Items where Research Centre is "Antimicrobial Resistance Centre (AMR)"

  • Research Centres (23573)
  • Antimicrobial Resistance Centre (AMR) (807)
    Number of items: 17.
    November 2011
  • Risk and causes of paediatric hospital-acquired bacteraemia in Kilifi District Hospital, Kenya: a prospective cohort study. (2011) Aiken, Alexander M; Mturi, Neema; Njuguna, Patricia; Mohammed, Shebe; Berkley, James A; Mwangi, Isaiah; Mwarumba, Salim; Kitsao, Barnes S; Lowe, Brett S; Morpeth, Susan C; Hall, Andrew J; Khandawalla, Iqbal; Scott, J Anthony G; Kilifi Bacteraemia Surveillance Group
  • October 2011
  • Reverse transcriptase drug resistance mutations in HIV-1 subtype C infected patients on ART in Karonga District, Malawi. (2011) Bansode, Vijay B; Travers, Simon Aa; Crampin, Amelia C; Ngwira, Bagrey; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; McCormack, Grace P
  • 2011
  • The impact of mass drug administration and long-lasting insecticidal net distribution on Wuchereria bancrofti infection in humans and mosquitoes: an observational study in northern Uganda. (2011) Ashton, Ruth A; Kyabayinze, Daniel J; Opio, Tom; Auma, Anna; Edwards, Tansy; Matwale, Gabriel; Onapa, Ambrose; Brooker, Simon; Kolaczinski, Jan H
  • Introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests at registered drug shops in Uganda: limitations of diagnostic testing in the reality of diagnosis. (2011) Chandler, Clare IR; Hall-Clifford, Rachel; Asaph, Turinde; Pascal, Magnussen; Clarke, Siân; Mbonye, Anthony K
  • Hypervirulent Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotypes exhibit resistance to widely used disinfectants. (2011) Dawson, Lisa F; Valiente, Esmeralda; Donahue, Elizabeth H; Birchenough, George; Wren, Brendan W
  • Whole genome sequencing of multiple Leishmania donovani clinical isolates provides insights into population structure and mechanisms of drug resistance. (2011) Downing, Tim; Imamura, Hideo; Decuypere, Saskia; Clark, Taane G; Coombs, Graham H; Cotton, James A; Hilley, James D; de Doncker, Simonne; Maes, Ilse; Mottram, Jeremy C; Quail, Mike A; Rijal, Suman; Sanders, Mandy; Schönian, Gabriele; Stark, Olivia; Sundar, Shyam; Vanaerschot, Manu; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Berriman, Matthew
  • Increased pfmdr1 copy number and sequence polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Sudanese malaria patients treated with artemether-lumefantrine. (2011) Gadalla, Nahla B; Adam, Ishag; Elzaki, Salah-Eldin; Bashir, Sahar; Mukhtar, Izdihar; Oguike, Mary; Gadalla, Amal; Mansour, Fathi; Warhurst, David; El-Sayed, Badria B; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Evaluating health workers' potential resistance to new interventions: a role for discrete choice experiments. (2011) Lagarde, Mylene; Smith Paintain, Lucy; Antwi, Gifti; Jones, Caroline; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Tagbor, Harry; Webster, Jayne
  • Molecular monitoring of resistant dhfr and dhps allelic haplotypes in Morogoro and Mvomero districts in south eastern Tanzania. (2011) Malisa, A; Pearce, R; Abdullah, S; Mutayoba, B; Mshinda, H; Kachur, P; Bloland, P; Roper, C
  • The evolution of pyrimethamine resistant dhfr in Plasmodium falciparum of south-eastern Tanzania: comparing selection under SP alone vs SP+artesunate combination. (2011) Malisa, Allen L; Pearce, Richard J; Mutayoba, Ben M; Abdullah, Salim; Mshinda, Hassan; Kachur, Patrick S; Bloland, Peter; Roper, Cally
  • High prevalence of dhfr triple mutant and correlation with high rates of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment failures in vivo in Gabonese children. (2011) Mombo-Ngoma, Ghyslain; Oyakhirome, Sunny; Ord, Rosalynn; Gabor, Julian J; Greutélaers, Katja C; Profanter, Katharina; Greutélaers, Benedikt; Kurth, Florian; Lell, Bertrand; Kun, Jürgen FJ; Issifou, Saadou; Roper, Cally; Kremsner, Peter G; Grobusch, Martin P
  • Alternative methods of diagnosing drug resistance--what can they do for me? (2011) Moore, David AJ; Shah, N Sarita
  • Drug resistance maps to guide intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in African infants. (2011) Naidoo, Inbarani; Roper, Cally
  • Pyrethroid resistance in African anopheline mosquitoes: what are the implications for malaria control? (2011) Ranson, Hilary; N'guessan, Raphael; Lines, Jonathan; Moiroux, Nicolas; Nkuni, Zinga; Corbel, Vincent
  • Drug-resistant genotypes and multi-clonality in Plasmodium falciparum analysed by direct genome sequencing from peripheral blood of malaria patients. (2011) Robinson, Timothy; Campino, Susana G; Auburn, Sarah; Assefa, Samuel A; Polley, Spencer D; Manske, Magnus; MacInnis, Bronwyn; Rockett, Kirk A; Maslen, Gareth L; Sanders, Mandy; Quail, Michael A; Chiodini, Peter L; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Clark, Taane G; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Structures, targets and recent approaches in anti-leishmanial drug discovery and development. (2011) Seifert, Karin
  • In vitro interactions between sitamaquine and amphotericin B, sodium stibogluconate, miltefosine, paromomycin and pentamidine against Leishmania donovani. (2011) Seifert, Karin; Munday, Jane; Syeda, Tahmina; Croft, Simon L