Items where the Publication is Public health nutrition
Number of items: 108.
  • Changing patterns of fruit and vegetable intake in countries of the former Soviet Union. (2013) Abe, Sarah Krull; Stickley, Andrew; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Abbott, Pamela; Rotman, David; McKee, Martin
  • Prevalence and risk factors for self-reported diabetes among adult men and women in India: findings from a national cross-sectional survey. (2011) Agrawal, Sutapa; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Predictors of breast-feeding in a developing country: results of a prospective cohort study. (2008) Al-Sahab, Ban; Tamim, Hala; Mumtaz, Ghina; Khawaja, Marwan; Khogali, Mustafa; Afifi, Rima; Nassif, Yolla; Yunis, Khalid A; National Collaborative Perinatal Neonatal Network (NCPNN)
  • Nutrition transition in Chile: determinants and consequences. (2002) Albala, Cecilia; Vio, Fernando; Kain, Juliana; Uauy, Ricardo
  • The development of a healthy eating indicator shopping basket tool (HEISB) for use in food access studies-identification of key food items. (2007) Anderson, As; Dewar, J; Marshall, D; Cummins, S; Taylor, M; Dawson, J; Sparks, L
  • Length of urban residence and obesity among within-country rural-to-urban Andean migrants. (2015) Antiporta, Daniel A; Smeeth, Liam; Gilman, Robert H; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Mortality in British vegetarians. (2002) Appleby, Paul N; Key, Timothy J; Thorogood, Margaret; Burr, Michael L; Mann, Jim
  • Seven distinct dietary patterns identified among pregnant Finnish women--associations with nutrient intake and sociodemographic factors. (2007) Arkkola, Tuula; Uusitalo, Ulla; Kronberg-Kippilä, Carina; Männistö, Satu; Virtanen, Mikko; Kenward, Michael G; Veijola, Riitta; Knip, Mikael; Ovaskainen, Marja-Leena; Virtanen, Suvi M
  • Childhood BMI and other measures of body composition as a predictor of cardiometabolic non-communicable diseases in adulthood: a systematic review. (2022) Bander, Amela; Murphy-Alford, Alexia J; Owino, Victor O; Loechl, Cornelia U; Wells, Jonathan Ck; Gluning, Imara; Kerac, Marko
  • Effects of migration on food consumption patterns in a sample of Indian factory workers and their families. (2010) Bansal, Dheeraj; Satija, Ambika; Khandpur, Neha; Bowen, Liza; Kinra, Sanjay; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, K Srinath; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Greater access to healthy food outlets in the home and school environment is associated with better dietary quality in young children. (2017) Barrett, Millie; Crozier, Sarah; Lewis, Daniel; Godfrey, Keith; Robinson, Sian; Cooper, Cyrus; Inskip, Hazel; Baird, Janis; Vogel, Christina
  • Nutritional determinants of worldwide diabetes: an econometric study of food markets and diabetes prevalence in 173 countries. (2012) Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Galea, Gauden
  • Have socio-economic inequalities in sugar purchasing widened? A longitudinal analysis of food and beverage consumer data from British households, 2014-2017. (2020) Berger, Nicolas; Cummins, Steven; Smith, Richard D; Cornelsen, Laura
  • Assessment of physical activity using accelerometry, an activity diary, the heart rate method and the Indian migration study questionnaire in south Indian adults. (2009) Bharathi, Ankalmadagu V; Kuriyan, Rebecca; Kurpad, Anura V; Thomas, Tinku; Ebrahim, Shah; Kinra, Sanjay; Lyngdoh, Tanica; Reddy, Srinath K; Dorairaj, Prabhakaran; Vaz, Mario; Indian Migrants Study Group
  • Consumer involvement in dietary guideline development: opinions from European stakeholders. (2012) Brown, Kerry A; Hermoso, Maria; Timotijevic, Lada; Barnett, Julie; Lillegaard, Inger Therese L; Řehůřková, Irena; Larrañaga, Ainhoa; Lončarević-Srmić, Azra; Andersen, Lene Frost; Ruprich, Jiří; Fernández-Celemín, Laura; Raats, Monique M
  • Communication of scientific uncertainty: international case studies on the development of folate and vitamin D Dietary Reference Values. (2014) Brown, Kerry A; de Wit, Liesbeth; Timotijevic, Lada; Sonne, Anne-Mette; Lähteenmäki, Liisa; Brito Garcia, Noé; Jeruszka-Bielak, Marta; Sicińska, Ewa; Moore, Alana N; Lawrence, Mark; Raats, Monique M
  • Making Public Health Nutrition relevant to evidence-based action. (2001) Brunner, E; Rayner, M; Thorogood, M; Margetts, B; Hooper, L; Summerbell, C; Dowler, E; Hewitt, G; Robertson, A; Wiseman, M
  • Foods prepared outside the home: association with selected nutrients and body mass index in adult Australians. (2002) Burns, Cate; Jackson, Michelle; Gibbons, Carl; Stoney, Rachel M
  • Improving food provision in child care in England: a stakeholder analysis. (2011) Buttivant, Helen; Knai, Cécile
  • Breast-feeding and Helicobacter pylori infection: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Carreira, Helena; Bastos, Ana; Peleteiro, Bárbara; Lunet, Nuno
  • Trends of BMI and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Portugal (1995-2005): a systematic review. (2012) Carreira, Helena; Pereira, Marta; Azevedo, Ana; Lunet, Nuno
  • An obesogenic island in the Mediterranean: mapping potential drivers of obesity in Malta. (2015) Cauchi, Daniel; Rutter, Harry; Knai, Cecile
  • Nutrition and handgrip strength of older adults in rural Malawi. (2001) Chilima, DM; Ismail, SJ
  • Contribution of food sources to the vitamin B12 status of South Indian children from a birth cohort recruited in the city of Mysore. (2014) Christian, Anna M; Krishnaveni, Ghattu V; Kehoe, Sarah H; Veena, Sargoor R; Khanum, Rumana; Marley-Zagar, Ella; Edwards, Phil; Margetts, Barrie M; Fall, Caroline Hd
  • Promotion of exclusive breast-feeding at scale within routine health services: impact of breast-feeding counselling training for community health workers in Recife, Brazil. (2013) Coutinho, Sonia B; Lira, Pedro Ic; Lima, Marilia C; Frias, Paulo G; Eickmann, Sophie H; Ashworth, Ann
  • Variations in fresh fruit and vegetable quality by store type, urban-rural setting and neighbourhood deprivation in Scotland. (2009) Cummins, Steven; Smith, Dianna M; Taylor, Mathew; Dawson, John; Marshall, David; Sparks, Leigh; Anderson, Annie S
  • Women's empowerment in agriculture and child nutritional status in rural Nepal. (2015) Cunningham, Kenda; Ploubidis, George B; Menon, Purnima; Ruel, Marie; Kadiyala, Suneetha; Uauy, Ricardo; Ferguson, Elaine
  • Legume consumption and its association with fasting glucose, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in the Indian Migration Study. (2016) Dhillon, Preet K; Bowen, Liza; Kinra, Sanjay; Bharathi, Ankalmadugu Venkatsubbareddy; Agrawal, Sutapa; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, Kolli Srinath; Ebrahim, Shah; Indian Migration Study Group
  • Do childhood growth indicators in developing countries cluster? Implications for intervention strategies. (2004) Fenn, Bridget; Morris, Saul S; Frost, Chris
  • Stable isotope dilution techniques for assessing vitamin A status and bioefficacy of provitamin A carotenoids in humans. (2005) Furr, Harold C; Green, Michael H; Haskell, Marjorie; Mokhtar, Najat; Nestel, Penelope; Newton, Sam; Ribaya-Mercado, Judy D; Tang, Guangwen; Tanumihardjo, Sherry; Wasantwisut, Emorn
  • Obesity and overweight trends in Catalonia, Spain (1992-2003): gender and socio-economic determinants. (2007) García-Alvarez, Alicia; Serra-Majem, Lluís; Ribas-Barba, Lourdes; Castell, Conxa; Foz, Marius; Uauy, Ricardo; Plasencia, Antoni; Salleras, Lluís
  • Complementary foods in Jamaica: viscosity, energy density and feeding practices. (2002) Gardne, Julie Meeks; Walker, Susan P; Gavin, Karlene A; Ashworth, Ann
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to dietary salt intake among adults in North India. (2018) Garg, Vandana; Shivashankar, Roopa; Kondal, Dimple; Ghosh, Shreeparna; Khandelwal, Shweta; Gupta, Ruby; Krishnan, Anand; Amarchand, Ritvik; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Mohan, Sailesh
  • Maternal micronutrient status and decreased growth of Zambian infants born during and after the maize price increases resulting from the southern African drought of 2001-2002. (2005) Gitau, R; Makasa, M; Kasonka, L; Sinkala, M; Chintu, C; Tomkins, A; Filteau, S
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption in the former Soviet Union: the role of individual- and community-level factors. (2015) Goryakin, Yevgeniy; Rocco, Lorenzo; Suhrcke, Marc; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin
  • Anaemia in schoolchildren in eight countries in Africa and Asia. (2001) Hall, A; Bobrow, E; Brooker, S; Jukes, M; Nokes, K; Lambo, J; Guyatt, H; Bundy, D; Adjei, S; Wen, ST; Satoto; Subagio, H; Rafiluddin, MZ; Miguel, T; Moulin, S; de Graft Johnson, J; Mukaka, M; Roschnik, N; Sacko, M; Zacher, A; Mahumane, B; Kihamia, C; Mwanri, L; Tatala, S; Lwambo, N; Siza, J; Khanh, LN; Khoi, HH; Toan, ND
  • Smartphone tool to collect repeated 24 h dietary recall data in Nepal. (2017) Harris-Fry, Helen; Beard, B James; Harrisson, Tom; Paudel, Puskar; Shrestha, Niva; Jha, Sonali; Shrestha, Bhim P; Manandhar, Dharma S; Costello, Anthony; Saville, Naomi M
  • Development and validation of a photographic food atlas for portion size assessment in the southern plains of Nepal. (2016) Harris-Fry, Helen; Paudel, Puskar; Karn, Manorama; Mishra, Nisha; Thakur, Juhi; Paudel, Vikas; Harrisson, Tom; Shrestha, Bhim; Manandhar, Dharma S; Costello, Anthony; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Saville, Naomi
  • Nutritional status and childhood wheezing in rural Bangladesh. (2013) Hawlader, Mohammad Delwer Hossain; Noguchi, Emiko; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars Åke; Moore, Sophie E; Raqib, Rubhana; Wagatsuma, Yukiko
  • 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration and all-cause mortality: the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. (2016) Heath, Alicia K; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Kvaskoff, David; Hodge, Allison M; Ebeling, Peter R; Baglietto, Laura; Neale, Rachel E; Giles, Graham G; Eyles, Darryl W; English, Dallas R
  • Factors that affect the adoption and maintenance of weekly vitamin A supplementation among women in Ghana. (2007) Hill, Zelee; Kirkwood, Betty; Kendall, Carl; Adjei, Eunice; Arthur, Paul; Agyemang, Charlotte Tawiah
  • Can a simple measure of vigorous physical activity predict future mortality? Results from the OXCHECK study. (2004) Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret; Murphy, Mike; Jones, Lesley
  • Anaemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars-Ake; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Lönnerdal, BO; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Effect of an integrated community-based package for maternal and newborn care on feeding patterns during the first 12 weeks of life: a cluster-randomized trial in a South African township. (2015) Ijumba, Petrida; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Tomlinson, Mark; Sanders, David; Swanevelder, Sonja; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • News and Information. (2006) Jackson, AA; Ashworth, A
  • Dietary patterns and non-communicable disease risk in Indian adults: secondary analysis of Indian Migration Study data. (2017) Joy, Edward Jm; Green, Rosemary; Agrawal, Sutapa; Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz; Bowen, Liza; Kinra, Sanjay; Macdiarmid, Jennie I; Haines, Andy; Dangour, Alan D
  • Food access and diet quality independently predict nutritional status among people living with HIV in Uganda. (2012) Kadiyala, Suneetha; Rawat, Rahul
  • Implementation, utilization and influence of a community-based participatory nutrition promotion programme in rural Ethiopia: programme impact pathway analysis. (2017) Kang, Yunhee; Cha, Seungman; Yeo, Sarah; Christian, Parul
  • Grandmothers' knowledge positively influences maternal knowledge and infant and young child feeding practices. (2017) Karmacharya, Chandni; Cunningham, Kenda; Choufani, Jowel; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Two important exceptions to the relationship between energy density and fat content: foods with reduced-fat claims and high-fat vegetable-based dishes. (2004) La Fontaine, Helen A; Crowe, Timothy C; Swinburn, Boyd A; Gibbons, Carl J
  • Brain MRI and cognitive function seven years after surviving an episode of severe acute malnutrition in a cohort of Malawian children. (2018) Lelijveld, Natasha; Jalloh, Alhaji A; Kampondeni, Samuel D; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Goyheneix, Magdalena; Chimwezi, Emmanuel; Mallewa, Macpherson; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Heyderman, Robert S; Kerac, Marko
  • Opposites don't attract: high spouse concordance for dietary supplement use in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) cohort study. (2014) Lentjes, Marleen AH; Welch, Ailsa A; Keogh, Ruth H; Luben, Robert N; Khaw, Kay-Tee
  • Are research priorities in Latin America in line with the nutritional problems of the population? (2007) Llanos, Adolfo; Oyarzún, María Teresa; Bonvecchio, Anabelle; Rivera, Juan A; Uauy, Ricardo
  • AIDS, drought, and child malnutrition in southern Africa. (2005) Mason, John B; Bailes, Adam; Mason, Karen E; Yambi, Olivia; Jonsson, Urban; Hudspeth, Claudia; Hailey, Peter; Kendle, Andrea; Brunet, Dominique; Martel, Pierre
  • Weight gain in the first two years of life, asthma and atopy: the SCAALA cohort study. (2013) Matos, Sheila MA; Jesus, Sandra R; Saldiva, Silvia RDM; Prado, Matildes S; D'Innocenzo, Silvana; Assis, Ana MO; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza M; Cruz, Alvaro A; Simões, Silvia de Magalhães; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Barreto, Maurício L
  • Overweight, asthma symptoms, atopy and pulmonary function in children of 4-12 years of age: findings from the SCAALA cohort in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (2011) Matos, Sheila MA; Jesus, Sandra R; Saldiva, Silvia RDM; Prado, Matildes S; D'Innocenzo, Silvana; Assis, Ana MO; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza M; Cruz, Álvaro A; Simões, Silvia de Magalhães; Barreto, Maurício L; SCAALA (Social Change, Asthma and Allergy in Latin America) Stud
  • 'The bigger the better'--mothers' social networks and child nutrition in Andhra Pradesh. (2007) Moestue, Helen; Huttly, Sharon; Sarella, Lydia; Galab, Sheik
  • Associations between deprivation, attitudes towards eating breakfast and breakfast eating behaviours in 9-11-year-olds. (2007) Moore, Graham F; Tapper, Katy; Murphy, Simon; Lynch, Rebecca; Raisanen, Larry; Pimm, Claire; Moore, Laurence
  • Formative qualitative research to develop community-based interventions addressing low birth weight in the plains of Nepal. (2017) Morrison, Joanna; Dulal, Sophiya; Harris-Fry, Helen; Basnet, Machhindra; Sharma, Neha; Shrestha, Bhim; Manandhar, Dharma; Costello, Anthony; Osrin, David; Saville, Naomi
  • Maternal HIV infection and other factors associated with growth outcomes of HIV-uninfected infants in Entebbe, Uganda. (2013) Muhangi, Lawrence; Lule, Swaib A; Mpairwe, Harriet; Ndibazza, Juliet; Kizza, Moses; Nampijja, Margaret; Nakazibwe, Esther; Kihembo, Macklyn; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L
  • Free healthy breakfasts in primary schools: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a policy intervention in Wales, UK. (2011) Murphy, Simon; Moore, GF; Tapper, K; Lynch, R; Clarke, R; Raisanen, L; Desousa, C; Moore, L
  • Maternal perception of malnutrition among infants using verbal and pictorial methods in Kenya. (2014) Mwangome, Martha K; Fegan, Gregory; Prentice, Andrew M; Berkley, James A
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption and self-reported functional health in men and women in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk): a population-based cross-sectional study. (2007) Myint, Phyo K; Welch, Ailsa A; Bingham, Sheila A; Surtees, Paul G; Wainwright, Nicholas WJ; Luben, Robert N; Wareham, Nicholas J; Smith, Richard D; Harvey, Ian M; Day, Nicholas E; Khaw, Kay-Tee
  • A potentially useful distribution model for dietary intake data. (2003) Myles, JP; Price, GM; Hunter, N; Day, M; Duffy, SW
  • Brief intervention for hazardous drinking delivered using text messaging: a pilot randomised controlled trial from Goa, India. (2022) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Fernandes, Danielle; Bhatia, Urvita; Velleman, Richard; D'souza, Ethel; D'souza, Joseline; Marimilha Pacheco, Grace; Sambari, Seema
  • Special issue - Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: scientific background papers of the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation (Geneva, 28 January-1 February 2002) - Introduction. (2004) Nishida, C; Shetty, P; Uauy, R
  • The joint WHO/FAO expert consultation on diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: process, product and policy implications. (2004) Nishida, Chizuru; Uauy, Ricardo; Kumanyika, Shiriki; Shetty, Prakash
  • Waist circumference as a determinant of hypertension and diabetes in Brazilian women: a population-based study. (2004) Olinto, MTA; Nacul, LC; Gigante, DP; Costa, JSD; Menezes, AMB; Macedo, S
  • Exploring absolute and relative measures of exposure to food environments in relation to dietary patterns among European adults. (2019) Pinho, Mgm; Mackenbach, JD; Oppert, J-M; Charreire, H; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; Compernolle, S; Beulens, Jwj; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J
  • Dietary intake and nutritional adequacy prior to conception and during pregnancy: a follow-up study in the north of Portugal. (2008) Pinto, Elisabete; Barros, Henrique; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Dietary beliefs in the Baltic republics. (2001) Pomerleau, J; McKee, M; Robertson, A; Kadziauskiene, K; Abaravicius, A; Bartkeviciute, R; Vaask, S; Pudule, I; Grinberga, D
  • The burden of cardiovascular disease and cancer attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake in the European Union: differences between old and new Member States. (2006) Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • The burden of disease attributable to nutrition in Europe. (2003) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Lobstein, Tim; Knai, Cécile
  • Food security in the Baltic Republics. (2002) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; McKee, Martin; Robertson, Aileen; Vaask, Sirje; Pudule, Iveta; Grinberga, Daiga; Abaravicius, Algis; Bartkeviciute, Roma
  • Socio-economic influences on anthropometric status in urban South African adolescents: sex differences in the Birth to Twenty Plus cohort. (2015) Pradeilles, Rebecca; Griffiths, Paula L; Norris, Shane A; Feeley, Alison B; Rousham, Emily K
  • Macronutrients as sources of food energy. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Identification of groups who report similar patterns of diet among a representative national sample of British adults aged 65 years of age or more. (2001) Pryer, JA; Cook, A; Shetty, P
  • Livelihoods, nutrition and health in Dhaka slums. (2002) Pryer, Jane A; Rogers, Stephen; Normand, Charles; Rahman, Ataur; Urban Livelihoods Study
  • Linear programming can help identify practical solutions to improve the nutritional quality of food aid. (2007) Rambeloson, Zo J; Darmon, Nicole; Ferguson, Elaine L
  • Appetite testing in HIV-infected African adults recovering from malnutrition and given antiretroviral therapy. (2014) Rehman, Andrea M; Woodd, Susannah; Chisenga, Molly; Siame, Joshua; Sampson, Gemma; PrayGod, George; Koethe, John R; Kelly, Paul; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Food and nutrition insecurity: a marker of vulnerability to asthma symptoms. (2013) Ribeiro-Silva, Rita de Cássia; Oliveira-Assis, Ana Marlúcia; Junqueira, Samuel Badaró; Fiaccone, Rosemeire Leovigildo; Dos Santos, Sandra Maria Chaves; Barreto, Maurício Lima; de Jesus Pinto, Elizabete; da Silva, Luce Alves; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Alcantara-Neves, Neuza Maria
  • Time trends and social inequalities in child malnutrition: nationwide estimates from Brazil's food and nutrition surveillance system, 2009-2017. (2021) Ribeiro-Silva, Rita de Cássia; Silva, Natanael de Jesus; Felisbino-Mendes, Mariana Santos; Falcão, Ila Rocha; de Andrade, Rafaella da Costa Santin; Silva, Sara Araújo; Nilson, Eduardo Augusto Fernandes; Spaniol, Ana Maria; Fiaccone, Rosemeire Leovigildo; Paixão, Enny; Ichihara, Maria Yury Travassos; Velasquez-Melendez, Gustavo; Barreto, Maurício Lima
  • Skinfold thickness and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension: an analysis of the PERU MIGRANT study. (2019) Ruiz-Alejos, Andrea; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Miranda, J Jaime; Gilman, Robert H; Smeeth, Liam; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio
  • Household food security is associated with growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Saha, Kuntal K; Frongillo, Edward A; Alam, Dewan S; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars A; Rasmussen, Kathleen M
  • Dietary patterns in India and their association with obesity and central obesity. (2015) Satija, Ambika; Hu, Frank B; Bowen, Liza; Bharathi, Ankalmadugu V; Vaz, Mario; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, K Srinath; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Davey Smith, George; Kinra, Sanjay; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Food insecurity among refugee families in East London: results of a pilot assessment. (2002) Sellen, Daniel W; Tedstone, Alison E; Frize, Jacqueline
  • Coca-Cola - a model of transparency in research partnerships? A network analysis of Coca-Cola's research funding (2008-2016). (2018) Serôdio, Paulo M; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Policies for healthy and sustainable edible oil consumption: a stakeholder analysis for Thailand. (2016) Shankar, Bhavani; Thaiprasert, Nalitra; Gheewala, Shabbir; Smith, Richard
  • Body weight patterns in a country in transition: a population-based survey in Tirana City, Albania. (2003) Shapo, Laidon; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard; Ylli, Agron
  • Associations between home and school neighbourhood food environments and adolescents' fast-food and sugar-sweetened beverage intakes: findings from the Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) Study. (2018) Shareck, Martine; Lewis, Daniel; Smith, Neil R; Clary, Christelle; Cummins, Steven
  • Energy requirements of adults. (2005) Shetty, Prakash
  • Nutrition transition in India. (2002) Shetty, Prakash S
  • Dietary intakes of 6-24-month-old urban South Island New Zealand children in relation to biochemical iron status. (2002) Soh, Patsy; Ferguson, Elaine L; McKenzie, Joanne E; Skeaff, Sheila; Parnell, Winsome; Gibson, Rosalind S
  • Parental and self-reported dietary and physical activity habits in pre-school children and their socio-economic determinants. (2014) Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín; Peñalvo, José L
  • Preconceptional folic acid supplement use in Lebanon. (2008) Tamim, H; Harrison, G; Atoui, M; Mumtaz, G; El-Kak, F; Seoud, M; Yunis, K; National Collaborative Perinatal Neonatal Network (NCPNN)
  • Systematic review of metrics used to characterise dietary nutrient supply from household consumption and expenditure surveys. (2022) Tang, Kevin; Adams, Katherine P; Ferguson, Elaine L; Woldt, Monica; Yourkavitch, Jennifer; Pedersen, Sarah; Broadley, Martin R; Dary, Omar; Ander, E Louise; Joy, Edward Jm
  • Pepsi and Coca Cola in Delhi, India: availability, price and sales. (2010) Taylor, Fiona C; Satija, Ambika; Khurana, Swati; Singh, Gurpreet; Ebrahim, Shah
  • The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies. (2010) Timotijevic, Lada; Barnett, Julie; Brown, Kerry; Shepherd, Richard; Fernández-Celemín, Laura; Dömölki, Livia; Ruprich, Juri; Dhonukshe-Rutten, Rosalie A; Sonne, Anne-Mette; Hermoso, Maria; Koletzko, Berthold; Frost-Andersen, Lene; Timmer, Arnold; Raats, Monique M
  • Defining and addressing the nutritional needs of populations. (2005) Uauy, Ricardo
  • Undernutrition is undernourished. (2008) Uauy, Ricardo
  • The epidemiological transition: need to incorporate obesity prevention into nutrition programmes. (2002) Uauy, Ricardo; Kain, Juliana
  • Sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics are associated with antioxidant intake and the consumption of their dietary sources during pregnancy. (2008) Uusitalo, Liisa; Uusitalo, Ulla; Ovaskainen, Marja-Leena; Niinistö, Sari; Kronberg-Kippilä, Carina; Marjamäki, Liisa; Ahonen, Suvi; Kenward, Mike G; Knip, Mikael; Veijola, Riitta; Virtanen, Suvi M
  • Unhealthy dietary patterns are associated with weight gain during pregnancy among Finnish women. (2009) Uusitalo, U; Arkkola, T; Ovaskainen, M; -L, K; ronberg-Kippilaa, C; Kenward, MG; Veijola, R; Simell, OG; Knip, M; Virtanen, SM
  • A compilation of energy costs of physical activities. (2005) Vaz, Mario; Karaolis, Nadine; Draper, Alizon; Shetty, Prakash
  • Context-specific complementary feeding recommendations developed using Optifood could improve the diets of breast-fed infants and young children from diverse livelihood groups in northern Kenya. (2016) Vossenaar, Marieke; Knight, Frances A; Tumilowicz, Alison; Hotz, Christine; Chege, Peter; Ferguson, Elaine L
  • The phenomenon of micronutrient deficiency among children in China: a systematic review of the literature. (2014) Wong, Angel YS; Chan, Esther W; Chui, Celine SL; Sutcliffe, Alastair G; Wong, Ian CK
  • Nutritional status of school-age children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries across seven global regions: a synthesis of scoping reviews. (2022) Wrottesley, Stephanie V; Mates, Emily; Brennan, Eilise; Bijalwan, Vasundhara; Menezes, Rachael; Ray, Stephanie; Ali, Zakari; Yarparvar, Amirhossein; Sharma, Deepika; Lelijveld, Natasha
  • Women's autonomy and social support and their associations with infant and young child feeding and nutritional status: community-based survey in rural Nicaragua. (2014) Ziaei, Shirin; Contreras, Mariela; Zelaya Blandón, Elmer; Persson, Lars-Åke; Hjern, Anders; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte