Bayer, Antony; Fish, Mark; Ebrahim, Shah; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Measles in the 21st century. (2012) Mulholland, E Kim; Griffiths, Ulla Kou; Biellik, Robin
  • Association between genetic variants on chromosome 15q25 locus and objective measures of tobacco exposure. (2012) Munafò, Marcus R; Timofeeva, Maria N; Morris, Richard W; Prieto-Merino, David; Sattar, Naveed; Brennan, Paul; Johnstone, Elaine C; Relton, Caroline; Johnson, Paul CD; Walther, Donna; Whincup, Peter H; Casas, Juan P; Uhl, George R; Vineis, Paolo; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Jefferis, Barbara J; Amuzu, Antoinette; Riboli, Elio; Upton, Mark N; Aveyard, Paul; Ebrahim, Shah; Hingorani, Aroon D; Watt, Graham; Palmer, Tom M; Timpson, Nicholas J; EPIC Study Group; Davey Smith, George
  • Social factors associated with alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union: a systematic review. (2012) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. (2012) Murray, CJ; Vos, T; Lozano, R; Naghavi, M; Flaxman, AD; Michaud, C; Ezzati, M; Shibuya, K; Salomon, JA; Abdalla, S; Aboyans, V; Abraham, J; Ackerman, I; Aggarwal, R; Ahn, SY; Ali, MK; Alvarado, M; Anderson, HR; Anderson, LM; Andrews, KG; Atkinson, C; Baddour, LM; Bahalim, AN; Barker-Collo, S; Barrero, LH; Bartels, DH; Basáñez, MG; Baxter, A; Bell, ML; Benjamin, EJ; Bennett, D; Bernabé, E; Bhalla, K; Bhandari, B; Bikbov, B; Bin Abdulhak, A; Birbeck, G; Black, JA; Blencowe, H; Blore, JD; Blyth, F; Bolliger, I; Bonaventure, A; Boufous, S; Bourne, R; Boussinesq, M; Braithwaite, T; Brayne, C; Bridgett, L; Brooker, S; Brooks, P; Brugha, TS; Bryan-Hancock, C; Bucello, C; Buchbinder, R; Buckle, G; Budke, CM; Burch, M; Burney, P; Burstein, R; Calabria, B; Campbell, B; Canter, CE; Carabin, H; Carapetis, J; Carmona, L; Cella, C; Charlson, F; Chen, H; Cheng, AT; Chou, D; Chugh, SS; Coffeng, LE; Colan, SD; Colquhoun, S; Colson, KE; Condon, J; Connor, MD; Cooper, LT; Corriere, M; Cortinovis, M; de Vaccaro, KC; Couser, W; Cowie, BC; Criqui, MH; Cross, M; Dabhadkar, KC; Dahiya, M; Dahodwala, N; Damsere-Derry, J; Danaei, G; Davis, A; De Leo, D; Degenhardt, L; Dellavalle, R; Delossantos, A; Denenberg, J; Derrett, S; Des Jarlais, DC; Dharmaratne, SD; Dherani, M; Diaz-Torne, C; Dolk, H; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, T; Duber, H; Ebel, B; Edmond, K; Elbaz, A; Ali, SE; Erskine, H; Erwin, PJ; Espindola, P; Ewoigbokhan, SE; Farzadfar, F; Feigin, V; Felson, DT; Ferrari, A; Ferri, CP; Fèvre, EM; Finucane, MM; Flaxman, S; Flood, L; Foreman, K; Forouzanfar, MH; Fowkes, FG; Fransen, M; Freeman, MK; Gabbe, BJ; Gabriel, SE; Gakidou, E; Ganatra, HA; Garcia, B; Gaspari, F; Gillum, RF; Gmel, G; Gonzalez-Medina, D; Gosselin, R; Grainger, R; Grant, B; Groeger, J; Guillemin, F; Gunnell, D; Gupta, R; Haagsma, J; Hagan, H; Halasa, YA; Hall, W; Haring, D; Haro, JM; Harrison, JE; Havmoeller, R; Hay, RJ; Higashi, H; Hill, C; Hoen, B; Hoffman, H; Hotez, PJ; Hoy, D; Huang, JJ; Ibeanusi, SE; Jacobsen, KH; James, SL; Jarvis, D; Jasrasaria, R; Jayaraman, S; Johns, N; Jonas, JB; Karthikeyan, G; Kassebaum, N; Kawakami, N; Keren, A; Khoo, JP; King, CH; Knowlton, LM; Kobusingye, O; Koranteng, A; Krishnamurthi, R; Laden, F; Lalloo, R; Laslett, LL; Lathlean, T; Leasher, JL; Lee, YY; Leigh, J; Levinson, D; Lim, SS; Limb, E; Lin, JK; Lipnick, M; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, W; Loane, M; Ohno, SL; Lyons, R; Mabweijano, J; MacIntyre, MF; Malekzadeh, R; Mallinger, L; Manivannan, S; Marcenes, W; March, L; Margolis, DJ; Marks, GB; Marks, R; Matsumori, A; Matzopoulos, R; Mayosi, BM; McAnulty, JH; McDermott, MM; McGill, N; McGrath, J; Medina-Mora, ME; Meltzer, M; Mensah, GA; Merriman, TR; Meyer, AC; Miglioli, V; Miller, M; Miller, TR; Mitchell, PB; Mock, C; Mocumbi, AO; Moffitt, TE; Mokdad, AA; Monasta, L; Montico, M; Moradi-Lakeh, M; Moran, A; Morawska, L; Mori, R; Murdoch, ME; Mwaniki, MK; Naidoo, K; Nair, MN; Naldi, L; Narayan, KM; Nelson, PK; Nelson, RG; Nevitt, MC; Newton, CR; Nolte, S; Norman, P; Norman, R; O'Donnell, M; O'Hanlon, S; Olives, C; Omer, SB; Ortblad, K; Osborne, R; Ozgediz, D; Page, A; Pahari, B; Pandian, JD; Rivero, AP; Patten, SB; Pearce, N; Padilla, RP; Perez-Ruiz, F; Perico, N; Pesudovs, K; Phillips, D; Phillips, MR; Pierce, K; Pion, S; Polanczyk, GV; Polinder, S; Pope, CA3rd; Popova, S; Porrini, E; Pourmalek, F; Prince, M; Pullan, RL; Ramaiah, KD; Ranganathan, D; Razavi, H; Regan, M; Rehm, JT; Rein, DB; Remuzzi, G; Richardson, K; Rivara, FP; Roberts, T; Robinson, C; De Leòn, FR; Ronfani, L; Room, R; Rosenfeld, LC; Rushton, L; Sacco, RL; Saha, S; Sampson, U; Sanchez-Riera, L; Sanman, E; Schwebel, DC; Scott, JG; Segui-Gomez, M; Shahraz, S; Shepard, DS; Shin, H; Shivakoti, R; Singh, D; Singh, GM; Singh, JA; Singleton, J; Sleet, DA; Sliwa, K; Smith, E; Smith, JL; Stapelberg, NJ; Steer, A; Steiner, T; Stolk, WA; Stovner, LJ; Sudfeld, C; Syed, S; Tamburlini, G; Tavakkoli, M; Taylor, HR; Taylor, JA; Taylor, WJ; Thomas, B; Thomson, WM; Thurston, GD; Tleyjeh, IM; Tonelli, M; Towbin, JA; Truelsen, T; Tsilimbaris, MK; Ubeda, C; Undurraga, EA; van der Werf, MJ; van Os, J; Vavilala, MS; Venketasubramanian, N; Wang, M; Wang, W; Watt, K; Weatherall, DJ; Weinstock, MA; Weintraub, R; Weisskopf, MG; Weissman, MM; White, RA; Whiteford, H; Wiebe, N; Wiersma, ST; Wilkinson, JD; Williams, HC; Williams, SR; Witt, E; Wolfe, F; Woolf, AD; Wulf, S; Yeh, PH; Zaidi, AK; Zheng, ZJ; Zonies, D; Lopez, AD; AlMazroa, MA; Memish, ZA
  • Green space and physical activity: an observational study using Health Survey for England data. (2012) Mytton, Oliver T; Townsend, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Foster, Charlie
  • N
  • Parallel vigilance: parents' dual focus following diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in their young child. (2012) Niedel, Selaine; Traynor, Michael; McKee, Martin; Grey, Margaret
  • A pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care of the Camden Weight Loss (CAMWEL) programme. (2012) Nanchahal, Kiran; Power, Tom; Holdsworth, Elizabeth; Hession, Michelle; Sorhaindo, Annik; Griffiths, Ulla; Townsend, Joy; Thorogood, Nicki; Haslam, David; Kessel, Anthony; Ebrahim, Shah; Kenward, Mike; Haines, Andrew
  • When is it appropriate to address patients' alcohol consumption in health care--national survey of views of the general population in Sweden. (2012) Nilsen, Per; Bendtsen, Preben; McCambridge, Jim; Karlsson, Nadine; Dalal, Koustuv
  • Community-based strategies for blood pressure control in low-income countries. (2012) Nitsch, Dorothea; Wheeler, David C
  • Overcoming fragmentation in health care: chronic care in Austria, Germany and The Netherlands. (2012) Nolte, Ellen; Knai, Cécile; Hofmarcher, Maria; Conklin, Annalijn; Erler, Antje; Elissen, Arianne; Flamm, Maria; Fullerton, Brigit; Sönnichsen, Andreas; Vrijhoef, Hubertus JM
  • In amenable mortality--deaths avoidable through health care--progress in the US lags that of three European countries. (2012) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, C Martin
  • O
  • The politics of health technology assessment in Poland. (2012) Ozieranski, Piotr; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • An invasive or conservative strategy in patients with diabetes mellitus and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials. (2012) O'Donoghue, Michelle L; Vaidya, Ajay; Afsal, Rizwan; Alfredsson, Joakim; Boden, William E; Braunwald, Eugene; Cannon, Christopher P; Clayton, Tim C; de Winter, Robbert J; Fox, Keith AA; Lagerqvist, Bo; McCullough, Peter A; Murphy, Sabina A; Spacek, Rudolf; Swahn, Eva; Windhausen, Fons; Sabatine, Marc S
  • Are rocket mud stoves associated with lower indoor carbon monoxide and personal exposure in rural Kenya? (2012) Ochieng, CA; Vardoulakis, S; Tonne, C
  • Evaluating the travel, physical activity and carbon impacts of a 'natural experiment' in the provision of new walking and cycling infrastructure: methods for the core module of the iConnect study. (2012) Ogilvie, David; Bull, Fiona; Cooper, Ashley; Rutter, Harry; Adams, Emma; Brand, Christian; Ghali, Karen; Jones, Tim; Mutrie, Nanette; Powell, Jane; Preston, John; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Song, Yena; iConnect Consortium
  • Modelling the relative importance of the urban heat island and the thermal quality of dwellings for overheating in London. (2012) Oikonomou, Eleni; Davies, Michael; Mavrogianni, Anna; Biddulph, Phillip; Wilkinson, Paul; Kolokotroni, Maria
  • Maternal outcomes in obese pregnancies. (2012) Oteng-Ntim, E; Doyle, P
  • Pharmaceutical lobbying under postcommunism: universal or country-specific methods of securing state drug reimbursement in Poland? (2012) Ozieranski, P; McKee, M; King, L
  • P
  • Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2012) Perel, Pablo; Roberts, Ian
  • A genome-wide association search for type 2 diabetes genes in African Americans. (2012) Palmer, Nicholette D; McDonough, Caitrin W; Hicks, Pamela J; Roh, Bong H; Wing, Maria R; An, S Sandy; Hester, Jessica M; Cooke, Jessica N; Bostrom, Meredith A; Rudock, Megan E; Talbert, Matthew E; Lewis, Joshua P; DIAGRAM Consortium; MAGIC Investigators; Ferrara, Assiamira; Lu, Lingyi; Ziegler, Julie T; Sale, Michele M; Divers, Jasmin; Shriner, Daniel; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Rotimi, Charles N; Ng, Maggie CY; Langefeld, Carl D; Freedman, Barry I; Bowden, Donald W; Voight, Benjamin F; Scott, Laura J; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Morris, Andrew P; Dina, Christian; Welch, Ryan P; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Huth, Cornelia; Aulchenko, Yurii S; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; McCulloch, Laura J; Ferreira, Teresa; Grallert, Harald; Amin, Najaf; Wu, Guanming; Willer, Cristen J; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; McCarroll, Steve A; Langenberg, Claudia; Hofmann, Oliver M; Dupuis, Josée; Qi, Lu; Segrè, Ayellet V; van Hoek, Mandy; Navarro, Pau; Ardlie, Kristin; Balkau, Beverley; Benediktsson, Rafn; Bennett, Amanda J; Blagieva, Roza; Boerwinkle, Eric; Bonnycastle, Lori L; Boström, Kristina Bengtsson; Bravenboer, Bert; Bumpstead, Suzannah; Burtt, Noël P; Charpentier, Guillaume; Chines, Peter S; Cornelis, Marilyn; Couper, David J; Crawford, Gabe; Doney, Alex SF; Elliott, Katherine S; Elliott, Amanda L; Erdos, Michael R; Fox, Caroline S; Franklin, Christopher S; Ganser, Martha; Gieger, Christian; Grarup, Niels; Green, Todd; Griffin, Simon; Groves, Christopher J; Guiducci, Candace; Hadjadj, Samy; Hassanali, Neelam; Herder, Christian; Isomaa, Bo; Jackson, Anne U; Johnson, Paul RV; Jørgensen, Torben; Kao, Wen HL; Klopp, Norman; Kong, Augustine; Kraft, Peter; Kuusisto, Johanna; Lauritzen, Torsten; Li, Man; Lieverse, Aloysius; Lindgren, Cecilia M; Lyssenko, Valeriya; Marre, Michel; Meitinger, Thomas; Midthjell, Kristian; Morken, Mario A; Narisu, Narisu; Nilsson, Peter; Owen, Katharine R; Payne, Felicity; Perry, John RB; Petersen, Ann-Kristin; Platou, Carl; Proença, Christine; Prokopenko, Inga; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Rayner, N William; Robertson, Neil R; Rocheleau, Ghislain; Roden, Michael; Sampson, Michael J; Saxena, Richa; Shields, Beverley M; Shrader, Peter; Sigurdsson, Gunnar; Sparsø, Thomas; Strassburger, Klaus; Stringham, Heather M; Sun, Qi; Swift, Amy J; Thorand, Barbara; Tichet, Jean; Tuomi, Tiinamaija; van Dam, Rob M; van Haeften, Timon W; van Herpt, Thijs; van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V; Walters, G Bragi; Weedon, Michael N; Wijmenga, Cisca; Witteman, Jacqueline; Bergman, Richard N; Cauchi, Stephane; Collins, Francis S; Gloyn, Anna L; Gyllensten, Ulf; Hansen, Torben; Hide, Winston A; Hitman, Graham A; Hofman, Albert; Hunter, David J; Hveem, Kristian; Laakso, Markku; Mohlke, Karen L; Morris, Andrew D; Palmer, Colin NA; Pramstaller, Peter P; Rudan, Igor; Sijbrands, Eric; Stein, Lincoln D; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Uitterlinden, Andre; Walker, Mark; Wareham, Nicholas J; Watanabe, Richard M; Abecasis, Goncalo R; Boehm, Bernhard O; Campbell, Harry; Daly, Mark J; Hattersley, Andrew T; Hu, Frank B; Meigs, James B; Pankow, James S; Pedersen, Oluf; Wichmann, H-Erich; Barroso, Inês; Florez, Jose C; Frayling, Timothy M; Groop, Leif; Sladek, Rob; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Wilson, James F; Illig, Thomas; Froguel, Philippe; van Duijn, Cornelia M; Stefansson, Kari; Altshuler, David; Boehnke, Michael; McCarthy, Mark I; Soranzo, Nicole; Wheeler, Eleanor; Glazer, Nicole L; Bouatia-Naji, Nabila; Mägi, Reedik; Randall, Joshua; Johnson, Toby; Elliott, Paul; Rybin, Denis; Henneman, Peter; Dehghan, Abbas; Hottenga, Jouke Jan; Song, Kijoung; Goel, Anuj; Egan, Josephine M; Lajunen, Taina; Doney, Alex; Kanoni, Stavroula; Cavalcanti-Proença, Christine; Kumari, Meena; Timpson, Nicholas J; Zabena, Carina; Ingelsson, Erik; An, Ping; O'Connell, Jeffrey; Luan, Jian'an; Elliott, Amanda; McCarroll, Steven A; Roccasecca, Rosa Maria; Pattou, François; Sethupathy, Praveen; Ariyurek, Yavuz; Barter, Philip; Beilby, John P; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Bergmann, Sven; Bochud, Murielle; Bonnefond, Amélie; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Böttcher, Yvonne; Brunner, Eric; Bumpstead, Suzannah J; Chen, Yii-Der Ida; Chines, Peter; Clarke, Robert; Coin, Lachlan JM; Cooper, Matthew N; Crisponi, Laura; Day, Ian NM; de Geus, Eco JC; Delplanque, Jerome; Fedson, Annette C; Fischer-Rosinsky, Antje; Forouhi, Nita G; Frants, Rune; Franzosi, Maria Grazia; Galan, Pilar; Goodarzi, Mark O; Graessler, Jürgen; Grundy, Scott; Gwilliam, Rhian; Hallmans, Göran; Hammond, Naomi; Han, Xijing; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Hayward, Caroline; Heath, Simon C; Hercberg, Serge; Hicks, Andrew A; Hillman, David R; Hingorani, Aroon D; Hui, Jennie; Hung, Joe; Jula, Antti; Kaakinen, Marika; Kaprio, Jaakko; Kesaniemi, Y Antero; Kivimaki, Mika; Knight, Beatrice; Koskinen, Seppo; Kovacs, Peter; Kyvik, Kirsten Ohm; Lathrop, G Mark; Lawlor, Debbie A; Le Bacquer, Olivier; Lecoeur, Cécile; Li, Yun; Mahley, Robert; Mangino, Massimo; Manning, Alisa K; Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa; McAteer, Jarred B; McPherson, Ruth; Meisinger, Christa; Melzer, David; Meyre, David; Mitchell, Braxton D; Mukherjee, Sutapa; Naitza, Silvia; Neville, Matthew J; Oostra, Ben A; Orrù, Marco; Pakyz, Ruth; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Pattaro, Cristian; Pearson, Daniel; Peden, John F; Pedersen, Nancy L; Perola, Markus; Pfeiffer, Andreas FH; Pichler, Irene; Polasek, Ozren; Posthuma, Danielle; Potter, Simon C; Pouta, Anneli; Province, Michael A; Psaty, Bruce M; Rayner, Nigel W; Rice, Kenneth; Ripatti, Samuli; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Rolandsson, Olov; Sandbaek, Annelli; Sandhu, Manjinder; Sanna, Serena; Sayer, Avan Aihie; Scheet, Paul; Seedorf, Udo; Sharp, Stephen J; Shields, Beverley; Sijbrands, Eric JG; Silveira, Angela; Simpson, Laila; Singleton, Andrew; Smith, Nicholas L; Sovio, Ulla; Swift, Amy; Syddall, Holly; Syvänen, Ann-Christine; Tanaka, Toshiko; Tönjes, Anke; Uitterlinden, André G; van Dijk, Ko Willems; Varma, Dhiraj; Visvikis-Siest, Sophie; Vitart, Veronique; Vogelzangs, Nicole; Waeber, Gérard; Wagner, Peter J; Walley, Andrew; Ward, Kim L; Watkins, Hugh; Wild, Sarah H; Willemsen, Gonneke; Witteman, Jaqueline CM; Yarnell, John WG; Zelenika, Diana; Zethelius, Björn; Zhai, Guangju; Zhao, Jing Hua; Zillikens, M Carola; Borecki, Ingrid B; Loos, Ruth JF; Meneton, Pierre; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Nathan, David M; Williams, Gordon H; Silander, Kaisa; Salomaa, Veikko; Smith, George Davey; Bornstein, Stefan R; Schwarz, Peter; Spranger, Joachim; Karpe, Fredrik; Shuldiner, Alan R; Cooper, Cyrus; Dedoussis, George V; Serrano-Ríos, Manuel; Lind, Lars; Palmer, Lyle J; Franks, Paul W; Ebrahim, Shah; Marmot, Michael; Kao, WH Linda; Pramstaller, Peter Paul; Wright, Alan F; Stumvoll, Michael; Hamsten, Anders; Buchanan, Thomas A; Valle, Timo T; Rotter, Jerome I; Siscovick, David S; Penninx, Brenda WJH; Boomsma, Dorret I; Deloukas, Panos; Spector, Timothy D; Ferrucci, Luigi; Cao, Antonio; Scuteri, Angelo; Schlessinger, David; Uda, Manuela; Ruokonen, Aimo; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Waterworth, Dawn M; Vollenweider, Peter; Peltonen, Leena; Mooser, Vincent; Sladek, Robert
  • The impact of childhood obesity on morbidity and mortality in adulthood: a systematic review. (2012) Park, MH; Falconer, C; Viner, RM; Kinra, S
  • Classification of epidemiological study designs. (2012) Pearce, Neil
  • CRASH-2 (Clinical Randomisation of an Antifibrinolytic in Significant Haemorrhage) intracranial bleeding study: the effect of tranexamic acid in traumatic brain injury--a nested randomised, placebo-controlled trial. (2012) Perel, P; Al-Shahi Salman, R; Kawahara, T; Morris, Z; Prieto-Merino, D; Roberts, I; Sandercock, P; Shakur, H; Wardlaw, J
  • Predicting early death in patients with traumatic bleeding: development and validation of prognostic model. (2012) Perel, Pablo; Prieto-Merino, David; Shakur, Haleema; Clayton, Tim; Lecky, Fiona; Bouamra, Omar; Russell, Rob; Faulkner, Mark; Steyerberg, Ewout W; Roberts, Ian
  • European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). (2012) Perk, Joep; De Backer, Guy; Gohlke, Helmut; Graham, Ian; Reiner, Zeljko; Verschuren, Monique; Albus, Christian; Benlian, Pascale; Boysen, Gudrun; Cifkova, Renata; Deaton, Christi; Ebrahim, Shah; Fisher, Miles; Germano, Giuseppe; Hobbs, Richard; Hoes, Arno; Karadeniz, Sehnaz; Mezzani, Alessandro; Prescott, Eva; Ryden, Lars; Scherer, Martin; Syvänne, Mikko; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma JM; Vrints, Christiaan; Wood, David; Zamorano, Jose Luis; Zannad, Faiez; European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitat; ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG)
  • European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012): The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). (2012) Perk, Joep; De Backer, Guy; Gohlke, Helmut; Graham, Ian; Reiner, Zeljko; Verschuren, WM Monique; Albus, Christian; Benlian, Pascale; Boysen, Gudrun; Cifkova, Renata; Deaton, Christi; Ebrahim, Shah; Fisher, Miles; Germano, Giuseppe; Hobbs, Richard; Hoes, Arno; Karadeniz, Sehnaz; Mezzani, Alessandro; Prescott, Eva; Ryden, Lars; Scherer, Martin; Syvänne, Mikko; Scholte Op Reimer, Wilma JM; Vrints, Christiaan; Wood, David; Zamorano, Jose Luis; Zannad, Faiez; Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and; European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilit
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: how should such a complex public health policy be assessed? (2012) Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Mays, N; Knai, C; Bryden, A
  • Type A behavior pattern and coronary heart disease: Philip Morris's "crown jewel". (2012) Petticrew, Mark P; Lee, Kelley; McKee, Martin
  • To RCT or not to RCT: deciding when 'more evidence is needed' for public health policy and practice. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Chalabi, Zaid; Jones, David R
  • What works, for whom, in what contexts, who needs to know, and how will they use the information (if at all): a response. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Chalabi, Zaid; Jones, David R
  • The monkey puzzle: a systematic review of studies of stress, social hierarchies, and heart disease in monkeys. (2012) Petticrew, Mark; Davey Smith, George
  • Cohort profile: the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) survey. (2012) Piccolo, Rebecca S; Araujo, Andre B; Pearce, Neil; McKinlay, John B
  • Clinical disorders in a post war British cohort reaching retirement: evidence from the First National Birth Cohort study. (2012) Pierce, Mary B; Silverwood, Richard J; Nitsch, Dorothea; Adams, Judith E; Stephen, Alison M; Nip, Wing; Macfarlane, Peter; Wong, Andrew; Richards, Marcus; Hardy, Rebecca; Kuh, Diana; NSHD Scientific and Data Collection Teams
  • Innovation and technology for global public health. (2012) Piot, Peter
  • The next 25 years: the need for a long-term view. (2012) Piot, Peter
  • How the Health and Social Care Bill 2011 would end entitlement to comprehensive health care in England. (2012) Pollock, Allyson M; Price, David; Roderick, Peter; Treuherz, Tim; McCoy, David; McKee, Martin; Reynolds, Lucy
  • Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control among older people in Latin America, India and China: a 10/66 cross-sectional population-based survey. (2012) Prince, Martin J; Ebrahim, Shah; Acosta, Daisy; Ferri, Cleusa P; Guerra, Mariella; Huang, Yueqin; Jacob, KS; Jimenez-Velazquez, Ivonne Z; Rodriguez, Juan L; Salas, Aquiles; Sosa, Ana L; Williams, Joseph D; Gonzalez-Viruet, Maribella; Jotheeswaran, Amuthavilli T; Liu, Zhaorui
  • Q
  • The effect of healthcare delivery privatisation on avoidable mortality: longitudinal cross-regional results from Italy, 1993-2003. (2012) Quercioli, Cecilia; Messina, Gabriele; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Nante, Nicola; Stuckler, David
  • R
  • Barbiturates for acute traumatic brain injury. (2012) Roberts, Ian; Sydenham, Emma
  • Analysis of health stories in daily newspapers in the UK. (2012) Robinson, A; Coutinho, A; Bryden, A; McKee, M
  • Economic impact of reduced mortality due to increased cycling. (2012) Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Racioppi, Francesca; Dinsdale, Hywell; Oja, Pekka; Kahlmeier, Sonja
  • Prevalence and Psychosocial Determinants of Nicotine Dependence in Nine Countries of the Former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, B; Gilmore, A; Stickley, A; Kizilova, K; Prohoda, V; Rotman, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • Evaluation of seven common lipid associated loci in a large Indian sib pair study. (2012) Rafiq, Sajjad; Venkata, Kranthi Kumar M; Gupta, Vipin; Vinay, DG; Spurgeon, Charles J; Parameshwaran, Smitha; Madana, Sandeep N; Kinra, Sanjay; Bowen, Liza; Timpson, Nicholas J; Smith, George Davey; Dudbridge, Frank; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Reddy, K Srinath; Ebrahim, Shah; Chandak, Giriraj R; Indian Migration Study Group
  • Lessons from two decades of health reform in Central Asia. (2012) Rechel, B; Ahmedov, M; Akkazieva, B; Katsaga, A; Khodjamurodov, G; McKee, M
  • 'Decipio': examining Virchow in the context of modern 'democracy'. (2012) Reilly, R Gregory; McKee, Martin
  • Think of your art-eries: arts participation, behavioural cardiovascular risk factors and mental well-being in deprived communities in London. (2012) Renton, A; Phillips, G; Daykin, N; Yu, G; Taylor, K; Petticrew, M description
  • The human capacity to reflect and decide: Bioethics and the reconfiguration of the research subject in the British biomedical sciences. (2012) Reubi, David
  • Competition-based reform of the National Health Service in England: a one-way street? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; Attaran, Amir; Hervey, Tamara; McKee, Martin
  • Ditching the single-payer system in the national health service: how the English Department of Health is learning the wrong lessons from the United States. (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; Gerada, Clare; McKee, Martin
  • "Any qualified provider" in NHS reforms: but who will qualify? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • GP commissioning and the NHS reforms: what lies behind the hard sell? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Opening the oyster: the 2010-11 NHS reforms in England. (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Health insurance coverage and health care access in Moldova. (2012) Richardson, Erica; Roberts, Bayard; Sava, Valeriu; Menon, Rekha; McKee, Martin
  • Wet cooling systems as a source of sporadic Legionnaires' disease: a geographical analysis of data for England and Wales, 1996-2006. (2012) Ricketts, Kate D; Joseph, Carol A; Lee, John V; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Alcohol and premature death in Estonian men: a study of forensic autopsies using novel biomarkers and proxy informants. (2012) Ringmets, Inge; Tuusov, Jana; Lang, Katrin; Väli, Marika; Pärna, Kersti; Tõnisson, Mailis; Helander, Anders; McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • Changes in irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union between 2001 and 2010. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Balabanova, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • A sociological approach to the study of household access to drinking water in the former Soviet Union countries. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M; Gasparashvili, AT; Kruhmaleva, OV
  • Public support for price increases on alcohol and tobacco in the former Soviet Union. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Murphy, A; Kizilova, K; Rotman, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • Changes in the levels of psychological distress in eight countries of the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Abbott, Pamela; McKee, Martin
  • Changes in smoking prevalence in 8 countries of the former Soviet Union between 2001 and 2010. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Gilmore, Anna; Stickley, Andrew; Rotman, David; Prohoda, Vladimir; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • The persistence of irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Balabanova, Dina; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Changes in household access to water in countries of the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Gasparishvili, Alexander; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Patterns of public support for price increases on alcohol in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Murphy, Adrianna; Kizilova, Kseniya; Bryden, Anna; Rotman, David; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • 'The Anglo-Saxon disease': a pilot study of the barriers to and facilitators of the use of randomised controlled trials of social programmes in an international context. (2012) Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Liabo, Kristin; Macintyre, Sally
  • The truth about road traffic accidents. (2012) Roberts, I
  • Tranexamic Acid: a recipe for saving lives in traumatic bleeding. (2012) Roberts, Ian
  • Effect of tranexamic acid on mortality in patients with traumatic bleeding: prespecified analysis of data from randomised controlled trial. (2012) Roberts, Ian; Perel, Pablo; Prieto-Merino, David; Shakur, Haleema; Coats, Tim; Hunt, Beverley J; Lecky, Fiona; Brohi, Karim; Willett, Keith; CRASH-2 Collaborators
  • Antifibrinolytic drugs for acute traumatic injury. (2012) Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema; Ker, Katharine; Coats, Tim; CRASH-2 Trial collaborators
  • Prediction of outcome after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: external validation of the International Mission on Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials (IMPACT) and Corticoid Randomisation After Significant Head injury (CRASH) prognostic models. (2012) Roozenbeek, Bob; Lingsma, Hester F; Lecky, Fiona E; Lu, Juan; Weir, James; Butcher, Isabella; McHugh, Gillian S; Murray, Gordon D; Perel, Pablo; Maas, Andrew I; Steyerberg, Ewout W; International Mission on Prognosis Analysis of Clinical Trials i; Corticosteroid Randomisation After Significant Head Injury (CRAS; Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN)
  • The single most important intervention to tackle obesity…. (2012) Rutter, Harry
  • Shaping cities for health: complexity and the planning of urban environments in the 21st century. (2012) Rydin, Yvonne; Bleahu, Ana; Davies, Michael; Dávila, Julio D; Friel, Sharon; De Grandis, Giovanni; Groce, Nora; Hallal, Pedro C; Hamilton, Ian; Howden-Chapman, Philippa; Lai, Ka-Man; Lim, CJ; Martins, Juliana; Osrin, David; Ridley, Ian; Scott, Ian; Taylor, Myfanwy; Wilkinson, Paul; Wilson, James
  • S
  • The progress of nations: what we can learn from Taiwan. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Will the revolution in genetics improve healthcare? (2012) Smeeth, Liam; van Staa, Tjeerd
  • Omega 3 fatty acid for the prevention of cognitive decline and dementia. (2012) Sydenham, Emma; Dangour, Alan D; Lim, Wee-Shiong
  • Could NICE guidance on the choice of blood pressure lowering drugs be simplified? (2012) Sofat, Reecha; Casas, Juan P; Grosso, Anthony M; Prichard, Brian NC; Smeeth, Liam; MacAllister, Raymond; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Lower educational level is a predictor of incident type 2 diabetes in European countries: the EPIC-InterAct study. (2012) Sacerdote, Carlotta; Ricceri, Fulvio; Rolandsson, Olov; Baldi, Ileana; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Feskens, Edith; Bendinelli, Benedetta; Ardanaz, Eva; Arriola, Larraitz; Balkau, Beverley; Bergmann, Manuela; Beulens, Joline WJ; Boeing, Heiner; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Crowe, Francesca; de Lauzon-Guillain, Blandine; Forouhi, Nita; Franks, Paul W; Gallo, Valentina; Gonzalez, Carlos; Halkjær, Jytte; Illner, Anne-Kathrin; Kaaks, Rudolf; Key, Timothy; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Navarro, Carmen; Nilsson, Peter M; Dal Ton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Overvad, Kim; Pala, Valeria; Palli, Domenico; Panico, Salvatore; Polidoro, Silvia; Quirós, J Ramón; Romieu, Isabelle; Sánchez, María-José; Slimani, Nadia; Sluijs, Ivonne; Spijkerman, Annemieke; Teucher, Birgit; Tjønneland, Anne; Tumino, Rosario; van der A, Daphne; Vergnaud, Anne-Claire; Wennberg, Patrik; Sharp, Stephen; Langenberg, Claudia; Riboli, Elio; Vineis, Paolo; Wareham, Nicholas
  • Telemedicine across borders: a systematic review of factors that hinder or support implementation. (2012) Saliba, Vanessa; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Hallik, Riina; Aaviksoo, Ain; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin
  • Differences in consumption of food items between obese and normal-weight people in India. (2012) Satija, A; Taylor, FC; Khurana, S; Tripathy, V; Khandpur, N; Bowen, L; Prabhakaran, D; Kinra, S; Reddy, K Srinath; Ebrahim, S
  • Large-scale gene-centric meta-analysis across 39 studies identifies type 2 diabetes loci. (2012) Saxena, Richa; Elbers, Clara C; Guo, Yiran; Peter, Inga; Gaunt, Tom R; Mega, Jessica L; Lanktree, Matthew B; Tare, Archana; Castillo, Berta Almoguera; Li, Yun R; Johnson, Toby; Bruinenberg, Marcel; Gilbert-Diamond, Diane; Rajagopalan, Ramakrishnan; Voight, Benjamin F; Balasubramanyam, Ashok; Barnard, John; Bauer, Florianne; Baumert, Jens; Bhangale, Tushar; Böhm, Bernhard O; Braund, Peter S; Burton, Paul R; Chandrupatla, Hareesh R; Clarke, Robert; Cooper-DeHoff, Rhonda M; Crook, Errol D; Davey-Smith, George; Day, Ian N; de Boer, Anthonius; de Groot, Mark CH; Drenos, Fotios; Ferguson, Jane; Fox, Caroline S; Furlong, Clement E; Gibson, Quince; Gieger, Christian; Gilhuijs-Pederson, Lisa A; Glessner, Joseph T; Goel, Anuj; Gong, Yan; Grant, Struan FA; Grobbee, Diederick E; Hastie, Claire; Humphries, Steve E; Kim, Cecilia E; Kivimaki, Mika; Kleber, Marcus; Meisinger, Christa; Kumari, Meena; Langaee, Taimour Y; Lawlor, Debbie A; Li, Mingyao; Lobmeyer, Maximilian T; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke-Hilse; Meijs, Matthijs FL; Molony, Cliona M; Morrow, David A; Murugesan, Gurunathan; Musani, Solomon K; Nelson, Christopher P; Newhouse, Stephen J; O'Connell, Jeffery R; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Palmen, Jutta; Patel, Sanjey R; Pepine, Carl J; Pettinger, Mary; Price, Thomas S; Rafelt, Suzanne; Ranchalis, Jane; Rasheed, Asif; Rosenthal, Elisabeth; Ruczinski, Ingo; Shah, Sonia; Shen, Haiqing; Silbernagel, Günther; Smith, Erin N; Spijkerman, Annemieke WM; Stanton, Alice; Steffes, Michael W; Thorand, Barbara; Trip, Mieke; van der Harst, Pim; van der A, Daphne L; van Iperen, Erik PA; van Setten, Jessica; van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V; Verweij, Niek; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce HR; Young, Taylor; Zafarmand, M Hadi; Zmuda, Joseph M; Look AHEAD Research Group; DIAGRAM consortium; Boehnke, Michael; Altshuler, David; McCarthy, Mark; Kao, WH Linda; Pankow, James S; Cappola, Thomas P; Sever, Peter; Poulter, Neil; Caulfield, Mark; Dominiczak, Anna; Shields, Denis C; Bhatt, Deepak L; Zhang, Li; Curtis, Sean P; Danesh, John; Casas, Juan P; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; Doevendans, Pieter A; Dorn, Gerald W; Farrall, Martin; FitzGerald, Garret A; Hamsten, Anders; Hegele, Robert; Hingorani, Aroon D; Hofker, Marten H; Huggins, Gordon S; Illig, Thomas; Jarvik, Gail P; Johnson, Julie A; Klungel, Olaf H; Knowler, William C; Koenig, Wolfgang; März, Winfried; Meigs, James B; Melander, Olle; Munroe, Patricia B; Mitchell, Braxton D; Bielinski, Susan J; Rader, Daniel J; Reilly, Muredach P; Rich, Stephen S; Rotter, Jerome I; Saleheen, Danish; Samani, Nilesh J; Schadt, Eric E; Shuldiner, Alan R; Silverstein, Roy; Kottke-Marchant, Kandice; Talmud, Philippa J; Watkins, Hugh; Asselbergs, Folkert W; de Bakker, Paul IW; McCaffery, Jeanne; Wijmenga, Cisca; Sabatine, Marc S; Wilson, James G; Reiner, Alex; Bowden, Donald W; Hakonarson, Hakon; Siscovick, David S; Keating, Brendan J
  • Influence of common genetic variation on blood lipid levels, cardiovascular risk, and coronary events in two British prospective cohort studies. (2012) Shah, Sonia; Casas, Juan P; Gaunt, Tom R; Cooper, Jackie; Drenos, Fotios; Zabaneh, Delilah; Swerdlow, Daniel I; Shah, Tina; Sofat, Reecha; Palmen, Jutta; Kumari, Meena; Kivimaki, Mika; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; Lawlor, Debbie A; Talmud, Philippa J; Whittaker, John; Day, Ian NM; Hingorani, Aroon D; Humphries, Steve E
  • Indoor PM2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modelling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment. (2012) Shrubsole, C; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Milner, J; Vardoulakis, S; Ucci, M; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M
  • Decarbonising London’s domestic stock: implications for indoor PM2.5 exposure and health. (2012) Shrubsole, Cs; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Davies, M; Milner, J; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z
  • Is intergenerational social mobility related to the type and amount of physical activity in mid-adulthood? Results from the 1946 British birth cohort study. (2012) Silverwood, Richard J; Pierce, Mary; Nitsch, Dorothea; Mishra, Gita D; Kuh, Diana
  • Economic burden of acute lower respiratory tract infection in South African children. (2012) Sinha, Anushua; Kim, Soyeon; Ginsberg, Gary; Franklin, Heather; Kohberger, Robert; Strutton, David; Madhi, Shabir A; Griffiths, Ulla K; Klugman, Keith P
  • Physical Activity and Mortality in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus A Prospective Study and Meta-analysis. (2012) Sluik, D; Buijsse, B; Muckelbauer, R; Kaaks, R; Teucher, B; Johnsen, NF; Tjonneland, A; Overvad, K; Ostergaard, JN; Amiano, P; Ardanaz, E; Bendinelli, B; Pala, V; Tumino, R; Ricceri, F; Mattiello, A; Spijkerman, AMW; Monninkhof, EM; May, AM; Franks, PW; Nilsson, PM; Wennberg, P; Rolandsson, O; Fagherazzi, G; Boutron-Ruault, MC; Clavel-Chapelon, F; Castano, JMH; Gallo, V; Boeing, H; Nothlings, U
  • Improving vascular health: are pills the answer? (2012) Smeeth, Liam; Hemingway, Harry
  • The Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) study: protocol for a prospective controlled quasi-experiment to evaluate the impact of urban regeneration on young people and their families. (2012) Smith, Neil R; Clark, Charlotte; Fahy, Amanda E; Tharmaratnam, Vanathi; Lewis, Daniel J; Thompson, Claire; Renton, Adrian; Moore, Derek G; Bhui, Kamaldeep S; Taylor, Stephanie JC; Eldridge, Sandra; Petticrew, Mark; Greenhalgh, Tricia; Stansfeld, Stephen A; Cummins, Steven
  • The Capability Approach: An Alternative Evaluation Paradigm for Health Economics? (2012) Smith, R; Coast, J; Lorgelly, P; Al-Janabi, H; Venkatapuram, S
  • Why a macroeconomic perspective is critical to the prevention of noncommunicable disease. (2012) Smith, Richard
  • The implications of PIP are more than just cosmetic. (2012) Smith, Richard; Lunt, Neil; Hanefeld, Johanna
  • Complement factor H genetic variant and age-related macular degeneration: effect size, modifiers and relationship to disease subtype. (2012) Sofat, Reecha; Casas, Juan P; Webster, Andrew R; Bird, Alan C; Mann, Samantha S; Yates, John RW; Moore, Anthony T; Sepp, Tiina; Cipriani, Valentina; Bunce, Catey; Khan, Jane C; Shahid, Humma; Swaroop, Anand; Abecasis, Gonçalo; Branham, Kari EH; Zareparsi, Sepideh; Bergen, Arthur A; Klaver, Caroline CW; Baas, Dominique C; Zhang, Kang; Chen, Yuhong; Gibbs, Daniel; Weber, Bernhard HF; Keilhauer, Claudia N; Fritsche, Lars G; Lotery, Andrew; Cree, Angela J; Griffiths, Helen L; Bhattacharya, Shomi S; Chen, Li L; Jenkins, Sharon A; Peto, Tunde; Lathrop, Mark; Leveillard, Thierry; Gorin, Michael B; Weeks, Daniel E; Ortube, Maria Carolina; Ferrell, Robert E; Jakobsdottir, Johanna; Conley, Yvette P; Rahu, Mati; Seland, Johan H; Soubrane, Gisele; Topouzis, Fotis; Vioque, Jesus; Tomazzoli, Laura; Young, Ian; Whittaker, John; Chakravarthy, Usha; de Jong, Paulus TVM; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Pragmatic randomised trials using routine electronic health records: putting them to the test. (2012) Staa, Tjeerd-Pieter van; Goldacre, Ben; Gulliford, Martin; Cassell, Jackie; Pirmohamed, Munir; Taweel, Adel; Delaney, Brendan; Smeeth, Liam
  • Genetic association studies in pre-eclampsia: systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis. (2012) Staines-Urias, Eleonora; Paez, María C; Doyle, Pat; Dudbridge, Frank; Serrano, Norma C; Ioannidis, John PA; Keating, Brendan J; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Differences in body composition between infants of South Asian and European ancestry: the London Mother and Baby Study. (2012) Stanfield, Kristina M; Wells, Jonathan C; Fewtrell, Mary S; Frost, Chris; Leon, David A
  • 19p13.1 is a triple-negative-specific breast cancer susceptibility locus. (2012) Stevens, Kristen N; Fredericksen, Zachary; Vachon, Celine M; Wang, Xianshu; Margolin, Sara; Lindblom, Annika; Nevanlinna, Heli; Greco, Dario; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Vrieling, Alina; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Sinn, Hans-Peter; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Nickels, Stefan; Brauch, Hiltrud; GENICA Network; Ko, Yon-Dschun; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Schmutzler, Rita K; Meindl, Alfons; Bartram, Claus R; Schott, Sarah; Engel, Christoph; Godwin, Andrew K; Weaver, Joellen; Pathak, Harsh B; Sharma, Priyanka; Brenner, Hermann; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Stegmaier, Christa; Miron, Penelope; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Stavropoulou, Alexandra; Fountzilas, George; Gogas, Helen J; Swann, Ruth; Dwek, Miriam; Perkins, Annie; Milne, Roger L; Benítez, Javier; Zamora, María Pilar; Pérez, José Ignacio Arias; Bojesen, Stig E; Nielsen, Sune F; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Flyger, Henrik; Guénel, Pascal; Truong, Thérèse; Menegaux, Florence; Cordina-Duverger, Emilie; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marmé, Frederick; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Sawyer, Elinor; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael J; Peto, Julian; Johnson, Nichola; Fletcher, Olivia; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Fasching, Peter A; Beckmann, Matthias W; Hartmann, Arndt; Ekici, Arif B; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Muir, Kenneth; Puttawibul, Puttisak; Wiangnon, Surapon; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Broeks, Annegien; Braaf, Linde M; Rosenberg, Efraim H; Hopper, John L; Apicella, Carmel; Park, Daniel J; Southey, Melissa C; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Ashworth, Alan; Orr, Nicholas; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Bernstein, Leslie; Dur, Christina Clarke; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Hsu, Huan-Ming; Hsiung, Chia-Ni; Hamann, Ute; Dünnebier, Thomas; Rüdiger, Thomas; Ulmer, Hans Ulrich; Pharoah, Paul P; Dunning, Alison M; Humphreys, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Reed, Malcom W; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Ambrosone, Christine B; Ademuyiwa, Foluso; Hwang, Helena; Eccles, Diana M; Garcia-Closas, Montserrat; Figueroa, Jonine D; Sherman, Mark E; Lissowska, Jolanta; Devilee, Peter; Seynaeve, Caroline; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Hooning, Maartje J; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Glendon, Gord; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Grip, Mervi; John, Esther M; Miron, Alexander; Alnæs, Grethe Grenaker; Kristensen, Vessela; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Giles, Graham G; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Catriona A; Severi, Gianluca; Kosel, Matthew L; Pankratz, VS; Slager, Susan; Olson, Janet E; Radice, Paolo; Peterlongo, Paolo; Manoukian, Siranoush; Barile, Monica; Lambrechts, Diether; Hatse, Sigrid; Dieudonne, Anne-Sophie; Christiaens, Marie-Rose; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; kConFab Investigators; AOCS Group; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Soini, Ylermi; Easton, Douglas F; Couch, Fergus J
  • Meta-analyses identify 13 loci associated with age at menopause and highlight DNA repair and immune pathways. (2012) Stolk, Lisette; Perry, John RB; Chasman, Daniel I; He, Chunyan; Mangino, Massimo; Sulem, Patrick; Barbalic, Maja; Broer, Linda; Byrne, Enda M; Ernst, Florian; Esko, Tõnu; Franceschini, Nora; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan; Kraft, Peter; McArdle, Patrick F; Porcu, Eleonora; Shin, So-Youn; Smith, Albert V; van Wingerden, Sophie; Zhai, Guangju; Zhuang, Wei V; Albrecht, Eva; Alizadeh, Behrooz Z; Aspelund, Thor; Bandinelli, Stefania; Lauc, Lovorka Barac; Beckmann, Jacques S; Boban, Mladen; Boerwinkle, Eric; Broekmans, Frank J; Burri, Andrea; Campbell, Harry; Chanock, Stephen J; Chen, Constance; Cornelis, Marilyn C; Corre, Tanguy; Coviello, Andrea D; d'Adamo, Pio; Davies, Gail; de Faire, Ulf; de Geus, Eco JC; Deary, Ian J; Dedoussis, George VZ; Deloukas, Panagiotis; Ebrahim, Shah; Eiriksdottir, Gudny; Emilsson, Valur; Eriksson, Johan G; Fauser, Bart CJM; Ferreli, Liana; Ferrucci, Luigi; Fischer, Krista; Folsom, Aaron R; Garcia, Melissa E; Gasparini, Paolo; Gieger, Christian; Glazer, Nicole; Grobbee, Diederick E; Hall, Per; Haller, Toomas; Hankinson, Susan E; Hass, Merli; Hayward, Caroline; Heath, Andrew C; Hofman, Albert; Ingelsson, Erik; Janssens, A Cecile JW; Johnson, Andrew D; Karasik, David; Kardia, Sharon LR; Keyzer, Jules; Kiel, Douglas P; Kolcic, Ivana; Kutalik, Zoltán; Lahti, Jari; Lai, Sandra; Laisk, Triin; Laven, Joop SE; Lawlor, Debbie A; Liu, Jianjun; Lopez, Lorna M; Louwers, Yvonne V; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Marongiu, Mara; Martin, Nicholas G; Klaric, Irena Martinovic; Masciullo, Corrado; McKnight, Barbara; Medland, Sarah E; Melzer, David; Mooser, Vincent; Navarro, Pau; Newman, Anne B; Nyholt, Dale R; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; Palotie, Aarno; Paré, Guillaume; Parker, Alex N; Pedersen, Nancy L; Peeters, Petra HM; Pistis, Giorgio; Plump, Andrew S; Polasek, Ozren; Pop, Victor JM; Psaty, Bruce M; Räikkönen, Katri; Rehnberg, Emil; Rotter, Jerome I; Rudan, Igor; Sala, Cinzia; Salumets, Andres; Scuteri, Angelo; Singleton, Andrew; Smith, Jennifer A; Snieder, Harold; Soranzo, Nicole; Stacey, Simon N; Starr, John M; Stathopoulou, Maria G; Stirrups, Kathleen; Stolk, Ronald P; Styrkarsdottir, Unnur; Sun, Yan V; Tenesa, Albert; Thorand, Barbara; Toniolo, Daniela; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Tsui, Kim; Ulivi, Sheila; van Dam, Rob M; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; van Gils, Carla H; van Nierop, Peter; Vink, Jacqueline M; Visscher, Peter M; Voorhuis, Marlies; Waeber, Gérard; Wallaschofski, Henri; Wichmann, H Erich; Widen, Elisabeth; Wijnands-van Gent, Colette JM; Willemsen, Gonneke; Wilson, James F; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce HR; Wright, Alan F; Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M; Zemunik, Tatijana; Zgaga, Lina; Zillikens, M Carola; Zygmunt, Marek; LifeLines Cohort Study; Arnold, Alice M; Boomsma, Dorret I; Buring, Julie E; Crisponi, Laura; Demerath, Ellen W; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Harris, Tamara B; Hu, Frank B; Hunter, David J; Launer, Lenore J; Metspalu, Andres; Montgomery, Grant W; Oostra, Ben A; Ridker, Paul M; Sanna, Serena; Schlessinger, David; Spector, Tim D; Stefansson, Kari; Streeten, Elizabeth A; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Uda, Manuela; Uitterlinden, André G; van Duijn, Cornelia M; Völzke, Henry; Murray, Anna; Murabito, Joanne M; Visser, Jenny A; Lunetta, Kathryn L
  • Impact of major bleeding and blood transfusions after cardiac surgery: analysis from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY (ACUITY) trial. (2012) Stone, Gregg W; Clayton, Tim C; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George; Parise, Helen; Fahy, Martin; Pocock, Stuart J
  • The crisis of capitalism and the marketization of health care: the implications for public health professionals. (2012) Stuckler, D; McKee, M
  • Response to Michael Gentile ‘Mass Privatisation, Unemployment and Mortality’. (2012) Stuckler, David; King, Lawrence; McKee, Martin
  • The disappearing health effects of rapid privatisation: a case of statistical obscurantism? (2012) Stuckler, David; King, Lawrence; McKee, Martin
  • There is an alternative: public health professionals must not remain silent at a time of financial crisis. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Manufacturing epidemics: the role of global producers in increased consumption of unhealthy commodities including processed foods, alcohol, and tobacco. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah; Basu, Sanjay
  • Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937. (2012) Stuckler, David; Meissner, Christopher; Fishback, Price; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Predicting intracranial hemorrhage after traumatic brain injury in low and middle-income countries: a prognostic model based on a large, multi-center, international cohort. (2012) Subaiya, Saleena; Roberts, Ian; Komolafe, Edward; Perel, Pablo
  • EPHA2 polymorphisms and age-related cataract in India. (2012) Sundaresan, Periasamy; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Vashist, Praveen; Shanker, Ashwini; Nitsch, Dorothea; Talwar, Badrinath; Maraini, Giovanni; Camparini, Monica; Nonyane, Bareng Aletta S; Smeeth, Liam; Chakravarthy, Usha; Hejtmancik, James F; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Polymorphisms in ARMS2/HTRA1 and complement genes and age-related macular degeneration in India: findings from the INDEYE study. (2012) Sundaresan, Periasamy; Vashist, Praveen; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Shanker, Ashwini; Nitsch, Dorothea; Nonyane, Bareng AS; Smeeth, Liam; Chakravarthy, Usha; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • T
  • Validation of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry measures of abdominal fat by comparison with magnetic resonance imaging in an Indian population. (2012) Taylor, Amy E; Kuper, Hannah; Varma, Ravi D; Wells, Jonathan C; Bell, Jimmy D; V Radhakrishna, K; Kulkarni, Bharati; Kinra, Sanjay; Timpson, Nicholas J; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Statins work just as well in women as in men. (2012) Taylor, Fiona; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Dietary Salt and Cardiovascular Outcomes. (2012) Taylor, RS; Hooper, L; Ebrahim, S
  • Hazardous alcohol consumption is a major factor in male premature mortality in a typical Russian city: prospective cohort study 2003-2009. (2012) Tomkins, Susannah; Collier, Tim; Oralov, Alexey; Saburova, Lyudmila; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Leon, David A
  • PM mass concentration and PM oxidative potential in relation to carotid intima-media thickness. (2012) Tonne, Cathryn; Yanosky, Jeff D; Beevers, Sean; Wilkinson, Paul; Kelly, Frank J
  • Mannheim carotid intima-media thickness and plaque consensus (2004-2006-2011). An update on behalf of the advisory board of the 3rd, 4th and 5th watching the risk symposia, at the 13th, 15th and 20th European Stroke Conferences, Mannheim, Germany, 2004, Brussels, Belgium, 2006, and Hamburg, Germany, 2011. (2012) Touboul, P-J; Hennerici, MG; Meairs, S; Adams, H; Amarenco, P; Bornstein, N; Csiba, L; Desvarieux, M; Ebrahim, S; Hernandez Hernandez, R; Jaff, M; Kownator, S; Naqvi, T; Prati, P; Rundek, T; Sitzer, M; Schminke, U; Tardif, J-C; Taylor, A; Vicaut, E; Woo, KS
  • Age differences in the association of childhood obesity with area-level and school-level deprivation: cross-classified multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data. (2012) Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
  • Genetic variation in the 15q25 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene cluster (CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4) interacts with maternal self-reported smoking status during pregnancy to influence birth weight. (2012) Tyrrell, Jessica; Huikari, Ville; Christie, Jennifer T; Cavadino, Alana; Bakker, Rachel; Brion, Marie-Jo A; Geller, Frank; Paternoster, Lavinia; Myhre, Ronny; Potter, Catherine; Johnson, Paul CD; Ebrahim, Shah; Feenstra, Bjarke; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Hattersley, Andrew T; Hofman, Albert; Kaakinen, Marika; Lowe, Lynn P; Magnus, Per; McConnachie, Alex; Melbye, Mads; Ng, Jane WY; Nohr, Ellen A; Power, Chris; Ring, Susan M; Sebert, Sylvain P; Sengpiel, Verena; Taal, H Rob; Watt, Graham CM; Sattar, Naveed; Relton, Caroline L; Jacobsson, Bo; Frayling, Timothy M; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Murray, Jeffrey C; Lawlor, Debbie A; Pennell, Craig E; Jaddoe, Vincent WV; Hypponen, Elina; Lowe, William L; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Davey Smith, George; Freathy, Rachel M; Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium
  • U
  • Global efforts to address severe acute malnutrition. (2012) Uauy, Ricardo; Desjeux, Jehan-François; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Hossain, Muttaquina; Brewster, David; Forbes, David; Caton, Harmony; Kleinman, Ronald E
  • Patterns of adult tobacco use in Uzbekistan. (2012) Usmanova, Gulnoza; Neumark, Yehuda; Baras, Mario; McKee, Martin
  • V
  • Personal healthcare budgets: what can England learn from the Netherlands? (2012) van Ginneken, Ewout; Groenewegen, Peter P; McKee, Martin
  • Common breast cancer susceptibility variants in LSP1 and RAD51L1 are associated with mammographic density measures that predict breast cancer risk. (2012) Vachon, Celine M; Scott, Christopher G; Fasching, Peter A; Hall, Per; Tamimi, Rulla M; Li, Jingmei; Stone, Jennifer; Apicella, Carmel; Odefrey, Fabrice; Gierach, Gretchen L; Jud, Sebastian M; Heusinger, Katharina; Beckmann, Matthias W; Pollan, Marina; Fernández-Navarro, Pablo; Gonzalez-Neira, Anna; Benitez, Javier; van Gils, Carla H; Lokate, Mariëtte; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; Peeters, Petra HM; Brown, Judith; Leyland, Jean; Varghese, Jajini S; Easton, Douglas F; Thompson, Deborah J; Luben, Robert N; Warren, Ruth ML; Wareham, Nicholas J; Loos, Ruth JF; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Ursin, Giske; Lee, Eunjung; Gayther, Simon A; Ramus, Susan J; Eeles, Rosalind A; Leach, Martin O; Kwan-Lim, Gek; Couch, Fergus J; Giles, Graham G; Baglietto, Laura; Krishnan, Kavitha; Southey, Melissa C; Le Marchand, Loic; Kolonel, Laurence N; Woolcott, Christy; Maskarinec, Gertraud; Haiman, Christopher A; Walker, Kate; Johnson, Nichola; McCormack, Valeria A; Biong, Margarethe; Alnaes, Grethe IG; Gram, Inger Torhild; Kristensen, Vessela N; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Lindström, Sara; Hankinson, Susan E; Hunter, David J; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Boyd, Norman F; Figuero, Jonine D; Lissowska, Jolanta; Wesolowska, Ewa; Peplonska, Beata; Bukowska, Agnieszka; Reszka, Edyta; Liu, JianJun; Eriksson, Louise; Czene, Kamila; Audley, Tina; Wu, Anna H; Pankratz, V Shane; Hopper, John L; dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel
  • Preexposure prophylaxis for HIV infection among African women. (2012) Van Damme, Lut; Corneli, Amy; Ahmed, Khatija; Agot, Kawango; Lombaard, Johan; Kapiga, Saidi; Malahleha, Mookho; Owino, Fredrick; Manongi, Rachel; Onyango, Jacob; Temu, Lucky; Monedi, Modie Constance; Mak'Oketch, Paul; Makanda, Mankalimeng; Reblin, Ilse; Makatu, Shumani Elsie; Saylor, Lisa; Kiernan, Haddie; Kirkendale, Stella; Wong, Christina; Grant, Robert; Kashuba, Angela; Nanda, Kavita; Mandala, Justin; Fransen, Katrien; Deese, Jennifer; Crucitti, Tania; Mastro, Timothy D; Taylor, Douglas; FEM-PrEP Study Group
  • Public health outcomes of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies in the built environment. (2012) Vardoulakis, S; Shrubsole, Cs; Milner, J; Ridley, I; Biddulph, P; Lai, K; Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Ucci, M; Davies, M
  • Ethical tensions in dealing with noncommunicable diseases globally. (2012) Venkatapuram, Sridhar; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Prognostic value of major extracranial injury in traumatic brain injury: an individual patient data meta-analysis in 39,274 patients. (2012) van Leeuwen, Nikki; Lingsma, Hester F; Perel, Pablo; Lecky, Fiona; Roozenbeek, Bob; Lu, Juan; Shakur, Haleema; Weir, James; Steyerberg, Ewout W; Maas, Andrew IR; International Mission on Prognosis and Clinical Trial Design in ; Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head Injury Trial; Trauma Audit and Research Network
  • Review of community-based interventions for prevention of cardiovascular diseases in low- and middle-income countries. (2012) van de Vijver, Steven; Oti, Samuel; Addo, Juliet; de Graft-Aikins, Ama; Agyemang, Charles
  • W
  • Views of policymakers, healthcare workers and NGOs on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a multinational qualitative study. (2012) Wheelock, Ana; Eisingerich, Andreas B; Gomez, Gabriela B; Gray, Emily; Dybul, Mark R; Piot, Peter
  • Micro- and meso-level influences on obesity in the former Soviet Union: a multi-level analysis. (2012) Watson, K; Roberts, B; Chow, C; Goryakin, Y; Rotman, D; Gasparishvili, A; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • How to do a good systematic review of effects in international development: a tool kit. (2012) Waddington, Hugh; White, Howard; Snilstveit, Birte; Hombrados, Jorge Garcia; Vojtkova, Martina; Davies, Philip; Bhavsar, Ami; Eyers, John; Koehlmoos, Tracey Perez; Petticrew, Mark; Valentine, Jeffrey C; Tugwell, Peter
  • 9q31.2-rs865686 as a susceptibility locus for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer: evidence from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. (2012) Warren, Helen; Dudbridge, Frank; Fletcher, Olivia; Orr, Nick; Johnson, Nichola; Hopper, John L; Apicella, Carmel; Southey, Melissa C; Mahmoodi, Maryam; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Broeks, Annegien; Cornelissen, Sten; Braaf, Linda M; Muir, Kenneth R; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Chaiwerawattana, Arkom; Wiangnon, Surapon; Fasching, Peter A; Beckmann, Matthias W; Ekici, Arif B; Schulz-Wendtland, Ruediger; Sawyer, Elinor J; Tomlinson, Ian; Kerin, Michael; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marme, Frederik; Schneeweiss, Andreas; Sohn, Christof; Guénel, Pascal; Truong, Thérèse; Laurent-Puig, Pierre; Mulot, Claire; Bojesen, Stig E; Nielsen, Sune F; Flyger, Henrik; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Milne, Roger L; Benítez, Javier; Arias-Pérez, José-Ignacio; Zamora, M Pilar; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Bernstein, Leslie; Dur, Christina Clarke; Brenner, Hermann; Müller, Heiko; Arndt, Volker; Langheinz, Anne; Meindl, Alfons; Golatta, Michael; Bartram, Claus R; Schmutzler, Rita K; Brauch, Hiltrud; Justenhoven, Christina; Brüning, Thomas; GENICA Network; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Wang-Gohrke, Shan; Eilber, Ursula; Dörk, Thilo; Schürmann, Peter; Bremer, Michael; Hillemanns, Peter; Nevanlinna, Heli; Muranen, Taru A; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Bogdanova, Natalia; Antonenkova, Natalia; Rogov, Yuriy; Bermisheva, Marina; Prokofyeva, Darya; Zinnatullina, Guzel; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Kataja, Vesa; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; kConFab Investigators; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Lambrechts, Diether; Smeets, Ann; Paridaens, Robert; Weltens, Caroline; Flesch-Janys, Dieter; Buck, Katharina; Behrens, Sabine; Peterlongo, Paolo; Bernard, Loris; Manoukian, Siranoush; Radice, Paolo; Couch, Fergus J; Vachon, Celine; Wang, Xianshu; Olson, Janet; Giles, Graham; Baglietto, Laura; McLean, Cariona A; Severi, Gianluca; John, Esther M; Miron, Alexander; Winqvist, Robert; Pylkäs, Katri; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Grip, Mervi; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Weerasooriya, Nayana; Devilee, Peter; Tollenaar, Robert AEM; Martens, John WM; Seynaeve, Caroline M; Hooning, Maartje J; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Jager, Agnes; Tilanus-Linthorst, Madeleine MA; Hall, Per; Czene, Kamila; Liu, Jianjun; Li, Jingmei; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Brock, Ian W; Reed, Malcolm WR; Pharoah, Paul; Blows, Fiona M; Dunning, Alison M; Ghoussaini, Maya; Ashworth, Alan; Swerdlow, Anthony; Jones, Michael; Schoemaker, Minouk; Easton, Douglas F; Humphreys, Manjeet; Wang, Qin; Peto, Julian; dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel
  • Influenza infection and risk of acute myocardial infarction in England and Wales: a CALIBER self-controlled case series study. (2012) Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Hayward, Andrew C; Hemingway, Harry; Denaxas, Spiros; Thomas, Sara L; Timmis, Adam D; Whitaker, Heather; Smeeth, Liam
  • PRISMA-Equity 2012 extension: reporting guidelines for systematic reviews with a focus on health equity. (2012) Welch, Vivian; Petticrew, Mark; Tugwell, Peter; Moher, David; O'Neill, Jennifer; Waters, Elizabeth; White, Howard; PRISMA-Equity Bellagio group
  • Does consideration and assessment of effects on health equity affect the conclusions of systematic reviews? A methodology study. (2012) Welch, Vivian; Petticrew, Mark; Ueffing, Erin; Benkhalti Jandu, Maria; Brand, Kevin; Dhaliwal, Bharbhoor; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Smylie, Janet; Wells, George Anthony; Tugwell, Peter
  • Gender differences in work-related risk factors associated with low back symptoms. (2012) Widanarko, Baiduri; Legg, Stephen; Stevenson, Mark; Devereux, Jason; Eng, Amanda; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Cheng, Soo; Pearce, Neil
  • Prevalence and work-related risk factors for reduced activities and absenteeism due to low back symptoms. (2012) Widanarko, Baiduri; Legg, Stephen; Stevenson, Mark; Devereux, Jason; Eng, Amanda; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Cheng, Soo; Pearce, Neil
  • The economics of health care delivery. (2012) Winter, Harland S; Mossialos, Elias; Naci, Huseyin; Chandra, Amitabh; Salojee, Haroon; Yamashiro, Yuichiro; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Uauy, Ricardo; Corvalan, Camila
  • Is there evidence of a ‘cured’ sub-population amongst women with screen-detected breast cancer? Results from New South Wales, Australia, and the West Midlands region of England (oral presentation). (2012) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; O’Connell, D; Lawrence, GL; Coleman, MP
  • The impact of screen-detection upon international differences in survival from breast cancer: a comparison of the West Midlands, England, and New South Wales, Australia (poster presentation). (2012) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; O’Connell, D; Lawrence, GL; Coleman, MP
  • Y
  • Modeling exposures to the oxidative potential of PM10. (2012) Yanosky, Jeff D; Tonne, Cathryn C; Beevers, Sean D; Wilkinson, Paul; Kelly, Frank J