Items where the Publication is The International journal on drug policy
Number of items: 94.
Creativity, care and 'messy' drug use: A collective history of the early days of peer-led needle exchange in Dunedin, New Zealand. (2021)
Harris, Magdalena
Conceptualising hepatitis C stigma: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research. (2021)
Harris, Magdalena; Guy, Danielle; Picchio, Camila A; White, Trenton M; Rhodes, Tim; Lazarus, Jeffrey V
"Nothing about us, without us": Negotiating the personal and professional as activists and academics who use drugs. (2021)
Harris, Magdalena; Luongo, Nicole
Ecologies of drug war and more-than-human health: The case of a chemical at war with a plant. (2021)
Rhodes, Tim; Harris, Magdalena; Sanín, Francisco Gutiérrez; Lancaster, Kari
History and the future of addiction. (2020)
Berridge, Virginia
An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom. (2020)
Harris, Magdalena
'The opportunity to have their say'? Identifying mechanisms of community engagement in local alcohol decision-making. (2020)
Reynolds, Joanna; McGrath, Michael; Halliday, Emma; Ogden, Margaret; Hare, Sue; Smolar, Maria; Lafortune, Louise; Lock, Karen; Popay, Jennie; Cook, Penny; Egan, Matt
Surveillance of sexualised drug use - the challenges and the opportunities. (2018)
Giraudon, Isabelle; Schmidt, Axel Jeremias; Mohammed, Hamish
Caring and curing: Considering the effects of hepatitis C pharmaceuticalisation in relation to non-clinical treatment outcomes. (2018)
Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
Chemsex behaviours among men who have sex with men: A systematic review of the literature. (2018)
Maxwell, Steven; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Gafos, Mitzy
Fentanyl self-testing outside supervised injection settings to prevent opioid overdose: Do we know enough to promote it? (2018)
McGowan, Catherine R; Harris, Magdalena; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian; Rhodes, Tim
Typology of drug use in United Kingdom men who have sex with men and associations with socio-sexual characteristics. (2018)
Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bourne, Adam; Reid, David; Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; Weatherburn, Peter
Differences in risk behaviours and HIV status between primary amphetamines and opioid injectors in Estonia and Russia. (2018)
Tavitian-Exley, Isabel; Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu; Platt, Lucy; Heimer, Robert; Uusküla, Anneli; Levina, Olga; Vickerman, Peter; Boily, Marie-Claude
Learning lessons: The need for effective evaluation of regulatory change. (2018)
Wardle, Heather
Demand for and availability of specialist chemsex services in the UK: A cross-sectional survey of sexual health clinics. (2018)
Wiggins, H; Ogaz, D; Mebrahtu, H; Sullivan, A; Bowden-Jones, O; Field, N; Hughes, G
Tensions in relation: How peer support is experienced and received in a hepatitis C treatment intervention. (2017)
Bonnington, O; Harris, M
Elimination of hepatitis C virus infection among PWID: The beginning of a new era of interferon-free DAA therapy. (2017)
Grebely, Jason; Bruneau, Julie; Bruggmann, Philip; Harris, Magdalena; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Treloar, Carla; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users
Managing expense and expectation in a treatment revolution: Problematizing prioritisation through an exploration of hepatitis C treatment 'benefit'. (2017)
Harris, M
Restrictions on access to direct-acting antivirals for people who inject drugs: The European Hep-CORE study and the role of patient groups in monitoring national HCV responses. (2017)
Lazarus, JV; Safreed-Harmon, K; Stumo, SR; Jauffret-Roustide, M; Maticic, M; Reic, T; Schatz, E; Tallada, J; Harris, M; Hep-CORE Study Group
Transitions at the International Journal of Drug Policy. (2017)
Rhodes, Tim
Down the local: A qualitative case study of daytime drinking spaces in the London Borough of Islington. (2017)
Thompson, Claire; Milton, Sarah; Egan, Matt; Lock, Karen
Social norms related to combining drugs and sex ("chemsex") among gay men in South London. (2016)
Ahmed, AK; Weatherburn, P; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres-Rueda, S; Steinberg, P; Bourne, A
Intersecting epidemics of HIV, HCV, and syphilis among soon-to-be released prisoners in Kyrgyzstan: Implications for prevention and treatment. (2016)
Azbel, Lyuba; Polonsky, Maxim; Wegman, Martin; Shumskaya, Natalya; Kurmanalieva, Ainura; Asanov, Akylbek; Wickersham, Jeffrey A; Dvoriak, Sergii; Altice, Frederick L
History and the future: Looking back to look forward? (2016)
Berridge, Virginia
Access to needle and syringe programs by people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs. (2016)
Iversen, Jenny; Hope, Vivian D; McVeigh, Jim
Predictors of crystal methamphetamine use in a community-based sample of UK men who have sex with men. (2016)
Melendez-Torres, GJ; Bonell, C; Hickson, F; Bourne, A; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P
Positive youth development programmes to reduce substance use in young people: Systematic review. (2016)
Melendez-Torres, GJ; Dickson, Kelly; Fletcher, Adam; Thomas, James; Hinds, Kate; Campbell, Rona; Murphy, Simon; Bonell, Chris
Drug harms and drug policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implementation science and HIV epidemics. (2016)
Rhodes, Tim; Abdool, Reychad
Towards "evidence-making intervention" approaches in the social science of implementation science: The making of methadone in East Africa. (2016)
Rhodes, Tim; Closson, Elizabeth F; Paparini, Sara; Guise, Andy; Strathdee, Steffanie
Advancing the science, methods and practices of drug policy research. (2016)
Rhodes, Tim; Stevens, Alex; Ritter, Alison; Decorte, Tom
Illicit drug use among gay and bisexual men in 44 cities: Findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS). (2016)
Schmidt, Axel J; Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Marcus, Ulrich; Hickson, Ford; EMIS Network
An ethnographic exploration of drug markets in Kisumu, Kenya. (2016)
Syvertsen, Jennifer L; Ohaga, Spala; Agot, Kawango; Dimova, Margarita; Guise, Andy; Rhodes, Tim; Wagner, Karla D
Evidence-based policy? The re-medicalization of cannabis and the role of expert committees in the UK, 1972-1982. (2016)
Taylor, Suzanne L
"Chemsex" and harm reduction need among gay men in South London. (2015)
Bourne, Adam; Reid, David; Hickson, Ford; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Steinberg, Paul; Weatherburn, Peter
Fire in the vein: Heroin acidity and its proximal effect on users' health. (2015)
Ciccarone, Daniel; Harris, Magdalena
Expanding access to prevention, care and treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs. (2015)
Grebely, Jason; Bruggmann, Philip; Treloar, Carla; Byrne, Jude; Rhodes, Tim; Dore, Gregory J; International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users
Strategies for achieving universal access to hepatitis C virus prevention and care for people who inject drugs. (2015)
Grebely, Jason; Bruggmann, Philip; Treloar, Carla; Byrne, Jude; Rhodes, Tim; Dore, Gregory J; International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users
The promise of treatment as prevention for hepatitis C: Meeting the needs of people who inject drugs? (2015)
Harris, Magdalena; Albers, Eliot; Swan, Tracy
Not in the vein: 'missed hits', subcutaneous and intramuscular injections and associated harms among people who inject psychoactive drugs in Bristol, United Kingdom. (2015)
Hope, VD; Parry, JV; Ncube, F; Hickman, M
Accessing methadone within Moldovan prisons: Prejudice and myths amplified by peers. (2015)
Polonsky, Maxim; Azbel, Lyuba; Wickersham, Jeffrey A; Marcus, Ruthanne; Doltu, Svetlana; Grishaev, Evgeny; Dvoryak, Sergey; Altice, Frederick L
Human rights and access to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs. (2015)
Wolfe, D; Luhmann, N; Harris, M; Momenghalibaf, A; Albers, E; Byrne, J; Swan, T
Sex work amongst people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: findings from a National Survey of Health Harms and Behaviours. (2014)
Croxford, Sara; Platt, Lucy; Hope, Vivian D; Cullen, Katelyn J; Parry, John V; Ncube, Fortune
"It's Russian roulette": adulteration, adverse effects and drug use transitions during the 2010/2011 United Kingdom heroin shortage. (2014)
Harris, Magdalena; Forseth, Kirsten; Rhodes, Tim
Factors associated with the use of cleaned needles and syringes among people who inject drugs in the UK: who should we target to minimise the risks? (2014)
Hope, VD; Cullen, KJ; Croxford, S; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
Illicit drugs in Central Asia: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we need to know. (2014)
Latypov, Alisher; Grund, Jean-Paul; El-Bassel, Nabila; Platt, Lucy; Stöver, Heino; Strathdee, Steffanie
Towards good governance in drug policy: evidence, stakeholders and politics. (2014)
MacGregor, Susanne; Singleton, Nicola; Trautmann, Franz
Controlling HIV among people who inject drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: insights from modeling. (2014)
Vickerman, Peter; Platt, Lucy; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Kazatchkine, Michel D; Latypov, Alisher
Injecting behaviour and service use among young injectors in Albania, Moldova, Romania and Serbia. (2013)
Busza, Joanna; Douthwaite, Megan; Bani, Roland; Scutelniciuc, Otilia; Preda, Marian; Simic, Danijela
Breaking worse: the emergence of krokodil and excessive injuries among people who inject drugs in Eurasia. (2013)
Grund, Jean-Paul C; Latypov, Alisher; Harris, Magdalena
Methadone diversion as a protective strategy: the harm reduction potential of 'generous constraints'. (2013)
Harris, Magdalena; Rhodes, Tim
Factors associated with recent symptoms of an injection site infection or injury among people who inject drugs in three English cities. (2013)
Hope, VD; Hickman, M; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
Interventions to prevent HIV and Hepatitis C in people who inject drugs: a review of reviews to assess evidence of effectiveness. (2013)
MacArthur, Georgina J; van Velzen, Eva; Palmateer, Norah; Kimber, Jo; Pharris, Anastasia; Hope, Vivian; Taylor, Avril; Roy, Kirsty; Aspinall, Esther; Goldberg, David; Rhodes, Tim; Hedrich, Dagmar; Salminen, Mika; Hickman, Matthew; Hutchinson, Sharon J
Partnerships and communities in English drug policy: the challenge of deprivation. (2011)
Macgregor, Susanne; Thickett, Anthony
Narrating the social relations of initiating injecting drug use: transitions in self and society. (2011)
Rhodes, Tim; Bivol, Stela; Scutelniciuc, Otilia; Hunt, Neil; Bernays, Sarah; Busza, Joanna
Sociological approaches to drug use and drug policy. (2011)
Stevens, A; Rhodes, T
"We don't have no drugs education": The myth of universal drugs education in English secondary schools? (2010)
Fletcher, Adam; Bonell, Chris; Sorhaindo, Annik
Qualitative social research in addictions publishing: Creating an enabling journal environment. (2010)
Rhodes, Tim; Stimson, Gerry V; Moore, David; Bourgois, Philippe
HIV infection and risk behaviour of primary fentanyl and amphetamine injectors in Tallinn, Estonia: implications for intervention. (2010)
Talu, Ave; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Abel-Ollo, Katri; Rüütel, Kristi; Rahu, Mati; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Bobrova, Natalia; Uusküla, Anneli
Addressing the wider determinants of problematic drug use: advantages of whole-population over targeted interventions. (2008)
Bonell, C; Fletcher, A
Cannabis use and 'safe' identities in an inner-city school risk environment. (2008)
Fletcher, Adam; Bonell, Chris; Sorhaindo, Annik; Rhodes, Tim
Drugs in Afghanistan: Opium, outlaws and scorpion tales. (2008)
MacGregor, Susanne
Sexual health risk among dance drug users: cross-sectional comparisons with nationally representative data. (2008)
Mitcheson, Luke; McCambridge, Jim; Byrne, Angela; Hunt, Neil; Winstock, Adam
Access to syringes in three Russian cities: implications for syringe distribution and coverage. (2008)
Sarang, Anya; Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy
Global estimates of prevalence of HCV infection among injecting drug users. (2007)
Aceijas, Carmen; Rhodes, Tim
Public perceptions of public drug use in four UK urban sites. (2007)
Cusick, Linda; Kimber, Jo
Pusher myths: Re-situating the drug dealer. (2007)
Fletcher, Adam
Public injecting and willingness to use a drug consumption room among needle exchange programme attendees in the UK. (2007)
Hunt, Neil; Lloyd, Charlie; Kimber, Jo; Tompkins, Charlotte
Drug use settings: an emerging focus for research and intervention. (2007)
Kerr, Thomas; Kimber, Jo; Rhodes, Tim
How can hepatitis C be prevented in the long term? (2007)
Mateu-Gelabert, Pedro; Treloar, Carla; Calatayud, Víctor Agulló; Sandoval, Milagros; Zurián, Juan Carlos Valderrama; Maher, Lisa; Rhodes, Tim; Friedman, Samuel R
Five years on: what are the community perceptions of drug-related public amenity following the establishment of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre? (2007)
Salmon, Allison M; Thein, Hla-Hla; Kimber, Jo; Kaldor, John M; Maher, Lisa
Public injection settings in Vancouver: physical environment, social context and risk. (2007)
Small, Will; Rhodes, Tim; Wood, Evan; Kerr, Thomas
Women heroin users: Exploring the limitations of the structural violence approach. (2005)
Beckerleg, Susan; Hundt, Gillian Lewando
Methods for assessing HIV and HIV risk among IDUs and for evaluating interventions. (2005)
Stimson, Gerry V; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Bastos, Francisco; Saidel, Tobi
Public opinion towards supervised injecting centres and the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre. (2005)
Thein, Hla-Hla; Kimber, Jo; Maher, Lisa; MacDonald, Margaret; Kaldor, John M
Beyond prevention? Injecting drug user narratives about hepatitis C. (2004)
Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
Managing seen and unseen blood associated with drug injecting: implications for theorising harm reduction for viral risk. (2004)
Davis, Mark; Rhodes, Tim
Social theory in drug research, drug policy and harm reduction. (2004)
Moore, David; Rhodes, Tim
HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. (2004)
Rhodes, Tim; Sarang, Anya; Bobrik, Alexei; Bobkov, Eugene; Platt, Lucy
Modelling emerging HIV epidemics: the role of injecting drug use and sexual transmission in the Russian Federation, China and India. (2003)
Grassly, Nicholas C; Lowndes, Catherine M; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Renton, Adrian; Garnett, Geoffrey P
Conditions for widespread heterosexual spread of HIV in the Russian Federation: implications for research, monitoring and prevention. (2003)
Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian; Alary, Michel; Rhodes, Tim; Garnett, Geoff; Stimson, Gerry
Injecting drug use and the sexual transmission of HIV: simple model insights. (2003)
Vickerman, Peter; Watts, Charlotte