Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) (4193)
    Number of items: 283.
  • Nutrition transition in Chile: determinants and consequences. (2002) Albala, Cecilia; Vio, Fernando; Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Human albumin solution for resuscitation and volume expansion in critically ill patients. (2002) Alderson, P; Bunn, F; Lefebvre, C; Li, Wan Po A; Li, L; Roberts, I; Schierhout, G
  • Determinants of the availability and accuracy of self-reported birth weight in middle-aged and elderly women. (2002) Allen, Diane S; Ellison, George TH; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca L; Fentiman, Ian S
  • Biological effects of Chronic copper exposure. (2002) Araya, M; Gonzalez, M; Olivares, M; Uauy, R
  • The efficacy of tacrolimus versus microemulsified cyclosporin in prevention of early acute cellular rejection following liver transplantation: A histopathological assessment; On behalf of the UK and Republic of Ireland liver transplant study group. (2002) Arul, D; Burroughs, A; Truesdale, A; Elbourne, D; Hardy, P; Davies, S
  • Fibrinogen, viscosity and white blood cell count predict myocardial, but not cerebral infarction: evidence from the Caerphilly and Speedwell cohort. (2002) Baker, Ian A; Pickering, Janet; Elwood, Peter C; Bayer, Antony; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Alcohol consumption: myths and risks: Participation in a discussion broadcast (in Bulgarian). (2002) Balabanova, D
  • Smoking epidemic in Bulgaria: Participation in a discussion broadcast (in Bulgarian). (2002) Balabanova, D
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2002) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Self-reported health in Bulgaria: levels and determinants. (2002) Balabanova, Dina C; McKee, Martin
  • Access to health care in a system transition: the case of Bulgaria. (2002) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Understanding informal payments for health care: the example of Bulgaria. (2002) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Socio-economic position and coronary heart disease risk factors in children and young people. Evidence from UK epidemiological studies. (2002) Batty, G David; Leon, David A
  • Reforming the EU health competence: Framing the discussion [Editorial]. (2002) Belcher, P; McKee, M; Mossialos, E
  • An assessment of the CDKN2A variant Ala148Thr as a nevus/melanoma susceptibility allele. (2002) Bertram, Chandra G; Gaut, Rupert M; Barrett, Jennifer H; Pinney, Elizabeth; Whitaker, Linda; Turner, Faye; Bataille, Veronique; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; J Swerdlow, Anthony; Bishop, D Timothy; Newton Bishop, Julia A
  • A randomized controlled trial of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation of formula in term infants after weaning at 6 wk of age. (2002) Birch, Eileen E; Hoffman, Dennis R; Castañeda, Yolanda S; Fawcett, Sherry L; Birch, David G; Uauy, Ricardo D
  • Improving the use of clinical databases. (2002) Black, Nick; Payne, Mary
  • Socio-economic position is more than just NZDep. (2002) Blakely, Tony; Pearce, Neil
  • Socio-economic factors and mortality among 25-64 year olds followed from 1991 to 1994: the New Zealand Census-Mortality Study. (2002) Blakely, Tony; Woodward, Alistair; Pearce, Neil; Salmond, Clare; Kiro, Cindy; Davis, Peter
  • Factors associated with HIV infection are not the same for all women. (2002) Boisson, EV; Rodrigues, LC
  • Comparison of the Zung self rating depression scale in patients randomised to coronary artery bypass grafting or percutaneous coronary intervention: results from the SoS trial. (2002) Booth, J; Clayton, T; Stables, RH; Nugara, F; Wahrborg, P
  • New score is needed to predict risk of coronary heart disease. (2002) Brindle, Peter; Fahey, Tom; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Hypertonic versus isotonic crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2002) Bunn, F; Roberts, I; Tasker, R; Akpa, E
  • Corticosteriod Ramdomisation after Significant Head injury: Protocol. (2002) CRASH Trial Group (Roberts, I. et al)
  • Intracluster correlation coefficients in cluster randomised: how should they be reported? [Abstract 33]. (2002) Campbell, MK; Grimshaw, JM; Elbourne, D
  • Monitoring the health impacts of global environmental change. (2002) Campbell-Lendrum, D; Wilkinson, P; Kuhn, K; Kovats, S; Haines, A; Menne, B; Parr, T
  • Diagnosis of Crohn's disease is associated with increased levels of antibiotic use over the preceeding five years. (2002) Card, T; Logan, R; Rodrigues, L; Wheeler, J
  • Diagnosis of Crohn's disease is associated with increased levels of antibiotic use over the preceeding five years. (2002) Card, TR; Logan, RFA; Rodrigues, LC; Wheeler, JG
  • Exposure to asbestos and lung and pleural cancer mortality among pulp and paper industry workers. (2002) Carel, Rafael; Boffetta, Paolo; Kauppinen, Timo; Teschke, Kay; Andersen, Aage; Jäppinen, Paavo; Pearce, Neil; Rix, Bo Andreassen; Bergeret, Alain; Coggon, David; Persson, Bodil; Szadkowska-Stanczyk, Irena; Kielkowski, Danuta; Henneberger, Paul; Kishi, Reiko; Facchini, Luiz Augusto; Sala, Maria; Colin, Didier; Kogevinas, Manolis
  • Independent effects of reported sexually transmitted infections and sexual behavior on HIV-1 prevalence among adult women, men, and teenagers in rural Uganda. (2002) Carpenter, Lucy M; Kamali, Anatoli; Payne, Mary; Kiwuuwa, Silvia; Kintu, Peter; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Kinsman, John; Nalweyiso, Norah; Quigley, Maria A; Kengeya-Kayondo, Jane F; Whitworth, James AG
  • Admissions for myocardial infarction and World Cup football: database survey. (2002) Carroll, Douglas; Ebrahim, Shah; Tilling, Kate; Macleod, John; Smith, George Davey
  • The changing nature of murder in Russia. (2002) Chervyakov, Valeriy V; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Pridemore, William Alex; McKee, Martin
  • Quantification of the completeness of follow-up. (2002) Clark, Taane G; Altman, Douglas G; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Survey of policies about data monitoring committees from major funders [Abstract P54]. (2002) Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; ForTheDamoclesGroup
  • Cancer survival in the health authorities of England up to 2000: Patients diagnosed 1993-95 and followed up to 31 December 2000. (For the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development ). (2002) Coleman, MP; de Stavola, BL; Romanengo, M; Sloggett, A; Quinn, MJ; Babb, P
  • Prognosis of heart failure in the general population results from the London heart failure studies. (2002) Cowie, M; Fox, K; Wood, DA; Collier, T; de Stavola, B; Coats, AJS; Poole-Wilson, PA; Sutton, GC
  • Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. I: Continuous outcomes. (2002) Curtin, François; Altman, Douglas G; Elbourne, Diana
  • Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. II: Binary outcomes. (2002) Curtin, François; Elbourne, Diana; Altman, Douglas G
  • Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. III: The issue of carry-over. (2002) Curtin, François; Elbourne, Diana; Altman, Douglas G
  • Height, weight and haemoglobin status of 6 to 59-month-old Kazakh children living in Kzyl-Orda region, Kazakhstan. (2002) Dangour, AD; Hill, HL; Ismail, SJ
  • Sitting height and subischial leg length centile curves for boys and girls from Southeast England. (2002) Dangour, AD; Schilg, S; Hulse, JA; Cole, TJ
  • Campaigners fear that Russia's new tobacco law won't work. (2002) Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin
  • Increasing practice nurse access to alcohol training. (2002) Deehan, Ann; McCambridge, Jim; Ball, David M; Strang, John
  • Incidence of fires and related injuries after giving out free smoke alarms: cluster randomised controlled trial. (2002) DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Roberts, Ian; Wade, Angie; Sculpher, Mark; Edwards, Phil; Godward, Catherine; Pan, Huiqi; Slater, Suzanne
  • Micronutrient supplementation and infection: a double-edged sword? (2002) Doherty, Conor P; Weaver, Lawrence T; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Changing life expectancy in Romania after the transition. (2002) Dolea, C; Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Lifelong vegetarianism and risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study among South Asian migrant women living in England. (2002) Dos Santos Silva, I; Mangtani, P; McCormack, V; Bhakta, D; Sevak, L; McMichael, AJ
  • Aetiology of breast cancer: where do we go from here? (2002) Dos Santos Silva, IM; de Stavola, BL
  • Lifelong vegetarianism and risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study among South Asian migrant women living in England. (2002) Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; Sevak, Leena; McMichael, Anthony J
  • Non-eosinophilic asthma: importance and possible mechanisms. (2002) Douwes, J; Gibson, P; Pekkanen, J; Pearce, N
  • Does environmental endotoxin exposure prevent asthma? (2002) Douwes, J; Pearce, N; Heederik, D
  • Asthma and the westernization 'package'. (2002) Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • Children born after fertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization, were not at increased risk of childhood cancer. (2002) Doyle, P
  • Cancer incidence following treatment for infertility at a clinic in the UK. (2002) Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen; Beral, Valerie; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Tan, SL
  • The role of socioeconomic circumstances in differences in height of pre-school children within and between the Czech Republic and southern Brazil. (2002) Drachler Mde, L; Bobak, M; Rodrigues, L; Aertz, DR; Leite, JC; Danova, J; Kriz, B
  • The role of socioeconomic circumstances in differences in height of pre-school children within and between the Czech Republic and southern Brazil. (2002) Drachler, M de Lourdes; Bobák, M; Rodrigues, L; Aertz, DRG de Castro; Leite, JC de Carvalho; Dánová, J; Kríz, B
  • Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2002) Duperrex, Olivier; Bunn, Frances; Roberts, Ian
  • Sexual intercourse and risk of ischaemic stroke and coronary heart disease: the Caerphilly study. (2002) Ebrahim, S; May, M; Ben Shlomo, Y; McCarron, P; Frankel, S; Yarnell, J; Davey Smith, G
  • Addressing health inequalities. (2002) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Ageing, health and society. (2002) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and do not attempt resuscitation orders: legislation may be helpful. (2002) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The medicalisation of old age. (2002) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The future role of the hospital [Editorial]. (2002) Edwards, N; McKee, M
  • The MRC CRASH Trial: study design, baseline data, and outcome in 1000 randomised patients in the pilot phase. (2002) Edwards, P; Farrell, B; Lomas, G; Mashru, R; Ritchie, N; Roberts, I; Sandercock, P; Wasserberg, J; Yates, D; CRASH Trial Pilot Study Collaborative Group
  • Identification of randomized controlled trials in systematic reviews: accuracy and reliability of screening records. (2002) Edwards, Phil; Clarke, Mike; DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Pratap, Sarah; Roberts, Ian; Wentz, Reinhard
  • Increasing response rates to postal questionnaires: systematic review. (2002) Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian; Clarke, Mike; DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Pratap, Sarah; Wentz, Reinhard; Kwan, Irene
  • Where now for meta-analysis? (2002) Egger, Matthias; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey
  • Questions and answers: Is sub-group analysis ever legitimate? (2002) Elbourne, D
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe respiratory failure in newborn infants. (2002) Elbourne, D; Field, D; Mugford, M
  • Meta-analyses involving cross-over trials: methodological issues. (2002) Elbourne, Diana R; Altman, Douglas G; Higgins, Julian PT; Curtin, Francois; Worthington, Helen V; Vail, Andy
  • Ultrasonography in the diagnosis and management of developmental hip dysplasia (UK Hip Trial): clinical and economic results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial. (2002) Elbourne, Diana; Dezateux, Carol; Arthur, Rosemary; Clarke, NMP; Gray, Alastair; King, Andy; Quinn, Anne; Gardner, Frances; Russell, Glynn; UK Collaborative Hip Trial Group
  • Why did they blame the respondents? (2002) Ellison, GTH; Dangour, AD
  • Time trends and seasonal patterns of asthma deaths and hospitalisations among Maori and non-Maori. (2002) Ellison-Loschmann, L; Cheng, S; Pearce, N
  • Effectiveness of interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus in heterosexual men: a systematic review. (2002) Elwy, A Rani; Hart, Graham J; Hawkes, Sarah; Petticrew, Mark
  • Randomized trial of vitamin supplements in relation to transmission of HIV-1 through breastfeeding and early child mortality. (2002) Fawzi, Wafaie W; Msamanga, Gernard I; Hunter, David; Renjifo, Boris; Antelman, Gretchen; Bang, Heejung; Manji, Karim; Kapiga, Saidi; Mwakagile, Davis; Essex, Max; Spiegelman, Donna
  • Transmission of HIV-1 through breastfeeding among women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2002) Fawzi, Wafaie; Msamanga, Gernard; Spiegelman, Donna; Renjifo, Boris; Bang, Heejung; Kapiga, Saidi; Coley, Jenny; Hertzmark, Ellen; Essex, Max; Hunter, David
  • Reply. (2002) Fletcher, A
  • Reply. (2002) Fletcher, A; Smeeth, L; Breeze, E
  • The end of age: but not for the worse off. (2002) Fletcher, Astrid; Smeeth, Liam; Breeze, Elizabeth
  • Ketorolac, diclofenac, and ketoprofen are equally safe for pain relief after major surgery. (2002) Forrest, JB; Camu, F; Greer, IA; Kehlet, H; Abdalla, M; Bonnet, F; Ebrahim, S; Escolar, G; Jage, J; Pocock, S; Velo, G; Langman, MJS; Bianchi, Porro G; Samama, MM; Heitlinger, E; POINT Investigators
  • Interventional versus conservative treatment for patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: the British Heart Foundation RITA 3 randomised trial. Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina. (2002) Fox, KAA; Poole-Wilson, PA; Henderson, RA; Clayton, TC; Chamberlain, DA; Shaw, TRD; Wheatley, DJ; Pocock, SJ; Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina Investigators
  • A randomised controlled trial of the effect of educational outreach by community pharmacists on prescribing in UK general practice. (2002) Freemantle, Nick; Nazareth, Irwin; Eccles, Martin; Wood, John; Haines, Andrew; Evidence-based OutReach trialists
  • Mortalidade neonatal no Municipio de Sao Paulo: Influencia do peso ao nascer e de fatores socio-demograficos e assistenciais. (2002) Furquim de Almeida, M; Dutilh Novaes, HM; Pereira Alencar, G; Rodrigues, LC
  • Russia: the lobbyist's art is alive and well. (2002) Gilmore, A; Balabanova, D
  • Determinants of and inequalities in self-perceived health in Ukraine. (2002) Gilmore, Anna BC; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard
  • Tobacco control policy: the European dimension. (2002) Gilmore, Anna; McKee, Martin
  • Continuing influence of tobacco industry in Germany. (2002) Gilmore, Anna; Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin; Collin, Jeff
  • Global Environmental Change. (2002) Haines, A
  • Poverty and Health. (2002) Haines, A
  • Public health, clinical and scientific review of the Public Health Laboratory Service. (2002) Haines, A
  • Global Climate Change and Health. (2002) Haines, A; McMichael, AJ; Epstein, PR
  • Effects of air pollution on general practitioner consultations for upper respiratory diseases in London. (2002) Hajat, S; Anderson, HR; Atkinson, RW; Haines, A
  • Associations of cold temperatures with GP consultations for respiratory and cardiovascular disease amongst the elderly in London. (2002) Hajat, S; Haines, A
  • Cold temperature and consultations for respiratory and cardiovascular disease: authors' response [Letter to editor]. (2002) Hajat, S; Haines, A
  • Impact of hot temperatures on death in London: a time series approach. (2002) Hajat, S; Kovats, RS; Atkinson, RW; Haines, A
  • The validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living scale in patients undergoing total hip replacement. (2002) Harwood, RH; Ebrahim, S
  • Mass treatment with nevirapine to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries. (2002) Hashimoto, Hiroyuki; Kapiga, Saidi Hussein; Murata, Yuji
  • Health care systems in transition. (2002) Healy, J; Falkingham, J; McKee, M
  • Improving performance within the hospital. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • The evolution of hospital systems. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • The role and function of hospitals. (2002) Healy, J; McKee, M
  • Implementing hospital reform in central and eastern Europe. (2002) Healy, Judith; McKee, Martin
  • Socioeconomic variation in incidence of epilepsy: prospective community based study in south east England. (2002) Heaney, Dominic C; MacDonald, Bridget K; Everitt, Alex; Stevenson, Simon; Leonardi, Giovanni S; Wilkinson, Paul; Sander, Josemir W
  • Psychosocial factors in the primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an updated systematic review of prospective cohort studies. (2002) Hemingway, H; Kuper, H; Marmot, M
  • Association of low-density lipoprotein receptor polymorphisms and outcome of hepatitis C infection. (2002) Hennig, BJW; Hellier, S; Frodsham, AJ; Zhang, L; Klenerman, P; Knapp, S; Wright, M; Thomas, HC; Thursz, M; Hill, AVS
  • A Short Introduction to Stata for Biostatistics. (2002) Hills, M; de Stavola, BL
  • Homocysteine and risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke: a meta-analysis. (2002) Homocysteine Studies Collaboration
  • Systematic review of long term effects of advice to reduce dietary salt in adults. (2002) Hooper, Lee; Bartlett, Christopher; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Inhaled corticosteroids and hip fracture: a population-based case-control study. (2002) Hubbard, Richard B; Smith, Chris JP; Smeeth, Liam; Harrison, Tim W; Tattersfield, Anne E
  • The implications of terrorism for public health. (2002) Janson, Staffan; McKee, Martin
  • Fetal growth and systolic blood pressure in young adulthood: the Swedish Young Male Twins Study. (2002) Johansson-Kark, Malin; Rasmussen, Finn; De Stavola, Bianca; Leon, David A
  • Obesity trends in Chilean children and adolescents: Basic Determinants. (2002) Kain, J; Burrows, R; Uauy, R
  • Trends in overweight and obesity prevalence in Chilean children: comparison of three definitions. (2002) Kain, J; Uauy, R; Vio, F; Albala, C
  • Sexual behaviour patterns and condom use in Tanzania: results from the 1996 Demographic and Health Survey. (2002) Kapiga, SH; Lugalla, JLP
  • Correlates of plasma HIV-1 RNA viral load among HIV-1-seropositive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2002) Kapiga, Saidi H; Bang, Heejung; Spiegelman, Donna; Msamanga, Gernard I; Coley, Jenny; Hunter, David J; Fawzi, Wafaie W
  • HIV-1 epidemic among female bar and hotel workers in northern Tanzania: risk factors and opportunities for prevention. (2002) Kapiga, Saidi H; Sam, Noel E; Shao, John F; Renjifo, Boris; Masenga, Elisante J; Kiwelu, Ireen E; Manongi, Rachel; Fawzi, Wafaie; Essex, Max
  • Morbidity and nutritional impairment in relation to CD4 count in a Zambian population with high HIV prevalence. (2002) Kelly, Paul; Zulu, Isaac; Amadi, Beatrice; Munkanta, Mwansa; Banda, Jacqueline; Rodrigues, Laura C; Mabey, David; Feldman, Roger; Farthing, Michael JG
  • Effectiveness of teaching general practitioners skills in brief cognitive behaviour therapy to treat patients with depression: randomised controlled trial. (2002) King, Michael; Davidson, Oliver; Taylor, Fiona; Haines, Andrew; Sharp, Deborah; Turner, Rebecca
  • Impact of the Bosnian conflict on the health of women and children. (2002) Kinra, Sanjay; Black, Mary E; Mandic, Sanja; Selimovic, Nora
  • Feasibility of testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in a general population sexual behaviour survey in Slovenia. (2002) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Kese, D; Svab, I
  • Injuries: a public health threat to children and adolescents in the European Region. (2002) Koupilova, I; Leon, D; McKee, M; Sethi, D; Zwi, A
  • Disease trends in women living in established market economies: evidence of cohort effects during the epidemiological transition. (2002) Kuh, D; Dos Santos Silva, IM; Barrett-Connor, E
  • Tobacco use, cancer causation and public health impact. (2002) Kuper, H; Adami, H-O; Boffetta, P
  • When reciprocity fails: effort-reward imbalance in relation to coronary heart disease and health functioning within the Whitehall II study. (2002) Kuper, H; Singh-Manoux, A; Siegrist, J; Marmot, M
  • Risk of ovarian cancer in the United States in relation to anthropometric measures: does the association depend on menopausal status? (2002) Kuper, Hannah; Cramer, Daniel W; Titus-Ernstoff, Linda
  • Systematic review of prospective cohort studies of psychosocial factors in the etiology and prognosis of coronary heart disease. (2002) Kuper, Hannah; Marmot, Michael; Hemingway, Harry
  • Interventions for increasing pedestrian and cyclist visibility for the prevention of death and injuries. (2002) Kwan, I; Mapstone, J; Roberts, I
  • The development of a register of randomized controlled trials in prehospital trauma care. (2002) Kwan, Irene; Bunn, Frances; Roberts, Ian; Wentz, Reinhard
  • Age of dwelling and hospital admission with respiratory illness in children, 0-15 years: A case control study. (2002) Landon, M; Wilkinson, P
  • The association between components of adult height and Type II diabetes and insulin resistance: British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2002) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Davey Smith, G
  • Trends in sex differences in mortality from heart disease: sex is not same as gender, and theory was first proposed in 1950s, say authors. (2002) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Smith, G Davey
  • Is housework good for health? Levels of physical activity and factors associated with activity in elderly women. Results from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2002) Lawlor, DA; Taylor, M; Bedford, C; Ebrahim, S
  • Lay perceptions of a 'natural' menopause. Cross sectional study of the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Adamson, Joy; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Birth weight of offspring and insulin resistance in late adulthood: cross sectional survey. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Is there a sex difference in the association between birth weight and systolic blood pressure in later life? Findings from a meta-regression analysis. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Role of endogenous oestrogen in aetiology of coronary heart disease: analysis of age related trends in coronary heart disease and breast cancer in England and Wales and Japan. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • Socioeconomic position in childhood and adulthood and insulin resistance: cross sectional survey using data from British women's heart and health study. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George; British women's heart and health study
  • Secular trends in mortality by stroke subtype in the 20th century: a retrospective analysis. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie A; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Agreement between measured and self-reported weight in older women. Results from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2002) Lawlor, Debbie Anne; Bedford, Carol; Taylor, Mark; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Mortality from lung cancer in workers exposed to sulfur dioxide in the pulp and paper industry. (2002) Lee, Won Jin; Teschke, Kay; Kauppinen, Timo; Andersen, Aage; Jäppinen, Paavo; Szadkowska-Stanczyk, Irena; Pearce, Neil; Persson, Bodil; Bergeret, Alain; Facchini, Luiz Augusto; Kishi, Reiko; Kielkowski, Danuta; Rix, Bo Andreassen; Henneberger, Paul; Sunyer, Jordi; Colin, Didier; Kogevinas, Manolis; Boffetta, Paolo picture_as_pdf
  • Commentary on 'Disease trends in women living in established market economies: evidence of cohort effects during the epidemiological transition'. (2002) Leon, DA
  • Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies. (2002) Lewington, Sarah; Clarke, Robert; Qizilbash, Nawab; Peto, Richard; Collins, Rory; Prospective Studies Collaboration
  • The Global Burden of Disease attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake - What does this mean for public health policy in Europe? (2002) Lock, K
  • What targets for international development policies are appropriate for improving health in Russia? (2002) Lock, Karen; Andreev, Evgueni M; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; McKee, Martin
  • Blockade of endothelial enzymes: new therapeutic targets. (2002) López-Jaramillo, P; Casas, JP
  • Endothelial dysfunction, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium antagonists. (2002) López-Jaramillo, P; Casas, JP
  • C-reactive protein and cardiovascular diseases in Andean population. (2002) López-Jaramillo, Patricio; Casas, Juan Pablo; Morillo, Carlos A
  • Looking forward, looking back [Editorial]. (2002) MacLehose, L; McKee, M
  • Responding to the challenge of communicable disease in Europe. (2002) MacLehose, Laura; McKee, Martin; Weinberg, Julius
  • PFI is here to stay. Select committee's report used parliamentary privilege unacceptably. (2002) Macfarlane, Alison; Heyman, Bob; Dorling, Daniel; Gordon, Dave; Davey-Smith, George; Dolk, Helen; Roberts, Helen; Basnett, Ian; Roberts, Ian; Lewis, Jane; Popay, Jennie; McKee, Martin; Mugford, Miranda; Barker, Rodney; Raine, Rosalind; Baldwin, Sally; Glen, Sally; Platt, Stephen; Sheldon, Trevor
  • Association between birth weight and childhood blood pressure in siblings in Uppsala. (2002) Mann, V; Lithell, H; Koupilova, I; Destavola, B; Lindmark, G; Tuvemo, T; Mohsen, R; Leon, DA
  • Estimating the between and within family effect of birth weight on childhood blood pressure. (2002) Mann, V; Lithell, H; Koupilova, I; de Stavola, BL; Lindmark, G; Tuvemo, T; Mohsen, R; Leon, DA
  • Fluid resuscitation strategies: a systematic review of animal trials. (2002) Mapstone, James; Roberts, Ian; Evans, Phillip
  • The costs of making practice more cost-effective - Reply. (2002) Mason, J; Eccles, M; Freemantle, N; Nazareth, I; Haines, A; Drummond, M
  • Does psychological distress predict the risk of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack? The Caerphilly Study. (2002) May, Margaret; McCarron, Peter; Stansfeld, Stephen; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Gallacher, John; Yarnell, John; Davey Smith, George; Elwood, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Energy and fat intake in obese and lean children at varying risk of obesity. (2002) McGloin, AF; Livingstone, MBE; Greene, LC; Webb, SE; Gibson, JMA; Jebb, SA; Cole, TJ; Coward, WA; Wright, A; Prentice, AM
  • Values, beliefs and implications. (2002) McKee, M
  • What can health services contribute to the reduction of inequalities in health? (2002) McKee, M
  • The mortality crisis in transitional economies. (2002) McKee, M
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2002) McKee, M; Balabanova, D
  • Patterns of health. (2002) McKee, M; Chenet, L
  • Against. (2002) McKee, M; Dixon, A; Mossialos, E
  • For and against: Social insurance - the right way forward for health care in the United Kingdom? [Against]. (2002) McKee, M; Dixon, A; Mossialos, E
  • Strategies for health services. (2002) McKee, M; Figueras, J
  • Future hospitals. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Hospitals in a changing Europe. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Investing in hospitals. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Réorganisation des systèmes hospitaliers : leçons tirées de l’Europe de l’Ouest. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • The significance of hospitals: an introduction. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J
  • Pressures for change. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Edwards, N; Harrison, A
  • Health care in Central Asia. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Falkingham, J
  • Health care systems in the Central Asian Republics: an introduction. (2002) McKee, M; Healy, J; Falkingham, J
  • The impact of EU law on health care systems. (2002) McKee, M; Mossialos, E; Baeten, R
  • Ischaemic heart disease: more than just lipids? [Editorial]. (2002) McKee, M; Perry, I
  • Developing schools of public health. Forward. (2002) McKee, Martin
  • Substance use and social and economic transition: the need for evidence. (2002) McKee, Martin
  • What can health services contribute to the reduction of inequalities in health? (2002) McKee, Martin
  • Paying for the NHS: are we asking the right question? (2002) McKee, Martin; Mossialos, Elias; Dixon, Anna
  • Childhood injury: call for action. (2002) McKee, Martin; Oresković, Stjepan
  • Mortality and cancer incidence in New Zealand pulp and paper mill workers. (2002) McLean, Dave; Colin, Didier; Boffetta, Paolo; Pearce, Neil
  • EUROCHIP: EUROpean Cancer Health Indicators Project. (2002) Micheli, A; Coleman, M; Capocaccia, R; Martinez, C; Coebergh, JW; Berrino, F
  • Oral cancer risk in South Asians in south-east England 1980-1995. (2002) Moles, DR; Silva, ID; Speight, PM
  • Leptin, malnutrition, and immune response in rural Gambian children. (2002) Moore, SE; Morgan, G; Collinson, AC; Swain, JA; O'Connell, MA; Prentice, AM
  • The "Missing Links"- bias in identifyign reproducers in an intergenerational study [Abstract and presentation]: 2nd Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe. Oulu, Finland, June. (2002) Morton, SMB; de Stavola, BL
  • EU law and the social character of health care. (2002) Mossialos, E; McKee, M
  • Health care and the European Union. (2002) Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin
  • Population mobility and the spread of HIV in rural villages in Mwanza region, Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Mwita, W; White, R; Chilogani, J; Orroth, K; Zaba, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R; Grosskurth, H; Ross, D; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Mosha, F
  • Evaluation of a complex intervention for changing professional behaviour: the Evidence Based Out Reach (EBOR) Trial. (2002) Nazareth, Irwin; Freemantle, Nick; Duggan, Catherine; Mason, James; Haines, Andy
  • Changing health inequalities in east and west Germany since unification. (2002) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • The increase in very-low-birthweight infants in Germany: artefact or reality? (2002) Nolte, Ellen; Koupilová, Ilona; McKee, Martin
  • The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland. (2002) Nolte, Ellen; Scholz, Rembrandt; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; McKee, Martin
  • Nitric oxide is not licensed for preterm neonates. (2002) Normand, Charles EM; Field, David; Elbourne, Diana; Truesdale, Ann
  • Alcohol intake: an example of how to handle missing dietary questionnaire information. (2002) Nur, U; Greenwood, DC; Cade, JE; Longford, NT
  • Tacrolimus versus microemulsified ciclosporin in liver transplantation: the TMC randomised controlled trial. (2002) O'Grady, JG; Burroughs, A; Hardy, P; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; UK and Republic of Ireland Liver Transplant Study Group
  • Age and copper intake do not affect copper absorption, measured with the use of 65Cu as a tracer, in young infants. (2002) Olivares, Manuel; Lönnerdal, Bo; Abrams, Steve A; Pizarro, Fernando; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Geriatric Depression Scale Scores in a representative sample of 14 545 people aged 75 and over in the United Kingdom: results from the MRC Trial of Assessment and Management of Older People in the Community. (2002) Osborn, David PJ; Fletcher, Astrid E; Smeeth, Liam; Stirling, Susan; Nunes, Maria; Breeze, Elizabeth; Siu-Woon Ng, Edmond; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Jones, Dee; Tulloch, Alistair
  • Stressful incidents, stress and coping strategies in the pre-registration house officer year. (2002) Paice, Elisabeth; Rutter, Harry; Wetherell, Mike; Winder, Belinda; McManus, IC
  • Brain drain and health professionals. (2002) Pang, Tikki; Lansang, Mary Ann; Haines, Andy
  • Gender, poverty, and postnatal depression: a study of mothers in Goa, India. (2002) Patel, Vikram; Rodrigues, Merlyn; DeSouza, Nandita
  • The ideal minister of (public) health. (2002) Pearce, N
  • Persistent social class mortality differences in New Zealand men aged 15-64: an analysis of mortality during 1995-97. (2002) Pearce, Neil; Davis, Peter; Sporle, Andrew
  • Influence of psychological coping on survival and recurrence in people with cancer: systematic review. (2002) Petticrew, Mark; Bell, Ruth; Hunter, Duncan
  • Quality of Cochrane reviews. Quality of Cochrane reviews is better than that of non-Cochrane reviews. (2002) Petticrew, Mark; Wilson, Paul; Wright, Kath; Song, Fujian
  • Translating HIV/AIDS research findings into policy: lessons from a case study of 'the Mwanza trial'. (2002) Philpott, Anne; Maher, Dermot; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Methods for randomisation, concealment and blinding in the WHO Misoprostol Third Stage of Labour Trial. [Abstract 6]. (2002) Piaggio, G; Elbourne, D; Schulz, KF; Villar, J; Pinol, APY; Gulmezoglu, AM; OnBehalfOfTheWhoResearchGroup
  • HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. (2002) Piot, Peter; Zewdie, Debrework; Türmen, Tomris
  • Survival plots of time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials: good practice and pitfalls. (2002) Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Altman, Douglas G
  • Food security in the Baltic Republics. (2002) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; McKee, Martin; Robertson, Aileen; Vaask, Sirje; Pudule, Iveta; Grinberga, Daiga; Abaravicius, Algis; Bartkeviciute, Roma
  • Long-term effects of ad libitum low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets on body weight and serum lipids in overweight subjects with metabolic syndrome. (2002) Poppitt, Sally D; Keogh, Geraldine F; Prentice, Andrew M; Williams, Desmond EM; Sonnemans, Heidi MW; Valk, Esther EJ; Robinson, Elizabeth; Wareham, Nicholas J
  • Supportive evidence is lacking for report on animal studies. (2002) Pound, Pandora; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Early life programming of adult disease. (2002) Prentice, AM
  • Food, lifestyle and the global obesity epidemic: what are the targets for action? (2002) Prentice, AM
  • Measurement of energy expenditure. (2002) Prentice, AM
  • Reproduction against the odds. (2002) Prentice, AM
  • Shaped by famine: our ancient metabolism in a modern world. (2002) Prentice, AM
  • Leptin and undernutrition. (2002) Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Collinson, Andrew C; O'Connell, Maria A
  • [The CARMEN trial: increased intake of carbohydrates--simple or complex--and unchanged blood lipids in overweight subjects]. (2002) Raben, Anne; Astrup, Arne; Vasilaras, Tatjana Hejgaard; Prentice, Andrew M; Zunft, Hans-Joachim Franz; Formiguera, Xavier; Verboeket-van de Venne, Wilhelmine PHG; Poppitt, Sally D; Seppelt, Brigitte; Johnston, Susan; Keogh, Geraldine F; Saris, Wim HM
  • Systematic review of mental health interventions for patients with common somatic symptoms: can research evidence from secondary care be extrapolated to primary care? (2002) Raine, Rosalind; Haines, Andy; Sensky, Tom; Hutchings, Andrew; Larkin, Kirsten; Black, Nick
  • Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Ill defined inclusion criteria resulted in missed trials. (2002) Rees, Karen; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Cardiac rehabilitation. (2002) Rees, Karen; Ebrahim, Shah; Cochrane Heart Group
  • Detection and response to a meningococcal disease outbreak following a youth football tournament with teams from four European countries. (2002) Reintjes, Ralf; Kistemann, Thomas; MacLehose, Laura; McKee, Martin; Gill, Noel; Weinberg, Julius; Schaefer, Oliver; Camaroni, Ivonne; Fulop, Naomi; Brand, Helmut
  • Improvements in methodology for NHS cancer survival indicators: a report prepared for the Department of Health under contract with the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development. (2002) Riga, M; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Quinn, MJ; Coleman, MP
  • Tuberculosis and treatment with infliximab. (2002) Riminton, Sean; Pearce, Nicholas; Antony, Basten
  • Albumin and hypovolaemia: time to move on and generate new evidence - Response. (2002) Roberts, I
  • Albumin and hypovolaemia: time to move on and generate new evidence. (2002) Roberts, I
  • Reducing child pedestrian injuries. (2002) Roberts, I
  • Egg on their faces: the story of human albumin administration. (2002) Roberts, I; Bunn, F; Wentz, R
  • CRASH trial: the first large-scale randomized controlled trial in head injury. (2002) Roberts, Ian
  • Crash. (2002) Roberts, Ian
  • Egg on their faces. The story of human albumin solution. (2002) Roberts, Ian; Bunn, Frances
  • The CRASH trial: the first large-scale randomized controlled trial in head injury. Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head injury. (2002) Roberts, Ian; CRASH trial management group
  • Does animal experimentation inform human healthcare? Observations from a systematic review of international animal experiments on fluid resuscitation. (2002) Roberts, Ian; Kwan, Irene; Evans, Phillip; Haig, Steven
  • War on the roads. (2002) Roberts, Ian; Mohan, Dinesh; Abbasi, Kamran
  • Deaths from chickenpox. Healthcare workers should not be forgotten. (2002) Roberts, Neil; Peek, Giles J; Jones, Nikki; Firmin, Richard K; Elbourne, Diana
  • Long-term n-3 FA deficiency modifies peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta mRNA abundance in rat ocular tissues. (2002) Rojas, Cecilia V; Greiner, Rebecca S; Fuenzalida, Lidia C; Martinez, Jessica I; Salem, Norman; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Potential public health importance of the oven ready chip. (2002) Rowland, D; Roberts, I
  • Prevention of deaths and injuries caused by house fires: survey of local authority smoke alarm policies. (2002) Rowland, Diane; Afolabi, Elizabeth; Roberts, Ian
  • Prevalence of working smoke alarms in local authority inner city housing: randomised controlled trial. (2002) Rowland, Diane; DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Roberts, Ian; Curtis, Katherine; Roberts, Helen; Ginnelly, Laura; Sculpher, Mark; Wade, Angela
  • Stress in doctors and dentists who teach. (2002) Rutter, Harry; Herzberg, Joe; Paice, Elisabeth
  • Systematic reviews of animal experiments. (2002) Sandercock, Peter; Roberts, Ian
  • Daily regimen and compliance with treatment. All available evidence needs to be evaluated. (2002) Schroeder, Knut; Ebrahim, Shah; Fahey, Tom; Montgomery, Alan; Peters, Tim
  • Coronary angioplasty versus medical therapy for angina. Health service costs based on the second Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) trial. (2002) Sculpher, M; Smith, D; Clayton, T; Henderson, R; Buxton, M; Pocock, S; Chamberlain, D; Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) trial
  • Tracking diabetes in Albania: a natural experiment on the impact of modernization on health. (2002) Shapo, L; Coker, R; McKee, M
  • Randomised controlled trials in primary care: scope and application. (2002) Sheikh, Aziz; Smeeth, Liam; Ashcroft, Richard
  • Is the link between alcohol and cardiovascular death among young Russian men attributable to misclassification of acute alcohol intoxication? Evidence from the city of Izhevsk. (2002) Shkolnikov, VM; McKee, M; Chervyakov, VV; Kyrianov, NA
  • Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer: should alcohol be condemned and tobacco acquitted? (2002) Silva, I dos Santos
  • Genomics and Global Public Goods for Health. (2002) Singer, P; Smith, R
  • Improving the response rates to questionnaires. (2002) Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Reduced hearing, ownership, and use of hearing aids in elderly people in the UK--the MRC Trial of the Assessment and Management of Older People in the Community: a cross-sectional survey. (2002) Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid E; Ng, Edmond Siu-Woon; Stirling, Sue; Nunes, Maria; Breeze, Elizabeth; Bulpitt, Christopher J; Jones, Dee; Tulloch, Alistair
  • Intraclass correlation coefficients for cluster randomized trials in primary care: data from the MRC Trial of the Assessment and Management of Older People in the Community. (2002) Smeeth, Liam; Ng, Edmond Siu-Woon
  • Data dredging, bias, or confounding. (2002) Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries. (2002) Smith, PG
  • Decisions, Decisions: How Do Parents View the Decision They Made About a Randomized Clinical Trial? (2002) Snowdon, C; Garcia, J; Elbourne, D
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery versus percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease (the Stent or Surgery trial): a randomised controlled trial. (2002) SoS Investigators
  • Social class mortality differences in Maori and non-Maori men aged 15-64 during the last two decades. (2002) Sporle, Andrew; Pearce, Neil; Davis, Peter
  • Yugoslavia: jobs or health? (2002) Stambolovic, V; McKee, M
  • The relevance of continuity of care: a solution for the chaos in the emergency services. (2002) Stein, AT; Harzheim, E; Costa, M; Busnello, E; Rodrigues, LC
  • Risk factors for breast cancer at young ages in twins: an international population-based study. (2002) Swerdlow, Anthony J; De Stavola, Bianca L; Floderus, Birgitta; Holm, Niels V; Kaprio, Jaakko; Verkasalo, Pia K; Mack, Thomas
  • Evaluation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: annual synthesis report No.1. (2002) Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Evaluation Research Team Including:; Wellings, K; Wilkinson, P; Grundy, C; Kane, R; Jacklin, P; Gilmour, M; Gerressu, M; Creed-Miles, M; Normand, C; Barrett, G
  • The evaluation of prevention, carers and partnership projects: methodology development and scheme evaluation. (2002) Tyler, J; Smith, R
  • Dietary Polyunsaturated fatty acids for optimal neurodevelopment: Recommendations for Perinatal Nutrition. (2002) Uauy, R; Mena, P; Peirano, P
  • Iron fortification of foods: overcoming technical and practical barriers. (2002) Uauy, Ricardo; Hertrampf, Eva; Reddy, Manju
  • The epidemiological transition: need to incorporate obesity prevention into nutrition programmes. (2002) Uauy, Ricardo; Kain, Juliana
  • Exploring the associations between social class, binge drinking and other risk behaviours among Brazilian young people. (2002) Uchoa, R; Wolff, K; Patel, V; Rabe-Hesketh, S; Strang, J
  • Vitamin C is associated with reduced risk of cataract in a Mediterranean population. (2002) Valero, María Pastor; Fletcher, Astrid E; De Stavola, Bianca L; Vioque, Jesús; Alepuz, Vicente Chaqués
  • Trypanocidal drugs for chronic asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi infection. (2002) Villar, JC; Marin-Neto, JA; Ebrahim, S; Yusuf, S
  • Joint teleconsultations (virtual outreach) versus standard outpatient appointments for patients referred by their general practitioner for a specialist opinion: a randomised trial. (2002) Wallace, P; Haines, A; Harrison, R; Barber, J; Thompson, S; Jacklin, P; Roberts, J; Lewis, L; Wainwright, P; Virtual Outreach Project Group
  • Design and performance of a multicentre, randomized controlled trial of teleconsulting. (2002) Wallace, PG; Haines, A; Harrison, R; Barber, J; Thompson, S; Jacklin, P; Roberts, J; Lewis, L; Wainwright, P
  • Design and performance of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint tele-consultations [ISRCTN54264250]. (2002) Wallace, Paul; Haines, Andrew; Harrison, Robert; Barber, Julie A; Thompson, Simon; Roberts, Jennifer; Jacklin, Paul B; Lewis, Leo; Wainwright, Paul; Virtual Outreach Project Group
  • Working with the private sector: the need for institutional guidelines. (2002) Walt, Gill; Brugha, Ruairi; Haines, Andy
  • Erratum to "Identifying controlled evaluation studies of road safety interventions - Searching for needles in a haystack" (vol 32, pg 267, 2001). (2002) Wentz, R; Roberts, I; Bunn, F; Edwards, P; Kwan, I; Lefebvre, C
  • Erratum to “Identifying controlled evaluation studies of road safety interventions. (2002) Wentz, Reinhard; Roberts, Ian; Bunnv, Frances; Edwards, Phil; Kwan, Irene; Lefebvre, Carol
  • Evaluation of the health impact of England's home energy efficiency scheme. (2002) Wilkinson, P; Green, G; Critchley, R; Oreszczyn, T; Gilbertson, J; Grimsley, M; Landon, M; Armstrong, B
  • International study of temperature and heatwaves on urban mortality in low & middle income countries (isothurm). (2002) Wilkinson, P; McMichael, AJ; Kovats, RS; Pattenden, S; Hajat, S; Armstrong, B
  • Quantitative risk assessments for a home health & safety rating system. (2002) Wilkinson, P; Ormandy, D; Moore, R; Landon, M; Battersby, S; Armstrong, B
  • Devolved budgetary responsibility in primary care: a cross-country assessment of the impact on efficiency. (2002) Wilton, P; Smith, RD
  • Correlates of pregnancy oestrogen, progesterone and sex hormone-binding globulin in the USA and China. (2002) Wuu, J; Hellerstein, S; Lipworth, L; Wide, L; Xu, B; Yu, G-P; Kuper, H; Lagiou, P; Hankinson, SE; Ekbom, A; Carlström, K; Trichopoulos, D; Adami, H-O; Hsieh, C-C
  • Development of an economic model of antimicrobial resistance. Report to: The Nuffield Trust, London. (2002) Yago, M; Smith, RD; Coast, J; Millar, MR
  • Type II diabetes in Albania: a rapid increase in a country in transition. (2002) Ylli, A; Ylli, Z; Shapo, L; McKee, M; Coker, R
  • Cost sharing for primary health care: lessons from Yemen. (2002) al Serouri, AW; Balabanova, D; al Hibshi, S
  • Multivariate models for life-course and trans-generational studies [Abstract and invited lecture]: 2nd Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe. Oulu, Finland, June. (2002) de Stavola, BL
  • Prenatal factors, childhood growth trajectories and age at menarche. (2002) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca L; Mann, Vera; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca; Wadsworth, Michael EJ