Items where the Publication is Nicotine & tobacco research
Number of items: 15.
  • Smoking and mortality in Eastern Europe: results from the PrivMort retrospective cohort study of 177,376 individuals. (2017) Stefler, D; Murphy, M; Irdam, D; Horvat, P; Jarvis, M; King, L; McKee, M; Bobak, M
  • 2016
  • High Prevalence of Smoking in the Roma Population Seems to Have No Genetic Background. (2016) Fiatal, Szilvia; Tóth, Réka; Moravcsik-Kornyicki, Ágota; Kósa, Zsigmond; Sándor, János; McKee, Martin; Ádány, Róza
  • 2015
  • Gaining Insights Into the Waterpipe Tobacco Industry: Participant Observation and a Cross-Sectional Survey of Products at a Trade Exhibition. (2015) Jawad, Mohammed; Nakkash, Rima T; Hawkins, Ben; Akl, Elie A
  • Short-Term Smoking Cessation in English Resident Adults of Bangladeshi Origin: A Service Review. (2015) Kassim, Saba; Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Croucher, Ray
  • Socioeconomic Inequalities in Secondhand Smoke Exposure at Home and at Work in 15 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2015) Nazar, Gaurang P; Lee, John Tayu; Arora, Monika; Millett, Christopher
  • 2013
  • Smoking cessation and desire to stop smoking in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. (2013) Footman, Katharine; Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Kizilova, Kseniya; Rotman, David; McKee, Martin
  • Prevalence and predictors of water pipe and cigarette smoking among secondary school students in London. (2013) Jawad, Mohammed; Wilson, Amanda; Lee, John Tayu; Jawad, Sena; Hamilton, Fiona L; Millett, Christopher
  • Cost-effectiveness of computer-tailored smoking cessation advice in primary care: a randomized trial (ESCAPE). (2013) Wu, Qi; Parrott, Steve; Godfrey, Christine; Gilbert, Hazel; Nazareth, Irwin; Leurent, Baptiste; Sutton, Stephen; Morris, Richard
  • 2012
  • Preventing smoking relapse using text messages: analysis of data from the txt2stop trial. (2012) Devries, Karen M; Kenward, Michael G; Free, Caroline J
  • Prevalence and Psychosocial Determinants of Nicotine Dependence in Nine Countries of the Former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, B; Gilmore, A; Stickley, A; Kizilova, K; Prohoda, V; Rotman, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • 2009
  • Association of the DRD2 gene Taq1A polymorphism and smoking behavior: a meta-analysis and new data. (2009) Munafò, Marcus R; Timpson, Nicholas J; David, Sean P; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • 2007
  • Personality and smoking status: a meta-analysis. (2007) Munafò, Marcus R; Zetteler, Jessica I; Clark, Taane G
  • 2004
  • The genetic basis for smoking behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2004) Munafò, Marcus; Clark, Taane; Johnstone, Elaine; Murphy, Michael; Walton, Robert
  • 2003
  • Measuring nicotine intake in population surveys: comparability of saliva cotinine and plasma cotinine estimates. (2003) Jarvis, Martin J; Primatesta, Paola; Erens, Bob; Feyerabend, Colin; Bryant, Andrew
  • 2002
  • Global and regional estimates of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of price increases and other tobacco control policies. (2002) Ranson, M Kent; Jha, Prabhat; Chaloupka, Frank J; Nguyen, Son N