Items where the Publication is Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)

Number of items: 44.
Bibliographic data only
  • Effects of an MRI scanner upgrade on longitudinal measures of brain atrophy and application of a statistical correction method. (2007) Anderson, VM; Altmann, DR; Fisniku, L; Fox, NC; Miller, DH
  • Sample size estimates based on hierarchical regression models of atrophy rates in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2006) Anderson, VM; Bartlett, Jonathan; Fisniku, L; Davies, GR; Rashid, W; Fox, NC; Miller, DH
  • Reduced cerebellar grey matter volume is associated with cerebellar dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. (2008) Anderson, VM; Fisniku, LK; Altmann, D; Chard, DT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • MRI measures show significant cerebellar gray matter volume loss in multiple sclerosis and are associated with cerebellar dysfunction. (2009) Anderson, VM; Fisniku, LK; Altmann, DR; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Hippocampal atrophy in relapsing-remitting and primary progressive MS: a comparative study. (2010) Anderson, VM; Fisniku, LK; Khaleeli, Z; Summers, MM; Penny, SA; Altmann, DR; Thompson, AJ; Ron, MA; Miller, DH
  • Magnetization transfer imaging in multiple sclerosis treated with alemtuzumab. (2012) Button, Tom; Altmann, Dan; Tozer, Dan; Dalton, Catherine; Hunter, Kelvin; Compston, Alastair; Coles, Alasdair; Miller, David
  • Progressive grey matter atrophy in clinically early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2004) Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Rashid, W; Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Kapoor, R; Barker, GJ; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • The MS-STAT trial: a Phase II trial of high dose simvastatin in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Chataway, J; Chan, D; Anderson, V; Polito, B; Kallis, C; Frost, C; Calder, V; Greenwood, J; Nicholas, R; Mstc
  • Cannabis use in patients with multiple sclerosis. (2006) Chong, MS; Wolff, K; Wise, K; Tanton, C; Winstock, A; Silber, E
  • Emergence of thalamic magnetization transfer ratio abnormality in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2005) Davies, GR; Altmann, DR; Rashid, W; Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Barker, GJ; Kapoor, R; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Normal-appearing grey and white matter T1 abnormality in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. (2007) Davies, GR; Hadjiprocopis, A; Altmann, DR; Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Rashid, W; Parker, GJ; Tofts, PS; Kapoor, R; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Increasing cord atrophy in clinical isolated syndrome group: a 5-year study. (2006) Drapier, S; Swanton, J; Altmann, D; Fernando, KTM; Dalton, C; Thompson, AJ; Plant, G; Miller, DH
  • Magnetization transfer ratio abnormalities reflect clinically relevant grey matter damage in multiple sclerosis. (2009) Fisniku, LK; Altmann, DR; Cercignani, M; Tozer, DJ; Chard, DT; Jackson, JS; Miszkiel, KA; Schmierer, K; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Changes in brain lesion load over 20 years and subsequent brain atrophy in clinically isolated syndrome patients. (2008) Fisniku, LK; Brex, PA; Chard, DT; Jackson, J; Altmann, D; Miszkiel, KA; Thompson, AJ; Miller, D
  • Different white matter lesion characteristics correlate with distinct grey matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2009) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Smith, KJ; Miller, DH; Kapoor, R
  • Magnetic resonance imaging measures of brain and spinal cord atrophy correlate with clinical impairment in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Anderson, V; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Hughes, Rac; Smith, Kj; Miller, Dh; Kapoor, R
  • A randomised controlled trial of neuroprotection with lamotrigine in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2006) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Smith, KJ; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Fox, NC; Hughes, RAC; Miller, DH; Kapoor, R
  • White matter lesion characteristics predict types of gray matter abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2008) Furby, J; Hayton, T; Smith, KJ; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Hughes, RA; Miller, D; Kapoor, R
  • Correlation between brain magnetisation transfer ratio and clinical disability measures in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2007) Hayton, T; Furby, J; Smith, K; Altmann, D; Brenner, R; Chataway, J; Fox, NC; Hughes, RAC; Miller, DH; Kapoor, R
  • Choosing quality of life measures for clinical trials of multiple sclerosis (MS): Evidence-based measurement. (2001) Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
  • The Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29): Reliability and validity in hospital-based samples. (2001) Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
  • Quality of life measurement: Is Rasch item analysis too good to be true? (2001) Hobart, J; Wright, B; Fitzpatrick, R; Lamping, D; Riazi, A; Thompson, A
  • Using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging to explain visual loss at the onset of acute optic neuritis. (2008) Jenkins, T; Mancini, L; Ciccarelli, O; Toosy, A; Altmann, D; Chappell, K; Plant, G; Miller, D; Thompson, AJ
  • Acute axonal damage predicts clinical outcome in patients with multiple sclerosis. (2005) Lim, ET; Sellebjerg, F; Jensen, CV; Altmann, DR; Grant, D; Keir, G; Thompson, EJ; Giovannoni, G
  • TI-relaxation time changes over five years in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. (2010) Papadopoulos, Konstantinos; Tozer, Daniel J; Fisniku, Leonora; Altmann, Daniel R; Davies, Gerard; Rashid, Waqar; Thompson, Alan J; Miller, David H; Chard, Declan T
  • Relationship of triple dose contrast enhanced lesions with clinical measures and brain atrophy in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a two-year longitudinal study. (2007) Rashid, W; Davies, GR; Chard, DT; Griffin, CM; Altmann, DR; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Socio-demographic predictors of health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis and comparisons with other populations. (2001) Riazi, A; Hobart, J; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Freeman, J; Thompson, A
  • Evidence-based measurement in multiple sclerosis: the psychometric properties of the physical and psychological dimensions of three quality of life rating scales. (2003) Riazi, A; Hobart, JC; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • Disability prediction in early PPMS using a magnetic resonance multiparameter approach. (2007) Sastre-Garriga, J; Altmann, DR; Ingle, G; Ramio-Torrenta, L; Khadeeli, Z; McLean, MA; Miller, DH; Thompson, AJ
  • Progressive change in primary progressive multiple sclerosis normal-appearing white matter: a serial diffusion magnetic resonance imaging study. (2004) Schmierer, Klaus; Altmann, Daniel R; Kassim, Nadja; Kitzler, Hagen; Kerskens, Christian M; Doege, Claudia A; Aktas, Orhan; Lünemann, Jan D; Miller, David H; Zipp, Frauke; Villringer, Arno
  • Subtle blood brain barrier leakage in non-enhancing lesions in relapsing multiple sclerosis: multi-centre study of patients in a therapeutic trial. (2005) Soon, D; Altmann, DR; Barkhof, F; Fernando, KTM; Giovannoni, G; Gray, B; O'Connor, PW; Panzara, MA; Polman, C; Miller, DH
  • Quantification of subtle blood-brain barrier disruption in non-enhancing lesions in multiple sclerosis: a study of disease and lesion subtypes. (2007) Soon, D; Tozer, DJ; Altmann, DR; Tofts, PS; Miller, DH
  • Early MRI in optic neuritis: the risk for clinically definite multiple sclerosis. (2010) Swanton, JK; Fernando, KT; Dalton, CM; Miszkiel, KA; Altmann, DR; Plant, GT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Predicting disability in patients presenting with optic neuritis: the role of early magnetic resonance imaging parameters. (2008) Swanton, JK; Kryshani, FT; Dalton, C; Miszkiel, KA; Altmann, DR; Plant, G; Chard, DT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Grey matter damage and overall cognitive impairment in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. (2011) Tur, C; Penny, S; Khaleeli, Z; Altmann, DR; Cipolotti, L; Ron, M; Thompson, AJ; Ciccarelli, O
  • Do cannabis-based medicinal extracts have general or specific effects on symptoms in multiple sclerosis? A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study on 160 patients. (2004) Wade, Derick T; Makela, Petra; Robson, Philip; House, Heather; Bateman, Cynthia
  • Early brain atrophy and lesion load measures relate to clinical status after six years in patients with clinically isolated syndromes. (2008) di Filippo, M; Anderson, VM; Altmann, D; Swanton, JK; Plant, GT; Thompson, AJ; Miller, DH
  • Public
  • Positive impact of cladribine on quality of life in people with relapsing multiple sclerosis. (2017) Afolabi, Dayo; Albor, Christo; Zalewski, Lukasz; Altmann, Dan R; Baker, David; Schmierer, Klaus
  • Association of asymptomatic spinal cord lesions and atrophy with disability 5 years after a clinically isolated syndrome. (2016) Brownlee, WJ; Altmann, DR; Alves Da Mota, P; Swanton, JK; Miszkiel, KA; Wheeler-Kingshott, CG; Ciccarelli, O; Miller, DH
  • Periventricular lesions and MS diagnostic criteria in young adults with typical clinically isolated syndromes. (2016) Brownlee, WJ; Miszkiel, KA; Altmann, DR; Ciccarelli, O; Miller, DH
  • Combining tractography and cortical measures to test system-specific hypotheses in multiple sclerosis. (2010) Gorgoraptis, Nikos; Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM; Jenkins, Thomas M; Altmann, Daniel R; Miller, David H; Thompson, Alan J; Ciccarelli, Olga
  • Grey matter involvement by focal cervical spinal cord lesions is associated with progressive multiple sclerosis. (2015) Kearney, Hugh; Miszkiel, Katherine A; Yiannakas, Marios C; Altmann, Daniel R; Ciccarelli, Olga; Miller, David H
  • Clinical relevance of cortical network dynamics in early primary progressive MS. (2019) Tur, Carmen; Kanber, Baris; Eshaghi, Arman; Altmann, Dan R; Khaleeli, Zhaleh; Prados, Ferran; Ourselin, Sebastian; Thompson, Alan J; Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia Am; Toosy, Ahmed T; Ciccarelli, Olga
  • ADvanced IMage Algebra (ADIMA): a novel method for depicting multiple sclerosis lesion heterogeneity, as demonstrated by quantitative MRI. (2013) Yiannakas, Marios C; Tozer, Daniel J; Schmierer, Klaus; Chard, Declan T; Anderson, Valerie M; Altmann, Daniel R; Miller, David H; Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM