Items where the Publication is medRxiv preprint - BMJ Yale
Number of items: 6.
  • Travel time to health facilities as a marker of geographical accessibility across heterogeneous land coverage in Peru. (2019) Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Manrique, Edgar; Tello-Lizarraga, Kelly; Miranda, J Jaime
  • F
  • Short-term forecasts to inform the response to the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK. (2020) Funk, S; Abbott, S; Atkins, BD; Baguelin, M; Baillie, JK; Birrell, P; Blake, J; Bosse, NI; Burton, J; Carruthers, J; Davies, NG; De Angelis, D; Dyson, L; Edmunds, WJ; Eggo, RM; Ferguson, NM; Gaythorpe, K; Gorsich, E; Guyver-Fletcher, G; Hellewell, J; Hill, EM; Holmes, A; House, TA; Jewell, C; Jit, M; Jombart, T; Joshi, I; Keeling, MJ; Kendall, E; Knock, ES; Kucharski, AJ; Lythgoe, KA; Meakin, SR; Munday, JD; Openshaw, PJM; Overton, CE; Pagani, F; Pearson, J; Perez-Guzman, PN; Pellis, L; Scarabel, F; Semple, MG; Sherratt, K; Tang, M; Tildesley, MJ; Van Leeuwen, E; Whittles, LK
  • N
  • The importance of saturating density dependence for predicting SARS-CoV-2 resurgence. (2020) Nightingale, ES; Brady, OJ; Yakob, L picture_as_pdf
  • S
  • Cellular immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans: a systematic review. (2020) Shrotri, Madhumita; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Post, Nathan; Eddy, Danielle; Huntley, Catherine; Leeman, David; Rigby, Samuel; Williams, Sarah V; Bermingham, William H; Kellam, Paul; Maher, John; Shields, Adrian M; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Peacock, Sharon J; Ismail, Sharif A picture_as_pdf
  • Rapid feedback on hospital onset SARS-CoV-2 infections combining epidemiological and sequencing data. (2020) Stirrup, Oliver T; Hughes, Joseph; Parker, Matthew; Partridge, David G; Shepherd, James G; Blackstone, James; Coll, Francesc; Keeley, Alexander J; Lindsey, Benjamin B; Marek, Aleksandra; Peters, Christine; Singer, Joshua B; Tamuri, Asif; de Silva, Thushan I; Thomson, Emma C; Breuer, Judith
  • V
  • Time use and social mixing during and around festive periods: Potential changes in the age distribution of COVID-19 cases from increased intergenerational interactions. (2020) van Leeuwen, Edwin; Sandmann, Frank G; Eggo, Rosalind M; White, Peter J