Items where Research Centre is "Centre for History in Public Health"
Research Centres (23573)
Centre for History in Public Health (519)
Number of items: 27.
Accidents and Apathy: The Construction of the 'Robens Philosophy' of Occupational Safety and Health Regulation in Britain, 1961-1974. (2015)
Sirrs, Christopher
Public Health and Alcohol Licensing in the UK. (2015)
Nicholls, James
Alcohol problems and policies: Historical and contemporary perspectives. (2015)
Nicholls, James; Kneale, James
What is the problem?: Evidence, politics and alcohol policy in England and Wales, 2010–2014. (2015)
Nicholls, James; Greenaway, John
History and its contribution to understanding addiction and society. (2015)
Berridge, Virginia
Sources and Resources Into the Dark Domain: The UK Web Archive as a Source for the Contemporary History of Public Health. (2015)
Gorsky, Martin
Evidence-based policy: exploring international and interdisciplinary insights. (2015)
Hantrais, Linda; Lenihan, Ashley Thomas; MacGregor, Susanne
JULIE LIVINGSTON, Improvising Medicine: an African oncology ward in an emerging cancer epidemic. Durham NC and London: Duke University Press (hb £64 – 978 0 82235 327 0; pb £15.99 – 978 0 82235 342 3). 2012, 248 pp. (2015)
Governance of addictions: European public policies. (2015)
MacGregor, Susanne
Emma Newlands,<i>Civilians Into Soldiers: War, the Body and British Army Recruits, 1939–45</i>. (2015)
Millward, Gareth
Making British patients into consumers. (2015)
Mold, Alex
Mental Hygiene and Psychiatry in Modern Britain. (2015)
Weston, J
Modern Women on Trial: Sexual Transgression in the Age of the Flapper by L. Bland. Manchester: Manchester University Press (2013) 246pp. £17.99pb ISBN 978-0-7190-8264-1. (2015)
Weston, J
Review: Jonathan Toms, Mental Hygiene and Psychiatry in Modern Britain. (2015)
Weston, J
Review: Modern Women on Trial: Sexual Transgression in the Age of the Flapper by Lucy Bland. (2015)
Weston, J
Book Section
The NHS in Britain: Any Lessons from History for Universal Health Coverage? (2015)
Gorsky, M
'Voluntarism’ in English Health and Welfare: Visions of History. (2015)
Gorsky, M
Proposals for policy development: drugs. (2015)
MacGregor, S
The emergence and influence of the concept of governance in the European addiction field. (2015)
MacGregor, S; Singleton, N; Trautmann, F
Trialing Drugs, Creating Publics: Medical Research, Leprosy Control, and the Construction of a Public Health Sphere in Post-1945 Nigeria. (2015)
Manton, J
Complaining in the Age of Consumption: Patients, Consumers or Citizens? (2015)
Mold, A
Prison will not cure a sexual perversion: Sexology, forensic psychiatry, and their patients in twentieth-century Britain. (2015)
Weston, J
Prison will not cure a sexual perversion: Sexology, forensic psychiatry, and their patients in twentieth-century Britain. (2015)
Weston, J