Items where the Publication is Parasites & vectors
Number of items: 158.
Correction to: Under pressure: phenotypic divergence and convergence associated with microhabitat adaptations in Triatominae. (2021)
Abad-Franch, Fernando; Monteiro, Fernando A; Pavan, Márcio G; Patterson, James S; Bargues, M Dolores; Zuriaga, M Ángeles; Aguilar, Marcelo; Beard, Charles B; Mas-Coma, Santiago; Miles, Michael A
Under pressure: phenotypic divergence and convergence associated with microhabitat adaptations in Triatominae. (2021)
Abad-Franch, Fernando; Monteiro, Fernando A; Pavan, Márcio G; Patterson, James S; Bargues, M Dolores; Zuriaga, M Ángeles; Aguilar, Marcelo; Beard, Charles B; Mas-Coma, Santiago; Miles, Michael A
The distribution of Blastocystis subtypes in isolates from Qatar. (2015)
Abu-Madi, Marawan; Aly, Mahmoud; Behnke, Jerzy M; Clark, C Graham; Balkhy, Hanan
Status of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae s. s. M form prior to the scaling up of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) in Adzopé, Eastern Côte d'Ivoire. (2012)
Ahoua Alou, Ludovic P; Koffi, Alphonsine A; Adja, Maurice A; Assi, Serge B; Kouassi, Philippe K; N'Guessan, Raphael
Spatio-temporal analysis of malaria vector density from baseline through intervention in a high transmission setting. (2016)
Alegana, Victor A; Kigozi, Simon P; Nankabirwa, Joaniter; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Kigozi, Ruth; Mawejje, Henry; Kilama, Maxwell; Ruktanonchai, Nick W; Ruktanonchai, Corrine W; Drakeley, Chris; Lindsay, Steve W; Greenhouse, Bryan; Kamya, Moses R; Smith, David L; Atkinson, Peter M; Dorsey, Grant; Tatem, Andrew J
A Wolbachia triple-strain infection generates self-incompatibility in Aedes albopictus and transmission instability in Aedes aegypti. (2018)
Ant, Thomas H; Sinkins, Steven P
The impact of mass drug administration and long-lasting insecticidal net distribution on Wuchereria bancrofti infection in humans and mosquitoes: an observational study in northern Uganda. (2011)
Ashton, Ruth A; Kyabayinze, Daniel J; Opio, Tom; Auma, Anna; Edwards, Tansy; Matwale, Gabriel; Onapa, Ambrose; Brooker, Simon; Kolaczinski, Jan H
Serological evidence of vector and parasite exposure in Southern Ghana: the dynamics of malaria transmission intensity. (2015)
Badu, Kingsley; Gyan, Ben; Appawu, Maxwell; Mensah, Daniel; Dodoo, Daniel; Yan, Guiyun; Drakeley, Chris; Zhou, Guofa; Owusu-Dabo, Ellis; Koram, Kwadwo Ansah
Leishmania donovani populations in Eastern Sudan: temporal structuring and a link between human and canine transmission. (2014)
Baleela, Rania; Llewellyn, Martin S; Fitzpatrick, Sinead; Kuhls, Katrin; Schönian, Gabriele; Miles, Michael A; Mauricio, Isabel L
Recent advances in phlebotomine sand fly research related to leishmaniasis control. (2015)
Bates, Paul A; Depaquit, Jerôme; Galati, Eunice AB; Kamhawi, Shaden; Maroli, Michele; McDowell, Mary Ann; Picado, Albert; Ready, Paul D; Salomón, O Daniel; Shaw, Jeffrey J; Traub-Csekö, Yara M; Warburg, Alon
Vaccination control programs for multiple livestock host species: an age-stratified, seasonal transmission model for brucellosis control in endemic settings. (2016)
Beauvais, Wendy; Musallam, Imadidden; Guitian, Javier
Comparing trap designs and methods for assessing density of synanthropic flies in Odisha, India. (2019)
Bell, Melissa; Irish, Seth; Schmidt, Wolf Peter; Nayak, Soumya; Clasen, Thomas; Cameron, Mary
Diagnostic antigens for visceral leishmaniasis: clarification of nomenclatures. (2017)
Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Marlais, Tegwen; Miles, Michael A
Review of “ mathematical models for neglected tropical diseases: essential tools for control and elimination, part A ” edited by Roy M. Anderson and Maria-Gloria Basáñez. (2015)
Bottomley, Christian
Modelling Neglected Tropical Diseases diagnostics: the sensitivity of skin snips for Onchocerca volvulus in near elimination and surveillance settings. (2016)
Bottomley, Christian; Isham, Valerie; Vivas-Martínez, Sarai; Kuesel, Annette C; Attah, Simon K; Opoku, Nicholas O; Lustigman, Sara; Walker, Martin; Basáñez, Maria-Gloria
Response to the Letter to the Editor by Eberhard et al. (2017)
Bottomley, Christian; Isham, Valerie; Vivas-Martínez, Sarai; Kuesel, Annette C; Attah, Simon K; Opoku, Nicholas O; Lustigman, Sara; Walker, Martin; Basáñez, Maria-Gloria
Global temperature constraints on Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus persistence and competence for dengue virus transmission. (2014)
Brady, Oliver J; Golding, Nick; Pigott, David M; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Messina, Jane P; Reiner, Robert C; Scott, Thomas W; Smith, David L; Gething, Peter W; Hay, Simon I
Modelling adult Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus survival at different temperatures in laboratory and field settings. (2013)
Brady, Oliver J; Johansson, Michael A; Guerra, Carlos A; Bhatt, Samir; Golding, Nick; Pigott, David M; Delatte, Hélène; Grech, Marta G; Leisnham, Paul T; Maciel-de-Freitas, Rafael; Styer, Linda M; Smith, David L; Scott, Thomas W; Gething, Peter W; Hay, Simon I
Evaluation of resting traps to examine the behaviour and ecology of mosquito vectors in an area of rapidly changing land use in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. (2018)
Brown, Rebecca; Hing, Chua Tock; Fornace, Kimberly; Ferguson, Heather M
Blood-feeding patterns of native mosquitoes and insights into their potential role as pathogen vectors in the Thames estuary region of the United Kingdom. (2017)
Brugman, VA; Hernández-Triana, LM; England, ME; Medlock, JM; Mertens, PPC; Logan, JG; Wilson, AJ; Fooks, AR; Johnson, N; Carpenter, S
How often do mosquitoes bite humans in southern England? A standardised summer trial at four sites reveals spatial, temporal and site-related variation in biting rates. (2017)
Brugman, Victor A; England, Marion E; Stoner, Joanne; Tugwell, Laura; Harrup, Lara E; Wilson, Anthony J; Medlock, Jolyon M; Logan, James G; Fooks, Anthony R; Mertens, Peter PC; Johnson, Nicholas; Carpenter, Simon
Molecular species identification, host preference and detection of myxoma virus in the Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in southern England, UK. (2015)
Brugman, Victor A; Hernández-Triana, Luis M; Prosser, Sean WJ; Weland, Chris; Westcott, David G; Fooks, Anthony R; Johnson, Nicholas
Mapping insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) from Côte d'Ivoire. (2018)
Camara, Soromane; Koffi, Alphonsine A; Ahoua Alou, Ludovic P; Koffi, Kouakou; Kabran, Jean-Paul K; Koné, Aboubacar; Koffi, Mathieu F; N'Guessan, Raphaël; Pennetier, Cédric
Understanding the transmission dynamics of Leishmania donovani to provide robust evidence for interventions to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis in Bihar, India. (2016)
Cameron, Mary M; Acosta-Serrano, Alvaro; Bern, Caryn; Boelaert, Marleen; den Boer, Margriet; Burza, Sakib; Chapman, Lloyd AC; Chaskopoulou, Alexandra; Coleman, Michael; Courtenay, Orin; Croft, Simon; Das, Pradeep; Dilger, Erin; Foster, Geraldine; Garlapati, Rajesh; Haines, Lee; Harris, Angela; Hemingway, Janet; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Jervis, Sarah; Medley, Graham; Miles, Michael; Paine, Mark; Picado, Albert; Poché, Richard; Ready, Paul; Rogers, Matthew; Rowland, Mark; Sundar, Shyam; de Vlas, Sake J; Weetman, David
Identifying co-endemic areas for major filarial infections in sub-Saharan Africa: seeking synergies and preventing severe adverse events during mass drug administration campaigns. (2018)
Cano, Jorge; Basáñez, Maria-Gloria; O'Hanlon, Simon J; Tekle, Afework H; Wanji, Samuel; Zouré, Honorat G; Rebollo, Maria P; Pullan, Rachel L
The global distribution and transmission limits of lymphatic filariasis: past and present. (2014)
Cano, Jorge; Rebollo, Maria P; Golding, Nick; Pullan, Rachel L; Crellen, Thomas; Soler, Anna; Kelly-Hope, Louise A; Lindsay, Steve W; Hay, Simon I; Bockarie, Moses J; Brooker, Simon J
Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic insects (Order Hemiptera) potentially involved in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Africa. (2018)
Cano, Jorge; Rodríguez, Antonio; Simpson, Hope; Tabah, Earnest N; Gómez, Jose F; Pullan, Rachel L
Field efficacy of pyrethroid treated plastic sheeting (durable lining) in combination with long lasting insecticidal nets against malaria vectors. (2010)
Chandre, Fabrice; Dabire, Roch K; Hougard, Jean-Marc; Djogbenou, Luc S; Irish, Seth R; Rowland, Mark; N'guessan, Raphael
Quantification of the natural history of visceral leishmaniasis and consequences for control. (2015)
Chapman, Lloyd AC; Dyson, Louise; Courtenay, Orin; Chowdhury, Rajib; Bern, Caryn; Medley, Graham F; Hollingsworth, T Deirdre
Prevalence and under-detection of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis during mass screening sessions in Uganda and Sudan. (2012)
Checchi, Francesco; Cox, Andrew P; Chappuis, François; Priotto, Gerardo; Chandramohan, Daniel; Haydon, Daniel T
Assessment of methods used to determine the safety of the topical insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET). (2014)
Chen-Hussey, Vanessa; Behrens, Ron; Logan, James G
Effect of different habitat types on abundance and biting times of Anopheles balabacensis Baisas (Diptera: Culicidae) in Kudat district of Sabah, Malaysia. (2019)
Chua, Tock H; Manin, Benny O; Vythilingam, Indra; Fornace, Kimberly; Drakeley, Chris J
A new WHO bottle bioassay method to assess the susceptibility of mosquito vectors to public health insecticides: results from a WHO-coordinated multi-centre study. (2023)
Corbel, Vincent; Kont, Mara D; Ahumada, Martha Liliana; Andréo, Laura; Bayili, Bazoma; Bayili, Koama; Brooke, Basil; Pinto Caballero, Jesús A; Lambert, Ben; Churcher, Thomas S; Duchon, Stephane; Etang, Josiane; Flores, Adriana E; Gunasekaran, Kasinathan; Juntarajumnong, Waraporn; Kirby, Matt; Davies, Rachel; Lees, Rosemary Susan; Lenhart, Audrey; Lima, José Bento Pereira; Martins, Ademir J; Müller, Pie; N'Guessan, Raphael; Ngufor, Corine; Praulins, Giorgio; Quinones, Martha; Raghavendra, Kamaraju; Verma, Vaishali; Rus, Adanan Che; Samuel, Michael; Ying, Koou Sin; Sungvornyothin, Sungsit; Uragayala, Sreehari; Velayudhan, Raman; Yadav, Rajpal S
Glossina palpalis palpalis populations from Equatorial Guinea belong to distinct allopatric clades. (2014)
Cordon-Obras, Carlos; Cano, Jorge; Knapp, Jenny; Nebreda, Paloma; Ndong-Mabale, Nicolas; Ncogo-Ada, Policarpo Ricardo; Ndongo-Asumu, Pedro; Navarro, Miguel; Pinto, Joao; Benito, Agustin; Bart, Jean-Mathieu
Chagas disease reactivation in a heart transplant patient infected by domestic Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing unit I (TcIDOM). (2015)
Costales, Jaime A; Kotton, Camille N; Zurita-Leal, Andrea C; Garcia-Perez, Josselyn; Llewellyn, Martin S; Messenger, Louisa A; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Burleigh, Barbara A
Constraints to estimating the prevalence of trypanosome infections in East African zebu cattle. (2010)
Cox, Andrew P; Tosas, Olga; Tilley, Aimee; Picozzi, Kim; Coleman, Paul; Hide, Geoff; Welburn, Susan C
History of the discovery of the malaria parasites and their vectors. (2010)
Cox, Francis Eg
Back-calculating the incidence of infection of leprosy in a Bayesian framework. (2015)
Crump, Ronald E; Medley, Graham F
Insecticidal effects of deltamethrin in laboratory and field populations of Culicoides species: how effective are host-contact reduction methods in India? (2017)
De Keyser, Rien; Cassidy, Clare; Laban, Swathi; Gopal, Prakash; Pickett, John A; Reddy, Yarabolu K; Prasad, Minakshi; Prasad, Gaya; Chirukandoth, Sreekumar; Senthilven, Kandasamy; Carpenter, Simon; Logan, James G
Can corneal pannus with trachomatous inflammation--follicular be used in combination as an improved specific clinical sign for current ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection? (2016)
Derrick, Tamsyn; Holland, Martin J; Cassama, Eunice; Markham-David, Rod; Nabicassa, Meno; Marks, Michael; Bailey, Robin L; Last, Anna R
Field evaluation of two novel sampling devices for collecting wild oviposition site seeking malaria vector mosquitoes: OviART gravid traps and squares of electrocuting nets. (2016)
Dugassa, Sisay; Lindh, Jenny M; Lindsay, Steven W; Fillinger, Ulrike
Multi-parallel qPCR provides increased sensitivity and diagnostic breadth for gastrointestinal parasites of humans: field-based inferences on the impact of mass deworming. (2016)
Easton, Alice V; Oliveira, Rita G; O'Connell, Elise M; Kepha, Stella; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Njenga, Sammy M; Kihara, Jimmy H; Mwatele, Cassian; Odiere, Maurice R; Brooker, Simon J; Webster, Joanne P; Anderson, Roy M; Nutman, Thomas B
Comparative assessment of An. gambiae and An. stephensi mosquitoes to determine transmission-reducing activity of antibodies against P. falciparum sexual stage antigens. (2017)
Eldering, Maarten; Bompard, Anaïs; Miura, Kazutoyo; Stone, Will; Morlais, Isabelle; Cohuet, Anna; van Gemert, Geert-Jan; Brock, Patrick M; Rijpma, Sanna R; van de Vegte-Bolmer, Marga; Graumans, Wouter; Siebelink-Stoter, Rianne; Da, Dari F; Long, Carole A; Morin, Merribeth J; Sauerwein, Robert W; Churcher, Thomas S; Bousema, Teun
Environmental suitability for lymphatic filariasis in Nigeria. (2018)
Eneanya, Obiora A; Cano, Jorge; Dorigatti, Ilaria; Anagbogu, Ifeoma; Okoronkwo, Chukwu; Garske, Tini; Donnelly, Christl A
A mixed methods approach to evaluating community drug distributor performance in the control of neglected tropical diseases. (2016)
Fleming, Fiona M; Matovu, Fred; Hansen, Kristian S; Webster, Joanne P
Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020)
Fornace, Kimberly M; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across Sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020)
Fornace, Kimberly; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
Evaluating survey designs for targeting preventive chemotherapy against Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni across Sub-Saharan Africa: a geostatistical analysis and modelling study. (2020)
Fornace, Kimberly; Fronterrè, Claudio; Fleming, Fiona M; Simpson, Hope; Zoure, Honorat; Rebollo, Maria; Mwinzi, Pauline; Vounatsou, Penelope; Pullan, Rachel L
Associations between school- and household-level water, sanitation and hygiene conditions and soil-transmitted helminth infection among Kenyan school children. (2015)
Freeman, MC; Chard, AN; Nikolay, B; Garn, JV; Okoyo, C; Kihara, J; Njenga, SM; Pullan, RL; Brooker, SJ; Mwandawiro, CS
Improving stool sample processing and pyrosequencing for quantifying benzimidazole resistance alleles in Trichuris trichiura and Necator americanus pooled eggs. (2021)
Gandasegui, Javier; Grau-Pujol, Berta; Cambra-Pelleja, María; Escola, Valdemiro; Demontis, Maria Antonietta; Cossa, Anelsio; Jamine, José Carlos; Balaña-Fouce, Rafael; van Lieshout, Lisette; Muñoz, José; Martínez-Valladares, María; Stopping Transmission of Intestinal Parasites (STOP) Project Con
A global assembly of adult female mosquito mark-release-recapture data to inform the control of mosquito-borne pathogens. (2014)
Guerra, Carlos A; Reiner, Robert C; Perkins, T Alex; Lindsay, Steve W; Midega, Janet T; Brady, Oliver J; Barker, Christopher M; Reisen, William K; Harrington, Laura C; Takken, Willem; Kitron, Uriel; Lloyd, Alun L; Hay, Simon I; Scott, Thomas W; Smith, David L
Impact of a single round of mass drug administration with azithromycin on active trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence and circulating strains in The Gambia and Senegal. (2019)
Harding-Esch, Emma M; Holland, Martin J; Schémann, Jean-François; Sillah, Ansumana; Sarr, Boubacar; Christerson, Linus; Pickering, Harry; Molina-Gonzalez, Sandra; Sarr, Isatou; Andreasen, Aura A; Jeffries, David; Grundy, Chris; Mabey, David CW; Herrmann, Bjorn; Bailey, Robin L
Sterilising effects of pyriproxyfen on Anopheles arabiensis and its potential use in malaria control. (2013)
Harris, Caroline; Lwetoijera, Dickson W; Dongus, Stefan; Matowo, Nancy S; Lorenz, Lena M; Devine, Gregor J; Majambere, Silas
DNA barcoding and surveillance sampling strategies for Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in southern India. (2016)
Harrup, Lara E; Laban, Swathi; Purse, Bethan V; Reddy, Yarabolu Krishnamohan; Reddy, Yella Narasimha; Byregowda, Sonnahallipura Munivenkatappa; Kumar, Naveen; Purushotham, Kondappa Muniramaiah; Kowalli, Shrikant; Prasad, Minakshi; Prasad, Gaya; Bettis, Alison A; De Keyser, Rien; Logan, James; Garros, Claire; Gopurenko, David; Bellis, Glenn; Labuschagne, Karien; Mathieu, Bruno; Carpenter, Simon
Elimination of Rhodnius prolixus in Central America. (2012)
Hashimoto, Ken; Schofield, Christopher J
Evaluation of electric nets as means to sample mosquito vectors host-seeking on humans and primates. (2017)
Hawkes, Frances; Manin, Benny Obrain; Ng, Sui Han; Torr, Stephen J; Drakeley, Chris; Chua, Tock H; Ferguson, Heather M
Entomological surveillance following a long-lasting insecticidal net universal coverage campaign in Midwestern Uganda. (2015)
Helinski, MEH; Nuwa, A; Protopopoff, N; Feldman, M; Ojuka, P; Oguttu, DW; Abeku, TA; Meek, S
Quantitative analyses and modelling to support achievement of the 2020 goals for nine neglected tropical diseases. (2015)
Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Adams, Emily R; Anderson, Roy M; Atkins, Katherine; Bartsch, Sarah; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Behrend, Matthew; Blok, David J; Chapman, Lloyd AC; Coffeng, Luc; Courtenay, Orin; Crump, Ron E; de Vlas, Sake J; Dobson, Andy; Dyson, Louise; Farkas, Hajnal; Galvani, Alison P; Gambhir, Manoj; Gurarie, David; Irvine, Michael A; Jervis, Sarah; Keeling, Matt J; Kelly-Hope, Louise; King, Charles; Lee, Bruce Y; Le Rutte, Epke A; Lietman, Thomas M; Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial; Medley, Graham F; Michael, Edwin; Pandey, Abhishek; Peterson, Jennifer K; Pinsent, Amy; Porco, Travis C; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Reimer, Lisa; Rock, Kat S; Singh, Brajendra K; Stolk, Wilma; Swaminathan, Subramanian; Torr, Steve J; Townsend, Jeffrey; Truscott, James; Walker, Martin; Zoueva, Alexandra; NTD Modelling Consortium
The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana reduces instantaneous blood feeding in wild multi-insecticide-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in Benin, West Africa. (2010)
Howard, Annabel Fv; N'guessan, Raphael; Koenraadt, Constantianus Jm; Asidi, Alex; Farenhorst, Marit; Akogbéto, Martin; Thomas, Matthew B; Knols, Bart Gj; Takken, Willem
Serological measures to assess the efficacy of malaria control programme on Ambae Island, Vanuatu. (2017)
Idris, Zulkarnain Md; Chan, Chim W; Mohammed, Mubasher; Kalkoa, Morris; Taleo, George; Junker, Klara; Arcà, Bruno; Drakeley, Chris; Kaneko, Akira
Implications of insecticide resistance for malaria vector control with long-lasting insecticidal nets: trends in pyrethroid resistance during a WHO-coordinated multi-country prospective study. (2018)
Implications of Insecticide Resistance Consortium
Loss of protection with insecticide-treated nets against pyrethroid-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes once nets become holed: an experimental hut study. (2008)
Irish, S; N'guessan, R; Boko, P; Metonnou, C; Odjo, A; Akogbeto, M; Rowland, M
Temporal and spatial trends in insecticide resistance in Anopheles arabiensis in Sudan: outcomes from an evaluation of implications of insecticide resistance for malaria vector control. (2018)
Ismail, Bashir Adam; Kafy, Hmooda Toto; Sulieman, Jihad Eltaher; Subramaniam, Krishanthi; Thomas, Brent; Mnzava, Abraham; Abu Kassim, Nur Faeza; Ahmad, Abu Hassan; Knox, Tessa B; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Donnelly, Martin J
Variations in visceral leishmaniasis burden, mortality and the pathway to care within Bihar, India. (2017)
Jervis, Sarah; Chapman, Lloyd AC; Dwivedi, Shweta; Karthick, Morchan; Das, Aritra; Le Rutte, Epke A; Courtenay, Orin; Medley, Graham F; Banerjee, Indranath; Mahapatra, Tanmay; Chaudhuri, Indrajit; Srikantiah, Sridhar; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre
Innovative tools for assessing risks for severe adverse events in areas of overlapping Loa loa and other filarial distributions: the application of micro-stratification mapping. (2014)
Kelly-Hope, Louise A; Cano, Jorge; Stanton, Michelle C; Bockarie, Moses J; Molyneux, David H
Epidemiology of coinfection with soil transmitted helminths and Plasmodium falciparum among school children in Bumula District in western Kenya. (2015)
Kepha, Stella; Nuwaha, Fred; Nikolay, Birgit; Gichuki, Paul; Edwards, Tansy; Allen, Elizabeth; Njenga, Sammy M; Mwandawiro, Charles S; Brooker, Simon J
Lineage-specific serology confirms Brazilian Atlantic forest lion tamarins, Leontopithecus chrysomelas and Leontopithecus rosalia, as reservoir hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi II (TcII). (2016)
Kerr, Charlotte L; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Xavier, Samanta CC; Barros, Juliana H; Lima, Valdirene S; Jansen, Ana M; Miles, Michael A
Influence of testing modality on bioefficacy for the evaluation of Interceptor® G2 mosquito nets to combat malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania. (2022)
Kibondo, Ummi Abdul; Odufuwa, Olukayode G; Ngonyani, Saphina H; Mpelepele, Ahmadi B; Matanilla, Issaya; Ngonyani, Hassan; Makungwa, Noel O; Mseka, Antony P; Swai, Kyeba; Ntabaliba, Watson; Stutz, Susanne; Austin, James W; Moore, Sarah Jane
The importance of considering community-level effects when selecting insecticidal malaria vector products. (2011)
Killeen, GF; Okumu, FO; N'Guessan, R; Coosemans, M; Adeogun, A; Awolola, S; Etang, J; Dabire, RK; Corbel, V
Laboratory and experimental hut evaluation of a long-lasting insecticide treated blanket for protection against mosquitoes. (2014)
Kitau, Jovin; Oxborough, Richard; Kaye, Angela; Chen-Hussey, Vanessa; Isaacs, Evelyn; Matowo, Johnson; Kaur, Harparkash; Magesa, Stephen M; Mosha, Franklin; Rowland, Mark; Logan, James
Indoor residual spraying with microencapsulated DEET repellent (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) for control of Anopheles arabiensis and Culex quinquefasciatus. (2014)
Kitau, Jovin; Oxborough, Richard; Matowo, Johnson; Mosha, Franklin; Magesa, Stephen M; Rowland, Mark
Update on resistance status of Anopheles gambiae s.s. to conventional insecticides at a previous WHOPES field site, "Yaokoffikro", 6 years after the political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire. (2012)
Koffi, Alphonsine A; Alou, Ludovic P Ahoua; Adja, Maurice A; Koné, Moussa; Chandre, Fabrice; N'guessan, Raphael
The use of insecticide-treated nets for reducing malaria morbidity among children aged 6-59 months, in an area of high malaria transmission in central Côte d'Ivoire. (2010)
Koudou, Benjamin G; Ghattas, Hala; Essé, Clémence; Nsanzabana, Christian; Rohner, Fabian; Utzinger, Jürg; Faragher, Brian E; Tschannen, Andres B
The role of gender relations in uptake of mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in Alor District, Indonesia. (2018)
Krentel, Alison; Wellings, Kaye
Effect of environmental variables and kdr resistance genotype on survival probability and infection rates in Anopheles gambiae (s.s.). (2018)
Kristan, Mojca; Abeku, Tarekegn A; Lines, Jo
Exposure to deltamethrin affects development of Plasmodium falciparum inside wild pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae s.s. mosquitoes in Uganda. (2016)
Kristan, Mojca; Lines, Jo; Nuwa, Anthony; Ntege, Charles; Meek, Sylvia R; Abeku, Tarekegn A
Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. (2014)
Lamberton, Poppy HL; Cheke, Robert A; Walker, Martin; Winskill, Peter; Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y; Tirados, Iñaki; Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony; Boakye, Daniel A; Wilson, Michael D; Post, Rory J; Basáñez, María-Gloria
The impact of a single round of community mass treatment with azithromycin on disease severity and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis load in treatment-naïve trachoma-endemic island communities in West Africa. (2017)
Last, Anna R; Burr, Sarah E; Harding-Esch, Emma; Cassama, Eunice; Nabicassa, Meno; Roberts, Chrissy H; Mabey, David CW; Holland, Martin J; Bailey, Robin L
Mosquito abundance in relation to extremely high temperatures in urban and rural areas of Incheon Metropolitan City, South Korea from 2015 to 2020: an observational study. (2021)
Lim, Ah-Young; Cheong, Hae-Kwan; Chung, Yeonseung; Sim, Kisung; Kim, Jong-Hun
Wild Trypanosoma cruzi I genetic diversity in Brazil suggests admixture and disturbance in parasite populations from the Atlantic Forest region. (2014)
Lima, Valdirene S; Jansen, Ana M; Messenger, Louisa A; Miles, Michael A; Llewellyn, Martin S
Short-term forecasting of the prevalence of clinical trachoma: utility of including delayed recovery and tests for infection. (2015)
Liu, Fengchen; Porco, Travis C; Amza, Abdou; Kadri, Boubacar; Nassirou, Baido; West, Sheila K; Bailey, Robin L; Keenan, Jeremy D; Lietman, Thomas M
Taxis assays measure directional movement of mosquitoes to olfactory cues. (2013)
Lorenz, Lena M; Keane, Aidan; Moore, Jason D; Munk, Cristina J; Seeholzer, Laura; Mseka, Antony; Simfukwe, Emmanuel; Ligamba, Joseph; Turner, Elizabeth L; Biswaro, Lubandwa R; Okumu, Fredros O; Killeen, Gerry F; Mukabana, Wolfgang R; Moore, Sarah J
Systemic insecticide treatment of the canine reservoir of Trypanosoma cruzi induces high levels of lethality in Triatoma infestans, a principal vector of Chagas disease. (2017)
Loza, Ariel; Talaga, Adrianna; Herbas, Gladys; Canaviri, Ruben Jair; Cahuasiri, Thalia; Luck, Laura; Guibarra, Alvaro; Goncalves, Raquel; Pereira, Juan Antonio; Gomez, Sonia A; Picado, Albert; Messenger, Louisa Alexandra; Bern, Caryn; Courtenay, Orin
An extra-domiciliary method of delivering entomopathogenic fungus, Metharizium anisopliae IP 46 for controlling adult populations of the malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis. (2010)
Lwetoijera, Dickson W; Sumaye, Robert D; Madumla, Edith P; Kavishe, Deogratius R; Mnyone, Ladslaus L; Russell, Tanya L; Okumu, Fredros O
LLIN Evaluation in Uganda Project (LLINEUP): a cross-sectional survey of species diversity and insecticide resistance in 48 districts of Uganda. (2019)
Lynd, Amy; Gonahasa, Samuel; Staedke, Sarah G; Oruni, Ambrose; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, Catherine; Dorsey, Grant; Opigo, Jimmy; Yeka, Adoke; Katureebe, Agaba; Kyohere, Mary; Hemingway, Janet; Kamya, Moses R; Donnelly, Martin J
Comparison of the CDC Backpack aspirator and the Prokopack aspirator for sampling indoor- and outdoor-resting mosquitoes in southern Tanzania. (2011)
Maia, Marta F; Robinson, Ailie; John, Alex; Mgando, Joseph; Simfukwe, Emmanuel; Moore, Sarah J
The seasonal dynamics and biting behavior of potential Anopheles vectors of Plasmodium knowlesi in Palawan, Philippines. (2021)
Malijan, Richard Paul B; Mechan, Frank; Braganza, Jessie C; Valle, Kristelle Mae R; Salazar, Ferdinand V; Torno, Majhalia M; Aure, Wilfredo E; Bacay, Brian A; Espino, Fe Esperanza; Torr, Stephen J; Fornace, Kimberly M; Drakeley, Chris; Ferguson, Heather M
Evaluation of the long-lasting insecticidal net Interceptor LN: laboratory and experimental hut studies against anopheline and culicine mosquitoes in northeastern Tanzania. (2013)
Malima, Robert; Tungu, Patrick K; Mwingira, Victor; Maxwell, Caroline; Magesa, Stephen M; Kaur, Harparkash; Kirby, Matthew J; Rowland, Mark
Using a new odour-baited device to explore options for luring and killing outdoor-biting malaria vectors: a report on design and field evaluation of the Mosquito Landing Box. (2013)
Matowo, Nancy S; Moore, Jason; Mapua, Salum; Madumla, Edith P; Moshi, Irene R; Kaindoa, Emanuel W; Mwangungulu, Stephen P; Kavishe, Deogratius R; Sumaye, Robert D; Lwetoijera, Dickson W; Okumu, Fredros O
Evaluating preservation methods for identifying Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis complex mosquitoes species using near infra-red spectroscopy. (2015)
Mayagaya, Valeriana Simon; Ntamatungiro, Alex John; Moore, Sarah Jane; Wirtz, Robert Andrew; Dowell, Floyd Ercell; Maia, Marta Ferreira
Aquatain® Mosquito Formulation (AMF) for the control of immature Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto and Anopheles arabiensis: dose-responses, persistence and sub-lethal effects. (2014)
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Efficacy of bednets with dual insecticide-treated netting (Interceptor® G2) on side and roof panels against Anopheles arabiensis in north-eastern Tanzania. (2022)
Mbewe, Njelembo J; Rowland, Mark W; Snetselaar, Janneke; Azizi, Salum; Small, Graham; Nimmo, Derric D; Mosha, Franklin W
Effect of water temperature and population density on the population dynamics of Schistosoma mansoni intermediate host snails. (2014)
McCreesh, Nicky; Arinaitwe, Moses; Arineitwe, Wilber; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Booth, Mark
Predicting the effects of climate change on Schistosoma mansoni transmission in eastern Africa. (2015)
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Species-specific ecological niche modelling predicts different range contractions for Lutzomyia intermedia and a related vector of Leishmania braziliensis following climate change in South America. (2017)
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Installation of insecticide-treated durable wall lining: evaluation of attachment materials and product durability under field conditions. (2014)
Messenger, Louisa A; Larsen, Marie Louise M; Thomas, John H; Rowland, Mark
Modelling the distribution and transmission intensity of lymphatic filariasis in sub-Saharan Africa prior to scaling up interventions: integrated use of geostatistical and mathematical modelling. (2015)
Moraga, Paula; Cano, Jorge; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Gyapong, John O; Njenga, Sammy M; Nikolay, Birgit; Davies, Emmanuel; Rebollo, Maria P; Pullan, Rachel L; Bockarie, Moses J; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Gambhir, Manoj; Brooker, Simon J
Assessing antibody decline after chemotherapy of early chronic Chagas disease patients. (2021)
Murphy, Niamh; Cardinal, M Victoria; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Enriquez, Gustavo F; Macchiaverna, Natalia P; Alvedro, Alejandra; Freilij, Héctor; Martinez de Salazar, Pablo; Molina, Israel; Mertens, Pascal; Gilleman, Quentin; Gürtler, Ricardo E; Miles, Michael A
Lineage-specific rapid diagnostic tests can resolve Trypanosoma cruzi TcII/V/VI ecological and epidemiological associations in the Argentine Chaco. (2019)
Murphy, Niamh; Macchiaverna, Natalia P; Victoria Cardinal, M; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Mertens, Pascal; Zeippen, Nicolas; Gustin, Yves; Gilleman, Quentin; Gürtler, Ricardo E; Miles, Michael A
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of national school-based deworming in Kenya: study design and baseline results. (2013)
Mwandawiro, Charles S; Nikolay, Birgit; Kihara, Jimmy H; Ozier, Owen; Mukoko, Dunstan A; Mwanje, Mariam T; Hakobyan, Anna; Pullan, Rachel L; Brooker, Simon J; Njenga, Sammy M
Assessment of lymphatic filariasis prior to re-starting mass drug administration campaigns in coastal Kenya. (2017)
Njenga, Sammy M; Kanyi, Henry M; Mutungi, Faith M; Okoyo, Collins; Matendechero, Hadley S; Pullan, Rachel L; Halliday, Katherine E; Brooker, Simon J; Wamae, C Njeri; Onsongo, Joyce K; Won, Kimberly Y
Pyrethroid susceptibility of malaria vectors in four Districts of western Kenya. (2014)
Ochomo, Eric; Bayoh, Nabie M; Kamau, Luna; Atieli, Francis; Vulule, John; Ouma, Collins; Ombok, Maurice; Njagi, Kiambo; Soti, David; Mathenge, Evan; Muthami, Lawrence; Kinyari, Teresa; Subramaniam, Krishanthi; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Donnelly, Martin James; Mbogo, Charles
A systematic review of mosquito coils and passive emanators: Defining recommendations for spatial repellency testing methodologies. (2012)
Ogoma, SB; Moore, SJ; Maia, MF
Spatial repellency of transfluthrin-treated hessian strips against laboratory-reared Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes in a semi-field tunnel cage. (2012)
Ogoma, Sheila B; Ngonyani, Hassan; Simfukwe, Emmanuel T; Mseka, Anthony; Moore, Jason; Killeen, Gerry F
Analysing chemical attraction of gravid Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto with modified BG-Sentinel traps. (2015)
Okal, Michael N; Herrera-Varela, Manuela; Ouma, Paul; Torto, Baldwyn; Lindsay, Steven W; Lindh, Jenny M; Fillinger, Ulrike
Monitoring the impact of a national school based deworming programme on soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: the first three years, 2012 - 2014. (2016)
Okoyo, Collins; Nikolay, Birgit; Kihara, Jimmy; Simiyu, Elses; Garn, Joshua V; Freeman, Mathew C; Mwanje, Mariam T; Mukoko, Dunstan A; Brooker, Simon J; Pullan, Rachel L; Njenga, Sammy M; Mwandawiro, Charles S
Attracting, trapping and killing disease-transmitting mosquitoes using odor-baited stations - The Ifakara Odor-Baited Stations. (2010)
Okumu, Fredros O; Madumla, Edith P; John, Alex N; Lwetoijera, Dickson W; Sumaye, Robert D
Comparative field evaluation of combinations of long-lasting insecticide treated nets and indoor residual spraying, relative to either method alone, for malaria prevention in an area where the main vector is Anopheles arabiensis. (2013)
Okumu, Fredros O; Mbeyela, Edgar; Lingamba, Godfrey; Moore, Jason; Ntamatungiro, Alex J; Kavishe, Deo R; Kenward, Michael G; Turner, Elizabeth; Lorenz, Lena M; Moore, Sarah J
Status of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) of The Gambia. (2019)
Opondo, Kevin Ochieng'; Jawara, Musa; Cham, Saihou; Jatta, Ebrima; Jarju, Lamin; Camara, Muhammed; Sanneh, Fatou; Gaye, Pa Modou; Jadama, Lamin; Ceesay, Sainey; Njie, Ebrima; Assogba, Benoit Sessinou; Kandeh, Balla; D'Alessandro, Umberto
Investigating the blood-host plasticity and dispersal of Anopheles coluzzii using a novel field-based methodology. (2019)
Orsborne, James; Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Afrane, Yaw A; O'Reilly, Kathleen; Massad, Eduardo; Drakeley, Chris; Walker, Thomas; Yakob, Laith
Association of community sanitation usage with soil-transmitted helminth infections among school-aged children in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. (2017)
Oswald, William E; Stewart, Aisha EP; Kramer, Michael R; Endeshaw, Tekola; Zerihun, Mulat; Melak, Berhanu; Sata, Eshetu; Gessese, Demelash; Teferi, Tesfaye; Tadesse, Zerihun; Guadie, Birhan; King, Jonathan D; Emerson, Paul M; Callahan, Elizabeth K; Freeman, Matthew C; Flanders, W Dana; Clasen, Thomas F; Moe, Christine L
Relative performance of indoor vector control interventions in the Ifakara and the West African experimental huts. (2017)
Oumbouke, Welbeck A; Fongnikin, Augustin; Soukou, Koffi B; Moore, Sarah J; N'Guessan, Raphael
Evaluation of an alpha-cypermethrin + PBO mixture long-lasting insecticidal net VEERALIN® LN against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae s.s.: an experimental hut trial in M'bé, central Côte d'Ivoire. (2019)
Oumbouke, Welbeck A; Rowland, Mark; Koffi, Alphonsine A; Alou, Ludovic PA; Camara, Soromane; N'Guessan, Raphael
A cross-sectional survey of Aedes aegypti immature abundance in urban and rural household containers in central Colombia. (2017)
Overgaard, Hans J; Olano, Víctor Alberto; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Matiz, María Inés; Sarmiento, Diana; Stenström, Thor Axel; Alexander, Neal
Malaria transmission after five years of vector control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. (2012)
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Spatial distribution and populations at risk of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura co-infections and infection intensity classes: an ecological study. (2018)
Owada, Kei; Lau, Colleen L; Leonardo, Lydia; Clements, Archie CA; Yakob, Laith; Nielsen, Mark; Carabin, Hélène; Soares Magalhães, Ricardo J
Experimental hut and bioassay evaluation of the residual activity of a polymer-enhanced suspension concentrate (SC-PE) formulation of deltamethrin for IRS use in the control of Anopheles arabiensis. (2014)
Oxborough, Richard M; Kitau, Jovin; Jones, Rebecca; Mosha, Franklin W; Rowland, Mark W
Evaluating long-term effectiveness of sleeping sickness control measures in Guinea. (2015)
Pandey, Abhishek; Atkins, Katherine E; Bucheton, Bruno; Camara, Mamadou; Aksoy, Serap; Galvani, Alison P; Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial L
Treatment of pigs with endectocides as a complementary tool for combating malaria transmission by Anopheles farauti (s.s.) in Papua New Guinea. (2019)
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Profiling and validation of individual and patterns of Chlamydia trachomatis-specific antibody responses in trachomatous trichiasis. (2017)
Pickering, Harry; Burr, Sarah E; Derrick, Tamsyn; Makalo, Pateh; Joof, Hassan; Hayward, Richard D; Holland, Martin J
Evaluation of a Chlamydia trachomatis-specific, commercial, real-time PCR for use with ocular swabs. (2018)
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Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. (2013)
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Visceral leishmaniasis outbreaks in Bihar: community-level investigations in the context of elimination of kala-azar as a public health problem. (2021)
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Antibody response to sand fly saliva is a marker of transmission intensity but not disease progression in dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum. (2018)
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Modelling the potential of focal screening and treatment as elimination strategy for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Peruvian Amazon Region. (2015)
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Higher risk of malaria transmission outdoors than indoors by Nyssorhynchus darlingi in riverine communities in the Peruvian Amazon. (2019)
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Molecular evolution and population genetics of a Gram-negative binding protein gene in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (sensu lato). (2016)
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A dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay for identifying the zoonotic malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi with a potential application for the specific diagnosis of knowlesi malaria in peripheral-level laboratories of Southeast Asia. (2017)
Shah, Jyotsna; Poruri, Akhila; Mark, Olivia; Khadilka, Urmila; Mohring, Franziska; Moon, Robert W; Ramasamy, Ranjan
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