Items where the Publication is Proceedings Biological sciences / The Royal Society

Number of items: 27.
Bibliographic data only
  • Temperature-dependent transmission of rotavirus in Great Britain and The Netherlands. (2009) Atchison, CJ; Tam, CC; Hajat, S; van Pelt, W; Cowden, JM; Lopman, BA
  • Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease. (2004) Curtis, Val; Aunger, Robert; Rabie, Tamer
  • Implications of BSE infection screening data for the scale of the British BSE epidemic and current European infection levels. (2002) Donnelly, Christl A; Ferguson, Neil M; Ghani, Azra C; Anderson, Roy M
  • Contact tracing and disease control. (2003) Eames, Ken TD; Keeling, Matt J
  • Factors determining the pattern of the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) epidemic in the UK. (2003) Ghani, Azra C; Ferguson, Neil M; Donnelly, Christl A; Anderson, Roy M
  • Very large long-term effective population size in the virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. (2001) Hughes, AL; Verra, F
  • Does the number of sons born affect long-term mortality of parents? A cohort study in rural Bangladesh. (2006) Hurt, LS; Ronsmans, C; Quigley, M
  • Reflections on the development of health economics in low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Mills, Anne
  • Persistence of the emerging pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis outside the amphibian host greatly increases the probability of host extinction. (2008) Mitchell, Kate M; Churcher, Thomas S; Garner, Trenton WJ; Fisher, Matthew C
  • Shifting patterns: malaria dynamics and rainfall variability in an African highland. (2008) Pascual, M; Cazelles, B; Bouma, MJ; Chaves, LF; Koelle, K
  • Temperature and population density determine reservoir regions of seasonal persistence in highland malaria. (2015) Siraj, Amir S; Bouma, Menno J; Santos-Vega, Mauricio; Yeshiwondim, Asnakew K; Rothman, Dale S; Yadeta, Damtew; Sutton, Paul C; Pascual, Mercedes
  • Does natural selection favour taller stature among the tallest people on earth? (2015) Stulp, Gert; Barrett, Louise; Tropf, Felix C; Mills, Melinda
  • Control of a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza outbreak in the GB poultry flock. (2007) Truscott, James; Garske, Tini; Chis-Ster, Irina; Guitian, Javier; Pfeiffer, Dirk; Snow, Lucy; Wilesmith, John; Ferguson, Neil M; Ghani, Azra C
  • Efficacy model for antibody-mediated pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccines. (2010) White, Michael T; Griffin, Jamie T; Riley, Eleanor M; Drakeley, Chris J; Moorman, Ann M; Sumba, Peter Odada; Kazura, James W; Ghani, Azra C; John, Chandy C
  • Public
  • Epidemic malaria and warmer temperatures in recent decades in an East African highland. (2011) Alonso, David; Bouma, Menno J; Pascual, Mercedes
  • Measuring social networks in British primary schools through scientific engagement. (2011) Conlan, AJK; Eames, KTD; Gage, JA; von Kirchbach, JC; Ross, JV; Saenz, RA; Gog, JR
  • The impact of specific and non-specific immunity on the ecology of Streptococcus pneumoniae and the implications for vaccination. (2013) Flasche, Stefan; Edmunds, W John; Miller, Elizabeth; Goldblatt, David; Robertson, Chris; Choi, Yoon Hong
  • Low fertility increases descendant socioeconomic position but reduces long-term fitness in a modern post-industrial society. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Lawson, David W
  • Gradual acquisition of immunity to severe malaria with increasing exposure. (2015) Griffin, Jamie T; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Reyburn, Hugh; Drakeley, Chris J; Riley, Eleanor M; Ghani, Azra C
  • Modelling the impact of local reactive school closures on critical care provision during an influenza pandemic. (2011) House, Thomas; Baguelin, Marc; Van Hoek, Albert Jan; White, Peter J; Sadique, Zia; Eames, Ken; Read, Jonathan M; Hens, Niel; Melegaro, Alessia; Edmunds, W John; Keeling, Matt J
  • Influenza emergence in the face of evolutionary constraints. (2012) Kucharski, Adam; Gog, Julia R
  • The life-history trade-off between fertility and child survival. (2012) Lawson, David W; Alvergne, Alexandra; Gibson, Mhairi A
  • Facial fluctuating asymmetry is not associated with childhood ill-health in a large British cohort study. (2014) Pound, Nicholas; Lawson, David W; Toma, Arshed M; Richmond, Stephen; Zhurov, Alexei I; Penton-Voak, Ian S
  • Intergenerational effects of maternal birth season on offspring size in rural Gambia. (2012) Rickard, Ian J; Courtiol, Alexandre; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony JC; Clutton-Brock, Tim H; Lummaa, Virpi
  • A test of the intergenerational conflict model in Indonesia shows no evidence of earlier menopause in female-dispersing groups. (2014) Snopkowski, Kristin; Moya, Cristina; Sear, Rebecca
  • Restricted
  • An evolutionary model of stature, age at first birth and reproductive success in Gambian women. (2004) Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, AM; Mace, R
  • Grandma plays favourites: X-chromosome relatedness and sex-specific childhood mortality. (2010) Fox, M; Sear, R; Beise, J; Ragsdale, G; Voland, E; Knapp, LA