Items where the Publication is The New Zealand medical journal

Number of items: 21.
  • Acceptability of human papillomavirus self-sampling for cervical-cancer screening in under-screened Māori and Pasifika women: a pilot study. (2019) Brewer, Naomi; Foliaki, Sunia; Bromhead, Collette; Viliamu-Amusia, Ioana; Pelefoti-Gibson, Litia; Jones, Tegan; Pearce, Neil; Potter, John D; Douwes, Jeroen
  • An updated critique of the use of the Twin Spine Study (2009) to determine causation of low back disorder. (2019) Walls, Christopher B; Snell, Andrew; McLean, David J; Pearce, Neil
  • 2018
  • Carcinogenicity of glyphosate: why is New Zealand's EPA lost in the weeds? (2018) Douwes, Jeroen; 't Mannetje, Andrea; McLean, Dave; Pearce, Neil; Woodward, Alistair; Potter, John D
  • 2014
  • Estimated infant intake of persistent organic pollutants through breast milk in New Zealand. (2014) 't Mannetje, Andrea; Coakley, Jonathan; Bridgen, Phil; Smith, Allan H; Read, Deborah; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • 2011
  • Medical image. Retinal macroaneurysm following a branch retinal vein occlusion. (2011) Bastawrous, Andrew; Kumar, Vineeth; Prasad, Som
  • Occupational mortality in New Zealand males 2001-2005. (2011) Holmes, E; Davies, A; Wright, C; Pearce, N; Borman, B
  • Comorbidity among patients with colon cancer in New Zealand. (2011) Sarfati, D; Tan, L; Blakely, T; Pearce, N
  • 2009
  • A design fault in New Zealand's health research funding system exposed by pandemic influenza. (2009) Wilson, Nick; Baker, Michael; Jennings, Lance; Murdoch, David; Krause, Kurt; Edwards, Richard; Roberts, Mick; Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen; Johnston, David; Rice, Geoff; Bullen, Chris; Blackmore, Tim; Raymond, Nigel; Thomas, Mark; McArthur, Colin; Jackson, Gary; Maclean, Margot; Nesdale, Annette; Peters, Julia; Thornley, Craig
  • 2008
  • Has the prevalence and severity of symptoms of asthma changed among children in New Zealand? ISAAC Phase Three. (2008) Asher, M Innes; Stewart, Alistair W; Clayton, Tadd; Crane, Julian; Ellwood, Philippa Innes; Mackay, Richard; Mitchell, Ed; Moyes, Chris; Pattemore, Philip K; Pearce, Neil
  • 2004
  • Regional variations in asthma hospitalisations among Maori and non-Maori. (2004) Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; King, Ron; Pearce, Neil
  • Respiratory symptoms and lung function change in welders: are they associated with workplace exposures? (2004) Fishwick, David; Bradshaw, Lisa; Slater, Tania; Curran, Andrew; Pearce, Neil
  • The New Zealand Meningococcal Vaccine Strategy: a tailor-made vaccine to combat a devastating epidemic. (2004) Sexton, Kerry; Lennon, Diana; Oster, Philipp; Crengle, Sue; Martin, Diana; Mulholland, Kim; Percival, Teuila; Reid, Stewart; Stewart, Joanna; O'Hallahan, Jane
  • 2003
  • Cellular telephone use and time trends for brain, head and neck tumours. (2003) Cook, Angus; Woodward, Alistair; Pearce, Neil; Marshall, Cara
  • 2002
  • Socio-economic position is more than just NZDep. (2002) Blakely, Tony; Pearce, Neil
  • Socio-economic factors and mortality among 25-64 year olds followed from 1991 to 1994: the New Zealand Census-Mortality Study. (2002) Blakely, Tony; Woodward, Alistair; Pearce, Neil; Salmond, Clare; Kiro, Cindy; Davis, Peter
  • Time trends and seasonal patterns of asthma deaths and hospitalisations among Maori and non-Maori. (2002) Ellison-Loschmann, L; Cheng, S; Pearce, N
  • Mortality and cancer incidence in New Zealand pulp and paper mill workers. (2002) McLean, Dave; Colin, Didier; Boffetta, Paolo; Pearce, Neil
  • Are Maori under-served for cardiac intervention? (2002) Raine, Rosalind
  • Social class mortality differences in Maori and non-Maori men aged 15-64 during the last two decades. (2002) Sporle, Andrew; Pearce, Neil; Davis, Peter
  • 2001
  • The burden of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema in children and adolescents in six New Zealand centres: ISAAC Phase One. (2001) Asher, MI; Barry, D; Clayton, T; Crane, J; D'Souza, W; Ellwood, P; Ford, RP; Mackay, R; Mitchell, EA; Moyes, C; Pattemore, P; Pearce, N; Stewart, AW; International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)
  • Dietary iron intakes and biochemical iron status of 15-49 year old women in New Zealand: is there a cause for concern? (2001) Ferguson, EL; Morison, IM; Faed, JM; Parnell, WR; McKenzie, J; Wilson, NC; Russell, DG