Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH)"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH) (3017)
    Number of items: 130.
    December 2011
  • Child growth in urban deprived settings: does household poverty status matter? At which stage of child development? (2011) Fotso, Jean Christophe; Madise, Nyovani; Baschieri, Angela; Cleland, John; Zulu, Eliya; Mutua, Martin Kavao; Essendi, Hildah
  • An evaluation of the clinical assessments of under-five febrile children presenting to primary health facilities in rural Ghana. (2011) Baiden, Frank; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Bawah, Justina; Bruce, Jane; Tivura, Mathilda; Delmini, Rupert; Gyaase, Stephaney; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Chandramohan, Daniel; Webster, Jayne
  • November 2011
  • Validation of the key informant method to identify children with disabilities: methods and results from a pilot study in Bangladesh. (2011) Mackey, Sue; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Muhit, Mohammad A; Islam, Johurul J; Foster, Allen
  • October 2011
  • Incidence of severe acute maternal morbidity associated with abortion: a systematic review. (2011) Adler, AJ; Filippi, V; Thomas, SL; Ronsmans, C
  • First results of phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African children. (2011) RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership; Agnandji, Selidji Todagbe; Lell, Bertrand; Soulanoudjingar, Solange Solmeheim; Fernandes, José Francisco; Abossolo, Béatrice Peggy; Conzelmann, Cornelia; Methogo, Barbara Gaelle Nfono Ondo; Doucka, Yannick; Flamen, Arnaud; Mordmüller, Benjamin; Issifou, Saadou; Kremsner, Peter Gottfried; Sacarlal, Jahit; Aide, Pedro; Lanaspa, Miguel; Aponte, John J; Nhamuave, Arlindo; Quelhas, Diana; Bassat, Quique; Mandjate, Sofia; Macete, Eusébio; Alonso, Pedro; Abdulla, Salim; Salim, Nahya; Juma, Omar; Shomari, Mwanajaa; Shubis, Kafuruki; Machera, Francisca; Hamad, Ali Said; Minja, Rose; Mtoro, Ali; Sykes, Alma; Ahmed, Saumu; Urassa, Alwisa Martin; Ali, Ali Mohammed; Mwangoka, Grace; Tanner, Marcel; Tinto, Halidou; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Sorgho, Hermann; Valea, Innocent; Tahita, Marc Christian; Kaboré, William; Ouédraogo, Sayouba; Sandrine, Yara; Guiguemdé, Robert Tinga; Ouédraogo, Jean Bosco; Hamel, Mary J; Kariuki, Simon; Odero, Chris; Oneko, Martina; Otieno, Kephas; Awino, Norbert; Omoto, Jackton; Williamson, John; Muturi-Kioi, Vincent; Laserson, Kayla F; Slutsker, Laurence; Otieno, Walter; Otieno, Lucas; Nekoye, Otsyula; Gondi, Stacey; Otieno, Allan; Ogutu, Bernhards; Wasuna, Ruth; Owira, Victorine; Jones, David; Onyango, Agnes Akoth; Njuguna, Patricia; Chilengi, Roma; Akoo, Pauline; Kerubo, Christine; Gitaka, Jesse; Maingi, Charity; Lang, Trudie; Olotu, Ally; Tsofa, Benjamin; Bejon, Philip; Peshu, Norbert; Marsh, Kevin; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Osei-Kwakye, Kingsley; Boahen, Owusu; Ayamba, Samuel; Kayan, Kingsley; Owusu-Ofori, Ruth; Dosoo, David; Asante, Isaac; Adjei, George; Adjei, George; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian; Lusingu, John; Gesase, Samwel; Malabeja, Anangisye; Abdul, Omari; Kilavo, Hassan; Mahende, Coline; Liheluka, Edwin; Lemnge, Martha; Theander, Thor; Drakeley, Chris; Ansong, Daniel; Agbenyega, Tsiri; Adjei, Samuel; Boateng, Harry Owusu; Rettig, Theresa; Bawa, John; Sylverken, Justice; Sambian, David; Agyekum, Alex; Owusu, Larko; Martinson, Francis; Hoffman, Irving; Mvalo, Tisungane; Kamthunzi, Portia; Nkomo, Ruthendo; Msika, Albans; Jumbe, Allan; Chome, Nelecy; Nyakuipa, Dalitso; Chintedza, Joseph; Ballou, W Ripley; Bruls, Myriam; Cohen, Joe; Guerra, Yolanda; Jongert, Erik; Lapierre, Didier; Leach, Amanda; Lievens, Marc; Ofori-Anyinam, Opokua; Vekemans, Johan; Carter, Terrell; Leboulleux, Didier; Loucq, Christian; Radford, Afiya; Savarese, Barbara; Schellenberg, David; Sillman, Marla; Vansadia, Preeti
  • September 2011
  • Women who experience obstetric haemorrhage are at higher risk of anaemia, in both rich and poor countries. (2011) Wagner, KS; Ronsmans, C; Thomas, SL; Calvert, C; Adler, A; Ganaba, R; Goufodji, S; Filippi, V
  • August 2011
  • Emergency obstetric care availability: a critical assessment of the current indicator. (2011) Gabrysch, Sabine; Zanger, Philipp; Campbell, Oona MR
  • June 2011
  • Availability and distribution of, and geographic access to emergency obstetric care in Zambia. (2011) Gabrysch, Sabine; Simushi, Virginia; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Protocol for a systematic review of the effects of schools and school-environment interventions on health: evidence mapping and syntheses. (2011) Bonell, Chris; Harden, Angela; Wells, Helene; Jamal, Farah; Fletcher, Adam; Petticrew, Mark; Thomas, James; Whitehead, Margaret; Campbell, Rona; Murphy, Simon; Moore, Laurence picture_as_pdf
  • May 2011
  • Chronic virus infections supress atopy but not asthma in a set of children from a large Latin American city: a cross-section study. (2011) Veiga, Rafael V; Cunha, Sergio S; Dattoli, Vitor CC; Cruz, Álvaro C; Cooper, Phillip J; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Maurício L; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza M
  • April 2011
  • Stillbirths: Where? When? Why? How to make the data count? (2011) Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Pattinson, Robert; Cousens, Simon; Kumar, Rajesh; Ibiebele, Ibinabo; Gardosi, Jason; Day, Louise T; Stanton, Cynthia; Lancet's Stillbirths Series steering committee picture_as_pdf
  • Overweight, asthma symptoms, atopy and pulmonary function in children of 4-12 years of age: findings from the SCAALA cohort in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (2011) Matos, Sheila MA; Jesus, Sandra R; Saldiva, Silvia RDM; Prado, Matildes S; D'Innocenzo, Silvana; Assis, Ana MO; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza M; Cruz, Álvaro A; Simões, Silvia de Magalhães; Barreto, Maurício L; SCAALA (Social Change, Asthma and Allergy in Latin America) Stud
  • March 2011
  • Improving child health services in the UK: insights from Europe and their implications for the NHS reforms. (2011) Wolfe, Ingrid; Cass, Hilary; Thompson, Matthew J; Craft, Alan; Peile, Ed; Wiegersma, Pieter A; Janson, Staffan; Chambers, TL; McKee, Martin
  • February 2011
  • What factors are associated with recent intimate partner violence? findings from the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence. (2011) Abramsky, Tanya; Watts, Charlotte H; Garcia-Moreno, Claudia; Devries, Karen; Kiss, Ligia; Ellsberg, Mary; Jansen, Henrica Afm; Heise, Lori
  • Tracking progress towards safe motherhood: meeting the benchmark yet missing the goal? An appeal for better use of health-system output indicators with evidence from Zambia and Sri Lanka. (2011) Gabrysch, Sabine; Zanger, Philipp; Seneviratne, Harshalal R; Mbewe, Reuben; Campbell, Oona MR
  • January 2011
  • The effect of distance to health-care facilities on childhood mortality in rural Burkina Faso. (2011) Schoeps, Anja; Gabrysch, Sabine; Niamba, Louis; Sié, Ali; Becher, Heiko
  • Improvement of perinatal and newborn care in rural Pakistan through community-based strategies: a cluster-randomised effectiveness trial. (2011) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Mohammad, Shah; Memon, Zahid A; Ali, Imran; Feroze, Asher; Raza, Farrukh; Khan, Amanullah; Wall, Steve; Martines, Jose picture_as_pdf
  • 2011
  • Improvement in neonatal intensive care unit care: a cluster randomised controlled trial of active dissemination of information. (2011) Acolet, Dominique; Allen, Elizabeth; Houston, Rosie; Wilkinson, Andrew R; Costeloe, Kate; Elbourne, Diana
  • A population-based surveillance study on severe acute maternal morbidity (near-miss) and adverse perinatal outcomes in Campinas, Brazil: the Vigimoma Project. (2011) Amaral, Eliana; Souza, João Paulo; Surita, Fernanda; Luz, Adriana G; Sousa, Maria Helena; Cecatti, José Guilherme; Campbell, Oona
  • Attitudes and experiences of women admitted to hospital with abortion complications in Ghana. (2011) Aniteye, Patience; Mayhew, Susannah
  • T cell responses to the RTS,S/AS01(E) and RTS,S/AS02(D) malaria candidate vaccines administered according to different schedules to Ghanaian children. (2011) Ansong, Daniel; Asante, Kwaku P; Vekemans, Johan; Owusu, Sandra K; Owusu, Ruth; Brobby, Naana AW; Dosoo, David; Osei-Akoto, Alex; Osei-Kwakye, Kingsley; Asafo-Adjei, Emmanuel; Boahen, Kwadwo O; Sylverken, Justice; Adjei, George; Sambian, David; Apanga, Stephen; Kayan, Kingsley; Janssens, Michel H; Lievens, Marc JJ; Olivier, Aurelie C; Jongert, Erik; Dubois, Patrice; Savarese, Barbara M; Cohen, Joe; Antwi, Sampson; Greenwood, Brian M; Evans, Jennifer A; Agbenyega, Tsiri; Moris, Philippe J; Owusu-Agyei, Seth
  • Interleukin 7 from maternal milk crosses the intestinal barrier and modulates T-cell development in offspring. (2011) Aspinall, Richard; Prentice, Andrew M; Ngom, Pa Tamba
  • Maternal and fetal characteristics associated with meconium-stained amniotic fluid. (2011) Balchin, Imelda; Whittaker, John C; Lamont, Ronald F; Steer, Philip J
  • Evidence of an effect of BCG revaccination on incidence of tuberculosis in school-aged children in Brazil: second report of the BCG-REVAC cluster-randomised trial. (2011) Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan M; Pilger, Daniel; Cruz, Alvaro A; Cunha, Sergio S; Sant'Anna, Clemax; Ichihara, Maria Y; Genser, Bernd; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Climate change and rural child health in low and middle income countries: a review of the epidemiological evidence. (2011) Baschieri, A; Kovats, S
  • Lives Saved Tool supplement detection and treatment of syphilis in pregnancy to reduce syphilis related stillbirths and neonatal mortality. (2011) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Kamb, Mary; Berman, Stuart; Lawn, Joy E
  • Clean birth and postnatal care practices to reduce neonatal deaths from sepsis and tetanus: a systematic review and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Mullany, Luke C; Lee, Anne CC; Kerber, Kate; Wall, Steve; Darmstadt, Gary L; Lawn, Joy E
  • Modelling the protective efficacy of alternative delivery schedules for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants and children. (2011) Cairns, Matthew; Ghani, Azra; Okell, Lucy; Gosling, Roly; Carneiro, Ilona; Anto, Francis; Asoala, Victor; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Milligan, Paul
  • Who attends antenatal care and expanded programme on immunization services in Chad, Mali and Niger? The implications for insecticide-treated net delivery. (2011) Carlson, Meredith; Smith Paintain, Lucy; Bruce, Jane; Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo
  • Introduction to Epidemiology, Second Edition. (2011) Carneiro, I; Howard, N
  • Improving antenatal care to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes caused by syphilis. (2011) Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Peeling, Rosanna W; Yin, Yue-Ping; Mabey, David
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: at the crossroads of public health policy. (2011) Chico, R Matthew; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Determinants of infant feeding choices by Zambian mothers: a mixed quantitative and qualitative study. (2011) Chisenga, Molly; Siame, Joshua; Baisley, Kathy; Kasonka, Lackson; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Family Strucure and Family Policy and Practice. (2011) Clarke, L; and Roberts, C
  • Increased risk of schizophrenia from additive interaction between infant motor developmental delay and obstetric complications: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study. (2011) Clarke, Mary C; Tanskanen, Antti; Huttunen, Matti; Leon, David A; Murray, Robin M; Jones, Peter B; Cannon, Mary
  • Family planning in sub-Saharan Africa: progress or stagnation? (2011) Cleland, John G; Ndugwa, Robert P; Zulu, Eliya M
  • Youth-friendly services in two rural districts of West Bengal and Jharkhand, India: definite progress, a long way to go. (2011) Collumbien, Martine; Mishra, Manasee; Blackmore, Charlotte
  • Impact of early life exposures to geohelminth infections on the development of vaccine immunity, allergic sensitization, and allergic inflammatory diseases in children living in tropical Ecuador: the ECUAVIDA birth cohort study. (2011) Cooper, Philip J; Chico, Martha E; Guadalupe, Irene; Sandoval, Carlos A; Mitre, Edward; Platts-Mills, Thomas AE; Barreto, Mauricio L; Rodrigues, Laura C; Strachan, David P; Griffin, George E
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2009 with trends since 1995: a systematic analysis. (2011) Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Stanton, Cynthia; Chou, Doris; Ahmed, Saifuddin; Steinhardt, Laura; Creanga, Andreea A; Tunçalp, Ozge; Balsara, Zohra Patel; Gupta, Shivam; Say, Lale; Lawn, Joy E picture_as_pdf
  • Improving the transition between paediatric and adult healthcare: a systematic review. (2011) Crowley, R; Wolfe, I; Lock, K; McKee, M
  • Condições socioeconômicas e padrões alimentares de crianças de 4 a 11 anos: estudo SCAALA - Salvador/ Bahia. (2011) D'Innocenzo, Silvana; Marchioni, Dirce ML; Prado, Matildes S; Matos, Sheila MA; Pereira, Sheila RS; Barros, Antoniel P; Sampaio, Lílian R; Assis, Ana MO; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Maurício L
  • Intergenerational correlations in size at birth and the contribution of environmental factors: The Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study, Sweden, 1915-2002. (2011) De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A; Koupil, Ilona
  • Malaria morbidity in children in the year after they had received intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in Mali: a randomized control trial. (2011) Dicko, Alassane; Barry, Amadou; Dicko, Mohamed; Diallo, Abdoulbaki I; Tembine, Intimbeye; Dicko, Yahia; Dara, Niawanlou; Sidibe, Youssoufa; Santara, Gaoussou; Conaré, Toumani; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Diallo, Diadier A; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Greenwood, Brian
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children already protected by an insecticide-treated bednet in Mali: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2011) Dicko, Alassane; Diallo, Abdoulbaki I; Tembine, Intimbeye; Dicko, Yahia; Dara, Niawanlou; Sidibe, Youssoufa; Santara, Gaoussou; Diawara, Halimatou; Conaré, Toumani; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Diallo, Diadier A; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Greenwood, Brian
  • Drug prescribing indicators in village health clinics across 10 provinces of Western China. (2011) Dong, Lifang; Yan, Hong; Wang, Duolao
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates. (2011) Easterly, William; Freschi, Laura
  • Mother-Daughter Communication on Reproductive Health Issues, a Survey in Tehran. (2011) Farahani, FK; Cleland, J
  • Reproductive Health Knowledge and Misperceptions among Elite Young People in Tehran; a Mix Method Study. (2011) Farahani, FK; Cleland, J
  • Temporal trends (1977-2007) and ethnic inequity in child mortality in rural villages of southern Guinea Bissau. (2011) Fazzio, Ila; Mann, Vera; Boone, Peter picture_as_pdf
  • BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS AND PREVALENCE OF ASTHMA SYMPTOMS AMONG BRAZILIAN CHILDREN. (2011) Feitosa, C; Santos, D; Do Carmo, MB; Santos, L; Teles, C; Rodrigues, L; Barreto, M
  • Behavior problems and prevalence of asthma symptoms among Brazilian children. (2011) Feitosa, Caroline A; Santos, Darci N; Barreto do Carmo, Maria B; Santos, Letícia M; Teles, Carlos AS; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • China's facility-based birth strategy and neonatal mortality: a population-based epidemiological study. (2011) Feng, Xing Lin; Guo, Sufang; Hipgrave, David; Zhu, Jun; Zhang, Lingli; Song, Li; Yang, Qing; Guo, Yan; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in hospital births in China between 1988 and 2008. (2011) Feng, Xing Lin; Xu, Ling; Guo, Yan; Ronsmans, Carine
  • A primary care level algorithm for identifying HIV-infected adolescents in populations at high risk through mother-to-child transmission. (2011) Ferrand, Rashida A; Weiss, Helen A; Nathoo, Kusum; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Mungofa, Stanley; Munyati, Shungu; Bandason, Tsitsi; Gibb, Diana M; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • New information on the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and lower mother-to-child HIV transmission. (2011) Filteau, Suzanne
  • Provision of micronutrient-fortified food from 6 months of age does not permit HIV-exposed uninfected Zambian children to catch up in growth to HIV-unexposed children: a randomized controlled trial. (2011) Filteau, Suzanne; Baisley, Kathy; Chisenga, Molly; Kasonka, Lackson; Gibson, Rosalind S; CIGNIS Study Team
  • Relative and absolute addressability of global disease burden in maternal and perinatal health by investment in R&D. (2011) Fisk, Nicholas M; McKee, Martin; Atun, Rifat
  • Meeting the benchmark, yet missing the goal? assessing indicators for access to emergency obstetric care using data from Zambia and Sri Lanka. (2011) Gabrysch, S; Zanger, P; Seneviratne, H; Mbewe, R; Campbell, O
  • Ocular disorders in children with learning disabilities in special education schools of Pune, India. (2011) Gogate, Parikshit; Soneji, Freya Rao; Kharat, Jitesh; Dulera, Hemant; Deshpande, Madan; Gilbert, Clare
  • Activity compensation and activity synergy in British 8-13 year olds. (2011) Goodman, Anna; Mackett, Roger L; Paskins, James
  • The combined effect of determinants on coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. (2011) Gross, Karin; Alba, Sandra; Schellenberg, Joanna; Kessy, Flora; Mayumana, Iddy; Obrist, Brigit
  • Antenatal care in practice: an exploratory study in antenatal care clinics in the Kilombero Valley, south-eastern Tanzania. (2011) Gross, Karin; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Kessy, Flora; Pfeiffer, Constanze; Obrist, Brigit
  • Apples and oranges? Interpreting success in HIV prevention trials. (2011) Heise, Lori L; Watts, Charlotte; Foss, Anna; Trussell, James; Vickerman, Peter; Hayes, Richard; McCormack, Sheena
  • Difficulties leaving home: a cross-sectional study of delays in seeking emergency obstetric care in Herat, Afghanistan. (2011) Hirose, Atsumi; Borchert, Matthias; Niksear, Homa; Alkozai, Ahmad Shah; Cox, Jonathan; Gardiner, Julian; Osmani, Khadija Ruina; Filippi, Véronique
  • The effectiveness of antenatal care programmes to reduce infant mortality and preterm birth in socially disadvantaged and vulnerable women in high-income countries: a systematic review. (2011) Hollowell, Jennifer; Oakley, Laura; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Brocklehurst, Peter; Gray, Ron
  • Vitamin D-fortified milk achieves the targeted serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration without affecting that of parathyroid hormone in New Zealand toddlers. (2011) Houghton, Lisa A; Gray, Andrew R; Szymlek-Gay, Ewa A; Heath, Anne-Louise M; Ferguson, Elaine L
  • Reproductive health for refugees by refugees in Guinea III: maternal health. (2011) Howard, Natasha; Woodward, Aniek; Souare, Yaya; Kollie, Sarah; Blankhart, David; von Roenne, Anna; Borchert, Matthias
  • Developing a community-based neonatal care intervention: a health facility assessment to inform intervention design. (2011) Howe, Laura D; Manu, Alexander; Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte; Kirkwood, Betty R; Hill, Zelee
  • Prevalence of wasting among under 6-month-old infants in developing countries and implications of new case definitions using WHO growth standards: a secondary data analysis. (2011) Kerac, Marko; Blencowe, Hannah; Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos; McGrath, Marie; Shoham, Jeremy; Cole, Tim J; Seal, Andrew
  • Heterogeneous effects on child survival in neonatal vitamin A supplementation trials – Authors' reply. (2011) Kirkwood, Betty; Humphrey, Jean; Moulton, Lawrence; Martines, Jose
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children already protected by an insecticide-treated bednet in Burkina Faso: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2011) Konaté, Amadou T; Yaro, Jean Baptiste; Ouédraogo, Amidou Z; Diarra, Amidou; Gansané, Adama; Soulama, Issiaka; Kangoyé, David T; Kaboré, Youssouf; Ouédraogo, Espérance; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Ouédraogo, Issa N; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Greenwood, Brian; Diallo, Diadier A
  • Morbidity from malaria in children in the year after they had received intermittent preventive treatment of malaria: a randomised trial. (2011) Konaté, Amadou T; Yaro, Jean Baptiste; Ouédraogo, Amidou Z; Diarra, Amidou; Gansané, Adama; Soulama, Issiaka; Kangoyé, David T; Kaboré, Youssouf; Ouédraogo, Espérance; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Ouédraogo, Issa N; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Greenwood, Brian M; Diallo, Diadier A
  • Risk factors for incomplete vaccination in children less than 18 months of age attending the nurseries of day-care centres in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2011) Konstantyner, Tulio; Taddei, José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha
  • Effect of weekly vitamin D supplements on mortality, morbidity, and growth of low birthweight term infants in India up to age 6 months: randomised controlled trial. (2011) Kumar, Geeta Trilok; Sachdev, Harshpal Singh; Chellani, Harish; Rehman, Andrea M; Singh, Vini; Arora, Harsh; Filteau, Suzanne
  • BCG vaccination induces different cytokine profiles following infant BCG vaccination in the UK and Malawi. (2011) Lalor, Maeve K; Floyd, Sian; Gorak-Stolinska, Patricia; Ben-Smith, Anne; Weir, Rosemary E; Smith, Steven G; Newport, Melanie J; Blitz, Rose; Mvula, Hazzie; Branson, Keith; McGrath, Nuala; Crampin, Amelia C; Fine, Paul E; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Epidemiology and scope of the problem: low income countries. (2011) Lawn, J; Blencowe, H; Pattinson, R; Stanton, C; Cousens, S
  • Setting research priorities to reduce almost one million deaths from birth asphyxia by 2015. (2011) Lawn, Joy E; Bahl, Rajiv; Bergstrom, Staffan; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Ellis, Matthew; English, Mike; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Lee, Anne CC; Merialdi, Mario; Mohamed, Mohamed; Osrin, David; Pattinson, Robert; Paul, Vinod; Ramji, Siddarth; Saugstad, Ola D; Sibley, Lyn; Singhal, Nalini; Wall, Steven N; Woods, Dave; Wyatt, John; Chan, Kit Yee; Rudan, Igor
  • Care during labor and birth for the prevention of intrapartum-related neonatal deaths: a systematic review and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Blencowe, Hannah; Pattinson, Robert; Moran, Neil F; Hofmeyr, G Justus; Haws, Rachel A; Bhutta, Shereen Zulfiqar; Lawn, Joy E
  • Neonatal resuscitation and immediate newborn assessment and stimulation for the prevention of neonatal deaths: a systematic review, meta-analysis and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Wall, Stephen N; Niermeyer, Susan; Darmstadt, Gary L; Carlo, Waldemar A; Keenan, William J; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Gill, Christopher; Lawn, Joy E
  • Evaluation of cell-mediated immune responses to two BCG vaccination regimes in young children in South Korea. (2011) Lee, Hyejon; Cho, Sang Nae; Kim, Hee Jin; Anh, Young Min; Choi, Ji Eun; Kim, Chang Hwi; Ock, Park Jae; Oh, Sung Hee; Kim, Deok Ryun; Floyd, Sian; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Prevalence and causes of blindness in children in Vietnam. (2011) Limburg, Hans; Gilbert, Clare; Hon, Do Nhu; Dung, Nguyen Chi; Hoang, Tran Huy
  • Does prenatal cadmium exposure affect fetal and child growth? (2011) Lin, Chien-Mu; Doyle, Pat; Wang, Duolao; Hwang, Yaw-Huei; Chen, Pau-Chung
  • Use of maternal healthcare services in 10 provinces of rural western China. (2011) Liu, Xiaoning; Zhou, Xiaoyan; Yan, Hong; Wang, Duolao
  • Mother to child transmission of sexually transmitted infections. (2011) Mabey, D
  • Syphilis, still a major cause of infant mortality. (2011) Mabey, David; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • How much time is available for antenatal care consultations? Assessment of the quality of care in rural Tanzania. (2011) Magoma, Moke; Requejo, Jennifer; Merialdi, Mario; Campbell, Oona MR; Cousens, Simon; Filippi, Veronique
  • Effect of multiple micronutrient-fortified food on mild morbidity and clinical symptoms in Zambian infants: results from a randomised controlled trial. (2011) Manno, D; Siame, J; Larke, N; Baisley, K; Kasonka, L; Filteau, S
  • Safety of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants: evidence from large-scale operational research in southern Tanzania. (2011) Maokola, Werner; Chemba, Mwajuma; Hamisi, Yuna; Mrisho, Mwifadhi; Shirima, Kizito; Manzi, Fatuma; Masanja, Mary; Willey, Barbara; Alonso, Pedro; Mshinda, Hassan; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong; Schellenberg, David
  • Timing of delivery of malaria preventive interventions in pregnancy: results from the Tanzania national voucher programme. (2011) Marchant, Tanya; Hanson, Kara; Nathan, Rose; Mponda, Hadji; Bruce, Jane; Jones, Caroline; Sedekia, Yovitha; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Net survival of perinatally and postnatally HIV-infected children: a pooled analysis of individual data from sub-Saharan Africa. (2011) Marston, Milly; Becquet, Renaud; Zaba, Basia; Moulton, Lawrence H; Gray, Glenda; Coovadia, Hoosen; Essex, Max; Ekouevi, Didier K; Jackson, Debra; Coutsoudis, Anna; Kilewo, Charles; Leroy, Valériane; Wiktor, Stefan; Nduati, Ruth; Msellati, Philippe; Dabis, François; Newell, Marie-Louise; Ghys, Peter D
  • [Weight gain rate in early childhood and overweight in children 5-11 years old in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil]. (2011) Matos, Sheila Maria Alvim de; Jesus, Sandra Rego de; Saldiva, Silvia Regina DM; Prado, Matildes da Silva; D'Innocenzo, Silvana; Assis, Ana Marlúcia Oliveira; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Maurício Lima
  • Concurrent micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in nonpregnant rural and tribal women from central India. (2011) Menon, Kavitha C; Skeaff, Sheila A; Thomson, Christine D; Gray, Andrew R; Ferguson, Elaine L; Zodpey, Sanjay; Saraf, Abhay; Das, Prabir Kumar; Toteja, Gurudayal S; Pandav, Chandrakant S
  • An investigation of social inequalities in help-seeking and use of health services for fertility problems in a population-based sample of UK women. (2011) Morris, Melanie; Oakley, Laura; Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat
  • Anthelminthic treatment during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of infantile eczema: randomised-controlled trial results. (2011) Mpairwe, Harriet; Webb, Emily L; Muhangi, Lawrence; Ndibazza, Juliet; Akishule, Denise; Nampijja, Margaret; Ngom-wegi, Sophy; Tumusime, Josephine; Jones, Frances M; Fitzsimmons, Colin; Dunne, David W; Muwanga, Moses; Rodrigues, Laura C; Elliott, Alison M
  • Are diagnostic criteria for acute malnutrition affected by hydration status in hospitalized children? A repeated measures study. (2011) Mwangome, Martha K; Fegan, Gregory; Prentice, Andrew M; Berkley, James A
  • Fetal, developmental, and parental influences on cystatin C in childhood: the Uppsala Family Study. (2011) Nitsch, Dorothea; Sandling, Johanna K; Byberg, Liisa; Larsson, Anders; Tuvemo, Torsten; Syvänen, Ann-Christine; Koupil, Ilona; Leon, David A
  • Malaria and bacteraemia in African children. (2011) Obaro, Stephen; Greenwood, Brian
  • Neonatal mortality levels for 193 countries in 2009 with trends since 1990: a systematic analysis of progress, projections, and priorities. (2011) Oestergaard, Mikkel Zahle; Inoue, Mie; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Mahanani, Wahyu Retno; Gore, Fiona M; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Mathers, Colin Douglas; United Nations Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
  • Effect of a multi-faceted quality improvement intervention on inappropriate antibiotic use in children with non-bloody diarrhoea admitted to district hospitals in Kenya. (2011) Opondo, Charles; Ayieko, Philip; Ntoburi, Stephen; Wagai, John; Opiyo, Newton; Irimu, Grace; Allen, Elizabeth; Carpenter, James; English, Mike
  • Mental health and childhood adversities: a longitudinal study in Kabul, Afghanistan. (2011) Panter-Brick, Catherine; Goodman, Anna; Tol, Wietse; Eggerman, Mark
  • Childhood blindness and severe visual impairment in Malaysia: a nationwide study. (2011) Patel, DK; Tajunisah, I; Gilbert, C; Subrayan, V
  • Reproductive health, and child health and nutrition in India: meeting the challenge. (2011) Paul, Vinod Kumar; Sachdev, Harshpal Singh; Mavalankar, Dileep; Ramachandran, Prema; Sankar, Mari Jeeva; Bhandari, Nita; Sreenivas, Vishnubhatla; Sundararaman, Thiagarajan; Govil, Dipti; Osrin, David; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Drinking water quality, feeding practices, and diarrhea among children under 2 years of HIV-positive mothers in peri-urban Zambia. (2011) Peletz, Rachel; Simuyandi, Michelo; Sarenje, Kelvin; Baisley, Kathy; Kelly, Paul; Filteau, Suzanne; Clasen, Thomas
  • Impact of fatty acid status on immune function of children in low-income countries. (2011) Prentice, Andrew M; van der Merwe, Liandré
  • Fertility history, health, and health changes in later life: a panel study of British women and men born 1923-49. (2011) Read, Sanna; Grundy, Emily; Wolf, Douglas A
  • Leptin, body composition, and C-peptide of insulin in Gambian agriculturalist adolescent females. (2011) Reiches, MW; Moore, SE; Prentice, AM; Ellison, PT
  • Pilot randomized trial of therapeutic hypothermia with serial cranial ultrasound and 18-22 month follow-up for neonatal encephalopathy in a low resource hospital setting in Uganda: study protocol. (2011) Robertson, Nicola J; Hagmann, Cornelia F; Acolet, Dominique; Allen, Elizabeth; Nyombi, Natasha; Elbourne, Diana; Costello, Anthony; Jacobs, Ian; Nakakeeto, Margaret; Cowan, Frances picture_as_pdf
  • Urbanisation is associated with prevalence of childhood asthma in diverse, small rural communities in Ecuador. (2011) Rodriguez, Alejandro; Vaca, Maritza; Oviedo, Gisela; Erazo, Silvia; Chico, Martha E; Teles, Carlos; Barreto, Mauricio L; Rodrigues, Laura C; Cooper, Philip J
  • Quantifying the fall in mortality associated with interventions related to hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. (2011) Ronsmans, Carine; Campbell, Oona
  • Opsonophagocytic activity following a reduced dose 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine infant primary series and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 12 months of age. (2011) Russell, FM; Carapetis, JR; Burton, RL; Lin, J; Licciardi, PV; Balloch, A; Tikoduadua, L; Waqatakirewa, L; Cheung, YB; Tang, MLK; Nahm, MH; Mulholland, EK
  • Cluster-randomized study of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants (IPTi) in southern Tanzania: evaluation of impact on survival. (2011) Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong; Maokola, Werner; Shirima, Kizito; Manzi, Fatuma; Mrisho, Mwifadhi; Mushi, Adiel; Alonso, Pedro; Mshinda, Hassan; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, David M
  • Congenital eye anomaly surveillance in England and Wales. How effective is the national system? (2011) Shah, SP; Botting, B; Taylor, A; Abou-Rayyah, Y; Rahi, J; Gilbert, CE
  • Anophthalmos, microphthalmos, and Coloboma in the United kingdom: clinical features, results of investigations, and early management. (2011) Shah, Shaheen P; Taylor, Amy E; Sowden, Jane C; Ragge, Nicky; Russell-Eggitt, Isabelle; Rahi, Jugnoo S; Gilbert, Clare E; Surveillance of Eye Anomalies Special Interest Group
  • Parental education and lung function of children in the PATY study. (2011) Slachtova, Hana; Gehring, Ulrike; Hoek, Gerard; Tomaskova, Hana; Luttmann-Gibson, Heike; Moshammer, Hanns; Paldy, Anna; Pattenden, Sam; Slotova, Katarina; Speizer, Frank; Zlotkowska, Renata; Heinrich, Joachim
  • What shapes research impact on policy? Understanding research uptake in sexual and reproductive health policy processes in resource poor contexts. (2011) Sumner, Andy; Crichton, Jo; Theobald, Sally; Zulu, Eliya; Parkhurst, Justin
  • Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in cervical biopsies from women diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or cervical cancer in Fiji. (2011) Tabrizi, Sepehr N; Law, Irwin; Buadromo, Eka; Stevens, Matthew P; Fong, James; Samuela, Josaia; Patel, Mahomed; Mulholland, E Kim; Russell, Fiona M; Garland, Suzanne M
  • The clinical impact of combining intermittent preventive treatment with home management of malaria in children aged below 5 years: cluster randomised trial. (2011) Tagbor, Harry; Cairns, Matthew; Nakwa, Emmanuel; Browne, Edmund; Sarkodie, Badu; Counihan, Helen; Meek, Sylvia; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • The Second Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in the Community. (2011) Tam, CC; Viviani, L; Adak, GK; Bolton, FJ; Dodds, J; Cowden, J; Evans, M; Gray, JJ; Hunter, P; Jackson, K; Letley, L; Neal, K; Rait, G; Smith, G; Smyth, B; Tompkins, DS; van der Es, M; Rodrigues, LC; O’Brien, SJ
  • The cost of outpatient pneumonia in children <5 years of age in Fiji. (2011) Temple, Beth; Griffiths, Ulla Kou; Mulholland, Edward Kim; Ratu, Felisita Tupou; Tikoduadua, Lisi; Russell, Fiona Mary
  • Immune system development during early childhood in tropical Latin America: evidence for the age-dependent down regulation of the innate immune response. (2011) Teran, Rommy; Mitre, Edward; Vaca, Maritza; Erazo, Silvia; Oviedo, Gisela; Hübner, Marc P; Chico, Martha E; Mattapallil, Joseph J; Bickle, Quentin; Rodrigues, Laura C; Cooper, Philip J picture_as_pdf
  • Effect of supplementation with zinc and other micronutrients on malaria in Tanzanian children: a randomised trial. (2011) Veenemans, Jacobien; Milligan, Paul; Prentice, Andrew M; Schouten, Laura RA; Inja, Nienke; van der Heijden, Aafke C; de Boer, Linsey CC; Jansen, Esther JS; Koopmans, Anna E; Enthoven, Wendy TM; Kraaijenhagen, Rob J; Demir, Ayse Y; Uges, Donald RA; Mbugi, Erasto V; Savelkoul, Huub FJ; Verhoef, Hans
  • Parental control and monitoring of young people's sexual behaviour in rural North-Western Tanzania: implications for sexual and reproductive health interventions. (2011) Wamoyi, Joyce; Fenwick, Angela; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia; Stones, William
  • Socio-economic change and parent-child relationships: implications for parental control and HIV prevention among young people in rural North Western Tanzania. (2011) Wamoyi, Joyce; Fenwick, Angela; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia; Stones, William
  • Human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS and other important predictors of maternal mortality in Mulago Hospital Complex Kampala Uganda. (2011) Wandabwa, Julius N; Doyle, Pat; Longo-Mbenza, Benjamin; Kiondo, Paul; Khainza, Betty; Othieno, Emmanuel; Maconichie, Noreen
  • Can midlevel health-care providers administer early medical abortion as safely and effectively as doctors? A randomised controlled equivalence trial in Nepal. (2011) Warriner, IK; Wang, Duolao; Huong, NT My; Thapa, Kusum; Tamang, Anand; Shah, Iqbal; Baird, David T; Meirik, Olav
  • Effect of case management on neonatal mortality due to sepsis and pneumonia. (2011) Zaidi, Anita KM; Ganatra, Hammad A; Syed, Sana; Cousens, Simon; Lee, Anne CC; Black, Robert; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lawn, Joy E
  • Retinopathy of prematurity as a major cause of severe visual impairment and blindness in children in schools for the blind in Guadalajara city, Mexico. (2011) Zepeda-Romero, LC; Barrera-de-Leon, JC; Camacho-Choza, C; Gonzalez Bernal, C; Camarena-Garcia, E; Diaz-Alatorre, C; Gutierrez-Padilla, JA; Gilbert, C
  • [Survival and risk factors for neonatal mortality in a cohort of very low birth weight infants in the southern region of São Paulo city, Brazil]. (2011) de Almeida, Marcia Furquim; Alencar, Gizelton Pereira; Schoeps, Daniela; Novaes, Hillegonda Maria Dutilh; Campbell, Oona; Rodrigues, Laura C