Items where the Publication is The British journal of general practice
Number of items: 95.
Bibliographic data only
What is the role of urine dipstick testing in the management of UTI? (2002)
Aliyu, Sani Hussein; Ludlum, Hugo; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Bentley, Neil
Child obesity cut-offs as derived from parental perceptions: cross-sectional questionnaire. (2015)
Black, James A; Park, MinHae; Gregson, John; Falconer, Catherine L; White, Billy; Kessel, Anthony S; Saxena, Sonia; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
How can GPs and community health services work more effectively together? (2015)
Bramwell, Donna; Peckham, Stephen; Allen, Pauline; Checkland, Kath
Practice size: impact on consultation length, workload, and patient assessment of care. (2001)
Campbell, JL; Ramsay, J; Green, J
International primary care snapshot: academic primary care in Italy. (2016)
Cegolon, Luca; Heymann, William
Primary care-led commissioning: applying lessons from the past to the early development of clinical commissioning groups in England. (2013)
Checkland, Kath; Coleman, Anna; McDermott, Imelda; Segar, Julia; Miller, Rosalind; Petsoulas, Christina; Wallace, Andrew; Harrison, Stephen; Peckham, Stephen
The new health threats of exotic and global travel. (2012)
Coltart, Cordelia EM; Behrens, Ron H
Specialist treatment versus self-help for bulimia nervosa: a randomised controlled trial in general practice. (2003)
Durand, Mary Alison; King, Michael
Educational and organisational interventions used to improve the management of hypertension in primary care: a systematic review. (2005)
Fahey, Tom; Schroeder, Knut; Ebrahim, Shah
Thrombosis prevention trial: follow-up study of practical implications. (2002)
Fasey, N; Brennan, PJ; Meade, TW; MRC General Practice Research Framework. Medical Research Counci
How to protect general practice from child protection. (2011)
Fitzpatrick, Michael
Prescription of antiviral therapy after herpes zoster in general practice: who receives therapy? (2012)
Forbes, Harriet J; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
The postcode lottery of GP training: Time Out of Programme. (2013)
Franey, Cara; Munir, Shazia; Seo, Ha-Neul; Pettigrew, Luisa
Bilingual young people's experiences of interpreting in primary care: a qualitative study. (2003)
Free, C; Green, J; Bhavnani, V; Newman, A
Transcultural communication and ethnic comparisons in the experience of services. (2005)
Free, Caroline
A randomised controlled trial of the effect of educational outreach by community pharmacists on prescribing in UK general practice. (2002)
Freemantle, Nick; Nazareth, Irwin; Eccles, Martin; Wood, John; Haines, Andrew; Evidence-based OutReach trialists
Chronic kidney disease: a new priority for primary care. (2006)
Gomez, Gabriela B; de Lusignan, Simon; Gallagher, Hugh
A snapshot of general practice in Europe. (2009)
Green, Nicolle; Ansar, Moontarin; Pettigrew, Luisa
Factors influencing the uptake of childhood immunisation in rural areas. (2004)
Henderson, Rob; Oates, Ken; MacDonald, Helen; Smith, W Cairns S; Selvaraj, Sivasubramaniam
Validity of diagnoses in the general practice research database. (2011)
Herrett, Emily L; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam
Workforce trends in general practice in the UK: results from a longitudinal study of doctors' careers. (2006)
Jones, Lorelei; Fisher, Tania
The CPRD and the RCGP: building on research success by enhancing benefits for patients and practices. (2015)
Kousoulis, Antonis A; Rafi, Imran; de Lusignan, Simon
What Greece can learn from UK primary care experience and empirical research. (2012)
Kousoulis, Antonis A; Symvoulakis, Emmanouil K; Lionis, Christos
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomised trial of training in information management, evidence-based medicine, both or neither: the PIER trial. (2002)
Langham, Julia; Tucker, Helen; Sloan, David; Pettifer, Jane; Thom, Simon; Hemingway, Harry
Aspirin use for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2001)
Lawlor, DA; Bedford, C; Taylor, M; Ebrahim, S
With appropriate incentives, general practice can improve the coverage of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. (2006)
Ma, Richard
Experiences of front-line health professionals in the delivery of telehealth: a qualitative study. (2014)
MacNeill, Virginia; Sanders, Caroline; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Hendy, Jane; Barlow, James; Knapp, Martin; Rogers, Anne; Bardsley, Martin; Newman, Stanton P
Against the odds: should GPs have any involvement with gambling problems? (2007)
McCambridge, Jim; Cunningham, John
Hazardous drinking and the NHS: the costs of pessimism and the benefits of optimism. (2006)
McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John; Butler, Chris C; Keaney, Francis; Anderson, Peter
Cannabis use and the GP: brief motivational intervention increases clinical enquiry by GPs in a pilot study. (2003)
McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John; Platts, Simon; Witton, John
Patterns of regional variation of opioid prescribing in primary care in England: a retrospective observational study. (2018)
Mordecai, Luke; Reynolds, Carl; Donaldson, Liam J; de C Williams, Amanda C
Integrating preconception care for women with diabetes into primary care: a qualitative study. (2010)
Mortagy, Iman; Kielmann, Karina; Baldeweg, Stephanie E; Modder, Jo; Pierce, Mary B
Inequalities in treated heart disease and mental illness in England and Wales, 1994-1998. (2001)
Moser, K
Do women know that the risk of breast cancer increases with age? (2007)
Moser, Kath; Patnick, Julietta; Beral, Valerie
Weight-management interventions in primary care: a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2009)
Nanchahal, K; Townsend, J; Letley, L; Haslam, D; Wellings, K; Haines, A
Weight-management interventions in primary care: a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2009)
Nanchahal, Kiran; Townsend, Joy; Letley, Louise; Haslam, David; Wellings, Kaye; Haines, Andy
Commentary: What is a propensity score? (2008)
Nicholas, Jennifer; Gulliford, Martin C
Cost-effectiveness of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing to inform antibiotic prescribing decisions. (2013)
Oppong, Raymond; Jit, Mark; Smith, Richard D; Butler, Christopher C; Melbye, Hasse; Mölstad, Sigvard; Coast, Joanna
Topical treatments for seasonal allergic conjunctivitis: systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and effectiveness. (2004)
Owen, Christopher G; Shah, Anupa; Henshaw, Katherine; Smeeth, Liam; Sheikh, Aziz
The resurgence of tuberculosis and the implications for primary care. (2013)
Pealing, Louise; Moore, David; Zenner, Dominik
The 'added value' GPs bring to commissioning: a qualitative study in primary care. (2014)
Perkins, Neil; Coleman, Anna; Wright, Michael; Gadsby, Erica; McDermott, Imelda; Petsoulas, Christina; Checkland, Kath
Tips for GP trainees wishing to undertake an international experience. (2012)
Pettigrew, Luisa; Seo, Ha-Neul
Junior response to the global health editorial. (2011)
Pettigrew, Luisa; Watson, Jessica; Spry, Emily; Hasan, Reem; Seo, Ha-Neul; Roy, Rue; Ana, Mbang; Begg, Soleman; Hall, Jennifer; Brown, Colin
Burundi: a population deprived of basic health care. (2004)
Philips, Mit; Ooms, Gorik; Hargreaves, Sally; Durrant, Andrew
Communicating risk to patients and the public. (2012)
Polak, Louisa
Communicating risk. (2014)
Polak, Louisa
Making health habitual. (2013)
Polak, Louisa
Online data on opening hours of general practices in England: a comparison with telephone survey data. (2015)
Richards, Emma C; Cowling, Thomas E; Gunning, Elinor J; Harris, Matthew J; Soljak, Michael A; Nowlan, Naomi; Dharmayat, Kanika; Johari, Nur; Majeed, Azeem
The future shape of primary care. (2014)
Roland, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
Consultation rates from the general practice research database. (2002)
Rowlands, Sam; Moser, Kath
Lessons from evaluation of the NHS white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say. (2011)
Salisbury, Chris; Stewart, Kate; Purdy, Sarah; Thorp, Helen; Cameron, Ailsa; Lart, Rachel; Peckham, Stephen; Calnan, Michael
Is postnatal depression a risk factor for sudden infant death? (2002)
Sanderson, CA; Cowden, B; Hall, DMB; Taylor, EM; Carpenter, RG; Cox, JL
An interview with Médecins Sans Frontières. (2011)
Seo, Ha-Neul; Pettigrew, Luisa
Combining UK general practice with international work--who benefits? (2012)
Seo, Ha-Neul; Smith, Chris; Pettigrew, Luisa M; Dorward, Jienchi; Bygrave, Helen
Topical antibiotics for acute bacterial conjunctivitis - Response. (2001)
Sheikh, A; Hurwitz, B; Smeeth, L
Randomised controlled trials in primary care: scope and application. (2002)
Sheikh, Aziz; Smeeth, Liam; Ashcroft, Richard
Randomised controlled trial of training health visitors to identify and help couples with relationship problems following a birth. (2001)
Simons, J; Reynolds, J; Morison, L
Health inequalities and deprivation - Authors' response. (2001)
Smeeth, L; Heath, I
Why inequalities in health matter to primary care. (2001)
Smeeth, L; Heath, I
NICE clinical guideline: chest pain of recent onset. (2010)
Smeeth, Liam; Skinner, Jane S; Ashcroft, John; Hemingway, Harry; Timmis, Adam; Chest Pain Guideline Development Group
Developing patient reference groups within general practice: a mixed-methods study. (2015)
Smiddy, Jane; Reay, Joanne; Peckham, Stephen; Williams, Lorraine; Wilson, Patricia
Urgent suspected cancer referrals from general practice. (2012)
Smith, Chris
Self-management support for moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2012)
Taylor, Stephanie JC; Sohanpal, Ratna; Bremner, Stephen A; Devine, Angela; McDaid, David; Fernández, José-Luis; Griffiths, Chris J; Eldridge, Sandra
Hormone replacement therapy: limited response in the UK to the new evidence. (2005)
Townsend, Joy; Nanchahal, Kiran
Adverse events recorded in English primary care: observational study using the General Practice Research Database. (2013)
Tsang, Carmen; Bottle, Alex; Majeed, Azeem; Aylin, Paul
Global health: time for full integration into GP education. (2013)
Watson, Jessica; Shiner, Alice; Pettigrew, Luisa M; Irving, Greg
Access to, and experiences of, healthcare services by trafficked people: findings from a mixed-methods study in England. (2016)
Westwood, Joanne; Howard, Louise M; Stanley, Nicky; Zimmerman, Cathy; Gerada, Clare; Oram, Siân
Experiences of a commercial weight-loss programme after primary care referral: a qualitative study. (2015)
Allen, Jodie T; Cohn, Simon R; Ahern, Amy L
Better care through better use of data in GP-patient partnerships. (2017)
Brown, Benjamin; Smeeth, Liam; van Staa, Tjeerd; Buchan, Iain
The role of general practice in surgical trials. (2017)
Butcher, Anna; Swinson, Rebecca; VanDyck, Laura; Collier, Tim; Richards, Toby
Identifying safe care processes when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: a realist evaluation. (2021)
Cooper, Alison; Carson-Stevens, Andrew; Edwards, Michelle; Davies, Freya; Donaldson, Liam J; Anderson, Pippa; Cooke, Matthew; Dale, Jeremy; Evans, Bridie Angela; Harrington, Barbara; Hepburn, Julie; Hibbert, Peter; Hughes, Thomas; Porter, Alison; Siriwardena, Aloysius Niroshan; Snooks, Helen; Edwards, Adrian
Access to general practice in England: political, theoretical, and empirical considerations. (2016)
Cowling, Thomas E; Gunning, Elinor J
Access to general practice and visits to accident and emergency departments in England: cross-sectional analysis of a national patient survey. (2014)
Cowling, Thomas E; Harris, Matthew J; Watt, Hilary C; Gibbons, Daniel C; Majeed, Azeem
Importance of accessibility and opening hours to overall patient experience of general practice: analysis of repeated cross-sectional data from a national patient survey. (2018)
Cowling, Thomas E; Majeed, Azeem; Harris, Matthew J
'Someone batting in my corner': experiences of smoking-cessation support via text message. (2013)
Douglas, Nicolas; Free, Caroline
Increasing awareness of gynaecological cancer symptoms: a GP perspective. (2014)
Evans, Ruth EC; Morris, Melanie; Sekhon, Mandeep; Buszewicz, Marta; Walter, Fiona M; Waller, Jo; Simon, Alice E
Patients' and clinicians' views on the optimum schedules for self-monitoring of blood pressure: a qualitative focus group and interview study. (2016)
Grant, Sabrina; Hodgkinson, James A; Milner, Siobhan L; Martin, Una; Tompson, Alice; Hobbs, Fd Richard; Mant, Jonathan; McManus, Richard J; Greenfield, Sheila M
The National CKD Audit: a primary care condition that deserves more attention. (2018)
Hull, Sally A; Nitsch, Dorothea; Caplin, Ben; Griffith, Kathryn; Wheeler, David C
Chronic kidney disease and cause-specific hospitalisation: a matched cohort study using primary and secondary care patient data. (2018)
Iwagami, Masao; Caplin, Ben; Smeeth, Liam; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Nitsch, Dorothea
The Friends and Family Test in general practice in England: a qualitative study of the views of staff and patients. (2017)
Manacorda, T; Erens, B; Black, N; Mays, N
Addressing the crisis of GP recruitment and retention: a systematic review. (2017)
Marchand, Catherine; Peckham, Stephen
Poor adherence to gonorrhoea treatment guidelines in general practice in England. (2016)
Mohammed, Hamish; Sile, Bersabeh; Furegato, Martina; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
Uncoded chronic kidney disease in primary care: a cross-sectional study of inequalities and cardiovascular disease risk management. (2020)
Molokhia, Mariam; Okoli, Grace N; Redmond, Patrick; Asgari, Elham; Shaw, Catriona; Schofield, Peter; Ashworth, Mark; Durbaba, Stevo; Nitsch, Dorothea
GPs' and practice staff's views of a telephone first approach to demand management: a qualitative study in primary care. (2019)
Newbould, Jennifer; Exley, Josephine; Ball, Sarah; Corbett, Jennie; Pitchforth, Emma; Roland, Martin
Concomitant diagnosis of asthma and COPD: a quantitative study in UK primary care. (2018)
Nissen, Francis; Morales, Daniel R; Mullerova, Hana; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Quint, Jennifer K
The impact of new forms of large-scale general practice provider collaborations on England's NHS: a systematic review. (2018)
Pettigrew, Luisa M; Kumpunen, Stephanie; Mays, Nicholas; Rosen, Rebecca; Posaner, Rachel
Using quantitative risk information in decisions about statins: a qualitative study in a community setting. (2015)
Polak, Louisa; Green, Judith
Thromboembolic and haemorrhagic events in patients with atrial fibrillation: a prospective cohort study in UK primary and secondary care. (2019)
Robson, John; Mathur, Rohini; Priebe, Marian; Ahmed, Zaheer; Ayerbe, Luis
Direct access cancer testing in primary care: a systematic review of use and clinical outcomes. (2018)
Smith, Claire Friedemann; Tompson, Alice C; Jones, Nicholas; Brewin, Josh; Spencer, Elizabeth A; Bankhead, Clare R; Hobbs, Fd Richard; Nicholson, Brian D
Cancer history as a predictor in cardiovascular risk scores: a primary care cohort study. (2022)
Strongman, Helen; Herrett, Emily; Jackson, Rod; Sweeting, Michael; Lyon, Alexander R; Stanway, Susannah; Lawson, Claire; Kadam, Umesh; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
Patient use of blood pressure self-screening facilities in general practice waiting rooms: a qualitative study in the UK. (2017)
Tompson, Alice C; Grant, Sabrina; Greenfield, Sheila M; McManus, Richard J; Fleming, Susannah; Heneghan, Carl J; Hobbs, Fd Richard; Ward, Alison M
Patient experience of home and waiting room blood pressure measurement: a qualitative study of patients with recently diagnosed hypertension. (2018)
Tompson, Alice C; Schwartz, Claire L; Fleming, Susannah; Ward, Alison M; Greenfield, Sheila M; Grant, Sabrina; Hobbs, Fd Richard; Heneghan, Carl J; McManus, Richard J
Supporting patients to self-monitor their oral anticoagulation therapy: recommendations based on a qualitative study of patients' experiences. (2015)
Tompson, Alice; Heneghan, Carl; Fitzmaurice, David; Sutton, Stephen; Harrison, Sian; Ward, Alison
Cohort study of Anticoagulation Self-Monitoring (CASM): a prospective study of its effectiveness in the community. (2015)
Ward, Alison; Tompson, Alice; Fitzmaurice, David; Sutton, Stephen; Perera, Rafael; Heneghan, Carl
Harms from discharge to primary care: mixed methods analysis of incident reports. (2015)
Williams, Huw; Edwards, Adrian; Hibbert, Peter; Rees, Philippa; Prosser Evans, Huw; Panesar, Sukhmeet; Carter, Ben; Parry, Gareth; Makeham, Meredith; Jones, Aled; Avery, Anthony; Sheikh, Aziz; Donaldson, Liam; Carson-Stevens, Andrew