Items where the Publication is PLoS currents

Number of items: 16.
  • Aedes aegypti Control Through Modernized, Integrated Vector Management. (2017) Yakob, Laith; Funk, Sebastian; Camacho, Anton; Brady, Oliver; Edmunds, W John
  • 2016
  • Medication Use in Early-HD Participants in Track-HD: an Investigation of its Effects on Clinical Performance. (2016) Keogh, Ruth; Frost, Chris; Owen, Gail; Daniel, Rhian M; Langbehn, Doug R; Leavitt, Blair; Durr, Alexandra; Roos, Raymund AC; Landwehrmeyer, G Bernhard; Reilmann, Ralf; Borowsky, Beth; Stout, Julie; Craufurd, David; Tabrizi, Sarah J
  • 2015
  • Temporal Changes in Ebola Transmission in Sierra Leone and Implications for Control Requirements: a Real-time Modelling Study. (2015) Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam; Aki-Sawyerr, Yvonne; White, Mark A; Flasche, Stefan; Baguelin, Marc; Pollington, Timothy; Carney, Julia R; Glover, Rebecca; Smout, Elizabeth; Tiffany, Amanda; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • Epidemiological and Surveillance Response to Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Lofa County, Liberia (March-September, 2014); Lessons Learned. (2015) Kouadio, Koffi Isidore; Clement, Peter; Bolongei, Josephus; Tamba, Alpha; Gasasira, Alex Ntale; Warsame, Abdihamid; Okeibunor, Joseph Chukwudi; Ota, Martin Okechukwu; Tamba, Boima; Gumede, Nicksy; Shaba, Keith; Poy, Alain; Salla, Mbaye; Mihigo, Richard; Nshimirimana, Deo
  • Measuring vaccine confidence: introducing a global vaccine confidence index. (2015) Larson, Heidi J; Schulz, William S; Tucker, Joseph D; Smith, David MD
  • Vaccine hesitancy: clarifying a theoretical framework for an ambiguous notion. (2015) Peretti-Watel, Patrick; Larson, Heidi J; Ward, Jeremy K; Schulz, William S; Verger, Pierre
  • 2014
  • Test-Retest Reliability of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Huntington's Disease. (2014) Cole, James H; Farmer, Ruth E; Rees, Elin M; Johnson, Hans J; Frost, Chris; Scahill, Rachael I; Hobbs, Nicola Z
  • Distinguishing Between Reservoir Exposure and Human-to-Human Transmission for Emerging Pathogens Using Case Onset Data. (2014) Kucharski, Adam; Mills, Harriet; Pinsent, Amy; Fraser, Christophe; Van Kerkhove, Maria; Donnelly, Christl A; Riley, Steven
  • 2013
  • Health effects of drought: a systematic review of the evidence. (2013) Stanke, Carla; Kerac, Marko; Prudhomme, Christel; Medlock, Jolyon; Murray, Virginia
  • 2012
  • A health system approach to all-hazards disaster management: A systematic review. (2012) Bayntun, Claire
  • Developing a health system approach to disaster management: A qualitative analysis of the core literature to complement the WHO Toolkit for assessing health-system capacity for crisis management. (2012) Bayntun, Claire; Rockenschaub, Gerald; Murray, Virginia
  • The buncefield oil depot fire of 2005: potential air-pollution health impacts under alternative meteorological scenarios. (2012) Mohan, Richard; Walton, Heather A; Thomson, David; Webster, Helen; Wilkinson, Paul; Grundy, Chris; Murray, Virginia; Leonardi, Giovanni
  • 2011
  • The Dadaab camps - Mitigating the effects of drought in the Horn (perspective). (2011) Dar, Dr Osman; Khan, Mishal
  • 2009
  • The Early Transmission Dynamics of H1N1pdm Influenza in the United Kingdom. (2009) Ghani, Azra; Baguelin, Marc; Griffin, Jamie; Flasche, Stefan; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Cauchemez, Simon; Donnelly, Christl; Robertson, Chris; White, Michael; Truscott, James; Fraser, Christophe; Garske, Tini; White, Peter; Leach, Steve; Hall, Ian; Jenkins, Helen; Ferguson, Neil; Cooper, Ben
  • Can reactive school closures help critical care provision during the current influenza pandemic? (2009) House, Thomas; Baguelin, Marc; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Flasche, Stefan; White, Peter; Sadique, Md Zia; Eames, Ken; Read, Jonathan; Hens, Niel; Melegaro, Alessia; Keeling, Matt
  • Spatiotemporal dynamics in the early stages of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic. (2009) Jombart, Thibaut; Eggo, Rosalind M; Dodd, Pete; Balloux, Francois