Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Climate Change and Planetary Health"
Research Centres (23573)
Centre for Climate Change and Planetary Health (396)
Number of items: 40.
Climate change mitigation through dietary change: a systematic review of empirical and modelling studies on the environmental footprints and health effects of 'sustainable diets'. (2020)
Jarmul, Stephanie; Dangour, Alan D; Green, Rosemary; Liew, Zara; Haines, Andy; Scheelbeek, Pauline Fd
Trading water: virtual water flows through interstate cereal trade in India. (2020)
Harris, Francesca; Dalin, Carole; Cuevas, Soledad; Lakshmikantha, NR; Adhya, Tapan; Joy, Edward JM; Scheelbeek, Pauline FD; Kayatz, Benjamin; Nicholas, Owen; Shankar, Bhavani; Dangour, Alan D; Green, Rosemary
Concerns over calculating injury-related deaths associated with temperature. (2020)
Mitchell, Dann; Allen, Myles; Ebi, Kristie L; Gasparrini, Antonio; Heaviside, Clare; Lo, YT Eunice; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M
Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions. (2020)
Hess, Jeremy J; Ranadive, Nikhil; Boyer, Chris; Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz; Anenberg, Susan C; Aunan, Kristin; Belesova, Kristine; Bell, Michelle L; Bickersteth, Sam; Bowen, Kathryn; Burden, Marci; Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Carlton, Elizabeth; Cissé, Guéladio; Cohen, Francois; Dai, Hancheng; Dangour, Alan David; Dasgupta, Purnamita; Frumkin, Howard; Gong, Peng; Gould, Robert J; Haines, Andy; Hales, Simon; Hamilton, Ian; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Horton, Daniel E; Karambelas, Alexandra; Kim, Ho; Kim, Satbyul Estella; Kinney, Patrick L; Kone, Inza; Knowlton, Kim; Lelieveld, Jos; Limaye, Vijay S; Liu, Qiyong; Madaniyazi, Lina; Martinez, Micaela Elvira; Mauzerall, Denise L; Milner, James; Neville, Tara; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Pachauri, Shonali; Perera, Frederica; Pineo, Helen; Remais, Justin V; Saari, Rebecca K; Sampedro, Jon; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Schwartz, Joel; Shindell, Drew; Shyamsundar, Priya; Taylor, Timothy J; Tonne, Cathryn; Van Vuuren, Detlef; Wang, Can; Watts, Nicholas; West, J Jason; Wilkinson, Paul; Wood, Stephen A; Woodcock, James; Woodward, Alistair; Xie, Yang; Zhang, Ying; Ebi, Kristie L
UK's fruit and vegetable supply increasingly dependent on imports from climate vulnerable producing countries. (2020)
Scheelbeek, Pauline Fd; Moss, Cami; Kastner, Thomas; Alae-Carew, Carmelia; Jarmul, Stephanie; Green, Rosemary; Taylor, Anna; Haines, Andy; Dangour, Alan D
Associations between high temperatures in pregnancy and risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirths: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020)
Chersich, Matthew Francis; Pham, Minh Duc; Areal, Ashtyn; Haghighi, Marjan Mosalam; Manyuchi, Albert; Swift, Callum P; Wernecke, Bianca; Robinson, Matthew; Hetem, Robyn; Boeckmann, Melanie; Hajat, Shakoor; Climate Change and Heat-Health Study Group
Years of life lost and mortality due to heat and cold in the three largest English cities. (2020)
Arbuthnott, Katherine; Hajat, Shakoor; Heaviside, Clare; Vardoulakis, Sotiris
Projections of excess mortality related to diurnal temperature range under climate change scenarios: a multi-country modelling study. (2020)
Lee, Whanhee; Kim, Yoonhee; Sera, Francesco; Gasparrini, Antonio; Park, Rokjin; Michelle Choi, Hayon; Prifti, Kristi; Bell, Michelle L; Abrutzky, Rosana; Guo, Yuming; Tong, Shilu; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Micheline; Nascimento Saldiva, Paulo Hilario; Lavigne, Eric; Orru, Hans; Indermitte, Ene; Jaakkola, Jouni JK; Ryti, Niilo RI; Pascal, Mathilde; Goodman, Patrick; Zeka, Ariana; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Hurtado Diaz, Magali; César Cruz, Julio; Overcenco, Ala; Nunes, Baltazar; Madureira, Joana; Scovronick, Noah; Acquaotta, Fiorella; Tobias, Aurelio; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana Maria; Ragettli, Martina S; Guo, Yue-Liang Leon; Chen, Bing-Yu; Li, Shanshan; Armstrong, Ben; Zanobetti, Antonella; Schwartz, Joel; Kim, Ho
Air Conditioning and Heat-related Mortality. (2020)
Sera, Francesco; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Lavigne, Eric; Schwartz, Joel; Zanobetti, Antonella; Tobias, Aurelio; Iñiguez, Carmen; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Blangiardo, Marta; Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio
Air Conditioning and Heat-related Mortality: A Multi-country Longitudinal Study. (2020)
Sera, Francesco; Hashizume, Masahiro; Honda, Yasushi; Lavigne, Eric; Schwartz, Joel; Zanobetti, Antonella; Tobias, Aurelio; Iñiguez, Carmen; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Blangiardo, Marta; Armstrong, Ben; Gasparrini, Antonio
Strengthening the global response to climate change and infectious disease threats. (2020)
Hess, Jeremy; Boodram, Laura-Lee G; Paz, Shlomit; Stewart Ibarra, Anna M; Wasserheit, Judith N; Lowe, Rachel
The Influence of Apparent Temperature on Mortality in the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance Area in the Middle Belt of Ghana: A Retrospective Time-Series Analysis. (2020)
Wiru, Kenneth; Oppong, Felix Boakye; Agyei, Oscar; Zandoh, Charles; Nettey, Obed Ernest; Adda, Robert; Gasparrini, Antonio; Asante, Kwaku Poku
Integrating climate action for health into covid-19 recovery plans. (2020)
Belesova, Kristine; Heymann, David L; Haines, Andy
A Critical Analysis of the Drivers of Human Migration Patterns in the Presence of Climate Change: A New Conceptual Model. (2020)
Parrish, Rebecca; Colbourn, Tim; Lauriola, Paolo; Leonardi, Giovanni; Hajat, Shakoor; Zeka, Ariana
Nonlinear temperature-suicide association in Japan from 1972 to 2015: Its heterogeneity and the role of climate, demographic, and socioeconomic factors. (2020)
Sim, Kisung; Kim, Yoonhee; Hashizume, Masahiro; Gasparrini, Antonio; Armstrong, Ben; Sera, Francesco; Ng, Chris Fook Sheng; Honda, Yasushi; Chung, Yeonseung
The Relative Role of Climate Variation and Control Interventions on Malaria Elimination Efforts in El Oro, Ecuador: A Modeling Study. (2020)
Fletcher, Isabel K; Stewart-Ibarra, Anna M; Sippy, Rachel; Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Silva, Mercy; Beltran-Ayala, Efrain; Ordoñez, Tania; Adrian, Jefferson; Sáenz, Fabián E; Drakeley, Chris; Jones, Kate E; Lowe, Rachel
Seasonality of suicide: a multi-country multi-community observational study. (2020)
Yu, J; Yang, D; Kim, Y; Hashizume, M; Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B; Honda, Y; Tobias, A; Sera, F; Vicedo-Cabrera, AM; Kim, H; Íñiguez, C; Lavigne, E; Ragettli, MS; Scovronick, N; Acquaotta, F; Chen, B; Guo, YL; de Sousa Zanotti Stagliori Coelho, M; Saldiva, P; Zanobetti, A; Schwartz, J; Bell, ML; Diaz, M; De la Cruz Valencia, C; Holobâcă, I; Fratianni, S; Chung, Y
Climate change and COVID-19: reinforcing Indigenous food systems. (2020)
Zavaleta-Cortijo, Carol; Ford, James D; Arotoma-Rojas, Ingrid; Lwasa, Shuaib; Lancha-Rucoba, Guillermo; García, Patricia J; Miranda, J Jaime; Namanya, Didacus B; New, Mark; Wright, Carlee J; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change Research Team; Harper, Sherilee L
Association of Social Distancing, Population Density, and Temperature With the Instantaneous Reproduction Number of SARS-CoV-2 in Counties Across the United States. (2020)
Rubin, David; Huang, Jing; Fisher, Brian T; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tam, Vicky; Song, Lihai; Wang, Xi; Kaufman, Jason; Fitzpatrick, Kate; Jain, Arushi; Griffis, Heather; Crammer, Koby; Morris, Jeffrey; Tasian, Gregory
The Association of Social Distancing, Population Density, and Temperature with the SARS-CoV-2 Instantaneous Reproduction Number in Counties Across the United States. (2020)
Rubin, David; Huang, Jing; Fisher, Brian T; Gasparrini, Antonio; Tam, Vicky; Song, Lihai; Wang, Xi; Kaufman, Jason; Fitzpatrick, Kate; Jain, Arushi; Griffis, Heather; Crammer, Koby; Tasian, Gregory
Effective transmission across the globe: the role of climate in COVID-19 mitigation strategies. (2020)
O'Reilly, Kathleen M; Auzenbergs, Megan; Jafari, Yalda; Liu, Yang; Flasche, Stefan; Lowe, Rachel
Dietary recommendations in Spain -affordability and environmental sustainability? (2020)
González-García, Sara; Green, Rosemary F; Scheelbeek, Pauline F; Harris, Francesca; Dangour, Alan D
Accelerating invasion potential of disease vector Aedes aegypti under climate change. (2020)
Iwamura, Takuya; Guzman-Holst, Adriana; Murray, Kris A
The future of environmental sustainability labelling on food products. (2020)
Brown, Kerry Ann; Harris, Francesca; Potter, Christina; Knai, Cécile
Geographical disparities in the impacts of heat on diabetes mortality and the protective role of greenness in Thailand: A nationwide case-crossover analysis. (2020)
He, Yiling; Cheng, Liangliang; Bao, Junzhe; Deng, Shizhou; Liao, Wenmin; Wang, Qiong; Tawatsupa, Benjawan; Hajat, Shakoor; Huang, Cunrui
Spatial Variability of Heat-Related Mortality in Barcelona from 1992-2015: A Case Crossover Study Design. (2020)
Ingole, Vijendra; Marí-Dell'Olmo, Marc; Deluca, Anna; Quijal, Marcos; Borrell, Carme; Rodríguez-Sanz, Maica; Achebak, Hicham; Lauwaet, Dirk; Gilabert, Joan; Murage, Peninah; Hajat, Shakoor; Basagaña, Xavier; Ballester, Joan
Climate factors and the East Asian summer monsoon may drive large outbreaks of dengue in China. (2020)
Liu, Keke; Hou, Xiang; Ren, Zhoupeng; Lowe, Rachel; Wang, Yiguan; Li, Ruiyun; Liu, Xiaobo; Sun, Jimin; Lu, Liang; Song, Xiupin; Wu, Haixia; Wang, Jun; Yao, Wenwu; Zhang, Chutian; Sang, Shaowei; Gao, Yuan; Li, Jing; Li, Jianping; Xu, Lei; Liu, Qiyong
The health case for urgent action on climate change. (2020)
Haines, Andy; Scheelbeek, Pauline
Health benefits of policies to reduce carbon emissions. (2020)
Milner, James; Hamilton, Ian; Woodcock, James; Williams, Martin; Davies, Mike; Wilkinson, Paul; Haines, Andy
Temperature-related excess mortality in German cities at 2 °C and higher degrees of global warming. (2020)
Huber, Veronika; Krummenauer, Linda; Peña-Ortiz, Cristina; Lange, Stefan; Gasparrini, Antonio; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Garcia-Herrera, Ricardo; Frieler, Katja
The Effects of Temperature on Accident and Emergency Department Attendances in London: A Time-Series Regression Analysis. (2020)
Corcuera Hotz, Ines; Hajat, Shakoor
Interacting with Members of the Public to Discuss the Impact of Food Choices on Climate Change-Experiences from Two UK Public Engagement Events. (2020)
Kluczkovski, Alana; Cook, Joanne; Downie, Helen F; Fletcher, Alison; McLoughlin, Lauryn; Markwick, Andrew; Bridle, Sarah L; Reynolds, Christian J; Rivera, Ximena Schmidt; Martindale, Wayne; Frankowska, Angelina; Moraes, Marcio M; Birkett, Ali J; Summerton, Sara; Green, Rosemary; Fennell, Joseph T; Smith, Pete; Ingram, John; Langley, India; Yates, Lucy; Ajagun-Brauns, Jade
Projecting the future of dengue under climate change scenarios: Progress, uncertainties and research needs. (2020)
Xu, Zhiwei; Bambrick, Hilary; Frentiu, Francesca D; Devine, Gregor; Yakob, Laith; Williams, Gail; Hu, Wenbiao
Monitoring environmental change and human health: Planetary Health Watch. (2020)
Belesova, Kristine; Haines, Andy; Ranganathan, Janet; Seddon, Jessica; Wilkinson, Paul
Independent and Combined Effects of Heatwaves and PM2.5 on Preterm Birth in Guangzhou, China: A Survival Analysis. (2020)
Wang, Qiong; Li, Bing; Benmarhnia, Tarik; Hajat, Shakoor; Ren, Meng; Liu, Tao; Knibbs, Luke D; Zhang, Huanhuan; Bao, Junzhe; Zhang, Yawei; Zhao, Qingguo; Huang, Cunrui
Childhood malaria case incidence in Malawi between 2004 and 2017: spatio-temporal modelling of climate and non-climate factors. (2020)
Chirombo, James; Ceccato, Pietro; Lowe, Rachel; Terlouw, Dianne J; Thomson, Madeleine C; Gumbo, Austin; Diggle, Peter J; Read, Jonathan M
Influence of temperature on prevalence of health and welfare conditions in pigs: time-series analysis of pig abattoir inspection data in England and Wales. (2020)
Lee, H; Perkins, C; Gray, H; Hajat, S; Friel, M; Smith, RP; Williamson, S; Edwards, P; Collins, LM
What individual and neighbourhood-level factors increase the risk of heat-related mortality? A case-crossover study of over 185,000 deaths in London using high-resolution climate datasets. (2020)
Murage, Peninah; Kovats, Sari; Sarran, Christophe; Taylor, Jonathon; McInnes, Rachel; Hajat, Shakoor
Multi-dimensional characterisation of global food supply from 1961-2013. (2020)
Bentham, James; Singh, Gitanjali M; Danaei, Goodarz; Green, Rosemary; Lin, John K; Stevens, Gretchen A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Bennett, James E; Cesare, Mariachiara Di; Dangour, Alan D; Ezzati, Majid
A protocol for an observational cohort study of heat strain and its effect on fetal wellbeing in pregnant farmers in The Gambia. (2020)
Bonell, Ana; Hirst, Jane; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M; Haines, Andy; Prentice, Andrew M; Maxwell, Neil S