Items where the Publication is The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease
Number of items: 320.
  • The catastrophic cost of tuberculosis: advancing research and solutions. (2019) Boccia, D; Bond, V
  • Improving the quality of modelling evidence used for tuberculosis policy evaluation. (2019) Menzies, NA; McQuaid, CF; Gomez, GB; Siroka, A; Glaziou, P; Floyd, K; White, RG; Houben, RMGJ
  • Beyond measurement: taking bold multisector actions towards zero catastrophic costs and suffering due to TB. (2019) Pedrazzoli, D; Houben, R; Viney, K; Lönnroth, Knut
  • Eliminating tuberculosis by 2035: tackling the financial barriers at all stages of the cascade of care. (2019) Timire, C; Sandy, C; Harries, AD
  • 2018
  • Impact of scaling up Xpert® MTB/RIF testing for the detection of rifampicin-resistant TB cases in Karachi, Pakistan. (2018) Awan, WM; Zaidi, SMA; Habib, SS; Khowaja, S; Malik, A; Khan, U; Ferrand, RA; Creswell, J; Khan, A
  • Enhancing TB elimination in Brazil through social protection: don't lose the momentum. (2018) Boccia, Delia
  • Global tuberculosis targets and milestones set for 2016-2035: definition and rationale. (2018) Floyd, K; Glaziou, P; Houben, RMGJ; Sumner, T; White, RG; Raviglione, M
  • Patterns of usage and preferences of users for tuberculosis-related text messages and voice calls in Uganda. (2018) Ggita, JM; Ojok, C; Meyer, AJ; Farr, K; Shete, PB; Ochom, E; Turimumahoro, P; Babirye, D; Mark, D; Dowdy, D; Ackerman, S; Armstrong-Hough, M; Nalugwa, T; Ayakaka, I; Moore, D; Haberer, JE; Cattamanchi, A; Katamba, A; Davis, JL
  • How can integrated care and research assist in achieving the SDG targets for diabetes, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS? (2018) Harries, AD; Lin, Y; Kumar, AMV; Satyanarayana, S; Zachariah, R; Dlodlo, RA
  • Impact of antiretroviral therapy on tuberculosis control. (2018) Harries, Anthony D
  • Computer-assisted chest radiography reading for tuberculosis screening in people living with diabetes mellitus. (2018) Koesoemadinata, RC; Kranzer, K; Livia, R; Susilawati, N; Annisa, J; Soetedjo, NNM; Ruslami, R; Philipsen, R; van Ginneken, B; Soetikno, RD; van Crevel, R; Alisjahbana, B; Hill, PC
  • Impact of pyrazinamide resistance on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. (2018) Kuhlin, J; Smith, C; Khaemraev, A; Tigay, Z; Parpieva, N; Tillyashaykhov, M; Achar, J; Hajek, J; Greig, J; du Cros, P; Moore, D
  • Predictors of isoniazid preventive therapy completion among adults newly diagnosed with HIV in rural Malawi. (2018) Little, KM; Khundi, M; Barnes, GL; Ngwira, LG; Nkhoma, A; Makombe, S; Corbett, EL; Chaisson, RE; Dowdy, DW
  • Factors affecting tuberculosis health message recall 2 years after active case finding in Blantyre, Malawi. (2018) Monk, EJM; Kumwenda, M; Nliwasa, M; Mpunga, J; Corbett, EL
  • Cost of point-of-care lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan antigen testing in HIV-positive adults in South Africa. (2018) Mukora, R; Tlali, M; Monkwe, S; Charalambous, S; Karat, AS; Fielding, KL; Grant, AD; Vassall, A
  • Delay in seeking care for tuberculosis symptoms among adults newly diagnosed with HIV in rural Malawi. (2018) Ngwira, LG; Dowdy, DW; Khundi, M; Barnes, GL; Nkhoma, A; Choko, AT; Murowa, M; Chaisson, RE; Corbett, EL; Fielding, K
  • Rapid drug susceptibility testing and treatment outcomes for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Peru. (2018) Obregón, G; Zevallos, K; Alarcón, V; Puyén, ZM; Chávez Inagaki, O; Mendoza-Ticona, A; Alarcón-Arrascue, E; Heldal, E; Moore, DAJ
  • People- and patient-centred care for tuberculosis: models of care for tuberculosis. (2018) Odone, A; Roberts, B; Dara, M; van den Boom, M; Kluge, H; McKee, M
  • MPT64 patch test for the diagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomised controlled trial in Peru. (2018) Pope, V; Sacksteder, KA; Hererra, J Coronel; Gilman, RH; Vargas-Prada, S; Lopez Romero, S; Yafac, J; Sanchez Rios, E; Moore, DAJ
  • Defining a migrant-inclusive tuberculosis research agenda to end TB. (2018) Shete, PB; Boccia, D; Dhavan, P; Gebreselassie, N; Lönnroth, K; Marks, S; Matteelli, A; Posey, DL; van der Werf, MJ; Winston, CA; Lienhardt, C
  • Completion of isoniazid preventive therapy among human immunodeficiency virus positive adults in urban Malawi. (2018) Thindwa, D; MacPherson, P; Choko, AT; Khundi, M; Sambakunsi, R; Ngwira, LG; Kalua, T; Webb, EL; Corbett, EL
  • Tuberculosis in children treated with second-line drugs under programmatic conditions in Lima, Peru. (2018) Villarreal, J; Alarcón, V; Alarcón-Arrascue, E; Moore, DAJ; Heldal, E; Mendoza-Ticona, A
  • Evidence-informed policy making at country level: lessons learned from the South African Tuberculosis Think Tank. (2018) White, RG; Charalambous, S; Cardenas, V; Hippner, P; Sumner, T; Bozzani, F; Mudzengi, D; Houben, RMGJ; Collier, D; Kimerling, ME; Vassall, A; Pillay, Y; Churchyard, G
  • Evaluation of OMNIgene®•SPUTUM reagent for mycobacterial culture. (2018) Zallet, J; Olaru, ID; Witt, A-K; Vock, P; Kalsdorf, B; Andres, S; Hillemann, D; Kranzer, K
  • 2017
  • Role of bacille Calmette-Guérin in preventing tuberculous infection. (2017) Adinarayanan, S; Culp, RK; Subramani, R; Abbas, KM; Radhakrishna, S; Swaminathan, S
  • Secondary analysis of tuberculosis stigma data from a cluster randomised trial in Zambia and South Africa (ZAMSTAR). (2017) Bond, V; Floyd, S; Fenty, J; Schaap, A; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Claassens, M; Shanaube, K; Ayles, H; Hargreaves, JR
  • TB and HIV stigma compounded by threatened masculinity: implications for TB health-care seeking in Malawi. (2017) Chikovore, J; Hart, G; Kumwenda, M; Chipungu, G; Desmond, N; Corbett, EL
  • Stool Xpert® MTB/RIF test for the diagnosis of childhood pulmonary tuberculosis at primary clinics in Zimbabwe. (2017) Chipinduro, M; Mateveke, K; Makamure, B; Ferrand, RA; Gomo, E
  • Economic evaluation of TB screening programmes in migrants: need for a comprehensive framework. (2017) Gomez, Gabriela B; Rupert, Stephan; Houben, Rein MGJ
  • In Reply. (2017) Harries, Anthony D; Ade, Serge; Hoa, Nguyen Binh; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Kumar, Ajay
  • Use of inhaled corticosteroids for obstructive lung disease following anti-tuberculosis treatment. (2017) Harries, Anthony D; Ade, Serge; Hoa, Nguyen Binh; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Kumar, Ajay MV
  • How should discordance between molecular and growth-based assays for rifampicin resistance be investigated? (2017) Hofmann-Thiel, S; Hoffmann, H; Hillemann, D; Rigouts, L; Van Deun, A; Kranzer, K
  • What happened to patients with RMP-resistant/MDR-TB in Zambia reported as lost to follow-up from 2011 to 2014? (2017) Kasapo, CC; Chimzizi, R; Simwanza, SC; Mzyece, J; Chizema, E; Mariandyshev, A; Lee, H-Y; Harries, AD; Kapata, N
  • Does antiretroviral treatment increase the infectiousness of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis? (2017) Khan, PY; Crampin, AC; Mzembe, T; Koole, O; Fielding, KL; Kranzer, K; Glynn, JR
  • Diagnostic accuracy of the Xpert® MTB/RIF cycle threshold level to predict smear positivity: a meta-analysis. (2017) Lange, B; Khan, P; Kalmambetova, G; Al-Darraji, HA; Alland, D; Antonenka, U; Brown, T; Balcells, ME; Blakemore, R; Denkinger, CM; Dheda, K; Hoffmann, H; Kadyrov, A; Lemaitre, N; Miller, MB; Nikolayevskyy, V; Ntinginya, EN; Ozkutuk, N; Palacios, JJ; Popowitch, EB; Porcel, JM; Teo, J; Theron, G; Kranzer, K
  • Defining the research agenda to measure and reduce tuberculosis stigmas. (2017) Macintyre, K; Bakker, MI; Bergson, S; Bhavaraju, R; Bond, V; Chikovore, J; Colvin, C; Craig, GM; Cremers, AL; Daftary, A; Engel, N; France, N Ferris; Jaramillo, E; Kimerling, M; Kipp, A; Krishnaratne, S; Mergenthaler, C; Ngicho, M; Redwood, L; Rood, EJJ; Sommerland, N; Stangl, A; van Rie, A; van Brakel, W; Wouters, E; Zwerling, A; Mitchell, EMH
  • Effect of Brazil's conditional cash transfer programme on tuberculosis incidence. (2017) Nery, JS; Rodrigues, LC; Rasella, D; Aquino, R; Barreira, D; Torrens, AW; Boccia, D; Penna, GO; Penna, MLF; Barreto, ML; Pereira, SM
  • Modelling the social and structural determinants of tuberculosis: opportunities and challenges. (2017) Pedrazzoli, D; Boccia, D; Dodd, PJ; Lönnroth, K; Dowdy, DW; Siroka, A; Kimerling, ME; White, RG; Houben, RMGJ
  • Is IPT more effective in high-burden settings? Modelling the effect of tuberculosis incidence on IPT impact. (2017) Ragonnet, R; Trauer, JM; McBryde, ES; Houben, RMGJ; Denholm, JT; Handel, A; Sumner, T
  • Bottom-up or top-down: unit cost estimation of tuberculosis diagnostic tests in India. (2017) Rupert, S; Vassall, A; Raizada, N; Khaparde, SD; Boehme, C; Salhotra, VS; Sachdeva, KS; Nair, SA; Hoog, AH Van't
  • Feasibility of a streamlined tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment initiation strategy. (2017) Shete, PB; Nalugwa, T; Farr, K; Ojok, C; Nantale, M; Howlett, P; Haguma, P; Ochom, E; Mugabe, F; Joloba, M; Chaisson, LH; Dowdy, DW; Moore, D; Davis, JL; Katamba, A; Cattamanchi, A
  • Spatial clustering of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Hlabisa subdistrict, KwaZulu-Natal, 2011-2015. (2017) Smith, CM; Lessells, R; Grant, AD; Herbst, K; Tanser, F
  • The sensitivity of the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus assay in Zambian adults with active tuberculosis. (2017) Telisinghe, L; Amofa-Sekyi, M; Maluzi, K; Kaluba-Milimo, D; Cheeba-Lengwe, M; Chiwele, K; Kosloff, B; Floyd, S; Bailey, S-L; Ayles, H
  • 2016
  • Connectivity of diagnostic technologies: improving surveillance and accelerating tuberculosis elimination. (2016) Andre, E; Isaacs, C; Affolabi, D; Alagna, R; Brockmann, D; de Jong, BC; Cambau, E; Churchyard, G; Cohen, T; Delmee, M; Delvenne, J-C; Farhat, M; Habib, A; Holme, P; Keshavjee, S; Khan, A; Lightfoot, P; Moore, D; Moreno, Y; Mundade, Y; Pai, M; Patel, S; Nyaruhirira, AU; Rocha, LEC; Takle, J; Trébucq, A; Creswell, J; Boehme, C
  • Drug-resistant tuberculosis clinical trials: proposed core research definitions in adults. (2016) Furin, J; Alirol, E; Allen, E; Fielding, K; Merle, C; Abubakar, I; Andersen, J; Davies, G; Dheda, K; Diacon, A; Dooley, KE; Dravnice, G; Eisenach, K; Everitt, D; Ferstenberg, D; Goolam-Mahomed, A; Grobusch, MP; Gupta, R; Harausz, E; Harrington, M; Horsburgh, CR; Lienhardt, C; McNeeley, D; Mitnick, CD; Nachman, S; Nahid, P; Nunn, AJ; Phillips, P; Rodriguez, C; Shah, S; Wells, C; Thomas-Nyang'wa, B; du Cros, P
  • Successfully treated but not fit for purpose: paying attention to chronic lung impairment after TB treatment. (2016) Harries, AD; Ade, S; Burney, P; Hoa, NB; Schluger, NW; Castro, JL
  • Time for men to count, too. (2016) Horton, Katherine C; Houben, Rein MGJ; White, Richard G; Corbett, Elizabeth L description
  • Childhood pneumonia and crowding, bed-sharing and nutrition: a case-control study from The Gambia. (2016) Howie, SRC; Schellenberg, J; Chimah, O; Ideh, RC; Ebruke, BE; Oluwalana, C; Mackenzie, G; Jallow, M; Njie, M; Donkor, S; Dionisio, KL; Goldberg, G; Fornace, K; Bottomley, C; Hill, PC; Grant, CC; Corrah, T; Prentice, AM; Ezzati, M; Greenwood, BM; Smith, PG; Adegbola, RA; Mulholland, K description
  • Higher cost of implementing Xpert(®) MTB/RIF in Ugandan peripheral settings: implications for cost-effectiveness. (2016) Hsiang, E; Little, KM; Haguma, P; Hanrahan, CF; Katamba, A; Cattamanchi, A; Davis, JL; Vassall, A; Dowdy, D
  • Anaemia in patients with HIV-associated TB: relative contributions of anaemia of chronic disease and iron deficiency. (2016) Kerkhoff, AD; Meintjes, G; Opie, J; Vogt, M; Jhilmeet, N; Wood, R; Lawn, SD
  • Risk factors for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in 2-4 year olds in a rural HIV-prevalent setting. (2016) Khan, PY; Glynn, JR; Fielding, KL; Mzembe, T; Mulawa, D; Chiumya, R; Fine, PEM; Koole, O; Kranzer, K; Crampin, AC
  • High mortality and prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis in adults with chronic cough in Malawi: a cohort study. (2016) Nliwasa, M; MacPherson, P; Mukaka, M; Mdolo, A; Mwapasa, M; Kaswaswa, K; Msefula, C; Chipungu, G; Mwandumba, HC; Corbett, EL
  • Health care workers' gender bias in testing could contribute to missed tuberculosis among women in South Africa. (2016) Smith, A; Burger, R; Claassens, M; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Beyers, N
  • Ending tuberculosis by 2030: can we do it? (2016) Suthar, AB; Zachariah, R; Harries, AD
  • A simplified cost-effectiveness model to guide decision-making for shortened anti-tuberculosis treatment regimens. (2016) Zwerling, A; Gomez, GB; Pennington, J; Cobelens, F; Vassall, A; Dowdy, DW
  • 2015
  • Markers to differentiate between Kaposi's sarcoma and tuberculous pleural effusions in HIV-positive patients. (2015) Coleman, M; Finney, LJ; Komrower, D; Chitani, A; Bates, J; Chipungu, GA; Corbett, E; Allain, TJ
  • Diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis: programmatic management issues. (2015) Harries, AD; Kumar, AMV; Satyanarayana, S; Lin, Y; Zachariah, R; Lönnroth, K; Kapur, A
  • Investigating the quality of expectorated sputum for tuberculosis diagnosis in Bolivia. (2015) Hernández, P; Punchak, M; Camacho, M; Hepple, P; McNerney, R
  • To improve our tuberculosis burden estimates we need to learn from each other. (2015) Houben, Rein MGJ; White, Richard G
  • Regarding the effect of cured tuberculosis disease on longevity. (2015) Lalli, Marek; Houben, Rein; Churchyard, Gavin; White, Richard G
  • Rapid diagnosis of TB in HIV-positive in-patients with M. tuberculosis bacteraemia in sub-Saharan Africa. (2015) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D
  • Cord formation in BACTEC(TM) medium aids rapid identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. (2015) O'Hara, GA; Abdullah, S; Creer, DD; Elsaghier, AF
  • Patients' costs associated with seeking and accessing treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa. (2015) Ramma, L; Cox, H; Wilkinson, L; Foster, N; Cunnama, L; Vassall, A; Sinanovic, E
  • Accelerating progress towards tuberculosis elimination: the need for combination treatment and prevention. (2015) Reid, A; Grant, AD; White, RG; Dye, C; Vynnycky, E; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G; Pillay, Y
  • Quality of tuberculosis care in India: a systematic review. (2015) Satyanarayana, S; Subbaraman, R; Shete, P; Gore, G; Das, J; Cattamanchi, A; Mayer, K; Menzies, D; Harries, AD; Hopewell, P; Pai, M
  • Impact of reduced hospitalisation on the cost of treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa. (2015) Sinanovic, E; Ramma, L; Vassall, A; Azevedo, V; Wilkinson, L; Ndjeka, N; McCarthy, K; Churchyard, G; Cox, H
  • Ebola, fragile health systems and tuberculosis care: a call for pre-emptive action and operational research. (2015) Zachariah, R; Ortuno, N; Hermans, V; Desalegn, W; Rust, S; Reid, AJ; Boeree, MJ; Harries, AD
  • 2014
  • Global burden of asthma among children. (2014) Asher, I; Pearce, N
  • Impact and cost-effectiveness of current and future tuberculosis diagnostics: the contribution of modelling. (2014) Dowdy, DW; Houben, R; Cohen, T; Pai, M; Cobelens, F; Vassall, A; Menzies, NA; Gomez, GB; Langley, I; Squire, SB; White, R; TB MAC meeting participants
  • What is the role for Xpert® MTB/RIF in high-resource settings? Experience from a central London hospital. (2014) Gupta, RK; Lawn, SD; Booth, H; Morris-Jones, S
  • Mass treatment to eliminate tuberculosis from an island population. (2014) Hill, PC; Dye, C; Viney, K; Tabutoa, K; Kienene, T; Bissell, K; Williams, BG; Zachariah, R; Marais, BJ; Harries, AD
  • How can mathematical models advance tuberculosis control in high HIV prevalence settings? (2014) Houben, RMGJ; Dowdy, DW; Vassall, A; Cohen, T; Nicol, MP; Granich, RM; Shea, JE; Eckhoff, P; Dye, C; Kimerling, ME; White, RG; TB MAC TB-HIV meeting participants
  • Impact of changing diagnostic criteria for smear-positive tuberculosis: a cohort study in Malawi. (2014) Koole, O; Munthali, L; Mhango, B; Mpunga, J; Glynn, JR; Crampin, AC
  • Africa--not lost but still sick. Implementing interventions to prevent HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2014) Lawn, Stephen D
  • Preventing HIV-associated tuberculosis with antiretroviral therapy: shut the stable door early! (2014) Lawn, Stephen D
  • Elevated hepcidin at HIV diagnosis is associated with incident tuberculosis in a retrospective cohort study. (2014) Minchella, PA; Armitage, AE; Darboe, B; Jallow, MW; Drakesmith, H; Jaye, A; Prentice, AM; McDermid, JM
  • Second-line drug susceptibility breakpoints for Mycobacterium tuberculosis using the MODS assay. (2014) Trollip, AP; Moore, D; Coronel, J; Caviedes, L; Klages, S; Victor, T; Romancenco, E; Crudu, V; Ajbani, K; Vineet, VP; Rodrigues, C; Jackson, RL; Eisenach, K; Garfein, RS; Rodwell, TC; Desmond, E; Groessl, EJ; Ganiats, TG; Catanzaro, A
  • Patterns of funding allocation for tuberculosis control in fragile states. (2014) Warsame, A; Patel, P; Checchi, F
  • Towards elimination in industrialised countries: expanding diagnosis and treatment of LTBI among immigrants. (2014) White, Richard G; Houben, Rein MGJ
  • 2013
  • Prevalence and risk factors for self-reported asthma in an adult Indian population: a cross-sectional survey. (2013) Agrawal, S; Pearce, N; Ebrahim, S
  • The measurement of household socio-economic position in tuberculosis prevalence surveys: a sensitivity analysis. (2013) Boccia, D; Hargreaves, J; Howe, LD; De Stavola, BL; Fielding, K; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Tuberculosis screening in high human immunodeficiency virus prevalence settings: turning promise into reality. (2013) Corbett, EL; MacPherson, P
  • Impact of human immunodeficiency virus and CD4 count on tuberculosis diagnosis: analysis of city-wide data from Cape Town, South Africa. (2013) Gupta, RK; Lawn, SD; Bekker, L-G; Caldwell, J; Kaplan, R; Wood, R
  • The benefits to communities and individuals of screening for active tuberculosis disease: a systematic review. (2013) Kranzer, K; Afnan-Holmes, H; Tomlin, K; Golub, JE; Shapiro, AE; Schaap, A; Corbett, EL; Lönnroth, K; Glynn, JR
  • Diagnostic and prognostic value of serum C-reactive protein for screening for HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2013) Lawn, SD; Kerkhoff, AD; Vogt, M; Wood, R
  • Serum C-reactive protein measurement for ruling out HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2013) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D
  • In reply to 'C-reactive protein and tuberculosis screening: a new trick for an old dog?'. (2013) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Wood, Robin
  • Epidemiology of tuberculosis in children in London, 2009-2011: are opportunities for prevention being missed? (2013) Le Polain de Waroux, O; Pedrazzoli, D; Shingadia, D; Verlander, NQ; Jama, S; Altass, L; Maguire, H
  • Systematic screening for active tuberculosis: rationale, definitions and key considerations. (2013) Lönnroth, K; Corbett, E; Golub, J; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Uplekar, M; Weil, D; Raviglione, M
  • Sociodemographic basis of tuberculosis knowledge in Bolivia. (2013) Punchak, Mary; Hernandez, Pilar; Bottomley, Christian; Jemio, Carla; Camacho, Mirtha; McNerney, Ruth
  • Towards the WHO target of zero childhood tuberculosis deaths: an analysis of mortality in 13 locations in Africa and Asia. (2013) Russell, GK; Merle, CS; Cooke, GS; Casas, EC; Silveira da Fonseca, M; du Cros, P
  • All we need to know in public health we can learn from tuberculosis care: lessons for non-communicable disease. (2013) Seita, Akihiro; Harries, Anthony D
  • 2012
  • Spectrum of non-tuberculous mycobacteria identified using standard biochemical testing vs. 16S sequencing. (2012) Chihota, VN; van Halsema, CL; Grant, AD; Fielding, KL; van Helden, PD; Churchyard, GJ; Gey van Pittius, NC
  • Tuberculosis control in crisis: economic honesty and comparative effectiveness. (2012) Dowdy, D; Vassall, A; Cobelens, F
  • Tuberculosis control in crisis: economic honesty and comparative effectiveness. (2012) Dowdy, David; Vassall, Anna; Cobelens, Frank
  • Tuberculosis among adults starting antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: the need for routine case finding. (2012) Hanifa, Y; Fielding, KL; Charalambous, S; Variava, E; Luke, B; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD
  • Microscopy compared to culture for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in induced sputum samples: a systematic review. (2012) Hepple, P; Ford, N; McNerney, R
  • Microscopy compared to culture for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in induced sputum samples: a systematic review. (2012) Hepple, P; Ford, N; McNerney, R
  • Factors influencing sex differences in numbers of tuberculosis suspects at diagnostic centres in Pakistan. (2012) Khan, MS; Khan, MS; Sismanidis, C; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • In reply to 'Empirical tuberculosis treatment or improved diagnostics?'. (2012) Lawn, SD; Harries, AD
  • Diagnostic yield of tuberculosis using sputum induction in HIV-positive patients before antiretroviral therapy [Short communication]. (2012) Lawn, SD; Kerkhoff, AD; Pahlana, P; Vogt, M; Wood, R
  • Diagnostic yield of tuberculosis using sputum induction in HIV-positive patients before antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Lawn, SD; Kerkhoff, AD; Pahlana, P; Vogt, M; Wood, R
  • Location of Xpert® MTB/RIF in centralised laboratories in South Africa undermines potential impact. (2012) Lawn, SD; Kerkhoff, AD; Wood, R
  • Short-course untargeted isoniazid preventive therapy in South Africa: time to rethink policy? (2012) Lawn, SD; Wood, R
  • In reply to ‘Empirical tuberculosis treatment or improved diagnostics?’ [Correspondence]. (2012) Lawn, Stephen D; Harries, Anthony D
  • Location of Xpert® MTB/RIF in centralised laboratories in South Africa undermines potential impact. (2012) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Wood, Robin
  • Short-course untargeted isoniazid preventive therapy in South Africa: time to rethink policy? (2012) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
  • Survival of HIV-infected patients after starting tuberculosis treatment: a prospective cohort study. (2012) Maruza, M; Albuquerque, MFPM; Braga, MC; Barbosa, MTS; Byington, R; Coimbra, I; Moura, LV; Batista, JDL; Diniz, GTN; Miranda-Filho, DB; Lacerda, HR; Rodrigues, LC; Ximenes, RAA
  • Managing malaria in TB patients on fluoroquinolone-containing regimens: assessing the risk of QT prolongation. (2012) Murphy, ME; Singh, KP; Laurenzi, M; Brown, M; Gillespie, SH
  • Managing malaria in tuberculosis patients on fluoroquinolone-containing regimens: assessing the risk of QT prolongation. (2012) Murphy, ME; Singh, KP; Laurenzi, M; Brown, M; Gillespie, SH
  • Managing malaria in tuberculosis patients on fluoroquinolone-containing regimens: assessing the risk of QT prolongation. (2012) Murphy, ME; Singh, KP; Laurenzi, M; Brown, M; Gillespie, SH
  • Linezolid-containing regimens for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in South African children. (2012) Rose, PC; Hallbauer, UM; Seddon, JA; Hesseling, AC; Schaaf, HS
  • The evolving epidemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis among children in Cape Town, South Africa. (2012) Seddon, JA; Hesseling, AC; Marais, BJ; Jordaan, A; Victor, T; Schaaf, HS
  • Quantifying errors in the estimation of tuberculosis mortality in a population of South African miners. (2012) Sonnenberg, P; Lim, MSC; Dowdeswell, RJ; Field, N; Glynn, JR; Murray, J
  • An evaluation of 'Ribolola': a household tuberculosis contact tracing programme in North West Province, South Africa. (2012) Thind, D; Charalambous, S; Tongman, A; Churchyard, G; Grant, AD
  • In reply to ‘The need for building design professionals in operational research in low-income countries’ [Correspondence]. (2012) Zachariah, R; Ali, E; Dahmane, A; Srinath, S; Reid, T; Harries, AD
  • The need for building design professionals in operational research in low-income countries reply. (2012) Zachariah, R; Ali, E; Dahmane, A; Srinath, S; Reid, T; Harries, AD
  • Language in tuberculosis services: can we change to patient-centred terminology and stop the paradigm of blaming the patients? (2012) Zachariah, R; Harries, AD; Srinath, S; Ram, S; Viney, K; Singogo, E; Lal, P; Mendoza-Ticona, A; Sreenivas, A; Aung, NW; Sharath, BN; Kanyerere, H; van Soelen, N; Kirui, N; Ali, E; Hinderaker, SG; Bissell, K; Enarson, DA; Edginton, ME
  • Language in tuberculosis services: can we change to patient-centred terminology and stop the paradigm of blaming the patients? (2012) Zachariah, R; Harries, AD; Srinath, S; Ram, S; Viney, K; Singogo, E; Lal, P; Mendoza-Ticona, A; Sreenivas, A; Aung, NW; Sharath, BN; Kanyerere, H; van Soelen, N; Kirui, N; Ali, E; Hinderaker, SG; Bissell, K; Enarson, DA; Edginton, ME
  • Trends in drug-resistant tuberculosis in a gold-mining workforce in South Africa, 2002-2008. (2012) van Halsema, CL; Fielding, KL; Chihota, VN; Lewis, JJ; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD
  • 2011
  • Intensified tuberculosis case finding among people living with the human immunodeficiency virus in a hospital clinic in Ethiopia. (2011) Assefa, D; Melaku, Z; Gadissa, T; Negash, A; Hinderaker, SG; Harries, AD
  • Missed opportunities for tuberculosis diagnosis. (2011) Bailey, SL; Roper, MH; Huayta, M; Trejos, N; López Alarcón, V; Moore, DAJ
  • Analysing policy transfer: perspectives for operational research. (2011) Bissell, K; Lee, K; Freeman, R
  • Cash transfer and microfinance interventions for tuberculosis control: review of the impact evidence and policy implications. (2011) Boccia, D; Hargreaves, J; Lönnroth, K; Jaramillo, E; Weiss, J; Uplekar, M; Porter, JDH; Evans, CA
  • Moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide susceptibility testing in a complex case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. (2011) Feasey, NA; Pond, M; Coleman, D; Solomon, AW; Cosgrove, CA; Delgado, R; Butcher, PD; Mitchison, DA; Harrison, T
  • Tuberculosis in household contacts of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients. (2011) Grandjean, L; Crossa, A; Gilman, RH; Herrera, C; Bonilla, C; Jave, O; Cabrera, JL; Martin, L; Escombe, AR; Moore, DAJ
  • Paying attention to tuberculosis suspects whose sputum smears are negative. (2011) Harries, AD
  • The looming epidemic of diabetes-associated tuberculosis: learning lessons from HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2011) Harries, AD; Lin, Y; Satyanarayana, S; Lönnroth, K; Li, L; Wilson, N; Chauhan, LS; Zachariah, R; Baker, MA; Jeon, CY; Murray, MB; Maher, D; Bygbjerg, IC; Enarson, DA; Billo, NE; Kapur, A
  • The Union and Médecins Sans Frontières approach to operational research. (2011) Harries, AD; Rusen, ID; Reid, T; Detjen, AK; Berger, SD; Bissell, K; Hinderaker, SG; Edginton, M; Fussell, M; Fujiwara, PI; Zachariah, R
  • Paying attention to tuberculosis suspects whose sputum smears are negative. (2011) Harries, Anthony D
  • Reactivation or re-infection? reply. (2011) Houben, R; Glynn, JR
  • Human immunodeficiency virus associated tuberculosis more often due to recent infection than reactivation of latent infection. (2011) Houben, RMGJ; Crampin, AC; Ndhlovu, R; Sonnenberg, P; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Haas, WH; Engelmann, G; Lombard, CJ; Wilkinson, D; Bruchfeld, J; Lockman, S; Tappero, J; Glynn, JR
  • In reply to ‘Reactivation or re-infection?’ [Correspondence]. (2011) Houben, Rein; Glynn, Judith R
  • Transthoracic lung aspiration for the aetiological diagnosis of pneumonia: 25 years of experience from The Gambia. (2011) Ideh, RC; Howie, SRC; Ebruke, B; Secka, O; Greenwood, BM; Adegbola, RA; Corrah, T
  • Transthoracic lung aspiration for the aetiological diagnosis of pneumonia: 25 years of experience from The Gambia. (2011) Ideh, RC; Howie, SRC; Ebruke, B; Secka, O; Greenwood, BM; Adegbola, RA; Corrah, T
  • Quality of induced sputum using a human-powered nebuliser in a mobile human immunodeficiency virus testing service in South Africa. (2011) Kranzer, K; Olson, L; van Schaik, N; Raditlhalo, E; Hudson, E; Panigrahi, P; Bekker, L-G
  • Potential utility of empirical tuberculosis treatment for HIV-infected patients with advanced immunodeficiency in high TB-HIV burden settings. (2011) Lawn, SD; Ayles, H; Egwaga, S; Williams, B; Mukadi, YD; Santos Filho, ED; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Granich, RM; Harries, AD
  • Antiretroviral therapy and the control of HIV-associated tuberculosis. Will ART do it? (2011) Lawn, SD; Harries, AD; Williams, BG; Chaisson, RE; Losina, E; De Cock, KM; Wood, R
  • Pre-screening with GeneXpert® MTB/RIF may increase use of isoniazid preventive therapy in antiretroviral programmes. (2011) Lawn, Stephen D
  • Smoking habits and attitudes toward tobacco bans among United Kingdom hospital staff and students. (2011) Lewis, KE; Shin, D; Davies, G
  • Risk factors for mortality in smear-negative tuberculosis suspects: a cohort study in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2011) Macpherson, P; Dimairo, M; Bandason, T; Zezai, A; Munyati, SS; Butterworth, AE; Mungofa, S; Rusakaniko, S; Fielding, K; Mason, PR; Corbett, EL
  • Reliability of the MODS assay decentralisation process in three health regions in Peru. (2011) Mendoza, A; Castillo, E; Gamarra, N; Huamán, T; Perea, M; Monroi, Y; Salazar, R; Coronel, J; Acurio, M; Obregón, G; Roper, M; Bonilla, C; Asencios, L; Moore, DAJ
  • Performance of culture and drug susceptibility testing in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in northern China. (2011) Qi, W; Harries, AD; Hinderaker, SG
  • Early antiretroviral treatment reduces risk of bacille Calmette-Guerin immune reconstitution adenitis. (2011) Rabie, H; Violari, A; Duong, T; Madhi, SA; Josipovic, D; Innes, S; Dobbels, E; Lazarus, E; Panchia, R; Babiker, AG; Gibb, DM; Cotton, MF; Team, C
  • Delays in seeking treatment for symptomatic tuberculosis in Sabah, East Malaysia: factors for patient delay. (2011) Rundi, C; Fielding, K; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Rodrigues, LC; Mangtani, P
  • The experience of implementing a 'TB village' for a pastoralist population in Cherrati, Ethiopia. (2011) Tayler-Smith, K; Khogali, M; Keiluhu, K; Jemmy, JP; Ayada, L; Weyeyso, T; Issa, AM; de Maio, G; Harries, AD; Zachariah, R
  • Reduced tuberculosis case notification associated with scaling up antiretroviral treatment in rural Malawi. (2011) Zachariah, R; Bemelmans, M; Akesson, A; Gomani, P; Phiri, K; Isake, B; van den Akker, T; Philips, M; Mwale, A; Gausi, F; Kwanjana, J; Harries, AD
  • In reply. (2011) Zachariah, R; Gomani, P; Massaquoi, M; Harries, AD
  • Building leadership capacity and future leaders in operational research in low-income countries: why and how? (2011) Zachariah, R; Reid, T; Srinath, S; Chakaya, J; Legins, K; Karunakara, U; Harries, AD
  • 2010
  • Estimating tuberculosis case detection rate in resource-limited countries: a capture-recapture study in Egypt. (2010) Bassili, A; Grant, AD; El-Mohgazy, E; Galal, A; Glaziou, P; Seita, A; Abubakar, I; Bierrenbach, AL; Crofts, JP; van Hest, NA
  • Children's role in enhanced case finding in Zambia. (2010) Bond, V; Chilikwela, L; Simwinga, M; Reade, Z; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Hunleth, J
  • Liquid vs. solid culture for tuberculosis: performance and cost in a resource-constrained setting. (2010) Chihota, VN; Grant, AD; Fielding, K; Ndibongo, B; van Zyl, A; Muirhead, D; Churchyard, GJ
  • Tuberculosis among community-based health care researchers. (2010) Claassens, MM; Sismanidis, C; Lawrence, K-A; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H; Enarson, DA; Beyers, N
  • MODS accreditation process for regional reference laboratories in Peru: validation by GenoType® MTBDRplus. (2010) Coronel, J; Roper, M; Mitchell, S; Castillo, E; Gamarra, N; Drobniewski, F; Luna, G; Mendoza, A; Moore, DAJ
  • Chest radiograph reading and recording system: evaluation for tuberculosis screening in patients with advanced HIV. (2010) Dawson, R; Masuka, P; Edwards, DJ; Bateman, ED; Bekker, L-G; Wood, R; Lawn, SD
  • The MIT D-lab electricity-free PortaTherm™ incubator for remote testing with the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube assay. (2010) Dominguez, M; Smith, A; Luna, G; Brady, MF; Austin-Breneman, J; Lopez, S; Yataco, R; Moore, DAJ
  • Tuberculosis transmission risk and infection control in a hospital emergency department in Lima, Peru. (2010) Escombe, AR; Huaroto, L; Ticona, E; Burgos, M; Sanchez, I; Carrasco, L; Farfán, E; Flores, F; Moore, DAJ
  • Community-based treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2010) Heller, T; Lessells, RJ; Wallrauch, CG; Bärnighausen, T; Cooke, GS; Mhlongo, L; Master, I; Newell, ML
  • Human immunodeficiency virus increases the risk of tuberculosis due to recent re-infection in individuals with latent infection. (2010) Houben, RMGJ; Glynn, JR; Mallard, K; Sichali, L; Malema, S; Fine, PEM; French, N; Crampin, AC
  • Health status of UK patients with active tuberculosis. (2010) Kruijshaar, ME; Lipman, M; Essink-Bot, M-L; Lozewicz, S; Creer, D; Dart, S; Maguire, H; Abubakar, I
  • Outcomes and safety of concomitant nevirapine and rifampicin treatment under programme conditions in Malawi. (2010) Moses, M; Zachariah, R; Tayler-Smith, K; Misinde, D; Foncha, C; Manzi, M; Bauerfeind, A; Mwagomba, B; Kwanjana, J; Harries, AD
  • The TDR Tuberculosis Specimen Bank: a resource for diagnostic test developers. (2010) Nathanson, C-M; Cuevas, LE; Cunningham, J; Perkins, MD; Peeling, RW; Guillerm, M; Moussy, F; Ramsay, A
  • Consultation meeting on tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus: meeting summary and recommendations. (2010) Ottmani, S-E; Murray, MB; Jeon, CY; Baker, MA; Kapur, A; Lönnroth, K; Harries, AD
  • Intra-assay reliability and robustness of QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold In-Tube test in Zambia. (2010) Shanaube, K; De Haas, P; Schaap, A; Moyo, M; Kosloff, B; Devendra, A; Raby, E; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H
  • Confusion, caring and tuberculosis diagnostic delay in Cape Town, South Africa. (2010) Skordis-Worrall, J; Hanson, K; Mills, A
  • Serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 concentrations increase during tuberculosis treatment in Tanzania. (2010) Tostmann, A; Wielders, JPM; Kibiki, GS; Verhoef, H; Boeree, MJ; van der Ven, AJAM
  • Patient costs of accessing collaborative tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus interventions in Ethiopia. (2010) Vassall, A; Seme, A; Compernolle, P; Meheus, F
  • Extra-pulmonary and smear-negative forms of tuberculosis are associated with treatment delay and hospitalisation. (2010) Whitehorn, J; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Changing prevalence of tuberculosis infection with increasing age in high-burden townships in South Africa. (2010) Wood, R; Liang, H; Wu, H; Middelkoop, K; Oni, T; Rangaka, MX; Wilkinson, RJ; Bekker, L-G; Lawn, SD
  • 2009
  • Tuberculosis and the human immunodeficiency virus in the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease in 2008. (2009) Ayles, HM; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis among prisoners in Malawi: a national survey. (2009) Banda, HT; Gausi, F; Harries, AD; Salaniponi, FM
  • Simple measures are as effective as invasive techniques in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi. (2009) Bell, DJ; Dacombe, R; Graham, SM; Hicks, A; Cohen, D; Chikaonda, T; French, N; Molyneux, ME; Zijlstra, EE; Squire, SB; Gordon, SB
  • Prevalent infectious tuberculosis in Harare, Zimbabwe: burden, risk factors and implications for control. (2009) Corbett, EL; Bandason, T; Cheung, Y-B; Makamure, B; Dauya, E; Munyati, SS; Churchyard, GJ; Williams, BG; Butterworth, AE; Mungofa, S; Hayes, RJ; Mason, PR
  • What has Karonga taught us? Tuberculosis studied over three decades. (2009) Crampin, AC; Glynn, JR; Fine, PEM
  • Ethnic differences in time trends in asthma prevalence in New Zealand: ISAAC Phases I and III. (2009) Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; Pattemore, PK; Asher, MI; Clayton, TO; Crane, J; Ellwood, P; Mackay, RJ; Mitchell, EA; Moyes, C; Pearce, N; Stewart, AW
  • Reduction in asthma morbidity following a community-based asthma self-management programme in Tonga. (2009) Foliaki, S; Fakakovikaetau, T; D'Souza, W; Latu, S; Tutone, V; Cheng, S; Pearce, N
  • The impact of immigration on tuberculosis rates in the United Kingdom compared with other European countries. (2009) Gilbert, RL; Antoine, D; French, CE; Abubakar, I; Watson, JM; Jones, JA
  • Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among gold miners in South Africa. (2009) Hanifa, Y; Grant, AD; Lewis, J; Corbett, EL; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G
  • Registering initial defaulters and reporting on their treatment outcomes. (2009) Harries, AD; Rusen, ID; Chiang, C-Y; Hinderaker, SG; Enarson, DA
  • Providing HIV care for co-infected tuberculosis patients: a perspective from sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Harries, AD; Zachariah, R; Lawn, SD
  • In reply. (2009) Hesseling, AC; Cotton, MF; Mak, TK; Fordham Von Reyn, C; Graham, SM; Gie, RP; Hussey, GD
  • Systematic review and analysis of population-based molecular epidemiological studies. (2009) Houben, RMGJ; Glynn, JR
  • Screening for active tuberculosis among patients accessing antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Lawn, Stephen D; Kranzer, Katharina; Edwards, David J; Wood, Robin
  • Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in England, 1998. (2009) Love, J; Sonnenberg, P; Glynn, JR; Gibson, A; Gopaul, K; Fang, Z; Le Brun, F; Pitman, R; Hayward, AC; Innes, J; Van den Bosch, C; Delpech, V; Drobniewski, F; Watson, JM
  • A multidisciplinary method to map potential tuberculosis transmission 'hot spots' in high-burden communities. (2009) Murray, EJ; Marais, BJ; Mans, G; Beyers, N; Ayles, H; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Wallman, S; Bond, V
  • Diagnostic accuracy of commercial urinary lipoarabinomannan detection in African tuberculosis suspects and patients. (2009) Mutetwa, R; Boehme, C; Dimairo, M; Bandason, T; Munyati, SS; Mangwanya, D; Mungofa, S; Butterworth, AE; Mason, PR; Corbett, EL
  • Comparison of four culture systems for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Zambian National Reference Laboratory. (2009) Muyoyeta, M; Schaap, JA; De Haas, P; Mwanza, W; Muvwimi, MW; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H
  • Long-term morbidity from severe pneumonia in early childhood in The Gambia, West Africa: a follow-up study. (2009) Ritchie, LMP; Howie, SRC; Arenovich, T; Cheung, YB; Weber, M; Moore, S; Adegbola, RA
  • 2008
  • Cost of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment from the patient perspective in Lusaka, Zambia. (2008) Aspler, A; Menzies, D; Oxlade, O; Banda, J; Mwenge, L; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, H
  • Reducing the string test intra-gastric downtime for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2008) Bae, WH; Salas, A; Brady, MF; Coronel, J; Colombo, CGL; Castro, B; Gilman, RH; Moore, DAJ
  • Contribution of reinfection to recurrent tuberculosis in South African gold miners. (2008) Charalambous, S; Grant, AD; Moloi, V; Warren, R; Day, JH; van Helden, P; Hayes, RJ; Fielding, KL; De Cock, KM; Chaisson, RE; Churchyard, GJ
  • Assessment and evaluation of contact as a risk factor for tuberculosis in rural Africa. (2008) Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Ngwira, BM; Mwinuka, V; Mwaungulu, JN; Branson, K; Fine, PEM; Glynn, JR
  • Estimating tuberculosis case mortality in England and Wales, 2001-2002. (2008) Crofts, JP; Pebody, R; Grant, A; Watson, JM; Abubakar, I
  • Risk factors for symptoms of childhood asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in the Pacific: an ISAAC Phase III study. (2008) Foliaki, S; Annesi-Maesano, I; Tuuau-Potoi, N; Waqatakirewa, L; Cheng, S; Douwes, J; Pearce, N
  • Robert Koch and the discovery of the tubercle bacillus: the challenge of HIV and tuberculosis 125 years later. (2008) Harries, AD
  • HIV/AIDS: the long haul ahead. (2008) Harries, Anthony D
  • Consensus statement on the revised World Health Organization recommendations for BCG vaccination in HIV-infected infants. (2008) Hesseling, AC; Cotton, MF; Fordham von Reyn, C; Graham, SM; Gie, RP; Hussey, GD
  • India's Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme: looking beyond detection and cure. (2008) Kelkar-Khambete, A; Kielmann, K; Pawar, S; Porter, J; Inamdar, V; Datye, A; Rangan, S
  • Costs and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis cultures using solid and liquid media in a developing country. (2008) Mueller, DH; Mwenge, L; Muyoyeta, M; Muvwimi, MW; Tembwe, R; McNerney, R; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Ayles, HM
  • Physician-initiated courtesy MODS testing for TB and MDR-TB diagnosis and patient management. (2008) Nic Fhogartaigh, CJ; Vargas-Prada, S; Huancaré, V; Lopez, S; Rodríguez, J; Moore, DAJ
  • Detecting LTBI: old techniques, new approaches. (2008) Sismanidis, Charalambos; Williams, Brian
  • Outcomes in HIV-infected patients who develop tuberculosis after starting antiretroviral treatment in Malawi. (2008) Yu, JK-L; Bong, C-N; Chen, SC-C; Dzimadzi, R; Lu, D-Y; Makombe, SD; Schouten, EJ; Kamoto, K; Harries, AD
  • 2007
  • How can we reduce TB deaths? (2007) Ayles, Helen M
  • Tobacco policies in Austria during the Third Reich. (2007) Bachinger, E; McKee, M
  • Outcomes of HIV-infected children with tuberculosis who are started on antiretroviral therapy in Malawi. (2007) Bong, C-N; Chen, SCC; Jong, Y-J; Tok, T-S; Hsu, C-F; Schouten, EJ; Makombe, SD; Yu, JK-L; Harries, AD
  • Population differences in death rates in HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis. (2007) Ciglenecki, I; Glynn, JR; Mwinga, A; Ngwira, B; Zumla, A; Fine, PEM; Nunn, A
  • Evaluation of the Arkansas method of urine testing for isoniazid in South Africa. (2007) Hanifa, Y; Mngadi, K; Lewis, J; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G; Grant, AD
  • Outcomes of tuberculosis patients who start antiretroviral therapy under routine programme conditions in Malawi. (2007) Makombe, SD; Harries, AD; Yu, JK-L; Hochgesang, M; Mhango, E; Weigel, R; Pasulani, O; Fitzgerald, M; Schouten, EJ; Libamba, E
  • Micronutrient supplements and mortality of HIV-infected adults with pulmonary TB: a controlled clinical trial. (2007) Semba, RD; Kumwenda, J; Zijlstra, E; Ricks, MO; van Lettow, M; Whalen, C; Clark, TD; Jorgensen, L; Kohler, J; Kumwenda, N; Taha, TE; Harries, AD
  • Does antiretroviral treatment reduce case fatality among HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis in Malawi? (2007) Zachariah, R; Fitzgerald, M; Massaquoi, M; Acabu, A; Chilomo, D; Salaniponi, FML; Harries, AD
  • Clinical presentation and outcome of tuberculosis patients infected by M. africanum versus M. tuberculosis. (2007) de Jong, BC; Hill, PC; Aiken, A; Jeffries, DJ; Onipede, A; Small, PM; Adegbola, RA; Corrah, TP
  • 2006
  • A case-control study of protection against tuberculosis by BCG revaccination in Recife, Brazil. (2006) Dantas, OMS; Ximenes, RA de A; de Albuquerque, M de FPM; da Silva, NLCL; Montarroyos, UR; de Souza, WV; Pereira, TCC; Campelo, ARL; Rodrigues, LC
  • Mixture analysis of tuberculin survey data from northern Malawi and critique of the method. (2006) Davies, GR; Fine, PE; Vynnycky, E
  • Screening for tuberculosis prior to isoniazid preventive therapy among HIV-infected gold miners in South Africa. (2006) Day, JH; Charalambous, S; Fielding, KL; Hayes, RJ; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD
  • HIV infection, tuberculosis and World AIDS Day, 2006. (2006) De Cock, Kevin M
  • Providing HIV care for tuberculosis patients in sub-Saharan Africa. (2006) Harries, AD; Boxshall, M; Phiri, S; van Gorkom, J; Zachariah, R; Squire, SB; Makombe, SD; Kwanjana, J; Gondwett, M
  • Using tuberculosis suspects to identify patients eligible for antiretroviral treatment. (2006) Munthali, L; Mwaungulu, JN; Munthali, K; Bowie, C; Crampin, AC
  • Human immunodeficiency virus, smoking and self-rated health in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2006) Munyati, SS; Redzo, N; Dauya, E; Matambo, R; Makamure, B; Bandason, T; Butterworth, AE; Gwanzura, L; Rusakaniko, S; Mason, PR; Corbett, EL
  • Perceptions and experiences of tuberculosis among African patients attending a tuberculosis clinic in London. (2006) Nnoaham, KE; Pool, R; Bothamley, G; Grant, AD
  • The global epidemiology of asthma in children. (2006) Pearce, N; Douwes, J
  • Quality of tuberculosis care provided in different models of public-private partnerships in South Africa. (2006) Sinanovic, E; Kumaranayake, L
  • Environmental determinants associated with the development of asthma in childhood. (2006) Wong, GWK; von Mutius, E; Douwes, J; Pearce, N
  • Health care seeking behaviour for tuberculosis symptoms in Kiev City, Ukraine. (2006) van der Werf, MJ; Chechulin, Y; Yegorova, OB; Marcinuk, T; Stopolyanskiy, A; Voloschuk, V; Zlobinec, M; Vassall, A; Veen, J; Hasker, E; Turchenko, LV
  • 2005
  • Social factors influencing hospital utilisation by tuberculosis patients in the Russian Federation: analysis of routinely collected data. (2005) Atun, RA; Samyshkin, YA; Drobniewski, F; Kuznetsov, SI; Fedorin, IM; Coker, RJ
  • Neonatal BCG protection against tuberculosis lasts for 20 years in Brazil. (2005) Barreto, ML; Cunha, SS; Pereira, SM; Genser, B; Hijjar, MA; Yury Ichihara, M; de Brito, SC; Dourado, I; Cruz, A; Santa'Ana, C; Rodrigues, LC
  • 'Kuyendela odwala TB'--visiting TB patients: the widening role of home-based care organisations in the management of tuberculosis patients in Lusaka, Zambia. (2005) Bond, VA; Tihon, V; Muchimba, M; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • Scaling up HIV/AIDS and joint HIV-TB services in Malawi. (2005) Chimzizi, R; Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Golombe, C; Manda, E; Khonyongwa, A; Salaniponi, FM; Libamba, E; Schouten, EJ; Mwansambo, A; Mpazanje, R
  • Increased risk of tuberculosis among health care workers in Samara Oblast, Russia: analysis of notification data. (2005) Dimitrova, B; Hutchings, A; Atun, R; Drobniewski, F; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Fedorin, I; Coker, RJ
  • Interferon-gamma responses to ESAT-6 in tuberculosis patients early into and after anti-tuberculosis treatment. (2005) Ferrand, RA; Bothamley, GH; Whelan, A; Dockrell, HM
  • HIV/AIDS: the epidemic, its impact and turning the tide. (2005) Harries, AD
  • Performance-related allowances within the Malawi National Tuberculosis Control Programme. (2005) Harries, AD; Salaniponi, FM; Nunn, PP; Raviglione, M
  • Human resources for control of tuberculosis and HIV-associated tuberculosis. (2005) Harries, AD; Zachariah, R; Bergström, K; Blanc, L; Salaniponi, FM; Elzinga, G
  • Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in Africa: learning from tuberculosis control programmes--the case of Malawi. (2005) Libamba, E; Makombe, S; Harries, AD; Chimzizi, R; Salaniponi, FM; Schouten, EJ; Mpazanje, R
  • Tuberculosis skin testing, anergy and protein malnutrition in Peru. (2005) Pelly, TF; Santillan, CF; Gilman, RH; Cabrera, LZ; Garcia, E; Vidal, C; Zimic, MJ; Moore, DAJ; Evans, CA
  • Adherence to TB preventive therapy for HIV-positive patients in rural South Africa: implications for antiretroviral delivery in resource-poor settings? (2005) Rowe, KA; Makhubele, B; Hargreaves, JR; Porter, JD; Hausler, HP; Pronyk, PM
  • WHO clinical staging of HIV infection and disease, tuberculosis and eligibility for antiretroviral treatment: relationship to CD4 lymphocyte counts. (2005) Teck, R; Ascurra, O; Gomani, P; Manzi, M; Pasulani, O; Kusamale, J; Salaniponi, FML; Humblet, P; Nunn, P; Scano, F; Harries, AD; Zachariah, R
  • Can we get more HIV-positive tuberculosis patients on antiretroviral treatment in a rural district of Malawi? (2005) Zachariah, R; Teck, R; Ascurra, O; Gomani, P; Manzi, M; Humblet, P; Nunn, P; Salaniponi, FML; Harries, AD
  • 2004
  • Tuberculosis and nutrition: disease perceptions and health seeking behavior of household contacts in the Peruvian Amazon. (2004) Baldwin, MR; Yori, PP; Ford, C; Moore, DAJ; Gilman, RH; Vidal, C; Ticona, E; Evans, CA
  • Voluntary counselling, HIV testing and adjunctive cotrimoxazole are associated with improved TB treatment outcomes under routine conditions in Thyolo District, Malawi. (2004) Chimzizi, R; Gausi, F; Bwanali, A; Mbalume, D; Teck, R; Gomani, P; Zachariah, R; Zuza, W; Malombe, R; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Counselling, HIV testing and adjunctive cotrimoxazole for TB patients in Malawi: from research to routine implementation. (2004) Chimzizi, RB; Harries, AD; Manda, E; Khonyongwa, A; Salaniponi, FM
  • Screening programmes for tuberculosis in new entrants across Europe. (2004) Coker, RJ; Bell, A; Pitman, R; Hayward, A; Watson, J
  • Tuberculosis and gender: exploring the patterns in a case control study in Malawi. (2004) Crampin, AC; Glynn, JR; Floyd, S; Malema, SS; Mwinuka, VK; Ngwira, BMM; Mwaungulu, FD; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PEM
  • Characteristics and outcome of tuberculosis patients whose sputum smears are positive at or after 5 months of treatment. (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Chimzizi, R; Salaniponi, FM
  • Prescriptions and dosages of anti-tuberculosis drugs in the National Tuberculosis Control Programme of Malawi. (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Salaniponi, FM
  • When are follow-up sputum smears actually examined in patients treated for new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis? (2004) Harries, AD; Gausi, F; Salaniponi, FM
  • Using a bus service for transporting sputum specimens to the Central Reference Laboratory: effect on the routine TB culture service in Malawi. (2004) Harries, AD; Michongwe, J; Nyirenda, TE; Kemp, JR; Squire, SB; Ramsay, AR; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • Tuberculosis control in Malawian prisons: from research to policy and practice. (2004) Harries, AD; Nyirenda, TE; Yadidi, AE; Gondwe, MK; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Effect of Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL172) immunotherapy on radiographic healing in tuberculosis. (2004) Johnson, JL; Nunn, AJ; Fourie, PB; Ormerod, LP; Mugerwa, RD; Mwinga, A; Chintu, C; Ngwira, B; Onyebujoh, P; Zumla, A
  • Long-term outcome in patients registered with tuberculosis in Zomba, Malawi: mortality at 7 years according to initial HIV status and type of TB. (2004) Kang'ombe, CT; Harries, AD; Ito, K; Clark, T; Nyirenda, TE; Aldis, W; Nunn, PP; Semba, RD; Salaniponi, FML
  • The effect of tuberculin skin testing on viral load and anti-mycobacterial immune responses in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults. (2004) Mawa, PA; Pickering, JM; Miiro, G; Namujju, PB; Watera, C; Anyaegani, G; Whitworth, JAG; Elliott, AM
  • Comparison of two bacteriophage tests and nucleic acid amplification for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Mbulo, GMK; Kambashi, BS; Kinkese, J; Tembwe, R; Shumba, B; Godfrey-Faussett, P; McNerney, R
  • Auditing the new decentralised oral treatment regimens in Malawi. (2004) Nyirenda, TE; Harries, AD; Gausi, FK; Ito, K; Kemp, JR; Squire, BS; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • Patient and health service delays in initiating treatment for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: retrospective cohort study. (2004) Paynter, S; Hayward, A; Wilkinson, P; Lozewicz, S; Coker, R
  • Undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis deaths in rural South Africa. (2004) Pronyk, PM; Kahn, K; Hargreaves, JR; Tollman, SM; Collinson, M; Hausler, HP; Porter, JDH
  • Tuberculosis control in rural India: lessons from public-private collaboration. (2004) Rangan, SG; Juvekar, SK; Rasalpurkar, SB; Morankar, SN; Joshi, AN; Porter, JDH
  • The value of counting BCG scars for interpretation of tuberculin skin tests in a tuberculosis hyperendemic shantytown, Peru. (2004) Saito, M; Bautista, CT; Gilman, RH; Bowering, A; Levy, MZ; Evans, CA
  • Use of a multiple choice questionnaire to stimulate TB officers to read the TB manual in Malawi. (2004) Salaniponi, FM; Kwanjana, JH; Gondwe, MK; Harries, AD
  • Malnutrition and the severity of lung disease in adults with pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi. (2004) Van Lettow, M; Kumwenda, JJ; Harries, AD; Whalen, CC; Taha, TE; Kumwenda, N; Kang'ombe, C; Semba, RD
  • Guidelines for establishing trials of new tests to diagnose tuberculosis in endemic countries. (2004) Walsh, A; McNerney, R
  • Implementing joint TB and HIV interventions in a rural district of Malawi: is there a role for an international non-governmental organisation? (2004) Zachariah, R; Teck, R; Harries, AD; Humblet, P
  • 2003
  • A comparison of dual skin test with mycobacterial antigens and tuberculin skin test alone in estimating prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection from population surveys. (2003) Bierrenbach, AL; Floyd, S; Cunha, SC; Dourado, I; Barreto, ML; Pereira, SM; Hijjar, MA; Rodrigues, LC
  • Tuberculosis control in Samara Oblast, Russia: institutional and regulatory environment. (2003) Coker, RJ; Dimitrova, B; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, Y; Balabanova, Y; Kuznetsov, S; Fedorin, I; Melentsiev, A; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Atun, R
  • HIV and tuberculosis: surveillance revisited. (2003) Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Rates of adverse reactions to first and second doses of BCG vaccination: results of a large community trial in Brazilian schoolchildren. (2003) Dourado, I; Rios, MH; Pereira, SMM; Cunha, SS; Ichihara, MY; Goes, JCL; Rodrigues, LC; Bierrenbach, AL; Barreto, ML
  • A prioritised research agenda for DOTS-Plus for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). (2003) Gupta, Rajesh; Espinal, Marcos; Stop TB Working Group on DOTS-Plus for MDR-TB
  • Preventing recurrent tuberculosis in high HIV-prevalent areas in sub-Saharan Africa: what are the options for tuberculosis control programmes? (2003) Harries, AD; Chimzizi, RB; Nyirenda, TE; van Gorkom, J; Salaniponi, FM
  • Developing operational research capacity in hospital tuberculosis control officers in Malawi. (2003) Harries, AD; Kemp, JR; Salaniponi, FM
  • Teaching tuberculosis control to medical undergraduates: the Malawi experience. (2003) Harries, AD; Kumwenda, J; Zijlstra, EE; Broadhead, RL; Squire, SB; Salaniponi, FM
  • Defining and assessing the maximum number of visits patients should make to a health facility to obtain a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. (2003) Harries, AD; Nyirenda, TE; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FM
  • Management and outcome of tuberculosis patients who fail treatment under routine programme conditions in Malawi. (2003) Harries, AD; Nyirenda, TE; Kemp, JR; Squire, BS; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Salaniponi, FML
  • Epidemiology and control of tuberculosis in Western European cities. (2003) Hayward, AC; Darton, T; Van-Tam, JN; Watson, JM; Coker, R; Schwoebel, V
  • Decentralisation of tuberculosis services in an urban setting, Lilongwe, Malawi. (2003) Nyirenda, TE; Harries, AD; Gausi, F; van Gorkom, J; Maher, D; Floyd, K; Salaniponi, FML
  • Decentralisation of treatment for patients with tuberculosis in Malawi: moving from research to policy and practice. (2003) Salaniponi, FM; Gausi, F; Mphasa, N; Nyirenda, TE; Kwanjana, JH; Harries, AD
  • Characteristics, management and outcome of patients with recurrent tuberculosis under routine programme conditions in Malawi. (2003) Salaniponi, FM; Nyirenda, TE; Kemp, JR; Squire, SB; Godfrey-Faussett, P; Harries, AD
  • Passive versus active tuberculosis case finding and isoniazid preventive therapy among household contacts in a rural district of Malawi. (2003) Zachariah, R; Spielmann, MP; Harries, AD; Gomani, P; Graham, SM; Bakali, E; Humblet, P
  • Voluntary counselling, HIV testing and sexual behaviour among patients with tuberculosis in a rural district of Malawi. (2003) Zachariah, R; Spielmann, MP; Harries, AD; Salaniponi, FL
  • Exogenous re-infection as a cause of recurrent tuberculosis in a low-incidence area. (2003) de Boer, AS; Borgdorff, MW; Vynnycky, E; Sebek, MM; van Soolingen, D
  • 2002
  • High frequency of tuberculosis in households of index TB patients. (2002) Claessens, NJM; Gausi, FF; Meijnen, S; Weismuller, MM; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Screening childhood contacts of patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi. (2002) Claessens, NJM; Gausi, FF; Meijnen, S; Weismuller, MM; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Should tuberculosis programmes invest in second-line treatments for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)? (2002) Coker, Richard
  • Analysis of data from individuals demonstrates high discordance between IFN-gamma assays and PPD-tuberculin skin tests used in screening for tuberculosis infection - In reply. (2002) Floyd, S; Black, GF; Dockrell, HM; Fine, PEM
  • Why do patients with a cough delay seeking care at Lusaka urban health centres? A health systems research approach. (2002) Godfrey-Faussett, P; Kaunda, H; Kamanga, J; van Beers, S; van Cleeff, M; Kumwenda-Phiri, R; Tihont, V
  • Childhood tuberculosis in Malawi: nationwide case-finding and treatment outcomes. (2002) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Graham, SM; Mwansambo, C; Kazembe, P; Broadhead, RL; Maher, D; Salaniponi, FM
  • Operational assessment of isoniazid prophylaxis in a community AIDS service organisation in Uganda. (2002) Lugada, ES; Watera, C; Nakiyingi, J; Elliott, A; Brink, A; Nanyunja, M; French, N; Antivelink, L; Gilks, C; Whitworth, J
  • Phage tests for diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing. (2002) McNerney, Ruth
  • Outcome of patients with tuberculosis who transfer between reporting units in Malawi. (2002) Meijnen, S; Weismuller, MM; Claessens, NJM; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Quality assessment of sputum transportation, smear preparation and AFB microscopy in a rural district in Malawi. (2002) Mundy, CJF; Harries, AD; Banerjee, A; Salaniponi, FM; Gilks, CF; Squire, SB
  • Tuberculosis transmission and the impact of intervention on the incidence of infection. (2002) Pitman, R; Jarman, B; Coker, R
  • Cost-effectiveness of different treatment strategies for tuberculosis in Egypt and Syria. (2002) Vassall, A; Bagdadi, S; Bashour, H; Zaher, H; Maaren, PV
  • Diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis in Malawi: an audit of hospital practice. (2002) Weismuller, MM; Graham, SM; Claessens, NJM; Meijnen, S; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD
  • Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV-infected individuals after completing anti-tuberculosis treatment in Thyolo, Malawi. (2002) Zachariah, R; Spielmann, MP; Harries, AD; Gomani, P; Bakali, E
  • 2001
  • A unified treatment regimen for new cases of tuberculosis in resource-poor countries: a study in a rural district in Malawi. (2001) Banerjee, A; Harries, AD; Mphasa, N; Veen, J; Ringdal, T; Van Gorkom, J; Salaniponi, FM
  • A study of the variation in tuberculosis incidence and possible influential variables in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Cardiff in 1991-1995. (2001) Bennett, J; Pitman, R; Jarman, B; Innes, J; Best, N; Alves, B; Cook, A; Hart, D; Coker, R
  • Skin test reactivity to mycobacterial antigens parallels the phylogenetic structure of their genus. (2001) Bierrenbach, AL; Cunha, SS; Barreto, ML; Pereira, SM; Rodrigues, LC
  • Relationship between IFN-gamma and skin test responsiveness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPD in healthy, non-BCG-vaccinated young adults in Northern Malawi. (2001) Black, GF; Fine PEM; Warndorff, DK; Floyd, S; Weir, RE; Blackwell, JM; Bliss, L; Sichali, L; Mwaungulu, L; Chaguluka, S; Jarman, E; Ngwira, B; Dockrell, HM
  • Persistent radiological changes following miliary tuberculosis in miners exposed to silica dust. (2001) Charalambous, S; Churchyard, GJ; Murray, J; De Cock, KM; Corbett, EL
  • Care of HIV complications in patients receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment in hospitals in Malawi. (2001) Chimzizi, RB; Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • The clinical significance of interactions between HIV and TB: more questions than answers. (2001) Corbett, EL; De Cock, KM
  • Comparison of two versus three smears in identifying culture-positive tuberculosis patients in a rural African setting with high HIV prevalence. (2001) Crampin, AC; Floyd, S; Mwaungulu, F; Black, G; Ndhlovu, R; Mwaiyeghele, E; Glynn, JR; Warndorff, DK; Fine, PE
  • The immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected adults in Uganda: application of a whole blood cytokine assay in an epidemiological study. (2001) Elliott, AM; Hurst, TJ; Balyeku, MN; Quigley, MA; Kaleebu, P; French, N; Biryahwaho, B; Whitworth, JA; Dockrell, HM; Hayes, RJ
  • Efficacy of the BCG revaccination programme in hong kong - In reply. (2001) Fine, PEM
  • What causes smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in Malawi, an area of high HIV seroprevalence? (2001) Hargreaves, NJ; Kadzakumanja, O; Phiri, S; Nyangulu, DS; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD; Squire, SB
  • 'Smear-negative' pulmonary tuberculosis in a DOTS programme: poor outcomes in an area of high HIV seroprevalence. (2001) Hargreaves, NJ; Kadzakumanja, O; Whitty, CJ; Salaniponi, FM; Harries, AD; Squire, SB
  • Is oral intermittent initial phase anti-tuberculosis treatment associated with higher mortality in high HIV-prevalent areas in sub-Saharan Africa? (2001) Harries, AD; Gausi, FK; Kwanjana, JH; Nyirenda, TE; Salaniponi, FM
  • High early death rate in tuberculosis patients in Malawi. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Gausi, F; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Clinical diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis: an audit of diagnostic practice in hospitals in Malawi. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Kwanjana, JH; Salaniponi, FM
  • Design of regimens for treating tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection, with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Harries, AD; Hargreaves, NJ; Salaniponi, FM
  • Under-diagnosis of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Nairobi, Kenya. (2001) Hawken, MP; Muhindi, DW; Chakaya, JM; Bhatt, SM; Ng'ang'a, LW; Porter, JD
  • Utility of nucleic acid amplification techniques for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Kambashi, B; Mbulo, G; McNerney, R; Tembwe, R; Kambashi, A; Tihon, V; Godfrey-Faussett, P
  • The irreversible cost of delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV co-infected persons in sub-Saharan Africa. (2001) Lawn, SD; Griffin, GE
  • Factors affecting time delay to treatment in a tuberculosis control programme in a sub-Saharan African country: the experience of The Gambia. (2001) Lienhardt, C; Rowley, J; Manneh, K; Lahai, G; Needham, D; Milligan, P; McAdam, KP
  • Evaluation of suspected tuberculous pleurisy: clinical and diagnostic findings in HIV-1-positive and HIV-negative adults in Uganda. (2001) Luzze, H; Elliott, AM; Joloba, ML; Odida, M; Oweka-Onyee, J; Nakiyingi, J; Quigley, M; Hirsch, C; Mugerwa, RD; Okwera, A; Johnson, JL
  • Can guardians supervise TB treatment as well as health workers? A study on adherence during the intensive phase. (2001) Manders, AJ; Banerjee, A; van den Borne, HW; Harries, AD; Kok, GJ; Salaniponi, FM
  • Sensitivity and specificity of BCG scar reading in Brazil. (2001) Pereira, SM; Dourado, I; Barreto, ML; Cunha, SS; Ichiara, MY; Hijjar, MA; Goes, JC; Rodrigues, LC
  • Active case finding: understanding the burden of tuberculosis in rural South Africa. (2001) Pronyk, PM; Joshi, B; Hargreaves, JR; Madonsela, T; Collinson, MA; Mokoena, O; Tollman, SM; Hausler, HR
  • Assessing health seeking behaviour among tuberculosis patients in rural South Africa. (2001) Pronyk, RM; Makhubele, MB; Hargreaves, JR; Tollman, SM; Hausler, HP
  • Attention to gender issues in tuberculosis control. (2001) Uplekar, MW; Rangan, S; Weiss, MG; Ogden, J; Borgdorff, MW; Hudelson, P
  • Economic analysis of tuberculosis diagnostic tests in disease control: how can it be modelled and what additional information is needed? (2001) Walker, D
  • Directly observed treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: an economic evaluation in the United States of America and South Africa. (2001) Wilton, P; Smith, RD; Coast, J; Millar, M; Karcher, A
  • Compliance with cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for the prevention of opportunistic infections in HIV-positive tuberculosis patients in Thyolo district, Malawi. (2001) Zachariah, R; Harries, AD; Arendt, V; Wennig, R; Schneider, S; Spielmann, M; Panarotto, E; Gomani, P; Salaniponi, FM