Items where the Publication is Statistics in medicine
Number of items: 138.
Precision of rate estimation under uniform interval censoring. (2008)
Alexander, Neal
Comments on 'Log transformation: application and interpretation in biomedical research'. (2013)
Alexander, Neal; Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim
Repeatability of paired counts. (2007)
Alexander, Neal; Bethony, Jeff; Corrêa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Rodrigues, Laura C; Hotez, Peter; Brooker, Simon
Analysis of incidence rates in cluster-randomized trials of interventions against recurrent infections, with an application to trachoma. (2005)
Alexander, Neal; Emerson, Paul
Analysis of failure time hierarchical data in the presence of competing risks with application to oral contraceptive pill use in Egypt. (2001)
Ali, MM; Babiker, AG; Cleland, JG
Some consequences of assuming simple patterns for the treatment effect over time in a linear mixed model. (2013)
Bamia, Christina; White, Ian R; Kenward, Michael G
Linear mixed models for replication data to efficiently allow for covariate measurement error. (2009)
Bartlett, Jonathan W; De Stavola, Bianca L; Frost, Chris
A modelling approach for correcting reporting delays in disease surveillance data. (2019)
Bastos, Leonardo S; Economou, Theodoros; Gomes, Marcelo FC; Villela, Daniel AM; Coelho, Flavio C; Cruz, Oswaldo G; Stoner, Oliver; Bailey, Trevor; Codeço, Claudia T
Age-specific back-projection of HIV diagnosis data. (2003)
Becker, Niels G; Lewis, James JC; Li, Zhengfeng; McDonald, Ann
Flexible modeling of competing risks in survival analysis. (2010)
Belot, Aurélien; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Remontet, Laurent; Giorgi, Roch
A joint frailty model to estimate the recurrence process and the disease-specific mortality process without needing the cause of death. (2014)
Belot, Aurélien; Rondeau, Virginie; Remontet, Laurent; Giorgi, Roch; CENSUR working survival group
Survival extrapolation in the presence of cause specific hazards. (2014)
Benaglia, Tatiana; Jackson, Christopher H; Sharples, Linda D
In praise of Prais-Winsten: An evaluation of methods used to account for autocorrelation in interrupted time series. (2023)
Bottomley, C; Ooko, M; Gasparrini, A; Keogh, RH
Teaching epidemiology and statistics by distance learning. (2002)
Bruce, Jane C; Bond, Stephen T; Jones, Michael E
Combining information on multiple instrumental variables in Mendelian randomization: comparison of allele score and summarized data methods. (2015)
Burgess, Stephen; Dudbridge, Frank; Thompson, Simon G
Bayesian methods for meta-analysis of causal relationships estimated using genetic instrumental variables. (2010)
Burgess, Stephen; Thompson, Simon G; CRP CHD Genetics Collaboration; Burgess, S; Thompson, SG; Andrews, G; Samani, NJ; Hall, A; Whincup, P; Morris, R; Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Timpson, N; Ebrahim, S; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Davey Smith, G; Timpson, N; Brown, M; Ricketts, S; Sandhu, M; Reiner, A; Psaty, B; Lange, L; Cushman, M; Hung, J; Thompson, P; Beilby, J; Warrington, N; Palmer, LJ; Nordestgaard, BG; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Zacho, J; Wu, C; Lowe, G; Tzoulaki, I; Kumari, M; Sandhu, M; Yamamoto, JF; Chiodini, B; Franzosi, M; Hankey, GJ; Jamrozik, K; Palmer, L; Rimm, E; Pai, J; Psaty, B; Heckbert, S; Bis, J; Anand, S; Engert, J; Collins, R; Clarke, R; Melander, O; Berglund, G; Ladenvall, P; Johansson, L; Jansson, J-H; Hallmans, G; Hingorani, A; Humphries, S; Rimm, E; Manson, J; Pai, J; Watkins, H; Clarke, R; Hopewell, J; Saleheen, D; Frossard, R; Danesh, J; Sattar, N; Robertson, M; Shepherd, J; Schaefer, E; Hofman, A; Witteman, JCM; Kardys, I; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Davey Smith, G; Timpson, N; de Faire, U; Bennet, A; Sattar, N; Ford, I; Packard, C; Kumari, M; Manson, J; Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Anand, S; Collins, R; Casas, JP; Danesh, J; Davey Smith, G; Franzosi, M; Hingorani, A; Lawlor, DA; Manson, J; Nordestgaard, BG; Samani, NJ; Sandhu, M; Smeeth, L; Wensley, F; Anand, S; Bowden, J; Burgess, S; Casas, JP; Di Angelantonio, E; Engert, J; Gao, P; Shah, T; Smeeth, L; Thompson, SG; Verzilli, C; Walker, M; Whittaker, J; Hingorani, A; Danesh, J
Dichotomizing a continuous outcome in cluster randomized trials: impact on power. (2012)
Caille, Agnès; Leyrat, Clémence; Giraudeau, Bruno
Preface. (2001)
Campbell, Michael J; Donner, Allan; Elbourne, Diana R
Training and capacity building in medical statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impact of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine MSc in Medical Statistics, 1969 to 2021. (2022)
Carpenter, James R; Todd, Jim; Baisley, Kathy; Bradley, John; Tumwesigye, Nazarius Mbona; Musonda, Patrick; Chirwa, Tobias
Last observation carry-forward and last observation analysis. (2004)
Carpenter, James; Kenward, Mike; Evans, Stephen; White, Ian
Coping with missing data in clinical trials: a model-based approach applied to asthma trials. (2002)
Carpenter, James; Pocock, Stuart; Lamm, Carl Johan
Comments on 'Fixed vs random effects meta-analysis in rare event studies: the rosiglitazone link with myocardial infarction and cardiac death'. (2008)
Carpenter, James; Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido
A multilevel excess hazard model to estimate net survival on hierarchical data allowing for non-linear and non-proportional effects of covariates. (2016)
Charvat, Hadrien; Remontet, Laurent; Bossard, Nadine; Roche, Laurent; Dejardin, Olivier; Rachet, Bernard; Launoy, Guy; Belot, Aurélien; CENSUR Working Survival Group
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Growth and cognitive function of Indonesian children: Zero-inflated proportion models. (2006)
Cheung, Yin Bun
Bivariate poisson-poisson model of zero-inflated absenteeism data. (2005)
Cheung, Yin Bun; Lam, KF
Estimation of intervention effects using first or multiple episodes in clinical trials: The Andersen-Gill model re-examined. (2010)
Cheung, Yin Bun; Xu, Ying; Tan, Sze Huey; Cutts, Felicity; Milligan, Paul
Analysing change based on two measures taken under different conditions. (2005)
Clarke, Paul S
A note on parameter estimation for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease epidemic models. (2006)
Clarke, Paul S; Ghani, Azra C
Links between causal effects and causal association for surrogacy evaluation in a gaussian setting. (2017)
Conlon, Anna; Taylor, Jeremy; Li, Yun; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Elliott, Michael
Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. I: Continuous outcomes. (2002)
Curtin, François; Altman, Douglas G; Elbourne, Diana
Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. II: Binary outcomes. (2002)
Curtin, François; Elbourne, Diana; Altman, Douglas G
Meta-analysis combining parallel and cross-over clinical trials. III: The issue of carry-over. (2002)
Curtin, François; Elbourne, Diana; Altman, Douglas G
Methods for dealing with time-dependent confounding. (2012)
Daniel, RM; Cousens, SN; De Stavola, BL; Kenward, MG; Sterne, JAC
Estimating net survival: the importance of allowing for informative censoring. (2012)
Danieli, Coraline; Remontet, Laurent; Bossard, Nadine; Roche, Laurent; Belot, Aurélien
Multiple imputation methods for bivariate outcomes in cluster randomised trials. (2016)
DiazOrdaz, K; Kenward, MG; Gomes, M; Grieve, R
Regression models for relative survival. (2004)
Dickman, Paul W; Sloggett, Andy; Hills, Michael; Hakulinen, Timo
A flexible model for multivariate interval-censored survival times with complex correlation structure. (2007)
Falcaro, Milena; Pickles, Andrew
Competing approaches to analysis of failure times with competing risks. (2001)
Farley, TM; Ali, MM; Slaymaker, E
Identifying inconsistency in network meta-analysis: Is the net heat plot a reliable method? (2019)
Freeman, Suzanne C; Fisher, David; White, Ian R; Auperin, Anne; Carpenter, James R
Optimizing the design of clinical trials where the outcome is a rate. Can estimating a baseline rate in a run-in period increase efficiency? (2008)
Frost, Chris; Kenward, Michael G; Fox, Nick C
The analysis of repeated 'direct' measures of change illustrated with an application in longitudinal imaging. (2004)
Frost, Chris; Kenward, Michael G; Fox, Nick C
Multivariate meta-analysis: a method to summarize non-linear associations. (2011)
Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B
Distributed lag non-linear models. (2010)
Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B; Kenward, MG
Multivariate meta-analysis for non-linear and other multi-parameter associations. (2012)
Gasparrini, A; Armstrong, B; Kenward, MG
Modeling exposure-lag-response associations with distributed lag non-linear models. (2013)
Gasparrini, Antonio
Bayesian regression discontinuity designs: incorporating clinical knowledge in the causal analysis of primary care data. (2015)
Geneletti, Sara; O'Keeffe, Aidan G; Sharples, Linda D; Richardson, Sylvia; Baio, Gianluca
The performance of multiple imputation for missing covariate data within the context of regression relative survival analysis. (2008)
Giorgi, Roch; Belot, Aurélien; Gaudart, Jean; Launoy, Guy; French Network of Cancer Registries FRANCIM
A scaling approach to record linkage. (2017)
Goldstein, H; Harron, K; Cortina-Borja, M
The analysis of record-linked data using multiple imputation with data value priors. (2012)
Goldstein, Harvey; Harron, Katie; Wade, Angie
Handling incomplete correlated continuous and binary outcomes in meta-analysis of individual participant data. (2016)
Gomes, Manuel; Hatfield, Laura; Normand, Sharon-Lise
Continuous monitoring of long-term outcomes with application to hip prostheses. (2007)
Hardoon, Sarah L; Lewsey, James D; van der Meulen, Jan HP
Comparing diagnostic tests: trials in people with discordant test results. (2013)
Hooper, R; Díaz-Ordaz, K; Takeda, A; Khan, K
The performance of multiple imputation for missing covariates relative to complete case analysis. (2010)
Horton, Nicholas J; White, Ian R; Carpenter, James
Missing binary outcomes under covariate-dependent missingness in cluster randomised trials. (2017)
Hossain, Anower; DiazOrdaz, Karla; Bartlett, Jonathan W
Identifying influential observations in Bayesian models by using Markov chain Monte Carlo. (2012)
Jackson, Dan; White, Ian R; Carpenter, James
Relaxing the independent censoring assumption in the Cox proportional hazards model using multiple imputation. (2014)
Jackson, Dan; White, Ian R; Seaman, Shaun; Evans, Hannah; Baisley, Kathy; Carpenter, James
On the role of statisticians and modelers in responding to AIDS and COVID-19. (2021)
Jewell, Britta L; Jewell, Nicholas P
Estimands for factorial trials. (2022)
Kahan, Brennan C; Morris, Tim P; Goulão, Beatriz; Carpenter, James
Statistical design and analysis of pharmacogenetic trials. (2005)
Kelly, Patrick J; Stallard, Nigel; Whittaker, John C
Preface. (2008)
Kenward, M; Touloumi, G
Should baseline be a covariate or dependent variable in analyses of change from baseline in clinical trials? by G. F. Liu, K. Lu, R. Mogg, M. Mallick and D. V. Mehrotra, Statistics in Medicine 2009; 28:2509-2530. (2010)
Kenward, Michael G; White, Ian R; Carpenter, James R
Preface. (2008)
Kenward, Mike; Touloumi, Giota
Statistical issues related to dietary intake as the response variable in intervention trials. (2016)
Keogh, Ruth H; Carroll, Raymond J; Tooze, Janet A; Kirkpatrick, Sharon I; Freedman, Laurence S
Multiple imputation in Cox regression when there are time-varying effects of covariates. (2018)
Keogh, Ruth H; Morris, Tim P
Using full-cohort data in nested case-control and case-cohort studies by multiple imputation. (2013)
Keogh, Ruth H; White, Ian R
A toolkit for measurement error correction, with a focus on nutritional epidemiology. (2014)
Keogh, Ruth H; White, Ian R
Using surrogate biomarkers to improve measurement error models in nutritional epidemiology. (2013)
Keogh, Ruth H; White, Ian R; Rodwell, Sheila A
Estimation of the adjusted cause-specific cumulative probability using flexible regression models for the cause-specific hazards. (2019)
Kipourou, Dimitra-Kleio; Charvat, Hadrien; Rachet, Bernard; Belot, Aurélien
Comparing completely and stratified randomized designs in cluster randomized trials when the stratifying factor is cluster size: a simulation study. (2004)
Lewsey, JD
Propensity scores used for analysis of cluster randomized trials with selection bias: a simulation study. (2013)
Leyrat, C; Caille, A; Donner, A; Giraudeau, B
Propensity score methods for estimating relative risks in cluster randomized trials with low-incidence binary outcomes and selection bias. (2014)
Leyrat, Clémence; Caille, Agnès; Donner, Allan; Giraudeau, Bruno
The development of an early warning system for climate-sensitive disease risk with a focus on dengue epidemics in Southeast Brazil. (2012)
Lowe, Rachel; Bailey, Trevor C; Stephenson, David B; Jupp, Tim E; Graham, Richard J; Barcellos, Christovam; Carvalho, Marilia Sá
Targeted maximum likelihood estimation for a binary treatment: A tutorial. (2018)
Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Schomaker, Michael; Rachet, Bernard; Schnitzer, Mireille E
Ratio estimators of intervention effects on event rates in cluster randomized trials. (2021)
Ma, Xiangmei; Milligan, Paul; Lam, Kwok Fai; Cheung, Yin Bun
The Africa Center for Biostatistical Excellence: a proposal for enhancing biostatistics capacity for sub-Saharan Africa. (2015)
Machekano, Rhoderick; Young, Taryn; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Musonda, Patrick; Sartorius, Ben; Todd, Jim; Fegan, Greg; Thabane, Lehana; Chikte, Usuf
Separating within and between effects in family studies: an application to the study of blood pressure in children. (2004)
Mann, Vera; De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A
Explained variation of excess hazard models. (2018)
Maringe, Camille; Pohar Perme, Maja; Stare, Janez; Rachet, Bernard
Developing a Bayesian adaptive design for a phase I clinical trial: a case study for a novel HIV treatment. (2016)
Mason, Alexina J; Gonzalez-Maffe, Juan; Quinn, Killian; Doyle, Nicki; Legg, Ken; Norsworthy, Peter; Trevelion, Roy; Winston, Alan; Ashby, Deborah
Dynamic prediction of risk of death using history of cancer recurrences in joint frailty models. (2013)
Mauguen, Audrey; Rachet, Bernard; Mathoulin-Pélissier, Simone; MacGrogan, Gaetan; Laurent, Alexandre; Rondeau, Virginie
Adaptive increase in sample size when interim results are promising: a practical guide with examples. (2011)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Authors' reply. (2012)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Authors' response to “Comment on adaptive increase in sample size when interim results are promising”. (2011)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Choosing appropriate analysis methods for cluster randomised cross-over trials with a binary outcome. (2016)
Morgan, KE; Forbes, AB; Keogh, RH; Jairath, V; Kahan, BC
Meta-analysis of Gaussian individual patient data: Two-stage or not two-stage? (2018)
Morris, Tim P; Fisher, David J; Kenward, Michael G; Carpenter, James R
Combining fractional polynomial model building with multiple imputation. (2015)
Morris, Tim P; White, Ian R; Carpenter, James R; Stanworth, Simon J; Royston, Patrick
Evaluation of the effects of multiple providers in complex surgical interventions. (2016)
Papachristofi, Olympia; Klein, Andrew; Sharples, Linda
Population-calibrated multiple imputation for a binary/categorical covariate in categorical regression models. (2018)
Pham, Tra My; Carpenter, James R; Morris, Tim P; Wood, Angela M; Petersen, Irene
A Bayesian approach for estimating typhoid fever incidence from large-scale facility-based passive surveillance data. (2021)
Phillips, Maile T; Meiring, James E; Voysey, Merryn; Warren, Joshua L; Baker, Stephen; Basnyat, Buddha; Clemens, John D; Dolecek, Christiane; Dunstan, Sarah J; Dougan, Gordon; Gordon, Melita A; Thindwa, Deus; Heyderman, Robert S; Holt, Kathryn E; Qadri, Firdausi; Pollard, Andrew J; Pitzer, Virginia E; STRATAA Study Group
A major trial needs three statisticians: why, how and who? (2004)
Pocock, Stuart J
Subgroup analysis, covariate adjustment and baseline comparisons in clinical trial reporting: current practice and problems. (2002)
Pocock, Stuart J; Assmann, Susan E; Enos, Laura E; Kasten, Linda E
Performance of principal scores to estimate the marginal compliers causal effect of an intervention. (2015)
Porcher, Raphaël; Leyrat, Clémence; Baron, Gabriel; Giraudeau, Bruno; Boutron, Isabelle
Estimating the distribution of lag in the effect of short-term exposures and interventions: adaptation of a non-parametric regression spline model. (2003)
Rachet, B; Abrahamowicz, M; Sasco, AJ; Siemiatycki, J
An overall strategy based on regression models to estimate relative survival and model the effects of prognostic factors in cancer survival studies. (2007)
Remontet, L; Bossard, N; Belot, A; Estève, J; French network of cancer registries FRANCIM
Framework and optimisation procedure for flexible parametric survival models. (2015)
Remontet, Laurent; Bossard, Nadine; Iwaz, Jean; Estève, Jacques; Belot, Aurelien
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Analysis of recurrent events with an associated informative dropout time: Application of the joint frailty model. (2016)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Yaroshinsky, Alex; Pocock, Stuart J; Stokar, David; Pogoda, Janice
Arcsine test for publication bias in meta-analyses with binary outcomes. (2007)
Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido; Carpenter, James
Why add anything to nothing? The arcsine difference as a measure of treatment effect in meta-analysis with zero cells. (2009)
Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido; Carpenter, James; Olkin, Ingram
Comments on 'Empirical vs natural weighting in random effects meta-analysis' by JJ Shuster, Statistics in Medicine 2009; 26, Published online, DOI: 10.1002/sim.3607. (2010)
Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido; Carpenter, James; Schumacher, Martin
STRengthening analytical thinking for observational studies: the STRATOS initiative. (2014)
Sauerbrei, Willi; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Altman, Douglas G; le Cessie, Saskia; Carpenter, James; STRATOS initiative
Using longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation in complex settings with dynamic interventions. (2019)
Schomaker, M; Luque-Fernandez, MA; Leroy, V; Davies, MA
Using Longitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Complex Settings with Dynamic Interventions. (2019)
Schomaker, Michael; Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Leroy, Valeriane; Davies, Mary-Ann
Using generalized linear models to implement g-estimation for survival data with time-varying confounding. (2021)
Seaman, Shaun R; Keogh, Ruth H; Dukes, Oliver; Vansteelandt, Stijn
The analysis of very small samples of repeated measurements I: an adjusted sandwich estimator. (2010)
Skene, Simon S; Kenward, Michael G
The analysis of very small samples of repeated measurements II: a modified Box correction. (2010)
Skene, Simon S; Kenward, Michael G
Introduction to computational causal inference using reproducible Stata, R, and Python code: A tutorial. (2021)
Smith, Matthew J; Mansournia, Mohammad A; Maringe, Camille; Zivich, Paul N; Cole, Stephen R; Leyrat, Clémence; Belot, Aurélien; Rachet, Bernard; Luque-Fernandez, Miguel A
Fractional Brownian motion and multivariate-t models for longitudinal biomedical data, with application to CD4 counts in HIV-positive patients. (2015)
Stirrup, Oliver T; Babiker, Abdel G; Carpenter, James R; Copas, Andrew J
Comparison of smoothing techniques for CD4 data in a Markov model with states defined by CD4: an example on the estimation of the HIV incubation time distribution. (2001)
Sypsa, V; Touloumi, G; Kenward, M; Karafoulidou, A; Hatzakis, A
Dynamic predictive probabilities to monitor rapid cystic fibrosis disease progression. (2019)
Szczesniak, Rhonda D; Su, Weiji; Brokamp, Cole; Keogh, Ruth H; Pestian, John P; Seid, Michael; Diggle, Peter J; Clancy, John P
First-event or marginal estimation of cause-specific hazards for analysing correlated multivariate failure-time data? (2008)
Tai, Bee-Choo; De Stavola, Bianca L; de Gruttola, Victor; Gebski, Val; Machin, David
State selection in Markov models for panel data with application to psoriatic arthritis. (2015)
Thom, Howard HZ; Jackson, Christopher H; Commenges, Daniel; Sharples, Linda D
Robust analysis of stepped wedge trials using cluster-level summaries within periods. (2018)
Thompson, JA; Davey, C; Fielding, K; Hargreaves, JR; Hayes, RJ
Bias and inference from misspecified mixed-effect models in stepped wedge trial analysis. (2017)
Thompson, Jennifer A; Fielding, Katherine L; Davey, Calum; Aiken, Alexander M; Hargreaves, James R; Hayes, Richard J
Measures of between-cluster variability in cluster randomized trials with binary outcomes. (2009)
Thomson, Andrew; Hayes, Richard; Cousens, Simon
A comparison of two methods for the estimation of precision with incomplete longitudinal data, jointly modelled with a time-to-event outcome. (2003)
Touloumi, G; Babiker, AG; Kenward, MG; Pocock, SJ; Darbyshire, JH
Impact of missing data due to drop-outs on estimators for rates of change in longitudinal studies: a simulation study. (2001)
Touloumi, G; Babiker, AG; Pocock, SJ; Darbyshire, JH
Incidence estimation using a single cross-sectional age-specific prevalence survey with differential mortality. (2013)
Turner, Elizabeth L; Sweeting, Michael J; Lindfield, Robert J; Deangelis, Daniela
Comparison of Bayesian model averaging and stepwise methods for model selection in logistic regression. (2004)
Wang, Duolao; Zhang, Wenyang; Bakhai, Ameet
Evaluation of two-fold fully conditional specification multiple imputation for longitudinal electronic health record data. (2014)
Welch, Catherine A; Petersen, Irene; Bartlett, Jonathan W; White, Ian R; Marston, Louise; Morris, Richard W; Nazareth, Irwin; Walters, Kate; Carpenter, James
Investigating the assumptions of the self-controlled case series method. (2017)
Whitaker, Heather J; Ghebremichael-Weldeselassie, Yonas; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Farrington, C Paddy
Correcting for measurement error in binary and continuous variables using replicates. (2001)
White, I; Frost, C; Tokunaga, S
Randomized clinical trials with added rescue medication: some approaches to their analysis and interpretation. (2001)
White, IR; Bamias, C; Hardy, P; Pocock, S; Warner, J
Adjusting treatment comparisons to account for non-randomized interventions: an example from an angina trial. (2003)
White, Ian R; Carpenter, James; Pocock, Stuart J; Henderson, Robert A
The use of regression models for medians when observed outcomes may be modified by interventions. (2003)
White, Ian R; Koupilova, Ilona; Carpenter, James
Eliciting and using expert opinions about influence of patient characteristics on treatment effects: a Bayesian analysis of the CHARM trials. (2005)
White, Ian R; Pocock, Stuart J; Wang, Duolao
Doubly robust estimators of causal exposure effects with missing data in the outcome, exposure or a confounder. (2012)
Williamson, EJ; Forbes, A; Wolfe, R
Variance estimation for stratified propensity score estimators. (2012)
Williamson, EJ; Morley, R; Lucas, A; Carpenter, JR
Variance reduction in randomised trials by inverse probability weighting using the propensity score. (2013)
Williamson, Elizabeth J; Forbes, Andrew; White, Ian R