Items where Research Centre is "Centre for History in Public Health"
Research Centres (23573)
Centre for History in Public Health (519)
Number of items: 15.
Race and the spatialisation of risk during the 2013-2016 West African Ebola epidemic. (2020)
Hirsch, Lioba A
History and the future of addiction. (2020)
Berridge, Virginia
Decolonising global health: transnational research partnerships under the spotlight. (2020)
Lawrence, David S; Hirsch, Lioba A
Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown, and Elizabeth Fee. The World Health Organization: A History. (2020)
Berridge, Virginia
Book review of History of WHO in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 2020. (2020)
Berridge, Virginia
Universal health coverage as a global public health goal: the work of the International Labour Organisation, c.1925-2018. (2020)
Gorsky, Martin; Sirrs, Christopher
The Pub and the People. A Worktown Study by Mass Observation. (2020)
MacGregor, Susanne
Contagion, Isolation, and Biopolitics in Victorian London by Matthew L. Newsom Kerr. (2020)
Gorsky, Martin
Human rights/human capital: a hundred years of ‘universal’ health coverage as a global goal. (2020)
Gorsky, Martin; Sirrs, Christopher
Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown and Elizabeth Fee, The World Health Organization: A History, Global Health Histories. (2020)
Gorsky, Martin
Margaret Sparrow, Risking Their Lives: New Zealand Abortion Stories, 1900 - 1939. (2020)
Brown, Hayley
Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga. <i>The Mobile Workshop: The Tsetse Fly and African Knowledge Production</i>. xvii + 412 pp., notes, bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2018. $37 (paper). ISBN 9780262535021. (2020)
Manton, John
Alcohol, health education and changing notions of risk in Britain, 1980-1990. (2020)
Mold, Alex
HIV Pioneers: Lives Lost, Careers Changed and Survival. (2020)
Berridge, Virginia
Mental health, coloniality and fieldwork in the European university: a reflection in three challenges – commentary to Taylor. (2020)
Hirsch, Lioba