Items where the Publication is Studies in health technology and informatics

Number of items: 22.
  • COVID-19, the Swedish 'Experiment', and Me. (2020) Dowie, Jack
  • Decision Quality Is a Preference-Sensitive Formative Concept: How Do Some Existing Measures Compare? (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Evaluations of Decision Support Tools Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted: The Case of Deliberation Aids. (2020) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Rajput, Vije Kumar
  • Are Clinical Decision Support Systems Compatible with Patient-Centred Care? (2020) Rajput, Vije Kumar; Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • 2019
  • The Evaluation of Decision Support Tools Needs to Be Preference Context-Sensitive. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Translating the Results of Discrete Choice Experiments into p-/e-/m-Health Decision Support Tools. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • Uncertainty-Adjusted Translation for Preference-Sensitive Decision Support. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • A Generic Rapid Evaluation Support Tool (GREST) for Clinical and Commissioning Decisions. (2019) Dowie, Jack; Rajput, Vije; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer
  • 2018
  • Dual Purpose, Dual Audience: MCDA-Based Tools Can Simultaneously Support Personal Health Decisions and Educate Persons and Clinicians. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • The Evaluation of Decision Support Tools Requires a Measure of Decision Quality That Has Content and Construct Validity in Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Preference-Sensitive Apomediative Decision Support Is Key to Facilitating Self-Produced Health. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Risk Thresholds and Risk Classifications Pose Problems for Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • Separating Risk Assessment from Risk Management Poses Legal and Ethical Problems in Person-Centred Care. (2018) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Dowie, Jack
  • 2017
  • The Development of mWellcare, an mHealth System for the Integrated Management of Hypertension and Diabetes in Primary Care. (2017) Jindal, Devraj; Gupta, Priti; Jha, Dilip; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Jacob, Pramod; Mehrotra, Kriti; Perel, Pablo; Nyong, Jonathan; Roy, Ambuj; Tandon, Nikhil; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Patel, Vikram
  • 2016
  • Towards Integrating the Principlist and Casuist Approaches to Ethical Decisions via Multi-Criterial Support. (2016) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • 2015
  • Design and development of an EMR for Ebola Treatment Centers in Sierra Leone using OpenMRS. (2015) Jazayeri, Darius; Oza, Shefali; Ramos, Glauber; Fraser, Hamish; Teich, Jonathan M; Kanter, Andrew S; Ball, Ellen
  • Enhancing Healthcare Provider Feedback and Personal Health Literacy: Dual Use of a Decision Quality Measure. (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Health Informatics Can Avoid Committing Symbolic Violence by Recognizing and Supporting Generic Decision-making Competencies. (2015) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • Developing an Online Decision Aid for Osteoarthritis. (2015) Salkeld, Glenn; Wortley, Sally; Hunter, David; Umapathy, Hema; Dowie, Jack
  • 2014
  • Enhancing informatics competency under uncertainty at the point of decision: a knowing about knowing vision. (2014) Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn; Dowie, Jack
  • 2013
  • Mapping the translation challenge. (2013) Dowie, Jack
  • 2012
  • Training diagnosis and treatment of cervical spine trauma using a new educational program for visualization through imaging and simulation (VIS): a first evaluation by medical students. (2012) Hedman, Leif; Fahlstedt, Madelen; Schlickum, Marcus; Möller, Hans; Halldin, Peter; von Holst, Hans; Felländer-Tsai, Li