Items where Research Centre is "Malaria Centre"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Malaria Centre (2707)
    Number of items: 120.
    Bibliographic data only
  • Forecasting malaria incidence from historical morbidity patterns in epidemic-prone areas of Ethiopia: a simple seasonal adjustment method performs best. (2002) Abeku, Tarekegn A; de Vlas, Sake J; Borsboom, Gerard; Teklehaimanot, Awash; Kebede, Asnakew; Olana, Dereje; van Oortmarssen, Gerrit J; Habbema, JDF
  • In vitro activity of nitazoxanide and related compounds against isolates of Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis. (2002) Adagu, I Sullayman; Nolder, Deborah; Warhurst, David C; Rossignol, Jean-François
  • Comparative insecticidal power of three pyrethroids on netting. (2002) Adams, KJ; Chavasse, DC; Mount, DL; Carneiro, IA; Curtis, CF
  • Protective immune responses to the 42-kilodalton (kDa) region of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 are induced by the C-terminal 19-kDa region but not by the adjacent 33-kDa region. (2002) Ahlborg, Niklas; Ling, Irene T; Howard, Wendy; Holder, Anthony A; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Malaria control with genetically manipulated insect vectors. (2002) Alphey, Luke; Beard, C Ben; Billingsley, Peter; Coetzee, Maureen; Crisanti, Andrea; Curtis, Chris; Eggleston, Paul; Godfray, Charles; Hemingway, Janet; Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo; James, Anthony A; Kafatos, Fotis C; Mukwaya, Louis G; Paton, Michael; Powell, Jeffrey R; Schneider, William; Scott, Thomas W; Sina, Barbara; Sinden, Robert; Sinkins, Steven; Spielman, Andrew; Touré, Yeya; Collins, Frank H
  • Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2002) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Hut tests of a carbamate and pyrethroid treatments of bednets, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traore-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
  • Haptoglobin genotypes are not associated with resistance to severe malaria in The Gambia. (2002) Aucan, Christophe; Walley, Andrew J; Greenwood, Brian M; Hill, Adrian VS
  • Cholera. (2002) Behrens, RH
  • Diarrhoea and intestinal infections. (2002) Behrens, RH; Barer, M
  • Anaemia in children using bednets in a rural Tanzanian community and its relation to insecticide activity of the nets: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Boreel, JJ; Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, CF
  • Rainy-season prevalence of malaria in Bobonaro district, East Timor. (2002) Bragonier, R; Reyburn, H; Nasveld, P; Edstein, M; Auliffe, A
  • Zooprophylaxis, artefact or reality? A paired-cohort study of the effect of passive zooprophylaxis on malaria in The Gambia. (2002) Bøgh, Claus; Clarke, Siân E; Walraven, Gijs EL; Lindsay, Steve W
  • Permethrin-impregnated mattress liners: a novel and effective intervention against house dust mites (Acari: Pyroglyphididae). (2002) Cameron, Mary M; Hill, Nigel
  • Impact of insecticide-treated covers on larvae and pupae of Aedes aegypti in household water-storage jars: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Carneiro, H; Bugoro, H; Curtis, C; Coleman, P; Nathan, M; Hoyer, S; Chang, M; Socheat, D; Chanta, N; Setha, T; Bunnavy, C; Sambath, E; Kien, V
  • IL-4-secreting CD4+ T cells are crucial to the development of CD8+ T-cell responses against malaria liver stages. (2002) Carvalho, Luzia H; Sano, Gen-Ichiro; Hafalla, Julius CR; Morrot, Alexandre; Curotto de Lafaille, Maria A; Zavala, Fidel
  • Use of clinical algorithms for diagnosing malaria. (2002) Chandramohan, Daniel; Jaffar, Shabbar; Greenwood, Brian
  • Risk of malaria attacks in Gambian children is greater away from malaria vector breeding sites. (2002) Clarke, Siân E; Bøgh, Claus; Brown, Richard C; Walraven, Gijs EL; Thomas, Chris J; Lindsay, Steve W
  • A malaria scavenger receptor-like protein essential for parasite development. (2002) Claudianos, Charles; Dessens, Johannes T; Trueman, Holly E; Arai, Meiji; Mendoza, Jacqui; Butcher, Geoff A; Crompton, Tessa; Sinden, Robert E
  • In the blood--the remarkable ancestry of Plasmodium falciparum. (2002) Conway, David J; Baum, Jake
  • Epidemiologic analysis: a case-oriented approach [Book review]. (2002) Cousens, S
  • Systematics of the parasitic Protozoa. (2002) Cox, Frank EG
  • Determinants of malaria in sub?Saharan Africa. (2002) Cox, JS; Mouchet, J; Bradley, DJ
  • Field and laboratory comparative evaluation of ten rapid malaria diagnostic tests. (2002) Craig, MH; Bredenkamp, BL; Williams, CH Vaughan; Rossouw, EJ; Kelly, VJ; Kleinschmidt, I; Martineau, A; Henry, GFJ
  • Molecular medical entomology and the 'so what?' test. (2002) Curtis, C
  • A possible role for proguanil-dapsone against SP-resistant P.falciparum? (2002) Curtis, C; Mutabingwa, TK
  • Personal protection against insect pests. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Possible ways of using transgenic mosquitoes for malaria or dengue control and risk assessment. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Use of floating layers of polystyrene beads to control populations of the filaria vector Culex quinquefasciatus. (2002) Curtis, CF; Malecela-Lazaro, M; Reuben, R; Maxwell, CA
  • Free insecticide for nets is cost effective. (2002) Curtis, Chris F; Maxwell, Caroline A
  • Mutations in dhfr in Plasmodium falciparum infections selected by chlorproguanil-dapsone treatment. (2002) Curtis, J; Maxwell, CA; Msuya, FHM; Mkongewa, S; Alloueche, A; Warhurst, DC
  • Analysis of the geographical distribution of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in France between 1992 and 1998. (2002) D'Aignaux, Jérôme Huillard; Cousens, Simon N; Delasnerie-Lauprêtre, Nicole; Brandel, Jean-Philippe; Salomon, Dominique; Laplanche, Jean-Louis; Hauw, Jean-Jacques; Alpérovitch, Annick
  • A novel cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase is expressed in the ring stage of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle. (2002) Deng, Wensheng; Baker, David A
  • Absolute levels and ratios of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in vitro predict clinical immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (2002) Dodoo, D; Omer, FM; Todd, J; Akanmori, BD; Koram, KA; Riley, EM
  • Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine alone or with amodiaquine or artesunate for treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a longitudinal randomised trial. (2002) Dorsey, Grant; Njama, Denise; Kamya, Moses R; Cattamanchi, Adithya; Kyabayinze, Daniel; Staedke, Sarah G; Gasasira, Anne; Rosenthal, Philip J
  • Simultaneous identification of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex by PCR-RFLP. (2002) Fanello, C; Santolamazza, F; della Torre, A
  • Topical treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2002) Garnier, Tracy; Croft, Simon L
  • Regulation of antigen-specific immunoglobulin G subclasses in response to conserved and polymorphic Plasmodium falciparum antigens in an in vitro model. (2002) Garraud, Olivier; Perraut, Ronald; Diouf, Ababacar; Nambei, Wilfrid S; Tall, Adama; Spiegel, André; Longacre, Shirley; Kaslow, David C; Jouin, Hélène; Mattei, Denise; Engler, Gina M; Nutman, Thomas B; Riley, Eleanor M; Mercereau-Puijalon, Odile
  • Pneumococcal disease in HIV-infected Malawian adults: acute mortality and long-term survival. (2002) Gordon, Stephen B; Chaponda, Mas; Walsh, Amanda L; Whitty, Christopher JM; Gordon, Melita A; Machili, C Edward; Gilks, Charles F; Boeree, Martin J; Kampondeni, Sam; Read, Robert C; Molyneux, Malcolm E
  • Systematic research synthesis to inform policy, practice and democratic debate. (2002) Gough, D; Elbourne, D
  • Insecticide-treated plastic tarpaulins for control of malaria vectors in refugee camps. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, N; Rehman, H; Nazari, A; Ahmad, M; Kamal, M; Skovmand, O; Guillet, P; Allan, R; Zaim, M; Yates, A; Lines, J; Rowland, M
  • Comparison of three pyrethroid treatments of top-sheets for malaria control in emergencies: entomological and user acceptance studies in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Farhan, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Rowland, M
  • The Fever trail: in search of the cure for malaria [Book review]. (2002) Greenwood, B
  • Meningococcal meningitis. (2002) Greenwood, BM
  • The molecular epidemiology of malaria. (2002) Greenwood, Brian
  • Malaria vaccine trials. (2002) Greenwood, Brian; Alonso, Pedro
  • Malaria in 2002. (2002) Greenwood, Brian; Mutabingwa, Theonest
  • Big risk? Malaria among pregnant women in low transmission areas. (2002) Hammerich, A; Campbell, O; Chandramohan, D
  • Unstable malaria transmission and maternal mortality--experiences from Rwanda. (2002) Hammerich, Asmus; Campbell, Oona MR; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the East African highlands. (2002) Hay, Simon I; Cox, Jonathan; Rogers, David J; Randolph, Sarah E; Stern, David I; Shanks, G Dennis; Myers, Monica F; Snow, Robert W
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease in the People's Republic of China: aetiology and management. (2002) Hong, Shang; Xin, Chen; Qianhong, Ye; Yanan, Wang; Wenyan, Xu; Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David
  • Extensive polymorphism and ancient origin of Plasmodium falciparum. (2002) Hughes, Austin L; Verra, Federica
  • The incubation period of kuru. (2002) Huillard d'Aignaux, Jérôme N; Cousens, Simon N; Maccario, Jean; Costagliola, Dominique; Alpers, Michael P; Smith, Peter G; Alpérovitch, Annick
  • Irrigated crop production is associated with less malaria than traditional agricultural practices in Tanzania. (2002) Ijumba, JN; Shenton, FC; Clarke, SE; Mosha, FW; Lindsay, SW
  • Bednets and malaria. (2002) Jones, COH
  • Social sciences in malaria control. (2002) Jones, Caroline; Williams, Holly Ann
  • The longevity of action of insecticide deposits on mosquito nets in rural Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Joynson-Hicks, A; Unwin, A; Mponda, H; Mshinda, H; Lines, J; Curtis, C
  • Risk factors for presentation to hospital with severe anaemia in Tanzanian children: a case-control study. (2002) Kahigwa, Elizeus; Schellenberg, David; Sanz, Sergi; Aponte, John J; Wigayi, John; Mshinda, Hassan; Alonso, Pedro; Menendez, Clara
  • Increasing antimalarial drug resistance in Uganda and revision of the national drug policy. (2002) Kamya, MR; Bakyaita, NN; Talisuna, AO; Were, WM; Staedke, SG
  • Entomological evaluation of the PermaNet and K-O Tab-treated nets in Iran: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Kayedi, MH; Lines, J; Haghdoost, A; Vatandoost, H; Rassi, Y
  • Natural Products as potential antiparasitic drugs. (2002) Kayser, O; Kiderlen, A; Croft, SL
  • Drug-resistance mutations in the dihydropteroate synthetase of Plasmodium falciparum in samples from north-east Tanzania: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Kiani, SA; Curtis, J; Warhurst, DC
  • Rise in malaria incidence rates in South Africa: a small-area spatial analysis of variation in time trends. (2002) Kleinschmidt, Immo; Sharp, Brian; Mueller, Ivo; Vounatsou, Penelope
  • How not to grow mosquitoes in African towns. (2002) Lines, Jo
  • Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Edgar, Tabitha; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mponda, Hadji; Lengeler, Christian
  • Effect of community-wide use of insecticide-treated nets for 3-4 years on malarial morbidity in Tanzania. (2002) Maxwell, CA; Msuya, E; Sudi, M; Njunwa, KJ; Carneiro, IA; Curtis, CF
  • Prophylactic syntometrine versus oxytocin for delivery of the placenta (Cochrane Review). (2002) McDonald, S; Prendiville, W; Elbourne, D
  • Malaria--a shadow over Africa. (2002) Miller, Louis H; Greenwood, Brian
  • The nature of retail competition in the market for fever and malaria drugs in rural Tanzania. (2002) Mills, A; Goodman, C; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
  • Private sector availability of drugs for the treatment of malaria and fever in rural Tanzania. (2002) Mills, A; Goodman, C; Kachur, P; Khatibu, R; Abdulla, S; Bloland, P
  • Costing the implementation of the change in first-line drug for malaria treatment in Tanzania. (2002) Mills, A; Mulligan, J; Mandike, R; Palmer, N; Holly, WA; S, A; Bloland, P
  • Modelling the cost effectiveness of combination therapy and drug resistance. (2002) Mills, A; Yeung, S; Pongtavornpinyo, W; Hastings, I; White, N
  • Non-microscopic method for malaria diagnosis using OptiMAL IT, a second-generation dipstick for malaria pLDH antigen detection. (2002) Moody, AH; Chiodini, PL
  • Field evaluation of three plant-based insect repellents against malaria vectors in Vaca Diez Province, the Bolivian Amazon. (2002) Moore, Sarah J; Lenglet, Annick; Hill, Nigel
  • Migration through host cells activates Plasmodium sporozoites for infection. (2002) Mota, Maria M; Hafalla, Julius CR; Rodriguez, Ana
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of atovaquone-proguanil versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in the treatment of Zambian children with severe Plasmodium falciparum malarial anaemia: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002) Mulenga, M; Shulman, C; Bennett, S; Thuma, P; Greenwood, BM
  • Isolation and in vitro antiplasmodial activities of alkaloids from Teclea trichocarpa: in vivo antimalarial activity and X-ray crystal structure of normelicopicine. (2002) Muriithi, Mary W; Abraham, W-R; Addae-Kyereme, Jonathan; Scowen, Ian; Croft, Simon L; Gitu, Peter M; Kendrick, Howard; Njagi, ENM; Wright, Colin W
  • Pyrethroid resistance in tropical bedbugs, Cimex hemipterus, associated with use of treated bednets. (2002) Myamba, J; Maxwell, CA; Asidi, A; Curtis, CF
  • Country case study: Zambia. (2002) Nakamba, PM; Hongoro, C; McPake, B; Hanson, K; Chirwa, BU; Sund, BB
  • Malaria in School Children in Highland and Lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2002) Njagi, JK; Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Geissler, PW; Meinert, L; Nyamongo, I; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B; Ouma, J
  • Burkholderia pseudomallei infection, or melioidosis, and nephrotic syndrome. (2002) Northfield, John; Whitty, Christopher JM; MacPhee, Iain AM
  • Treatment of uncomplicated malaria:[Letter to editor: Authors reply]. (2002) Omar, S; Warhurst, DC
  • The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. LX. The importance of formulation in evaluating the blood schizontocidal activity of some endoperoxide antimalarials. (2002) Peters, W; Fleck, SL; Robinson, BL; Stewart, LB; Jefford, CW
  • Active versus expectant management in third stage of labour (Cochrane Review). (2002) Prendiville, WJ; Elbourne, D; McDonald, S
  • Malaria and complex emergencies. (2002) Rowland, M; Webster, J; Meek, S
  • Anopheline vectors and malaria transmission in eastern Afghanistan. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Mohammed, Nasir; Rehman, Hameed; Hewitt, Sean; Mendis, Chandana; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Wirtz, Robert
  • Afghan refugees and the temporal and spatial distribution of malaria in Pakistan. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Rab, Mohammad Abdur; Freeman, Tim; Durrani, Naeem; Rehman, Naveeda
  • Prevention of malaria in Afghanistan through social marketing of insecticide-treated nets: evaluation of coverage and effectiveness by cross-sectional surveys and passive surveillance. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Webster, Jayne; Saleh, Padshah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Pearcy, Barbara; Durrani, Naeem; Rab, Abdur; Mohammed, Nasir
  • Use of misoprostol in third stage of labour. (2002) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Country case study: Uganda. (2002) Ssengooba, F; McPake, B; Hongoro, C; Hanson, K; Okuonzi, S
  • Two novel assays for the detection of haemin-binding properties of antimalarials evaluated with compounds isolated from medicinal plants. (2002) Steele, JCP; Phelps, RJ; Simmonds, MSJ; Warhurst, DC; Meyer, DJ
  • Malaria in Sri Lanka: current knowledge on transmission and control. Book review. (2002) Sutherland, CJ
  • Intensity of malaria transmission, antimalarial-drug use and resistance in Uganda: what is the relationship between these three factors? (2002) Talisuna, AO; Langi, P; Bakyaita, N; Egwang, T; Mutabingwa, TK; Watkins, W; Van Marck, E; D'Alessandro, U
  • Role of the pfcrt codon 76 mutation as a molecular marker for population-based surveillance of chloroquine (CQ)-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Ugandan sentinel sites with high CQ resistance. (2002) Talisuna, Ambrose O; Kyosiimire-Lugemwa, Jackie; Langi, Peter; Mutabingwa, Theonest K; Watkins, William; Van Marck, Eric; Egwang, Thomas; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effectiveness of information and communication technology (ICT) on the teaching of spelling. (2002) Torgerson, Carole J; Elbourne, Diana
  • Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the mosquito Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera : Culicidae). (2002) Verardi, A; Donnelly, MJ; Rowland, M; Townson, H
  • Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. II. The effectiveness of antenatal syphilis screening and single-dose benzathine penicillin treatment for the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes. (2002) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Weiss, Helen; Changalucha, John; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokungoza; Buvé, Anne; Kanga, Zephrine; Ndeki, Leonard; Rusizoka, Mary; Ross, David; Marealle, Janeth; Balira, Rebecca; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
  • How sensitive do rapid tests for chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseriagonorrhoea have to be? [Abstract MoPeF4054]. (2002) Watts, C; Vickerman, P; Alary, M; Mabey, DC; Peeling, RW
  • Clinical predictors of bacterial meningitis in infants and young children in The Gambia. (2002) Weber, Martin W; Herman, Joanna; Jaffar, Shabbar; Usen, Stanley; Oparaugo, Anslem; Omosigho, Charles; Adegbola, Richard A; Greenwood, Brian M; Mulholland, E Kim
  • In vivo activities of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase inhibitors against Leishmania donovani and Toxoplasma gondii. (2002) Yardley, Vanessa; Khan, Anis A; Martin, Michael B; Slifer, Teri R; Araujo, Fausto G; Moreno, Silvia NJ; Docampo, Roberto; Croft, Simon L; Oldfield, Eric
  • Cerebral malaria: the contribution of studies in animal models to our understanding of immunopathogenesis. (2002) de Souza, J Brian; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Prevalence and boosting of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum glycosylphosphatidylinositols and evaluation of their association with protection from mild and severe clinical malaria. (2002) de Souza, J Brian; Todd, James; Krishegowda, Gowdahalli; Gowda, D Channe; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Cerebral malaria: the contribution of studies in animal models to our understanding of immunopathogenesis. (2002) de Souza, JB; Riley, EM
  • Assessment of the antiprotozoal activity of Galphimia glauca and the isolation of new nor-secofriedelanes and nor-friedelanes. (2002) del Rayo Camacho, Maria; Phillipson, J David; Croft, Simon L; Marley, Dereck; Kirby, Geoffrey C; Warhurst, David C
  • In vitro activity of Triclisia patens and some bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids against Leishmania donovani and Trypanosoma brucei brucei. (2002) del Rayo Camacho, Maria; Phillipson, J David; Croft, Simon L; Rock, Peter; Marshall, Sarah J; Schiff, Paul L
  • Public
  • Restoration of malaria control in the Madagascar highlands by DDT spraying. (2002) Curtis, CF
  • Locally up-regulated lymphotoxin alpha, not systemic tumor necrosis factor alpha, is the principle mediator of murine cerebral malaria. (2002) Engwerda, Christian R; Mynott, Tracey L; Sawhney, Sanjeet; De Souza, J Brian; Bickle, Quentin D; Kaye, Paul M
  • Paediatric referrals in rural Tanzania: the Kilombero District Study - a case series. (2002) Font, Fidel; Quinto, Llorens; Masanja, Honoraty; Nathan, Rose; Ascaso, Carlos; Menendez, Clara; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna; Alonso, Pedro
  • A multiplex allele specific polymerase chain reaction (MAS-PCR) on the dihydrofolate reductase gene for the detection of Cryptosporidium parvum genotypes 1 and 2. (2002) Gile, M; Warhurst, DC; Webster, KA; West, DM; Marshall, JA
  • Reproductive tract infections: prevalence and risk factors in rural Bangladesh. (2002) Hawkes, Sarah; Morison, Linda; Chakraborty, Jyotsnamoy; Gausia, Kaniz; Ahmed, Farid; Islam, Shamim Sufia; Alam, Nazmul; Brown, David; Mabey, David
  • Spatial and temporal distribution of Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in two Tanzanian villages: implication for designing mosquito sampling routines. (2002) Magbity, EB; Lines, JD
  • How reliable are light traps in estimating biting rates of adult Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the presence of treated bed nets? (2002) Magbity, EB; Magbity, EB; Lines, JD; Marbiah, MT; David, K; Peterson, E
  • What can be done about the private health sector in low-income countries? (2002) Mills, Anne; Brugha, Ruairi; Hanson, Kara; McPake, Barbara
  • Gambian children successfully treated with chloroquine can harbor and transmit Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes carrying resistance genes. (2002) Sutherland, Colin J; Alloueche, Ali; Curtis, Jill; Drakeley, Chris J; Ord, Rosalynn; Duraisingh, Manoj; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret; Warhurst, David; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Genetic complexity of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of treated Gambian children. (2002) Sutherland, Colin J; Alloueche, Ali; McRobert, Louisa; Ord, Rosalynn; Leggat, Jamie; Snounou, Georges; Pinder, Margaret; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Restricted genetic and antigenic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum under mesoendemic transmission in the Venezuelan Amazon. (2002) Tami, A; Grundmann, H; Sutherland, C; McBride, JS; Cavanagh, DR; Campos, E; Snounou, G; Barnabé, C; Tibayrenc, M; Warhurst, DC
  • An epidemiological study of RSV infection in the Gambia. (2002) Weber, Martin W; Milligan, Paul; Sanneh, Mariama; Awemoyi, Agnes; Dakour, Raduwan; Schneider, Gisela; Palmer, Ayo; Jallow, Mariatou; Oparaogu, Anslem; Whittle, Hilton; Mulholland, E Kim; Greenwood, Brian M
  • Commentary: Should patients with imported malaria routinely be admitted? (2002) Whitty, CJM; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Treatment uptake by individuals infected with Plasmodium falciparum in rural Gambia, West Africa. (2002) von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clarke, Sian; Alexander, Neâl; Manneh, Fandingding; Doherty, Tom; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian
  • Restricted
  • Short-term antigen presentation and single clonal burst limit the magnitude of the CD8(+) T cell responses to malaria liver stages. (2002) Hafalla, Julius CR; Sano, Gen-ichiro; Carvalho, Luzia H; Morrot, Alexandre; Zavala, Fidel picture_as_pdf