Items where the Publication is Pediatrics
Number of items: 55.
Project 27/28: inquiry into quality of neonatal care and its effect on the survival of infants who were born at 27 and 28 weeks in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. (2005)
Acolet, Dominique; Elbourne, Diana; McIntosh, Neil; Weindling, Michael; Korkodilos, Marilena; Haviland, Jo; Modder, Jo; Macintosh, Mary; Confidential Enquiry Into Maternal and Child Health
Vitamin D₃supplementation and childhood diarrhea: a randomized controlled trial. (2013)
Aluisio, Adam R; Maroof, Zabihullah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Bruce, Jane; Mughal, M Zulf; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Walraven, Gijs; Masher, Mohammad I; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Manaseki-Holland, Semira
Inhaled nitric oxide in preterm infants: an individual-patient data meta-analysis of randomized trials. (2011)
Askie, Lisa M; Ballard, Roberta A; Cutter, Gary R; Dani, Carlo; Elbourne, Diana; Field, David; Hascoet, Jean-Michel; Hibbs, Anna Maria; Kinsella, John P; Mercier, Jean-Christophe; Rich, Wade; Schreiber, Michael D; Wongsiridej, Pimol Srisuparp; Subhedar, Nim V; Van Meurs, Krisa P; Voysey, Merryn; Barrington, Keith; Ehrenkranz, Richard A; Finer, Neil N; Meta-analysis of Preterm Patients on Inhaled Nitric Oxide Collab
Zinc supplementation saves the lives of children living in poverty. (2001)
Castillo-Durán, C; Uauy, R
Primary Care Access, Emergency Department Visits, and Unplanned Short Hospitalizations in the UK. (2016)
Cecil, Elizabeth; Bottle, Alex; Cowling, Thomas E; Majeed, Azeem; Wolfe, Ingrid; Saxena, Sonia
Prepubertal Adiposity, Vitamin D Status, and Insulin Resistance. (2016)
Cediel, Gustavo; Corvalán, Camila; López de Romaña, Daniel; Mericq, Verónica; Uauy, Ricardo
Protecting public trust in immunization. (2008)
Cooper, Louis Z; Larson, Heidi J; Katz, Samuel L
School violence, mental health, and educational performance in Uganda. (2013)
Devries, Karen M; Child, Jennifer C; Allen, Elizabeth; Walakira, Eddy; Parkes, Jenny; Naker, Dipak
Childhood sexual abuse and suicidal behavior: a meta-analysis. (2014)
Devries, Karen M; Mak, Joelle YT; Child, Jennifer C; Falder, Gail; Bacchus, Loraine J; Astbury, Jill; Watts, Charlotte H
Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. (2006)
Edmond, Karen M; Zandoh, Charles; Quigley, Maria A; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kirkwood, Betty R
Short Malnourished Children and Fat Accumulation With Food Supplementation. (2018)
Fabiansen, Christian; Phelan, Kevin PQ; Cichon, Bernardette; Yaméogo, Charles W; Iuel-Brockdorff, Ann-Sophie; Kurpad, Anura; Wells, Jonathan C; Ritz, Christian; Filteau, Suzanne; Briend, André; Christensen, Vibeke B; Michaelsen, Kim F; Shepherd, Susan; Friis, Henrik
Accuracy of MUAC in the detection of severe wasting with the new WHO growth standards. (2010)
Fernández, Miguel Angel Luque; Delchevalerie, Pascale; Van Herp, Michel
Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339). (2005)
Field, D; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; Grieve, R; Hardy, P; Fenton, AC; Subhedar, N; Ahluwalia, J; Halliday, HL; Stocks, J; Tomlin, K; Normand, C; INNOVO Trial Collaborating Group
Inhaled nitric oxide and the societal perspective - Reply. (2004)
Field, D; Normand, C; Elbourne, D
Cost-effectiveness of inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of neonatal respiratory failure in the US. (2003)
Field, David; Normand, Charles; Elbourne, Diana
Using weight gain among premature babies to determine the risk of ROP may be premature. (e-letter). (2010)
Gilbert, C; Darlow, D; Quinn, G; Zin, A
Characteristics of infants with severe retinopathy of prematurity in countries with low, moderate, and high levels of development: implications for screening programs. (2005)
Gilbert, Clare; Fielder, Alistair; Gordillo, Luz; Quinn, Graham; Semiglia, Renato; Visintin, Patricia; Zin, Andrea; International NO-ROP Group
Artificial Intelligence for ROP Screening and to Assess Quality of Care: Progress and Challenges. (2021)
Gilbert, Clare; Malik, Aeesha NJ; Vinekar, Anand
Pediatric Leukemia, Psychosocial Dimensions of Cures, and Implications for HIV. (2016)
Gliwa, Catherine; Grewe, Mary E; Rennie, Stuart; Tucker, Joseph; Necochea, Raul
Deferred Consent for Randomized Controlled Trials in Emergency Care Settings. (2015)
Harron, Katie; Woolfall, Kerry; Dwan, Kerry; Gamble, Carrol; Mok, Quen; Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan; Gilbert, Ruth
BMI screening and surveillance: an international perspective. (2009)
James, William Philip Trehearne; Lobstein, Tim
Not Crying After Birth as a Predictor of Not Breathing. (2020)
Kc, Ashish; Lawn, Joy E; Zhou, Hong; Ewald, Uwe; Gurung, Rejina; Gurung, Abhishek; Sunny, Avinash K; Day, Louise Tina; Singhal, Nalini
Randomized, controlled trial of acetazolamide and furosemide in posthemorrhagic ventricular dilation in infancy: follow-up at 1 year. (2001)
Kennedy, CR; Ayers, S; Campbell, MJ; Elbourne, D; Hope, P; Johnson, A
Intrauterine growth and intelligence within sibling pairs: findings from the Aberdeen children of the 1950s cohort. (2006)
Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A
Diagnostic Accuracy of Neonatal Assessment for Gestational Age Determination: A Systematic Review. (2017)
Lee, Anne Cc; Panchal, Pratik; Folger, Lian; Whelan, Hilary; Whelan, Rachel; Rosner, Bernard; Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy E
Risk factors for tuberculosis infection in children in contact with infectious tuberculosis cases in the Gambia, West Africa. (2003)
Lienhardt, Christian; Sillah, Jackson; Fielding, Katherine; Donkor, Simon; Manneh, Kebba; Warndorff, David; Bennett, Steve; McAdam, Keith
The association between developmental coordination disorder and other developmental traits. (2010)
Lingam, Raghu; Golding, Jean; Jongmans, Marian J; Hunt, Linda P; Ellis, Matthew; Emond, Alan
Prevalence of developmental coordination disorder using the DSM-IV at 7 years of age: a UK population-based study. (2009)
Lingam, Raghu; Hunt, Linda; Golding, Jean; Jongmans, Marian; Emond, Alan
Mental health difficulties in children with developmental coordination disorder. (2012)
Lingam, Raghu; Jongmans, Marian J; Ellis, Matthew; Hunt, Linda P; Golding, Jean; Emond, Alan
Neonatal resuscitation: a global challenge. (2010)
Little, George; Niermeyer, Susan; Singhal, Nalini; Lawn, Joy; Keenan, William
Prenatal exposure to organochlorine compounds and birth size. (2011)
Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose; Murcia, Mario; Iñiguez, Carmen; Vizcaino, Esther; Llop, Sabrina; Vioque, Jesus; Grimalt, Joan O; Rebagliato, Marisa; Ballester, Ferran
SARS-CoV-2 Infection Dynamics in Children and Household Contacts in a Slum in Rio de Janeiro. (2021)
Lugon, Pâmella; Fuller, Trevon; Damasceno, Luana; Calvet, Guilherme; Resende, Paola Cristina; Matos, Aline Rocha; Machado Fumian, Tulio; Malta, Fábio Correia; Salgado, Aline Dessimoni; Fernandes, Fernanda Christina Morone; Abreu de Carvalho, Liege Maria; Guaraldo, Lusiele; Bastos, Leonardo; Cruz, Oswaldo Gonçalves; Whitworth, James; Smith, Chris; Nielsen-Saines, Karin; Siqueira, Marilda; Carvalho, Marilia Sa; Brasil, Patricia
Postdischarge Mortality Prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2019)
Madrid, Lola; Casellas, Aina; Sacoor, Charfudin; Quintó, Llorenç; Sitoe, Antonio; Varo, Rosauro; Acácio, Sozinho; Nhampossa, Tacilta; Massora, Sergio; Sigaúque, Betuel; Mandomando, Inacio; Cousens, Simon; Menéndez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro; Macete, Eusebio; Bassat, Quique
Methylphenidate and the risk of trauma. (2014)
Man, Kenneth KC; Chan, Esther W; Coghill, David; Douglas, Ian; Ip, Patrick; Leung, Ling-Pong; Tsui, Matthew SH; Wong, Wilfred HS; Wong, Ian CK
Effects of traditional swaddling on development: a randomized controlled trial. (2010)
Manaseki-Holland, Semira; Spier, Elizabeth; Bavuusuren, Bayasgalantai; Bayandorj, Tsogzolma; Sprachman, Susan; Marshall, Tom
The cost of preterm birth throughout childhood in England and Wales. (2009)
Mangham, Lindsay J; Petrou, Stavros; Doyle, Lex W; Draper, Elizabeth S; Marlow, Neil
Breastfeeding and early weaning practices in northeast Brazil: a longitudinal study. (2001)
Marques, NM; Lira, PI; Lima, MC; da Silva, NL; Filho, MB; Huttly, SR; Ashworth, A
Effect of maternal multivitamin supplementation on the mental and psychomotor development of children who are born to HIV-1-infected mothers in Tanzania. (2006)
McGrath, Nuala; Bellinger, David; Robins, James; Msamanga, Gernard I; Tronick, Edward; Fawzi, Wafaie W
United Kingdom collaborative randomized trial of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: follow-up to age 7 years. (2006)
McNally, Helena; Bennett, Charlotte C; Elbourne, Diana; Field, David J; UK Collaborative ECMO Trial Group
Incentives to promote breastfeeding: a systematic review. (2015)
Moran, Victoria Hall; Morgan, Heather; Rothnie, Kieran; MacLennan, Graeme; Stewart, Fiona; Thomson, Gillian; Crossland, Nicola; Tappin, David; Campbell, Marion; Hoddinott, Pat
Comparison of buccal midazolam with rectal diazepam in the treatment of prolonged seizures in Ugandan children: a randomized clinical trial. (2008)
Mpimbaza, Arthur; Ndeezi, Grace; Staedke, Sarah; Rosenthal, Philip J; Byarugaba, Justus
Early vaccinations are not risk factors for celiac disease. (2012)
Myléus, Anna; Stenlund, Hans; Hernell, Olle; Gothefors, Leif; Hammarström, Marie-Louise; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ivarsson, Anneli
Brain imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with phenylketonuria. (2003)
Möller, Harald E; Weglage, Josef; Bick, Ulrich; Wiedermann, Dirk; Feldmann, Reinhold; Ullrich, Kurt
Delayed whole-body cooling to 33 or 35 degrees C and the development of impaired energy generation consequential to transient cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in the newborn piglet. (2006)
O'Brien, Frances E; Iwata, Osuke; Thornton, John S; De Vita, Enrico; Sellwood, Mark W; Iwata, Sachiko; Sakata, Yasuko S; Charman, Susan; Ordidge, Roger; Cady, Ernest B; Wyatt, John S; Robertson, Nicola J
Improved recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from children using the microscopic observation drug susceptibility method. (2006)
Oberhelman, Richard A; Soto-Castellares, Giselle; Caviedes, Luz; Castillo, Maria E; Kissinger, Patricia; Moore, David AJ; Evans, Carlton; Gilman, Robert H
Global Burden of Childhood Epilepsy, Intellectual Disability, and Sensory Impairments. (2020)
Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Wright, Scott M; Nair, MKC; Boo, Nem-Yun; Halpern, Ricardo; Kuper, Hannah; Abubakar, Amina A; Almasri, Nihad A; Arabloo, Jalal; Arora, Narendra K; Backhaus, Sophia; Berman, Brad D; Breinbauer, Cecilia; Carr, Gwen; de Vries, Petrus J; Del Castillo-Hegyi, Christie; Eftekhari, Aziz; Gladstone, Melissa J; Hoekstra, Rosa A; Kancherla, Vijaya; Mulaudzi, Mphelekedzeni C; Kakooza-Mwesige, Angelina; Ogbo, Felix A; Olsen, Helen E; Olusanya, Jacob O; Pandey, Ashok; Samms-Vaughan, Maureen E; Servili, Chiara; Shaheen, Amira; Smythe, Tracey; Wertlieb, Donald; Williams, Andrew N; Newton, Charles RJ; Davis, Adrian C; Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators (GRD
Azithromycin in Labor Lowers Clinical Infections in Mothers and Newborns: A Double-Blind Trial. (2017)
Oluwalana, Claire; Camara, Bully; Bottomley, Christian; Goodier, Sean; Bojang, Abdoulie; Kampmann, Beate; Ceesay, Samba; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Roca, Anna
Abnormalities of vascular structure and function in children with Perthes disease. (2012)
Perry, Daniel C; Green, Daniel J; Bruce, Colin E; Pope, Daniel; Dangerfield, Peter; Platt, Mary Jane; Hall, Andrew J; Jones, Helen
Cost-effectiveness of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation based on 7-year results from the United Kingdom Collaborative ECMO Trial. (2006)
Petrou, Stavros; Bischof, Matthias; Bennett, Charlotte; Elbourne, Diana; Field, David; McNally, Helena
Injury among children and young adults with epilepsy. (2014)
Prasad, Vibhore; Kendrick, Denise; Sayal, Kapil; Thomas, Sara L; West, Joe
Health information technology in screening and treatment of child obesity: a systematic review. (2013)
Smith, Anna Jo; Skow, Áine; Bodurtha, Joann; Kinra, Sanjay
Infant crying and sleeping in London, Copenhagen and when parents adopt a "proximal" form of care. (2006)
St James-Roberts, Ian; Alvarez, Marissa; Csipke, Emese; Abramsky, Tanya; Goodwin, Jennifer; Sorgenfrei, Esther
Measles outbreak in a highly vaccinated population, San Diego, 2008: role of the intentionally undervaccinated. (2010)
Sugerman, David E; Barskey, Albert E; Delea, Maryann G; Ortega-Sanchez, Ismael R; Bi, Daoling; Ralston, Kimberly J; Rota, Paul A; Waters-Montijo, Karen; Lebaron, Charles W
Retinopathy of prematurity in 7 neonatal units in Rio de Janeiro: screening criteria and workload implications. (2010)
Zin, Andrea A; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth Lopes; Bunce, Catey; Darlow, Brian A; Gilbert, Clare E
Randomized, controlled trial of single versus 3-times-daily ferrous sulfate drops for treatment of anemia. (2001)
Zlotkin, S; Arthur, P; Antwi, KY; Yeung, G