Items where the Publication is The Medical journal of Australia

Number of items: 17.
Bibliographic data only
  • Bronchiectasis in indigenous children in remote Australian communities. (2002) Chang, Anne B; Grimwood, Keith; Mulholland, E Kim; Torzillo, Paul J; Working Group on Indigenous Paediatric Respiratory Health
  • Surgery the quality of information disseminated by Web-based waiting time information services. (2002) Cromwell, David A; Griffiths, David A; Kreis, Irene A
  • The burden of alcohol drinking on co-workers in the Australian workplace. (2010) Dale, Caroline E; Livingston, Michael J
  • The WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety: towards the years of living less dangerously. (2006) Donaldson, Liam J; Fletcher, Martin G
  • Drowning and near-drowning in Northern Territory children. (2001) Edmond, KM; Attia, JR; Deste, CA; Condon, JT
  • Breaking the deadlock over an Australian trial of injectable opioid maintenance. (2002) Hall, Wayne D; Kimber, Jo; Mattick, Richard P
  • Commercialism, choice and consumer protection: regulation of complementary medicines in Australia. (2008) Harvey, Ken J; Korczak, Viola S; Marron, Loretta J; Newgreen, David B
  • Globalisation: what is it and how does it affect health? (2004) Lee, Kelley
  • The Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute: rising to the challenge of applying knowledge from research to Australian policy. (2008) Mays, Nicholas B
  • Immunisation at the crossroads: 9th National Immunisation/1st Asia-Pacific Vaccine Preventable Diseases Conference. (2005) McIntyre, PB; Kelly, HA; Mulholland, EK
  • What are governments for? (2007) McKee, Martin; Colagiuri, Ruth
  • E-cigarettes should be regulated. (2016) McKee, Martin; Daube, Mike; Chapman, Simon
  • Environment, sustainability and health: the learning curve steepens. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • Protecting our children from obesity: challenges and opportunities. (2018) Moore, Michael J; McKee, Martin; Brownbill, Aimee L
  • University of Melbourne Medical School: reflections of a graduate. (2012) Morris, Peter J
  • Tranexamic acid and trauma. (2013) Roberts, Ian
  • Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Fiji: prospective surveillance, 2005-2007. (2009) Steer, Andrew C; Kado, Joseph; Jenney, Adam WJ; Batzloff, Michael; Waqatakirewa, Lepani; Mulholland, E Kim; Carapetis, Jonathan R