Items where the Publication is Sexually transmitted infections
Number of items: 346.
Bibliographic data only
  • Reasons for not using condoms among the Hong Kong Chinese population: implications for HIV and STD prevention. (2002) Abdullah, ASM; Fielding, R; Hedley, AJ; Ebrahim, SH; Luk, YK
  • Estimates of injecting drug users at the national and local level in developing and transitional countries, and gender and age distribution. (2006) Aceijas, C; Friedman, SR; Cooper, HLF; Wiessing, L; Stimson, GV; Hickman, M
  • Chlamydia trachomatis in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and analysis of prevalence studies. (2004) Adams, EJ; Charlett, A; Edmunds, WJ; Hughes, G
  • Modelling the healthcare costs of an opportunistic chlamydia screening programme. (2004) Adams, EJ; LaMontagne, DS; Johnston, AR; Pimenta, JM; Fenton, KA; Edmunds, WJ
  • The cost effectiveness of opportunistic chlamydia screening in England. (2007) Adams, Elisabeth J; Turner, Katherine ME; Edmunds, W John
  • Evaluating the effect of HIV prevention strategies on uptake of HIV counselling and testing among male most-at-risk-populations in Nigeria; a cross-sectional analysis. (2015) Adebajo, Sylvia; Eluwa, George; Njab, Jean; Oginni, Ayo; Ukwuije, Francis; Ahonsi, Babatunde; Lorenc, Theo
  • Lack of evidence for the involvement of rectal and oral trichomonads in the aetiology of vaginal trichomoniasis in Ghana. (2006) Adu-Sarkodie, Y; Opoku, BK; Crucitti, T; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D
  • Comparison of latex agglutination, wet preparation, and culture for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis. (2004) Adu-Sarkodie, Y; Opoku, BK; Danso, KA; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D
  • Evaluation of a rapid point-of-care test for the detection of gonococcal infection among female sex workers in Benin. (2006) Alary, M; Gbenafa-Agossa, C; Aïna, G; Ndour, M; Labbé, AC; Fortin, D; Steele, M; Peeling, RW
  • Validity of coital diaries in a feasibility study for the Microbicides Development Programme trial among women at high risk of HIV/AIDS in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2007) Allen, Caroline F; Lees, Shelley S; Desmond, Nicola A; Der, Geoff; Chiduo, Betty; Hambleton, Ian; Knight, Louise; Vallely, Andrew; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J
  • Lactic acidosis in HIV infected patients: a systematic review of published cases. (2003) Arenas-Pinto, A; Grant, AD; Edwards, S; Weller, IVD
  • HIV and syphilis prevalence and associated risk factors among fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda. (2011) Asiki, Gershim; Mpendo, Juliet; Abaasa, Andrew; Agaba, Collins; Nanvubya, Annet; Nielsen, Leslie; Seeley, Janet; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kamali, Anatoli
  • O12.6 Understanding Experiences and Impact of Domestic Violence and Abuse in Gay and Bisexual Men Attending a Sexual Health Service in the UK. (2013) Bacchus, LJ; Buller, A; Sethi, C; White, J
  • Community HIV testing for men who have sex with men: results of a pilot project and comparison of service users with those testing in genitourinary medicine clinics. (2009) Bailey, AC; Roberts, J; Weatherburn, P; Hickson, FCI; Reid, DS; Fisher, M; Dean, G
  • Sexually transmitted infections in women who have sex with women. (2004) Bailey, JV; Farquhar, C; Owen, C; Mangtani, P
  • Diagnosis of gonococcal infection in high risk women using a rapid test. (2006) Benzaken, AS; Galban, EG; Antunes, W; Dutra, JC; Peeling, RW; Mabey, D; Salama, A
  • Field evaluation of the performance and testing costs of a rapid point-of-care test for syphilis in a red-light district of Manaus, Brazil. (2008) Benzaken, AS; Sabidó, M; Galban, EG; Pedroza, V; Vasquez, F; Araújo, A; Peeling, RW; Mayaud, P
  • External quality assurance with dried tube specimens (DTS) for point-of-care syphilis and HIV tests: experience in an indigenous populations screening programme in the Brazilian Amazon. (2014) Benzaken, Adele Schwartz; Bazzo, Maria Luiza; Galban, Enrique; Pereira Pinto, Ione Conceicao; Nogueira, Christiane Lourenco; Golfetto, Lisleia; Benzaken, Nina Schwartz; Sollis, Kimberly A; Mabey, David; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • External quality assurance with dried tube specimens (DTS) for point-of-care syphilis and HIV tests: experience in an indigenous populations screening programme in the Brazilian Amazon. (2013) Benzaken, Adele Schwartz; Bazzo, Maria Luiza; Galban, Enrique; Pinto, Ione Conceição Pereira; Nogueira, Christiane Lourenço; Golfetto, Lisléia; Benzaken, Nina Schwartz; Sollis, Kimberly A; Mabey, David; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • HIV and sexually transmitted infections at the borderlands: situational analysis of sexual health in the Brazilian Amazon. (2012) Benzaken, Adele; Sabidó, Meritxell; Galban, Enrique; Rodrigues Dutra, Daniel Lúcio; Leturiondo, André Luiz; Mayaud, Philippe
  • A cross-sectional analysis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among heterosexual HIV-1 serodiscordant African couples. (2017) Bochner, Aaron F; Baeten, Jared M; Rustagi, Alison S; Nakku-Joloba, Edith; Lingappa, Jairam R; Mugo, Nelly R; Bukusi, Elizabeth A; Kapiga, Saidi; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Celum, Connie; Barnabas, Ruanne V; Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study and Partners P
  • Sociodemographic context of the AIDS epidemic in a rural area in Tanzania with a focus on people's mobility and marriage. (2002) Boerma, JT; Urassa, M; Nnko, S; Ng'weshemi, J; Isingo, R; Zaba, B; Mwaluko, G
  • Evaluating large-scale HIV prevention interventions: study design for an integrated mathematical modelling approach. (2007) Boily, M-C; Lowndes, CM; Vickerman, P; Kumaranayake, L; Blanchard, J; Moses, S; Ramesh, BM; Pickles, M; Watts, C; Washington, R; Reza-Paul, S; Labbe, AC; Anderson, RM; Deering, KN; Alary, M; CHARME-India team
  • The role of heterosexual anal intercourse for HIV transmission in developing countries: are we ready to draw conclusions? (2009) Boily, Marie-Claude; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Mâsse, Benoit
  • Substance use among men who have sex with men: patterns, motivations, impacts and intervention development need. (2017) Bourne, Adam; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of HIV and STI prevention initiatives in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: where are we now? (2006) Brown, AE; Tomkins, SE; Logan, LE; Lamontagne, DS; Munro, HL; Hope, VD; Righarts, A; Blackham, JE; Rice, BD; Chadborn, TR; Tookey, PA; Parry, JV; Delpech, V; Gill, ON; Fenton, KA
  • The acceptability of routine HIV testing in general medical admissions using a sexual health advisor/healthcare assistant model. (2016) Buba, Amina; Fisher, Martin; Roberts, Jonathan; Youssef, Elaney; Hassan Ibrahim, Mohammed; Brown, Michael; Richardson, Daniel
  • O23.4 Understanding Domestic Violence as a Predictor of Adverse Health Outcomes and Sexual Risk-Taking Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2013) Buller, A; Bacchus, L; Devries, K
  • Factors associated with HIV testing among black Africans in Britain. (2005) Burns, F; Fenton, KA; Morison, L; Mercer, C; Erens, B; Field, J; Copas, AJ; Wellings, K; Johnson, AM
  • Sexual and HIV risk behaviour in central and eastern European migrants in London. (2011) Burns, Fiona M; Evans, Alison R; Mercer, Catherine H; Parutis, Violetta; Gerry, Christopher J; Mole, Richard CM; French, Rebecca S; Imrie, John; Hart, Graham J
  • Political feasibility of scaling-up five evidence-informed HIV interventions in Pakistan: a policy analysis. (2009) Buse, K; Lalji, N; Mayhew, SH; Imran, M; Hawkes, SJ
  • Clients of sex workers in different regions of the world: hard to count. (2006) Carael, M; Slaymaker, E; Lyerla, R; Sarkar, S
  • STD/HIV intervention and research programme Mwanza Region, NW Tanzania. (2002) Changalucha, J; Gavyole, A; Grosskurth, H; Hayes, R; Mabey, D
  • Routinely collected electronic health data and STI research: RECORD extension to the STROBE guidelines. (2015) Chen, MY; Langan, S; Benchimol, EI
  • Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infections among women from different settings in China: implications for STD surveillance. (2006) Chen, X-S; Yin, Y-P; Mabey, D; Peeling, RW; Zhou, H; Jiang, W-H; Wei, W-H; Yong, G; Shi, M-Q; Chen, Q; Gao, X
  • Monitoring sexual behaviour in general populations: a synthesis of lessons of the past decade. (2004) Cleland, J; Boerma, JT; Carael, M; Weir, SS
  • Variations of HIV and STI prevalences within communities neighbouring new goldmines in Tanzania: importance for intervention design. (2003) Clift, S; Anemona, A; Watson-Jones, D; Kanga, Z; Ndeki, L; Changalucha, J; Gavyole, A; Ross, DA
  • Understanding the context of male and transgender sex work using peer ethnography. (2009) Collumbien, M; Qureshi, AA; Mayhew, SH; Rizvi, N; Rabbani, A; Rolfe, B; Verma, RK; Rehman, H; Naveed-i-Rahat
  • The accuracy of reported sensitive sexual behaviour in Britain: exploring the extent of change 1990-2000. (2002) Copas, AJ; Wellings, K; Erens, B; Mercer, CH; McManus, S; Fenton, KA; Korovessis, C; Macdowall, W; Nanchahal, K; Johnson, AM
  • Optimising the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in Bulgaria: cost effectiveness of four clinical algorithms with risk assessment. (2010) Cornier, Nadine; Petrova, Elena; Cavailler, Philippe; Dentcheva, Rossitza; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Janin, Arnaud; Ninet, Béatrice; Anguenot, Jean-Luc; Vassilakos, Pierre; Gerbase, Antonio; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Seroepidemiological study of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in Brazil, Estonia, India, Morocco, and Sri Lanka. (2003) Cowan, FM; French, RS; Mayaud, P; Gopal, R; Robinson, NJ; de Oliveira, S Artimos; Faillace, T; Uusküla, A; Nygård-Kibur, M; Ramalingam, S; Sridharan, G; El Aouad, R; Alami, K; Rbai, M; Sunil-Chandra, NP; Brown, DW
  • A randomised placebo-controlled trial to explore the effect of suppressive therapy with acyclovir on genital shedding of HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 among Zimbabwean sex workers. (2008) Cowan, FM; Pascoe, SJ; Barlow, KL; Langhaug, LF; Jaffar, S; Hargrove, JW; Robinson, NJ; Bassett, MT; Wilson, D; Brown, DWG; Hayes, RJ
  • Attaining realistic and substantial reductions in HIV incidence: model projections of combining microbicide and male circumcision interventions in rural Uganda. (2011) Cox, Andrew P; Foss, Anna M; Shafer, Leigh Anne; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Vickerman, Peter; Hayes, Richard J; Watts, Charlotte; White, Richard G
  • STI testing without HIV disclosure by MSM with diagnosed HIV infection in England: cross-sectional results from an online panel survey. (2013) Datta, Jessica; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • How common is male circumcision in Britain? Findings from a national probability survey. (2002) Dave, SD; Fenton, KA; Mercer, CH; Johnson, AM; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • Male circumcision in Britain: findings from a national probability sample survey. (2003) Dave, SS; Fenton, KA; Mercer, CH; Erens, B; Wellings, K; Johnson, AM
  • Positive benefits: preventive impact of post-exposure prophylaxis awareness among those with diagnosed HIV. (2008) Dodds, C
  • Performance of routine syphilis serology in the Ethiopian cohort on HIV/AIDS. (2004) Dorigo-Zetsma, JW; Belewu, D; Meless, H; Sanders, E; Coutinho, RA; Schaap, A; Wolday, D
  • Epidemiology of HIV among black and minority ethnic men who have sex with men in England and Wales. (2005) Dougan, S; Elford, J; Rice, B; Brown, AE; Sinka, K; Evans, BG; Gill, ON; Fenton, KA
  • Sexual behaviour: related adverse health burden in the United States. (2005) Ebrahim, SH; McKenna, MT; Marks, JS
  • Risky sexual behaviour in context: qualitative results from an investigation into risk factors for seroconversion among gay men who test for HIV. (2008) Elam, G; Macdonald, N; Hickson, FCI; Imrie, J; Power, R; McGarrigle, CA; Fenton, KA; Gilbart, VL; Ward, H; Evans, BG; INSIGHT Collaborative Research Team
  • Migrant men: a priority for HIV control in Pakistan? (2006) Faisel, A; Cleland, J
  • HIV testing and high risk sexual behaviour among London's migrant African communities: a participatory research study. (2002) Fenton, KA; Chinouya, M; Davidson, O; Copas, A; MAYISHA study team
  • The acceptability of urinary LCR testing for Chlamydia trachomatis among participants in a probability sample survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles. (2001) Fenton, KA; Copas, A; Mitchell, K; Elam, G; Carder, C; Ridgway, G; Wellings, K; Erens, B; Field, J; Johnson, AM
  • Measuring sexual behaviour: methodological challenges in survey research. (2001) Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; McManus, S; Erens, B
  • A systematic review of published evidence on intervention impact on condom use in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. (2007) Foss, AM; Hossain, M; Vickerman, PT; Watts, CH
  • How much could a microbicide's sexually transmitted infection efficacy contribute to reducing HIV risk and the level of condom use needed to lower risk? Model estimates. (2009) Foss, AM; Vickerman, PT; Alary, M; Watts, CH
  • Proportion of new HIV infections attributable to herpes simplex 2 increases over time: simulations of the changing role of sexually transmitted infections in sub-Saharan African HIV epidemics. (2007) Freeman, Esther E; Orroth, Kate K; White, Richard G; Glynn, Judith R; Bakker, Roel; Boily, Marie-Claude; Habbema, Dik; Buvé, Anne; Hayes, Richard
  • One stop shop versus collaborative integration: what is the best way of delivering sexual health services? (2006) French, RS; Coope, CM; Graham, A; Gerressu, M; Salisbury, C; Stephenson, JM; One-Stop Shop Evaluation Team
  • Commentary. (2009) French, RS; Mercer, CH
  • Sexually transmitted infection risk exposure among black and minority ethnic youth in northwest London: findings from a study translating a sexually transmitted infection risk-reduction intervention to the UK setting. (2009) Gerressu, M; Elam, G; Shain, R; Bonell, C; Brook, G; Champion, J Dimmitt; French, R; Elford, J; Hart, G; Stephenson, J; Imrie, J
  • Studying complex interactions among determinants of healthcare-seeking behaviours: self-medication for sexually transmitted infection symptoms in female sex workers. (2010) Gomez, Gabriela B; Campos, Pablo E; Buendia, Clara; Carcamo, Cesar P; Garcia, Patricia J; Segura, Patricia; Whittington, William L; Hughes, James P; Ward, Helen; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Holmes, King K
  • Are one-stop shops acceptable? Community perspectives on one-stop shop models of sexual health service provision in the UK. (2008) Griffiths, C; Gerressu, M; French, RS; One-Stop Shop Evaluation Team
  • Operational performance of an STD control programme in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. (2000) Grosskurth, H; Mwijarubi, E; Todd, J; Rwakatare, M; Orroth, K; Mayaud, P; Cleophas, B; Buvé, A; Mkanje, R; Ndeki, L; Gavyole, A; Hayes, R; Mabey, D
  • Behaviour change in generalised HIV epidemics: impact of reducing cross-generational sex and delaying age at sexual debut. (2007) Hallett, TB; Gregson, S; Lewis, JJC; Lopman, BA; Garnett, GP
  • Early sexual debut among young men in rural South Africa: heightened vulnerability to sexual risk? (2005) Harrison, A; Cleland, J; Gouws, E; Frohlich, J
  • HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men, transgenders and women selling sex in two cities in Pakistan: a cross-sectional prevalence survey. (2009) Hawkes, S; Collumbien, M; Platt, L; Lalji, N; Rizvi, N; Andreasen, A; Chow, J; Muzaffar, R; ur-Rehman, H; Siddiqui, N; Hasan, S; Bokhari, A
  • Diverse realities: sexually transmitted infections and HIV in India. (2002) Hawkes, S; Santhya, KG
  • A multi-centre evaluation of nine rapid, point-of-care syphilis tests using archived sera. (2006) Herring, AJ; Ballard, RC; Pope, V; Adegbola, RA; Changalucha, J; Fitzgerald, DW; Hook, EW; Kubanova, A; Mananwatte, S; Pape, JW; Sturm, AW; West, B; Yin, YP; Peeling, RW
  • Internet-based cohort study of HIV testing over 1 year among men who have sex with men living in England and exposed to a social marketing intervention promoting testing. (2014) Hickson, Ford; Tomlin, Keith; Hargreaves, James; Bonell, Chris; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
  • The value of mass screening for chlamydia control in high prevalence communities. (2002) Hodgins, S; Peeling, RW; Dery, S; Bernier, F; LaBrecque, A; Proulx, JF; Joly, J; Alary, M; Mabey, D
  • Methodological lessons from a cohort study of high risk women in Tanzania. (2004) Hoffmann, O; Zaba, B; Wolff, B; Sanga, E; Maboko, L; Mmbando, D; von Sonnenburg, F; Hoelscher, M
  • Cost effectiveness of screening for Chlamydia trachomatis: a review of published studies. (2002) Honey, E; Augood, C; Templeton, A; Russell, I; Paavonen, J; Mårdh, P-A; Stary, A; Stray-Pedersen, B
  • A novel HIV treatment model using private practitioners in South Africa. (2012) Innes, Craig; Hamilton, Robin; Hoffmann, Christopher J; Hippner, Piotr; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin J; Charalambous, Salome
  • A randomised placebo-controlled safety and acceptability trial of PRO 2000 vaginal microbicide gel in sexually active women in Uganda. (2010) Kamali, Anatoli; Byomire, Helen; Muwonge, Catherine; Bakobaki, Julie; Rutterford, Clare; Okong, Pius; Profy, Albert; Byaruhanga, Romano; Namukwaya, Stella; McCormack, Sheena; Grosskurth, Heiner; Nunn, Andrew J; Lacey, Charles JN
  • Staff training in integrated sexual health services. (2003) Kane, R; Wellings, K
  • Factors associated with early sexual debut in Slovenia: results of a general population survey. (2006) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Weiss, HA; Hayes, R
  • Prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the general population of Slovenia: serious gaps in control. (2004) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Kese, D; Hayes, R
  • Disseminating sexually transmitted infections diagnostics information: the SDI web publication review series. (2006) Kuypers, J; Tam, MR; Holmes, KK; Peeling, RW
  • Incidence and reinfection rates of genital chlamydial infection among women aged 16-24 years attending general practice, family planning and genitourinary medicine clinics in England: a prospective cohort study by the Chlamydia Recall Study Advisory Group. (2006) LaMontagne, D Scott; Baster, Kathleen; Emmett, Lynsey; Nichols, Tom; Randall, Sarah; McLean, Louise; Meredith, Paula; Harindra, Veerakathy; Tobin, Jean M; Underhill, Gillian S; Hewitt, W Graham; Hopwood, Jennifer; Gleave, Toni; Ghosh, Ajit K; Mallinson, Harry; Davies, Alisha R; Hughes, Gwenda; Fenton, Kevin A
  • Comparison of non-invasive sampling methods for detection of HPV in rural African women. (2005) Lack, N; West, B; Jeffries, D; Ekpo, G; Morison, L; Soutter, WP; Walraven, G; Boryseiwicz, L
  • How you ask really matters: randomised comparison of four sexual behaviour questionnaire delivery modes in Zimbabwean youth. (2011) Langhaug, Lisa F; Cheung, Yin Bun; Pascoe, Sophie JS; Chirawu, Petronella; Woelk, Godfrey; Hayes, Richard J; Cowan, Frances M
  • Acute bilateral parotitis caused by Mycobacterium scrofulaceum: immune reconstitution disease in a patient with AIDS. (2005) Lawn, SD; Checkley, A; Wansbrough-Jones, MH
  • Monitoring and assessment of bone mineral density in HIV-infected individuals. (2016) Lawrence, David; Cresswell, Fiona; Jones, Eben; Jarrett, Prudence; Mowete, Chibuzo; Gilleece, Yvonne
  • Patterns of uptake of treatment for self reported sexually transmitted infection symptoms in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lewis, JJC; Garnett, GP; Nyamukapa, CA; Donnelly, CA; Mason, PR; Gregson, S
  • Evaluating the proximate determinants framework for HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe. (2007) Lewis, James JC; Donnelly, Christl A; Mare, Paul; Mupambireyi, Zivai; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Gregson, Simon
  • From individuals to complex systems: exploring the sexual networks of men who have sex with men in three cities of Karnataka, India. (2010) Lorway, Robert; Shaw, Souradet Y; Hwang, Sandra DH; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Pasha, Akram; Wylie, John L; Moses, Stephen; Blanchard, James F
  • Cervical infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) 6 or 11 in high-risk women in Burkina Faso. (2010) Low, Andrea; Didelot-Rousseau, Marie-Noelle; Nagot, Nicolas; Ouedraougo, Abdoulaye; Clayton, Tim; Konate, Issouf; Van de Perre, Philippe; Segondy, Michel; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Role of core and bridging groups in the transmission dynamics of HIV and STIs in Cotonou, Benin, West Africa. (2002) Lowndes, CM; Alary, M; Meda, H; Gnintoungbé, CAB; Mukenge-Tshibaka, L; Adjovi, C; Buvé, A; Morison, L; Laourou, M; Kanhonou, L; Anagonou, S
  • Time to improve HIV testing and recording of HIV diagnosis in UK primary care. (2009) Ma, Richard
  • Commentary on "Chlamydia trachomatis OmpA genotyping as a tool for studying the natural history of genital chlamydial infection". (2008) Mabey, D
  • Trichomonas vaginalis infection. (2006) Mabey, D; Ackers, J; Adu-Sarkodie, Y
  • Trichomonas vaginalis infection. (2006) Mabey, D; Ackers, J; Adu-Sarkodie, Y
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum. (2002) Mabey, D; Peeling, RW
  • Prospective, multi-centre clinic-based evaluation of four rapid diagnostic tests for syphilis. (2006) Mabey, D; Peeling, RW; Ballard, R; Benzaken, AS; Galbán, E; Changalucha, J; Everett, D; Balira, R; Fitzgerald, D; Joseph, P; Nerette, S; Li, J; Zheng, H
  • Rapid and simple point of care diagnostics for STIs. (2001) Mabey, D; Peeling, RW; Perkins, MD
  • What have we learned from sexually transmitted infection research in sub-Saharan Africa? (2010) Mabey, David; Ndowa, Francis; Latif, Ahmed
  • The feasibility of integrated STI prevalence and behaviour surveys in developing countries. (2002) MacLachlan, EW; Baganizi, E; Bougoudogo, F; Castle, S; Mint-Youbba, Z; Gorbach, P; Parker, K; Ryan, CA
  • Recent trends in diagnoses of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in England and Wales among men who have sex with men. (2004) Macdonald, N; Dougan, S; McGarrigle, CA; Baster, K; Rice, BD; Evans, BG; Fenton, KA
  • Factors associated with HIV seroconversion in gay men in England at the start of the 21st century. (2008) Macdonald, N; Elam, G; Hickson, F; Imrie, J; McGarrigle, CA; Fenton, KA; Baster, K; Ward, H; Gilbart, VL; Power, RM; Evans, BG
  • Male IDUs who have sex with men in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: are they at greater risk of bloodborne virus infection and harm than those who only have sex with women? (2012) Marongiu, Andrea; Hope, Vivian D; Parry, John V; Ncube, Fortune
  • The interrelation of HIV, cervical human papillomavirus, and neoplasia among antenatal clinic attenders in Tanzania. (2001) Mayaud, P; Gill, DK; Weiss, HA; Uledi, E; Kopwe, L; Todd, J; ka-Gina, G; Grosskurth, H; Hayes, RJ; Mabey, DC; Lacey, CJ
  • Approaches to the control of sexually transmitted infections in developing countries: old problems and modern challenges. (2004) Mayaud, P; Mabey, D
  • Effect of HIV-1 and antiretroviral therapy on herpes simplex virus type 2: a prospective study in African women. (2008) Mayaud, P; Nagot, N; Konaté, I; Ouedraogo, A; Weiss, HA; Foulongne, V; Defer, M-C; Sawadogo, A; Segondy, M; Van de Perre, P; ANRS 1285 Study Group
  • Protecting the unprotected: mixed-method research on drug use, sex work and rights in Pakistan's fight against HIV/AIDS. (2009) Mayhew, S; Collumbien, M; Qureshi, A; Platt, L; Rafiq, N; Faisel, A; Lalji, N; Hawkes, S
  • Increasing access to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services through the private sector in Uganda. (2009) Mbonye, AK; Hansen, KS; Wamono, F; Magnussen, P
  • Who reports sexual function problems? Empirical evidence from Britain's 2000 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. (2005) Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; Copas, AJ; Macdowall, W; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • Sex partner acquisition while overseas: results from a British national probability survey. (2007) Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Wellings, K; Copas, AJ; Erens, B; Johnson, AM
  • Is there a role for topical antiseptics in the treatment of gonorrhoea? (2016) Miari, Victoria F; Ison, Catherine A
  • Surveillance and modelling of HIV, STI, and risk behaviours in concentrated HIV epidemics. (2004) Mills, S
  • Is nucleic acid amplification point-of-care testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea cost-effective? (2014) Miners, Alec
  • Bacterial vaginosis in relation to menstrual cycle, menstrual protection method, and sexual intercourse in rural Gambian women. (2005) Morison, L; Ekpo, G; West, B; Demba, E; Mayaud, P; Coleman, R; Bailey, R; Walraven, G
  • Sexually transmitted infections in pregnancy: prevalence, impact on pregnancy outcomes, and approach to treatment in developing countries. (2005) Mullick, S; Watson-Jones, D; Beksinska, M; Mabey, D
  • HIV-1 molecular epidemiology evidence and transmission patterns in the Middle East and North Africa. (2011) Mumtaz, Ghina; Hilmi, Nahla; Akala, Francisca Ayodeji; Semini, Iris; Riedner, Gabriele; Wilson, David; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Longitudinal effect following initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy on plasma and cervico-vaginal HIV-1 RNA among women in Burkina Faso. (2008) Nagot, N; Ouedraogo, A; Weiss, HA; Konate, I; Sanon, A; Defer, M-C; Sawadogo, A; Andonaba, J-B; Vallo, R; Becquart, P; Segondy, M; Mayaud, P; Van de Perre, P; Yerelon Study Group
  • Association between bacterial vaginosis and Herpes simplex virus type-2 infection: implications for HIV acquisition studies. (2007) Nagot, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Defer, Marie-Christine; Vallo, Roselyne; Mayaud, Philippe; Van de Perre, Philippe
  • Bridging the HIV-syphilis testing gap: dual testing among men who have sex with men living in China. (2018) Ong, Jason J; Liao, Meizhen; Lee, Amy; Fu, Hongyun; Pan, Stephen W; Tang, Weiming; Wei, Chongyi; Dan, Wu; Yang, Bin; Yang, Ligang; Wang, Cheng; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Chlamydia sequelae cost estimates used in current economic evaluations: does one-size-fit-all? (2016) Ong, Koh Jun; Soldan, Kate; Jit, Mark; Dunbar, J Kevin; Woodhall, Sarah C
  • Comparison of STD prevalences in the Mwanza, Rakai, and Masaka trial populations: the role of selection bias and diagnostic errors. (2003) Orroth, KK; Korenromp, EL; White, RG; Changalucha, J; de Vlas, SJ; Gray, RH; Hughes, P; Kamali, A; Ojwiya, A; Serwadda, D; Wawer, MJ; Hayes, RJ; Grosskurth, H
  • Understanding the differences between contrasting HIV epidemics in east and west Africa: results from a simulation model of the Four Cities Study. (2007) Orroth, Kate K; Freeman, Esther E; Bakker, Roel; Buvé, Anne; Glynn, Judith R; Boily, Marie-Claude; White, Richard G; Habbema, J Dik F; Hayes, Richard J
  • Attempting to explain heterogeneous HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa: potential role of historical changes in risk behaviour and male circumcision. (2011) Orroth, Kate K; White, Richard G; Freeman, Esther E; Bakker, Roel; Buvé, Anne; Glynn, Judith R; Habbema, J Dik F; Hayes, Richard J
  • Utilising the internet to test for sexually transmitted infections: results of a survey and accuracy testing. (2010) Owens, Sherria L; Arora, Nick; Quinn, Nicole; Peeling, Rosanna W; Holmes, King K; Gaydos, Charlotte A
  • Attitudes to directly observed antiretroviral treatment in a workplace HIV care programme in South Africa. (2007) Page-Shipp, Liesl S; Charalambous, Salome; Roux, Surita; Dias, Belinda; Sefuti, Clement; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
  • The burden and determinants of reproductive tract infections in India: a population based study of women in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, V; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D; West, B; D'Souza, S; Patil, V; Nevrekar, P; Gupte, S; Kirkwood, BR
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections: a brave new world? (2006) Peeling, RW
  • Rapid tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs): the way forward. (2006) Peeling, RW; Holmes, KK; Mabey, D; Ronald, A
  • Introducing new diagnostics into STI control programmes: the importance of programme science. (2013) Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David; Ballard, Ronald C
  • Hand-held rapid whole genome nanopore sequencing to predict Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibiotic susceptibility: steps towards clinic based tailored antimicrobial therapy. (2017) Phillips, LT; Witney, A; Izquierdo-Carrasco, F; Mayes, S; Wright, A; Laing, K; Gould, K; Pond, M; Hall, CL; Harding-Esch, EM; Butcher, P; Zhou, L; Sadiq, ST
  • Impact of aciclovir on ulcer healing, lesional, genital and plasma HIV-1 RNA among patients with genital ulcer disease in Malawi. (2010) Phiri, Sam; Hoffman, Irving F; Weiss, Helen A; Martinson, Francis; Nyirenda, Naomi; Kamwendo, Debbie; Fiscus, Susan A; Chen, Cheng-Yen; Miller, William C; van der Hoeven, Len; Chilongozi, David; Cohen, Myron S; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Aetiology of sexually transmitted infections and response to syndromic treatment in southwest Uganda. (2005) Pickering, JM; Whitworth, JAG; Hughes, P; Kasse, M; Morgan, D; Mayanja, B; Van der Paal, L; Mayaud, P
  • STI/HIV test result disclosure between female sex workers and their primary, non-commercial male partners in two Mexico-US border cities: a prospective study. (2014) Pines, Heather A; Patterson, Thomas L; Rangel, Gudelia; Martinez, Gustavo; Bazzi, Angela R; Ulibarri, Monica D; Syvertsen, Jennifer L; Martin, Natasha K; Strathdee, Steffanie A
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  • Prevalence of HIV, HCV and sexually transmitted infections among injecting drug users in Rawalpindi and Abbottabad, Pakistan: evidence for an emerging injection-related HIV epidemic. (2009) Platt, L; Vickerman, P; Collumbien, M; Hasan, S; Lalji, N; Mayhew, S; Muzaffar, R; Andreasen, A; Hawkes, S
  • Risk of sexually transmitted infections and violence among indoor-working female sex workers in London: the effect of migration from Eastern Europe. (2011) Platt, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Bonell, Chris; Creighton, Sarah; Wellings, Kaye; Parry, John; Rhodes, Tim
  • Systematic review examining differences in HIV, sexually transmitted infections and health-related harms between migrant and non-migrant female sex workers. (2012) Platt, Lucy; Grenfell, Pippa; Fletcher, Adam; Sorhaindo, Annik; Jolley, Emma; Rhodes, Tim; Bonell, Chris
  • "A bit more truthful": the validity of adolescent sexual behaviour data collected in rural northern Tanzania using five methods. (2004) Plummer, ML; Ross, DA; Wight, D; Changalucha, J; Mshana, G; Wamoyi, J; Todd, J; Anemona, A; Mosha, FF; Obasi, AI; Hayes, RJ
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  • Health economic methodology illustrated with recent work on Chlamydia screening: the concept of extended dominance. (2008) Postma, MJ; de Vries, R; Welte, R; Edmunds, WJ
  • Mycoplasma genitalium: an organism commonly associated with cervicitis among west African sex workers. (2005) Pépin, J; Labbé, A-C; Khonde, N; Deslandes, S; Alary, M; Dzokoto, A; Asamoah-Adu, C; Méda, H; Frost, E
  • Sexually transmitted infections in Africa: single dose treatment is now affordable. (2003) Pépin, J; Mabey, D
  • Home-based counseling and testing for HIV and syphilis - an evaluation of acceptability and quality control, in remote Amazonas State, Brazil. (2014) Ribeiro, Luciana Viana da Costa; Sabidó, Meritxell; Galbán, Enrique; Guerra, Jorge Augusto de Oliveira; Mabey, David; Peeling, Rosanna W; Benzaken, Adele Schwartz
  • The changing epidemiology of prevalent diagnosed HIV infections in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, 1997 to 2003. (2005) Rice, BD; Payne, LJ; Sinka, K; Patel, B; Evans, BG; Delpech, V
  • A randomised controlled trial of computer-assisted interviewing in sexual health clinics. (2010) Richens, John; Copas, Andrew; Sadiq, Syed Tariq; Kingori, Patricia; McCarthy, Ona; Jones, Victoria; Hay, Philip; Miles, Kevin; Gilson, Richard; Imrie, John; Pakianathan, Mark
  • Recent declines in reported syphilis rates in eastern Europe and central Asia: are the epidemics over? (2000) Riedner, G; Dehne, K L; Gromyko, A
  • Baseline survey of sexually transmitted infections in a cohort of female bar workers in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. (2003) Riedner, G; Rusizoka, M; Hoffmann, O; Nichombe, F; Lyamuya, E; Mmbando, D; Maboko, L; Hay, P; Todd, J; Hayes, R; Hoelscher, M; Grosskurth, H
  • Possible reasons for an increase in the proportion of genital ulcers due to herpes simplex virus from a cohort of female bar workers in Tanzania. (2007) Riedner, Gabriele; Todd, Jim; Rusizoka, Mary; Mmbando, Donan; Maboko, Leonard; Lyamuya, Eligius; Hoffmann, Oliver; MacLean, I; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • Geographical and demographic clustering of gonorrhoea in London. (2007) Risley, Claire L; Ward, Helen; Choudhury, Bhudipa; Bishop, Cynthia J; Fenton, Kevin A; Spratt, Brian G; Ison, Catherine A; Ghani, Azra C
  • Excellence in sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnostics: recognition of past successes and strategies for the future. (2006) Ronald, A; Kuypers, J; Lukehart, SA; Peeling, RW; Pope, V
  • Polygyny and symmetric concurrency: comparing long-duration sexually transmitted infection prevalence using simulated sexual networks. (2010) Santhakumaran, Shalini; O'Brien, Katie; Bakker, Roel; Ealden, Toby; Shafer, Leigh Anne; Daniel, Rhian M; Chapman, Ruth; Hayes, Richard J; White, Richard G
  • Improving the quality of STI care by private general practitioners: a South African case study. (2005) Schneider, H; Chabikuli, N; Blaauw, D; Funani, I; Brugha, R
  • HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and risk behaviours in male sex workers in London over a 10 year period. (2006) Sethi, G; Holden, BM; Gaffney, J; Greene, L; Ghani, AC; Ward, H
  • The burden and determinants of HIV and sexually transmitted infections in a population-based sample of female sex workers in Goa, India. (2009) Shahmanesh, M; Cowan, F; Wayal, S; Copas, A; Patel, V; Mabey, D
  • Prevalence of herpes simplex type 2 and syphilis serology among young adults in a rural Gambian community. (2001) Shaw, M; van der Sande, M; West, B; Paine, K; Ceesay, S; Bailey, R; Walraven, G; Morison, L; McAdam, K
  • Risk factors associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. (2006) Simms, I; Stephenson, JM; Mallinson, H; Peeling, RW; Thomas, K; Gokhale, R; Rogers, PA; Hay, P; Oakeshott, P; Hopwood, J; Birley, H; Hernon, M
  • A critique of international indicators of sexual risk behaviour. (2004) Slaymaker, E
  • Monitoring trends in sexual behaviour in Zambia, 1996-2003. (2004) Slaymaker, E; Buckner, B
  • TV or not TV? (2002) Smith, A; Portsmouth, S; Curran, B; Warhurst, D; Kell, P; Saulsbury, N
  • Projecting the demographic impact of AIDS and the number of people in need of treatment: updates to the Spectrum projection package. (2006) Stover, J; Walker, N; Grassly, NC; Marston, M
  • Costs and efficiency of integrating HIV/AIDS services with other health services: a systematic review of evidence and experience. (2012) Sweeney, Sedona; Obure, Carol Dayo; Maier, Claudia B; Greener, Robert; Dehne, Karl; Vassall, Anna
  • Lack of effectiveness of syndromic management in targeting vaginal infections in pregnancy in Entebbe, Uganda. (2006) Tann, CJ; Mpairwe, H; Morison, L; Nassimu, K; Hughes, P; Omara, M; Mabey, D; Muwanga, M; Grosskurth, H; Elliott, AM
  • Role of dual HIV/syphilis test kits in expanding syphilis screening. (2017) Taylor, Melanie M; Peeling, Rosanna W; Toskin, Igor; Ghinidelli, Massimo
  • Is antenatal syphilis screening still cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa. (2003) Terris-Prestholt, F; Watson-Jones, D; Mugeye, K; Kumaranayake, L; Ndeki, L; Weiss, H; Changalucha, J; Todd, J; Lisekie, F; Gumodoka, B; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
  • The sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of primary schools in rural Tanzania. (2004) Todd, J; Changalucha, J; Ross, DA; Mosha, F; Obasi, AIN; Plummer, M; Balira, R; Grosskurth, H; Mabey, DCW; Hayes, R
  • Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population. (2001) Todd, J; Munguti, K; Grosskurth, H; Mngara, J; Changalucha, J; Mayaud, P; Mosha, F; Gavyole, A; Mabey, D; Hayes, R
  • Mycoplasma genitalium: an important sexually transmitted infection comes into focus. (2018) Tucker, Joseph D; Ong, Jason J
  • Modelling the effectiveness of chlamydia screening in England. (2006) Turner, KME; Adams, EJ; Lamontagne, DS; Emmett, L; Baster, K; Edmunds, WJ
  • Investigating ethnic inequalities in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections: mathematical modelling study. (2004) Turner, KME; Garnett, GP; Ghani, AC; Sterne, JAC; Low, N
  • HIV prevalence and sexual behaviour changes measured in an antenatal clinic setting in northern Tanzania. (2006) Urassa, M; Kumogola, Y; Isingo, R; Mwaluko, G; Makelemo, B; Mugeye, K; Boerma, T; Calleja, T; Slaymaker, E; Zaba, B
  • STI management in Tanzanian private drugstores: practices and roles of drug sellers. (2009) Viberg, N; Mujinja, P; Kalala, W; Kumaranayake, L; Vyas, S; Tomson, G; Lundborg, C Stålsby
  • Modelling the cost per ulcer treated of incorporating episodic treatment for HSV-2 into the syndromic algorithm for genital ulcer disease. (2008) Vickerman, P; Ndowa, F; Mayaud, P
  • Modelling the transmission of HIV and HCV among injecting drug users in Rawalpindi, a low HCV prevalence setting in Pakistan. (2009) Vickerman, P; Platt, L; Hawkes, S
  • Sensitivity requirements for the point of care diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in women. (2003) Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Alary, M; Mabey, D; Peeling, RW
  • Modelling the cost effectiveness of rapid point of care diagnostic tests for the control of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers. (2006) Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Peeling, RW; Mabey, D; Alary, M
  • Using mathematical modelling to estimate the impact of periodic presumptive treatment on the transmission of sexually transmitted infections and HIV among female sex workers. (2009) Vickerman, Peter; Ndowa, Francis; O'Farrell, Nigel; Steen, Richard; Alary, Michel; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead
  • Human papillomavirus infection and associated factors for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women living with HIV in China: a cross-sectional study. (2018) Wang, Qian; Ma, Xiaomeng; Zhang, Xiaosong; Ong, Jason J; Jing, Jun; Zhang, Lei; Wang, Lin-Hong
  • Who pays for sex? An analysis of the increasing prevalence of female commercial sex contacts among men in Britain. (2005) Ward, H; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Copas, A; Johnson, AM
  • High prevalence of trichomoniasis in rural men in Mwanza, Tanzania: results from a population based study. (2000) Watson-Jones, D; Mugeye, K; Mayaud, P; Ndeki, L; Todd, J; Mosha, F; West, B; Cleophas-Frisch, B; Grosskurth, H; Laga, M; Hayes, R; Mabey, D; Buvé, A
  • Sexual violence and conflict in Africa: prevalence and potential impact on HIV incidence. (2010) Watts, Charlotte H; Foss, Anna M; Hossain, Mazeda; Zimmerman, Cathy; von Simson, Rachel; Klot, Jennifer
  • Remodelling core group theory: the role of sustaining populations in HIV transmission. (2010) Watts, Charlotte; Zimmerman, Cathy; Foss, Anna M; Hossain, Mazeda; Cox, Andrew; Vickerman, Peter
  • Contraceptive practices, sexual and reproductive health needs of HIV-positive and negative female sex workers in Goa, India. (2011) Wayal, Sonali; Cowan, Frances; Warner, Pamela; Copas, Andrew; Mabey, David; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Spousal sexual violence and poverty are risk factors for sexually transmitted infections in women: a longitudinal study of women in Goa, India. (2008) Weiss, HA; Patel, V; West, B; Peeling, RW; Kirkwood, BR; Mabey, D
  • Male circumcision and risk of syphilis, chancroid, and genital herpes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2006) Weiss, HA; Thomas, SL; Munabi, SK; Hayes, RJ
  • Surveys on sexual health: recent developments and future directions. (2001) Wellings, K; Cleland, J
  • Performance of the rapid plasma reagin and the rapid syphilis screening tests in the diagnosis of syphilis in field conditions in rural Africa. (2002) West, B; Walraven, G; Morison, L; Brouwers, J; Bailey, R
  • What is the achievable effectiveness of the India AIDS Initiative intervention among female sex workers under target coverage? Model projections from southern India. (2006) Williams, JR; Foss, AM; Vickerman, P; Watts, C; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, S; Washington, RG; Moses, S; Blanchard, J; Lowndes, CM; Alary, M; Boily, M-C
  • Estimation of the impact of genital warts on health-related quality of life. (2008) Woodhall, S; Ramsey, T; Cai, C; Crouch, S; Jit, M; Birks, Y; Edmunds, WJ; Newton, R; Lacey, CJN
  • Understanding correlates of hepatitis B virus vaccination in men who have sex with men: what have we learned? (2002) Yee, LJ; Rhodes, SD
  • Clinic-based evaluation of Clearview Chlamydia MF for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in vaginal and cervical specimens from women at high risk in China. (2006) Yin, Y-P; Peeling, RW; Chen, X-S; Gong, K-L; Zhou, H; Gu, W-M; Zheng, H-P; Wang, Z-S; Yong, G; Cao, W-L; Shi, M-Q; Wei, W-H; Dai, X-Q; Gao, X; Chen, Q; Mabey, D
  • Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in African demographic surveys. (2004) Zaba, B; Pisani, E; Slaymaker, E; Boerma, J Ties
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  • Health seeking and sexual behaviour in patients with sexually transmitted infections: the importance of traditional healers in Thyolo, Malawi. (2002) Zachariah, R; Nkhoma, W; Harries, AD; Arendt, V; Chantulo, A; Spielmann, MP; Mbereko, MP; Buhendwa, L
  • STIs and HIV in Pakistan: from analysis to action. (2009) Zaheer, HA; Hawkes, S; Buse, K; O'Dwyer, M
  • Risk factors for syphilis infection among pregnant women: results of a case-control study in Shenzhen, China. (2007) Zhou, Hua; Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Hong, Fu-Chang; Pan, Peng; Yang, Fan; Cai, Yu-Mao; Yin, Yue-Ping; Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David
  • Public
  • Using the eSexual Health Clinic to access chlamydia treatment and care via the internet: a qualitative interview study. (2017) Aicken, Catherine RH; Sutcliffe, Lorna J; Gibbs, Jo; Tickle, Laura J; Hone, Kate; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Mercer, Catherine H; Sonnenberg, Pam; Sadiq, S Tariq; Estcourt, Claudia S; Shahmanesh, Maryam
  • Ethnic variations in sexual partnerships and mixing, and their association with STI diagnosis: findings from a cross-sectional biobehavioural survey of attendees of sexual health clinics across England. (2019) Aicken, Catherine Rh; Wayal, Sonali; Blomquist, Paula; Fabiane, Stella; Gerressu, Makeda; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Bacterial vaginosis in female facility workers in north-western Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors. (2009) Baisley, K; Changalucha, J; Weiss, HA; Mugeye, K; Everett, D; Hambleton, I; Hay, P; Ross, D; Tanton, C; Chirwa, T; Hayes, R; Watson-Jones, D picture_as_pdf
  • Improving our understanding of the disproportionate incidence of STIs in heterosexual-identifying people of black Caribbean heritage: findings from a longitudinal study of sexual health clinic attendees in England. (2021) Bardsley, Megan; Wayal, Sonali; Blomquist, Paula; Mohammed, Hamish; Mercer, Catherine H; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Comparing the characteristics of users of an online service for STI self-sampling with clinic service users: a cross-sectional analysis. (2018) Barnard, Sharmani; Free, Caroline; Bakolis, Ioannis; Turner, Katy ME; Looker, Katharine J; Baraitser, Paula
  • Attendance of MSM at Genitourinary Medicine services in England: implications for selective HPV vaccination programme (a short communication). (2018) Bayley, Jake; Mesher, David; Nadarzynski, Tom; Hughes, Gwenda; Soldan, Kate
  • Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review. (2022) Bennett, Clare; Edwards, Deborah; Sherman, Sue M; Baker, Peter; Waheed, Dur-E-Nayab; Vorsters, Alex; Sarıca Çevik, Hüsna; Karafillakis, Emilie; Prue, Gillian; Kelly, Daniel
  • Is sexual risk taking behaviour changing in rural south-west Uganda? Behaviour trends in a rural population cohort 1993-2006. (2009) Biraro, S; Shafer, LA; Kleinschmidt, I; Wolff, B; Karabalinde, A; Nalwoga, A; Musinguzi, J; Kirungi, W; Opio, A; Whitworth, J; Grosskurth, H
  • Characteristics and sexual health service use of MSM engaging in chemsex: results from a large online survey in England. (2020) Blomquist, Paula Bianca; Mohammed, Hamish; Mikhail, Amy; Weatherburn, Peter; Reid, David; Wayal, Sonali; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Sexual and marital trajectories and HIV infection among ever-married women in rural Malawi. (2009) Boileau, C; Clark, S; Bignami-Van Assche, S; Poulin, M; Reniers, G; Watkins, SC; Kohler, HP; Heymann, SJ
  • Changing forms of HIV-related stigma along the HIV care and treatment continuum in sub-Saharan Africa: a temporal analysis. (2017) Bonnington, O; Wamoyi, J; Ddaaki, W; Bukenya, D; Ondenge, K; Skovdal, M; Renju, J; Moshabela, M; Wringe, A
  • Illicit drug use in sexual settings ('chemsex') and HIV/STI transmission risk behaviour among gay men in South London: findings from a qualitative study. (2015) Bourne, A; Reid, D; Hickson, F; Torres-Rueda, S; Weatherburn, P description
  • Sexual behaviour, STI and HIV testing and testing need among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men recruited for online surveys pre/post-COVID-19 restrictions in the UK. (2023) Brown, Jack Rg; Reid, David; Howarth, Alison R; Mohammed, Hamish; Saunders, John; Pulford, Caisey V; Ogaz, Dana; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Modelling HIV epidemics in the antiretroviral era: the UNAIDS Estimation and Projection package 2009. (2010) Brown, Tim; Bao, Le; Raftery, Adrian E; Salomon, Joshua A; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Stover, John; Gerland, Patrick
  • Where are we now? A multicountry qualitative study to explore access to pre-antiretroviral care services: a precursor to antiretroviral therapy initiation. (2017) Bukenya, Dominic; Wringe, Alison; Moshabela, Mosa; Skovdal, Morten; Ssekubugu, Robert; Paparini, Sara; Renju, Jenny; McLean, Estelle; Bonnington, Oliver; Wamoyi, Joyce; Seeley, Janet
  • The "seeded" focus group: a strategy to recruit HIV+ community members into treatment research. (2008) Busza, J; Zaba, B; Urassa, M
  • Condom use by female sex workers and their clients in Mexico: who decides and does it matter? (2011) Bórquez, Annick; Hallett, Timothy B; Gomez, Gabriela B; Garnett, Geoffrey P
  • Finding sexual partners online: prevalence and associations with sexual behaviour, STI diagnoses and other sexual health outcomes in the British population. (2017) Cabecinha, Melissa; Mercer, Catherine H; Gravningen, Kirsten; Aicken, Catherine; Jones, Kyle G; Tanton, Clare; Wellings, Kaye; Sonnenberg, Pam; Field, Nigel
  • Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in rectal specimens in women and its association with anal intercourse: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2018) Chandra, Nastassya L; Broad, Claire; Folkard, Kate; Town, Katy; Harding-Esch, Emma M; Woodhall, Sarah C; Saunders, John M; Sadiq, S Tariq; Dunbar, J Kevin
  • The effects of scale on the costs of targeted HIV prevention interventions among female and male sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgenders in India. (2010) Chandrashekar, S; Guinness, L; Kumaranayake, L; Reddy, Bhaskar; Govindraj, Y; Vickerman, P; Alary, M
  • Global epidemiology of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in infertile populations: systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression. (2021) Chemaitelly, Hiam; Majed, Alzahraa; Abu-Hijleh, Farah; Blondeel, Karel; Matsaseng, Thabo Christopher; Kiarie, James; Toskin, Igor; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Reliance on condoms for contraceptive protection among HIV care and treatment clients: a mixed methods study on contraceptive choice and motivation within a generalised epidemic. (2014) Church, Kathryn; Wringe, Alison; Fakudze, Phelele; Kikuvi, Joshua; Nhlabatsi, Zelda; Masuku, Rachel; Initiative Integra; Mayhew, Susannah H
  • Is previous azithromycin treatment associated with azithromycin resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae? A cross-sectional study using national surveillance data in England. (2018) Clifton, Soazig; Town, Katy; Furegato, Martina; Cole, Michelle; Mohammed, Hamish; Woodhall, Sarah C; Kevin Dunbar, J; Fifer, Helen; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Substantial underdiagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men in Europe: preliminary findings from a multicentre surveillance pilot. (2019) Cole, Michelle Jayne; Field, Nigel; Pitt, Rachel; Amato-Gauci, Andrew J; Begovac, Josip; French, Patrick D; Keše, Darja; Klavs, Irena; Zidovec Lepej, Snjezana; Pöcher, Katharina; Stary, Angelika; Schalk, Horst; Spiteri, Gianfranco; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Prevalence of and risk factors for curable sexually transmitted infections on Bubaque Island, Guinea Bissau. (2021) Cowley, Giovanna; Milne, Gregory; Teixeira da Silva, Eunice; Nakutum, Jose; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Vasileva, Hristina; Mabey, David; Versteeg, Bart; Last, Anna
  • The clinical and cost-effectiveness of brief advice for excessive alcohol consumption among people attending sexual health clinics: a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Crawford, Mike J; Sanatinia, Rahil; Barrett, Barbara; Byford, Sarah; Dean, Madeleine; Green, John; Jones, Rachael; Leurent, Baptiste; Sweeting, Michael J; Touquet, Robin; Greene, Linda; Tyrer, Peter; Ward, Helen; Lingford-Hughes, Anne
  • Places and people: the perceptions of men who have sex with men concerning STI testing: a qualitative study. (2017) Datta, Jessica; Reid, David; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Ethnically diverse urban transmission networks of Neisseria gonorrhoeae without evidence of HIV serosorting. (2019) Dave, Jayshree; Paul, John; Pasvol, Thomas Joshua; Williams, Andy; Warburton, Fiona; Cole, Kevin; Miari, Victoria Fotini; Stabler, Richard; Eyre, David W
  • Low levels of HIV test coverage in clinical settings in the U.K.: a systematic review of adherence to 2008 guidelines. (2014) Elmahdi, Rahma; Gerver, Sarah M; Gomez Guillen, Gabriela; Fidler, Sarah; Cooke, Graham; Ward, Helen
  • Methodology of the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2013) Erens, Bob; Phelps, Andrew; Clifton, Soazig; Mercer, Catherine H; Tanton, Clare; Hussey, David; Sonnenberg, Pam; Macdowall, Wendy; Field, Nigel; Datta, Jessica; Mitchell, Kirstin; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
  • Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: assessing the accuracy of routinely collected data on maternal antiretroviral prophylaxis coverage in Kenya. (2012) Ferguson, Laura; Grant, Alison D; Ong'ech, John O; Vusha, Sophie; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Ross, David A
  • Confirmatory assays are essential when using molecular testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in low-prevalence settings: insights from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2014) Field, Nigel; Clifton, Soazig; Alexander, Sarah; Ison, Catherine A; Hughes, Gwenda; Beddows, Simon; Tanton, Clare; Soldan, Kate; Coelho da Silva, Filomeno; Mercer, Catherine H; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Trichomonas vaginalis infection is uncommon in the British general population: implications for clinical testing and public health screening. (2018) Field, Nigel; Clifton, Soazig; Alexander, Sarah; Ison, Catherine A; Khanom, Rumena; Saunders, Pamela; Hughes, Gwenda; Heath, Laura; Beddows, Simon; Mercer, Catherine H; Tanton, Clare; Johnson, Anne M; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • HBV and HCV test uptake and correlates among men who have sex with men in China: a nationwide cross-sectional online survey. (2018) Fitzpatrick, Thomas; Pan, Stephen W; Tang, Weiming; Guo, Wilson; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Modelling the interactions between herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV: implications for the HIV epidemic in southern India. (2011) Foss, Anna M; Vickerman, Peter T; Mayaud, Philippe; Weiss, Helen A; Ramesh, BM; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Washington, Reynold; Blanchard, James; Moses, Stephen; Lowndes, Catherine M; Alary, Michel; Watts, Charlotte H
  • Results from a cross-sectional sexual and reproductive health study among school girls in Tanzania: high prevalence of bacterial vaginosis. (2018) Francis, Suzanna C; Holm Hansen, Christian; Irani, Julia; Andreasen, Aura; Baisley, Kathy; Jespers, Vicky; Crucitti, Tania; Changalucha, John; Hayes, Richard J; Nnko, Soori; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Buvé, Anne
  • Bacterial vaginosis among women at high risk for HIV in Uganda: high rate of recurrent diagnosis despite treatment. (2015) Francis, Suzanna C; Looker, Clare; Vandepitte, Judith; Bukenya, Justine; Mayanja, Yunia; Nakubulwa, Susan; Hughes, Peter; Hayes, Richard J; Weiss, Helen A; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • How did COVID-19 measures impact sexual behaviour and access to HIV/STI services in Panama? Results from a national cross-sectional online survey. (2021) Gabster, Amanda; Erausquin, Jennifer Toller; Michielsen, Kristien; Mayaud, Philippe; Pascale, Juan Miguel; Escalé, Carles Pericas; Marks, Michael; Katz, Jennifer; Talavero, Gonzalo Cabezas; de Argote, Marilu; Murillo, Anet; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Prevalence and determinants of genital Chlamydia trachomatis among school-going, sexually experienced adolescents in urban and rural Indigenous regions of Panama. (2020) Gabster, Amanda; Mayaud, Philippe; Ortiz, Alma; Castillo, Jorge; Castillero, Omar; Martínez, Alexander; López, Anyelini; Aizprúa, Betsy; Pitano, Sherly; Murillo, Anet; Pascale, Juan Miguel
  • Rapid and point-of-care tests for the diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis in women and men. (2017) Gaydos, Charlotte A; Klausner, Jeffrey D; Pai, Nitika Pant; Kelly, Helen; Coltart, Cordelia; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating the performance and operational characteristics of dual point-of-care tests for HIV and syphilis. (2017) Gliddon, Harriet D; Peeling, Rosanna W; Kamb, Mary L; Toskin, Igor; Wi, Teodora E; Taylor, Melanie M
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 trends in relation to the HIV epidemic in northern Malawi. (2008) Glynn, JR; Crampin, AC; Ngwira, BMM; Ndhlovu, R; Mwanyongo, O; Fine, PEM
  • Factors associated with uptake of services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in a community cohort in rural Tanzania. (2015) Gourlay, Annabelle; Wringe, Alison; Todd, Jim; Cawley, Caoimhe; Michael, Denna; Machemba, Richard; Reniers, Georges; Urassa, Mark; Zaba, Basia
  • Focusing the HIV response through estimating the major modes of HIV transmission: a multi-country analysis. (2012) Gouws, Eleanor; Cuchi, Paloma; International Collaboration on Estimating HIV Incidence by Modes
  • Sexual behaviour change in countries with generalised HIV epidemics? Evidence from population-based cohort studies in sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Gregson, Simon; Todd, Jim; Zaba, Basia
  • Performance and operational characteristics of point-of-care tests for the diagnosis of urogenital gonococcal infections. (2017) Guy, Rebecca J; Causer, Louise M; Klausner, Jeffrey D; Unemo, Magnus; Toskin, Igor; Azzini, Anna M; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • Will circumcision provide even more protection from HIV to women and men? New estimates of the population impact of circumcision interventions. (2011) Hallett, Timothy B; Alsallaq, Ramzi A; Baeten, Jared M; Weiss, Helen; Celum, Connie; Gray, Ron; Abu-Raddad, Laith
  • Self-sampling and self-testing for STIs and HIV: the case for consistent nomenclature. (2016) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Hollis, Emma; Mohammed, Hamish; Saunders, John M
  • Impact of deploying multiple point-of-care tests with a 'sample first' approach on a sexual health clinical care pathway. A service evaluation. (2017) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Nori, Achyuta V; Hegazi, Aseel; Pond, Marcus J; Okolo, Olanike; Nardone, Anthony; Lowndes, Catherine M; Hay, Phillip; Sadiq, S Tariq
  • Genomic analysis of urogenital and rectal Neisseria meningitidis isolates reveals encapsulated hyperinvasive meningococci and coincident multidrug-resistant gonococci. (2017) Harrison, Odile B; Cole, Kevin; Peters, Joanna; Cresswell, Fiona; Dean, Gillian; Eyre, David W; Paul, John; Maiden, Martin Cj
  • HIV, sexual risk and ethnicity among gay and bisexual men in England: survey evidence for persisting health inequalities. (2017) Hickson, F; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P
  • HIV, sexual risk, and ethnicity among men in England who have sex with men. (2004) Hickson, F; Reid, D; Weatherburn, P; Stephens, M; Nutland, W; Boakye, P
  • 'Stay at home …': exploring the impact of the COVID-19 public health response on sexual behaviour and health service use among men who have sex with men: findings from a large online survey in the UK. (2021) Howarth, Alison R; Saunders, John; Reid, David; Kelly, Isabelle; Wayal, Sonali; Weatherburn, Peter; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Prevalence and characteristics of gastrointestinal infections in men who have sex with men diagnosed with rectal chlamydia infection in the UK: an 'unlinked anonymous' cross-sectional study. (2018) Hughes, Gwenda; Silalang, Panida; Were, John; Patel, Hemanti; Childs, Tristan; Alexander, Sarah; Duffell, Stephen; Saxon, Cara; Ison, Cathy; Mitchell, Holly; Field, Nigel; Jenkins, Claire
  • The prevalence of, and factors associated with, paying for sex among men resident in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2014) Jones, Kyle G; Johnson, Anne M; Wellings, Kaye; Sonnenberg, Pam; Field, Nigel; Tanton, Clare; Erens, Bob; Clifton, Soazig; Datta, Jessica; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Prah, Phillip; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Heterogeneity of HIV incidence: a comparative analysis between fishing communities and in a neighbouring rural general population, Uganda, and implications for HIV control. (2016) Kamali, A; Nsubuga, RN; Ruzagira, E; Bahemuka, U; Asiki, G; Price, MA; Newton, R; Kaleebu, P; Fast, P
  • Systematic reviews of point-of-care tests for the diagnosis of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis infections. (2017) Kelly, Helen; Coltart, Cordelia EM; Pant Pai, Nitika; Klausner, Jeffrey D; Unemo, Magnus; Toskin, Igor; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating the performance of point-of-care tests for human papillomavirus screening. (2017) Kelly, Helen; Mayaud, Philippe; Segondy, Michel; Pant Pai, Nitika; Peeling, Rosanna W
  • Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in men who have sex with men: prevalence and lack of anogenital concordance. (2015) King, Eleanor M; Gilson, Richard; Beddows, Simon; Soldan, Kate; Panwar, Kavita; Young, Carmel; Jit, Mark; Edmunds, W John; Sonnenberg, Pam
  • Sexual behaviour and HIV/sexually transmitted infection risk behaviours in the general population of Slovenia, a low HIV prevalence country in central Europe. (2009) Klavs, I; Rodrigues, LC; Wellings, K; Weiss, HA; Hayes, R
  • Detection of four human polyomaviruses (MCPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7 and TSPyV) in cervical specimens from HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women. (2016) Kolia-Diafouka, Pratt; Foulongne, Vincent; Boulle, Nathalie; Ngou, Jean; Kelly, Helen; Sawadogo, Bernard; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Mayaud, Philippe; Segondy, Michel; HARP Study Group
  • Estimating prevalence trends in adult gonorrhoea and syphilis in low- and middle-income countries with the Spectrum-STI model: results for Zimbabwe and Morocco from 1995 to 2016. (2017) Korenromp, Eline L; Mahiané, Guy; Rowley, Jane; Nagelkerke, Nico; Abu-Raddad, Laith; Ndowa, Francis; El-Kettani, Amina; El-Rhilani, Houssine; Mayaud, Philippe; Chico, R Matthew; Pretorius, Carel; Hecht, Kendall; Wi, Teodora
  • Assessment of risk compensation following use of the dapivirine vaginal ring in southwestern Uganda. (2021) Kusemererwa, Sylvia; Abaasa, Andrew; Kabarambi, Anita; Onyango, Martin; Mugisha, Joseph Okello
  • Understanding patient choices for attending sexually transmitted infection testing services: a qualitative study. (2012) Llewellyn, Carrie; Pollard, Alex; Miners, Alec; Richardson, Daniel; Fisher, Martin; Cairns, John; Smith, Helen
  • Role of widows in the heterosexual transmission of HIV in Manicaland, Zimbabwe, 1998-2003. (2009) Lopman, BA; Nyamukapa, C; Hallett, TB; Mushati, P; Spark-du Preez, N; Kurwa, F; Wambe, M; Gregson, S
  • Promoting the uptake of HIV testing among men who have sex with men: systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. (2011) Lorenc, T; Marrero-Guillamón, I; Aggleton, P; Cooper, C; Llewellyn, A; Lehmann, A; Lindsay, C
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in HIV-1-infected women taking antiretroviral therapy: a prospective cohort study from Burkina Faso. (2013) Low, Andrea J; Konate, Issouf; Nagot, Nicolas; Weiss, Helen A; Mabey, David; Segondy, Michel; Vickerman, Peter; Meda, Nicolas; van de Perre, Philippe; Mayaud, Philippe; Yerelon Cohort study group
  • Chemsex and diagnoses of syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia among men who have sex with men in the UK: a multivariable prediction model using causal inference methodology. (2021) MacGregor, Louis; Kohli, Manik; Looker, Katharine J; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Schmidt, Axel J; Turner, Katy Me
  • Chlamydia trachomatis variant not detected by plasmid based nucleic acid amplification tests: molecular characterisation and failure of single dose azithromycin. (2007) Magbanua, Jose Paolo V; Goh, Beng Tin; Michel, Claude-Edouard; Aguirre-Andreasen, Aura; Alexander, Sarah; Ushiro-Lumb, Ines; Ison, Catherine; Lee, Helen
  • Mass drug administration of azithromycin for trachoma reduces the prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the Solomon Islands. (2016) Marks, M; Bottomley, C; Tome, H; Pitakaka, R; Butcher, R; Sokana, O; Kako, H; Solomon, AW; Mabey, DC
  • Diagnostic performance of PCR assays for the diagnosis of neurosyphilis: a systematic review. (2018) Marks, Michael; Lawrence, David; Kositz, Christian; Mabey, David
  • Non-response bias in estimates of HIV prevalence due to the mobility of absentees in national population-based surveys: a study of nine national surveys. (2008) Marston, M; Harriss, K; Slaymaker, E
  • Trends in marriage and time spent single in sub-Saharan Africa: a comparative analysis of six population-based cohort studies and nine Demographic and Health Surveys. (2009) Marston, M; Slaymaker, E; Cremin, I; Floyd, S; McGrath, N; Kasamba, I; Lutalo, T; Nyirenda, M; Ndyanabo, A; Mupambireyi, Z; Zaba, B
  • Circumcision among men who have sex with men in Scotland: limited potential for HIV prevention. (2010) McDaid, Lisa M; Weiss, Helen A; Hart, Graham J draft
  • Age at first sex in rural South Africa. (2009) McGrath, N; Nyirenda, M; Hosegood, V; Newell, M-L
  • 'I wanted to safeguard the baby': a qualitative study to understand the experiences of Option B+ for pregnant women and the potential implications for 'test-and-treat' in four sub-Saharan African settings. (2017) McLean, Estelle; Renju, Jenny; Wamoyi, Joyce; Bukenya, Dominic; Ddaaki, William; Church, Kathryn; Zaba, Basia; Wringe, Alison
  • Drug use moderates associations between location of sex and unprotected anal intercourse in men who have sex with men: nested cross-sectional study of dyadic encounters with new partners. (2015) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bonell, Chris description
  • How can we objectively categorise partnership type? A novel classification of population survey data to inform epidemiological research and clinical practice. (2016) Mercer, CH; Jones, KG; Johnson, AM; Lewis, R; Mitchell, KR; Gravningen, K; Clifton, S; Tanton, C; Sonnenberg, P; Wellings, K; Cassell, JA; Estcourt, CS
  • What's new about Natsal-3? (2013) Mercer, Catherine H; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
  • International Sexual Health And REproductive health (I-SHARE) survey during COVID-19: study protocol for online national surveys and global comparative analyses. (2020) Michielsen, Kristien; Larrson, Elin C; Kågesten, Anna; Erausquin, Jennifer Toller; Griffin, Sally; Van de Velde, Sarah; Tucker, Joseph D; I-SHARE Team
  • A discrete choice experiment to assess people living with HIV's (PLWHIV's) preferences for GP or HIV clinic appointments. (2016) Miners, AH; Llewellyn, CD; Cooper, VL; Youssef, E; Pollard, AJ; Lagarde, M; Sabin, C; Nixon, E; Sachikonye, M; Perry, N; Fisher, M
  • Assessing user preferences for sexually transmitted infection testing services: a discrete choice experiment. (2012) Miners, Alec; Llewellyn, Carrie; Pollard, Alex; Lagarde, Mylene; Richardson, Daniel; Cairns, John; Fisher, Martin; Smith, Helen
  • Assessing user preferences for sexually transmitted infection testing services: a discrete choice experiment. (2012) Miners, Alec; Llewellyn, Carrie; Pollard, Alex; Lagarde, Mylene; Richardson, Daniel; Cairns, John; Fisher, Martin; Smith, Helen
  • Preparing for PrEP: estimating the size of the population eligible for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in England. (2019) Mitchell, Holly D; Desai, Sarika; Mohammed, Hamish; Ong, Koh Jun; Furegato, Martina; Hall, Victoria; Desai, Monica; Saunders, John Michael; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel; Gill, O Noel
  • What are the characteristics of, and clinical outcomes in men who have sex with men prescribed HIV postexposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) at sexual health clinics in England? (2017) Mitchell, Holly; Furegato, Martina; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel; Nardone, Anthony
  • Medicated sex in Britain: evidence from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. (2015) Mitchell, Kirstin R; Prah, Philip; Mercer, Catherine H; Datta, Jessica; Tanton, Clare; Macdowall, Wendy; Copas, Andrew J; Clifton, Soazig; Sonnenberg, Pam; Field, Nigel; Johnson, Anne M; Wellings, Kaye
  • 100 years of STIs in the UK: a review of national surveillance data. (2018) Mohammed, Hamish; Blomquist, Paula; Ogaz, Dana; Duffell, Stephen; Furegato, Martina; Checchi, Marta; Irvine, Neil; Wallace, Lesley A; Thomas, Daniel Rhys; Nardone, Anthony; Dunbar, J Kevin; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Refusal of HIV testing among black Africans attending sexual health clinics in England, 2014: a review of surveillance data. (2017) Mohammed, Hamish; Dabrera, Gavin; Furegato, Martina; Yin, Zheng; Nardone, Anthony; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Sexualised drug use in people attending sexual health clinics in England. (2016) Mohammed, Hamish; Were, John; King, Carina; Furegato, Martina; Nardone, Anthony; Hughes, Gwenda; GUMCADv3 Steering Group
  • What is the overlap between HIV and shigellosis epidemics in England: further evidence of MSM transmission? (2018) Mohan, Keerthi; Hibbert, Matthew; Rooney, Graeme; Canvin, Malcolm; Childs, Tristan; Jenkins, Claire; Simms, Ian; Kirwan, Peter; Delpech, Valerie; Yin, Zheng; Hughes, Gwenda; Field, Nigel
  • Traditional healers, faith healers and medical practitioners: the contribution of medical pluralism to bottlenecks along the cascade of care for HIV/AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa. (2017) Moshabela, Mosa; Bukenya, Dominic; Darong, Gabriel; Wamoyi, Joyce; McLean, Estelle; Skovdal, Morten; Ddaaki, William; Ondeng'e, Kenneth; Bonnington, Oliver; Seeley, Janet; Hosegood, Victoria; Wringe, Alison
  • The distribution of new HIV infections by mode of exposure in Morocco. (2013) Mumtaz, Ghina R; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Hilmi, Nahla; Zidouh, Ahmed; El Rhilani, Houssine; Alami, Kamal; Bennani, Aziza; Gouws, Eleanor; Ghys, Peter Denis; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • HIV seroprevalence, self-reported STIs and associated risk factors among men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional study in Rwanda, 2015. (2018) Ntale, Roman Saba; Rutayisire, Gad; Mujyarugamba, Pierre; Shema, Eliah; Greatorex, Jane; Frost, Simon David William; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Factors associated with reporting antibiotic use as STI prophylaxis among HIV PrEP users: findings from a cross-sectional online community survey, May-July 2019, UK. (2020) O'Halloran, Charlotte; Croxford, Sara; Mohammed, Hamish; Gill, Owen Noel; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Allen, Hester; Owen, Greg; Nutland, Will; Delpech, Valerie; Saunders, John Michael
  • A comparative analysis of costs of single and dual rapid HIV and syphilis diagnostics: results from a randomised controlled trial in Colombia. (2017) Obure, Carol Dayo; Gaitan-Duarte, Hernando; Losada Saenz, Ricardo; Gonzalez, Lina; Angel-Muller, Edith; Laverty, Maura; Perez, Freddy
  • Does integration of HIV and SRH services achieve economies of scale and scope in practice? A cost function analysis of the Integra Initiative. (2015) Obure, Carol Dayo; Guinness, Lorna; Sweeney, Sedona; Initiative, Integra; Vassall, Anna
  • Optimising the cost and delivery of HIV counselling and testing services in Kenya and Swaziland. (2012) Obure, Carol Dayo; Vassall, Anna; Michaels, Christine; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mayhew, Susannah; Stackpool-Moore, Lucy; Warren, Charlotte; Integra research team; Watts, Charlotte
  • Pregnancy and contraceptive use among women participating in an HIV prevention trial in Tanzania. (2012) Odutola, Aderonke; Baisley, Kathy; Hayes, Richard J; Rusizoka, Mary; Tanton, Clare; Weiss, Helen A; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Does infection with Chlamydia trachomatis induce long-lasting partial immunity? Insights from mathematical modelling. (2019) Omori, Ryosuke; Chemaitelly, Hiam; Althaus, Christian L; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • 'I am treated well if I adhere to my HIV medication': putting patient-provider interactions in context through insights from qualitative research in five sub-Saharan African countries. (2017) Ondenge, Ken; Renju, Jenny; Bonnington, Oliver; Moshabela, Mosa; Wamoyi, Joyce; Nyamukapa, Constance; Seeley, Janet; Wringe, Alison; Skovdal, Morten
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2: epidemiology and management options in developing countries. (2007) Paz-Bailey, G; Ramaswamy, M; Hawkes, SJ; Geretti, AM
  • Applying new technologies for diagnosing sexually transmitted infections in resource-poor settings. (2011) Peeling, Rosanna W
  • Whole genome sequencing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae reveals transmission clusters involving patients of mixed HIV serostatus. (2017) Peters, Joanna; Cresswell, Fiona; Amor, Lauren; Cole, Kevin; Dean, Gillian; Didelot, Xavier; De Silva, Dilrini; Eyre, David W; Paul, John
  • Identifying and interpreting spatiotemporal variation in diagnoses of infectious syphilis among men, England: 2009 to 2013. (2016) Petersen, Jakob; Gibin, Maurizio; Sile, Bersabeh; Simms, Ian
  • Interim modelling analysis to validate reported increases in condom use and assess HIV infections averted among female sex workers and clients in southern India following a targeted HIV prevention programme. (2010) Pickles, Michael; Foss, Anna M; Vickerman, Peter; Deering, Kathleen; Verma, Supriya; Demers, Eric; Washington, Reynold; Ramesh, BM; Moses, Stephen; Blanchard, Jamie; Lowndes, Catherine M; Alary, Michel; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Setting new standards for targeted HIV prevention: the Avahan initiative in India. (2010) Piot, Peter
  • Consistency in reporting sensitive sexual behaviours in Britain: change in reporting bias in the second and third National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-2 and Natsal-3). (2013) Prah, Philip; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine H; Clifton, Soazig; Erens, Bob; Phelps, Andrew; Tanton, Clare; Sonnenberg, Pam; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
  • Men who have sex with men in Great Britain: comparing methods and estimates from probability and convenience sample surveys. (2016) Prah, Philip; Hickson, Ford; Bonell, Chris; McDaid, Lisa M; Johnson, Anne M; Wayal, Sonali; Clifton, Soazig; Sonnenberg, Pam; Nardone, Anthony; Erens, Bob; Copas, Andrew J; Riddell, Julie; Weatherburn, Peter; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Uptake of prevention of mother-to-child-transmission using Option B+ in northern rural Malawi: a retrospective cohort study. (2014) Price, Alison J; Kayange, Michael; Zaba, Basia; Chimbwandira, Frank M; Jahn, Andreas; Chirwa, Zengani; Dasgupta, Aisha Nz; Katundu, Cynthia; Saul, Jacqueline L; Glynn, Judith R; Koole, Olivier; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Changes in risk behaviours and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections following HIV preventive interventions among female sex workers in five districts in Karnataka state, south India. (2010) Ramesh, BM; Beattie, Tara SH; Shajy, Isac; Washington, Reynold; Jagannathan, Latta; Reza-Paul, Sushena; Blanchard, James F; Moses, Stephen
  • 'Side effects' are 'central effects' that challenge retention in HIV treatment programmes in six sub-Saharan African countries: a multicountry qualitative study. (2017) Renju, Jenny; Moshabela, Mosa; McLean, Estelle; Ddaaki, William; Skovdal, Morten; Odongo, Fred; Bukenya, Dominic; Wamoyi, Joyce; Bonnington, Oliver; Seeley, Janet; Zaba, Basia; Wringe, Alison
  • Scaling up stigma? The effects of antiretroviral roll-out on stigma and HIV testing. Early evidence from rural Tanzania. (2008) Roura, M; Urassa, M; Busza, J; Mbata, D; Wringe, A; Zaba, B
  • Characterising the progress in HIV/AIDS research in the Middle East and North Africa. (2013) Saba, Hanan F; Kouyoumjian, Silva P; Mumtaz, Ghina R; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
  • Comparison of the performance of STI screening services for gay and bisexual men across 40 European cities: results from the European MSM Internet Survey. (2013) Schmidt, Axel J; Hickson, Ford; Weatherburn, Peter; Marcus, Ulrich; EMIS Network
  • The Denominator problem: estimating the size of local populations of men-who-have-sex-with-men and rates of HIV and other STIs in Switzerland. (2019) Schmidt, Axel Jeremias; Altpeter, Ekkehardt
  • The dual impact of antiretroviral therapy and sexual behaviour changes on HIV epidemiologic trends in Uganda: a modelling study. (2014) Shafer, Leigh Anne; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Chapman, Ruth; O'Brien, Katie; Mayanja, Billy N; White, Richard G
  • Using theories of practice to understand HIV-positive persons varied engagement with HIV services: a qualitative study in six Sub-Saharan African countries. (2017) Skovdal, Morten; Wringe, Alison; Seeley, Janet; Renju, Jenny; Paparini, Sara; Wamoyi, Joyce; Moshabela, Mosa; Ddaaki, William; Nyamukapa, Constance; Ondenge, Kenneth; Bernays, Sarah; Bonnington, Oliver
  • Trends in age at first sex in Uganda: evidence from Demographic and Health Survey data and longitudinal cohorts in Masaka and Rakai. (2009) Slaymaker, E; Bwanika, JB; Kasamba, I; Lutalo, T; Maher, D; Todd, J
  • Just Google it! Impact of media coverage of an outbreak of high-level azithromycin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae on online searches, and attendances, testing and diagnoses at sexual health clinics in England between 2015 and 2016: an interrupted time series analysis using surveillance data. (2019) Smolarchuk, Christa; Mohammed, Hamish; Furegato, Martina; Town, Katy; Fifer, Helen; Wilson, Janet; Nardone, Anthony; Lee, Andrew; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Epidemiology of genital warts in the British population: implications for HPV vaccination programmes. (2019) Sonnenberg, Pam; Tanton, Clare; Mesher, David; King, Eleanor; Beddows, Simon; Field, Nigel; Mercer, Catherine H; Soldan, Kate; Johnson, Anne M
  • Syphilis self-testing to expand test uptake among men who have sex with men: a theoretically informed mixed methods study in Zimbabwe. (2021) Sri-Pathmanathan, Clarisse; Nhamo, Definate; Mamvuto, Takudzwa; Chapwanya, Gwendoline; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mahaka, Imelda; Marks, Michael; Tucker, Joseph D
  • The Spectrum projection package: improvements in estimating incidence by age and sex, mother-to-child transmission, HIV progression in children and double orphans. (2010) Stover, J; Johnson, P; Hallett, T; Marston, M; Becquet, R; Timaeus, IM
  • The Spectrum projection package: improvements in estimating mortality, ART needs, PMTCT impact and uncertainty bounds. (2008) Stover, J; Johnson, P; Zaba, B; Zwahlen, M; Dabis, F; Ekpini, RE
  • Updates to the Spectrum/Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) model to estimate HIV trends for adults and children. (2012) Stover, John; Brown, Tim; Marston, Milly
  • Pregnancy and fertility-related adverse outcomes associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. (2019) Tang, Weiming; Mao, Jessica; Li, Katherine T; Walker, Jennifer S; Chou, Roger; Fu, Rong; Chen, Weiying; Darville, Toni; Klausner, Jeffrey; Tucker, Joseph D description
  • The reliability of a structured examination protocol and self administered vaginal swabs: a pilot study of gynaecological outpatients in Goa, India. (2003) Tanksale, VS; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Patel, V; Nevrekar, P; Menezes, S; Mabey, D
  • Sexual health clinic attendance and non-attendance in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) Tanton, Clare; Geary, Rebecca S; Clifton, Soazig; Field, Nigel; Heap, Katie L; Mapp, Fiona; Hughes, Gwenda; Johnson, Anne M; Cassell, Jackie A; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Forming new sex partnerships while overseas: findings from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes & Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2016) Tanton, Clare; Johnson, Anne M; Macdowall, Wendy; Datta, Jessica; Clifton, Soazig; Field, Nigel; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Wellings, Kaye; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Patterns of herpes simplex virus shedding over 1 month and the impact of acyclovir and HIV in HSV-2-seropositive women in Tanzania. (2011) Tanton, Clare; Weiss, Helen A; LeGoff, Jerome; Changalucha, John; Clayton, Tim C; Ross, David A; Belec, Laurent; Hayes, Richard J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Economic burden of HIV and TB/HIV coinfection in a middle-income country: a costing analysis alongside a pragmatic clinical trial in Brazil. (2018) Teixeira de Siqueira-Filha, Noemia; Militao de Albuquerque, Maria de Fatima; Cunha Rodrigues, Laura; Legood, Rosa; Costa Santos, Andreia
  • Reported number of sexual partners: comparison of data from four African longitudinal studies. (2009) Todd, J; Cremin, I; McGrath, N; Bwanika, J-B; Wringe, A; Marston, M; Kasamba, I; Mushati, P; Lutalo, T; Hosegood, V; Zaba, B
  • Advancing point of care diagnostics for the control and prevention of STIs: the way forward. (2017) Toskin, Igor; Blondeel, Karel; Peeling, Rosanna W; Deal, Carolyn; Kiarie, James
  • Advancing prevention of sexually transmitted infections through point-of-care testing: target product profiles and landscape analysis. (2017) Toskin, Igor; Murtagh, Maurine; Peeling, Rosanna W; Blondeel, Karel; Cordero, Joanna; Kiarie, James
  • Point-of-care tests for STIs: the way forward. (2017) Toskin, Igor; Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David; Holmes, King; Ballard, Ronald; Kiarie, James; Askew, Ian
  • HIV risk and behaviour among part-time versus professional FSW: baseline report of an interventional cohort in Burkina Faso. (2016) Traore, Isidore T; Hema, Noelie M; Sanon, Anselme; Some, Felicien; Ouedraogo, Djeneba; Some, Roselyne; Niessougou, Josiane; Konate, Issouf; Mayaud, Philippe; Van De Perre, Philippe; Meda, Nicolas; Nagot, Nicolas ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Association between Mycoplasma genitalium infection and HIV acquisition among female sex workers in Uganda: evidence from a nested case-control study. (2014) Vandepitte, Judith; Weiss, Helen A; Bukenya, Justine; Kyakuwa, Nassim; Muller, Etienne; Buvé, Anne; Van der Stuyft, Patrick; Hayes, Richard J; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Modelling the cost-effectiveness of introducing rapid syphilis tests into an antenatal syphilis screening programme in Mwanza, Tanzania. (2006) Vickerman, P; Peeling, RW; Terris-Prestholt, F; Changalucha, J; Mabey, D; Watson-Jones, D; Watts, C
  • Understanding the relationship between couple dynamics and engagement with HIV care services: insights from a qualitative study in Eastern and Southern Africa. (2017) Wamoyi, Joyce; Renju, Jenny; Moshabela, Mosa; McLean, Estelle; Nyato, Daniel; Mbata, Doris; Bonnington, Oliver; Seeley, Janet; Church, Kathryn; Zaba, Basia; Wringe, Alison
  • Association between STI and child sexual exploitation in children under 16 years old attending sexual health clinics in England: findings from a case-control study. (2019) Ward, Chris; Hughes, Gwenda; Mitchell, Holly D; Rogstad, Karen E
  • High prevalence and incidence of human papillomavirus in a cohort of healthy young African female subjects. (2013) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Baisley, Kathy; Brown, Joelle; Kavishe, Bazil; Andreasen, Aura; Changalucha, John; Mayaud, Philippe; Kapiga, Saidi; Gumodoka, Balthazar; Hayes, Richard J; de Sanjosé, Silvia
  • Motivations and values associated with combining sex and illicit drugs ('chemsex') among gay men in South London: findings from a qualitative study. (2016) Weatherburn, P; Hickson, F; Reid, D; Torres-Rueda, S; Bourne, A description
  • Population-level effect of HSV-2 therapy on the incidence of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. (2008) White, RG; Freeman, EE; Orroth, KK; Bakker, R; Weiss, HA; O'Farrell, N; Buvé, A; Hayes, RJ; Glynn, JR picture_as_pdf
  • Low effectiveness of syndromic treatment services for curable sexually transmitted infections in rural South Africa. (2008) White, RG; Moodley, P; McGrath, N; Hosegood, V; Zaba, B; Herbst, K; Newell, M; Sturm, WA; Hayes, RJ
  • Respondent driven sampling--where we are and where should we be going? (2012) White, Richard G; Lansky, Amy; Goel, Sharad; Wilson, David; Hladik, Wolfgang; Hakim, Avi; Frost, Simon DW
  • Race to address sexual health inequalities among people of Black Caribbean heritage: could co-production lead to more culturally appropriate guidance and practice? (2023) Woode Owusu, Melvina; Estupiñán Fdez de Mesa, Mar; Mohammed, Hamish; Gerressu, Makeda; Hughes, Gwenda; Mercer, Catherine H
  • The impact of genital warts: loss of quality of life and cost of treatment in eight sexual health clinics in the UK. (2011) Woodhall, SC; Jit, M; Soldan, K; Kinghorn, G; Gilson, R; Nathan, M; Ross, JD; Lacey, CJN; QOLIGEN study group
  • Is chlamydia screening and testing in Britain reaching young adults at risk of infection? Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2015) Woodhall, Sarah C; Soldan, Kate; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H; Clifton, Soazig; Saunders, Pamela; da Silva, Filomeno; Alexander, Sarah; Wellings, Kaye; Tanton, Clare; Field, Nigel; Copas, Andrew J; Ison, Catherine A; Johnson, Anne M
  • Comparative assessment of the quality of age-at-event reporting in three HIV cohort studies in sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Wringe, A; Cremin, I; Todd, J; McGrath, N; Kasamba, I; Herbst, K; Mushore, P; Zaba, B; Slaymaker, E
  • HIV testing experiences and their implications for patient engagement with HIV care and treatment on the eve of 'test and treat': findings from a multicountry qualitative study. (2017) Wringe, Alison; Moshabela, Mosa; Nyamukapa, Constance; Bukenya, Dominic; Ondenge, Ken; Ddaaki, William; Wamoyi, Joyce; Seeley, Janet; Church, Kathryn; Zaba, Basia; Hosegood, Victoria; Bonnington, Oliver; Skovdal, Morten; Renju, Jenny
  • Bottlenecks to HIV care and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country qualitative study. (2017) Wringe, Alison; Renju, Jenny; Seeley, Janet; Moshabela, Mosa; Skovdal, Morten
  • Influence of timing of sexual debut and first marriage on sexual behaviour in later life: findings from four survey rounds in the Kisesa cohort in northern Tanzania. (2009) Zaba, B; Isingo, R; Wringe, A; Marston, M; Slaymaker, E; Urassa, M
  • Field evaluation of two point-of-care tests for syphilis among men who have sex with men, Verona, Italy. (2017) Zorzi, Antonella; Cordioli, Maddalena; Gios, Lorenzo; Del Bravo, Paola; Toskin, Igor; Peeling, Rosanna W; Blondeel, Karel; Cornaglia, Giuseppe; Kiarie, James; Ballard, Ronald; Mirandola, Massimo
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  • Decline in genital warts diagnoses among young women and young men since the introduction of the bivalent HPV (16/18) vaccination programme in England: an ecological analysis. (2017) Canvin, M; Sinka, K; Hughes, G; Mesher, D picture_as_pdf