Items where the Publication is The lancet Respiratory medicine

Number of items: 18.
  • Serial QuantiFERON testing and tuberculosis disease risk among young children: an observational cohort study. (2017) Andrews, Jason R; Nemes, Elisa; Tameris, Michele; Landry, Bernard S; Mahomed, Hassan; McClain, J Bruce; Fletcher, Helen A; Hanekom, Willem A; Wood, Robin; McShane, Helen; Scriba, Thomas J; Hatherill, Mark
  • Can antibiotic resistance be reduced by vaccinating against respiratory disease? (2018) Atkins, Katherine E; Lipsitch, Marc
  • B
  • E-cigarettes: further flavours of controversy within the controversy. (2017) Bareham, David; Ahmadi, Keivan; Elie, Mathieu; Jones, Arwel W; McKee, Martin
  • C
  • Responding to the Syrian health crisis: the need for data and research. (2015) Coutts, Adam; Fouad, Fouad M; Abbara, Aula; Sibai, Abla Mehio; Sahloul, Zaher; Blanchet, Karl
  • D
  • The epidemiology, pathogenesis, transmission, diagnosis, and management of multidrug-resistant, extensively drug-resistant, and incurable tuberculosis. (2017) Dheda, Keertan; Gumbo, Tawanda; Maartens, Gary; Dooley, Kelly E; McNerney, Ruth; Murray, Megan; Furin, Jennifer; Nardell, Edward A; London, Leslie; Lessem, Erica; Theron, Grant; van Helden, Paul; Niemann, Stefan; Merker, Matthias; Dowdy, David; Van Rie, Annelies; Siu, Gilman KH; Pasipanodya, Jotam G; Rodrigues, Camilla; Clark, Taane G; Sirgel, Frik A; Esmail, Aliasgar; Lin, Hsien-Ho; Atre, Sachin R; Schaaf, H Simon; Chang, Kwok Chiu; Lange, Christoph; Nahid, Payam; Udwadia, Zarir F; Horsburgh, C Robert; Churchyard, Gavin J; Menzies, Dick; Hesseling, Anneke C; Nuermberger, Eric; McIlleron, Helen; Fennelly, Kevin P; Goemaere, Eric; Jaramillo, Ernesto; Low, Marcus; Jara, Carolina Morán; Padayatchi, Nesri; Warren, Robin M
  • Outcomes, infectiousness, and transmission dynamics of patients with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and home-discharged patients with programmatically incurable tuberculosis: a prospective cohort study. (2017) Dheda, Keertan; Limberis, Jason D; Pietersen, Elize; Phelan, Jody; Esmail, Aliasgar; Lesosky, Maia; Fennelly, Kevin P; Te Riele, Julian; Mastrapa, Barbara; Streicher, Elizabeth M; Dolby, Tania; Abdallah, Abdallah M; Ben-Rached, Fathia; Simpson, John; Smith, Liezel; Gumbo, Tawanda; van Helden, Paul; Sirgel, Frederick A; McNerney, Ruth; Theron, Grant; Pain, Arnab; Clark, Taane G; Warren, Robin M
  • E
  • Tuberculosis transmission during the subclinical period: could unrelated cough play a part? (2018) Esmail, Hanif; Dodd, Peter J; Houben, Rein MGJ
  • F
  • Emerging respiratory infections: influenza, MERS-CoV, and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. (2014) Fragaszy, Ellen; Hayward, Andrew
  • Comparison of different treatments for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis. (2018) Fregonese, Federica; Ahuja, Shama D; Akkerman, Onno W; Arakaki-Sanchez, Denise; Ayakaka, Irene; Baghaei, Parvaneh; Bang, Didi; Bastos, Mayara; Benedetti, Andrea; Bonnet, Maryline; Cattamanchi, Adithya; Cegielski, Peter; Chien, Jung-Yien; Cox, Helen; Dedicoat, Martin; Erkens, Connie; Escalante, Patricio; Falzon, Dennis; Garcia-Prats, Anthony J; Gegia, Medea; Gillespie, Stephen H; Glynn, Judith R; Goldberg, Stefan; Griffith, David; Jacobson, Karen R; Johnston, James C; Jones-López, Edward C; Khan, Awal; Koh, Won-Jung; Kritski, Afranio; Lan, Zhi Yi; Lee, Jae Ho; Li, Pei Zhi; Maciel, Ethel L; Galliez, Rafael Mello; Merle, Corinne SC; Munang, Melinda; Narendran, Gopalan; Nguyen, Viet Nhung; Nunn, Andrew; Ohkado, Akihiro; Park, Jong Sun; Phillips, Patrick PJ; Ponnuraja, Chinnaiyan; Reves, Randall; Romanowski, Kamila; Seung, Kwonjune; Schaaf, H Simon; Skrahina, Alena; Soolingen, Dick van; Tabarsi, Payam; Trajman, Anete; Trieu, Lisa; Banurekha, Velayutham V; Viiklepp, Piret; Wang, Jann-Yuan; Yoshiyama, Takashi; Menzies, Dick
  • H
  • Comparative community burden and severity of seasonal and pandemic influenza: results of the Flu Watch cohort study. (2014) Hayward, Andrew C; Fragaszy, Ellen B; Bermingham, Alison; Wang, Lili; Copas, Andrew; Edmunds, W John; Ferguson, Neil; Goonetilleke, Nilu; Harvey, Gabrielle; Kovar, Jana; Lim, Megan SC; McMichael, Andrew; Millett, Elizabeth RC; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S; Nazareth, Irwin; Pebody, Richard; Tabassum, Faiza; Watson, John M; Wurie, Fatima B; Johnson, Anne M; Zambon, Maria; Flu Watch Group
  • K
  • HIV testing in people with presumptive tuberculosis: time for implementation. (2013) Kumar, Ajay MV; Gupta, Devesh; Gupta, Radhe S; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Wilson, Nevin; Zachariah, Rony; Lawn, Stephen D; Harries, Anthony D
  • M
  • Vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ViDiCO): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. (2014) Martineau, Adrian R; James, Wai Yee; Hooper, Richard L; Barnes, Neil C; Jolliffe, David A; Greiller, Claire L; Islam, Kamrul; McLaughlin, David; Bhowmik, Angshu; Timms, Peter M; Rajakulasingam, Raj K; Rowe, Marion; Venton, Timothy R; Choudhury, Aklak B; Simcock, David E; Wilks, Mark; Degun, Amarjeet; Sadique, Zia; Monteiro, William R; Corrigan, Christopher J; Hawrylowicz, Catherine M; Griffiths, Christopher J
  • Triumphs, trials, and tribulations of the global response to MERS coronavirus. (2014) McNabb, Scott JN; Shaikh, Affan T; Nuzzo, Jennifer B; Zumla, Alimuddin I; Heymann, David L
  • The challenges of trials of antibiotics for pneumonia in low-income countries. (2014) Mulholland, Kim; Carlin, John B; Duke, Trevor; Weber, Martin
  • Antibiotic trials for community-acquired pneumonia--authors' reply. (2015) Mulholland, Kim; Carlin, John; Duke, Trevor; Weber, Martin
  • Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients admitted to hospital with influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus infection: a meta-analysis of individual participant data. (2014) Muthuri, Stella G; Venkatesan, Sudhir; Myles, Puja R; Leonardi-Bee, Jo; Al Khuwaitir, Tarig SA; Al Mamun, Adbullah; Anovadiya, Ashish P; Azziz-Baumgartner, Eduardo; Báez, Clarisa; Bassetti, Matteo; Beovic, Bojana; Bertisch, Barbara; Bonmarin, Isabelle; Booy, Robert; Borja-Aburto, Victor H; Burgmann, Heinz; Cao, Bin; Carratala, Jordi; Denholm, Justin T; Dominguez, Samuel R; Duarte, Pericles AD; Dubnov-Raz, Gal; Echavarria, Marcela; Fanella, Sergio; Gao, Zhancheng; Gérardin, Patrick; Giannella, Maddalena; Gubbels, Sophie; Herberg, Jethro; Iglesias, Anjarath L Higuera; Hoger, Peter H; Hu, Xiaoyun; Islam, Quazi T; Jiménez, Mirela F; Kandeel, Amr; Keijzers, Gerben; Khalili, Hossein; Knight, Marian; Kudo, Koichiro; Kusznierz, Gabriela; Kuzman, Ilija; Kwan, Arthur MC; Amine, Idriss Lahlou; Langenegger, Eduard; Lankarani, Kamran B; Leo, Yee-Sin; Linko, Rita; Liu, Pei; Madanat, Faris; Mayo-Montero, Elga; McGeer, Allison; Memish, Ziad; Metan, Gokhan; Mickiene, Auksė; Mikić, Dragan; Mohn, Kristin GI; Moradi, Ahmadreza; Nymadawa, Pagbajabyn; Oliva, Maria E; Ozkan, Mehpare; Parekh, Dhruv; Paul, Mical; Polack, Fernando P; Rath, Barbara A; Rodríguez, Alejandro H; Sarrouf, Elena B; Seale, Anna C; Sertogullarindan, Bunyamin; Siqueira, Marilda M; Skręt-Magierło, Joanna; Stephan, Frank; Talarek, Ewa; Tang, Julian W; To, Kelvin KW; Torres, Antoni; Törün, Selda H; Tran, Dat; Uyeki, Timothy M; Van Zwol, Annelies; Vaudry, Wendy; Vidmar, Tjasa; Yokota, Renata TC; Zarogoulidis, Paul; PRIDE Consortium Investigators; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S
  • P
  • Asthma in the global NCD agenda: a neglected epidemic. (2013) Pearce, Neil; Asher, Innes; Billo, Nils; Bissell, Karen; Ellwood, Philippa; El Sony, Asma; García-Marcos, Luis; Chiang, Chen-Yuan; Mallol, Javier; Marks, Guy; Strachan, David
  • Z
  • Middle East respiratory syndrome in the shadow of Ebola. (2015) Zumla, Alimuddin; Perlman, Stanley; McNabb, Scott JN; Shaikh, Affan; Heymann, David L; McCloskey, Brian; Hui, David S