Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Mental Health"
Research Centres (23573)
Centre for Global Mental Health (364)
Number of items: 49.
July 2011
Socio-demographic predictors of dimensions of the AUDIT score in a population sample of working-age men in Izhevsk, Russia. (2011)
Cook, Sarah; De Stavola, Bianca; Saburova, Lyudmila; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Vasiljev, Maxim; McCambridge, Jim; McKee, Martin; Polikina, Olga; Gil, Artyom; Leon, David A
The efficacy of a brief intervention in reducing hazardous drinking in working age men in Russia: the HIM (Health for Izhevsk men) individually randomised parallel group exploratory trial. (2011)
Allen, Elizabeth; Polikina, Olga; Saburova, Lyudmila; McCambridge, Jim; Elbourne, Diana; Pakriev, Sergey; Nekrasova, Nadezhda; Vasilyev, Maxim; Tomlin, Keith; Oralov, Alexey; Gil, Artyom; McKee, Martin; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Leon, David A
School-based intervention to improve the mental health of low-income, secondary school students in Santiago, Chile (YPSA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2011)
Araya, Ricardo; Montgomery, Alan A; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Gunnell, David; Stallard, Paul; Noble, Sian; Martinez, Vania; Barroilhet, Sergio; Vohringer, Paul; Guajardo, Viviana; Cova, Felix; Gaete, Jorge; Gomez, Alejandro; Rojas, Graciela
The acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of a population-based intervention to promote youth health: an exploratory study in Goa, India. (2011)
Balaji, Madhumitha; Andrews, Teddy; Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram
Under-nutrition among adolescents: a survey in five secondary schools in rural Goa. (2011)
Banerjee, Sohini; Dias, Amit; Shinkre, Rajal; Patel, Vikram
Efficacy of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in minor depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2011)
Barbui, Corrado; Cipriani, Andrea; Patel, Vikram; Ayuso-Mateos, José L; van Ommeren, Mark
Collaborative community based care for people and their families living with schizophrenia in India: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2011)
Chatterjee, Sudipto; Leese, Morven; Koschorke, Mirja; McCrone, Paul; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Goldsmith, Kimberley; Balaji, Madhumitha; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, Rangaswamy; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham; COmmunity care for People with Schizophrenia in India (COPSI) gr
Validation of brief screening tools for depressive and alcohol use disorders among TB and HIV patients in primary care in Zambia. (2011)
Chishinga, Nathaniel; Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram; Ayles, Helen; Seedat, Soraya
Increased risk of schizophrenia from additive interaction between infant motor developmental delay and obstetric complications: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study. (2011)
Clarke, Mary C; Tanskanen, Antti; Huttunen, Matti; Leon, David A; Murray, Robin M; Jones, Peter B; Cannon, Mary
Three models of community mental health services In low-income countries. (2011)
Cohen, Alex; Eaton, Julian; Radtke, Birgit; George, Christina; Manuel, Bro Victor; De Silva, Mary; Patel, Vikram
Refugee, asylum seeker, immigrant women and postnatal depression: rates and risk factors. (2011)
Collins, Catherine H; Zimmerman, Cathy; Howard, Louise M
Grand challenges in global mental health. (2011)
Collins, Pamela Y; Patel, Vikram; Joestl, Sarah S; March, Dana; Insel, Thomas R; Daar, Abdallah S; Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Gra; Anderson, Warwick; Dhansay, Muhammad A; Phillips, Anthony; Shurin, Susan; Walport, Mark; Ewart, Wendy; Savill, Sir John; Bordin, Isabel A; Costello, E Jane; Durkin, Maureen; Fairburn, Christopher; Glass, Roger I; Hall, Wayne; Huang, Yueqin; Hyman, Steven E; Jamison, Kay; Kaaya, Sylvia; Kapur, Shitij; Kleinman, Arthur; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Otero-Ojeda, Angel; Poo, Mu-Ming; Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi; Sahakian, Barbara J; Saxena, Shekhar; Singer, Peter A; Stein, Dan J
Feitosa, C; Santos, D; Do Carmo, MB; Santos, L; Teles, C; Rodrigues, L; Barreto, M
Behavior problems and prevalence of asthma symptoms among Brazilian children. (2011)
Feitosa, Caroline A; Santos, Darci N; Barreto do Carmo, Maria B; Santos, Letícia M; Teles, Carlos AS; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
Keenan, K; Grundy, E; Leon, DA
Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe district, Uganda. (2011)
Kinyanda, Eugene; Hoskins, Susan; Nakku, Juliet; Nawaz, Saira; Patel, Vikram
Poverty, life events and the risk for depression in Uganda. (2011)
Kinyanda, Eugene; Woodburn, Patrick; Tugumisirize, Joshua; Kagugube, Johnson; Ndyanabangi, Sheila; Patel, Vikram
Neuropathic pain and psychological morbidity in patients with treated leprosy: a cross-sectional prevalence study in Mumbai. (2011)
Lasry-Levy, Estrella; Hietaharju, Aki; Pai, Vivek; Ganapati, Ramaswamy; Rice, Andrew SC; Haanpää, Maija; Lockwood, Diana NJ
Poverty and mental disorders: breaking the cycle in low-income and middle-income countries. (2011)
Lund, Crick; De Silva, Mary; Plagerson, Sophie; Cooper, Sara; Chisholm, Dan; Das, Jishnu; Knapp, Martin; Patel, Vikram
Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: A theoretical and empirical analysis. (2011)
MacGregor, Susanne
Treatment systems overview. (2011)
MacGregor, Susanne
Can simply answering research questions change behaviour? Systematic review and meta analyses of brief alcohol intervention trials. (2011)
McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros
Adult consequences of late adolescent alcohol consumption: a systematic review of cohort studies. (2011)
McCambridge, Jim; McAlaney, John; Rowe, Richard
The psychological impact of heavy drinking among the elderly on their co-residents: the 10/66 group population based survey in the Dominican Republic. (2011)
Nadkarni, Abhijit; Acosta, Daisy; Rodriguez, Guillermina; Prince, Martin; Ferri, Cleusa P
Prevalence and correlates of perpetration of violence among young people: a population-based survey from Goa, India. (2011)
Nadkarni, Abhijit; Dean, Kimberlie; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram
Women in post-trafficking services in Moldova: diagnostic interviews over two time periods to assess returning women's mental health. (2011)
Ostrovschi, Nicolae V; Prince, Martin J; Zimmerman, Cathy; Hotineanu, Mihai A; Gorceag, Lilia T; Gorceag, Viorel I; Flach, Clare; Abas, Melanie A
Mental health and childhood adversities: a longitudinal study in Kabul, Afghanistan. (2011)
Panter-Brick, Catherine; Goodman, Anna; Tol, Wietse; Eggerman, Mark
Traditional healers for mental health care in Africa. (2011)
Patel, Vikram
A renewed agenda for global mental health. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Boyce, Niall; Collins, Pamela Y; Saxena, Shekhar; Horton, Richard
Chronic diseases and injuries in India. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Chatterji, Somnath; Chisholm, Dan; Ebrahim, Shah; Gopalakrishna, Gururaj; Mathers, Colin; Mohan, Viswanathan; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Reddy, K Srinath
Improving access to psychological treatments: lessons from developing countries. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Chowdhary, Neerja; Rahman, Atif; Verdeli, Helen
The movement for global mental health. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Copeland, John; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Katontoka, Sylvester; Lamichhane, Jagannath; Naik, Smita; Skeen, Sarah
The great push for mental health: why it matters for India. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Copeland, John
Universal health care in India: the time is right. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Kumar, AK Shiva; Paul, Vinod K; Rao, Krishna D; Reddy, K Srinath
Reducing the treatment gap for mental disorders: a WPA survey. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Maj, Mario; Flisher, Alan J; De Silva, Mary J; Koschorke, Mirja; Prince, Martin; WPA Zonal and Member Society Representatives
Lay health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety disorders in India: impact on clinical and disability outcomes over 12 months. (2011)
Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Chowdhary, Neerja; Naik, Smita; Pednekar, Sulochana; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Bhat, Bhargav; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Simon, Gregory; Verdeli, Helena; Kirkwood, Betty R
The integration of the treatment for common mental disorders in primary care: experiences of health care providers in the MANAS trial in Goa, India. (2011)
Pereira, Bernadette; Andrew, Gracy; Pednekar, Sulochana; Kirkwood, Betty R; Patel, Vikram
Phillips, G; Watts, P; Petticrew, M; Lock, K; Hayes, R; Bottomley, C; Yu, G; Schmidt, E; Moore, D; Frostick, C; Clow, A; Lais, S; Renton, A
Surrogate alcohol drinking in Estonia. (2011)
Pärna, Kersti; Leon, David A
Towards achievement of universal health care in India by 2020: a call to action. (2011)
Reddy, K Srinath; Patel, Vikram; Jha, Prabhat; Paul, Vinod K; Kumar, AK Shiva; Dandona, Lalit; Lancet India Group for Universal Healthcare
A systematic review of factors influencing the psychological health of conflict-affected populations in low- and middle-income countries. (2011)
Roberts, Bayard; Browne, John
Alcohol disorder amongst forcibly displaced persons in northern Uganda. (2011)
Roberts, Bayard; Felix Ocaka, Kaducu; Browne, John; Oyok, Thomas; Sondorp, Egbert
Perinatal mental distress and infant morbidity in Ethiopia: a cohort study. (2011)
Ross, Joanna; Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Tesfaye, Fikru; Worku, Bogale; Dewey, Michael; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
Alcohol and fatal life trajectories in Russia: understanding narrative accounts of premature male death in the family. (2011)
Saburova, Lyudmila; Keenan, Katherine; Bobrova, Natalia; Leon, David A; Elbourne, Diana
Research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings. (2011)
Tol, Wietse A; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Baingana, Florence; Galappatti, Ananda; Panter-Brick, Catherine; Silove, Derrick; Sondorp, Egbert; Wessells, Michael; van Ommeren, Mark
Non-specialist health worker interventions for mental health care in low- and middle- income countries. (2011)
van Ginneken, Nadja; Tharyan, Prathap; Lewin, Simon; Rao, Girish N; Romeo, Renee; Patel, Vikram