Conference or Workshop Item
Elevated maternal expression of the imprinted PHLDA2 gene is associated with low birth weight. (2006)
Apostolidou, S; Abu-Amero, S; O'Donoghue, K; Olafsdottir, O; Chavele, KM; Frost, J; Whittaker, JC; Loughna, P; Stanier, P; Moore, GE
Self-reported bacterial sexually transmitted infections and other factors associated with early sexual debut in Slovenia: results of a general population survey. (2006)
Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Weiss, HA; Hayes, R
A community campaign-based vitamin A supplementation (VAS) program is better than a clinic-based program in reaching vulnerable children in Tanzania. (2006)
Mbuya, NV; Habicht, JP; Masanja, H; Schellenberg, JA; Rasmussen, KM
Community level acceptability of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria control in Tanzanian infants. (2006)
Mushi, A; Pool, R; Majura, A; Wa-Shija, R; Mrisho, M; Schellenberg, J; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Schellenberg, D
Intermittent preventive malaria treatment delivered alongside routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: Coverage and impact on indicators of malaria and anaemia. (2006)
Schellenberg, JA; Mayokola, W; Shirima, K; Yuna, H; Manzi, F; Mrisho, M; Alonso, P; Mshinda, H; Tanner, M; Schellenberg, D