Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Mental Health"
  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Centre for Global Mental Health (364)
    Number of items: 49.
    September 2011
  • Partnerships and communities in English drug policy: the challenge of deprivation. (2011) Macgregor, Susanne; Thickett, Anthony
  • July 2011
  • Socio-demographic predictors of dimensions of the AUDIT score in a population sample of working-age men in Izhevsk, Russia. (2011) Cook, Sarah; De Stavola, Bianca; Saburova, Lyudmila; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Vasiljev, Maxim; McCambridge, Jim; McKee, Martin; Polikina, Olga; Gil, Artyom; Leon, David A
  • January 2011
  • Call For Action: India’s Universal Health Care By 2020 - Chronic Diseases - 28 January 2011. (2011) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • India Aims For Universal Healthcare By 2020 - 27 January 2011. (2011) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • 2011
  • The efficacy of a brief intervention in reducing hazardous drinking in working age men in Russia: the HIM (Health for Izhevsk men) individually randomised parallel group exploratory trial. (2011) Allen, Elizabeth; Polikina, Olga; Saburova, Lyudmila; McCambridge, Jim; Elbourne, Diana; Pakriev, Sergey; Nekrasova, Nadezhda; Vasilyev, Maxim; Tomlin, Keith; Oralov, Alexey; Gil, Artyom; McKee, Martin; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Leon, David A picture_as_pdf
  • School-based intervention to improve the mental health of low-income, secondary school students in Santiago, Chile (YPSA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2011) Araya, Ricardo; Montgomery, Alan A; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Gunnell, David; Stallard, Paul; Noble, Sian; Martinez, Vania; Barroilhet, Sergio; Vohringer, Paul; Guajardo, Viviana; Cova, Felix; Gaete, Jorge; Gomez, Alejandro; Rojas, Graciela
  • The acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of a population-based intervention to promote youth health: an exploratory study in Goa, India. (2011) Balaji, Madhumitha; Andrews, Teddy; Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram
  • Under-nutrition among adolescents: a survey in five secondary schools in rural Goa. (2011) Banerjee, Sohini; Dias, Amit; Shinkre, Rajal; Patel, Vikram
  • Efficacy of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in minor depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2011) Barbui, Corrado; Cipriani, Andrea; Patel, Vikram; Ayuso-Mateos, José L; van Ommeren, Mark
  • Collaborative community based care for people and their families living with schizophrenia in India: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2011) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Leese, Morven; Koschorke, Mirja; McCrone, Paul; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Goldsmith, Kimberley; Balaji, Madhumitha; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, Rangaswamy; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham; COmmunity care for People with Schizophrenia in India (COPSI) gr picture_as_pdf
  • Validation of brief screening tools for depressive and alcohol use disorders among TB and HIV patients in primary care in Zambia. (2011) Chishinga, Nathaniel; Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram; Ayles, Helen; Seedat, Soraya
  • Increased risk of schizophrenia from additive interaction between infant motor developmental delay and obstetric complications: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study. (2011) Clarke, Mary C; Tanskanen, Antti; Huttunen, Matti; Leon, David A; Murray, Robin M; Jones, Peter B; Cannon, Mary
  • Three models of community mental health services In low-income countries. (2011) Cohen, Alex; Eaton, Julian; Radtke, Birgit; George, Christina; Manuel, Bro Victor; De Silva, Mary; Patel, Vikram
  • Refugee, asylum seeker, immigrant women and postnatal depression: rates and risk factors. (2011) Collins, Catherine H; Zimmerman, Cathy; Howard, Louise M
  • Grand challenges in global mental health. (2011) Collins, Pamela Y; Patel, Vikram; Joestl, Sarah S; March, Dana; Insel, Thomas R; Daar, Abdallah S; Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Gra; Anderson, Warwick; Dhansay, Muhammad A; Phillips, Anthony; Shurin, Susan; Walport, Mark; Ewart, Wendy; Savill, Sir John; Bordin, Isabel A; Costello, E Jane; Durkin, Maureen; Fairburn, Christopher; Glass, Roger I; Hall, Wayne; Huang, Yueqin; Hyman, Steven E; Jamison, Kay; Kaaya, Sylvia; Kapur, Shitij; Kleinman, Arthur; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Otero-Ojeda, Angel; Poo, Mu-Ming; Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi; Sahakian, Barbara J; Saxena, Shekhar; Singer, Peter A; Stein, Dan J
  • BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS AND PREVALENCE OF ASTHMA SYMPTOMS AMONG BRAZILIAN CHILDREN. (2011) Feitosa, C; Santos, D; Do Carmo, MB; Santos, L; Teles, C; Rodrigues, L; Barreto, M
  • Behavior problems and prevalence of asthma symptoms among Brazilian children. (2011) Feitosa, Caroline A; Santos, Darci N; Barreto do Carmo, Maria B; Santos, Letícia M; Teles, Carlos AS; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe district, Uganda. (2011) Kinyanda, Eugene; Hoskins, Susan; Nakku, Juliet; Nawaz, Saira; Patel, Vikram
  • Poverty, life events and the risk for depression in Uganda. (2011) Kinyanda, Eugene; Woodburn, Patrick; Tugumisirize, Joshua; Kagugube, Johnson; Ndyanabangi, Sheila; Patel, Vikram
  • Neuropathic pain and psychological morbidity in patients with treated leprosy: a cross-sectional prevalence study in Mumbai. (2011) Lasry-Levy, Estrella; Hietaharju, Aki; Pai, Vivek; Ganapati, Ramaswamy; Rice, Andrew SC; Haanpää, Maija; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Poverty and mental disorders: breaking the cycle in low-income and middle-income countries. (2011) Lund, Crick; De Silva, Mary; Plagerson, Sophie; Cooper, Sara; Chisholm, Dan; Das, Jishnu; Knapp, Martin; Patel, Vikram
  • Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: A theoretical and empirical analysis. (2011) MacGregor, Susanne
  • Treatment systems overview. (2011) MacGregor, Susanne
  • Can simply answering research questions change behaviour? Systematic review and meta analyses of brief alcohol intervention trials. (2011) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros
  • Adult consequences of late adolescent alcohol consumption: a systematic review of cohort studies. (2011) McCambridge, Jim; McAlaney, John; Rowe, Richard
  • The psychological impact of heavy drinking among the elderly on their co-residents: the 10/66 group population based survey in the Dominican Republic. (2011) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Acosta, Daisy; Rodriguez, Guillermina; Prince, Martin; Ferri, Cleusa P draft
  • Prevalence and correlates of perpetration of violence among young people: a population-based survey from Goa, India. (2011) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Dean, Kimberlie; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram
  • Women in post-trafficking services in Moldova: diagnostic interviews over two time periods to assess returning women's mental health. (2011) Ostrovschi, Nicolae V; Prince, Martin J; Zimmerman, Cathy; Hotineanu, Mihai A; Gorceag, Lilia T; Gorceag, Viorel I; Flach, Clare; Abas, Melanie A
  • Mental health and childhood adversities: a longitudinal study in Kabul, Afghanistan. (2011) Panter-Brick, Catherine; Goodman, Anna; Tol, Wietse; Eggerman, Mark
  • Traditional healers for mental health care in Africa. (2011) Patel, Vikram
  • A renewed agenda for global mental health. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Boyce, Niall; Collins, Pamela Y; Saxena, Shekhar; Horton, Richard
  • Chronic diseases and injuries in India. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Chatterji, Somnath; Chisholm, Dan; Ebrahim, Shah; Gopalakrishna, Gururaj; Mathers, Colin; Mohan, Viswanathan; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Improving access to psychological treatments: lessons from developing countries. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Chowdhary, Neerja; Rahman, Atif; Verdeli, Helen
  • The movement for global mental health. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Copeland, John; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Katontoka, Sylvester; Lamichhane, Jagannath; Naik, Smita; Skeen, Sarah
  • The great push for mental health: why it matters for India. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Copeland, John draft
  • Universal health care in India: the time is right. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Kumar, AK Shiva; Paul, Vinod K; Rao, Krishna D; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Reducing the treatment gap for mental disorders: a WPA survey. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Maj, Mario; Flisher, Alan J; De Silva, Mary J; Koschorke, Mirja; Prince, Martin; WPA Zonal and Member Society Representatives
  • Lay health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety disorders in India: impact on clinical and disability outcomes over 12 months. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Chowdhary, Neerja; Naik, Smita; Pednekar, Sulochana; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Bhat, Bhargav; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Simon, Gregory; Verdeli, Helena; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • The integration of the treatment for common mental disorders in primary care: experiences of health care providers in the MANAS trial in Goa, India. (2011) Pereira, Bernadette; Andrew, Gracy; Pednekar, Sulochana; Kirkwood, Betty R; Patel, Vikram
  • Surrogate alcohol drinking in Estonia. (2011) Pärna, Kersti; Leon, David A
  • Towards achievement of universal health care in India by 2020: a call to action. (2011) Reddy, K Srinath; Patel, Vikram; Jha, Prabhat; Paul, Vinod K; Kumar, AK Shiva; Dandona, Lalit; Lancet India Group for Universal Healthcare
  • A systematic review of factors influencing the psychological health of conflict-affected populations in low- and middle-income countries. (2011) Roberts, Bayard; Browne, John
  • Alcohol disorder amongst forcibly displaced persons in northern Uganda. (2011) Roberts, Bayard; Felix Ocaka, Kaducu; Browne, John; Oyok, Thomas; Sondorp, Egbert
  • Perinatal mental distress and infant morbidity in Ethiopia: a cohort study. (2011) Ross, Joanna; Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Tesfaye, Fikru; Worku, Bogale; Dewey, Michael; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Alcohol and fatal life trajectories in Russia: understanding narrative accounts of premature male death in the family. (2011) Saburova, Lyudmila; Keenan, Katherine; Bobrova, Natalia; Leon, David A; Elbourne, Diana picture_as_pdf
  • Research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings. (2011) Tol, Wietse A; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Baingana, Florence; Galappatti, Ananda; Panter-Brick, Catherine; Silove, Derrick; Sondorp, Egbert; Wessells, Michael; van Ommeren, Mark
  • Non-specialist health worker interventions for mental health care in low- and middle- income countries. (2011) van Ginneken, Nadja; Tharyan, Prathap; Lewin, Simon; Rao, Girish N; Romeo, Renee; Patel, Vikram