Items where the Publication is Midwifery
Number of items: 13.
  • Association between maternal death and cesarean section in Latin America: A systematic literature review. (2018) Fahmy, Walid Makin; Crispim, Cibele Aparecida; Cliffe, Susan
  • 2015
  • Understanding barriers to involving community midwives in identifying research participants; experience of the first steps randomised controlled trial. (2015) Stuart, Jane; Barnes, Jacqueline; Spiby, Helen; Elbourne, Diana
  • 2012
  • Are birth kits a good idea? A systematic review of the evidence. (2012) Hundley, Vanora A; Avan, Bilal I; Braunholtz, David; Graham, Wendy J
  • Information-hungry and disempowered: a qualitative study of women and their partners' experiences of severe postpartum haemorrhage. (2012) Snowdon, Claire; Elbourne, Diana; Forsey, Mary; Alfirevic, Zarko
  • Views of emergency research (VERA): a qualitative study of women and their partners' views of recruitment to trials in severe postpartum haemorrhage. (2012) Snowdon, Claire; Elbourne, Diana; Forsey, Mary; Alfirevic, Zarko
  • 2011
  • Lessons regarding the use of birth kits in low resource countries. (2011) Hundley, Vanora A; Avan, Bilal I; Braunholtz, David; Fitzmaurice, Ann E; Graham, Wendy J
  • Deciding to join a perinatal randomised controlled trial: experiences and views of pregnant women enroled in the Magpie Trial. (2011) Smyth, Rebecca MD; Jacoby, Ann; Elbourne, Diana
  • 2010
  • Exploring the sustainability of obstetric near-miss case reviews: a qualitative study in the South of Benin. (2010) Hutchinson, Cindy; Lange, Isabelle; Kanhonou, Lydie; Filippi, Veronique; Borchert, Matthias
  • 2009
  • Assessing quality of care provided by Indonesian village midwives with a confidential enquiry. (2009) D'Ambruoso, Lucia; Achadi, Endang; Adisasmita, Asri; Izati, Yulia; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Hussein, Julia
  • 2006
  • Whom can I rely on? Mothers' approaches to support for feeding: an interview study in suburban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2006) Omer-Salim, Amal; Persson, Lars-Ake; Olsson, Pia
  • 2003
  • A qualitative study exploring junior paediatricians', midwives', GPs' and mothers' experiences and views of the examination of the newborn baby. (2003) Bloomfield, Linda; Townsend, Joy; Rogers, Catherine
  • A qualitative study exploring midwives' perceptions and views of extending their role to the examination of the newborn baby. (2003) Rogers, Catherine; Bloomfield, Linda; Townsend, Joy
  • 2002
  • A randomised controlled trial of maternal satisfaction with the routine examination of the newborn baby at three months post birth. (2002) Wolke, Dieter; DavĂ©, Shreya; Hayes, Julie; Townsend, Joy; Tomlin, Maggie