Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH)"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH) (3017)
    Number of items: 129.
    September 2004
  • Severe acute maternal morbidity in rural South Africa. (2004) Gandhi, MN; Welz, T; Ronsmans, C
  • 2004
  • The effect of HIV on Child Mortality Trends in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) ZabaB; MarstonM; FloydS picture_as_pdf
  • Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users. (2004) Aceijas, Carmen; Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; United Nations Reference Group on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care a
  • A critical evaluation of the fetal origins hypothesis and its implications for developing countries. (2004) Adair, Linda S; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Comparison of latex agglutination, wet preparation, and culture for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis. (2004) Adu-Sarkodie, Y; Opoku, BK; Danso, KA; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D
  • Condom use within marriage: a neglected HIV intervention. (2004) Ali, Mohamed M; Cleland, John; Shah, Iqbal H
  • An evolutionary model of stature, age at first birth and reproductive success in Gambian women. (2004) Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, AM; Mace, R picture_as_pdf
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, J; Bryce, J; de Savigny, D; Lambrechts, T; Mbuya, C; Mgalula, L; Wilczynska, K; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St picture_as_pdf
  • Effectiveness and cost of facility-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Adam, Taghreed; Mshinda, Hassan; Masanja, Honorati; Kabadi, Gregory; Mukasa, Oscar; John, Theopista; Charles, Sosthenes; Nathan, Rose; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Mgalula, Leslie; Mbuya, Conrad; Mswia, Robert; Manzi, Fatuma; de Savigny, Don; Schellenberg, David; Victora, Cesar
  • The effect of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania. (2004) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna; Bryce, Jennifer; de Savigny, Don; Lambrechts, Thierry; Mbuya, Conrad; Mgalula, Leslie; Wilczynska, Katarzyna; Tanzania IMCI Multi-Country Evaluation Health Facility Survey St
  • Improving quality of care for severe malnutrition - Reply. (2004) Ashworth, A; Sanders, D; Chopra, M; McCoy, D; Schofield, C
  • WHO guidelines for management of severe malnutrition in rural South African hospitals: effect on case fatality and the influence of operational factors. (2004) Ashworth, Ann; Chopra, Mickey; McCoy, David; Sanders, David; Jackson, Debra; Karaolis, Nadina; Sogaula, Nonzwakazi; Schofield, Claire
  • Improving quality of care for severe malnutrition. (2004) Ashworth, Ann; Sanders, David; Chopra, Mickey; McCoy, David; Schofield, Claire
  • Sexually transmitted infections in women who have sex with women. (2004) Bailey, JV; Farquhar, C; Owen, C; Mangtani, P
  • Are reported preterm birth rates reliable? An analysis of interhospital differences in the calculation of the weeks of gestation at delivery and preterm birth rate. (2004) Balchin, Imelda; Whittaker, John C; Steer, Philip J; Lamont, Ronald F
  • Maternal morbidity during labour and the puerperium in rural homes and the need for medical attention: A prospective observational study in Gadchiroli, India. (2004) Bang, Rani A; Bang, Abhay T; Reddy, M Hanimi; Deshmukh, Mahesh D; Baitule, Sanjay B; Filippi, Veronique
  • Mammary epithelial paracellular permeability in atopic and non-atopic mothers versus childhood atopy. (2004) Benn, Christine S; Böttcher, Malin F; Pedersen, Bo V; Filteau, Suzanne M; Duchén, Karel
  • Health care of female outpatients in south-central India: comparing public and private sector provision. (2004) Bhatia, Jagdish; Cleland, John
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, C
  • Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualized as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. (2004) Bonell, Chris
  • Learning difficulties in children born to male UK nuclear industry employees; analysis from the nuclear industry family study. (2004) Burt, A; Maconochie, N; Doyle, P; Roman, E
  • The Egypt National Perinatal/Neonatal Mortality Study 2000. (2004) Campbell, Oona; Gipson, Reginald; el-Mohandes, Ayman; Issa, Adel Hakim; Matta, Nahed; Mansour, Esmat; Mohsen, Lamiaa
  • Crowding: risk factor or protective factor for lower respiratory disease in young children? (2004) Cardoso, Maria Regina Alves; Cousens, Simon Nicholas; de Góes Siqueira, Luiz Fernando; Alves, Fátima Maria; D'Angelo, Luiz Antônio V
  • Hepatitis B virus infection in Haemodialysis Centres from Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Predictive risk factors for infection and molecular epidemiology. (2004) Carrilho, Flair J; Moraes, Cleusa R; Pinho, João RR; Mello, Isabel MVGC; Bertolini, Dennis A; Lemos, Marcílio F; Moreira, Regina C; Bassit, Leda C; Cardoso, Rita A; Ribeiro-dos-Santos, Gabriela; Da Silva, Luiz C
  • Unintended pregnancy among newly married couples in Shanghai. (2004) Che, Yan; Cleland, John
  • Periodic abstinence in developing countries: an assessment of failure rates and consequences. (2004) Che, Yan; Cleland, John G; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Children’s Risk of Parental Break-up. (2004) Clarke, Lynda; Jensen, An-Magritt
  • Malaria morbidity among school children living in two areas of contrasting transmission in western Kenya. (2004) Clarke, Siân E; Brooker, Simon; Njagi, Joseph Kiambo; Njau, Eliud; Estambale, Benson; Muchiri, Eric; Magnussen, Pascal
  • Fertility regulation in Europe: The contraception-abortion trade off and its health implications. (2004) Cleland, J
  • Monitoring sexual behaviour in general populations: a synthesis of lessons of the past decade. (2004) Cleland, J; Boerma, JT; Carael, M; Weir, SS
  • Reproductive consequences of contraceptive failure in 19 developing countries. (2004) Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Etic and emic categories in male sexual health: a case study from Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Bohidar, N; Das, R; Das, B; Pelto, P
  • Sexual Risk Behaviour and Condom use in Orissa. (2004) Collumbien, M; Das, B
  • Risk factors for atopy among school children in a rural area of Latin America. (2004) Cooper, PJ; Chico, ME; Rodrigues, LC; Strachan, DP; Anderson, HR; Rodriguez, EA; Gaus, DP; Griffin, GE
  • Design of the leprosy component of the Brazilian BCG revaccination trial for assessing BCG effectiveness against leprosy in school children. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Dourado, Inês; Barreto, Mauricio L; Alexander, Neal; Pereira, Susan M; Ichihara, Yury; Pereira, Emilia S; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Maroja, Fatima; Ribas, Carla; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Neonatal BCG protection against leprosy: a study in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Dourado, Inez M; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan Martins
  • Variations in obstetric practices in Tula region of Russia. (2004) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M
  • Child mortality in a West African population protected with insecticide-treated curtains for a period of up to 6 years. (2004) Diallo, DA; Cousens, SN; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Nebié, I; Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Esposito, F
  • Building up rights-based approaches to HIV/AIDS in Pakistan: a national civil society capacity building project: Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation and list of core indicators. (2004) Douthwaite, M; Collumbien, M; Mayhew, SH
  • Miscarriage, stillbirth and congenital malformation in the offspring of UK veterans of the first Gulf war. (2004) Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen; Davies, Graham; Maconochie, Ian; Pelerin, Margo; Prior, Susan; Lewis, Samantha
  • Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon. (2004) El-Kak, F; Chaaya, M; Campbell, O; Kaddour, A
  • Obstetric audit in resource-poor settings: lessons from a multi-country project auditing 'near miss' obstetrical emergencies. (2004) Filippi, Veronique; Brugha, Ruairi; Browne, Edmund; Gohou, Valerie; Bacci, Alberta; De Brouwere, Vincent; Sahel, Amina; Goufodji, Sourou; Alihonou, Eusebe; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Low-cost intervention to decrease mastitis among lactating women. (2004) Filteau, S
  • PM10 and respiratory symptoms in primary school children in multi-country study. (2004) Fletcher, T; Pattenden, S; Hoek, G; Heinrich, J; Neuberger, M; Braun, C; Nikiforov, B; Slachtova, H; Rudnai, P; Fabianova, E; Zlotkowska, R; Houthuijs, D; Forestiere, F; Furman, V; Katsnelson, B
  • Equipoise: a case study of the views of clinicians involved in two neonatal trials. (2004) Garcia, Jo; Elbourne, Diana; Snowdon, Claire
  • World-wide blindness in children. (2004) Gilbert, CE
  • The pregnant and lactating woman. (2004) Gitau, R; Filteau, S
  • Responsiveness to life-threatening obstetric emergencies in two hospitals in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. (2004) Gohou, V; Ronsmans, C; Kacou, L; Yao, K; Bohoussou, KM; Houphouet, B; Bosso, P; Diarra-Nama, AJ; Bacci, A; Filippi, V
  • Improving antimicrobial use among health workers in first-level facilities: results from the multi-country evaluation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness strategy. (2004) Gouws, Eleanor; Bryce, Jennifer; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Amaral, João; Pariyo, George; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Fontaine, Olivier
  • Dietary factors are not associated with high levels of obesity in New Zealand Pacific preschool children. (2004) Grant, Andrea M; Ferguson, Elaine L; Toafa, Viliami; Henry, Teavekura Emma; Guthrie, Barbara E
  • Epidemiology of menstrual disorders in developing countries: a systematic review. (2004) Harlow, Siobán D; Campbell, Oona MR
  • A prospective study of Plasmodium falciparum multiplicity of infection and morbidity in Tanzanian children. (2004) Henning, L; Schellenberg, D; Smith, T; Henning, D; Alonso, P; Tanner, M; Mshinda, H; Beck, H-P; Felger, I
  • Family and community practices which promote child survival, growth and development: a review of the evidence. (2004) Hill, Z; Kirkwood, BR; Edmond, KM picture_as_pdf
  • Religious affiliation and extramarital sex among men in Brazil. (2004) Hill, Zelee E; Cleland, John; Ali, Mohamed M
  • Levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa: the impact of AIDS. (2004) Hosegood, Victoria; Vanneste, Anna-Maria; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Effects of education and other socioeconomic factors on middle age mortality in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hurt, LS; Ronsmans, C; Saha, S
  • Long-term effects of reproductive history on all-cause mortality among adults in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hurt, Lisa S; Ronsmans, Carine; Campbell, Oona MR; Saha, Sajal; Kenward, Mike; Quigley, Maria
  • A randomized placebo-controlled trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient supplementation on HIV-1 genital shedding among Thai subjects. (2004) Jiamto, Sukhum; Chaisilwattana, Pongsakdi; Pepin, Jacques; Suttent, Reungpung; Mahakkanukrauh, Bussakorn; Filteau, Suzanne; Suthipinittharm, Puan; Jaffar, Shabbar
  • Prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the general population of Slovenia: serious gaps in control. (2004) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Kese, D; Hayes, R
  • Impact of malaria control on childhood anaemia in Africa -- a quantitative review. (2004) Korenromp, Eline L; Armstrong-Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Williams, Brian G; Nahlen, Bernard L; Snow, Robert W
  • Congenital syphilis: identification of two distinct profiles of maternal characteristics associated with risk. (2004) Lago, Eleonor G; Rodrigues, Laura C; Fiori, Renato M; Stein, Airton T
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying each year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Martines, Jose; Paul, Vinod; Knippenberg, Rudolf; Fogstadt, Helga; Shetty, Priya; Horton, Richard
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying every year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Paul, Vinod; Martines, Jose
  • The influence of weather on the risk of preterm birth in a UK population. (2004) Lee, S; Hajat, S; Filippi, V
  • The population impact of HIV on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Lewis, James JC; Ronsmans, Carine; Ezeh, Alex; Gregson, Simon
  • Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy. (2004) Lumley, J; Oliver, SS; Chamberlain, C; Oakley, L
  • Infertility among male UK veterans of the 1990-1 Gulf war: reproductive cohort study. (2004) Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Carson, Claire
  • The National Women's Health Study: assembly and description of a population-based reproductive cohort. (2004) Maconochie, Noreen; Doyle, Pat; Prior, Susan
  • Condom use within marital and cohabiting partnerships in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2004) Maharaj, Pranitha; Cleland, John
  • Separating within and between effects in family studies: an application to the study of blood pressure in children. (2004) Mann, Vera; De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A
  • Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania. (2004) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mshinda, Hassan; Lengeler, Christian
  • Changing gender relations among young people: an ethnographic study of the Gente Joven ("young people") programme in Mexico City. (2004) Marston, C
  • The effects of contraception on obstetric outcomes. (2004) Marston, C; Cleland, J
  • Gendered communication among young people in Mexico: implications for sexual health interventions. (2004) Marston, Cicely
  • Young, unmarried men and sex: do friends and partners shape risk behaviour? (2004) Marston, Cicely; Juarez, Fatima; Antonio Izazola, José
  • Breastfeeding and cardiovascular mortality: the Boyd Orr cohort and a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2004) Martin, Richard M; Davey Smith, George; Mangtani, Punam; Tilling, Kate; Frankel, Stephen; Gunnell, David
  • Sexually transmitted infections. (2004) Mayaud, P; Ndowa, F; Richens, J; Mabey, DCW
  • Improving health systems and enhancing reproductive health: linkages and lessons for action. (2004) Mayhew, Susannah H; Gerein, Nancy; Green, Andrew; Cleland, John
  • Heterogeneity of breast cancer risk within the South Asian female population in England: a population-based case-control study of first-generation migrants. (2004) McCormack, VA; Mangtani, P; Bhakta, D; McMichael, AJ; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Dietary and biochemical selenium status of urban 6- to 24-month-old South Island New Zealand children and their postpartum mothers. (2004) McLachlan, Sarah K; Thomson, Christine D; Ferguson, Elaine L; McKenzie, Joanne E
  • The effects of short-term iron supplementation on iron status in infants in malaria-endemic areas. (2004) Menendez, Clara; Schellenberg, David; Quinto, Llorenç; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Alvarez, Luisa; Aponte, John J; Alonso, Pedro L
  • The Challenge of Communicable Disease. (2004) Mills, A; Shillcutt, S
  • Impact of counselling on careseeking behaviour in families with sick children: cluster randomised trial in rural India. (2004) Mohan, Pavitra; Iyengar, Sharad D; Martines, Jose; Cousens, Simon; Sen, Kalpana
  • Ethnic differences in the relationship between fasting leptin and BMI in children. (2004) Moore, SE; Falorni, A; Bini, V; Fulford, AJC; O'Connell, MA; Prentice, AM
  • Comparative analysis of patterns of survival by season of birth in rural Bangladeshi and Gambian populations. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Streatfield, P Kim; Persson, Lars Ake; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Birth weight predicts response to vaccination in adults born in an urban slum in Lahore, Pakistan. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Jalil, Fehmida; Ashraf, Rifat; Szu, Shousun Chen; Prentice, Andrew M; Hanson, Lars A
  • Childhood cataract: home to hospital. (2004) Muhit, Mohammad A
  • Genetic regulation of immune responses to vaccines in early life. (2004) Newport, MJ; Goetghebuer, T; Weiss, HA; Whittle, H; Siegrist, C-A; Marchant, A; MRC Gambia Twin Study Group
  • Improved thymic function in exclusively breastfed infants is associated with higher interleukin 7 concentrations in their mothers' breast milk. (2004) Ngom, Pa T; Collinson, Andrew C; Pido-Lopez, Jeffrey; Henson, Sian M; Prentice, Andrew M; Aspinall, Richard
  • Secretive females or swaggering males? An assessment of the quality of sexual partnership reporting in rural Tanzania. (2004) Nnko, Soori; Boerma, J Ties; Urassa, Mark; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Zaba, Basia
  • The use of CRP for diagnosing infections in young infants < 3 months of age in developing countries. (2004) Palmer, Ayo; Carlin, John B; Freihorst, Joachim; Gatchalian, Salvacion; Muhe, Lulu; Mulholland, Kim; Weber, Martin W; WHO Young Infant Study Group
  • The political environment of HIV: lessons from a comparison of Uganda and South Africa. (2004) Parkhurst, Justin O; Lush, Louisiana
  • Does gestation vary by ethnic group? A London-based study of over 122,000 pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labour. (2004) Patel, Roshni R; Steer, Philip; Doyle, Pat; Little, Mark P; Elliott, Paul
  • Syphilis. (2004) Peeling, RW; Mabey, DCW
  • Avoiding HIV and dying of syphilis. (2004) Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David; Fitzgerald, Dan W; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • The empirical evidence for the impact of HIV on adult mortality in the developing world: data from serological studies. (2004) Porter, Kholoud; Zaba, Basia
  • Evidence Based Ophthalmology (Section: Paediatrics and Strabismus). (2004) Rahi, J; Gilbert, C; (Section Eds.)
  • HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Bobrik, Alexei; Bobkov, Eugene; Platt, Lucy
  • Media interventions to increase cervical screening uptake in South Africa: an evaluation study of effectiveness. (2004) Risi, L; Bindman, JP; Campbell, OMR; Imrie, J; Everett, K; Bradley, J; Denny, L
  • Verbal autopsies: learning from reviewing deaths in the community. (2004) Ronsmans, C; Etard, J-, F; Walraven, G
  • Measuring the need for life-saving obstetric surgery in developing countries. (2004) Ronsmans, Carine; De Brouwere, Vincent; Dubourg, Dominique; Dieltiens, Greet
  • Recent advances in pneumococcal vaccination of children. (2004) Russell, Fiona M; Mulholland, EK
  • A randomized comparison of two anemia treatment regimens in Tanzanian children. (2004) Schellenberg, David; Kahigwa, Elizeus; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
  • Transmission of HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa and effect of elimination of unsafe injections. (2004) Schmid, George P; Buvé, Anne; Mugyenyi, Peter; Garnett, Geoff P; Hayes, Richard J; Williams, Brian G; Calleja, Jesus Garcia; De Cock, Kevin M; Whitworth, James A; Kapiga, Saidi H; Ghys, Peter D; Hankins, Catherine; Zaba, Basia; Heimer, Robert; Boerma, J Ties
  • Estimating the force of measles virus infection from hospitalised cases in Lusaka, Zambia. (2004) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Kasolo, Francis; Sinkala, Moses; Cousens, Simon
  • Endothelial NO synthase genotype and risk of preeclampsia: a multicenter case-control study. (2004) Serrano, Norma C; Casas, Juan P; Díaz, Luis A; Páez, Carolina; Mesa, Clara M; Cifuentes, Rodrigo; Monterrosa, Alvaro; Bautista, Alejandro; Hawe, Emma; Hingorani, Aroon D; Vallance, Patrick; López-Jaramillo, Patricio
  • The New Zealand Meningococcal Vaccine Strategy: a tailor-made vaccine to combat a devastating epidemic. (2004) Sexton, Kerry; Lennon, Diana; Oster, Philipp; Crengle, Sue; Martin, Diana; Mulholland, Kim; Percival, Teuila; Reid, Stewart; Stewart, Joanna; O'Hallahan, Jane
  • Phyto-oestrogen Intake and Breast Cancer Risk in South Asian Women in England: Findings from a Population-based Case–Control Study. (2004) Silva, Isabel dos Santos; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; McMichael, Anthony J; Sevak, Leena
  • Dramatic reduction in triplet and higher order births in England and Wales. (2004) Simmons, Rebecca; Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen
  • Comparative Risk Assessment: Unsafe Sex. (2004) Slaymaker, E; Walker, N; Zaba, B; Collumbien, M
  • MMR vaccination and pervasive developmental disorders: a case-control study. (2004) Smeeth, Liam; Cook, Claire; Fombonne, Eric; Heavey, Lisa; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smith, Peter G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: a review of the literature. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: attitudes of bereaved parents. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Perinatal pathology in the context of a clinical trial: attitudes of neonatologists and pathologists. (2004) Snowdon, C; Elbourne, DR; Garcia, J
  • Iron deficiency and risk factors for lower iron stores in 6-24-month-old New Zealanders. (2004) Soh, P; Ferguson, EL; McKenzie, JE; Homs, MYV; Gibson, RS
  • Hospital-based case-control study of bronchiectasis in indigenous children in Central Australia. (2004) Valery, Patricia C; Torzillo, Paul J; Mulholland, Kim; Boyce, Naomi C; Purdie, David M; Chang, Anne B
  • Etiology of diarrhea in children less than five years of age in Ifakara, Tanzania. (2004) Vargas, Martha; Gascon, Joaquim; Casals, Climent; Schellenberg, David; Urassa, Honorati; Kahigwa, Eliseus; Ruiz, Joaquim; Vila, Jordi
  • Homosexual activity among rural Indian men: implications for HIV interventions. (2004) Verma, Ravi Kumar; Collumbien, Martine
  • Abortion as a backup method for contraceptive failure in China. (2004) Wang, Duolao; Yan, Hong; Feng, Zhonghui
  • Association of subclinical vitamin D deficiency with severe acute lower respiratory infection in Indian children under 5 y. (2004) Wayse, V; Yousafzai, A; Mogale, K; Filteau, S
  • Epidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in the developing world. (2004) Weiss, Helen
  • Empirical Evidence for the Socio-Demographic Impact of AIDS. (2004) Zaba, B; Boerma, T; Fontanet, A
  • Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in African demographic surveys. (2004) Zaba, B; Pisani, E; Slaymaker, E; Boerma, J Ties
  • Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in African demographic surveys. (2004) Zaba, B; Pisani, E; Slaymaker, E; Boerma, JT
  • Demographic and socioeconomic impact of AIDS: taking stock of the empirical evidence. (2004) Zaba, Basia; Whiteside, Alan; Boerma, J Ties
  • Lower prevalence of reported asthma in adolescents with symptoms of rhinitis that received neonatal BCG. (2004) da Cunha, SS; Cruz, AA; Dourado, I; Barreto, ML; Ferreira, LDA; Rodrigues, LC
  • Phyto-oestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in South Asian women in England: findings from a population-based case-control study. (2004) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Mangtani, Punam; McCormack, Valerie; Bhakta, Dee; McMichael, Anthony J; Sevak, Leena
  • Performance of commercially available enzyme immunoassays for detection of antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 2 in African populations. (2004) van Dyck, Eddy; Buvé, Anne; Weiss, Helen A; Glynn, Judith R; Brown, David WG; De Deken, Bénédicte; Parry, John; Hayes, Richard J
  • Long-term treatment of intestinal helminths increases mite skin-test reactivity in Gabonese schoolchildren. (2004) van den Biggelaar, Anita HJ; Rodrigues, Laura C; van Ree, Ronald; van der Zee, Jaring S; Hoeksma-Kruize, Yvonne CM; Souverijn, John HM; Missinou, Michel A; Borrmann, Steffen; Kremsner, Peter G; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria