Items where the Publication is Nature microbiology
Number of items: 26.
  • Chloroquine resistance evolution in Plasmodium falciparum is mediated by the putative amino acid transporter AAT1. (2023) Amambua-Ngwa, Alfred; Button-Simons, Katrina A; Li, Xue; Kumar, Sudhir; Brenneman, Katelyn Vendrely; Ferrari, Marco; Checkley, Lisa A; Haile, Meseret T; Shoue, Douglas A; McDew-White, Marina; Tindall, Sarah M; Reyes, Ann; Delgado, Elizabeth; Dalhoff, Haley; Larbalestier, James K; Amato, Roberto; Pearson, Richard D; Taylor, Alexander B; Nosten, François H; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Cheeseman, Ian H; Kappe, Stefan HI; Avery, Simon V; Conway, David J; Vaughan, Ashley M; Ferdig, Michael T; Anderson, Timothy JC
  • Emergence and spread of a SARS-CoV-2 lineage A variant (A.23.1) with altered spike protein in Uganda. (2021) Bugembe, Daniel Lule; Phan, My VT; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Semanda, Patrick; Nansumba, Hellen; Dhaala, Beatrice; Nabadda, Susan; O'Toole, Áine Niamh; Rambaut, Andrew; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Cotten, Matthew
  • Global and regional dissemination and evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei. (2017) Chewapreecha, C; Holden, MT; Vehkala, M; Välimäki, N; Yang, Z; Harris, SR; Mather, AE; Tuanyok, A; De Smet, B; Le Hello, S; Bizet, C; Mayo, M; Wuthiekanun, V; Limmathurotsakul, D; Phetsouvanh, R; Spratt, BG; Corander, J; Keim, P; Dougan, G; Dance, DA; Currie, BJ; Parkhill, J; Peacock, SJ
  • Genomics, social media and mobile phone data enable mapping of SARS-CoV-2 lineages to inform health policy in Bangladesh. (2021) Cowley, Lauren A; Afrad, Mokibul Hassan; Rahman, Sadia Isfat Ara; Mamun, Md Mahfuz Al; Chin, Taylor; Mahmud, Ayesha; Rahman, Mohammed Ziaur; Billah, Mallick Masum; Khan, Manjur Hossain; Sultana, Sharmin; Khondaker, Tilovatul; Baker, Stephen; Banik, Nandita; Alam, Ahmed Nawsher; Mannoor, Kaiissar; Banu, Sayera; Chowdhury, Anir; Flora, Meerjady Sabrina; Thomson, Nicholas R; Buckee, Caroline O; Qadri, Firdausi; Shirin, Tahmina
  • Identifying lineage effects when controlling for population structure improves power in bacterial association studies. (2016) Earle, Sarah G; Wu, Chieh-Hsi; Charlesworth, Jane; Stoesser, Nicole; Gordon, N Claire; Walker, Timothy M; Spencer, Chris CA; Iqbal, Zamin; Clifton, David A; Hopkins, Katie L; Woodford, Neil; Smith, E Grace; Ismail, Nazir; Llewelyn, Martin J; Peto, Tim E; Crook, Derrick W; McVean, Gil; Walker, A Sarah; Wilson, Daniel J
  • Plasmodium falciparum CRK4 directs continuous rounds of DNA replication during schizogony. (2017) Ganter, M; Goldberg, JM; Dvorin, JD; Paulo, JA; King, JG; Tripathi, AK; Paul, AS; Yang, J; Coppens, I; Jiang, RH; Elsworth, B; Baker, DA; Dinglasan, RR; Gygi, SP; Duraisingh, MT
  • Modelling pathogen load dynamics to elucidate mechanistic determinants of host-Plasmodium falciparum interactions. (2019) Georgiadou, Athina; Lee, Hyun Jae; Walther, Michael; van Beek, Anna E; Fitriani, Fadlila; Wouters, Diana; Kuijpers, Taco W; Nwakanma, Davis; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Riley, Eleanor M; Otto, Thomas D; Ghani, Azra; Levin, Michael; Coin, Lachlan J; Conway, David J; Bretscher, Michael T; Cunnington, Aubrey J
  • Dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in intestinal Escherichia coli from children in community settings in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. (2018) Ingle, Danielle J; Levine, Myron M; Kotloff, Karen L; Holt, Kathryn E; Robins-Browne, Roy M
  • Past and future spread of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. (2019) Kraemer, Moritz UG; Reiner, Robert C; Brady, Oliver J; Messina, Jane P; Gilbert, Marius; Pigott, David M; Yi, Dingdong; Johnson, Kimberly; Earl, Lucas; Marczak, Laurie B; Shirude, Shreya; Davis Weaver, Nicole; Bisanzio, Donal; Perkins, T Alex; Lai, Shengjie; Lu, Xin; Jones, Peter; Coelho, Giovanini E; Carvalho, Roberta G; Van Bortel, Wim; Marsboom, Cedric; Hendrickx, Guy; Schaffner, Francis; Moore, Chester G; Nax, Heinrich H; Bengtsson, Linus; Wetter, Erik; Tatem, Andrew J; Brownstein, John S; Smith, David L; Lambrechts, Louis; Cauchemez, Simon; Linard, Catherine; Faria, Nuno R; Pybus, Oliver G; Scott, Thomas W; Liu, Qiyong; Yu, Hongjie; Wint, GR William; Hay, Simon I; Golding, Nick description
  • Predicted global distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei and burden of melioidosis. (2016) Limmathurotsakul, Direk; Golding, Nick; Dance, David Ab; Messina, Jane P; Pigott, David M; Moyes, Catherine L; Rolim, Dionne B; Bertherat, Eric; Day, Nicholas Pj; Peacock, Sharon J; Hay, Simon I
  • The current and future global distribution and population at risk of dengue. (2019) Messina, Jane P; Brady, Oliver J; Golding, Nick; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Wint, GR William; Ray, Sarah E; Pigott, David M; Shearer, Freya M; Johnson, Kimberly; Earl, Lucas; Marczak, Laurie B; Shirude, Shreya; Davis Weaver, Nicole; Gilbert, Marius; Velayudhan, Raman; Jones, Peter; Jaenisch, Thomas; Scott, Thomas W; Reiner, Robert C; Hay, Simon I
  • The dissemination of multidrug-resistant Enterobacter cloacae throughout the UK and Ireland. (2016) Moradigaravand, Danesh; Reuter, Sandra; Martin, Veronique; Peacock, Sharon J; Parkhill, Julian
  • Global phylogeography and evolutionary history of Shigella dysenteriae type 1. (2016) Njamkepo, Elisabeth; Fawal, Nizar; Tran-Dien, Alicia; Hawkey, Jane; Strockbine, Nancy; Jenkins, Claire; Talukder, Kaisar A; Bercion, Raymond; Kuleshov, Konstantin; Kolínská, Renáta; Russell, Julie E; Kaftyreva, Lidia; Accou-Demartin, Marie; Karas, Andreas; Vandenberg, Olivier; Mather, Alison E; Mason, Carl J; Page, Andrew J; Ramamurthy, Thandavarayan; Bizet, Chantal; Gamian, Andrzej; Carle, Isabelle; Sow, Amy Gassama; Bouchier, Christiane; Wester, Astrid Louise; Lejay-Collin, Monique; Fonkoua, Marie-Christine; Le Hello, Simon; Blaser, Martin J; Jernberg, Cecilia; Ruckly, Corinne; Mérens, Audrey; Page, Anne-Laure; Aslett, Martin; Roggentin, Peter; Fruth, Angelika; Denamur, Erick; Venkatesan, Malabi; Bercovier, Hervé; Bodhidatta, Ladaporn; Chiou, Chien-Shun; Clermont, Dominique; Colonna, Bianca; Egorova, Svetlana; Pazhani, Gururaja P; Ezernitchi, Analia V; Guigon, Ghislaine; Harris, Simon R; Izumiya, Hidemasa; Korzeniowska-Kowal, Agnieszka; Lutyńska, Anna; Gouali, Malika; Grimont, Francine; Langendorf, Céline; Marejková, Monika; Peterson, Lorea AM; Perez-Perez, Guillermo; Ngandjio, Antoinette; Podkolzin, Alexander; Souche, Erika; Makarova, Mariia; Shipulin, German A; Ye, Changyun; Žemličková, Helena; Herpay, Mária; Grimont, Patrick AD; Parkhill, Julian; Sansonetti, Philippe; Holt, Kathryn E; Brisse, Sylvain; Thomson, Nicholas R; Weill, François-Xavier
  • EspL is a bacterial cysteine protease effector that cleaves RHIM proteins to block necroptosis and inflammation. (2017) Pearson, Jaclyn S; Giogha, Cristina; Mühlen, Sabrina; Nachbur, Ueli; Pham, Chi LL; Zhang, Ying; Hildebrand, Joanne M; Oates, Clare V; Lung, Tania Wong Fok; Ingle, Danielle; Dagley, Laura F; Bankovacki, Aleksandra; Petrie, Emma J; Schroeder, Gunnar N; Crepin, Valerie F; Frankel, Gad; Masters, Seth L; Vince, James; Murphy, James M; Sunde, Margaret; Webb, Andrew I; Silke, John; Hartland, Elizabeth L
  • Genome-based characterization of hospital-adapted Enterococcus faecalis lineages. (2016) Raven, KE; Reuter, S; Gouliouris, T; Reynolds, R; Russell, JE; Brown, NM; Török, ME; Parkhill, J; Peacock, SJ
  • Genome-based characterization of hospital-adapted Enterococcus faecalis lineages. (2016) Raven, Kathy E; Reuter, Sandra; Gouliouris, Theodore; Reynolds, Rosy; Russell, Julie E; Brown, Nicholas M; Török, M Estée; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J
  • Structural basis for inhibition of Plasmodium vivax invasion by a broadly neutralizing vaccine-induced human antibody. (2019) Rawlinson, Thomas A; Barber, Natalie M; Mohring, Franziska; Cho, Jee Sun; Kosaisavee, Varakorn; Gérard, Samuel F; Alanine, Daniel GW; Labbé, Geneviève M; Elias, Sean C; Silk, Sarah E; Quinkert, Doris; Jin, Jing; Marshall, Jennifer M; Payne, Ruth O; Minassian, Angela M; Russell, Bruce; Rénia, Laurent; Nosten, François H; Moon, Robert W; Higgins, Matthew K; Draper, Simon J
  • Clonal differences in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia-associated mortality. (2017) Recker, Mario; Laabei, Maisem; Toleman, Michelle S; Reuter, Sandra; Saunderson, Rebecca B; Blane, Beth; Török, M Estee; Ouadi, Khadija; Stevens, Emily; Yokoyama, Maho; Steventon, Joseph; Thompson, Luke; Milne, Gregory; Bayliss, Sion; Bacon, Leann; Peacock, Sharon J; Massey, Ruth C
  • Identifying residual hotspots and mapping lower respiratory infection morbidity and mortality in African children from 2000 to 2017. (2019) Reiner, Robert C; Welgan, Catherine A; Casey, Daniel C; Troeger, Christopher E; Baumann, Mathew M; Nguyen, QuynhAnh P; Swartz, Scott J; Blacker, Brigette F; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Mosser, Jonathan F; Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron E; Earl, Lucas; Marczak, Laurie B; Munro, Sandra B; Miller-Petrie, Molly K; Rodgers Kemp, Grant; Frostad, Joseph; Wiens, Kirsten E; Lindstedt, Paulina A; Pigott, David M; Dwyer-Lindgren, Laura; Ross, Jennifer M; Burstein, Roy; Graetz, Nicholas; Rao, Puja C; Khalil, Ibrahim A; Davis Weaver, Nicole; Ray, Sarah E; Davis, Ian; Farag, Tamer; Brady, Oliver J; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Smith, David L; Bhatt, Samir; Weiss, Daniel J; Gething, Peter W; Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Mokdad, Ali H; Murray, Christopher JL; Hay, Simon I
  • Maternal colonization with Streptococcus agalactiae and associated stillbirth and neonatal disease in coastal Kenya. (2016) Seale, Anna C; Koech, Angela C; Sheppard, Anna E; Barsosio, Hellen C; Langat, Joyce; Anyango, Emily; Mwakio, Stella; Mwarumba, Salim; Morpeth, Susan C; Anampiu, Kirimi; Vaughan, Alison; Giess, Adam; Mogeni, Polycarp; Walusuna, Leahbell; Mwangudzah, Hope; Mwanzui, Doris; Salim, Mariam; Kemp, Bryn; Jones, Caroline; Mturi, Neema; Tsofa, Benjamin; Mumbo, Edward; Mulewa, David; Bandika, Victor; Soita, Musimbi; Owiti, Maureen; Onzere, Norris; Walker, A Sarah; Schrag, Stephanie J; Kennedy, Stephen H; Fegan, Greg; Crook, Derrick W; Berkley, James A
  • A protease cascade regulates release of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum from host red blood cells. (2018) Thomas, James A; Tan, Michele SY; Bisson, Claudine; Borg, Aaron; Umrekar, Trishant R; Hackett, Fiona; Hale, Victoria L; Vizcay-Barrena, Gema; Fleck, Roland A; Snijders, Ambrosius P; Saibil, Helen R; Blackman, Michael J
  • A heat-shock response regulated by the PfAP2-HS transcription factor protects human malaria parasites from febrile temperatures. (2021) Tintó-Font, Elisabet; Michel-Todó, Lucas; Russell, Timothy J; Casas-Vila, Núria; Conway, David J; Bozdech, Zbynek; Llinás, Manuel; Cortés, Alfred
  • Hexahydroquinolines are antimalarial candidates with potent blood-stage and transmission-blocking activity. (2017) Vanaerschot, Manu; Lucantoni, Leonardo; Li, Tao; Combrinck, Jill M; Ruecker, Andrea; Kumar, TR Santha; Rubiano, Kelly; Ferreira, Pedro E; Siciliano, Giulia; Gulati, Sonia; Henrich, Philipp P; Ng, Caroline L; Murithi, James M; Corey, Victoria C; Duffy, Sandra; Lieberman, Ori J; Veiga, M Isabel; Sinden, Robert E; Alano, Pietro; Delves, Michael J; Lee Sim, Kim; Winzeler, Elizabeth A; Egan, Timothy J; Hoffman, Stephen L; Avery, Vicky M; Fidock, David A
  • Gut microbiomes from Gambian infants reveal the development of a non-industrialized Prevotella-based trophic network. (2021) de Goffau, Marcus C; Jallow, Amadou T; Sanyang, Chilel; Prentice, Andrew M; Meagher, Niamh; Price, David J; Revill, Peter A; Parkhill, Julian; Pereira, Dora IA; Wagner, Josef
  • Recognizing the reagent microbiome. (2018) de Goffau, Marcus C; Lager, Susanne; Salter, Susannah J; Wagner, Josef; Kronbichler, Andreas; Charnock-Jones, D Stephen; Peacock, Sharon J; Smith, Gordon CS; Parkhill, Julian
  • Other
  • Erratum: EspL is a bacterial cysteine protease effector that cleaves RHIM proteins to block necroptosis and inflammation. (2017) Pearson, JS; Giogha, C; Mühlen, S; Nachbur, U; Pham, CL; Zhang, Y; Hildebrand, JM; Oates, CV; Lung, TW; Ingle, D; Dagley, LF; Bankovacki, A; Petrie, EJ; Schroeder, GN; Crepin, VF; Frankel, G; Masters, SL; Vince, J; Murphy, JM; Sunde, M; Webb, AI; Silke, J; Hartland, EL