Items where the Publication is Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

Number of items: 43.
  • Biogeography of Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Ecuador: implications for the design of control strategies. (2001) Abad-Franch, F; Paucar, A; Carpio, C; Cuba, CA; Aguilar, HM; Miles, MA
  • Pyriproxyfen and the microcephaly epidemic in Brazil - an ecological approach to explore the hypothesis of their association. (2016) Albuquerque, Maria de Fatima P Militão de; Souza, Wayner V de; Mendes, Antônio da Cruz G; Lyra, Tereza M; Ximenes, Ricardo Aa; Araújo, Thália Vb; Braga, Cynthia; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito B; Martelli, Celina Mt; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Can studies where subjects have different follow-up times be analysed through binomial regression? (2011) Alexander, Neal
  • C
  • Domestic and peridomestic transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis: changing epidemiological patterns present new control opportunities. (2001) Campbell-Lendrum, D; Dujardin, JP; Martinez, E; Feliciangeli, MD; Perez, JE; Silans, LN; Desjeux, P
  • Is Lutzomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) more Endophagic than Lutzomyia whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) Because it is more Attracted to Light? (1999) Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid; Pinto, Mara Cristina; Davies, Clive
  • Dynamics of the 2006/2007 dengue outbreak in Brazil. (2008) Coelho, Giovanini E; Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento; Teixeira, Maria da Glória; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio Bezerra; Massad, Eduardo
  • Pharmacological approaches to antitrypanosomal chemotherapy. (1999) Croft, Simon L
  • The triatomines of northern Peru, with emphasis on the ecology and infection by trypanosomes of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Triatominae). (2002) Cuba, César A Cuba; Abad-Franch, Fernando; Roldan Rodriguez, Judith; Vargas Vasquez, Franklin; Pollack Velasquez, Luis; Miles, Michael A
  • Various pyrethroids on bednets and curtains. (1992) Curtis, C. F.; Myamba, J.; Wilkes, T. J.
  • D
  • Ticks, ivermectin, and experimental Chagas disease. (2005) Dias, João Carlos Pinto; Schofield, Christopher J; Machado, Evandro Mm; Fernandes, Alexandre José
  • The immune-dependence of chemotherapy in experimental schistosomiasis. (1989) Doenhoff, MJ
  • The rising importance of Triatoma rubrofasciata. (2015) Dujardin, Jean-Pierre; Lam, Truong Xuan; Khoa, Pham Thi; Schofield, Christopher John
  • Human IgE responses to Schistosoma mansoni and resistance to reinfection. (1992) Dunne, David W.; Butterworth, Anthony E.; Fulford, Anthony J. C.; Ouma, John H.; Sturrock, Robert F.
  • F
  • Aporé virus, a novel mammarenavirus (Bunyavirales: Arenaviridae) related to highly pathogenic virus from South America. (2019) Fernandes, Jorlan; Guterres, Alexandro; de Oliveira, Renata Carvalho; Jardim, Rodrigo; Dávila, Alberto Martín Rivera; Hewson, Roger; de Lemos, Elba Regina Sampaio
  • Aporé virus, a novel mammarenavirus (Bunyavirales: Arenaviridae) related to highly pathogenic virus from South America. (2019) Fernandes, Jorlan; Guterres, Alexandro; de Oliveira, Renata Carvalho; Jardim, Rodrigo; Dávila, Alberto Martín Rivera; Hewson, Roger; de Lemos, Elba Regina Sampaio
  • Mycobacterium leprae in six-banded (Euphractus sexcinctus) and nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in Northeast Brazil. (2012) Frota, Cristiane Cunha; Lima, Luana Nepomuceno Costa; Rocha, Adalgiza da Silva; Suffys, Philip Noel; Rolim, Benedito Neilson; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Barreto, Maurício Lima; Kendall, Carl; Kerr, Ligia Regina Sansigolo
  • G
  • Immuno-epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni infections in a recently exposed community in Senegal. (1995) Gryseels, B.; Stelma, F.; Talla, I.; Polman, K.; Van Dam, G.; Sow, S.; Diaw, M.; Sturrock, R. F.; Decam, C.; Niang, M.; Deelder, A. M.
  • Chagas disease vector control in Tupiza, Southern Bolivia. (1997) Guillen, G; Diaz, R; Jemio, A; Cassab, J Alfred; Pinto, C Teixeira; Schofield, CJ
  • H
  • Identification of schistosome-infected snails by detecting schistosomal antigens and DNA sequences. (1992) Hamburger, J.; Weil, M.; Ouma, J. H.; Koech, D.; Sturrock, R. F.
  • I
  • A Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeny Indicates Close Relationships between Populations of Lutzomyia whitmani (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from the Rain-forest Regions of Amazônia and Northeast Brazil. Ishikawa, EAY; Ready, PD; de Souza, AA; Day, JC; Rangel, EF; Davies, CR; Shaw, JJ
  • L
  • Widespread nasal carriage of Mycobacterium lepraeamong a healthy population in a hyperendemic region of northeastern Brazil. (2015) Lima, Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa; Frota, Cristiane Cunha; Mota, Rosa Maria Salani; Almeida, Rosa Livia Freitas; Pontes, Maria Araci de Andrade; Gonçalves, Heitor de Sá; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha; Kendall, Carl; Kerr, Ligia
  • M
  • A double comparative study of the acceptability of untreated bed nets versus permethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin impregnated bed nets. (1994) Marbiah, N. T.; Magbiti, E.; Lines, J. D.; Maude, G. H.; Greenwood, B. M.; Bradley, D.; Petersen, E.
  • The risk of acquiring the new influenza A(H1N1) for Brazilian travelers to Chile, Argentina and the USA. (2010) Massad, Eduardo; Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio; Struchiner, Cláudio José
  • Molecular approaches to malaria and babesiosis diagnosis. (1992) McLaughlin, GL; Montenegro-James, S; Vodkin, MH; Howe, D; Toro, M; Leon, E; Armijos, R; Kakoma, I; Greenwood, BM; Hassan-King, M
  • A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. (2007) Morales-Hojas, Ramiro; Cheke, Robert A; Post, Rory J
  • P
  • Effect of untreated bed nets on blood-fed Phlebotomus argentipes in kala-azar endemic foci in Nepal and India. (2010) Picado, Albert; Kumar, Vijay; Das, Murari; Burniston, Ian; Roy, Lalita; Suman, Rijal; Dinesh, Diwakar; Coosemans, Marc; Sundar, Shyam; Shreekant, Kesari; Boelaert, Marleen; Davies, Clive; Cameron, Mary
  • Eye colour as a genetic marker for fertility and fecundity of Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834) Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae. (2002) Pires, Herton Helder Rocha; Abrao, Daniele Oliveira; Machado, Evandro Marques de Menezes; Schofield, Christopher John; Diotaiuti, Liléia
  • Spatial modeling of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia. (2016) Pérez-Flórez, Mauricio; Ocampo, Clara Beatriz; Valderrama-Ardila, Carlos; Alexander, Neal
  • Malaria vectors in the municipality of Serra do Navio, State of Amapá, Amazon Region, Brazil. (2001) Póvoa, M; Wirtz, R; Lacerda, R; Miles, M; Warhurst, D
  • R
  • In vitro evaluation of new terpenoid derivatives against Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis. (2012) Ramírez-Macías, Inmaculada; Marín, Clotilde; Chahboun, Rachid; Olmo, Francisco; Messouri, Ibtisam; Huertas, Oscar; Rosales, María Jose; Gutierrez-Sánchez, Ramón; Alvarez-Manzaneda, Enrique; Sánchez-Moreno, Manuel
  • Comparative evaluation of pyrethroid insecticide formulations against Triatoma infestans (Klug): residual efficacy on four substrates. (2003) Rojas de Arias, Antonieta; Lehane, MJ; Schofield, CJ; Fournet, Alain
  • Pyrethroid insecticide evaluation on different house structures in a Chagas disease endemic area of the Paraguayan Chaco. (2004) Rojas de Arias, Antonieta; Lehane, MJ; Schofield, CJ; Maldonado, M
  • S
  • A cost-benefit analisys of chagas disease control. (1991) Schofield, C. J.; Dias, J. C. P.
  • Identification of serological biomarkers of infection, disease progression and treatment efficacy for leprosy. (2012) Spencer, John S; Duthie, Malcolm S; Geluk, Annemieke; Balagon, Marivic F; Kim, Hee Jin; Wheat, William H; Chatterjee, Delphi; Jackson, Mary; Li, Wei; Kurihara, Jade N; Maghanoy, Armi; Mallari, Irene; Saunderson, Paul; Brennan, Patrick J; Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Harmonization of research and control in schistosomiasis. (1992) Sturrock, R. F.
  • Current concepts of snail control. (1995) Sturrock, RF
  • Schistosomiasis epidemiology and control: how did we get here and where should we go? (2001) Sturrock, RF
  • The control of schistosomiasis: epidemiological aspects of reinfection. (1989) Sturrock, RF
  • T
  • Virulence and the immune response in malaria. (1992) Targett, G. A. T.
  • Molecular typing reveals the co-existence of two transmission cycles of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean Region of Venezuela with Lutzomyia migonei as the vector. (2018) Torrellas, Annhymariet; Ferrer, Elizabeth; Cruz, Israel; Lima, Héctor de; Delgado, Olinda; Rangel, José Carrero; Bravo, José Arturo; Chicharro, Carmen; Llanes-Acevedo, Ivonne Pamela; Miles, Michael A; Feliciangeli, María Dora
  • W
  • Can Wolbachia be used to control malaria? (2011) Walker, Thomas; Moreira, Luciano Andrade
  • Z
  • A new consensus for Trypanosoma cruzi intraspecific nomenclature: second revision meeting recommends TcI to TcVI. (2009) Zingales, B; Andrade, SG; Briones, MRS; Campbell, DA; Chiari, E; Fernandes, O; Guhl, F; Lages-Silva, E; Macedo, AM; Machado, CR; Miles, MA; Romanha, AJ; Sturm, NR; Tibayrenc, M; Schijman, AG; Second Satellite Meeting
  • Drug discovery for Chagas disease should consider Trypanosoma cruzi strain diversity. (2014) Zingales, Bianca; Miles, Michael A; Moraes, Carolina B; Luquetti, Alejandro; Guhl, Felipe; Schijman, Alejandro G; Ribeiro, Isabela; Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative; Chagas Clinical Research Platform Meeting