Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Health Economics in London"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Health Economics in London (269)
    Number of items: 6.
  • Epidemiological Effectiveness and Cost of a Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Response in New River Valley, Virginia: Local Health Department and Clinical Perspectives. (2017) Dorratoltaj, Nargesalsadat; O'Dell, Margaret L; Bordwine, Paige; Kerkering, Thomas M; Redican, Kerry J; Abbas, Kaja M
  • Epidemiological and economic impact of pandemic influenza in Chicago: Priorities for vaccine interventions. (2017) Dorratoltaj, Nargesalsadat; Marathe, Achla; Lewis, Bryan L; Swarup, Samarth; Eubank, Stephen G; Abbas, Kaja M
  • J
  • Universal health coverage and intersectoral action for health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. (2017) Jamison, Dean T; Alwan, Ala; Mock, Charles N; Nugent, Rachel; Watkins, David; Adeyi, Olusoji; Anand, Shuchi; Atun, Rifat; Bertozzi, Stefano; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Binagwaho, Agnes; Black, Robert; Blecher, Mark; Bloom, Barry R; Brouwer, Elizabeth; Bundy, Donald AP; Chisholm, Dan; Cieza, Alarcos; Cullen, Mark; Danforth, Kristen; de Silva, Nilanthi; Debas, Haile T; Donkor, Peter; Dua, Tarun; Fleming, Kenneth A; Gallivan, Mark; Garcia, Patricia J; Gawande, Atul; Gaziano, Thomas; Gelband, Hellen; Glass, Roger; Glassman, Amanda; Gray, Glenda; Habte, Demissie; Holmes, King K; Horton, Susan; Hutton, Guy; Jha, Prabhat; Knaul, Felicia M; Kobusingye, Olive; Krakauer, Eric L; Kruk, Margaret E; Lachmann, Peter; Laxminarayan, Ramanan; Levin, Carol; Looi, Lai Meng; Madhav, Nita; Mahmoud, Adel; Mbanya, Jean Claude; Measham, Anthony; Medina-Mora, María Elena; Medlin, Carol; Mills, Anne; Mills, Jody-Anne; Montoya, Jaime; Norheim, Ole; Olson, Zachary; Omokhodion, Folashade; Oppenheim, Ben; Ord, Toby; Patel, Vikram; Patton, George C; Peabody, John; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Qi, Jinyuan; Reynolds, Teri; Ruacan, Sevket; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy; Sepúlveda, Jaime; Skolnik, Richard; Smith, Kirk R; Temmerman, Marleen; Tollman, Stephen; Verguet, Stéphane; Walker, Damian G; Walker, Neff; Wu, Yangfeng; Zhao, Kun
  • K
  • Semantic network analysis of vaccine sentiment in online social media. (2017) Kang, Gloria J; Ewing-Nelson, Sinclair R; Mackey, Lauren; Schlitt, James T; Marathe, Achla; Abbas, Kaja M; Swarup, Samarth
  • Facilitators and barriers of parental attitudes and beliefs toward school-located influenza vaccination in the United States: Systematic review. (2017) Kang, Gloria J; Culp, Rachel K; Abbas, Kaja M
  • S
  • Estimating the opportunity costs of bed-days. (2017) Sandmann, Frank G; Robotham, Julie V; Deeny, Sarah R; Edmunds, W John; Jit, Mark