Items where the Publication is PharmacoEconomics
Number of items: 41.
  • Cost Effectiveness of Vericiguat for the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Following a Worsening Heart Failure Event from a US Medicare Perspective. (2021) Alsumali, Adnan; Djatche, Laurence M; Briggs, Andrew; Liu, Rongzhe; Diakite, Ibrahim; Patel, Dipen; Wang, Yufei; Lautsch, Dominik
  • Principles of Economic Evaluation in a Pandemic Setting: An Expert Panel Discussion on Value Assessment During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic. (2021) Asukai, Yumi; Briggs, Andrew; Garrison, Louis P; Geisler, Benjamin P; Neumann, Peter J; Ollendorf, Daniel A
  • B
  • The cost of HIV treatment and care. A global review. (2001) Beck, EJ; Miners, AH; Tolley, K
  • Economic evaluation of vaccination programmes: a consensus statement focusing on viral hepatitis. (2002) Beutels, Philippe; Edmunds, W John; Antoñanzas, Fernando; De Wit, G Ardine; Evans, David; Feilden, Rachel; Fendrick, A Mark; Ginsberg, Gary M; Glick, Henry A; Mast, Eric; Péchevis, Marc; Van Doorslaer, Eddy KA; van Hout, Ben A; Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board
  • Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Biomedical, Non-Surgical HIV Prevention Interventions: A Systematic Literature Review. (2022) Bozzani, Fiammetta M; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Quaife, Matthew; Gafos, Mitzy; Indravudh, Pitchaya P; Giddings, Rebecca; Medley, Graham F; Malhotra, Shelly; Torres-Rueda, Sergio
  • C
  • Capturing Budget Impact Considerations Within Economic Evaluations: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of Rotavirus Vaccine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries and a Proposed Assessment Framework. (2017) Carvalho, Natalie; Jit, Mark; Cox, Sarah; Yoong, Joanne; Hutubessy, Raymond CW
  • Developing health-related quality-of-life instruments for use in Asia: the issues. (2006) Cheung, Yin Bun; Thumboo, Julian
  • A Systematic Review of Methodological Variation in Healthcare Provider Perspective Tuberculosis Costing Papers Conducted in Low- and Middle-Income Settings, Using An Intervention-Standardised Unit Cost Typology. (2020) Cunnama, Lucy; Gomez, Gabriela B; Siapka, Mariana; Herzel, Ben; Hill, Jeremy; Kairu, Angela; Levin, Carol; Okello, Dickson; DeCormier Plosky, Willyanne; Garcia Baena, Inés; Sweeney, Sedona; Vassall, Anna; Sinanovic, Edina description
  • D
  • No room for kinkiness in a public healthcare system. (2005) Dowie, Jack
  • F
  • A guide to handling missing data in cost-effectiveness analysis conducted within randomised controlled trials. (2014) Faria, Rita; Gomes, Manuel; Epstein, David; White, Ian R
  • G
  • Evaluating the Generalisability of Trial Results: Introducing a Centre- and Trial-Level Generalisability Index. (2015) Gheorghe, Adrian; Roberts, Tracy; Hemming, Karla; Calvert, Melanie
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Molnupiravir Versus Best Supportive Care for the Treatment of Outpatient COVID-19 in Adults in the US. (2022) Goswami, Hardik; Alsumali, Adnan; Jiang, Yiling; Schindler, Matthias; Duke, Elizabeth R; Cohen, Joshua; Briggs, Andrew; Puenpatom, Amy
  • H
  • Methodological quality of economic evaluations of new pharmaceuticals in The Netherlands. (2012) Hoomans, Ties; Severens, Johan L; van der Roer, Nicole; Delwel, Gepke O
  • I
  • Overview of parametric survival analysis for health-economic applications. (2013) Ishak, K Jack; Kreif, Noemi; Benedict, Agnes; Muszbek, Noemi
  • J
  • Modelling the epidemiology of infectious diseases for decision analysis: a primer. (2011) Jit, Mark; Brisson, Marc
  • K
  • Calibrating models in economic evaluation: a comparison of alternative measures of goodness of fit, parameter search strategies and convergence criteria. (2011) Karnon, Jonathan; Vanni, Tazio
  • Systematic Review of Conceptual, Age, Measurement and Valuation Considerations for Generic Multidimensional Childhood Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. (2022) Kwon, Joseph; Freijser, Louise; Huynh, Elisabeth; Howell, Martin; Chen, Gang; Khan, Kamran; Daher, Shahd; Roberts, Nia; Harrison, Conrad; Smith, Sarah; Devlin, Nancy; Howard, Kirsten; Lancsar, Emily; Bailey, Cate; Craig, Jonathan; Dalziel, Kim; Hayes, Alison; Mulhern, Brendan; Wong, Germaine; Ratcliffe, Julie; Petrou, Stavros
  • L
  • Costs to Health Services and the Patient of Treating Tuberculosis: A Systematic Literature Review. (2015) Laurence, Yoko V; Griffiths, Ulla K; Vassall, Anna
  • Comment on: Sensitivity Analysis for Not-at-Random Missing Data in Trial-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Tutorial. (2018) Leurent, Baptiste; Gomes, Manuel; Carpenter, James
  • Correction to: Sensitivity Analysis for Not-at-Random Missing Data in Trial-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Tutorial. (2019) Leurent, Baptiste; Gomes, Manuel; Faria, Rita; Morris, Stephen; Grieve, Richard; Carpenter, James R
  • Sensitivity Analysis for Not-at-Random Missing Data in Trial-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: A Tutorial. (2018) Leurent, Baptiste; Gomes, Manuel; Faria, Rita; Morris, Stephen; Grieve, Richard; Carpenter, James R
  • M
  • Estimating 'costs' for cost-effectiveness analysis. (2008) Miners, Alec
  • Economic evaluations of calcineurin inhibitors in renal transplantation: a literature review. (2007) Miners, Alec H; Yao, Guiqing; Raftery, James; Taylor, Rod S
  • Cost-utility analysis of primary prophylaxis versus treatment on-demand for individuals with severe haemophilia. (2002) Miners, Alexander H; Sabin, Caroline A; Tolley, Keith H; Lee, Christine A
  • N
  • Are current cost-effectiveness thresholds for low- and middle-income countries useful? Examples from the world of vaccines. (2014) Newall, AT; Jit, M; Hutubessy, R
  • Authors' reply to Gandjour: "Are current cost-effectiveness thresholds for low- and middle-income countries useful? Examples from the world of vaccines". (2014) Newall, AT; Jit, M; Hutubessy, R
  • Economic evaluations of childhood influenza vaccination: a critical review. (2012) Newall, Anthony T; Jit, Mark; Beutels, Philippe
  • P
  • Home-based medication review in older people: is it cost effective? (2007) Pacini, Margaret; Smith, Richard D; Wilson, Edward CF; Holland, Richard
  • Utility estimation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a preference for change? (2011) Petrillo, Jennifer; van Nooten, Floortje; Jones, Paul; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen
  • R
  • Time preferences for health in northern Tanzania: an empirical analysis of alternative discounting models. (2007) Robberstad, Bjarne; Cairns, John
  • S
  • A 'league table' of contingent valuation results for pharmaceutical interventions: a hard pill to swallow? (2007) Sach, Tracey H; Smith, Richard D; Whynes, David K
  • Cost Effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Men Who have Sex with Men; Reviewing the Available Evidence. (2018) Setiawan, Didik; Wondimu, Abrham; Ong, KohJun; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Postma, Maarten J
  • Cost effectiveness in low- and middle-income countries: a review of the debates surrounding decision rules. (2009) Shillcutt, Samuel D; Walker, Damian G; Goodman, Catherine A; Mills, Anne J
  • Examining Approaches to Estimate the Prevalence of Catastrophic Costs Due to Tuberculosis from Small-Scale Studies in South Africa. (2020) Sweeney, Sedona; Vassall, Anna; Guinness, Lorna; Siapka, Mariana; Chimbindi, Natsayi; Mudzengi, Don; Gomez, Gabriela B
  • T
  • Strengthening cost-effectiveness analysis in Thailand through the establishment of the health intervention and technology assessment program. (2009) Tantivess, Sripen; Teerawattananon, Yot; Mills, Anne
  • Erratum to: Using Parameter Constraints to Choose State Structures in Cost-Effectiveness Modelling. (2017) Thom, H; Jackson, C; Welton, N; Sharples, L
  • Using Parameter Constraints to Choose State Structures in Cost-Effectiveness Modelling. (2017) Thom, Howard; Jackson, Chris; Welton, Nicky; Sharples, Linda
  • U
  • Methods for Health Economic Evaluation of Vaccines and Immunization Decision Frameworks: A Consensus Framework from a European Vaccine Economics Community. (2015) Ultsch, Bernhard; Damm, Oliver; Beutels, Philippe; Bilcke, Joke; Brüggenjürgen, Bernd; Gerber-Grote, Andreas; Greiner, Wolfgang; Hanquet, Germaine; Hutubessy, Raymond; Jit, Mark; Knol, Mirjam; von Kries, Rüdiger; Kuhlmann, Alexander; Levy-Bruhl, Daniel; Perleth, Matthias; Postma, Maarten; Salo, Heini; Siebert, Uwe; Wasem, Jürgen; Wichmann, Ole
  • V
  • Calibrating models in economic evaluation: a seven-step approach. (2011) Vanni, Tazio; Karnon, Jonathan; Madan, Jason; White, Richard G; Edmunds, W John; Foss, Anna M; Legood, Rosa
  • W
  • The role of economic evaluation in vaccine decision making: focus on meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine. (2005) Welte, Robert; Trotter, Caroline L; Edmunds, W John; Postma, Maarten J; Beutels, Philippe
  • Y
  • Developing the EQ-5D-5L Value Set for Uganda Using the 'Lite' Protocol. (2021) Yang, Fan; Katumba, Kenneth R; Roudijk, Bram; Yang, Zhihao; Revill, Paul; Griffin, Susan; Ochanda, Perez N; Lamorde, Mohammed; Greco, Giulia; Seeley, Janet; Sculpher, Mark