Items where the Publication is The British journal of dermatology
Number of items: 61.
  • Priority research questions in atopic dermatitis: an International Eczema Council eDelphi consensus. (2021) Abuabara, K; Nicholls, SG; Langan, SM; Guttman-Yassky, E; Reynolds, NJ; Paller, AS; Brown, SJ; International Eczema Council Priority Research Group
  • Report from the first European Dermato-Epidemiology Network forum. (2017) Ascott, A; Langan, SM; García-Doval, I; Descalzo, MA; Schmidt, SAJ; Nijsten, T; Hollestein, LM
  • B
  • Introducing ‘Critically Appraised Topics’. (2012) Batchelor, JM; Langan, SM
  • An assessment of a variant of the DNA repair gene XRCC3 as a possible naevus or melanoma susceptibility genotype. (2003) Bertram, CG; Gaut, RM; Barrett, JH; Whitaker, L; Turner, F; Bataille, V; Dos Santos Silva, I; Swerdlow, AJ; Bishop, DT; Bishop, JAN
  • Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 87 th annual meeting, 10-13 July 2007, Birmingham, U.K. (2008) Birnie, A; Langan, S; English, JSC
  • Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 86th annual meeting, 4-7 July 2006, Manchester, U.K. (2007) Birnie, A; Langan, S; English, JSC; Eedy, DJ
  • Patient-reported outcome measures in skin cancer. (2013) Black, N
  • Successful liposomal amphotericin B treatment of Leishmania braziliensis cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2005) Brown, M; Noursadeghi, M; Boyle, J; Davidson, RN
  • C
  • Report from the fifth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative). (2018) Chalmers, JR; Thomas, KS; Apfelbacher, C; Williams, HC; Prinsen, CA; Spuls, PI; Simpson, E; Gerbens, LAA; Boers, M; Barbarot, S; Stalder, JF; Abuabara, K; Aoki, V; Ardeleanu, M; Armstrong, J; Bang, B; Berents, TL; Burton, T; Butler, L; Chubachi, T; Cresswell-Melville, A; DeLozier, A; Eckert, L; Eichenfield, L; Flohr, C; Futamura, M; Gadkari, A; Gjerde, ES; van Halewijn, KF; Hawkes, C; Howells, L; Howie, L; Humphreys, R; Ishii, HA; Kataoka, Y; Katayama, I; Kouwenhoven, W; Langan, SM; Leshem, YA; Merhand, S; Mina-Osorio, P; Murota, H; Nakahara, T; Nunes, FP; Nygaard, U; Nygårdas, M; Ohya, Y; Ono, E; Rehbinder, E; Rogers, NK; Romeijn, GLE; Schuttelaar, MLA; Sears, AV; Simpson, MA; Singh, JA; Srour, J; Stuart, B; Svensson, Å; Talmo, G; Talmo, H; Teixeira, HD; Thyssen, JP; Todd, G; Torchet, F; Volke, A; von Kobyletzki, L; Weisshaar, E; Wollenberg, A; Zaniboni, M
  • Skin microbiota: a source of disease or defence? (2008) Cogen, AL; Nizet, V; Gallo, RL
  • Cutaneous antimicrobial peptides are induced in leprosy Type 1 reaction and suppressed by corticosteroids. (2011) Cogen, AL; Walker, SL; Roberts, CH; Dhakal, S; Hawksworth, RA; Mahat, K; Lockwood, DNJ
  • D
  • Does the morphology of cutaneous melanoma help to explain the international differences in survival? Results from 1 578 482 adults diagnosed during 2000-2014 in 59 countries (CONCORD-3). (2022) Di Carlo, Veronica; Stiller, Charles A; Eisemann, Nora; Bordoni, Andrea; Matz, Melissa; Curado, Maria P; Daubisse-Marliac, Laetitia; Valkov, Mikhail; Bulliard, Jean-Luc; Morrison, David; Johnson, Chris; Girardi, Fabio; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Šekerija, Mario; Larønningen, Siri; Sirri, Eunice; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia; CONCORD Working Group
  • Systematic review of atopic dermatitis disease definition in studies using routinely collected health data. (2018) Dizon, MP; Yu, AM; Singh, RK; Wan, J; Chren, M-M; Flohr, C; Silverberg, JI; Margolis, DJ; Langan, SM; Abuabara, K
  • E
  • Buruli ulcer in a visitor to London. (2003) Evans, MRW; Mawdsley, J; Bull, R; Lockwood, DNJ; Thangaraj, H; Shanahan, D; Rajakulasingam, K
  • F
  • How well do questionnaires perform compared with physical examination in detecting flexural eczema? Findings from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Two. (2009) Flohr, C; Weinmayr, G; Weiland, SK; Addo-Yobo, E; Annesi-Maesano, I; Björkstén, B; Bråbäck, L; Büchele, G; Chico, M; Cooper, P; Clausen, M; El Sharif, N; Martinez Gimeno, A; Mathur, RS; von Mutius, E; Morales Suarez-Varela, M; Pearce, N; Svabe, V; Wong, GWK; Yu, M; Zhong, NS; Williams, HC; ISAAC Phase Two Study Group
  • Multiple dermatofibroma-like lesions in a human immunodeficiency virus-positive patient coinfected with visceral leishmaniasis. (2003) Forsyth, SF; Lawn, SD; Miller, RF; Fernando, JJR; Lockwood, DNJ; Vega-Lopez, F
  • G
  • 'It's like the bad guy in a movie who just doesn't die': a qualitative exploration of young people's adaptation to eczema and implications for self-care. (2019) Ghio, D; Muller, I; Greenwell, K; Roberts, A; McNiven, A; Langan, SM; Santer, M
  • H
  • Identification of translational dermatology research priorities in the U.K.: results of an electronic Delphi exercise. (2015) Healy, E; Brown, SJ; Langan, SM; Nicholls, SG; Shams, K; Reynolds, NJ
  • Missing data in clinical research: an integrated approach. (2018) Hollestein, LM; Carpenter, JR
  • Comorbidities and inpatient mortality for pemphigus in the U.S.A. (2016) Hsu, DY; Brieva, J; Sinha, AA; Langan, SM; Silverberg, JI
  • Closer to home: but what about community pharmacies? (2008) Hubbard, VG; Walker, SL
  • J
  • Inequalities in zoster disease burden: a population-based cohort study to identify social determinants using linked data from the U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2018) Jain, A; van Hoek, AJ; Walker, JL; Forbes, HJ; Langan, SM; Root, A; Smeeth, L; Thomas, SL
  • K
  • A summary of the updated report on the incidence and epidemiological trends of keratinocyte cancers in the UK 2013-2018. (2021) Kwiatkowska, M; Ahmed, S; Ardern-Jones, MR; Bhatti, LA; Bleiker, TO; Gavin, A; Hussain, S; Huws, DW; Irvine, L; Langan, SM; Millington, GWM; Mitchell, H; Murphy, R; Paley, L; Proby, CM; Thomson, CS; Thomas, R; Turner, C; Vernon, S; Venables, ZC
  • L
  • Acne, isotretinoin and suicide attempts: a critical appraisal. (2011) Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • Introducing ‘Putting Papers into Practice’. (2011) Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • The need to improve reporting of routinely collected dermatology data for patient benefit. (2016) Langan, SM; Benchimol, EI description
  • An exploratory prospective observational study of environmental factors exacerbating atopic eczema in children. (2006) Langan, SM; Bourke, JF; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective study of the efficacy of topical anaesthesia with a eutetic mixture of lignocaine 2.5% and prilocaine 2.5% for topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid-photodynamic therapy for extensive scalp actinic keratoses. (2006) Langan, SM; Collins, P
  • A moving scalp nodule in a returning traveller! (2004) Langan, SM; Dervan, P; O'Loughlin, S
  • Does breastfeeding protect against the development of eczema? (2011) Langan, SM; Fewtrell, M
  • Incidence, mortality and disease associations of pyoderma gangrenosum in the UK: a retrospective cohort study. (2012) Langan, SM; Gulliford, M; Card, T; Groves, RW
  • A population-based study of acute medical conditions associated with bullous pemphigoid. (2009) Langan, SM; Hubbard, R; Fleming, K; West, J
  • STROBE and reporting observational studies in dermatology. (2011) Langan, SM; Schmitt, J; Coenraads, PJ; Svensson, A; von Elm, E; Williams, HC; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN)
  • How are eczema 'flares' defined? A systematic review and recommendation for future studies. (2013) Langan, SM; Schmitt, J; Williams, HC; Smith, S; Thomas, KS
  • What causes flares of eczema in children? (2009) Langan, SM; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • Herpes zoster vaccine effectiveness against incident herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in an older population in USA. (2013) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Margolis, DJ; Thomas, SL
  • Reply to: Validation of database search strategies for the epidemiological study of pemphigus and pemphigoid. (2016) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; West, J
  • What causes worsening of eczema? A systematic review. (2006) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • Five cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Cambridge, U.K. (2005) Loo, WJ; Chan, SK; Rytina, E; Lockwood, DNJ; Sterling, JC; Todd, P
  • M
  • Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey. (2020) Mahil, SK; Yates, M; Langan, SM; Yiu, ZZN; Tsakok, T; Dand, N; Mason, KJ; McAteer, H; Meynell, F; Coker, B; Vincent, A; Urmston, D; Vesty, A; Kelly, J; Lancelot, C; Moorhead, L; Bachelez, H; Bruce, IN; Capon, F; Contreras, CR; Cope, AP; De La Cruz, C; Di Meglio, P; Gisondi, P; Hyrich, K; Jullien, D; Lambert, J; Marzo-Ortega, H; McInnes, I; Naldi, L; Norton, S; Puig, L; Sengupta, R; Spuls, P; Torres, T; Warren, RB; Waweru, H; Weinman, J; Griffiths, CEM; Barker, JN; Brown, MA; Galloway, JB; Smith, CH; PsoProtect, CORE-UK study groups picture_as_pdf
  • Foreign travel and hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans. (2015) Malik, M; Walker, SL
  • Statin use and the risk of herpes zoster: a nested case-control study using primary care data from the U.K. Clinical Research Practice Datalink. (2016) Matthews, A; Turkson, M; Forbes, H; Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Bhaskaran, K description
  • Intact nerve supply for eczema. (2001) Möller, H
  • P
  • A randomized trial of methotrexate vs. azathioprine for severe atopic eczema: a critical appraisal. (2012) Patel, AN; Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • R
  • Efficacy of biologics in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (2011) Reich, K; Burden, AD; Eaton, JN; Hawkins, NS
  • Hospitalization, inpatient burden and comorbidities associated with bullous pemphigoid in the U.S.A. (2016) Ren, Z; Hsu, DY; Brieva, J; Silverberg, NB; Langan, SM; Silverberg, JI
  • S
  • Validity of The Health Improvement Network (THIN) for the study of psoriasis. (2011) Seminara, NM; Abuabara, K; Shin, DB; Langan, SM; Kimmel, SE; Margolis, D; Troxel, AB; Gelfand, JM
  • Antibiotics and acne: an emerging iceberg of antibiotic resistance? (2016) Sinnott, S-J; Bhate, K; Margolis, DJ; Langan, SM
  • Oral propranolol in the treatment of proliferating infantile haemangiomas: British Society for Paediatric Dermatology consensus guidelines. (2018) Solman, L; Glover, M; Beattie, PE; Buckley, H; Clark, S; Gach, JE; Giardini, A; Helbling, I; Hewitt, RJ; Laguda, B; Langan, SM; Martinez, AE; Murphy, R; Proudfoot, L; Ravenscroft, J; Shahidullah, H; Shaw, L; Syed, SB; Wells, L; Flohr, C
  • V
  • Eczema and educational attainment: a systematic review. (2016) von Kobyletzki, LB; Beckman, L; Smirnova, J; Smeeth, L; Williams, HC; McKee, M; Abuabara, K; Langan, SM
  • W
  • Congenital erythropoietic porphyria: a novel mutation. (2007) Walker, S; Shah, M; Whatley, S; Badminton, M
  • A prospective study of scabies outbreaks in ten residential care facilities for the elderly. (2016) Walker, SL; Cassell, JA; Nalabanda, A; Lanza, S; Middleton, J; Head, MG; Bostock, J; Hewitt, K; Jones, CI; Darley, C; Karir, S
  • Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis and borderline tuberculoid leprosy. (2007) Walker, SL; Kahawita, I
  • Leprosy type 1 reaction spares the scars in a patch of borderline tuberculoid leprosy. (2008) Walker, SL; Lewis, TG; Mahat, K; Hawksworth, RA
  • Strongyloidiasis complicating immunosuppression for pemphigus vulgaris. (2013) Walker, SL; Mann, TAN
  • Paracoccidioidomycosis presenting in the UK. (2007) Walker, SL; Pembroke, AC; Lucas, SB; Vega-Lopez, F
  • The effect of systemic corticosteroid therapy on the expression of toll-like receptor 2 and toll-like receptor 4 in the cutaneous lesions of leprosy Type 1 reactions. (2012) Walker, SL; Roberts, CH; Atkinson, SE; Khadge, S; Macdonald, M; Neupane, KD; Ranjit, C; Sapkota, BR; Dhakal, S; Hawksworth, RA; Mahat, K; Ruchal, S; Hamal, S; Hagge, DA; Lockwood, DNJ
  • The cutaneous expression of toll-like receptors in leprosy type 1 reactions. (2010) Walker, SL; Roberts, CH; Cogen, AL; Atkinson, SE; Dhakal, S; Hawksworth, RA; Mahat, K; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Skin disease is common in rural Nepal: results of a point prevalence study. (2007) Walker, SL; Shah, M; Hubbard, VG; Pradhan, HM; Ghimire, M
  • Milia complicating successfully treated cutaneous leishmaniasis in three children. (2006) Walker, SL; Whittam, L; Vega-Lopez, F; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Fatal granulomatous amoebic encephalitis: cutaneous and intracerebral Balamuthia mandrillaris. (2004) White, JML; Barker, RD; Salisbury, JR; Fife, AJ; Lucas, S; Warhurst, DC; Higgins, EM