Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) (4193)
    Number of items: 288.
  • Socioeconomic position, occupational exposures, and gender: the relation with locomotor disability in early old age. (2003) Adamson, J; Hunt, K; Ebrahim, S
  • Association between measures of morbidity and locomotor disability: diagnosis alone is not enough. (2003) Adamson, Joy; Hunt, Kate; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Health expectancy in the Russian Federation: a new perspective on the health divide in Europe. (2003) Andreev, Evgueni M; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M
  • The evolving pattern of avoidable mortality in Russia. (2003) Andreev, Evgueni M; Nolte, Ellen; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Varavikova, Elena; McKee, Martin
  • Sex, studies or strife? What to integrate in adolescent health services. (2003) Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram; Ramakrishna, Jayashree
  • Social and behavioural determinants of consistent condom use among hotel and bar workers in Northern Tanzania. (2003) Ao, T; Sam, N; Manongi, R; Seage, G; Kapiga, S
  • Copper deficiency and excess in infancy: developing a research agenda. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Koletzko, Berthold; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Copper exposure and potential biomarkers of copper metabolism. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; González, Mauricio; Speisky, Hernán; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms and blood indicators of copper load in apparently healthy adults undergoing controlled copper exposure. (2003) Araya, Magdalena; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; González, Mauricio; Speisky, Hernán; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Interferon-alpha receptor-1 (IFNAR1) variants are associated with protection against cerebral malaria in the Gambia. (2003) Aucan, C; Walley, AJ; Hennig, BJW; Fitness, J; Frodsham, A; Zhang, L; Kwiatkowski, D; Hill, AVS
  • Long-standing and limiting long-standing illness in older people: associations with chronic diseases, psychosocial and environmental factors. (2003) Ayis, Salma; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Ebrahim, Shah
  • B
  • Coping, just - access to care in the new Bulgarian health system [Research Highlight]. (2003) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Winners and losers: expansion of insurance coverage in Russia in the 1990s. (2003) Balabanova, Dina C; Falkingham, Jane; McKee, Martin
  • BCG (Bacille of Calmette-Guérin) revaccination leads to improved in vitro IFN-gamma response to mycobacterial antigen independent of tuberculin sensitization in Brazilian school-age children. (2003) Barbosa, Theolis; Arruda, Sérgio; Fernandes, Bruno D; Carvalho, Lucas P; Cardoso, Silvia; Cunha, Sérgio; Barreto, Maurício L; Pereira, Susan M; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barral-Netto, Manoel
  • Women, older persons, and ethnic minorities: factors associated with their inclusion in randomised trials of statins 1990 to 2001. (2003) Bartlett, C; Davey, P; Dieppe, P; Doyal, L; Ebrahim, S; Egger, M
  • What is the Value to Society of a QALY? Issues Raised and Recommendations for How to Address Them. Report for National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and National Coordinating Centre for Research Methodology. (2003) Bateman, I; Loomes, G; Mugford, M; Robinson, A; Smith, RD; Sproston, K; Sugden, R
  • Socioeconomic position and coronary heart disease risk factors in children and young people. (2003) Batty, GD; Leon, DA
  • Size at birth and cardiovascular disease mortality: Evidence from the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study. (2003) Batty, GD; Morton, SMB; MacIntyre, S; Leon, DA
  • An assessment of a variant of the DNA repair gene XRCC3 as a possible naevus or melanoma susceptibility genotype. (2003) Bertram, CG; Gaut, RM; Barrett, JH; Whitaker, L; Turner, F; Bataille, V; Dos Santos Silva, I; Swerdlow, AJ; Bishop, DT; Bishop, JAN
  • Tuberculin reactivity in a population of schoolchildren with high BCG vaccination coverage. (2003) Bierrenbach, Ana L; Cunha, Sérgio S; Barreto, Maurício L; Pereira, Susan M; Dourado, Inês; Ichihara, Maria Y; Brito, Silvana C; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Directory of clinical databases: improving and promoting their use. (2003) Black, N; Payne, M
  • Clinical outcome in diabetic patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease treated with percutaneous coronary intervention compared to coronary bypass surgery: Results from the stent or surgery (SOS) trial. (2003) Booth, J; Stables, RH; Clayton, T; Nugara, F; Pepper, J; Sigwart, U
  • Patients' preferences need thinking through for the NHS. (2003) Bowling, Ann P; Rowe, Gene; Lambert, Nigel; Ebrahim, Shah; Thomson, Richard; Laurence, Michael; Dalrymple, Jamie
  • Predictive accuracy of the Framingham coronary risk score in British men: prospective cohort study. (2003) Brindle, Peter; Emberson, Jonathan; Lampe, Fiona; Walker, Mary; Whincup, Peter; Fahey, Tom; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Mansonella perstans infection in a cohort of HIV-infected adults in Uganda. (2003) Brown, M; Nkurunziza, P; Pickering, J; Khaukha, P; Kizza, M; Mawa, P; Watera, C; Whitworth, J; Elliott, A
  • Screening for intestinal helminth infestation in a semi-urban cohort of HIV-infected people in Uganda: a combination of techniques may enhance diagnostic yield in the absence of multiple stool samples. (2003) Brown, Michael; Bukusuba, Joseph; Hughes, Peter; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Watera, Christine; Elliott, Alison; Whitworth, James
  • Area-wide traffic calming for preventing traffic related injuries. (2003) Bunn, F; Collier, T; Frost, C; Ker, K; Roberts, I; Wentz, R
  • Traffic calming for the prevention of road traffic injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2003) Bunn, F; Collier, T; Frost, C; Ker, K; Roberts, I; Wentz, R
  • Pollen counts in relation to the prevalence of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma and atopic eczema in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). (2003) Burr, ML; Emberlin, JC; Treu, R; Cheng, S; Pearce, NE; ISAAC Phase One Study Group
  • C
  • Regional pathologies and globalization of clinical trials: has the time for regional trials arrived? (2003) Casas, Juan P; Cubillos-Garzón, Luz A; Morillo, Carlos A
  • The prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking in industrial workers: a study from Goa, India. (2003) Chagas Silva, Melvin; Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Kukalekar, Damodar S; Fernandes, John
  • General framework for country analysis. (2003) Chanda, R; Smith, R; Drager, N
  • General framework for country analysis. Globalization, Trade and Health Working Paper, Strategy Unit, Director Generals Office (STU/DGO). (2003) Chanda, R; Smith, RD; Drager, N
  • Problems in the reporting of trials and (mis)interpretation of results: Lessons from the RITA-3 trial. (2003) Clayton, T; Pocock, S
  • Cancer. (2003) Coleman, MP
  • The quality, content and style of epidemiological publications: A survey of recent practice. (2003) Collier, T; Pocock, S; Dandreo, K; de Stavola, B; Goldman, M; Kalish, L; Kasten, L; McCormack, V
  • A 38-year-old man with a 9 month history of neurological and cognitive impairment. (2003) Collinge, John; Brandner, Sebastian; Kennedy, Angus; Rossor, Martin; Smith, Peter; Stevens, John; Rudge, Peter
  • Birth season and environmental influences on patterns of thymic growth in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Cole, TJ; Prentice, AM
  • Early seasonal effects on leucocyte and lymphocyte numbers in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; N'Gom, PT; Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Prentice, AM; Keneba, MRC
  • Cellular telephone use and time trends for brain, head and neck tumours. (2003) Cook, Angus; Woodward, Alistair; Pearce, Neil; Marshall, Cara
  • Systematic review of isolation policies in the hospital management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a review of the literature with epidemiological and economic modelling. (2003) Cooper, BS; Stone, SP; Kibbler, CC; Cookson, BD; Roberts, JA; Medley, GF; Duckworth, GJ; Lai, R; Ebrahim, S
  • Reduced risk of atopy among school-age children infected with geohelminth parasites in a rural area of the tropics. (2003) Cooper, Philip J; Chico, Martha E; Rodrigues, Laura C; Ordonez, Marisol; Strachan, David; Griffin, George E; Nutman, Thomas B
  • Sildenafil in secondary pulmonary hypertension. (2003) Cubillos-Garzón, Luz Angela; Casas, Juan Pablo; Morillo, Carlos A
  • D
  • The myth of the noble savage. (2003) Dangour, A
  • Determinants of muscle strength in free-living older people in Santiago, Chile (abstract). (2003) Dangour, AD; Bunout, D; Barrera, G; Uauy, R
  • Anthropometric status of Kazakh children in the 1990s. (2003) Dangour, AD; Farmer, A; Hill, HL; Ismail, SJ
  • Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries. Edited by Richard D. Semba & Martin W. Bloem. (Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, 2001.) US $125, ISBN 0-896-03806-8, hardback. (2003) Dangour, Alan
  • Cross-sectional changes in anthropometric variables among Wapishana and Patamona Amerindian adults. (2003) Dangour, Alan D
  • Ageing and nutrition in developing countries. (2003) Dangour, Alan D; Ismail, Suraiya J
  • What do we know about the state of maternal health in Russia? Report on the situation analysis. (2003) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease and prevention in clinical practice. (2003) De Backer, Guy; Ambrosioni, Ettore; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Brotons, Carlos; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; Ebrahim, Shah; Faergeman, Ole; Graham, Ian; Mancia, Giuseppe; Cats, Volkert Manger; Orth-Gomér, Kristina; Perk, Joep; Pyörälä, Kalevi; Rodicio, José L; Sans, Susana; Sansoy, Vedat; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Thomsen, Troels; Wood, David; Third Joint Force of European and other Societies on Cardiovascu
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: third joint task force of European and other societies on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (constituted by representatives of eight societies and by invited experts). (2003) De Backer, Guy; Ambrosioni, Ettore; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Brotons, Carlos; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; Ebrahim, Shah; Faergeman, Ole; Graham, Ian; Mancia, Giuseppe; Cats, Volkert Manger; Orth-Gomér, Kristina; Perk, Joep; Pyörälä, Kalevi; Rodicio, José L; Sans, Susana; Sansoy, Vedat; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Thomsen, Troels; Wood, David; European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines
  • European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Third Joint Task Force of European and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice. (2003) De Backer, Guy; Ambrosioni, Ettore; Borch-Johnsen, Knut; Brotons, Carlos; Cifkova, Renata; Dallongeville, Jean; Ebrahim, Shah; Faergeman, Ole; Graham, Ian; Mancia, Giuseppe; Manger Cats, Volkert; Orth-Gomér, Kristina; Perk, Joep; Pyörälä, Kalevi; Rodicio, José L; Sans, Susana; Sansoy, Vedat; Sechtem, Udo; Silber, Sigmund; Thomsen, Troels; Wood, David; Third Joint Task Force of European and Other Societies on Cardio
  • Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies. (2003) Deeks, JJ; Dinnes, J; D'Amico, R; Sowden, AJ; Sakarovitch, C; Song, F; Petticrew, M; Altman, DG; International Stroke Trial Collaborative Group; European Carotid Surgery Trial Collaborative Group
  • Individual counselling for injury prevention. (2003) DiGuiseppi, C; Roberts, I
  • Is the effect of birth weight on early breast cancer mediated through childhood growth? (2003) Dos Santos Silva, I; de Stavola, B; McCormack, V; Kuh, D; Hardy, R; Wadsworth, M
  • Bioaerosol health effects and exposure assessment: progress and prospects. (2003) Douwes, J; Thorne, P; Pearce, N; Heederik, D
  • Invited commentary: is indoor mold exposure a risk factor for asthma? (2003) Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • Violence against women. (2003) Dutton, MA; Kilpatrick, D; Friedman, M; Patel, V
  • Sangath--Families as partners. (2003) de Souza, N; Patel, V
  • Multiple imputations to study the association between childhood growth and early breast cancer. (2003) de Stavola, BL; Dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Hardy, R; Wadsworth, MEJ; Koh, D
  • Mortality after radiological investigation with radioactive Thorotrast: a follow-up study of up to fifty years in Portugal. (2003) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Malveiro, Filomena; Jones, Michael E; Swerdlow, Anthony J
  • E
  • THE AUTHORS REPLY. (2003) Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G; May, M; Yarnell, J
  • Mortality surveillance as a way of detecting doctors who kill? (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Pemberton, sex and gender. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Randomization, trials and tribulations. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The lessons of history. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Shaving, coronary heart disease, and stroke: the Caerphilly Study. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey; May, Margaret; Yarnell, John; : Shaving, coronary heart disease, and stroke: the Caerphilly S
  • New roads and human health: a systematic review. (2003) Egan, Matt; Petticrew, Mark; Ogilvie, David; Hamilton, Val
  • UK Hip Trial - Reply. (2003) Elbourne, D; Dezateux, C; Arthur, R; Gray, A; Clarke, NMP; Gardner, F
  • Associations between helminth infection and CD4+ T cell count, viral load and cytokine responses in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults. (2003) Elliott, Alison M; Mawa, Patrice A; Joseph, Sarah; Namujju, Proscovia B; Kizza, Moses; Nakiyingi, Jessica S; Watera, Christine; Dunne, David W; Whitworth, James A
  • F
  • Changing pattern of ill health for indigenous people. (2003) Foliaki, Sunia; Pearce, Neil
  • Prevalence and causes of diabetes in Pacific people. (2003) Foliaki, Sunia; Pearce, Neil
  • Prevention and control of diabetes in Pacific people. (2003) Foliaki, Sunia; Pearce, Neil
  • Trade concerns must not be allowed to set the public health agenda. (2003) Ford, Nathan; 't Hoen, Ellen; McKee, Martin
  • Depressive symptoms lead to impaired cellular immune response. (2003) Fortes, Cristina; Farchi, Sara; Forastiere, Francesco; Agabiti, Nera; Pacifici, Roberta; Zuccaro, Piergiorgio; Perucci, Carlo A; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective: medical decision making should use posteriors, not priors. (2003) Frankel, Stephen; Sterne, Jonathan; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Respiratory symptoms and occupational exposures in New Zealand plywood mill workers. (2003) Fransman, Wouter; McLean, Dave; Douwes, Jeroen; Demers, Paula A; Leung, Victor; Pearce, Neil
  • A Common haplotype in the glucokinase gene is associated with increased fasting glucose and altered birth weight. (2003) Frayling, TM; Weedon, M; Shields, B; Knight, B; Wilkin, T; Voss, L; Metcalf, B; Davey-Smith, G; Ben-Shiomo, Y; Leon, D; Mann, V; Mohsen, R; Syvanen, AC; Axelsson, T; Byberg, L; Hattersley, AT
  • G
  • The long-term effects of perinatal malnutrition on immunity: Lymphocyte subset distribution and kinetics in young Gambian men (Abstract). (2003) Ghattas, H; Irvine, A; Wallace, D; Solon, J; Morgan, G; Prentice, A; MacAllan, D
  • Effect of moderate anaemia on later mortality in rural African children. (2003) Ghattas, Hala; Fulford, Tony; Prentice, Andrew
  • The effect of caffeine consumption and nausea on the risk of miscarriage. (2003) Giannelli, Massimo; Doyle, Pat; Roman, Eve; Pelerin, Margo; Hermon, Carol
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity. (2003) Gilbert, C
  • Visual impairment and blindness in children. (2003) Gilbert, C; Rahi, J; Quinn, G
  • Tobacco control and the liberal state: the legal, ethical and policy debates. (2003) Gilmore, A; McKee, M
  • Measuring Trade in Health Services - Globalization, Trade and Health Working Paper. (2003) Gobrecht, J; Smith, R; Drager, N
  • Understanding long-standing illness among older people. (2003) Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; Ayis, Salma; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Delayed immunisation and risk of pertussis in infants: unmatched case-control study. (2003) Grant, Cameron C; Roberts, Mavis; Scragg, Robert; Stewart, Joanna; Lennon, Diana; Kivell, Denise; Ford, Rodney; Menzies, Rosalie
  • Generalisability of Trials and Implementation of Research into Practice. (2003) Grosskurth, H; Kumaranayake, L
  • H
  • Shaping the future of global health. (2003) Haines, Andy
  • Feasibility of GP intervention in patients with excessive alcohol intake. (2003) Haines, Andy; Wallace, Paul
  • The human health consequences of flooding in Europe and the implications for public health: a review of the evidence. (2003) Hajat, S; Ebi, KL; Kovats, S; Menne, B; Edwards, S; Haines, A
  • The relationship between high and low temperatures and emergency hospital admissions in Greater London. (2003) Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Wilkinson, P
  • Arts for health: still searching for the Holy Grail. (2003) Hamilton, C; Hinks, S; Petticrew, M
  • Genetic eipdemiology. (2003) Hammond, C; Gilbert, C
  • Cluster randomized trials of sexual health interventions. (2003) Hayes, RJ
  • Association of genetic variants of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligands, RANTES and MCP-2, with outcome of HCV infection. (2003) Hellier, Simon; Frodsham, Angela J; Hennig, Branwen JW; Klenerman, Paul; Knapp, Suzanne; Ramaley, Patricia; Satsangi, Jack; Wright, Mark; Zhang, Lyna; Thomas, Howard C; Thursz, Mark; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Seven-year outcome in the RITA-2 trial: coronary angioplasty versus medical therapy. (2003) Henderson, Robert A; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Knight, Rosemary; Fox, Keith AA; Julian, Desmond G; Chamberlain, Douglas A; Second Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) Tria
  • A Short Introduction to Stata 8 for Biostatistics. (2003) Hills, M; de Stavola, BL
  • Visual function in breast-fed term infants weaned to formula with or without long-chain polyunsaturates at 4 to 6 months: a randomized clinical trial. (2003) Hoffman, Dennis R; Birch, Eileen E; Castañeda, Yolanda S; Fawcett, Sherry L; Wheaton, Dianna H; Birch, David G; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Reduced dietary salt for prevention of cardiovascular disease. (2003) Hooper, L; Bartlett, C; Davey, SM; Ebrahim, S
  • Reduced dietary salt for prevention of cardiovascular disease. (2003) Hooper, L; Bartlett, C; Davey, SM; Ebrahim, S
  • Anti-oxidant foods or supplements for preventing cardiovascular disease (Protocol for a Cochrane Review). (2003) Hooper, L; Capps, N; Clements, G; Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S; Higgins, J; Ness, A; Riemersma, R; Summerbell, C
  • Exposure to tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and the risk of hip fracture. (2003) Hubbard, Richard; Farrington, Paddy; Smith, Chris; Smeeth, Liam; Tattersfield, Anne
  • I
  • Mechanisms of action of LCPUFA effects on infant growth an neurodevelopment: Perinatal biochemistry and physiology of LCPUFA discussion. (2003) Innis, S; Uauy, R
  • J
  • Virtual outreach: economic evaluation of joint teleconsultations for patients referred by their general practitioner for a specialist opinion. (2003) Jacklin, PB; Roberts, JA; Wallace, P; Haines, A; Harrison, R; Barber, JA; Thompson, SG; Lewis, L; Currell, R; Parker, S; Wainwright, P; Virtual Outreach Project Group
  • Hospital mortality league tables. (2003) Jacobson, Bobbie; Mindell, Jenny; McKee, Martin
  • The National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys of Great Britain--strategy and methods. (2003) Jenkins, R; Bebbington, P; Brugha, T; Farrell, M; Gill, B; Lewis, G; Meltzer, H; Petticrew, M
  • Determining public health priorities for an ageing population: the value of a disability survey. (2003) Jitapunkul, Sutthichai; Kunanusont, Chaiyos; Phoolcharoen, Wiput; Suriyawongpaisal, Paibul; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Disability-free life expectancy of elderly people in a population undergoing demographic and epidemiologic transition. (2003) Jitapunkul, Sutthichai; Kunanusont, Chaiyos; Phoolcharoen, Wiput; Suriyawongpaisal, Paibul; Ebrahim, Shah
  • K
  • Male condom use in Tanzania: results from a national survey. (2003) Kapiga, SH; Lugalla, JLP
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among bar and hotel workers in northern Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors. (2003) Kapiga, Saidi H; Sam, Noel E; Shao, John F; Masenga, Elisante J; Renjifo, Boris; Kiwelu, Ireen E; Manongi, Rachel; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Essex, Max
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes. (2003) Ker, K; Roberts, I; Collier, T; Renton, F; Bunn, F
  • Treatment. (2003) King, M; Bebbington, P; Nur, U
  • Landmine related injuries in children of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-2000: comparisons with adults. (2003) Kinra, S; Black, ME
  • Is maternal transmission of coronary heart disease risk stronger than paternal transmission? (2003) Kinra, S; Davey Smith, G; Okasha, M; McCarron, P; McEwen, J
  • HIV type 1 subtypes among bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Tanzania. (2003) Kiwelu, Ireen E; Renjifo, Boris; Chaplin, Beth; Sam, Noel; Nkya, Watoky MMM; Shao, John; Kapiga, Saidi; Essex, Max
  • Medicine. The need for a global HIV vaccine enterprise. (2003) Klausner, Richard D; Fauci, Anthony S; Corey, Lawrence; Nabel, Gary J; Gayle, Helene; Berkley, Seth; Haynes, Barton F; Baltimore, David; Collins, Chris; Douglas, R Gordon; Esparza, Jose; Francis, Donald P; Ganguly, NK; Gerberding, Julie Louise; Johnston, Margaret I; Kazatchkine, Michel D; McMichael, Andrew J; Makgoba, Malegapuru W; Pantaleo, Giuseppe; Piot, Peter; Shao, Yiming; Tramont, Edmund; Varmus, Harold; Wasserheit, Judith N
  • Polymorphisms in interferon-induced genes and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection: roles of MxA, OAS-1 and PKR. (2003) Knapp, S; Yee, LJ; Frodsham, AJ; Hennig, BJW; Hellier, S; Zhang, L; Wright, M; Chiaramonte, M; Graves, M; Thomas, HC; Hill, AVS; Thursz, MR
  • Interleukin-10 promoter polymorphisms and the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection. (2003) Knapp, Susanne; Hennig, Branwen JW; Frodsham, Angela J; Zhang, Lyna; Hellier, Simon; Wright, Mark; Goldin, Rob; Hill, Adrian VS; Thomas, Howard C; Thursz, Mark R
  • Hot weather and hospital admissions. (2003) Kovats, RS; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P
  • Intimations of mortality: perceived age of leaving middle age as a predictor of future health outcomes within the Whitehall II study. (2003) Kuper, Hannah; Marmot, Michael
  • L
  • A district-based analysis of stillbirth and infant mortality rates in Italy: 1989-93. (2003) Lauria, Laura; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Performance of the WHO Rose angina questionnaire in post-menopausal women: are all of the questions necessary? (2003) Lawlor, DA; Adamson, J; Ebrahim, S
  • Geographical variation in cardiovascular disease, risk factors, and their control in older women: British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, DA; Bedford, C; Taylor, M; Ebrahim, S
  • Association between offspring birth weight and atherosclerosis in middle aged men and women: British Regional Heart Study. (2003) Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Whincup, P; Wannamethee, G; Papacosta, O; Dhanjil, S; Griffin, M; Nicolaides, AN; Ebrahim, S
  • Associations of adult measures of childhood growth with breast cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, DA; Okasha, M; Gunnell, D; Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • Association between leg length and offspring birthweight: partial explanation for the trans-generational association between birthweight and cardiovascular disease: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Life course influences on insulin resistance: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The association of socio-economic position across the life course and age at menopause: the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey
  • Is the association between parity and coronary heart disease due to biological effects of pregnancy or adverse lifestyle risk factors associated with child-rearing? Findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study and the British Regional Heart Study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Emberson, Jonathan R; Ebrahim, Shah; Whincup, Peter H; Wannamethee, S Goya; Walker, Mary; Smith, George Davey; British Women's Heart and Health Study; British Regional Heart Study
  • Smoking and ill health: does lay epidemiology explain the failure of smoking cessation programs among deprived populations? (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Frankel, Stephen; Shaw, Mary; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey
  • Systematic review of the epidemiologic and trial evidence of an association between antidepressant medication and breast cancer. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Jüni, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah; Egger, Matthias
  • Association between falls in elderly women and chronic diseases and drug use: cross sectional study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Patel, Rita; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Association of insulin resistance with depression: cross sectional findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; British Women's Heart and Health Study
  • Parental, foetal and developmental influences on childhood blood pressure in 600 SIB pairs: The Uppsala family study. (2003) Leon, DA; Mann, V; Koupilova, I; Tuvemo, T; Lindmark, G; Mohsen, R; Byberg, L; Lithell, H
  • Understanding the health of Scotland's population in an international context: a review of current, approaches, knowledge and recommendations for future research directions. (2003) Leon, DA; Morton, S; Cannegieter, S; McKee, M
  • Health impact assessment of agriculture and food policies: lessons learnt from the Republic of Slovenia. (2003) Lock, Karen; Gabrijelcic-Blenkus, Mojca; Martuzzi, Marco; Otorepec, Peter; Wallace, Paul; Dora, Carlos; Robertson, Aileen; Zakotnic, Jozica Maucec
  • M
  • Health Systems in Transition: Moldova. (2003) MacLehose, L; McKee, M
  • Incidence of cancer among UK Gulf war veterans: cohort study. (2003) Macfarlane, Gary J; Biggs, Anne-Marie; Maconochie, Noreen; Hotopf, Matthew; Doyle, Patricia; Lunt, Mark
  • The study of reproductive outcome and the health of offspring of UK veterans of the Gulf war: methods and description of the study population. (2003) Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Davies, Graham; Lewis, Samantha; Pelerin, Margo; Prior, Susan; Sampson, Patrick
  • Fluid resuscitation strategies: A systematic review of animal trials. (2003) Mapstone, J; Roberts, I; Evans, P
  • NHS waiting lists and evidence of national or local failure: analysis of health service data. (2003) Martin, Richard M; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Gunnell, David; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George; Frankel, Stephen
  • HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and care in Rwandan refugee camps in the United Republic of Tanzania. (2003) Mayaud, P; Msuya, W; Mkanje, R; Grosskurth, H
  • General practitioner screening for excessive alcohol use. General practitioners' experiences are important. (2003) McCambridge, Jim; Keaney, Francis; Strang, John; Rollnick, Stephen
  • Development of a structured generic drug intervention model for public health purposes: a brief application of motivational interviewing with young people. (2003) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
  • Cannabis use and the GP: brief motivational intervention increases clinical enquiry by GPs in a pilot study. (2003) McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John; Platts, Simon; Witton, John
  • Fetal growth and subsequent risk of breast cancer: results from long term follow up of Swedish cohort. (2003) McCormack, VA; dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, BL; Mohsen, R; Leon, DA; Lithell, HO
  • Life-course body size and perimenopausal mammographic parenchymal patterns in the MRC 1946 British birth cohort. (2003) McCormack, VA; dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, BL; Perry, N; Vinnicombe, S; Swerdlow, AJ; Hardy, R; Kuh, D
  • European Journal of Public Health and EUPHA ? 10 years on. (2003) McKee, M
  • L’esperienza italiana: lezioni per l’Europa [Editorial]. (2003) McKee, M
  • Paying the bills: Health care funding in central and eastern Europe [Editorial]. (2003) McKee, M
  • What are the lessons learnt by countries that have had dramatic reductions of their hospital bed capacity? (2003) McKee, M
  • Political interference in American science [Editorial]. (2003) McKee, M; Novotny, TE
  • Public health in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2003) McKee, M; Zatonski, W
  • Commentary: Winners and losers. (2003) McKee, Martin
  • Competing interests: the importance of transparency. (2003) McKee, Martin
  • Passive smoking: background must be examined. (2003) McKee, Martin
  • Politics and science. (2003) McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • The dangerous rise of American exceptionalism. (2003) McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • Smoke free hospitals. (2003) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna; Novotny, Thomas E
  • Smoke free hospitals: withdrawal from cigarettes should not be confused with withdrawal from nicotine. (2003) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna; Novotny, Tom
  • After Nice: where now for health policy in the European Union? (2003) McKee, Martin; Maclehose, Laura; Mossialos, Elias
  • Political interference in American science: why Europe should be concerned about the actions of the Bush administration. (2003) McKee, Martin; Novotny, Thomas E
  • Monitoring health in Europe: opportunities, challenges and progress. (2003) Mckee, Martin; Ryan, John
  • The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among adults living in institutions. (2003) Meltzer, H; Gill, B; Hinds, K; Petticrew, M
  • Community-based therapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Lima, Peru. (2003) Mitnick, Carole; Bayona, Jaime; Palacios, Eda; Shin, Sonya; Furin, Jennifer; Alcántara, Felix; Sánchez, Epifanio; Sarria, Madeleny; Becerra, Mercedes; Fawzi, Mary C Smith; Kapiga, Saidi; Neuberg, Donna; Maguire, James H; Kim, Jim Yong; Farmer, Paul
  • Impact of nutritional status on antibody responses to different vaccines in undernourished Gambian children. (2003) Moore, SE; Goldblatt, D; Bates, CJ; Prentice, AM
  • What are the most effective ways of improving population health through transport interventions? Evidence from systematic reviews. (2003) Morrison, DS; Petticrew, M; Thomson, H
  • Effects of disseminating research findings on response rates in a community survey: a randomised controlled trial. (2003) Morrison, DS; Thomson, H; Petticrew, M
  • Development of an economic model of antimicrobial resistance. Report to: Department of Child and Adolescent Health Development, World Health Organization. (2003) Mortimer, D; Smith, RD; Coast, J; Millar, MR; Mills, A picture_as_pdf
  • An intergenerational and lifecourse approach to determinants of offspring size at birth: Adding the temporal dimension. (2003) Morton, SMB; Leon, DA; Destavola, BL
  • Rationing treatment on the NHS--still a political issue. (2003) Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin
  • Leptin does not respond to 48 h fat deposition or mobilization in women. (2003) Murgatroyd, PR; Frühbeck, G; Goldberg, GR; Jebb, SA; Leahy, FE; Moore, MS; Prentice, AM
  • N
  • Trends in mortality attributable to current alcohol consumption in east and west Germany. (2003) Nolte, Ellen; Britton, Annie; McKee, Martin
  • Measuring the health of nations: analysis of mortality amenable to health care. (2003) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin
  • Social function, clinical symptoms and personality disturbance. (2003) Nur, U; Tyrer, P; Merson, S; Johnson, T
  • O
  • The TMC study - Reply. (2003) O'Grady, JG; Burroughs, A; Hardy, P; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A
  • Health, wealth, and air pollution: advancing theory and methods. (2003) O'Neill, Marie S; Jerrett, Michael; Kawachi, Ichiro; Levy, Jonathan I; Cohen, Aaron J; Gouveia, Nelson; Wilkinson, Paul; Fletcher, Tony; Cifuentes, Luis; Schwartz, Joel; Workshop on Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Conditions picture_as_pdf
  • Using Random Allocation to Evaluate Social Interventions: Three Recent U.K. Examples. (2003) Oakley, Ann; Strange, Vicki; Toroyan, Tami; Wiggins, Meg; Roberts, Ian; Stephenson, Judith
  • Factors associated with depression in a representative sample of 14 217 people aged 75 and over in the United Kingdom: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community. (2003) Osborn, David PJ; Fletcher, Astrid E; Smeeth, Liam; Stirling, Susan; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Breeze, Elizabeth; Ng, Edmond SW; Nunes, Maria; Jones, Dee; Tulloch, Alistair
  • Performance of a single screening question for depression in a representative sample of 13 670 people aged 75 and over in the UK: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community. (2003) Osborn, David PJ; Fletcher, Astrid E; Smeeth, Liam; Stirling, Susan; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Nunes, Maria; Breeze, Elizabeth; Ng, Edmond SW; Jones, Dee; Tulloch, Alistair
  • Allergic conjuctivitis. (2003) Owen, CG; Henshaw, K; Smeeth, L; Sheikh, A
  • Allergic conjuctivitis. (2003) Owen, CG; Henshaw, K; Smeeth, L; Sheikh, A
  • P
  • Cultural issues in measurement and research. (2003) Patel, V
  • Where there is No Psychiatrist. (2003) Patel, V
  • Postnatal depression and infant growth and development in low income countries: a cohort study from Goa, India. (2003) Patel, V; DeSouza, N; Rodrigues, M
  • Psychiatry in India [Review]. (2003) Patel, V; Saxena, S
  • Introduction: The role of NGOs in mental health care. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Recruiting doctors from poor countries: the great brain robbery? (2003) Patel, Vikram
  • Pharmacological treatment of severe psychiatric disorders in the developing world : lessons from India. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Andrade, Chittaranjan
  • Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of drug and psychological treatments for common mental disorders in general health care in Goa, India: a randomised, controlled trial. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Chisholm, Daniel; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia; Dias-Saxena, Fiona; Andrew, Gracy; Mann, Anthony
  • Poverty and common mental disorders in developing countries. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Kleinman, Arthur
  • Is social capital the key to inequalities in health? (2003) Pearce, Neil; Davey Smith, George
  • Sleep-wake states and their regulatory mechanisms throughout early human development. (2003) Peirano, Patricio; Algarín, Cecilia; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Sensilidade e especificidade da leitura da cicatriz vacinol do BCG [Sensitivity and specificity of the BCG scar reading]. (2003) Pereira, SM; Bierrenbach, AL; Dourado, I; Barreto, ML; Ichihara, MY; Hijjar, MA; Rodrigues, LC
  • Using waist circumference as a screening tool to identify Colombian subjects at cardiovascular risk. (2003) Perez, Maritza; Casas, Juan P; Cubillos-Garzón, Luz A; Serrano, Norma C; Silva, Federico; Morillo, Carlos A; López-Jaramillo, Patricio
  • Evidence, hierarchies, and typologies: horses for courses. (2003) Petticrew, M; Roberts, H
  • Presumed innocent. Why we need systematic reviews of social policies. (2003) Petticrew, Mark
  • Why certain systematic reviews reach uncertain conclusions. (2003) Petticrew, Mark
  • Ethical aspects and stopping rules in equivalence trials: Two case studies. (2003) Piaggio, G; von Hertzen, H; Elbourne, D
  • One-on-one with Dr. Peter Piot. Interview by Charles E. Clifton. (2003) Piot, Peter
  • Peter Piot-executive director of UNAIDS. Interview by Pam Das. (2003) Piot, Peter
  • Comparative health report. (2003) Pomerleau, J; McKee, M; Rose, R; Balabanova, D; Gilmore, A
  • Discrepancies between ecological and individual data on fruit and vegetable consumption in fifteen countries. (2003) Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • The burden of disease attributable to nutrition in Europe. (2003) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Lobstein, Tim; Knai, Cécile
  • The ancient battle for iron: our struggle with pathogens. (2003) Prentice, AM; Doherty, C; McDermid, JM; Atkinson, S; Cox, S
  • Fast foods, energy density and obesity: a possible mechanistic link. (2003) Prentice, AM; Jebb, SA
  • Intrauterine factors, adiposity, and hyperinsulinaemia. (2003) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Dementia diagnosis in developing countries: a cross-cultural validation study. (2003) Prince, Martin; Acosta, Daisy; Chiu, Helen; Scazufca, Marcia; Varghese, Mathew; 10/66 Dementia Research Group
  • R
  • Effect of Estonian law on prospects for public health research. (2003) Rahu, Mati; McKee, Martin
  • Considerations in defining evidence for public health. (2003) Rantanen, JH; Raspe, HH; Svensson, PG; Edejer, T; Lopez, A; Varavikova, E; European Advisory Committee On Health Research (Including: Banta, HD; Dab, W; Gabrielyan, ES; Jonsson, E; Martin-Moreno, JM; McKee, M. )
  • Healing the crisis. A prescription for public health action in South-Eastern Europe. (2003) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • Anthropology of Human Rights: Why Conversion to Christianity Might Be Good to Think With. (2003) Reubi, D
  • Car Wars [Comment and Analysis]. (2003) Roberts, I
  • Congestion charges and the walking classes. (2003) Roberts, I
  • New Labour's welfare scheme for directors. (2003) Roberts, I
  • The New Silk Road. (2003) Roberts, I
  • The second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third. (2003) Roberts, I
  • Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury (Cochrane Review). (2003) Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
  • Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury. (2003) Roberts, I; Schierhout, G; Wakai, A
  • Propaganda or science? Biological warfare and the people of Iraq. (2003) Roberts, IG
  • Biological warfare and the people of Iraq. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • Congestion charging and the walking classes. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • Use of weapons of mass destruction. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • How political should a general medical journal be? Medical journals may have had role in justifying war. (2003) Roberts, Ian G
  • War in Iraq: medical journals and the manufacture of consent. (2003) Roberts, Ian; Renton, Fiona
  • The study of infectious intestinal disease in England: socio-economic impact. (2003) Roberts, JA; Cumberland, P; Sockett, PN; Wheeler, J; Rodrigues, LC; Sethi, D; Roderick, PJ; Infectious Intestinal Disease Study Executive
  • Listening to mothers: qualitative studies on motherhood and depression from Goa, India. (2003) Rodrigues, Merlyn; Patel, Vikram; Jaswal, Surinder; de Souza, Nandita
  • Gene expression analysis in human fetal retinal explants treated with docosahexaenoic acid. (2003) Rojas, Cecilia V; Martínez, Jessica I; Flores, Ingrid; Hoffman, Dennis R; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Randomised controlled trial of site specific advice on school travel patterns. (2003) Rowland, D; DiGuiseppi, C; Gross, M; Afolabi, E; Roberts, I
  • S
  • Epidemiology of hypertension and associated cardiovascular risk factors in a country in transition: a population based survey in Tirana City, Albania. (2003) Shapo, L; Pomerleau, J; McKee, M
  • Prevalence and determinants of smoking in Tirana city, Albania: a population-based survey. (2003) Shapo, Laidon; Gilmore, Anna B; Coker, Richard; McKee, Martin; Shapo, Entela
  • Body weight patterns in a country in transition: a population-based survey in Tirana City, Albania. (2003) Shapo, Laidon; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard; Ylli, Agron
  • There is no evidence of an inverse relationship between TH2-mediated atopy and TH1-mediated autoimmune disorders: Lack of support for the hygiene hypothesis. (2003) Sheikh, Aziz; Smeeth, Liam; Hubbard, Richard
  • Mortality after radiological investigation with radioactive thorotrast: A follow-up study of up to fifty years in Portugal. (2003) Silva, ID; Malveiro, F; Jones, ME; Swerdlow, AJ
  • Commentary on Review:usual blood pressure is directly related to vascular mortality throughout middle and old age. (2003) Smeeth, L
  • Screening older people for impaired vision. (2003) Smeeth, L
  • A population based case-control study of cataract and inhaled corticosteroids. (2003) Smeeth, L; Boulis, M; Hubbard, R; Fletcher, AE
  • Cataract and the use of statins: a case-control study. (2003) Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Fletcher, AE
  • 'Mendelian randomization': can genetic epidemiology contribute to understanding environmental determinants of disease? (2003) Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The epidemics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: current status and future prospects. (2003) Smith, Peter G
  • Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and its epidemiology. (2003) Smith, Peter G; Bradley, Ray
  • Trade in helath services: commercial presence-foreign direct investment. (2003) Smith, R
  • What does economics have to offer in the war against antimicrobial resistance? (2003) Smith, R
  • Antimicrobial Drug resistance. (2003) Smith, R; Coast, J
  • Assessing the economic impact of communicable disease outbreaks: the case of SARS. (2003) Smith, R; Sommers, T
  • Global Public Goods for health: use and limitations. (2003) Smith, R; Woodward, D
  • Global Public Goods For Health: from theory to policy. (2003) Smith, RD; Beaglehole, R; Drager, N; Woodward, D
  • Global Public Goods for Health: a health economic and public health perspective. (2003) Smith, RD; Beaglehole, R; Drager, N; Woodward, D
  • Construction of the contingent valuation market in health care: a critical assessment. (2003) Smith, Richard D
  • Global public goods and health. (2003) Smith, Richard D
  • Loss of tolerance and overdose mortality after inpatient opiate detoxification: follow up study. (2003) Strang, John; McCambridge, Jim; Best, David; Beswick, Tracy; Bearn, Jenny; Rees, Sian; Gossop, Michael
  • T
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with Campylobacter jejuni infection in England, 2000-2001. (2003) Tam, Clarence C; Rodrigues, Laura C; O'Brien, Sarah J
  • The study of infectious intestinal disease in England: what risk factors for presentation to general practice tell us about potential for selection bias in case-control studies of reported cases of diarrhoea. (2003) Tam, Clarence C; Rodrigues, Laura C; O'Brien, Sarah J
  • The reliability of a structured examination protocol and self administered vaginal swabs: a pilot study of gynaecological outpatients in Goa, India. (2003) Tanksale, VS; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Patel, V; Nevrekar, P; Menezes, S; Mabey, D
  • Metallothionein is crucial for safe intracellular copper storage and cell survival at normal and supra-physiological exposure levels. (2003) Tapia, Lucía; González-Agüero, Mauricio; Cisternas, Mónica F; Suazo, Miriam; Cambiazo, Verónica; Uauy, Ricardo; González, Mauricio
  • NGOs in mental health: Meeting the need? (2003) Thara, R; Patel, V
  • Dietary advice given by a dietitian versus other health professional or self-help resources to reduce blood cholesterol. (2003) Thompson, RL; Summerbell, CD; Hooper, L; Higgins, JP; Little, PS; Talbot, D; Ebrahim, S
  • Relative efficacy of differential methods of dietary advice: a systematic review. (2003) Thompson, Rachel L; Summerbell, Carolyn D; Hooper, Lee; Higgins, Julian PT; Little, Paul S; Talbot, Diane; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Assessing the health impact of local amenities: a qualitative study of contrasting experiences of local swimming pool and leisure provision in two areas of Glasgow. (2003) Thomson, H; Kearns, A; Petticrew, M
  • Health impact assessment of housing improvements: incorporating research evidence. (2003) Thomson, H; Petticrew, M; Douglas, M
  • Genomics Knowledge. (2003) Thorsteinsdottir, H; Daar, A; Smith, R; Singer, P
  • Genomics--a global public good? (2003) Thorsteinsdóttir, Halla; Daar, Abdallah S; Smith, Richard D; Singer, Peter A
  • Effectiveness of out-of-home day care for disadvantaged families: randomised controlled trial. (2003) Toroyan, Tami; Roberts, Ian; Oakley, Ann; Laing, Gabrielle; Mugford, Miranda; Frost, Chris
  • Modification of immune function through exposure to dietary aflatoxin in Gambian children. (2003) Turner, PC; Moore, SE; Hall, AJ; Prentice, AM; Wild, CP picture_as_pdf
  • U
  • Short and long term effects of perinatal essential lipid supply in human neuro-development. (2003) Uauy, R
  • Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in visual and neural development: cellular and molecular mechanisms. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Calderon, Frances
  • Lipid requirements of infants: implications for nutrient composition of fortified complementary foods. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Castillo, Carlos
  • Term infant studies of DHA and ARA supplementation on neurodevelopment: results of randomized controlled trials. (2003) Uauy, Ricardo; Hoffman, Dennis R; Mena, Patricia; Llanos, Adolfo; Birch, Eileen E
  • V
  • [Antiasthmatic drug consumption as an indicator of the prevalence of respiratory pathology in a pediatric population]. (2003) Vegni, FE; Panceri, ML; Wilkinson, P
  • Why does HIV infection not lead to disseminated strongyloidiasis? (2003) Viney, ME; Brown, M; Omoding, NE; Bailey, JW; Gardner, MP; Roberts, E; Morgan, D; Elliott, A; Whitworth, JAG
  • W
  • Practical issues in trial design part 18: identifying and controlling for confounding factors in clinical trials. (2003) Wang, D; Clayton, T; Bakhai, A
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: An epidemiological update in relation to geographically associated cases and history of vaccination. (2003) Ward, HJT; Everington, D; Cousens, S; Gill, N; Smith, PG; Will, R
  • Community Nutrition and its impact on developing countries (the Chilean experience). (2003) Weisstaub, G; Araya, M; Uauy, R
  • Monitoring the health effects of climate change. (2003) Wilkinson, P; Campbell-Lendrum, DH
  • The health impact of an energy efficiency programme for England. (2003) Wilkinson, P; Green, G; Critchley, R; Oreszczyn, T; Gilbertson, J; Grimsley, M; Hutchinson, E; Landon, M; Armstrong, B
  • Winter mortality in the elderly in Great Britain: A socio- economic paradox? (2003) Wilkinson, P; Kovats, RS; Pattenden, S; Armstrong, B; Mangtani, P; Fletcher, A; McMichael, AJ
  • Global Public Goods For Health: concepts and issues. (2003) Woodward, D; Smith, R
  • Global public goods for health: concepts and issues: chapter 1. (2003) Woodward, D; Smith, R
  • Photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (2003) Wormald, R; Evans, J; Smeeth, L; Henshaw, K
  • Evidence Based Ophthalmology. (2003) Wormald, R; Smeeth, L; Henshaw, K
  • Factor V Leiden polymorphism and the rate of fibrosis development in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. (2003) Wright, M; Goldin, R; Hellier, S; Knapp, S; Frodsham, A; Hennig, B; Hill, A; Apple, R; Cheng, S; Thomas, H; Thursz, M
  • Moving beyond single and dual diagnosis in general practice: many patients have multiple morbidities, and their needs have to be addressed. (2003) Wright, Nat; Smeeth, Liam; Heath, Iona
  • X
  • Maternal and gestational correlates of pregnancy prolactin and growth hormone in USA and China. (2003) Xu, B; Lipworth, L; Wide, L; Wuu, J; Yu, S-Z; Lagiou, P; Kuper, H; Hankinson, SE; Carlström, K; Adami, H-O; Trichopoulos, D; Hsieh, C-C
  • Y
  • Willingness to pay and size of health benefit: an integrated model to test for 'sensitivity to scale'. (2003) Yeung, Raymond YT; Smith, Richard D; McGhee, Sarah M
  • Z
  • What proportion of rhinitis symptoms is attributable to atopy? (2003) Zacharasiewicz, Angela; Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil