Items where Research Centre is "Leishmaniasis Group"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Leishmaniasis Group (289)
    Number of items: 22.
  • The identification of circular extrachromosomal DNA in the nuclear genome of Trypanosoma brucei. (2003) Alsford, NS; Navarro, M; Jamnadass, HR; Dunbar, H; Ackroyd, M; Murphy, NB; Gull, K; Ersfeld, K
  • C
  • Synthesis and biological activity of nitro heterocycles analogous to megazol, a trypanocidal lead. (2003) Chauvière, Gérard; Bouteille, Bernard; Enanga, Bertin; de Albuquerque, Cristina; Croft, Simon L; Dumas, Michel; Périé, Jacques
  • F
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis vector control perspectives using lambdacyhalothrin residual house spraying in El Ingenio, Miranda State, Venezuela. (2003) Feliciangeli, M Dora; Mazzarri, Milena B; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Maroli, Michele; Maingon, Rhaiza
  • Multiple dermatofibroma-like lesions in a human immunodeficiency virus-positive patient coinfected with visceral leishmaniasis. (2003) Forsyth, SF; Lawn, SD; Miller, RF; Fernando, JJR; Lockwood, DNJ; Vega-Lopez, F
  • H
  • Cross-talk between CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis: CD8(+) T cells are required for optimal IFN-gamma production by CD4(+) T cells. (2003) Herath, Shanthi; Kropf, Pascale; Müller, Ingrid
  • K
  • Formulation of amphotericin B as nanosuspension for oral administration. (2003) Kayser, O; Olbrich, C; Yardley, V; Kiderlen, AF; Croft, SL
  • Signaling through the T1/ST2 molecule is not necessary for Th2 differentiation but is important for the regulation of type 1 responses in nonhealing Leishmania major infection. (2003) Kropf, P; Herath, S; Klemenz, R; Müller, I
  • Factors influencing Leishmania major infection in IL-4-deficient BALB/c mice. (2003) Kropf, P; Herath, S; Weber, V; Modolell, M; Müller, I
  • L
  • New World cutaneous leishmaniasis in returned travellers: treatment failures using intravenous sodium stibogluconate. (2003) Lawn, SD; Yardley, V; Vega-Lopez, F; Watson, J; Lockwood, DN
  • Case 2. Cutaneous leishmaniasis, leishmania amastigotes. (2003) Loo, WJ; Lishman, SC; Lockwood, DNJ; Todd, PM
  • M
  • Leishmania-induced inhibition of macrophage antigen presentation analyzed at the single-cell level. (2003) Meier, Courtney L; Svensson, Mattias; Kaye, Paul M
  • O
  • Miltefosine in visceral leishmaniasis. (2003) Olliaro, Piero L; Ridley, Robert G; Engel, Jurgen; Sindermann, Herbert; Bryceson, Anthony DM
  • Q
  • IgG subclass responses in a longitudinal study of canine visceral leishmaniasis. (2003) Quinnell, RJ; Courtenay, O; Garcez, LM; Kaye, PM; Shaw, MA; Dye, C; Day, MJ
  • R
  • Domestic dog ownership: a risk factor for human infection with Leishmania (Viannia) species. (2003) Reithinger, Richard; Canales Espinoza, Juan; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro; Davies, Clive R
  • Evaluation of PCR as a diagnostic mass-screening tool to detect Leishmania (Viannia) spp. in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). (2003) Reithinger, Richard; Espinoza, Juan Canales; Courtenay, Orin; Davies, Clive R
  • The transmission dynamics of canine American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Huánuco, Peru. (2003) Reithinger, Richard; Espinoza, Juan Canales; Davies, Clive R
  • Anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, Kabul, Afghanistan. (2003) Reithinger, Richard; Mohsen, Mohammad; Aadil, Khoksar; Sidiqi, Majeed; Erasmus, Panna; Coleman, Paul G
  • Synthesis and in vitro anti-protozoal activity of a series of benzotropolone derivatives incorporating endocyclic hydrazines. (2003) Ren, Hongyu; Grady, Shannon; Banghart, Matthew; Moulthrop, Jason S; Kendrick, Howard; Yardley, Vanessa; Croft, Simon L; Moyna, Guillermo
  • S
  • Shaping the immune response to parasites: role of dendritic cells. (2003) Sher, Alan; Pearce, Edward; Kaye, Paul
  • Do insecticide-treated nets protect against visceral leishmaniasis vectors in Venezuela? (2003) Stevenson, JC; Feliciangeli, MD
  • Both interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-4 receptor alpha signaling contribute to the development of hepatic granulomas with optimal antileishmanial activity. (2003) Stäger, Simona; Alexander, James; Carter, K Christine; Brombacher, Frank; Kaye, Paul M
  • Natural antibodies and complement are endogenous adjuvants for vaccine-induced CD8+ T-cell responses. (2003) Stäger, Simona; Alexander, James; Kirby, Alun C; Botto, Marina; Rooijen, Nico Van; Smith, Deborah F; Brombacher, Frank; Kaye, Paul M