Items where the Publication is The Veterinary record
Number of items: 15.
  • Bird-biting mosquitoes on farms in southern England. (2018) Brugman, Victor Albert; Medlock, Jolyon M; Logan, James G; Wilson, Anthony J; Lindsay, Steve W; Fooks, Anthony R; Mertens, Peter PC; Johnson, Nicholas; Carpenter, Simon T
  • 2017
  • Managing the spread of canine leishmaniosis in Europe. (2017) Ready, Paul D
  • 2016
  • Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serovar 8 predominates in England and Wales. (2016) Li, Y; Bossé, JT; Williamson, SM; Maskell, DJ; Tucker, AW; Wren, BW; Rycroft, AN; Langford, PR; BRADP1T Consortium
  • 2014
  • Emerging infectious diseases: opportunities at the human-animal-environment interface. (2014) Dixon, Matthew A; Dar, Osman A; Heymann, David L
  • Relationships between metabolite and IGF1 concentrations with fertility and production outcomes following left abomasal displacement. (2014) Lyons, NA; Cooke, JS; Wilson, S; van Winden, SC; Gordon, PJ; Wathes, DC
  • 2006
  • Risk factors associated with the salmonella status of dairy farms in England and Wales. (2006) Davison, HC; Sayers, AR; Smith, RP; Pascoe, SJS; Davies, RH; Weaver, JP; Evans, SJ
  • Risk assessments to inform policy decisions regarding importation of pets from North America. (2006) Kosmider, RD; Kelly, L; Laurenson, K; Coleman, P; Fooks, AR; Woolhouse, M; Wooldridge, M
  • Investigation of risk factors for clinical mastitis in British dairy herds with bulk milk somatic cell counts less than 150,000 cells/ml. (2006) O'Reilly, KM; Green, MJ; Peeler, EJ; Fitzpatrick, JL; Green, LE
  • Factors associated with preweaning mortality on commercial pig farms in England and Wales. (2006) O'Reilly, KM; Harris, MJ; Mendl, M; Held, S; Moinard, C; Statham, P; Marchant-Forde, J; Green, LE
  • 2005
  • Prevalence, incidence and geographical distribution of serovars of Salmonella on dairy farms in England and Wales. (2005) Davison, HC; Smith, RP; Pascoe, SJS; Sayers, AR; Davies, RH; Weaver, JP; Kidd, SA; Dalziel, RW; Evans, SJ
  • Integrated working. (2005) Donaldson, LJ; Reynolds, DJ
  • Persistence of Salmonella Typhimurium DT120 in abattoir paddocks holding sheep. (2005) Purvis, GM; Hullah, K; Pascoe, SJS; Evans, SJ; Davies, RH
  • 2003
  • Prevalence of faecal excretion of verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 in cattle in England and Wales. (2003) Paiba, GA; Wilesmith, JW; Evans, SJ; Pascoe, SJS; Smith, RP; Kidd, SA; Ryan, JBM; McLaren, IM; Chappell, SA; Willshaw, GA; Cheasty, T; French, NP; Jones, TWH; Buchanan, HF; Challoner, DJ; Colloff, AD; Cranwell, MP; Daniel, RG; Davies, IH; Duff, JP; Hogg, RAT; Kirby, FD; Millar, MF; Monies, RJ; Nicholls, MJ; Payne, JH
  • 2002
  • Faecal carriage of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in cattle and sheep at slaughter in Great Britain. (2002) Paiba, GA; Gibbens, JC; Pascoe, SJS; Wilesmith, JW; Kidd, SA; Byrne, C; Ryan, JBM; Smith, RP; McLaren, M; Futter, RJ; Kay, ACS; Jones, YE; Chappell, SA; Willshaw, GA; Cheasty, T
  • 2001
  • Correlations of measurements of subclinical claw horn lesions in dairy cattle. (2001) Le Fevre, AM; Logue, DN; Offer, JE; McKendrick, I; Gettinby, G