Items where the Publication is Nutrients
Number of items: 51.
  • Estimates of Dietary Mineral Micronutrient Supply from Staple Cereals in Ethiopia at a District Level. (2022) Abdu, Abdu Oumer; Kumssa, Diriba B; Joy, Edward JM; Groote, Hugo De; Lark, R Murray; Broadley, Martin R; Gashu, Dawd
  • Characteristics of Distinct Dietary Patterns in Rural Bangladesh: Nutrient Adequacy and Vulnerability to Shocks. (2021) Ali, Zakari; Scheelbeek, Pauline FD; Sanin, Kazi Istiaque; Thomas, Timothy S; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Prentice, Andrew M; Green, Rosemary
  • Long Sleep Duration and Social Jetlag Are Associated Inversely with a Healthy Dietary Pattern in Adults: Results from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme Y1⁻4. (2018) Almoosawi, Suzana; Palla, Luigi; Walshe, Ian; Vingeliene, Snieguole; Ellis, Jason G
  • Response to Malnutrition Treatment in Low Weight-for-Age Children: Secondary Analyses of Children 6-59 Months in the ComPAS Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2021) Bailey, Jeanette; Lelijveld, Natasha; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Stobaugh, Heather; Sadler, Kate; Lino Lako, Richard; Briend, André; Opondo, Charles; Kerac, Marko; Myatt, Mark
  • Selenium Deficiency Is Widespread and Spatially Dependent in Ethiopia. (2020) Belay, Adamu; Joy, Edward JM; Chagumaira, Christopher; Zerfu, Dilnesaw; Ander, E Louise; Young, Scott D; Bailey, Elizabeth H; Lark, R Murray; Broadley, Martin R; Gashu, Dawd
  • What Influences Urban Mothers' Decisions on What to Feed Their Children Aged Under Five-The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (2018) Berhane, Hanna Y; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Jirström, Magnus; Berhane, Yemane; Turner, Christopher; Alsanius, Beatrix W; Trenholm, Jill
  • Validation of an Automated Wearable Camera-Based Image-Assisted Recall Method and the 24-h Recall Method for Assessing Women's Time Allocation in a Nutritionally Vulnerable Population: The Case of Rural Uganda. (2022) Bulungu, Andrea LS; Palla, Luigi; Priebe, Jan; Forsythe, Lora; Katic, Pamela; Varley, Gwen; Galinda, Bernice D; Sarah, Nakimuli; Nambooze, Joweria; Wellard, Kate; Ferguson, Elaine L
  • Sodium and Potassium Consumption in a Semi-Urban Area in Peru: Evaluation of a Population-Based 24-Hour Urine Collection. (2018) Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Saavedra-Garcia, Lorena; Miranda, J Jaime; Sacksteder, Katherine A; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Gilman, Robert H; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio
  • Associations of Lifestyle Behaviour and Healthy Ageing in Five Latin American and the Caribbean Countries-A 10/66 Population-Based Cohort Study. (2018) Daskalopoulou, Christina; Koukounari, Artemis; Ayuso-Mateos, José Luis; Prince, Martin; Prina, A Matthew
  • Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021) Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
  • Malnutrition in Infants Aged under 6 Months Attending Community Health Centres: A Cross Sectional Survey. (2021) Grijalva-Eternod, Carlos S; Beaumont, Emma; Rana, Ritu; Abate, Nahom; Barthorp, Hatty; McGrath, Marie; Negesse, Ayenew; Abera, Mubarek; Abdissa, Alemseged; Girma, Tsinuel; Allen, Elizabeth; Kerac, Marko; Berhane, Melkamu
  • Prevalence of Nutrition and Health-Related Claims on Pre-Packaged Foods: A Five-Country Study in Europe. (2016) Hieke, Sophie; Kuljanic, Nera; Pravst, Igor; Miklavec, Krista; Kaur, Asha; Brown, Kerry A; Egan, Bernadette M; Pfeifer, Katja; Gracia, Azucena; Rayner, Mike
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Vitamin D on Human Immune Cells in the Context of Bacterial Infection. (2016) Hoe, Edwin; Nathanielsz, Jordan; Toh, Zheng Quan; Spry, Leena; Marimla, Rachel; Balloch, Anne; Mulholland, Kim; Licciardi, Paul V
  • The Nutritional Status of Individuals Adopted Internationally as Children: A Systematic Review. (2021) Ivey, Richard; Kerac, Marko; Quiring, Michael; Dam, Thi Thuy Hang; Doig, Susie; DeLacey, Emily
  • Sources of Dietary Salt in North and South India Estimated from 24 Hour Dietary Recall. (2019) Johnson, Claire; Santos, Joseph Alvin; Sparks, Emalie; Raj, Thout Sudhir; Mohan, Sailesh; Garg, Vandana; Rogers, Kris; Maulik, Pallab K; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Neal, Bruce; Webster, Jacqui
  • The Fallacy of Using Administrative Data in Assessing the Effectiveness of Food Fortification. Comment on: "Folic Acid Fortification and Neural Tube Defect Risk: Analysis of the Food Fortification Initiative Dataset. Nutrients 2020, 12, 247". (2020) Kancherla, Vijaya; Pachón, Helena; Blencowe, Hannah; Martinez, Homero; Oakley, Godfrey P; Berry, Robert J
  • Assessing Dietary Outcomes in Intervention Studies: Pitfalls, Strategies, and Research Needs. (2018) Kirkpatrick, Sharon I; Collins, Clare E; Keogh, Ruth H; Krebs-Smith, Susan M; Neuhouser, Marian L; Wallace, Angela
  • Global Trends (1961-2017) in Human Dietary Potassium Supplies. (2021) Kumssa, Diriba B; Joy, Edward JM; Broadley, Martin R
  • Re-Defining the Population-Specific Cut-Off Mark for Vitamin A Deficiency in Pre-School Children of Malawi. (2021) Likoswe, Blessings H; Joy, Edward JM; Sandalinas, Fanny; Filteau, Suzanne; Maleta, Kenneth; Phuka, John C
  • Inflammation Adjustment by Two Methods Decreases the Estimated Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency in Malawi. (2020) Likoswe, Blessings H; Phiri, Felix P; Broadley, Martin R; Joy, Edward JM; Patson, Noel; Maleta, Kenneth M; Phuka, John C
  • A Method to Estimate the Efficacy vs. Effectiveness in Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials with Different Adherence Scenarios: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study in Nutrition. (2021) López-Espinoza, Miguel Ángel; Lozano-Lozano, José Antonio; Prieto-Merino, David
  • Community Perceptions of Zinc Biofortified Flour during an Intervention Study in Pakistan. (2022) Mahboob, Usman; Ceballos-Rasgado, Marena; Moran, Victoria Hall; Joy, Edward JM; Ohly, Heather; Zaman, Mukhtiar; Lowe, Nicola M
  • Child-Sensitive WASH Composite Score and the Nutritional Status in Cambodian Children. (2019) Manzoni, Giulia; Laillou, Arnaud; Samnang, Chea; Hong, Rathmony; Wieringa, Frank T; Berger, Jacques; Poirot, Etienne; Checchi, Francesco
  • The Effect of Regular Intake of Dry-Cured Ham Rich in Bioactive Peptides on Inflammation, Platelet and Monocyte Activation Markers in Humans. (2017) Martínez-Sánchez, Sara María; Minguela, Alfredo; Prieto-Merino, David; Zafrilla-Rentero, María Pilar; Abellán-Alemán, José; Montoro-García, Silvia
  • Integrating Women and Girls' Nutrition Services into Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. (2022) Menezes, Rachael; Lelijveld, Natasha; Wrottesley, Stephanie V; Brennan, Eilise; Mates, Emily; James, Philip T
  • Beneficial Impact of Pork Dry-Cured Ham Consumption on Blood Pressure and Cardiometabolic Markers in Individuals with Cardiovascular Risk. (2022) Montoro-García, Silvia; Velasco-Soria, Ángeles; Mora, Leticia; Carazo-Díaz, Carmen; Prieto-Merino, David; Avellaneda, Antonio; Miranzo, Domingo; Casas-Pina, Teresa; Toldrá, Fidel; Abellán-Alemán, José
  • Limited Supply of Protein and Lysine Is Prevalent among the Poorest Households in Malawi and Exacerbated by Low Protein Quality. (2022) Muleya, Molly; Tang, Kevin; Broadley, Martin R; Salter, Andrew M; Joy, Edward JM
  • Vitamin D Status Is Not Associated with Cognitive or Motor Function in Pre-School Ugandan Children. (2020) Mutua, Agnes M; Nampijja, Margaret; Elliott, Alison M; Pettifor, John M; Williams, Thomas N; Abubakar, Amina; Webb, Emily L; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • The Forgotten Agenda of Wasting in Southeast Asia: Burden, Determinants and Overlap with Stunting: A Review of Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Demographic and Health Surveys in Six Countries. (2020) Mutunga, Mueni; Frison, Severine; Rava, Matteo; Bahwere, Paluku
  • Iron for Africa-Report of an Expert Workshop. (2017) Mwangi, Martin N; Phiri, Kamija S; Abkari, Abdelhak; Gbané, Mory; Bourdet-Sicard, Raphaelle; Braesco, Véronique Azaïs; Zimmermann, Michael B; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Low Hemoglobin Levels Are Associated with Reduced Psychomotor and Language Abilities in Young Ugandan Children. (2022) Nampijja, Margaret; Mutua, Agnes M; Elliott, Alison M; Muriuki, John Muthii; Abubakar, Amina; Webb, Emily L; Atkinson, Sarah H
  • Characterization of Breakfast Cereals Available in the Mexican Market: Sodium and Sugar Content. (2017) Nieto, Claudia; Rincon-Gallardo Patiño, Sofia; Tolentino-Mayo, Lizbeth; Carriedo, Angela; Barquera, Simón
  • Diurnal Patterns of Energy Intake Derived via Principal Component Analysis and Their Relationship with Adiposity Measures in Adolescents: Results from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey RP (2008⁻2012). (2019) Palla, Luigi; Almoosawi, Suzana
  • Heterogeneity of Associations between Total and Types of Fish Intake and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Federated Meta-Analysis of 28 Prospective Studies Including 956,122 Participants. (2021) Pastorino, Silvia; Bishop, Tom; Sharp, Stephen J; Pearce, Matthew; Akbaraly, Tasnime; Barbieri, Natalia B; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; Beulens, Joline WJ; Chen, Zhengming; Du, Huaidong; Duncan, Bruce B; Goto, Atsushi; Härkänen, Tommi; Hashemian, Maryam; Kromhout, Daan; Järvinen, Ritva; Kivimaki, Mika; Knekt, Paul; Lin, Xu; Lund, Eiliv; Magliano, Dianna J; Malekzadeh, Reza; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; O'Donoghue, Gráinne; O'Gorman, Donal; Poustchi, Hossein; Rylander, Charlotta; Sawada, Norie; Shaw, Jonathan E; Schmidt, Maria; Soedamah-Muthu, Sabita S; Sun, Liang; Wen, Wanqing; Wolk, Alicja; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Zheng, Wei; Wareham, Nicholas J; Forouhi, Nita G
  • Time Trends in Age at Menarche and Related Non-Communicable Disease Risk during the 20th Century in Mexico. (2019) Petersohn, Inga; Zarate-Ortiz, Arli G; Cepeda-Lopez, Ana C; Melse-Boonstra, Alida
  • Micronutrient Deficiencies, Nutritional Status and the Determinants of Anemia in Children 0-59 Months of Age and Non-Pregnant Women of Reproductive Age in The Gambia. (2019) Petry, Nicolai; Jallow, Bakary; Sawo, Yankuba; Darboe, Momodou K; Barrow, Samba; Sarr, Aminatta; Ceesay, Pa Ousman; Fofana, Malang N; Prentice, Andrew M; Wegmüller, Rita; Rohner, Fabian; Phall, Modou Cheyassin; Wirth, James P
  • Parents' Perceptions about Salt Consumption in Urban Areas of Peru: Formative Research for a Social Marketing Strategy. (2020) Ponce-Lucero, Vilarmina; Saavedra-Garcia, Lorena; Cateriano-Arévalo, Erik; Perez-Leon, Silvana; Villarreal-Zegarra, David; Horna-Alva, Diego; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Impacts of School Nutrition Interventions on the Nutritional Status of School-Aged Children in Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2022) Pongutta, Suladda; Ajetunmobi, Omotomilola; Davey, Calum; Ferguson, Elaine; Lin, Leesa
  • Exploratory Analysis of Nutritional Quality and Metrics of Snack Consumption among Nepali Children during the Complementary Feeding Period. (2019) Pries, Alissa M; Ferguson, Elaine L; Sharma, Nisha; Upadhyay, Atul; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Effectiveness of Breastfeeding Support Packages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for Infants under Six Months: A Systematic Review. (2021) Rana, Ritu; McGrath, Marie; Sharma, Ekta; Gupta, Paridhi; Kerac, Marko
  • Weight Status Is Related with Gender and Sleep Duration but Not with Dietary Habits and Physical Activity in Primary School Italian Children. (2017) Rosi, Alice; Calestani, Maria Vittoria; Parrino, Liborio; Milioli, Giulia; Palla, Luigi; Volta, Elio; Brighenti, Furio; Scazzina, Francesca
  • A Community-Based Approach to Integrating Socio, Cultural and Environmental Contexts in the Development of a Food Database for Indigenous and Rural Populations: The Case of the Batwa and Bakiga in South-Western Uganda. (2021) Scarpa, Giulia; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Twesigomwe, Sabastian; Kakwangire, Paul; Peters, Remco; Zavaleta-Cortijo, Carol; Patterson, Kaitlin; Namanya, Didacus B; Lwasa, Shuaib; Nowembabazi, Ester; Kesande, Charity; Harris-Fry, Helen; Cade, Janet E
  • The Christian Orthodox Church Fasting Diet Is Associated with Lower Levels of Depression and Anxiety and a Better Cognitive Performance in Middle Life. (2021) Spanaki, Cleanthe; Rodopaios, Nikolaos E; Koulouri, Alexandra; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Papadopoulou, Sousana K; Vasara, Eleni; Skepastianos, Petros; Serafeim, Tatiana; Boura, Iro; Dermitzakis, Emmanouil; Kafatos, Anthony
  • Choosing Anthropometric Indicators to Monitor the Response to Treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition in Rural Southern Ethiopia-Empirical Evidence. (2017) Tadesse, Amare Worku; Tadesse, Elazar; Berhane, Yemane; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Comparison of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference and Weight-for-Height to Diagnose Severe Acute Malnutrition: A Study in Southern Ethiopia. (2017) Tadesse, Amare Worku; Tadesse, Elazar; Berhane, Yemane; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Understanding Sex Differences in Childhood Undernutrition: A Narrative Review. (2022) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Mertens, Andrew; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • Day-Time Patterns of Carbohydrate Intake in Adults by Non-Parametric Multi-Level Latent Class Analysis-Results from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2008/09-2015/16). (2019) Wang, Chaochen; Almoosawi, Suzana; Palla, Luigi
  • Comments on the Editor Re: Shi, Zumin, et al. "High Chili Intake and Cognitive Function among 4582 Adults: An Open Cohort Study over 15 Years." Nutrients 2019, 11(5), 1183. (2019) Wang, Yun; Wu, Dan
  • Assessment of Dietary Intake and Nutrient Gaps, and Development of Food-Based Recommendations, among Pregnant and Lactating Women in Zinder, Niger: An Optifood Linear Programming Analysis. (2019) Wessells, K Ryan; Young, Rebecca R; Ferguson, Elaine L; Ouédraogo, Césaire T; Faye, M Thierno; Hess, Sonja Y
  • Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Reduced-Sodium Salts as a Population-Level Intervention: A Qualitative Study. (2021) Yin, Xuejun; Tian, Maoyi; Sun, Lingli; Webster, Jacqui; Trieu, Kathy; Huffman, Mark D; Miranda, J Jaime; Marklund, Matti; Wu, Jason HY; Cobb, Laura K; Chu, Hongling; Pearson, Sallie-Anne; Neal, Bruce; Liu, Hueiming
  • Dietary Patterns and the Double Burden of Malnutrition in Mexican Adolescents: Results from ENSANUT-2006. (2019) Zárate-Ortiz, Arli Guadalupe; Melse-Boonstra, Alida; Rodríguez-Ramírez, Sonia; Hernández-Cordero, Sonia; Feskens, Edith JM